Simza Purrun |

Thank you for the opportunity.
Currently at home, caring for the spouse post-surgery. Weirdly, it seems I have far more time to post while doing this than working normally.
My posts tend to be evening (central US) only normally.

Erebus the Slip |

Greetings all! I'm excited to go on this journey with you all!
We seem to be a fairly well-balanced party so far, with many skills covered quite effectively and some strong combat capability. Just about our only major deficiencies so far are in our Knowledge skills--which makes sense (and feels appropriate) for a group of amnesiacs. As we level up, I'm sure that we'll begin to remember and/or study more and shore up that relative weakness. Until then, we get to be simply horrified by the nightmares that await us.
The only skills that the group does not have (or will not get given current plans) as class skills are Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (engineering). The latter is probably little loss, but the former is a definite hole. It's not insurmountable, of course, but it's something we should be aware of. There are vanishingly few ways to get Knowledge (arcana) as a class skill without taking levels in an arcane spellcasting class. Traits include arcane scholar, stargazer (which I don't think any of us qualify for), mathematical prodigy, and reluctant apprentice. (A non-exhaustive list.)
I'm not suggesting that any of us change our builds, but I am beginning to feel like it might be more useful for Slip to take one of the above traits instead of helpful. (A +4 bonus to attack or AC is nothing to sneeze at, especially at early levels when Slip will be somewhat more limited in his ability to contribute damage to combat. But planning ahead...)
As far as arcane spellcasting is concerned, Slip will be taking the line of shadow spells, which will allow him to cast almost any (relevant) wizard spells from the conjuration, enchantment, evocation, and transmutation schools. Cole will be a much better blaster, and Vano will be a much better summoner/transmuter, but Slip will be able to do some fun things in a pinch.
We are also a bit light on healing at the moment. Our paladin will get Lay on Hands at Level 2, our druid can prepare cure light wounds, and our oracle can spontaneously cast cure light wounds. We also have two people trained in the Heal skill (Cole and Vano), so we can do some mundane patching up as well. I'll probably reserve most of my spell slots for healing until we find a more reliable source for heals.
I made a small switch in Slip's languages from Taldane Sign Language to Varisian Sign Language. Who knows when he and Simza will figure out that they can communicate manually, but it's going to excite Slip a lot. Maybe they knew each other before they had amnesia.
As a note, I have in Slip's background that he's afraid of/dislikes orcs, and therefore half-orcs, so he may have some tension with Cole at the beginning. If that's not an angle that you're willing to go along with, I can cut that out, but it could make for some good RP and growth over time.
So then I have one question for the group: would you rather have a +4 aid another bonus on tap when Slip is playing a support role, or would you rather have a guarantee of Knowledge (arcana) progressing through the campaign (with inspiration riding on top)? If the latter, I'll probably switch Helpful for Mathematical Prodigy, which would also have the benefit of terrifying poor paranoid Vano.

Cole Burrns |

Posting temporarily from work on phone here. I normally post more than likely in the later evening every weekday and sporadically over each weekend. Great to be here and looking forward to this.

Vano Martoff |

Why not take Extra Traits at some point, Erebrus? That way we can have your help and your Knowledge: Arcane, and I'm sure there's another trait out there that will come in handy, Supportive or Resilient or something.

Erebus the Slip |

tl;dr at the bottom
Oh there are lots of traits that could come in handy. The limit is that Aid Another loses its luster eventually without more support, and I'd rather sink my feats into Extra Revelations or Metamagic/Spell Focus/Spell Penetration.
There isn't much room for Additional Traits unless they're absolutely critical for the character to function. Oracles can get feat-hungry, especially if there are lots of revelations that they want (which I do). I'm already leaving good classic caster choices like combat casting, improved initiative, and divine interference off the table.
Most of the illusion and shadow spells won't start doing the heavy lifting until Book Two and beyond, and so I'm looking at my early-level build vs my mid-level build. I already anticipate some retraining occurring during downtime parts of the campaign, because the investigator talents available at level 3 are lackluster.
I could start off with Spell Focus (illusion), which is in my final build plan and is accessible at Level 1, and which leads to lots of other feats in my build. But at Level 1, I took the spells Bless and Shadow Trap. Without Spell Focus, I'm slinging that around at a DC 14 Will save, which is respectable at Level 1.
The other feats accessible at Level 1 which are in my final build plan are Spell Penetration and Tenebrous Spell. We're probably not going to run into many enemies with spell resistance in Book One of an AP, so that would be a dead feat right now. Tenebrous Spell is actually very tempting, as it doesn't increase the spell level. But it also only works effectively in darkness and dim light, which only half of the party is currently equipped to deal with.
I could take Extra Revelation to grab one of the revelations that I want. Dark Secrets is great, but it's not really a level 1 pick, as it doesn't give me much. It's level 2 spells (Level 4) where Dark Secrets really starts to get amazing, so I was planning on grabbing that at Level 5. And Cloak of Darkness is also amazing, but again doesn't really start to outpace my armor options until Level 7. So even though they're good and I do want them later, they would both essentially be dead feats at level 1.
Combat Reflexes is useful starting off and will increase in usefulness at Level 3 if I take Bodyguard.
So I can see shuffling things around to the following four Level 1 builds:
Trait: Helpful (Aid Another +4)
Feat 1: Combat Reflexes
Feat 3: Bodyguard (Aid Another as an AoO)
Feat 5: Cautious Fighter
Feat 7: Blundering Defense (Grant Luck bonuses to AC while fighting defensively)
Retrain later into Build Two, Three, or Four
Build Two: The Horror
Trait: Mathematical Prodigy
Feat 1: Spell Focus (illusion)
Feat 3: Solid Shadows (make shadows more real)
Feat 5: Extra Revelation: Dark Secrets
Feat 7: Shadow Gambit (turn illusions into blasts)
Revelation 7: Shadow Projection
Build Three: The Controller
Trait: Mathematical Prodigy
Feat 1: Tenebrous Spell
Feat 3: Umbral Spell
Feat 5: Extra Revelation: Dark Secrets
Feat 7: Shadow Grasp (make shadow spells entangle)
Revelation 7: Shadow Mastery
Build Four is, screw it, I spend almost every feat on Extra Revelation and have Pierce the Shadows, Dark Secrets, and Cloak of Darkness all by Level 5, and then go Shadow Projection and Wings of Darkness at Level 7, Shadow Mastery at 11, and Living Shadow at 15. I start taking other feats in my build starting at Level 9 and stick with only the fanciest ones (i.e. drop greater spell focus, spell penetration, and greater spell penetration and hope that I can bypass SR and punish enemies with my save DCs without them). That one probably looks something like...
Build Four: The Darkness
Trait: Mathematical Prodgy
Revelation 1: Pierce the Shadows
Feat 1: Tenebrous Spell
Revelation 3: Perceptive Tracking
Feat 3: Extra Revelation: Cloak of Darkness
Feat 5: Extra Revelation: Dark Secrets
Retraining: Perceptive Tracking --> Empathy
Revelation 7: Shadow Projection
Feat 7: Extra Revelation: Wings of Darkness
Feat 9: Umbral Spell
Revelation 11: Shadow Mastery
Feat 11: Shadow Grasp
Retraining: Empathy --> Eidetic Recollection
Feat 13: Spell Focus
Revelation 15: Living Shadow
Feat 15: Solid Shadows
Feat 17: Shadow Gambit
After writing it all out, I'm now leaning towards Build Four (or some variation on it) that will inevitably develop and change over the course of the campaign.
tl;dr: Unless there is an objection, I'm going to switch things around for Slip so that he is less-focused on aid another in the early game and instead building to where he's headed, complete with training in Knowledge (arcana).

Cole Burrns |

I think ‘Know: Arcanaz’ is probably best way to go anyway. Im the closest thing to a blaster sorcerer or wizard I think and Cole is just not a Knowledge kinda guy. He’s more of a ‘slash/chop/stab/burn-it’ kinda guy.

Erebus the Slip |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm honestly more focused on Slip's personality, but the mechanics still matter. I'll play Slip as I want to play him, but I do care about the party's input.

Cole Burrns |

When "Burn it with Fire" actually applies!
Unfortunately, that tends to be Cole's first reaction to anything that he doesn't like much...

Demrakas |

First of all, much thanks, GM Monty, for the opportunity to play! Looking forward to exploring this story with all of you!
So then I have one question for the group: would you rather have a +4 aid another bonus on tap when Slip is playing a support role, or would you rather have a guarantee of Knowledge (arcana) progressing through the campaign (with inspiration riding on top)? If the latter, I'll probably switch Helpful for Mathematical Prodigy, which would also have the benefit of terrifying poor paranoid Vano.
First answer: Play what you want, how you want. Group/skill deficiencies can create fantastic story and roleplaying opportunities. Adding Knowledge (Arcane) would then become a goal of sorts.
That said, I'm sure that's not the response you're hoping for, eh? So, as a straight up question, all things being equal, I'd oersonally rather start the game with the Knowledge than the Helpful trait.

DM Monty |

Anything in particular you want in the post headers?
HP, AC, Saves, Perception, & Sense Motive seem to be the most common elements desired.
Add Initiative modifier to that, and I'd say it's a good header.
I enjoy seeing the active discussion of character builds here. Exhaustive analysis of builds and stats isn't my cup of tea (I have people that are better with such things than I am when I need it), but I appreciate seeing it. Active evidence of people thinking about their characters and the game is the strongest drug for a DM.

Erebus the Slip |

Has anyone heard from/reached out to Allera Belavren/Cwitten? Their first and only post on the boards was two weeks ago when they posted their character, so they might not even know that they've been invited to the game.

Vano Martoff |

How do you prefer I handle initiative for Vano's animal companion and/or other minions, going forward? Should they share his, for simplicity, or would you like each to have their own?

Cole Burrns |

Has anyone heard from/reached out to Allera Belavren/Cwitten? Their first and only post on the boards was two weeks ago when they posted their character, so they might not even know that they've been invited to the game.
Not me. I've been busy.

Cole Burrns |

Just to be clear...we have all of our stuff? Weapons and armor? Etc...?

Vano Martoff |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Cole, there's no Romani in Golarion any more than there are Belgians or Etruscans, and the word you used is a real-world racial slur. I'm not angry or anything, just letting you know--lots of folks don't realize that.

Cole Burrns |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Apologies. My intent was to refer to her character as a free-spirited nomad type. The term ‘gypsy’ was just what popped out of my head when I wrote the post.

Erebus the Slip |

Any sort of exonym use (especially ethnic ones) can be fraught as language and culture changes and evolves. The wiki article on the subject is quite informative for our real world and (most importantly) shows the patterns of discrimination around the term (and other ways that travelers, nomads, and cultural groups have dealt with systems). The best that we can do is learn and then do better once we know better.
I'm curious in game-world how Simza would react to the epithet, if that's a direction that the table is interested in exploring.

Vano Martoff |

I'm curious in game-world how Simza would react to the epithet, if that's a direction that the table is interested in exploring.
My feeling is that it doesn't fit with Golarion, any more than calling someone a "mutie" or a "mudblood" would. The ethnicity doesn't exist there, and Ustalav is predominantly Varisians who gave up the nomadic lifestyle of their ancestors for feudalism (and Desna worship for Pharasma). Calling her a "moth" or mistaking her for a Sczarni would make more sense, if a slur were intended--but Cole's player just wanted to refer to her nomadic appearance, so we probably should move on.

Simza Purrun |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The player didn't even wiggle an eyebrow at the use of Gypsy.
The "normal" European understanding of traditional Roma is pretty much the source for the traveling Varisian culture and mores.
As I have played Varisians over the years, I have done some (minor, online) research into Roma norms and attitudes to help me better portray what I understand the Varisians are supposed to be. Purrun is a traditional Roma family name, and my stable of Purrun PCs all have traditionally Roma personal names as well.
Pretending the word used was the Golarion equivalent of Gypsy, a less panicked Simza would have automatically judged the speaker to be a prejudiced, uneducated brute, and therefor a perfect target to use and manipulate to ensure she and her own had what they needed. His dismissive, negative term of choice already indicated that he believes they are less than proper people, after all.
The currently panicked Simza, with an unexplained sense of familiarity to those with her, probably didn't actually hear the word at all, just the fact she was addressed. That was probably a minor source of comfort in the panic, actually. WELL outside her normal reaction, but fitting to the specific situation.

Cole Burrns |

So that's everybody, right? 1st initiative complete on our side then?

Demrakas |

I'm really sorry for delaying the game. We had some real life drama over the last week which took up a huge ammount of my attention and greatly complicates my life at this time. I am afraid I must at this point withdraw from the game, with nothing but well wishes to all of you and the most sincerest of apologies.

Vano Martoff |

I hope everything comes out okay, Demrakas. Thanks for not simply ghosting.
Could we nab one of the former applicants while we're still in this first scene? My vote would be for Talindra Misraria.

Odeta Caramitru |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hi everyone! I'm joining the campaign to take Demrakas's place. I'm in one game or another with most all of you, so I won't go to great lengths to introduce myself unless there's anything in particular anyone would like to know. I'm the same here as elsewhere for better or worse. :p
I'm exciting to be joining. Strange Aeons is one of of the top two AP's left on my wish list.
Here's to getting spooky, and then crazy!

Cole Burrns |

Awesome! We’re in two other games together, and have been PbP ‘buddies’ (that sounds weird) for years now.
Welcome aboard!

Erebus the Slip |

Welcome, friend! Let's try to not die together!
You are all unarmed and unarmored. You have no gear. If you have to prepare spells, you have none prepared, and if you have an ability that requires you ‘rest’ before using it, it is not charged. If you have any questions about the environment or the situation, ask in the Discussion thread.
As a spontaneous caster, Slip doesn't prepare spells. This is what the APG says about oracles:
Unlike a cleric, an oracle need not prepare her spells in advance. She can cast any spell she knows at any time, assuming she has not yet used up her spells per day for that spell level. Oracles do not need to provide a divine focus to cast spells that list divine focus (DF) as part of the components.
So do I have access to my spells?

Allera Belavren |

Sorry for not making an introduction post, life has been crazy.
Mind has been in a lot of places when trying to look at the future build though, and brings interesting questions.
Sash of the War Champion and Phylactery of Positive Channeling
Does a first level fighter count as having armor training from Sash via counting as four levels higher for the purpose of the feature? Does it advance their replacements? [In my specific instance, a 1 level fighter dip in Fighter (Tower Shield Specialist) to get proficiency and focus on it for a feat chain.]
For the Phylactery it increases damage dealt to undead and healed by living creatures, but doesn't specifically call out itself out as adding dice to channel energy. Is it safe to assume then it doesn't do anything in regards to class features like Vindicator's Shield?
A vindicator can channel energy into his shield as a standard action; when worn, the shield gives the vindicator a sacred bonus (if positive energy) or profane bonus (if negative energy) to his Armor Class equal to the number of dice of the vindicator’s channel energy. This bonus lasts for 24 hours or until the vindicator is struck in combat, whichever comes first. The shield does not provide this bonus to any other wielder, but the vindicator does not need to be holding the shield for it to retain this power.

Erebus the Slip |

Furthermore, are we in initiative? It feels like we are, even though we haven't rolled.
Also, I wouldn't assume that a 12 misses touch AC. Average Touch AC tends to be very low, since it only adds Dex, Dodge, Deflection, and a handful of other bonuses. The chances of a Touch AC much higher than 12 at level 1 are relatively low.

DM Monty |

Furthermore, are we in initiative? It feels like we are, even though we haven't rolled.
Also, I wouldn't assume that a 12 misses touch AC. Average Touch AC tends to be very low, since it only adds Dex, Dodge, Deflection, and a handful of other bonuses. The chances of a Touch AC much higher than 12 at level 1 are relatively low.
Cole will hit with a touch attack at 12.
We're technically in initiative! We just went with "the PCs are all acting at once" for simplicity sake.
Simza has a bloody nose, but is having first aid applied. I'll allow her to use her standard action to unlock the door at this point.