EltonJ |
Segment 1
The ship, Cosmic Flash, is docked at Dol Dorn docking ring. It's getting it's new power core installed. You are at New Wroat, capital of the Dol Dorn republic. It is here you look for new jobs. You are not at a cantina, although you can go there if you choose. There is a computer nearby that is programmed to show jobs you can take.
You may all introduce yourselves this segment.
DR34-M12 |
The camera pans across the city of New Wroat. Ships soaring through the sky, people coming and going. As the camera continues to zoom in, we see docks. Being the capital of the Dol Dorn republic, they were expectantly busy. Ships loading and unloading, docking and taking off, and all manor of people going about all manor of business. For a moment the camera focuses on the "Cosmic Flash". An old elven ship currently undergoing a power core replacement. But only for a moment, before continuing to speed along, coming to rest on an android going through job listings.
The android stood out amongst the crowd. Like many around her, the android was clearly geared for business: armor and weapons worn openly. Unlike the others, she wore brightly colored and fashionable clothing; Also she was dancing.
DR34-M12's custom rig projected displays around her, allowing the android to easily work while dancing to the music blaring from the headset currently wrapped around her neck. "Nope, too boring!" With a spin she sent the job listing to the 'rejected' setting. "500 credits, for that!? Starway robbery, jeez! The android loudly blew a raspberry before continuing her search.
Computers check to find a good job
Computers, Take 10: 10 + 11 = 21
EltonJ |
Computers check to find a good job
[dice=Computers, Take 10]10+11
You found two. One transporting medical supplies to a colony known as Farago, located on a moon of Onatar. And the other a simple bounty on a wererat mercenary found about Dol Dorn space. Both pay 1,000 credits each.
DR34-M12 |
"OHH now this is what I'm talking about! Bounty on a wererat mercenary. " With a dramatic flick of her hand, Dreams sent the data to her crewmates. "This should be fun right?" She transmitted over the group comm.
Himo Naïlo |
Either yes or no. We won't know until we try. The camera shows an elf with white hair standing in a relaxed pose slightly waddling. He brings a SpaceCola tube to his lips, holding a recycled plastic cup in one hand, while with the other he touches the ear where the headset is inserted so that his teammates can hear his answer. His black spacesuit fits tightly around his thin body, and on one side of the belt is a holster with a blaster. A gilded mask (or is it really gold? who knows), similar to an elven skull decorated with shining stones of bright colors, is attached to his arm at the level of the forearm. In fact, this is the only thing not black in his outfit. The camera briefly freezes on this beautiful and slightly sinister mask to return to his face again. I'm thinking.
Every day in the morning I communicate with my ancestors in meditation and get knowledge from them, choosing any profession and getting a number of ranks equal to my level in it. Today, considering where we are, this is a profession (mercenary).
Profession (mercenary): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15 - which of these tasks seems like easy money? It is clear that it is impossible to say so accurately without details, but what does professional flair say? )
EltonJ |
Every day in the morning I communicate with my ancestors in meditation and get knowledge from them, choosing any profession and getting a number of ranks equal to my level in it. Today, considering where we are, this is a profession (mercenary).[dice=Profession (mercenary)]1d20 + 11 - which of these tasks seems like easy money? It is clear that it is impossible to say so accurately without details, but what does professional flair say? )
Both are easy, but with the transportation of supplies you are helping other people in need. However, the Wererat is easy because you get to disable his ship and bring him in for a bounty.
DR34-M12 |
Camera pulls back to show a stoic-looking half-orc standing beside Himo. In contrast to the elf's relaxed posture, Pax stands almost at attention. "Taking down a mercenary sounds easy. But it seems our jobs always sound easier than they really are..."
"If we wanted easy we should take the boring medical delivery job." Dreams replied with a smile, the warm glow of her circuits showing the android's good mood. "Himo, what does your grandma say?" The android lightly teased the elf currently in communion with his ancestors.
Himo Naïlo |
My granny says to keep your feet warm, eat well, brush your teeth twice a day and vote for conservative parties. She's still among the living, if anything. Elf smiles and sips the sweet soda from the straw again. If we deliver medical supplies, we will help people. Who knows, maybe right now someone is dying there from the most banal fever without simple antibiotics. This is what my ancestors tell me. The camera zooms in on the elf's face, the smile becomes playful. But we will not remain without adventures in any case. That's what I'm telling you myself.
Declan |
The camera refocuses past the two to the rust-and-iron colored Ysoki lounging on a nearby overturned container for small cargo. If their posture and position of their ears was any indication, they had since grown bored of the waiting. Half of their body that was not covered by clothing was scarred with an intricate array seeming both digital and runic, portions only visible through their thick fur when they shifted. The eye on the marked side of their body seemed like it was modified, its intricacies laid bare and lined in alert-red and electric blue. Their clothing was worn, their appearance jarring in discordant patches that professed a slogan or contrasted in a pattern completely different from the material it was on.
Rummaging around, barely in frame was a tiny sprite-like entity. Their skin was a dim amber, and their sparse hair was wires with their eyes a singular screen that covered the span of where their eyes would have been. There was no hiding the cant of mischief to its features and expression, or the mouthful of sharp teeth when it found something that caught its attention.
"If the merc hasn't rigged his junker t'blow, thassa eeeeasy salvage bonus for what we don't keep." Their voice was gleeful at the thought of acquiring more things to dismantle.
Item of the week: 1d100 ⇒ 51 "A stone statue of a god with an creature's head" SOURCE
DR34-M12 |
My granny says to keep your feet warm, eat well, brush your teeth twice a day and vote for conservative parties. She's still among the living, if anything. Elf smiles and sips the sweet soda from the straw again. If we deliver medical supplies, we will help people. Who knows, maybe right now someone is dying there from the most banal fever without simple antibiotics. This is what my ancestors tell me. The camera zooms in on the elf's face, the smile becomes playful. But we will not remain without adventures in any case. That's what I'm telling you myself.
"Ugh but that's the boring one." The android's circuits dimmed to a dull blue as she pouted. "But your ancestor's do have a statistically improbably good track record. And I guess maybe we can squeeze some generosity out of any 'ganics dying of banal fevers." Dreams smiled as her circuits brightened, the android having thoroughly convinced herself. "Okay yeah, lets do the medical job then."
"If the merc hasn't rigged his junker t'blow, thassa eeeeasy salvage bonus for what we don't keep." Their voice was gleeful at the thought of acquiring more things to dismantle.
DR34-M12 skipped over to the Ysoki and threw an arm around their shoulder. "See, now Declan is processing with quantum crystals! Hmm maybe we could do both? Let slip about an "unarmed" medical transport?"
Okay, bit of an out there idea, feel free to shoot down. Would we be able to make a check to try to lure the Wererat into attacking us? I was thinking of a computers check to leave a digital breadtrail to us and our cargo of medical supplies.
Declan |
DR34-M12 skipped over to the Ysoki and threw an arm around their shoulder. "See, now Declan is processing with quantum crystals! Hmm maybe we could do both? Let slip about an "unarmed" medical transport?"
Judging by the change in the Ysoki's expression, their ears drawing back and their lids lowering with a long-suffering expression that spoke volumes about their opinion on their proximity to the cheeriness that was their android shipmate. "Twofer on a job'll also get ya twice the problems there, Shiny." A cut of the eyes towards the arm so casually thrown over their shoulder preceded a noticeable sigh.
"Not sure we're up for twice the wrong."
DR34-M12 |
Perception; LL Vision, Darkvision 60ft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
"Twofer on a job'll also get ya twice the problems there, Shiny." A cut of the eyes towards the arm so casually thrown over their shoulder preceded a noticeable sigh.
"Not sure we're up for twice the wrong."
Blissfully unaware of her crewmate's annoyance, DR34-M12 kept her arm around Declan. "Well yeah but also twice the fun and profit!"
Himo Naïlo |
Something beeps on Himo's belt. He pulls out his communicator, clicks a couple of times on the screen with his thumb, then finally finishes his soda and only after that informs everyone: The ship is ready. We can fly. After looking for a trash can for recyclable waste and finding it (you remember that he always throws garbage in the right place, being boring that he doesn't want the new world to turn into the same garbage as Eberron), he throws a cup there. I like the idea of setting a wererat gangster on us. Just need to throw such a fake, in which he will need to hurry. So that he doesn't come for us in a month, when we won't need it anymore... Perhaps the delivery of these medicines... what if we embellish their value and give him this information? Hm. What crimes does he specialize in? Dreams, DeeCo, look online, please. Some dossier.
The elf's pose looks very relaxed, but his eyes are carefully searching for people around. He listens, even sniffs, and almost misses nothing. The elf knows that, as with a blow, the speed of the mind is born from its relaxation. His ancestors taught him that.
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
DR34-M12 |
I'm okay with either. Whatever is easier for you.
Perhaps the delivery of these medicines... what if we embellish their value and give him this information? Hm. What crimes does he specialize in? Dreams, DeeCo, look online, please. Some dossier.
"You got it boss!" Placing her headphones on her ears, DR34-M12's eyes began to glow and rapidly move about as the android accessed the local datanet.
Computer: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Declan |
DeeCo was warming up to point out to their overly enthusiastic crewmate that they might just think of the idea of "fun" differently when some communication got Himo to focus. His request to combine both of the jobs got their attention and a look of consideration. "Well then, guess a little bit of scouting couldn't hurt much. Bzzt!"
The amber gremlin that had been looking at the gear that the android was wearing perked their ears at the address and scampered over to assist DeeCo as a less obvious interface faded into view. Interestingly, the tiny amber creature plugged a strand of their hair into the display as the Ysoki got to work.
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Computers: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
GremAssistComp: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
I'm all for you making the passive rolls for us or the reactionary ones that the character would do without conscious thought, just so we're not sitting on waiting for a single roll from someone, with no post to advance the interplay.
EltonJ |
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Computers: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
GremAssistComp: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Computer: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
The dossier of the Wererat, one called Vincent, came up that he loved to move heavy metals for the pirate Don Carlos. It seem that the bounty was for his capture, rather than for his destruction. Because Vincent has worked for Don Carlos in the past.
Seo-Yeon |
The camera refocuses and then zooms into the background, where an elven woman, more on the elvish petite side, leans casually against a wall, arms crossed in front of her chest.
Underneath the neat black clothes shines an irridescent suit through at places and she carrying a backpack, kind of like a purse, black as well.
Some bulges indicate there might be more pockets in her dress than are visible on first sight.
Lifting one hand to move a strain of her long, jet black hair out of her pale face, she speaks up with a sweet and melodic, but at the same time emotionless voice, the deep purple eyes looking at no one in particular:
We should take the medical supply job. Boring is good and so is keeping a low profile. I just got us this ship, wouldn't want to put it on the edge already.
With the rat, is that bringing in or deposing of? I don't like rats.
No offense she adds with a look to Declan.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
DR34-M12 |
Good to see your Seo-Yeon, was worried we had lost you.
"Bringing in, looks like he ran goods for Don Carlos. Probably keeping a low profile atm so might not take the bait. Okay, let's take the the boring job." With a swipe of her arm, the android accepted the medical job. "I'll arrange the pickup."
Himo Naïlo |
That's nice. Himo begins to make his way through the crowd, not doubting that Pax is somewhere nearby, and the rest of the team will arrive quickly, "if anything".
Great start! I suggest we move on to the next scene.
EltonJ |
1st Break
The camera pans on your ship, as they load the goods on it. The Port Authority checks the goods to make sure that they are the right goods. One of the Port Authority employees approaches you.
"Looks like the medical supplies are loaded on your ship," he says. "Are you taking anything else from the Commodity Exchange?"
Seo-Yeon |
Is the fuel stocked up and do we have enough ammunition? And food? It's very uncomfortable to be in the middle of nowhere without enough fuel or food. Ammunition speaks for itself. Always hope you don't need it, but if you need it, you better have enough.
Seo-Yeon answers the clerk in an attempt to appear jokingly, laying her hand on his shoulder in a supposedly friendly manner, trying to give him a friendly smile. Closer looks reveal that she is trying really hard to overcome usual unheeding mannerism and give a genuine smile.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
What else is there the Commodity Exchange or you have to offer?
Seo-Yeon |
On the way to the ship
Giving DR34-M12 a considering and slightly creepy look, Seo-Yeon answers:
Unfortunately, the allegedly boring too often turns out to be anything but. I expect there to be difficulties, why else would they outsource it like that? The seemingly interesting will probably have even more catches. Rats usually don't come alone, there might be a whole gang and people backing them. So, we'll see i guess. Do you carry any weapons? I have some, hopefully enough.
EltonJ |
Is the fuel stocked up and do we have enough ammunition? And food? It's very uncomfortable to be in the middle of nowhere without enough fuel or food. Ammunition speaks for itself. Always hope you don't need it, but if you need it, you better have enough.
Seo-Yeon answers the clerk in an attempt to appear jokingly, laying her hand on his shoulder in a supposedly friendly manner, trying to give him a friendly smile. Closer looks reveal that she is trying really hard to overcome usual unheeding mannerism and give a genuine smile.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
What else is there the Commodity Exchange or you have to offer?
"The commodity exchange is the place where you buy commodities and sell them," the clerk explains. "Since this is a hub of commodities, there are many available. Go and take a look for yourself."
The last bit was an invitation.
DR34-M12 |
On the way to the ship
Giving DR34-M12 a considering and slightly creepy look, Seo-Yeon answers:
Unfortunately, the allegedly boring too often turns out to be anything but. I expect there to be difficulties, why else would they outsource it like that? The seemingly interesting will probably have even more catches. Rats usually don't come alone, there might be a whole gang and people backing them. So, we'll see i guess. Do you carry any weapons? I have some, hopefully enough.
"Yeah, that's a really good way to think about it. Thanks Seo, you always seem to know just what to say." DR34-M12 gave Seo-Yeon a brief but sturdy hug. "And don't worry, weapons are loaded and my combat protocols have been freshly updated." The android patted the pistol strapped to her hip.
Is the fuel stocked up and do we have enough ammunition? And food?
"Don't worry! The galley is stocked up on basics, and the new power core can handle the ship weapons. Although I won't say no to a shopping trip."
Declan |
Even with the port mechanics doing the heavy work, DeeCo is about in the opposite end of the frame from their Android, checking readouts on a floating display as they ensure the integrity of the fit and tweaking specifics more towards the tendencies of the crew. System stress incompatibilities mid-jump or worse could put everyone in a bad place, and those types of situations were best classified "avoidable". Even the cargo got a once-over to make sure that it was secure. The amber gremlin was perched on their shoulder, gnawing on what looked like it might once have been useable chip tech before it was a chewed to junk.
"Cargo secure, and fine-tuning particulars", the Ysoki said over crew comms as there was a change in the tone of the almost inaudible hum of the new core and the lights brightened and dimmed just slightly.
Seo-Yeon |
Her cheeks turning red, Seo-Yeon lets DR34-M12s sudden outburst of intimacy pass over her like a downpour of heavy rain, seemingly surprised and unsure what to do, she gives her a pad on the back.
Uhm, thanks, i guess. Not sure that's correct though.
Embarrassed she walks the rest of the way silently, trying not to look at her crewmate.
At the ship
Ugh, i'm not sure we have the credits. Perhaps we can do that once we earned some more. If we are all stocked on supplies, i'm ready to go. Thanks for your invitation, maybe next time.
Seo-Yeon talks to Pax and DR34-M12 and then waves the clerk a short goodbye, before turning to Declan, the Ysoki mechanic.
Mh i guess the ship needs a mechanic. I tried to fix what i can, but i'm certainly not the best. Better at piloting! You take good care of this jewel!
DR34-M12, when everyone is on board and Declan gives the go for the engine, can you upload the coordinates of our destination please, so i can plot a course? We'll be ready for take-off soon then!
DR34-M12 |
Ugh, i'm not sure we have the credits. Perhaps we can do that once we earned some more. If we are all stocked on supplies, i'm ready to go. Thanks for your invitation, maybe next time.
"Shopping date after our payday it is!" DR34-M12 said as she skipped along with the group.
DR34-M12, when everyone is on board and Declan gives the go for the engine, can you upload the coordinates of our destination please, so i can plot a course? We'll be ready for take-off soon then!
"You got it boss!" DR34-M12 slid into her station on the bridge. Holographic displays came to life as the android began her calculations, her movements synced to the beat of the music pounding from her headphones.
Himo Naïlo |
Himo sits comfortably in the captain's chair. You all know that during long flights he sits with one leg on the armrest, but certainly not during takeoffs, landings and emergencies.
Next to him, as usual, he has a crystal ball in a special recess. As soon as the ball is placed inside, it begins to glow slightly, shimmering inside with streams of gold and platinum light. With this device, elf mystic can influence the ship and cosmos around with magical power, increasing the range of weapons, scanning space, and so on.
Smiling crookedly, Himo Naïlo taps the fingers of his right hand on the crystal. Engines ready? All systems turned on? Tightness? Excellent. Then... let's go!
EltonJ |
The docking rings release from the ship, allowing it to rise using it's own contra-gravity systems. The ship didn't blast off, far from the opposite. It was gently rising from it's docked position. Although the higher it goes, the faster it goes. Until it broke free from the atmosphere.
DR34-M12 |
Power is back on.
"Okay, nav course is all set. Sensors on the lookout. Now we just need to wait for something interesting to happen on this milk run." DR34-M12's boredom hung on her tone as she absentmindedly operated several programs.
Declan |
Relaxing back in their seat, DeeCo smiles as they give a glance to the readouts, watching the display of the view from the cameras as the dock, then the planet shrinks, and they are free in space again.
"Aaah, thas' always my favorite part..." They indulge in a few seconds of revel, listening to the sounds of the ship and the feel as they are on their way. Then, like someone drifting awake, they set to the console, checking and refining feeds and readouts, adjusting active metrics and settling into the new engine. "Is all cherry here, Cap! We're green to punch it."
A glare with no heat was given to their audio-assisted crewmate. "Shush that talk, Shiny— we can have just a milk run every once an' again."
DR34-M12 |
"I know you're a wizard, but don't tell me you're superstitious!?" DR34-M12 chortled in response to DeeCo. "You can't just invoke things to happen by saying you're bored, retiring, have a bad feeling, etcetera. I have the data to prove it!" With wave of her hand the android shared an overly large data file with crew. In which detailed her various experiments at invoking narratively interesting results.
"Sadly that only works in the good vids. Hmm actually I could use more magical results to fully verify that. DeeCo, Himo say "I've got a bad feeling about this." But no spells or dark energy manipulation. That's a completely different thing, it doesn't count!
Declan |
"One thing there, Shiny; didya results consider th'sayings as invitation over invocation?" In the space of the response, DeeCo had compressed her copy of the data and was playfully offering the file to Bzzt!. The moment the large file got shared, the tiny gremlin had been hungrily staring at the grand display. The tiny clawed digits closed over the holographic representation of the copy, and a bite was taken out of the file, streams of glitches and fragments crossing it and falling to nothing on the floor. From its behavior, it looked like that much data was a heavy meal.
"It's a lot that can wander through an open door, y'know." DeeCo's display had a myriad of windows of graphs and metrics arrayed over a larger screen on which output and flow numbers were generated in real-time. Her personal display was even more esoteric, a few screens accentuating the standard display with alternate graphs displaying information in range of their sensors.
Seo-Yeon |
DR34-M12, calling her boss and suggesting something like a date, already got more and more awkward looks and responses from Seo-Yeon, but the mention of something "interesting" to happen lets her chin drop.
Activating the auto-pilot she turns on the pilots chair, looking at the rest of the crew on the bridge.
What do you mean, something interesting to happen? Don't go magicking something out on the ship please! Unnecessary risks are the last thing we need. Don't forget, we are in space now.
She seems uneasy and disapproving...
I think we should talk about the layout of the ship and perhaps come up with a plan? This sounds a bit like the Enterprise bridge to me right now, but i think on a small ship it could be a bit different.
DR34-M12 |
One thing there, Shiny; didya results consider th'sayings as invitation over invocation?" In the space of the response, DeeCo had compressed her copy of the data and was playfully offering the file to Bzzt!. The moment the large file got shared, the tiny gremlin had been hungrily staring at the grand display. The tiny clawed digits closed over the holographic representation of the copy, and a bite was taken out of the file, streams of glitches and fragments crossing it and falling to nothing on the floor. From its behavior, it looked like that much data was a heavy meal.
"It's a lot that can wander through an open door, y'know." DeeCo's display had a myriad of windows of graphs and metrics arrayed over a larger screen on which output and flow numbers were generated in real-time. Her personal display was even more esoteric, a few screens accentuating the standard display with alternate graphs displaying information in range of their sensors.
DR34-M12's eyes rapidly fluttered as the android reviewed the data."I'm not sure I understand how that changes the dataset. I mean if it's invitation I'm been throwing a lot of parties no one has been coming too."
Activating the auto-pilot she turns on the pilots chair, looking at the rest of the crew on the bridge.
What do you mean, something interesting to happen? Don't go magicking something out on the ship please! Unnecessary risks are the last thing we need. Don't forget, we are in space now.
She seems uneasy and disapproving...
"Oh you know pirate attack, mind controlling fungus, distress signal, radiation burst, ghosts, strange wormholes, tachyon storm, silica monsters..." The android's circuits grew brighter as she ran through a list of "fun and interesting" things. "You know, fun stuff."
Himo Naïlo |
The question is whether to believe in fate or not. Can someone who is destined to drown hang himself? Philosophers and priests have broken many spears in disputes about this. I personally believe that the future can develop in a variety of ways that we are absolutely unable to predict. Everything that Dreams called "fun" and much more. But looking carefully into the past, comparing the outcomes and the very dignity of the path, we can choose the most worthy solutions for each possible scenario of the future. Himo says all this very relaxed and without any pathos, as if ordering a double cheeseburger at the checkout. He smiles and strokes the magic sphere with his right hand.
DR34-M12 |
"You have a strange idea of 'fun'."
"If it were all that strange then vids wouldn't be full of stuff like that."
The question is whether to believe in fate or not. Can someone who is destined to drown hang himself? Philosophers and priests have broken many spears in disputes about this. I personally believe that the future can develop in a variety of ways that we are absolutely unable to predict. Everything that Dreams called "fun" and much more. But looking carefully into the past, comparing the outcomes and the very dignity of the path, we can choose the most worthy solutions for each possible scenario of the future. Himo says all this very relaxed and without any pathos, as if ordering a double cheeseburger at the checkout. He smiles and strokes the magic sphere with his right hand.
"So you are saying you've got a good feeling about this?" DR34-M12 said with a smile.