DM Kludde |
The security staff is quite helpful in pointing out that yes, indeed, a girl dressed up as Tchuki-ko holding got in. It's not that hard to spot her in the concert crowd, the red bow tie sticks out quite a bit...
Zint |
Zint squints looking at the girl.
"Why she stupid enough to stay... unless, Oh, Zint have thought. She not know about poison... Wanna go get her, she can tell us where poison come from..."
Zint will start crowd wading...
DM Kludde |
Oh, hi, it's you! Can you see the show well? Wonder asks, seemingly having forgotten being kicked out by Zint.
DM Kludde |
There's no sign of Rani (I assume that's who you're referring to), but an ad for Poshkettle tea is being played that features her prominently. Not even unexpected events will keep me from my Poshkettle Tea. Poshkettle, the tea to relax you after a crisis.
Wonder, on the other hand, is right in front of you.
Bordle |
Of course
Well .... I've seen bits of it but I guess I'll catch all of it later. However, I have to ask, how did you manage to get backstage again ... and did someone give you the brown cupcakes to deliver?
Zint |
Zint was about to grab the young being but stops as Bordle talked to her. This is probably a better way... He just smiles and nods, acting like a good little Starfinder...
Kareeda! |
Noticing the absence of Rani Karreda! calls to chip Chip could you come with me to Rani's dressing room I fear our poisoner friend may have sent her a sample of poshkettle tea
I am sure Zint Bordle and Shari can handle wonder
Kaleb "Chip" Leafgleam |
"Right," says Chip, beckoning for Checker to stay with him as he starts with Kareeda!.
DM Kludde |
Just so that everyone is in on the joke: Rani is a player character of Bordle's player, a halfling with rainbow-colored hair. She is, of course, never present when Bordle is around, and the ad is a reference to this post. She doesn't really have a role to play in this scenario, though.
Of course I brought cupcakes! I wanted to give her something to apologize for sneaking in earlier. She loves cupcakes, you know, so I bought some from the store. I hope she liked the doll I made her.
Shari is convinced she is lying about having bought them from the store.
Bordle |
Bordle, given the evidence, isn't buying that either. What Wonder is saying implies that she is the poisoner but that doesn't make sense.
Just out of curiosity, how much did they cost you? I was thinking of getting a similar basket to share with my partner later
Shari Misraria |
This is the shop on the lower level, right? "Sweet as Honey" is called, right? There's also a seller who is such a lop-eared upright bear, right? Shari says it as convincingly as possible and then adds for Bordle, I'll take you there, it's really a wonderful place!
Bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
Intimidate: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
DM Kludde |
Wonders sighs, and realizes that her lie was caught. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to get anyone in trouble. I met a nice delivery lady outside after I got kicked out. She said she had a gift basket to deliver to Tsuchi-ko from an anonymous fan. She saw my doll and was totally impressed by my dedication, so she let me drop off the basket along with my doll. She helped me get in and everything. I didn’t say so earlier because I didn’t want to get her in trouble. She was super nice.” Wonder says, But I'll keep your store in mind...
Wonder describes the lady as a verthani with light hair, but she can’t recall the delivery company she said she worked for
Bordle |
Bordle scribbles all that down. Maybe security cameras caught an image.
Good and thank you. she smiles. I prefer it when people tell the truth. It makes my job a lot easier. Now, please please stay out of further trouble. Now if you'll excuse me I have work to do. Enjoy the rest of the show
She turns and leaves chasing after Chip.
Kaleb "Chip" Leafgleam |
"How'd that go?" Chip asks Bordle, concerned. "We didn't think you needed more of a crowd, but we probably should have kept a closer eye on you, just in case. But Kareeda! wanted to check the dressing rooms again; we didn't find anything else."
Bordle |
She was given the cupcakes by a verthani delivery lady. Hopefully surveillance cameras got an image. I guess I'd better call Celita and see if someone can get one.
She paused for a bit. You thought she was a physical threat? And why did Kareeda! say "Rani's dressing room?" She's not performing here. I should know. I'm her agent. She'd tell me anyway if she was going to. Mind you - she does love her Poshkettle tea. She grins at the last sentence.
DM Kludde |
Using security footage is brilliant
The group checks out the security footage from the venue's cctv cameras. They indeed spot a verthani woman with greyish hair delivering a basket of cupcakes to Wonder, who looks awfully excited. Chip even recognises the woman: it's Karalie, the personal assistant of Lita Starr...
Karalie can be found in the backstage area, and Lita Starr is in the judges lounge. If you want to question either of them, go ahead
Shari Misraria |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Shari throws up her hands in an emotional outburst. I told you! I told you that to think that a drow is necessarily behind the poisoning is racism. No, of course we can really poison you, ritually kill you and feed your soul to demons, condemning you to eternal suffering, but we don't do it all the time... Heh, and this seems to be less and less in our culture, especially outside of our home planet. The manager of the house Misraria decides to change the slippery topic and return to work. It remains to be understood whether our pop diva was a customer or it was an improvisation of an assistant? I would start with a confrontation with the latter. What do you think?
Kaleb "Chip" Leafgleam |
"Most of the people here are twice my height, and I'm a physics threat. The worst I've ever been hurt, thus massive guy jumped in me--but the second-most dangerous enemy I've ever faced was a greening half my size. And she could have had a bomb, or been a spellcaster. I didn't have to think she was dangerous to know she could be. Our, uh, clients might find her threatening."
"Y- you're the only one who's says anything about drow, Ms. Misraria," says Chip a little nervously, "Uh, I think Karalie has to be behind it. If she wasn't trying to obfuscate, she wouldn't have needed to pretend to be a delivery person and hand it off to someone else. She could have just walked in."
He perks up, a little more confident. [B]"And this makes more sense. I was wondering how the cupcakes and poison could be related if the cupcakes were dropped off by the poison was still here. She made sure they were here but poisoned them after. Although I don't know that it's a good plan, just complicated.
Kareeda! |
I can't find Rani's dressing room anywhere Kareeda! checks the lists of judges and bands and realises there is a very good reason for that. Sorry I mistook the tea ad for a judges banner
Kartreda! nods in agreement with Shari and Chip
perhaps we should arrange for fresh delivery of the cup cakes courtesy of Tsuchiko for Karalie to pass on to Lita
DM Kludde |
Karalie can easily be found in the backstage area, where she's moving back and forth, presumably running errands for Lita Starr. When the group appears, she mostly ignores them, claiming she is too busy and has errands to run.
DM Kludde |
Look, if you have a question, ask it quickly, because I'm busy. Karalie says, looking qute stressed out.
Bordle |
[b]Alright. Did you, or did you not, give Wonder a basket of cupcakes to deliver to Tsuchi-ko. Don't lie to me because we have security footage. Those cupcakes were tampered with, and currently you're our prime suspect.
She's in full 'I'm going to get to the truth - whether you like it or not' auditor mode.
intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
DM Kludde |
No Karalie bluntly answers, is that all?
Bordle |
sm: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
I said, DON'T LIE TO ME! Somebody nearly DIED! On MY WATCH! she growls. She is starting to get angry.
She also listens into alternate realities to see if she can hear Karalie tell the truth.
Kaleb "Chip" Leafgleam |
Chip watches, keeping Checker close. Intimidating? Well, it mostly just stands there.
Otherwise he'll mostly leave this part to Bordle.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
Zint |
Zint, staying quiet until now looks up at Karalie with those big eyes.
"You try to KILL someone? That not helping. Plus. Got you on cameras with witnesses. You worst murderess ever."
DM Kludde |
Well she remarks dryly and with a sigh Congratulations, you’ve cracked the case. I’m sure everything will go smoothly now.
She raise her hands palm up in a defiant move as if to say 'now what'?
Zint |
Zint squints at her again.
"Uh. OK, we present authorities evidence. We tell Tsuki-Cho who tried killer her or maybe we just tell crowd and toss you in!"
He gives a big grin and turns to the rest f the group and loudly whispers, "Kidding about that last part... maybe!"
DM Kludde |
The show is about to continue, and the group has a Karalie to take care of.
Let me know what you want to do with her. There are plenty of security guards here who can watch over her
Next up on stage is D-D-DOMAKAYO, who is announced on a vidscreen with big theatrical sparks of color and a marquee that reads 'DOMAKAYO - DOMAKAYO - DOMAKAYO' while the Vesk singer himself walk down a holographics staricase, dressed in a skintight bodysuit with an elaborate ornamentation of feather strapped to his back, making him look like a giant lizard peacock.
Domakayo sings a medley of popular pact world hits
Just killed a vesk
Put my doshko to his throat
Slid it sideways
Now he's toast...
There is a house on Verces
They call the rising sun...
...And I can see paradiiiise
By the cockpit light
Anywhere the drift flows
Doesn't really matter to me
As the performance draws to a close, an out of breath stage-hand runs up to the group and claims The.. tech crew... needs.. your help... as he huffs and tries to catch his breath Something is sending weird sparks... on stage. It might be dangerous...
A close look shows that indeed something is causing sparking on the catwalks, though it could easily be mistaken for a special effect in Domakayo's flamboyant show.
The malfunctioning device looks to be a charge shifter, a hybrid device that employ technomancy to create a current, allowing to transfer electricity without wires, but rather between two magically connected nodes. The malfunctioning nodes looks to be dangerous to interact with.
Mysticism or Engineering to disable the trap
Kaleb "Chip" Leafgleam |
"That was the strangest behavior... I can't even decide if I think she's up to something..."
Chip refocuses on the new threat.
"Yeah, okay, I can take a look. Magic hybrid's not really my specialty, though."
Engingeering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
DM Kludde |
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Working together on the trap, Kareeda! and Bordle find their hands covered in a particular type of glitter that is attached to the charge device. Chip immediately recognises the glitter as the type that Lita Starr uses.
While the team works on the trap, Sonic Tumult comes on stage, and the enormous stage presence of Sayozo makes even his bandmembers forget their differences.
One Two! One-two-three-four!
A sonic blast of electric guitar energy is accompanied by an electric blast of electric energy when Kareeda and Chip finally dismantle the trap. A ball of lightning forms right on stage, and it's definitely not part of the show.
Fans cheer as torrents of electricity whip around the stage, until a creature formed of snakelike electrical currents materializes and gorges itself on the equipment, causing showers of sparks and cries of alarm. Despite the chaos, the members of Sonic Tumult try their best to continue their performance...
Kareeda init: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6
Chip: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Morela init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Zint init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Shari Misraria: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Bordle init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Lightning thing: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
The elemental advances over the stage towards the crowd.
Round 1, everybody up. Maps have been updated, please place your token in the dotted area of the map
Lightning thing
Zint |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Zint grins. "Helping!" He runs on four limbs.. right past the thing, stopping between it and the crowd.
"Hey, no ticket elctro thing! Please exit arena!"
+1 EP start of combat. +1 EP Full double move.
He will do all the above while dancing to the beat.
Kareeda! |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Kareeda! starts singing as she draws her static arc pistol
You like to yhink your immune to the gun. Oh yeah?
Your mind is not your own you gonna have to face it you about to be stunned
mind thrust dc 14 will for half: 2d10 ⇒ (10, 9) = 19
Kaleb "Chip" Leafgleam |
"Checker, engage!"
Chip sends Checker forward to confront the creature, and hopefully to stand between it and anybody else. He draws his own pistol, biting his lip as he watches what's happening.
Move: Master Control. Checker double moves.
Standard: Draw weapon
DM Kludde |
Zint is being very helpful, while Kareeda makes contact with the electrical creature's mind, and send to it haunting visions of glasses of water.
Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
A volley of magic missiles makes the audience go aaah!
Sonic Tumult plays on
I don't like your face
and that's after I've rebuilt it
I've got a talent for assault
You can say I really killed it
Give it up for the starfinders!
Too many cooks are in the kitchen
It's too hot to co-exist
Today I'm serving knuckles
I want you to taste my fist
Lightning thing (21)