PFS2e 3-17 - Dreams of a Dustbound Isle (KS)
Game Master
Tier 5-8
Subtier 7-8
Tags: Faction (Radiant Oath, Verdant Wheel), Metaplot
26 Challenge Points
E21, S23, H25
Teja Khellekdottir
NG female human rogue scholar-9 HP 107/107; hero 1/3; moderate healing potion 1/1; (heals 1hp/min) lv 1: 1/1; 2: 1/1; 3:1/1; AC 28(w/shield); F +16 (+1 vs inhaled toxins); R +20(evasion); W +14; resist cold&electricity/3; Per +15; Stealth +17; mv 25'; Conditions: none
February 2023
Drak Cicero
”Drak” | Male NG half-orc bard 8 | HP 88/88 | AC 26/27 | F +15 R +16 W +15 | Perc +14 (Darkvision, Spiritsense) | Default Exploration ( Cast Spell Inspire Courage) | Speed 25ft | Focus Points 2/2 | Hero Points 1/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 : 2nd 3/3: 3rd 3/3: 4th 2/2 |Active Conditions: Enfeebled 1, Diseased
February 2023
Delorn Malix, Esq.
N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---
January 2023
Marigold Longfoot
Female Gnome HP 80 | AC 26/27/28 | F +11 R +18 W +14 | Perc +16 | Stealth +16 | speed 30 | Hero 1/1| Active Conditions: ---
February 2023
CN Female Gnome Noble Sorcerer 8 | ♥️ 74/64 | AC 23 (Mage Armor) | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Focus □ | Spells DC 26; Slots: 1□□□□ 2□□□□ 3 □□□□ 4 □□□□ | Hero 1 | Detect Magic (Init +12) | ✋ Staff of Fire | Status:
February 2023
Male Ermine Familiar 11 | ♥️ 55/55 | AC 27 | F+18 R+19 W+19 | Perc +16 (Low-Light Vision) | Speed 25' | Traits: Animal, Minion | Abilities: Accompanist, Ambassador, Partner in Crime, Snoop| Status:
Fernardo Mattero
male human Wizard/9 [HP: 89/89] [AC: 25(26)(27))] [fort: 15; reflex: 16; will: 15] [perception: +13; initiative: +15] [Hero Points: 1/3] [Focus Points: 1/1]
February 2023
Nina Jaribu
6-07 | female (she/her) nephilim human (Vidric) sorcerer (angelic) 9 | ◆◇↺ | HP 80/80 | AC 26 (27) | P+13, F+15, R+18, W+16 | Explore: Detect Magic | LLV, 30' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 1st (4/4) 2nd (3/4)* 3rd (0/4)** 4th (4/4) 5th (2/3)*** DE (1/1) staff (5/5) | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: Experienced Mountaineer, *lucky number, **life link (x4), ***vital beacon 5d10 [ ] 5d8 [ ] 5d6 [ ] 5d4 [ ]
February 2023