DM Brainiac's Kingmaker 2E: Table 2

Game Master Brainiac

Influence: Amiri 8/8, Ekundayo 5/8, Harrim 2/6, Jaethal 2/8, Linzi 8/8, Nok-Nok 1/12, Tristian 0/8, Valerie 6/8

Hex Map
Loot Spreadsheet

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Kingmaker: 2nd Edition!

Chapter 1: A Call for Heroes

You have arrived at the manor of Lady Jamandi Aldori, a wealthy and influential swordlord of the city of Restov in southern Brevoy. A cobblestone path, bordered by regal oak trees and well-manicured hedges, winds its way up the hill for nearly a mile, past a two-story guard barracks, the stables, and a dozen thatched-roof cottages that house the families of the manor’s servants and retainers. The manor itself is a sprawling, three-story structure constructed of light gray mortared stone, surrounded by hedge-lined rose gardens and ancient oak trees.

Others have answered Lady Jamandi's call for heroes, and the four of you are in the rear of the line as you await your turn to be led into the Great Hall. The sky above is gloomy, and distant thunder suggests a storm is imminent...

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Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1 Artwork 2

Who could stay on the path when those gorgeous oaks were right there? Not Vesi, that's for sure. The blue skin gives away their unusual heritage, but if anyone has visions of nimble river nymphs and graceful mermen... well, the short, chubby person currently curling their bare toes in the grass is a far shout from those images. Aside from the uncommon skin coloration, their most striking feature is the extremely long hair, currently bound with a series of leather cords in a braid whose tip almost touches the grass. It appears black, but when a ray of light through the heavy clouds catches it, the true, deep blue colour comes out.

"You've been here a long, long time, innit?" The fingertips peeking out of the knitted fingerless gloves that run up to the elbow caress the gnarled bark. "You've seen much..." Vesi turns their face up to the sky, peering at the clouds. "Weathered much..." They give the tree a pat. "Hope they take good care of you here. Makes me feel better about all this, seeing you."

Grand Archive

Male Kobold |DC: 19 Fighter 4 [ HP 54/54 | AC 21(23)| F+8 R+9 W+9 |P+9 | Speed:25 | Hero 0/3 |Reactions: Aoo| Conditions:|Exploration: scout]

The, dull silver scaled, kobold watches the strange blue human petting the tree. Overhearing what they were saying he scratched his head between the jet black horn spurs atop his head. The storm brimming on the horizon would likely send a chill down the backs of most but the coming cold front didn't bother Russ at all he even enjoyed the comforts of the oncoming winds. The thunder however, always brought with it bad tidings.

He nervously adjusted the fur lined collar of the otherwise drab and plain tunic, so that it wasn't bunching up under the weight of the pack on his shoulders. The entire pack shifted awkwardly and noisily betraying the metal objects within and the sheathed bastard sword, lashed to the top, threatened to scrape the cobblestone pathway. "What is the hold up, surly not everyone in the land answered Mistress Jamandi's call. Though it could do well for the efforts of whatever quest she plans to hand out. Perhaps she even plans to offer those successful, knighthood, a barony, or kingship." He warbled to those excitedly near the back of the line as his tail slapped the ground, completely unaware that she probably couldn't declare someone king.

Pulling some jerky from what looked like a small saddle bag belted to his tail he offers it around to those nearby as they wait. "This calls for celebration!"

Male Gnome Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 | F+4, R+9, W+5 | Perc +4, Low Light Vision | Init +4| Speed: 25ft.

Standing nearby in line is a gnome unlike most of his fey-touched brethren: tall and lean, his indigo hair has a damp sheen to it, as if he recently completed a swim or stepped out during inclement weather.

His pale smiling face is framed by a neatly trimmed beard and features a waxed moustache, and most noticeably, an eye-patch that leaves a solitary eye of that twinkles with mischief.

About his person he wears the functional garb of a river-boater; weather-worn but lightly encumbering. His outfit is crowed by a wide brimmed plumed with a heron feather.

At his belt sits a rapier and a slim dagger, keeping company with belt pouch and a wooden scroll case.

He politely observes Vesi as she communes with the tree before his attention is broken by the shuffling queue and grumbling kobold nearby. With a wry smile he responds to the (equally) diminutive warrior;

”Zhe wheels of progress turn slowly my friend. Such is the way. ‘Ere in Restov it is no different no?”

Pekk takes measure of the kobold, still wearing a friendly smile as he continues. His speech melodic and peppered with terms of Gnomish origin (French :):

”So you fancy yourself a regent mon ami? Tell me... How would you reward those loyal to your crown..?”

Female Ifrit Elementalist Bandit 4 - HP 36/36| AC 19 | F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1 | Level 1: 4/4 (1/1) | Level 2: 2/4

"...You're sure we have to wait in the line the whole time? What if this is like... a test!" When the idea strikes her, Blaze's features literally light up with excitement. Even her hair flickers with light and seems to almost rise off her scalp, before she grabs at her cap and jams it back down over her hair and her horns.

"Yeah a test!" she continues undeterred, "Where we get rewarded for figuring out a way to cut the line!! 'Cause it shows our perspiracity!" Her exuberance matches her youthful features, though of course those were hardly reliable evidence for the age of anyone so obviously planetouched.

Blaze drops her pack with a thud. Though she's lightly armed and armored only in a sundress, her gear gives her the well traveled look of someone who carries their whole life with them on their back.

Her build is fairly lanky, so while not uncommonly tall, she faintly towers over the other adventurers. Still, she easily meets everyone's gaze when she speaks. "Plus - Aside from the extra reward her ladiesship is definitely gonna give us - We'd get to get out of the big crowd," she looks to Vesi, "Which means we wouldn't get overlooked in the crowd," to Russ, "So c'mon!" And finally to Pekk. "I know you're not exactly afraid of cutting corners."

"And if nothing else, we'd get out of the rain..."

Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1 Artwork 2

Vesi was not going to say no to free food, so the undine gratefully accepts a piece of jerky and begins to chew on it as they listen to the conversation. It never ceased to baffle Vesi why people would seek titles of nobility - from what they had seen of their adoptive father being a landed noble was a lot of work, and a lot of responsibility. Perhaps one day Vesi would be ready to take up that kind of burden, but for now they were happy to have the freedom to roam - and to meet interesting people.

...People who did their best to get Vesi into trouble.

"Oooh, I'm not sure we should do that, not sure at all. What if Lady Aldori gets mad at us instead and kicks us out? Most nobles like to stick to rules and protocols, and if we cut in line it may not look good for us. " The undine looks around at the crowd. "And it would upset all these other people." A shudder and a look of apprehension crosses their features.

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Fortunately, you don't have to wait too much longer, as one of Lady Jamandi's servants calls for you to enter the manor—you are the final adventurers to be led into the building. As you enter, the first raindrops of the storm begin to fall.

This spacious hall has been prepared for a great feast. Servants hustle and bustle about, while several armed soldiers—Lady Jamandi’s house guards—watch over the hall from their positions against the east and west walls. To the north, a fire crackles away in a large fireplace. An iron lever secured by a lock adorns the fireplace’s eastern face. Two massive crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling twenty feet above. The walls are decorated with painted murals of idyllic woodland scenes: nymphs frolicking amid waterfalls, satyrs dancing with fawns in wooded glades, and various winged fairy creatures flitting through the trees. Nine long tables are arranged around the central portion of the room, each holding plates, utensils, mugs, goblets, and full, ready-to-be-poured pitchers of ale, wine, mead, and water. The smell of roasted meat and other delicious scents fill the room, yet no food has yet been served.

The servants escort you all to the same table. As chance would have it, several other potential adventurers have been seated here as well, seven in all—three humans, a dwarf, an elf, a gnome, and a halfling. You have no time to strike up a conversation with them, though, as a moment or two after you are seated, a bell rings.

A striking half-elf woman enters the hall, followed by an aristocratic, middle-aged human man. The man wears finely tailored clothing, fit for a noble, while the woman appears dressed for battle. She wears a fine leather coat over a sparkling mail shirt, and at her waist hangs an Aldori dueling sword with a bright silver pommel. The two make their way to the head table, where they remain standing.

The man speaks first. “Greetings, heroes! I am Ioseph Sellemius, lord mayor of Restov. And this,” he gestures to the woman beside him, “is Lady Jamandi Aldori. We both thank you for answering her call for heroes. You may be few, but we need only the best for this great task.”

Lady Jamandi offers the room a broad smile before she speaks. “South of here, beyond Brevoy’s border, lie the Stolen Lands. This disputed territory has been claimed time and again by would-be settlers, but because the area has been a haven for bandits and monsters, it has never been held for long. Restov intends for this to change.

“If you have enough courage to drive off the dangerous denizens of the Stolen Lands, you can seize territory for yourselves and name yourselves baronesses or barons. Restov intends to recognize the legitimacy of the new rulers of this land, and none of the other neighboring realms care enough to challenge you. We are prepared to provide backing as a trade partner and military ally. If you claim the land, you will have my—indeed, all of Restov’s—support!”

Lady Jamandi raises her goblet. “But the details of your individual missions and charters into the Stolen Lands can wait. I raise my glass to you, brave heroes! For now, let us eat and enjoy the evening. Tomorrow promises to be a very busy day.”

After Lady Jamandi finishes speaking, her servants begin to circle around the room, filling mugs with ale, fruit juice, or water and serving food from heaping platters. The feast itself includes four courses in all: crisp greens lightly flavored with savory oils, spicy seasoned waterfowl, a main course of tender roast boar, and a finishing selection of fine desserts and cheeses. For the duration of the feast, the servants bustle about in their never-ending quest to keep mugs and goblets full and take discarded plates away to the scullery.

The young halfling woman at the table speaks up as the feast gets underway. She has a large leather-bound journal in front of her, into which she has been sketching profile images of everyone present at the table. "This is so exciting, isn't it? The 'Feast of Heroes!' This is just the prologue to our own thrilling tale of adventure, to be sure! And what an interesting cast of characters we have here..."

During the feast, the PCs have time to chat among themselves or with the NPCs whose table they share. The NPCs described here are destined to become some of the PCs’ allies and enemies as Kingmaker unfolds. The feast itself uses the influence subsystem, as detailed on pages 151–153 of the Gamemastery Guide. The feast plays out over 2 hours, broken into six separate 20-minute rounds. In each round, the PCs can attempt to Influence or Discover information about the NPCs at their table. For several of these NPCs, influence awards shift the NPC’s starting attitude for determining how they react to the PCs when they next meet.

NPCs Present:
Amiri: Amiri is a tall and muscular human woman, clad in a mix of animal skins, leathers, and battle-scarred hide armor. She wears a massive greatsword in a leather scabbard across her back.
Discovery: Perception, Society, Warfare Lore
Influence Skills: Athletics (to physically impress Amiri), Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation (to show Amiri you’re not afraid of her), Performance, Survival (to show Amiri that you’re capable in the wilds)

Harrim: Harrim is a middle-aged dwarf cleric with a bald head and a long, salt-and-pepper beard. He wears a religious symbol of Groetus, God of the End Times.
Discovery: Dwarven Lore, Perception, Religion
Influence Skills: Deception, Diplomacy, Dwarven Lore (to talk about dwarven history with Harrim), Groetus Lore (to speak to Harrim knowledgeably about his faith), Performance, Religion (to impress upon Harrim your own faith)

Jaethal: Jaethal is deathly pale and wears dark clothing. Her raven-black hair is long, and she has no jewelry. Leaning against the table next to her is a massive, wickedly sharp scythe.
Discovery: Perception, Religion, Urgathoa Lore
Influence Skills: Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation (to impress Jaethal with your fearsome nature), Performance, Religion (to show Jaethal you have strong faith), Urgathoa Lore (to impress Jaethal with knowledge about her goddess)

Linzi: Linzi is a young halfling woman wearing leather armor and a weather-worn cloak. She keeps a large leather-bound journal in front of her, into which she sketches profile images of everyone present at the table and scribbles occasional notes and verses for tunes she’ll never finish.
Discovery: Occultism, Perception, Society
Influence Skills: Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, Performance (to delight Linzi's artistic sense), Occultism (to show off the breadth of your esoteric knowledge), Performance (to delight Linzi's artistic sense)

Maegar Varn: Maegar is a ruggedly handsome man with a constant shadow of a beard on his jaw; he wears his dark gray hair in a small bun. He carries a distinctive sword that bears the crest of House Varn—four hatchets arranged in a circle—on its pommel guard.
Discovery: Occultism, Perception, Society
Influence Skills: Brevoy Lore, Heraldry Lore, Politics Lore, or Warfare Lore (to chat knowledgeably about current events and Brevic history), Deception, Diplomacy (to treat Maegar like the noble he is without making him feel like you’re mocking the fact that he’s a third-born son), Intimidation, Society (to chat with Maegar about how best to start a village from scratch)

Tartuccio: Impeccably dressed in fine robes and silks, Tartuccio looks more like a stately gnome prince than an actual adventurer.
Discovery: Nature, Perception, Society
Influence Skills: Arcana (to talk shop about magic), Deception (to give him a false sense of superiority), Deiplomacy, Intimidation (to frighten him a little and take some wind out of his sails), Performance

Valerie: Valerie is a tall, exceptionally beautiful woman with striking blue eyes and a warrior’s physique.
Discovery: Perception, Society, Warfare Lore
Influence Skills: Deception, Diplomacy (to act properly and impress Valerie with your decorum), Intimidation, Society (to speak pleasantly upon current events), Warfare Lore (to compare notes on fighting styles or chat about military history)

Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1 Artwork 2

The aroma of food makes Vesi's stomach growl and their mouth water, but the momentary discomfort is forgotten as the sights of the great hall begin to register. The murals are very interesting, but the undine resists the temptation to inspect them more closely in favour of watching the people. The ones sharing their table are in equal measure intriguing and intimidating, but just as Vesi opens their mouth to greet them the hosts walk in and begin addressing the crowd.

Ioseph Sellemius's words puzzle Vesi - 'you may be few'? Looking around the hall, if the other tables seated a similar number of people to theirs... why, there must be almost a hundred people here! How does that count as 'few'? But before Vesi can ponder this more, Lady Jamandi Aldori begins speaking, and excitement overwhelms all else in the undine's mind. The promise and the potential of those unsettled lands fills Vesi with a buzzing energy like an entire hive of bees. By the time Lady Aldori finishes her speech, Vesi is practically bouncing in their seat, beaming at the others seated at the table.

At least one other person is sharing their excitement, and Vesi seizes on that immediately. "Very exciting! So many things to discover and learn. I am particularly interested in the great forest there, the Narlmarches, have you heard of it? Oh, your sketches are so good! Did you make them just now? You must be very practiced, to sketch so fast, and with such clean lines!" Vesi cranes their neck to see the pages of the journal better. "Oh, great shading on this one here, really captures the play of light."

Influence Linzi with Performance: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Kobold |DC: 19 Fighter 4 [ HP 54/54 | AC 21(23)| F+8 R+9 W+9 |P+9 | Speed:25 | Hero 0/3 |Reactions: Aoo| Conditions:|Exploration: scout]
Pekk Lacdellvyn wrote:

He politely observes Vesi as she communes with the tree before his attention is broken by the shuffling queue and grumbling kobold nearby. With a wry smile he responds to the (equally) diminutive warrior;

”Zhe wheels of progress turn slowly my friend. Such is the way. ‘Ere in Restov it is no different no?”

Pekk takes measure of the kobold, still wearing a friendly smile as he continues. His speech melodic and peppered with terms of Gnomish origin.

”So you fancy yourself a regent mon ami? Tell me... How would you reward those loyal to your crown..?”

Before the group gets called in Russ looks to the Gnome and offers him the bits of jerky that Vesi didn't take while they all wait.

"Me a regent no, but I would like to earn a higher title that way I can build a city where Humans, peoples, and others like me and others seen as pests and monsters may live together. If I were king I would protect the people, no.. give them food and shelter.. wait no. Both yes definitely both!"

Truth be told Russ wasn't exactly sure what the fellow small, albeit scale-less, fellow meant by regent, isn't that like a thingy that alchemists use or was that reagent? Never the less he answers quickly with a teetering almost stilted staccato in his speech pattern. One can assume from it not being his native tongue but a learned one, dabbled with remnants of his native draconic with heavy consonants.

Blaze! wrote:

"...You're sure we have to wait in the line the whole time? What if this is like... a test!" When the idea strikes her, Blaze's features literally light up with excitement. Even her hair flickers with light and seems to almost rise off her scalp, before she grabs at her cap and jams it back down over her hair and her horns.

"Yeah a test!" she continues undeterred, "Where we get rewarded for figuring out a way to cut the line!! 'Cause it shows our perspiracity!" Her exuberance matches her youthful features, though of course those were hardly reliable evidence for the age of anyone so obviously planetouched.

Blaze drops her pack with a thud. Though she's lightly armed and armored only in a sundress, her gear gives her the well traveled look of someone who carries their whole life with them on their back.

Her build is fairly lanky, so while not uncommonly tall, she faintly towers over the other adventurers. Still, she easily meets everyone's gaze when she speaks. "Plus - Aside from the extra reward her ladiesship is definitely gonna give us - We'd get to get out of the big crowd," she looks to Vesi, "Which means we wouldn't get overlooked in the crowd," to Russ, "So c'mon!" And finally to Pekk. "I know you're not exactly afraid of cutting corners."

"And if nothing else, we'd get out of the rain..."

Before he can interject with his thoughts on the matter, he thinks it could be fun to sneak by and he would like to get out of the rain before it fell on them even if it's uncouth, Vesi speaks up.

Vesi Medvyed wrote:

"Oooh, I'm not sure we should do that, not sure at all. What if Lady Aldori gets mad at us instead and kicks us out? Most nobles like to stick to rules and protocols, and if we cut in line it may not look good for us. " The undine looks around at the crowd. "And it would upset all these other people." A shudder and a look of apprehension crosses their features.

Russ gives a whining draconic cry, "Noooo, kicked out and shamed before we even get the chance to try. I will not stand for such a disastrous result! I work too hard to get here and will not be denied my destiny." He then lifts a finger as if to say matter of factly, "And I no want get caught in rain, it always bring misfortune and bad nasty luck."

One Chunky DM post later

Russ'ruk happily shuffles inside and stares in awe at the wonderous and warm inside of the massive warren manor. His eyes drift to the various murals and notices a distinct lack of tiny laborious scaled individuals, but all kinds of pretty elfy things. When escorted to the table he pulls the chair out and slides his pack underneath carefully so that the blade rests mostly out of the way of tripping or bashing anyone's shins.

Then he clambers into the chair with as much dignity as he can curling his feathered tail into his lap so as to avoid sitting on it. With a quick glance down the table he saw the many fancy and noble looking folks at the table and now at the head of the hall and thought poorly of his lack of coin to find suitable clothing for the occasion so he busied himself with quickly preening the quill-like spines between and behind his horns so that they lay flat and more acceptable.

Once the festivities began however he made merry like all the others taking sips of juice, not wanting to spoil the night too early. Before looking down the table at the well groomed human wearing a familiar symbol he thought he saw in his book before.

Maeger Varn, Discovery: society

Russ'ruk recognizes the man's heraldry as that of House Varn, a minor noble house of Brevoy. He recalls that Maegar Varn is the third son of a Brevic baron, and as such, he doesn't stand to inherit his father's title and holdings. Speaking about current events and Brevic history is likely the easiest way to win favor with him.

Meanwhile, Linzi grins at the praise Vesi heaps upon her. "Thank you! Yes, I fancy myself something of an artist. I'm still fine-tuning my style, but I'd welcome any constructive criticism you'd be willing to offer!" The halfling chats happily with Vesi for several minutes, quickly warming up to the gregarious undine.

You have gained 2 Influence Points with Linzi! Blaze and Pekk may still attempt a Discovery or Influence roll for the first social round.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Ifrit Elementalist Bandit 4 - HP 36/36| AC 19 | F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1 | Level 1: 4/4 (1/1) | Level 2: 2/4

Blaze immediately beelines towards the most obvious source of muscle at the table, plopping herself brazenly down next to Amiri with a nice goblet of wine.

"Now you! You look like the kind of warrior who can carve her own queendom out of the wilds! Don't snarl. I've been snarled at by the best, and I'm not afraid to snarl back. Some of this lot looks like they'll be starved, eaten or frozen once they're a fortnight beyond the walls, but I suppose that's what you get when you try to hire an army with promises of tomorrow's coin."

She begins to chow down on the juicy boar and oily greens, carefully leaving the cheese and other more portable dishes for a later date.

"Tell me I'm wrong if I'm wrong, but there's good sense in figuring out who's better as a friend than a foe, eh?"

"Pekk there's alright, so long as you count your fingers after every handshake, and the kobold has to have either skill or Desna's own luck to have even gotten here." She nods at Vesi. "They don't look like much, but they've got a kind of quiet, sleepy power - I can smell it on them. Oh, and I'm Blaze! I obviously make a better friend than a foe though, so no need to get into how great and terrible I am..."

Intimidation to influence: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Gnome Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 | F+4, R+9, W+5 | Perc +4, Low Light Vision | Init +4| Speed: 25ft.


Pekk smiles warmly at the kobold’s enthusiastic speech;

”Lofty aims indeed Mon Ami! Let us ‘ope we are afforded the opportunity to make such dreams a reality eh!?”

As the fiery blaze suggests they circumnavigate the throng, the dandy seems keen but any scheme is stymied by the call to enter.


As the guests mingle, Pekk sidles up to his fellow gnome.

Doffing his hat, the rogue bows deeply then straightens his heron feather before engaging his robed brethren in an introduction;

”Bonsoir Monsieur. Souhaitez-vous que je continue dans notre langue ou préférez-vous la Langue Commune?"


"Good evening Sir. Do you wish me to continue in our language or would you prefer the Common Tongue?"

Presuming he is happy to converse in Gnome... if not cut straight to the translation :)

Pekk reaches for a goblet of wine as he smiles disarmingly before continuing;

"Je m'appelle Pekkanjorum Tyvett Lacdellvyn. Je suis originaire de la belle ville de Jovvox près de Mivon. Connaissez-vous l'endroit ? D'après la qualité et la coupe de votre tenue, j'ai l'impression que quelqu'un a bien voyagé et qu'il est sage dans le monde..."

"Je ne suis qu'un humble adepte de l'école de duel de Jovvox. Nous ne sommes pas des seigneurs de l'épée Aldori, mais je peux me défendre contre la plupart des personnes présentes dans cette pièce, à l'exception de Lady Jamandi elle-même! Nous sommes aiguisés d'esprit et de lame. Encore une fois, je pense que vous respectez ces attributs non?"


"My name is Pekkanjorum Tyvett Lacdellvyn. I hail from the fair town of Jovvox near Mivon. Do you know the place? From the quality and cut of your garb I get the sense of someone well travelled and worldly wise... "

"I myself am but a humble devotee of the Duelling School of Jovvox. We are no Aldori Swordlords but I can hold my own against most in this room bar the Lady Jamandi herself! We are sharp in mind and blade. Again I think you respect such attributes no?"

Deception (Charming Liar): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Amiri seems quite impressed by Blaze's bold demeanor. "Well met, Blaze! I must admit that your companions look puny at first glance, but I will trust your assessment of them. If you are truly as capable as you appear, then it would be my honor to call you a friend." She tears into a chunk of boar meat. "Tell me of your exploits!" she says with a mouthful of food.


Tartuccio turns his nose up at Pekk at first.

"Of course, we should speak in the language of our people. We are far superior to the common rabble assembled here, after all."

He sips his wine as Pekk continues.

"I am aware of Jovvox, yes. Your fighting style is...adequate, I suppose. Though as a sorcerer, I would argue that magic is a much more refined and elegant way to deal with one's enemies."

Despite Tartuccio's arrogance, Pekk gets the sense that he is making some headway with his fellow gnome.

You have gained 2 Influence Points with Amiri and 1 Influence Point with Tartuccio. Everybody may now make rolls for the second social round.

Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1 Artwork 2

"Criticism? Oh no, I think your drawings are lovely! And the thing about art is, it's all subjective, innit?" Vesi continues to chat with Linzi, but they find their curiosity drawn towards the others at the table. The pale scythe lady is equally intriguing and terrifying, and Vesi does not feel sufficiently confident yet to approach her, while the dwarf cleric... well, Vesi never had much affinity with religion of any kind. Of the two other warrior women, the one wearing furs and hides seems like she would be the most approachable, but Blaze was already talking to her, so Vesi glances at the blue-eyed one, admiring her poise.

Vesi would like to make a discovery check for Valerie using Perception (+6).

Grand Archive

Male Kobold |DC: 19 Fighter 4 [ HP 54/54 | AC 21(23)| F+8 R+9 W+9 |P+9 | Speed:25 | Hero 0/3 |Reactions: Aoo| Conditions:|Exploration: scout]

Russ leans over slightly towards sir Varn and pipes up after examining him for some time. "Ah we are truly graced with the presence of proper nobility today it seems. Though it'd be improper of me not to make introductions myself. I am Russ'ruk of Brevoy, and though I may not look as much I hope that we might both earn our due in these stolen lands."

He sips at the juice after a slight pause and raises his goblet towards Varn, "I wish to create a safe haven for all manner of people from the land. If you'd like though, i'd be interested to hear what your plans with a bountiful stretch of land would be, Sir Varn? Surely we'd all benefit from such a learned man's knowledge."

society(courtly graces) to influence: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Ifrit Elementalist Bandit 4 - HP 36/36| AC 19 | F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1 | Level 1: 4/4 (1/1) | Level 2: 2/4

Blaze's brow furrows for an instant before she breaks out in a broad smile. "Oh - how about 'The Demon or the Prince! The bookworm over there could probably tell you this one, but best to hear it from someone who was really there." She hooks a thumb towards Linzi.

"So, the whole thing started when I was gallivanting around Kyonin. Wasn't a good long-term den for me - ideally you want to know your local woods and wilds better than whoever the nobs and merchants are going to send after you. That's doable in Kyonin, but it means setting up shop in kinda... demon-y places." Her eyes pulse with heat as she continues.

"So that's where we are. Me and a band of ex-Condemned who were none too pleased about being dragged from one demonic incursion to the next, and figured they were owed some back-pay. And some front-pay if we could get it. Anyways, they knew a thing or two about surviving in an abyss-tainted hellscape, so we were grinding out a little honest brigandry - Scary explosions, crossbows from the trees, 'Your money or your life,' slapping down anyone with more backbone than brains - You get the idea."

She takes a long swallow of her ale and beckons for a refill.

"Still, elvish coin doesn't spend that much better than the regular kind, and our risk/reward was way out of balance. The band was damned near disintegrating from desertion, so we figured if we couldn't reduce the risk, why not go for bigger rewards? Now, we'd heard rumors of an armored column that was supposed to be marching through, and they were supposed to be guarding the greatest, most prized treasure in all the kingdom, the jewel of the Elvish royals.

"Now going up against the cream of the Kyonin crop, required planning and daring, but we had that in spades. Our ambush was flawless; they scarcely knew even a single one of our merry band was there, but then: disaster!

"Old Treerazer had heard the same rumors of precious treasure, and the demons attacked at the same time, no doubt trying to scavenge and steal away the prize after our glorious battle! So it's anarchy - arrows are flying, demons are shrieking, horses are eating each other, but me? I'm focused. I know what part of the convoy the treasure's in, that's where I'm headed. But who do I find there, far from anyone but me, the treasure, and the demons?"

Blaze takes another long swallow, looking off into the blaze in the fireplace.

"Locke Narl, my Second-in-Command. His eyes are wild; he keeps trying to explain himself. First it's 'just a misunderstanding,' then he admits that he tipped off the demons - figuring they'd provide cover for our attack, but then things just went way, way beyond what he'd expected. But he said it all with blade at the ready. 'Cause there's banditry, and then there's siccing a bunch of demons on folk. He could see there was no coming back from that one.

"So he makes a swing for me, and I let him have it. I bring down stones from the earth, lightning from the sky, and fire to burn away what was left so no one but me had to know what he'd done. At first the demons there with him just laughed, but when they saw the look on my face, they got out of there, quick as they could flap, before I turned on them too."

She grabs some nearby utensils and bones and marks out the space in greasy miniature.

"So the band is scattered, soldiers and bandits and demons still battling, but I'm in the eye of the hurricane, so I make for the treasure. I throw open the door to the carriage, and what do I see there, but the biggest emerald I'd ever dreamed of, set in a silver ring of twisting thorned vines, but that ring is in the hands of a monster!

"There's two people in the carriage, both dressed in finery though already it wasn't as fine, and both trying to choke the absolute life out of each other! One's the most beautiful elf you've ever seen - shimmering hair, cheekbones that could cut glass, piercing eyes, and wrestling with him is something just as ugly as he is pretty. Mushrooms are creeping and crawling and sprouting from everywhere on this guy, bulging beneath his skin and out his ears and his nostrils and his- Well people are eating. Suffice to say it's not a pretty picture.

"So the prince Oh yeah, he was the prince, he turns to me with this hottie's smile, like he couldn't help but be just the right amount of bossy even while some monster's choking him, and he says, 'Finally, some aid! Help me dispatch this demon, and you'll be richly rewarded.' Now, I don't mind a rich reward, but when I start calling up my fire, this monster just shakes his head, gasping and says, 'Please.' And he's scared. Now I can scare a demon, after all, I'm Blaze! But not everything gets scared in the same way, and something in that monster's spore-clouded eyes was telling me things weren't what they seemed.

"So I pretend to go along with it, like I'm the dummy in my crew who can get tricked into helping demons, so I push the gorgeous one back to separate them like I'm gonna burn away the mushroom one, but the one who gets a palm full of fire is the secretly evil hot guy.

"His shirt burns away in an instant which was its own 'rich reward', but his body is still almost flawless. Which was great, but also bad, 'cause there was not a lot of room to get away in that carriage, and he'd just shrugged off my second best spell!

"So I bury him in rocks, grab the real prince that's the mushroom-guy and just start running, trying to get some distance from the sexy-barely-destructible-impostor-guy, but he's fast. So we're jumping over fallen knights and splattered demons, and then suddenly BAM! There he is again. He's holding out the ring, offering it to me if I just 'hand over the prince,' demons just love to tempt you, especially if you look like you're of the fiendish persuasion, so I make like I'm wavering, wait till he reaches out with the ring and then FWOOOOSH! I hammer him with my hottest flame, and even demons don't like that. He's hurting, he's stumbling, he's falling, and SCHLURK - right onto some dead knight's lance.

"The mushroom prince is basically falling all over himself too, but more with the weepy emotions and less with the SCHLURKing. He's thanking me- fair -and pledging his love to me- also fair, and that's very generous, but I'm trying to get a move on, 'cause my horns are out, and he's looking pretty demonic himself, so we're not exactly guaranteed a warm reception when his guards come back, especially with someone who looks just like the real prince lying dead next to us..."

"Yeah we had to go. Now obviously since I am here and not currently the Queen-Consort of all Elfendom, things didn't go exactly to plan past that point either, but... well that's the 'Demon or the Prince' part of the story anyways." She gives a mischievous smile. "Maybe I'll tell the rest later."

Intimidate (Amiri): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Diplomacy (Linzi): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Male Gnome Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 | F+4, R+9, W+5 | Perc +4, Low Light Vision | Init +4| Speed: 25ft.

Pekk listens intently between sips of his own goblet, unpatched eyebrow cocked in false impressiveness;

"Ah magique. En effet pour ceux qui la manient, cela s'apparente à une lame bien affûtée non ? Entre les mains d'un novice comme moi, il s'agit simplement d'une agréable gorgée de vin. Pour un maître comme vous, ce doit être comme posséder le vignoble!"


"Ah magic. Indeed for those who wield it, it is akin to a well honed blade no? In the hands of a novice like myself it merely pleasing sip of wine. To a master like yourself, it must be like owning the vineyard!"

Deception (Charming Liar): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

The blonde woman, who briefly introduced herself as simply Valerie, holds herself with poise and dignity. Vesi gets a good read on her, intuiting that displays of honor and lawfulness would appeal to the warrior.


Maegar Varn inclines his head to Russ'ruk. "Of course. I, myself, and impatient to put these formalities behind us so I can get to exploring the Stolen Lands. I've already learned that I've been assigned to Nomen Heights. I've made plans for a new village called Varnhold."

Maegar chats with the kobold for a while about the plans for Varnhold, and though he remains friendly, its clear that he is not all that impressed with Russ'ruk's diplomatic overtures. Russ will have to try hard to win over the nobleman.


Tartuccio chuckles and takes another sip of his wine.

"You have no idea. To hold such power at your fingertips. The power to alter reality itself! I first realized my power when I was just a wee lad. Back in those days..."

The gnome rambles on at length about discovering his magical abilities and learning to harness them. Pekk continues to stroke the sorcerer's ego the whole time. Tartuccio seems to be acting friendlier towards Pekk by the time he finally finishes his rant.

You have gained 1 Influence Point with Tartuccio.


Both Amiri and Linzi listen with rapt attention as Blaze tells her definitely true story. Amiri laughs and cheers boisterously at the appropriate points, while Linzi furiously scribbles notes in her journal as the sorceress spins her tale. Once it has concluded, Amiri claps Blaze on the back, the force of her enthusiasm nearly knocking the fiery woman over. "Ha! A fine tale, indeed! Most entertaining!"

Linzi's eyes sparkle with admiration. "Spoken like a true hero!" the halfling says.

Some of the other adventurers at the table react to the story as well. As soon as Blaze mentions Kyonin, the elf Jaethal scowls and seems to become more withdrawn. Tartuccio scoffs and rolls his eyes. "What a ridiculous farce," he mutters under his breath.

You have gained 1 Influence Point with Amiri and Linzi. Blaze's story took up her action for the third social round, but everybody else may make a Discovery or Influence check now.

Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1 Artwork 2

Blaze's story leaves Vesi wide-eyed and gasping, entirely convinced that all of that really happened. "What an exciting adventure you had! And it must have been scary as well, to fight demons! you are really powerful though, to command the earth and fire." The pale elf's reaction is also interesting, and Vesi files that tidbit away for later.

Still addressing Blaze, the undine takes care to keep Valerie in their peripheral vision. "Although, well... banditry and stealing from people, that I cannot agree with. I hope that you have put that behind you and seek a new beginning in the Stolen Lands. Taking from others and hurting them is not an honourable thing, much less for a prospective ruler. And if your future subjects are to trust you, then not only do your laws need to be just and fair, but you must follow them like anyone else."

It is obvious that speaking like this makes Vesi uncomfortable, for their voice shakes slightly and their hands are twisted tightly in their lap.

Diplomacy to influence Valerie with law & order: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Male Gnome Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 | F+4, R+9, W+5 | Perc +4, Low Light Vision | Init +4| Speed: 25ft.

Pekk enjoys the tale, and his smile remains as he notes Tartuccio's dismissive tone.

He leans in, engaging the pompous sorcerer further;

"De grandes histoires en effet. Nous, les gnomes, avons peu besoin de telles demi-vérités, non ? Nos vies sont colorées et pleines de spectacle sans qu'il soit nécessaire d'en faire un conte de fée.

En parlant de foyers, je viens d'arriver en ville et je n'ai pas encore pris de dispositions pour me loger. Il semblerait que vous ayez à la fois du goût et du raffinement mon ami. Où séjournes-tu? Pouvez-vous le recommander?"


"Tall tales indeed. We gnomes have little need for such half truths no? Our lives are colourful and full of spectacle without the need to turn it into a hearthside tale.

Speaking of hearths I just arrived in town and have yet to make arrangements for accomodation. It would seem you have both taste and refinement my friend. Where are you staying? Can you recommend it?"

Deception? (Discovery): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Kobold |DC: 19 Fighter 4 [ HP 54/54 | AC 21(23)| F+8 R+9 W+9 |P+9 | Speed:25 | Hero 0/3 |Reactions: Aoo| Conditions:|Exploration: scout]

Russ nods along with the idle chatter about Maegar Varn's plans for building his settlement and how he plans to hold onto the land from bandits and such. "Those seem excellent ideas." Then he gets slightly distracted by Blaze's wonderous and frightening harrowing tale, for only a few moments which causes him to return to the conversation while Varn waits patiently for a response to something.

Quietly panicking that he's messing up his first honest encounter with nobility he decides to answer truthfully. "Ah you'll have to forgive my ignorance on the matters. Though I dream to hold land myself I've not had the opportunity to learn much about how to manage them. You see many see my kindred and I as little more than pests, but I hear the great city of Absalom houses many different tribes and they play an important role in the city's management." He didn't know exactly what their grand role in the city was, but he hoped it was important enough to warrant the mention.

Taking a moment to clear his throat and think with a strategic quaff of fruit juice, which he signaled to be replaced with wine on the next refill he continued. "I'm delighted to hear that you have such a detailed plan for the settlement you hope to bring forth. I haven't been assigned to an area yet and my knowledge of the stolen lands proper is limited. I have yet to pass through them in my travels, but I pray that this fortuitous meeting shall mean that in the future our two bristling kingdoms shall be able to call one another ally should the need of aid be present."

diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Noticing Vesi's comments about being a just ruler, Russ lightly springboards off of that to tackle two individuals at once. "Of course, one cannot play favorites. A bandit is a bandit and shall face trial for their crime the same as the farmer who stole the other's herd. Those who seek honest repentance should be allowed the opportunity to atone for their crime and the people shall see such tasks upheld. Those who lead should find themselves faced with the same standards of leadership."

diplomacy-Valerie(Willing to uphold equal punishment for commoners and rulers): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Female Ifrit Elementalist Bandit 4 - HP 36/36| AC 19 | F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1 | Level 1: 4/4 (1/1) | Level 2: 2/4

Blaze gives Tartuccio a guileless grin, twisting the ring on her finger: blackened, tarnished silver with a sizable, empty setting.

Valerie listens carefully to what Vesi says, then nods in agreement. "Well said. A community based on law and order will have a much better chance at surviving the dangers of the Stolen Lands--bandits, monsters, or worse."

You have gained 1 Influence Point with Valerie.


Tartuccio looks Pekk up and down, noting his clothes and equipment. He scoffs.

"I'd tell you where I'm staying, but there wouldn't be much point. The cost to stay there is likely far more than you could afford, anyway."

The sorcerer turns away to trade a few barbs with the dwarf Harrim, leaving Pekk unable to glean anything useful.


Maegar Varn smiles at Russ'ruk. "Indeed. There is no reason we needs be anything but allies. After we have finished our explorations and established our respective communities, we will discuss details further, I am sure."

You have gained 1 Influence Point with Maegar Varn.

Valerie nods at Russ'ruk's further musings. "I agree. It is only right and proper for those who create the laws to follow them, as well."

You have gained 1 Influence Point with Valerie.

It is now the 4th social round of 6. Russ'ruk already took his action, but everybody else may do so now.

Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1 Artwork 2

Vesi beams as Valerie expresses her approval, but then falters. How does one follow up from that, while involving others in the conversation? Their gaze passes over Amiri, and the smile returns.

"I imagine that there will be many challenges to face, and not just from bandits and monsters." A pause, as more food is heaped upon their plate, giving the undine a few moments to organize their thoughts for what they were going to say next. "I'm sure that many of those gathered here in the hope for a better future are no strangers to hardship, and to living rough. But surviving in a settled place is quite different from surviving in the wild, and if we want to eat we will have to track, kill, skin and cook our food ourselves."

Vesi lifts a boar rib from their plate, the meat gnawed clean off the bone, in a sort of salute towards Amiri, as she looks like someone who could do all that - and more. "And even if one abstains from meat, you'd have to know which mushrooms are edible, which berries won't poison you or give you hallucinations, which roots, leaves and flowers are good for curatives."

Survival to influence Amiri: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Female Ifrit Elementalist Bandit 4 - HP 36/36| AC 19 | F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1 | Level 1: 4/4 (1/1) | Level 2: 2/4

Blaze looks a little put out by the suddenly order-filled discussion, "I mean... yeah. Your people knowing that you're gonna look after 'em, that makes sense, they've gotta trust that... But the rest? I mean, the whole point of why we're here is to 'clear out' land and take it, right? Probably involves at least a little bit of hurting? I don't mind doing that with Ms. sword-lord's warrant, but that changes the optics more than the process, right?"

She shrugs elaborately. "I dunno, maybe that's worth more than I think, but in my experience, you can't get too hung up on that stuff. There's a lot more to be said about having the strength to change things up, and not being afraid to make a hard choice or two." She looks around the table for support, bouncing off a few faces before settling on her Barbarian Buddy.

Intimidate for Amiri: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Male Gnome Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 | F+4, R+9, W+5 | Perc +4, Low Light Vision | Init +4| Speed: 25ft.

Pekk stands for a moment after the harsher words from Tartuccio, then gulps his goblet dry.

Pulling one glove from his hand he follows the sorcerer as he engages with the dwarf. Cutting in he flashes a hard smile;

"Pardonnez-moi maître nain. J'aurais des mots avec celui-ci."


"Pardon me Master Dwarf. I would have words with this one."

Pekk's brow furrows as he presses home his intent;

"Tartuccio. Je me frappe comme l'un des idiots de Pompus, importants que les royaumes fluviaux apparaissent trop souvent. Je voudrais que vous sachiez que je pourrais acheter votre chambre trois fois! Certes, j'ai perdu plus que je n'en ai peut-être un, mais telle est la vie non? Je demande donc à votre satisfaction. Excusez-vous ou convoquez le courage de me faire face dans un duel!"

"Tartuccio. I strike me as one of the pompus, self important idiots that the River Kingdoms all too often spawn. I would have you know I could buy your room thrice over! True I have lost more than I may have one, but such is life no? So I demand satisfaction you slug. Apologise or summon the courage to face me in a duel!"

Intimidate (Influence): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

The hand wielding the glove poised at his rival's answer...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Amiri returns Vesi's salute with her own boar rib. "Indeed! In the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, where I come from, the ability to get along in the wild is what separates the strong from the dead. Survival skills are essential. It pleases me to know that you have some skill in that area."

Amiri then grins at Blaze. "Yes! Exactly! You are a woman after my own heart, fiery one! I have the feeling that we are fated to be good friends!"

You have gained 3 Influence Points with Amiri!


Tartuccio's eyes widen at Pekk's challenge. The sorcerer shrinks slightly for the first time, raising his hands in mollification.

"Alright, alright! No need to resort to violence! Perhaps I was a bit out of line with my disparaging comments. I apologize, Master Pekk. Truly, I meant no harm. Let there not be any bad blood between fellow gnomes, yes?"

You have gained 1 Influence Point with Tartuccio.

Everybody may now act in the fifth social round!

Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1 Artwork 2

Feeling like they have done enough talking for now - and not wishing to neglect the bounty of food laid out in front of them - Vesi pulls their plate closer and leans back, savouring the flaky tarts and licking the sugar dusting off their fingers. As the conversations flow around them, the undine turns their attention to Jaethal, observing the pale elf's reactions and hoping for something that could provide more insights into their personality and interests.

Vesi would like to make a Discovery roll for weaknesses on Jaethal.

...and there it was. Under the cold exterior and feigned indifference, the yearning to be seen, to be acknowledged. It wasn't easy, being different from your kin, as Vesi knew all too well. Subtly nudging others under the table, the undine whispers, "Let's not leave people out of the conversation, hm? I'm sure a kind word would go a long way," while glancing at Jaethal.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Ifrit Elementalist Bandit 4 - HP 36/36| AC 19 | F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1 | Level 1: 4/4 (1/1) | Level 2: 2/4

Blaze gives Vesi a lazy smile and a roll of her eyes. "You were such a teacher's pet, weren't you? A big one? Well fiiine..."

She rolls her head from Vesi to Jaethal, letting the momentum of the swing carry her to her feet. Pacing around the table in a tight circle, she slides onto the bench next to Jaethal.

"Okay Tal Dark and Spooky, lemme compliment you on- oh, s'cuse me, Blaze tilts the scythe away to give herself a little more room. [b]"Lemme just say: the scythe? The hair? The whole outfit? I love it. But don't worry! I'm not looking to steal your look - when I go heavy theme I go brighter anyways- so this is strictly an admiration without imitation sorta deal." She pauses for a moment to give Jaethal a second to breathe. "So, actual necromancy? Or just evoking the vibe?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Grand Archive

Male Kobold |DC: 19 Fighter 4 [ HP 54/54 | AC 21(23)| F+8 R+9 W+9 |P+9 | Speed:25 | Hero 0/3 |Reactions: Aoo| Conditions:|Exploration: scout]

Russ shrinks back a bit from his musings realizing that he's almost completely forgotten at least two of the folks at the table and the majority of the food.

His stomach burbles loudly though and interrupts any table manners he had planned. Instead he simply coughs a bit too loudly trying to get the master dwarf's attention which might come off more as a very improper. 'Talk to me' while he finds himself finally reaching out to enjoy the fruits of earning enough of a name as an adventurer to eat some fatty proteins instead of the usual mushrooms and lean rabbit.

"It has been long time since I have had such great food, what say you dwarf? You've barely touched your roasted boar flank or the wine glass. Does the spread from our host not suit you?"

diplomacy(Harrim): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Grand Archive

Male Kobold |DC: 19 Fighter 4 [ HP 54/54 | AC 21(23)| F+8 R+9 W+9 |P+9 | Speed:25 | Hero 0/3 |Reactions: Aoo| Conditions:|Exploration: scout]

hero point that thanks blaze for the reminder <3
diplo(Harrim): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

It then dawns on the kobold just how insulting that sounded and he quickly tries to correct himself. "Sorry, a bit into my glass already myself. My manners seem to have taken a short jaunt into the stables. I am Russ'ruk and who might you be humble master dwarf clad in fancy speaker robes? I hope that you've been made happy in the time that we've been here, it is such a nice thing to be away from one's home for a time. Especially when going to build a new home."

Male Gnome Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 | F+4, R+9, W+5 | Perc +4, Low Light Vision | Init +4| Speed: 25ft.

Pekk listens, then with a nod replaces his glove;

"Merci. Your words are well intended, but I will bid you adieu as there are others more befitting of my conversation."

The rogue, then turns and returns to the table to fill his goblet before moving to near the young halfling woman.

With a deep bow he introduces himself to Linzi, before flashing a twinkling smile;

"Bonjour my Lady. Pekkanjorum Tyvett Lacdellvyn at your service... I see you 'ave been sketching the Persona Dramatis non? I 'ope you captured my dash and bon viveur!"

Diplomacy (Influence): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Jaethal seems uncomfortable by Blaze's boisterous approach. "I am a champion of the Pallid Princess," Jaethal says quietly. "I know little of necromancy itself." She turns to Tartuccio. "Master sorcerer, surely you have some knowledge of the dark arts?"

Tartuccio sneers imperiously. "Of course, I have knowledge of necromantic magic, as I am a master of magic of all kinds! The gnomes may have not been the first to invent the dark arts, but we have taken great strides to refine and perfect it. It all began many centuries ago, when..."

Tartuccio speaks at length about gnomish necromancy, and Jaethal is content to recede from the conversation.


"I am Harrim," the dwarf says to Russ'ruk. He fiddles with his gray beard as he speaks. "Indeed, I have found my stay here in Restov pleasant thus far. I hope it will be among the last places to be destroyed when all of creation inevitably ends." He says this calmly and pleasantly.

"I am looking forward to the exploration of the Stolen Lands. They have been broken many times by conquerors who would then be conquered. Traditions lost, cities burned, lives destroyed, cultures buried, over and over... At last, a place where I might fit in. And there are rumors of dwarven ruins in the region, ruins with a legacy of erosion. I should very much like to see them."

You have gained 1 Influence Point with Harrim.


Linzi returns Pekk's smile and happily shows him her sketches. "I think you'll find your likeness most striking, Master Pekk! Of course, if you don't mind holding a dashing pose for a few minutes, I can create an even more detailed depiction of you!"

The halfling laughs and banters with the gnome for several minutes as she sketches him in her journal anew.

You have gained 1 Influence Point with Linzi.

Everybody may make rolls for the sixth and final social round!

Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1 Artwork 2

Vesi blinks at Blaze. "Teacher's pet? No, she had her own pet, although of course we do not call them that, they are more like companions..." The undine trails off as Blaze begins to say some rather odd things to Jaethal - definitely not what Vesi had in mind when they mentioned a "kind word"! So they clear their throat and attempt to join in.

"Please forgive my ignorance, I don't think I know much about the- the Pallid Princess? Is that a goddess? My own faith lies closer to the natural world, rather than pledging myself to a particular deity. But of course, faith is a very personal journey and I would like to hear about yours."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Hero point reroll: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Kobold |DC: 19 Fighter 4 [ HP 54/54 | AC 21(23)| F+8 R+9 W+9 |P+9 | Speed:25 | Hero 0/3 |Reactions: Aoo| Conditions:|Exploration: scout]

Somewhat taken aback by the macabre stance that the dwarf shows Russ slowly chews at the food and takes a just too long drink from his cup. Silently resigning to ignore whatever that doomspeak was all about.

"Erm.. y-yes let's get out there and find those ruins.. and... dead people?" He trails off disheartened slightly and tries to rally upon some other bounty of energy at the table. The warrior woman, Amari, looked to have been left from the conversation finally enough for another to engage, especially while the other women had taken to boring into the quiet pale elf.

He notices the way too large even for her blade and lets out a chortle, "Amari was it? You've quite the hefty weapon there a symbol of your prowess. I keep quite the mighty blade myself, perhaps you'd let me take a few swings with it in the courtyard before we're to set off." The kobold flexes his relatively scrawny but still impressive for the average of his kind arm showing that even though it might be too large for even him he'd show he's no pretender to the strength that he claims he holds.

Athletics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

"Or perhaps you'd like to arm wrestle right here upon the table to prove who's strongest!" He boasts, the wine already getting to his small frame.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"The Pallid Princess is a goddess, yes. Her name is Urgathoa. And as you said, faith is a very personal journey. I'd rather not discuss mine further at this time," Jaethel says to Vesi, politely rebuffing the druid.


Amiri grins at Russ'ruk. "I claimed my blade as a trophy from the frost giant chieftain who once wielded it, after I disemboweled him! I would be happy to test your might against my own!" The barbarian drops her elbow on the table and prepares to arm wrestle the kobold.

The two seem evenly matched at first, muscles bulging as they struggle to achieve victory over the other. Finally, Russ'ruk manages to slam Amiri's arm to the table! Amiri laughs uproariously. "Ha! You are stronger than I had expected, scaly one! Well done!"

She pulls an ornate dagger out of a scabbard at her belt and offers it to Russ'ruk. "A victory like that deserves a gift! Take it. I ask only that you used it to kill something bigger than yourself someday. I'm sure that won't be too hard to accomplish!"

You have gained 2 Influence points with Amiri and reached her maximum threshold! She gifts Russ'ruk with a +1 dagger.

Blaze and Pekk may still make rolls for the final round.

Grand Archive

Male Kobold |DC: 19 Fighter 4 [ HP 54/54 | AC 21(23)| F+8 R+9 W+9 |P+9 | Speed:25 | Hero 0/3 |Reactions: Aoo| Conditions:|Exploration: scout]

As their pitched battle of will and sword arm concludes Russ massages the scales of his arm and the now tender musculature underneath. "You are strong too scale-less one. A hard-fought battle."

He seems about to raise a mug to toast her when she offers the ornate dagger to him, so setting the cup down he examines the weapon closely. "I thank you Amiri, such things will no doubt come in good use in the stolen lands. Perhaps I too shall disembowel a giant chieftain of the lands. With luck it shall be done with this very blade." He carefully tucks it into his belt before returning to his previous praise.

"You did well and we should drink and be merry for it, perhaps you might even consider joining me and others across these brutal lands? What you say Amiri Giant slayer?"

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Male Gnome Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 | F+4, R+9, W+5 | Perc +4, Low Light Vision | Init +4| Speed: 25ft.

Pekk nods approvingly at the halfling's sketches;

"Superbe Madamoiselle Linzi! You 'ave quite the talent indeed."

He pauses, considering something then reaches into his jacket and produces a long heron feather similar to the one embellishing his hat.

"Please accept this simple gift as way of thanks. The Heron is... 'ow you say... my totem oui? It symbolises elegance, self-reliance and grace... All ways one could describe your skills. Perhaps it will suffice as a quill to your art!"

Once again he bows gracefully and proffers the feather.

Diplomacy (Influence): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Hero Point Reroll of Diplomacy (Influence): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Female Ifrit Elementalist Bandit 4 - HP 36/36| AC 19 | F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1 | Level 1: 4/4 (1/1) | Level 2: 2/4

Blaze gives Vesi an annoyed side-eye That's what I get for trusting little mx shut-in's read on the obvious necromancer. 'She just wants love and a friendly word!' Pthbbt

Aside from that, her mood doesn't seem to be blunted by Jaethal's rebuffs. Casting her eye around the room, Blaze sidles over to Maegar. "You've been all quiet," she teasingly accuses. "You're the noble scion without his own lands yet, right?" She pauses for a beat as though in thought. "Seems to me, that that might be the perfect combination for something like this. You've got all the training and experience, you know how things have worked, you've probably been thinking and planning for the kind of ruler you'd be if you got the chance, but you're not shackled to tradition in the same way."

She gives him a crooked grin. "That a good enough guess to get you to share some of your experience, or are you too modest to admit I've got you pegged?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Diplomacy HP: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Amiri grins savagely. "Yes! I shall follow you into the Stolen Lands, Russ'ruk, and together, we will eviscerate any who might be foolish enough to stand before us!"


Linzi graciously accepts the feather from Pekk. "Wow, it's a n honor! Thank you! I will cherish your gift, don't you doubt it!"

You have gained 1 Influence Point with Linzi.


Maegar Varn chuckles at Blaze. "Never let it be said that Maegar Varn was modest! You've hit the nail right on the head, so to speak. I'd be happy to share some of my plans with you."

Maegar opens up more as he chats amiably with Blaze. By the end of the conversation, it's clear that the sorceress has left a good impression on the nobleman.

You have gained 1 Influence Point with Maegar Varn.


Two hours after the feast begins, a bell rings to announce its conclusion. Servants bustle about as they clean up the feast’s remnants and bring after-dinner drinks to anyone who requests them. Lady Jamandi rises and addresses everyone gathered one final time before retiring for the evening.

“My friends,” Lady Jamandi begins, “I hope you have enjoyed the food and drink this evening!” Her words are quickly met with a round of cheers and the enthusiastic tapping of several dozen mugs and goblets. It takes a few moments for the room to grow quiet again.

Smiling broadly, she continues. “You honor me, truly, but this night is for you! As heroes, you have responded to my call, and I can’t wait to hear tales of your exploits in the weeks and months to come.

“Tomorrow, I shall speak with you all about your individual charters. I suspect it will be a busy day, so I suggest we make an early evening of it. After all, you have kingdoms to plan!” Lady Jamandi’s words are met with an even louder round of cheers and drinkware-tappings. A few goblets even shatter thanks to overeager hands.

Lady Jamandi gestures to the large double-doors to the east and west. “Of course, I’ve arranged bedchambers for all of you. My guards will escort you to them now. I hope you find them restful. We shall speak further tomorrow when we meet back here at sunrise.”

Lady Jamandi and the lord mayor leave the hall, followed by a retinue of armed guards wearing garnet-colored cloaks over suits of chainmail. Other guards begin to escort groups of revelers to their rooms for the night. Maegar Varn graciously declines a room, insisting he must to return to Restov to attend to other matters and that he’ll be back in the morning when the charters are given out. Other groups have made arrangements to stay the night elsewhere as well, but tired-looking guards arrive to escort you to the room provided for your group.

This room contains four beds, a dresser, an oil lamp attached to the center of the south wall, and several potted plants. A decorative brass brazier forged to resemble a sleeping red dragon sits in one corner. The guards bid you good nigh and leave you to your own devices.

Female Ifrit Elementalist Bandit 4 - HP 36/36| AC 19 | F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1 | Level 1: 4/4 (1/1) | Level 2: 2/4

Blaze makes no use of the dresser, piling her belongings around her bed. She checks the oil lamp to make sure it's full, sniffs at the idea of a decorative brazier, then pulls her dress up and over her head, leaving her in breeches and a cotton wrap.

She gives the dress a quick once over for any stains she might have missed, then drapes it over some of her gear and kicks off her boots.

As she finishes her nightly ablutions, she gives a quick warning to her roommates: "Touch me while I'm sleeping and I might cauterize the stump afterwards. Good night!"

Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1 Artwork 2

Vesi goes slack jawed upon hearing that there were rooms prepared for this huge crowd - Lady Jamandi must be great indeed to have such a large manor! The house that Vesi had grown up in was a mere lodge compared to this, even though it was the seat of the Medvyed family. The undine spares a fond thought for their many siblings at home as they stuff more pastries and fruit in their pockets for a late-night snack. Cheering loudly together with everyone else, Vesi bids Lady Jamandi a good night in their mind, truly grateful for the reception, but also wondering at what she had to gain from this.

As the guards escort everyone to their rooms, Vesi's enthusiasm deflates a little at the discovery that the rooms were shared. Of course, you idiot, did you think she had a hundred individual guest bedrooms? Tossing their satchel on a bed closest to the window, the undine throws open the shutters to let the night air in, breathing deep. "Wow, I am so stuffed. That was good food. Which reminds me!" They turn to rummage in their satchel, carefully unwrapping a number of small pots, jars and sachets. Strong aromas of herbs and spices begin to waft from these as Vesi checks their integrity. "Everything still in one piece, so we won't lack for flavourful meals on the road."

They begin to repack everything, addressing the others. "So, I think that went pretty well, innit! We made some friends. And we heard at length about Sir Varn's plans for his new kingdom, but what about ours? Do any of you have ideas?"

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Kobold |DC: 19 Fighter 4 [ HP 54/54 | AC 21(23)| F+8 R+9 W+9 |P+9 | Speed:25 | Hero 0/3 |Reactions: Aoo| Conditions:|Exploration: scout]

Russ pumps his fist at the announcement of kindship, "Into the stolen lands we shall carve our names upon the land!" He toasts with Amiri and continues to chat idly for a time until the bell is rung and everyone is ushered off to their rooms. He manages to snag a large cup of water before they go and anyone looking can see the rim roil with frosty mist as he quaffs it down before being lead to their rooms.

He shares a bit of a moment with Vesi at the presentation of the room but his eyes narrow at the dragon brazier and the moment is quickly gone. He makes a point to claim the bed farthest away from the object. Setting his pack down with a loud clank.
"That was a great meal, Vesi. I suppose this means we're all to be a team as well in this venture? Though seeing as we're all in one room? How does that work then once we establish our kingdom who becomes king.." His gaze falls around the room "..or queen?"

When Blaze immediately starts to dress down the kobold quickly finds himself busied pulling out pieces of his breastplate from the bag and shining them for the ceremony tomorrow. Mostly to provide her with some level of privacy, he is going to be a fancy landed bold after all gotta act the part. The armor is plane and obviously has seen better days what with all the dents and scuffs that show it's seen plenty of uphill and hard won battles.

"I had not thought of it too much. Is it not enough to say a safe haven for all kinds to go? Plenty of mushroom farms, mines for gems and gold, a tavern for drinking fermented mushroom wine." He licks his lips at the thought, "Tall walls and weapons to keep true monsters away, docks for fishies and trade, and maybe if we're lucky even one a stable for cave lizards!" Russ laughs at his own excitement, imagine him a great cave lizard rider what an honor. His feathered tail flicked back and forth across the walkable path between the beds at the excitement.

Despite his enthusiasm for the project there are obviously key missing components for the other less mushroom inclined folk. The kind that usually hunt bigger game, and populate the majority of Brevoy, Restov, and Golarion as a whole. Catching something is amiss in his own plan he barks out, "Oh and most important of all, A big important chair for us to sit in and make big speaky proclamations."

The kobold quickly finishes with his armor and sets it and his pack at the foot of his bed before walking around to the side nearest the wall, hiding himself quite well as he doffs his fur-lined tunic.

Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1 Artwork 2

"Mushroom farms! What a great idea! And it would spare the forest from being razed to make room for grain farms, I suppose." Vesi quickly joins in Russ's enthusiasm. "And that is what is important to me - that the people who will settle in our new kingdom do not destroy or enslave nature. There are many ways to live and prosper without felling entire forests and hunting animals to extinction."

The undine nods to themselves firmly. "Taking what the land offers by itself, and protecting it so that it too may thrive. And yes, a safe haven for those who may not find one elsewhere, as long as they do not hurt others or the land." They glance at their pack, grinning. "And a Golarion-renowned eating house that uses only the best and freshest ingredients, and has dishes not found anywhere else!"

Male Gnome Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 | F+4, R+9, W+5 | Perc +4, Low Light Vision | Init +4| Speed: 25ft.

Pekk listens intently then heads to the chambers with the others.

Once there he strips down to his tunic, removing hat and even his eye patch... revealing a perfectly functioning eye that twinkle's with equal mischief to its twin.

"Well Mon Amis. Quite the feast indeed... the other 'nome was quite the snobbish idiot. While Lady Linzi was quite the artist non?"

He stretches, producing a mirror and begins to tidy and wax his moustaches as he continues to engage you all;

"Bon. Let us not be too 'asty in making plans... The denizens of the lands we seek to rule 'ave rightful claim... at the moment. Some we may 'ave to convince. Others may 'ave to be... unseated."

The scoundrel chuckles wryly;

"Of course Chevalier Russ'ruk, as well as a grande throne we will 'opefully 'ave a grande treasury too!"

Female Ifrit Elementalist Bandit 4 - HP 36/36| AC 19 | F +7 R +9 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1 | Level 1: 4/4 (1/1) | Level 2: 2/4

"Probably queen," Blaze's voice is muffled by her pillow, but still manages to escape its feathery grasp.

"Safe haven sounds good, practical too. Destroying the place sounds bad, so that's fine by me uh... Bubbles." She lifts her head from the pillow as she realizes there might be something here better than sleep in a comfortable bed. "The treasury doesn't have to be that fancy, long as it's full, but the runt is right about the chair. Chair's gotta have panache."

She shrugs at Pekk's admonition. "Convincing and unseating are just two sides of the same coin a lot of times. The key is to have your rulership challenges before lunch: You're not sleepy and you're topped up on spells. 'Sides, if the good Lady Sword is backing our play, that gives us a lot of leverage to get people to back down. And even if there not the sort that she'd rather we ally with, plenty of miles between our place and hers, and no reason for her to look to closely, long as we keep her sweet."

Grand Archive

Male Kobold |DC: 19 Fighter 4 [ HP 54/54 | AC 21(23)| F+8 R+9 W+9 |P+9 | Speed:25 | Hero 0/3 |Reactions: Aoo| Conditions:|Exploration: scout]

"There can be room for both Kings, Queens, everyone." Russ clambers into the bed it was much nicer than the average inn, and leagues better than the local haystack. Sitting atop the bed he nodded towards Vesi. "Mushrooms are very versatile, mainstaple of a kobold tribe's sustenance. Easy to grow in a warren. All they need is darkness. Warmth, and something to feed on, and well the average adventurer isn't eating every bear, goblin, or wolf they kill. Very sustainable."

He wonders about the gnomes funny talking, but knows he wasn't very good at the common tongue for the longest time either. "A grand... oh yes a grand storage for the kingdoms wealth of course. We should not hoard it too much though, that would be bad for the rest of the tri-er city." He clears his throat after almost slipping into using a kobold term for gathering.

"What do you want to do for the people Blaze? If the honorable Lady Jamandi's word and title had enough weight to give us a threatening appearance then surely she would have already cowed the ruffians and absorbed the region into her own claims don't you think? I think she may not hold as much sway in the region as you might think. Meaning while we have financial backing from her, we will likely not have access to her guard." He believes he's put that elegantly enough and casts another side-eye at that damned brazier. "But I do not think we should ignore her authority nor bite the hand that feeds so to speak."

Male Gnome Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 | F+4, R+9, W+5 | Perc +4, Low Light Vision | Init +4| Speed: 25ft.

Pekk wryly smiles and eases back into his comfortable bed;

"You kobolds are bizarre creatures Chevalier Russ'ruk. Rooting about in tunnels and the like. Give me the open air and ze bend in a river any day Mon Ami."

He nods, mulling the conversation as he gauges where the party's compasses lie;

"Ah ze Sword Lords. Are they honourable and just? Perhaps, they obligate us to undertake this campaign. Will there be a balance to pay? Absolument. So I agree, we should keep our own guard up. As long as we respect the laws of the Rivière Kingdoms that is a good first step I think."

As the conversation dies down, you settle down to sleep, but around 3 a.m., a blood curdling scream from outside your room jolts you awake! You hear the sound of a body hitting the floor. You recall seeing a single house guard in this wing of the manor--it is very likely that he was the source of the scream...

You have about 1 minute to get ready before something happens. Just enough time to don light armor...

Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1 Artwork 2

Vesi stops mid-snore, then awakens with a start. "Wzwjh?" Blinking sleep out of their eyes, the undine raises themselves up on an elbow, listening intently. Their unbound hair cascades around them, spilling over the sheets and onto the floor like an inky waterfall.

As the echoes of the scream dissipate, Vesi decides to get up, fumbling in the darkness. "Ow! Who put that there? Why is it so dark?" A mere moment later, motes of light begin floating around them, illuminating the room as Vesi reaches for their shield and weapons.

"Did you all hear that? What's going on?"

Vesi's eyes cast about until they find the small pile of fruit sitting on a kerchief, and they wrap that up. You never know when you might need a snack. Berries for later Goodberries.

No time to put the Hide armour on, so only 15 AC.

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