About Fernardo MatteroHP: 89 AC: 25(26)(27) Initative: 13 Perception: 15
Ancestry: Human Heritage: Versatile Background: Scholar of the Sky Key Spoiler:
CON/INT + 1 Free; trained: Crafting; Engineering Lore; FEAT: QUICK REPAIR: For you, the Repair activity loses the exploration trait and takes 1 minute instead of 10 minutes. If you’re a master in Crafting, it takes 3 actions. If you’re legendary, it takes 1 action. My Staff (Staff of Elemental Power; Modified): +12; 1d4(1d8); +1 striking rune
SKILLS: acrobatics (T; 14); arcana (E; 19); crafting (M; 20); diplomacy (E; 14); Lore (Engineering; T; 17; Lore (Pathfinder Society: T; 17); nature (T; 15); Occultism (T; 17); religion (T; 15); society (T; 15). ANCESTRY FEATS AND ABILITIES: General Training (Toughness): Spoiler:
Your body can withstand more punishment than most before succumbing. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. You reduce the DC of recovery checks by 1. General Training (Fast Recovery): Spoiler:
Your body quickly bounces back from afflictions. You regain twice as many Hit Points from resting. Each time you succeed at a Fortitude save against an ongoing disease or poison, you reduce its stage by 2, or by 1 against a virulent disease or poison. Each critical success you achieve against an ongoing disease or poison reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 against a virulent disease or poison. In addition, you reduce the severity of your drained condition by 2 when you rest for a night instead of by 1. Natural Training (Widen Spelll 1 action): Spoiler:
You manipulate the energy of your spell, causing it to affect a wider area. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell that has an area of a burst, cone, or line and does not have a duration, increase the area of that spell. Add 5 feet to the radius of a burst that normally has a radius of at least 10 feet (a burst with a smaller radius is not affected). Add 5 feet to the length of a cone or line that is normally 15 feet long or smaller, and add 10 feet to the length of a larger cone or line. SKILL FEATS:
You were raised among the nobility or have learned proper etiquette and bearing, allowing you to present yourself as a noble and play games of influence and politics. Unless you are intentionally presenting yourself differently, anyone who speaks with you will assume you are a noble or closely associated with the nobility (such as a prominent servant). You can use Society to Make an Impression on a noble, as well as with Impersonate to pretend to be a type of noble or a specific individual noble. If you use the normal skills in those situations, you receive a +1 circumstance bonus to the check instead. IMPECCABLE CRAFTING: Spoiler:
You craft flawless creations with great efficiency. Whenever you roll a success at a Crafting check to make an item of the type you chose with Specialty Crafting, you get a critical success instead. MAGICAL CRAFTING: Spoiler:
You can Craft magic items, though some have other requirements, as listed in GM Core. When you select this feat, you gain formulas for four common magic items of 2nd level or lower. MULTILINGUAL: Spoiler:
You easily pick up new languages. You learn two new languages, chosen from common languages, uncommon languages, and any others you have access to. You learn an additional language if you are or become a master in Society and again if you are or become legendary.
Special You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, you learn additional languages. GENERAL FEATS:
You step carefully and quickly. You can Step into difficult terrain. INCREDIBLE INITIATIVE: Spoiler:
You react more quickly than others can. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to initiative rolls. SPECIALTY CRAFTING: Spoiler:
Your training focused on Crafting one particular kind of item. Select one of the specialties listed below; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Crafting checks to Craft items of that type. If you are a master in Crafting, this bonus increases to +2. If it’s unclear whether the specialty applies, the GM decides. Some specialties might apply only partially. For example, if you were making a morningstar and had specialty in woodworking, the GM might give you half your bonus because the item requires both blacksmithing and woodworking. CHOOSEN: Blacksmithing. CLASS FEATS AND ABILITIES: ARCANE THESIS: STAFF NEXUS: Spoiler:
Your thesis maintains that early and intense adoption of staves from the first days of study can create a symbiotic bond between spellcaster and staff, allowing them to create remarkable magic together. You’ve formed such a connection with a makeshift staff you built, and you are ready to infuse any staff you encounter with greater power.
You begin play with a makeshift staff of your own invention. It has the magical trait and contains one cantrip and one 1st-rank spell, both from your spellbook. During your daily preparations, you can expend one spell to grant the staff a number of charges equal to that spell’s rank, which dissipate after 24 hours. While you are holding the staff, you can Cast the Spells it contains. The 1st-rank spell consumes 1 charge but the cantrip doesn’t require charges. You can Craft your makeshift staff into any other type of magical staff for the new staff’s usual cost, adding the two spells you originally chose to the staff you Craft. This staff gains charges from preparing it along with expended spells. At 8th level, you can expend two spells instead of one when preparing any staff, adding additional charges equal to the combined ranks of the expended spells. At 16th level, you can expend up to a total of three spells to add charges to the staff, adding additional charges equal to the combined ranks of all three spells. ARCANE SCHOOL: SCHOOL OF BATTLE MAGIC: Spoiler:
Magic is power, and there are always those who will use power for the art of battle. You may have studied in the military of a nation of the brink of war—Cheliax and Andoran perhaps, or Geb and Nex. You summon whirling energies that can lay waste to both soldiers and armies, while being sure not to neglect arcane countermeasures for common tactical complications or the shields and defenses that keep combatants alive on the battlefield.
Curriculum cantrips: shield, telekinetic projectile; 1st: breathe fire, force barrage, mystic armor; 2nd: mist, resist energy; 3rd: earthbind, fireball; 4th: wall of fire, weapon storm; 5th: howling blizzard, impaling spike; 6th: chain lightning, disintegrate; 7th: energy aegis, true target; 8th: arctic rift, desiccate; 9th: falling stars School Spells initial: force bolt; advanced: energy absorption. Arcane Bond (ring of the ram): Spoiler:
You place some of your magical power in a bonded item. Each day when you prepare your spells, you can designate a single item you own as your bonded item. This is typically an item associated with spellcasting, such as a wand, ring, or staff, but you are free to designate a weapon or other item. You gain the Drain Bonded Item free action. BESPELL STRIKES (reaction): Spoiler:
Frequency: once per turn Requirements: Your most recent action was to cast a non-cantrip spell.
You siphon spell energy into one weapon you’re wielding, or into one of your unarmed attacks, such as a fist. Until the end of your turn, the weapon or unarmed attack deals an extra 1d6 force damage and gains the arcane trait if it didn’t have it already. If the spell dealt a different type of damage, the Strike deals this type of damage instead (or one type of your choice if the spell could deal multiple types of damage). IRRESISTIBLE MAGIC: Spoiler:
You’ve studied ways of overcoming the innate defenses against magic that dragons, otherworldly beings, and certain other powerful creatures have. Any creature that has a status bonus to saving throws against magic reduces that bonus by 1 against your spells. NONLETHAL SPELL (1 action): Spoiler:
You can alter offensive spells to be less deadly. If your next action is to Cast a Spell that deals damage and doesn’t have the death or void trait, that spell gains the nonlethal trait. REACH SPELL(1 action): Spoiler:
You can extend the range of your spells. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell that has a range, increase that spell’s range by 30 feet. As is standard for increasing spell ranges, if the spell normally has a range of touch, you extend its range to 30 feet. EQUIPMENT: Spoiler:
dagger; My Staff (staff of elemental control; modified); backpack; bedroll; clothing (explorer's); clothing (winter); belt pouch; flint & steel; material component pouch; mirror; sleeves of storage; spellbook(x2; 1 in sleeves); signet ring; soap; pup tent; writing kit(in sleeves); repair kit(in sleeves); rations (week; 2/2); waterskins (2/2); scroll case; basic crafter's book(in sleeves); formula book; (in sleeves); wayfinder(with pearly white spindle Aeon stone inscribed; under vestments); crafter's eyepeice(in sleeves); elixer of life (3d6+6; 2/2' in pouch); ring of the ram. Staff of Elemental Power: (9/11): Spoiler:
Free slots: 4 Added slots: 7
Spells available: Cantrip: frostbite; light*; 1st: breathe fire; gentle landing*; pummeling rubble; thunderstrike. 2nd: blazing bolt; resist energy. Ring of the Ram: Spoiler:
This heavy iron ring is shaped to look like the head of a ram, with curling horns. Activate or more (Interact); Frequency once per minute; Effect A ram-shaped blast of force slams into one foe that you can see within 60 feet. The number of actions you spend to Activate this Item (from 1 to 3) determines the intensity of the force. The blow deals 2d6 force damage per action spent and pushes the target 5 feet per action spent. The target must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save.
Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target takes half damage and is pushed half the distance. Failure The target takes full damage and is pushed the full distance. Critical Failure The target takes double damage and is pushed twice the distance. Aeon Stone: pearly white spindle: Spoiler:
When you invest this aeon stone, it slowly starts healing your wounds, restoring 1 HP every minute. The resonant power grants you resistance 1 to negative damage.
Personal Note: as a 3L item, anyone that doesn't purchace/invest/place in wayfinder ASAP is an idiot. Wand of Mystic Armor:
FOCUS SPELL: Force Bolt: Caster Level: Heightened: 4L: (0/1). Spoiler:
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
You fire an arrow-shaped bolt of force, one of the most common and reliable forms of battle magic. It automatically hits and deals 1d4+1 force damage to the target. Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d4+1. Current damage: 2D4+2 Spell List:
Cantrips: acid splash; chill touch; daze; detect magic; disrupt undead; electric arc; light; mage hand; message; prestidigitation; ray of frost; read aura.
1L: air bubble; breathe fire; force barrage; gentle landing; grim tentacles; mystic armor; pummeling rubble; thunderstrike. 2L: blazing bolt; gecko grip; resist energy; see the unseen; water breathing. 3L: earthbind; fireball; ghostly weapon; lightning bolt; paralyze. 4L: confusion; mountain resistance; vision of death; wall of death; weapon storm. |