The Dire GM |
This is the Discussion thread for PbP Gameday XI PF2 #3-17: Dreams of a Dustbound Isle. If you're already part of the game on the Google Sign-In Sheet, come on in and say hello!
(Sign-In Sheet linked in Recruitment Thread)
Mike's PbP "Table Rules" -
0 - RL > Game. No other rules trump rule 0! :D
1 - I'd like it if everyone posted once a day Mon-Fri. Friday night through Sunday night is eh-whatever (I am in US Eastern Time, for reference, currently UTC -04). I'll try to post when I can over weekends, but I know people have lives and won't always be online, so no worries. My local lodge's "game nights" are Sunday-Monday, so my GM posts on those days won't be until very late in the evening.
2 - If you don't post in the middle of an "action" scene for a day, you get skipped once (or botted if your action would be super obvious or you leave a note to me or another player "proxying" your character). If you don't post a second time, you get "botted" by me to do something simple (usually just attack or aid another). If we get into the 3-5 range, I'll probably drop you a line off-list to see what's up. If it goes on too long...well, I hate dropping people from games, but it unfortunately happens :(
3 - When you've got a saving throw to make, please roll that first before posting any other actions/rolls (unless it can occur before the save).
4 - Feel free to roll perception whenever you want. If you want to use Hero Points before learning the result of the roll, go for it. Or you can set conditional statements (i.e. "if that's a failure on X, I'll reroll"), and so on.
5 - Have fun! Rule 5 trumps all other rules! :P
Thanks very much, and I look forward to running this game for you! :)
James T Crusher |
Hello, will be playing with this guy. Character sheet is more organized on mythweavers
Anaissah |
I hadn't come in and said "hi" yet, so I'm doing that now!
Anaissah almost just died on the shadow plane in her last adventure, and is looking forward to a change of scenery.
The Dire GM |
Slides and Macros documents are now available (see above) for you to fill in whenever you'd like before we begin in a few days! Please don't cheat yourselves out of some neat views by peeking behind any curtains! :P
The Dire GM |
Othello has not responded to my private message we may be going with 5 PCs at the upper-edge of low tier.
If they do show up, we'll be in the high tier and thus James will be getting a level bump. If anyone has mentor boons they might want to offer, this would be a good time to share.
I'll get the briefing posted when I wake up later today, and then we'll get this going!
Dran'Thil |
Envoy alliance here (Level Bump’s modifier to skill checks increased to 2)
The Dire GM |
Hello, I've got a lvl 5 Ranger looking for a game. Is there any room?
There might be, actually. We had 6 sign up but one player has not posted at all nor replied to my inquiry. I'll ask the gameday leads as to how long they suggest we wait before declaring the player a no-show. If that time comes, the spot can be yours if you'd like.
In the meantime, I'm going to post the mission briefing and open it up for in-game questions, since there's a lot to read in this adventure. I hope you all like really neat lore! :)
The Dire GM |
Checking in again.
I spoke with the PbP VC, and since it's been a couple of days, the spot is now yours. Go ahead and follow the link on the Recruitment tab to find the sign-in sheet so I can get your info for chronicles, and feel free to jump into the Gameplay thread. Check the spoiler for "Othello" for the dream your character has been having lately.
Welcome aboard!
The Dire GM |
Yep, 19 challenge points, so mentor boons for Azu indeed!
Hobbs Picklesmith |
Magical Mentor (Grand Archive)
While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide key spellcasting insights that augment your colleagues’
magic. Any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours can prepare one additional spell of their
highest-level spell slot or cast one additional spell of their highest-level spell slot. When casting spells of a magical tradition that
is the same as the tradition you use for spellcasting, the affected PC also increases the Level Bump’s modifier to spell DCs to 2.
Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s spell DCs by 1, and it does not grant any additional spells prepared or spell slots.
Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.
Not much use for a ranger I'm afraid.
Azu Azan |
FYI, that people might want to check into purchasing boons. Reputation#Faction_Boons
I would assume everyone here could afford a mentor boon from their faction.
The Dire GM |
Azu and James - we still need you two to fill out the macros and maps info. I'm going to put everyone on the map shortly - when you get your tokens posted, just add them to the visible map slide please? Thanks.
Azu Azan |
I filled out the macros and added my Skill boosts from the mentor...I added it to Perception, so not sure if that is correct. Because of Clever Improvisor, I'm considered at least Trained in all skills, as I read it.
The Dire GM |
Thank ye kindly!
I'll give Hobbs a bit more to post - this adventure has a lot of exploration and discovery, and there's a bit of subtlety afoot as well if you know where to look ;)
The Dire GM |
A playtest yesterday ran a lot longer than expected and threw my schedule off a bunch, but you'll have all your information waiting for you before Monday morning, I promise!
The Dire GM |
Well dang! Are these regular (Incapacitation tag) or are they souped-up versions?
Hrm, yea. I think this is the first time I've had to run an incapacitation effect in a pbp game before. Trying to be cagey as a GM with it will probably just slow things down. I'll throw a post in the gameplay thread soon to try and correct for that. Thanks for calling it out!
Azu Azan |
Azu - Your companion is currently occupying the only "safe" square that Azu could have ended up in after beating the save versus Engulf (as I indicated above, you needed to decide what square you ended up in if you made the saving throw). If you still want your companion there, you'll be moved to one of the squares to the left that are on an overhang/cliff, requiring you to make a new Reflex save to balance on uneven ground or risk falling.
Also, you should only have a +1 to your attack, not +3. Flanking does not increase your attack bonuses in 2nd edition
Thought it better to address this hears.
1. Regarding Ako's movement. Okay, I didn't didn't understand what you were communicating on the map with the arrows. Given that the Azu has to move before it's his turn, then he will move straight back. I moved Ako to the position where he can provide Support.
2. Regarding not having +3 on attack. Correct. But if flanking applies to the mouthers, then they are Flat Footed and have -2 to AC, which is functionally equivalent to the +2. So to make sure GMs's don't forget the flanking bonus, I put it in the attack and call it out. This makes the math easier when it applies. It makes sure that it doesn't get overlooked. If it doesn't apply the GM can simply subtract -2.
If you'd rather I not add the +2, that's fine, butI I feel this method is easier/faster for PbP and reduces the overhead for GMs.
The Dire GM |
1. No worries!
2. I do understand your reasoning, but it's easier to append the words "plus flanking" or just "flanking" with your attacks. Just adding a bonus that isn't supposed to be there is more likely to cause an overworked/harried GM to not see it and take into account a -2 to AC for flat-footed creatures, giving a bonus that is much higher than it's supposed to be. For this game, let's just go with that - throw in the word "flanking" or "plus flanking" etc. and that'll cover it :)
Halgur |
2. I usually incorporate 'flat-footed' in my attack roll but not add any numbers and let the GM adjudicate since sometimes things might seem to be flanked or flat footed but aren't. I'll even add 'flat-footed?' if the issue is in doubt for some reason.
| dice=deception-feint vs green | 1d20+x | /dice |
| dice=rapier vs green, flat footed? | 1d20+x | /dice |
| dice=damage-piercing | 1d6+x | /dice |
| dice=deadly? | 1d8 | /dice |
Azu Azan |
For this game, let's just go with that - throw in the word "flanking" or "plus flanking" etc. and that'll cover it :)
So to be clear, I add in the words +FF when I think Flanking is in play, but I won't put in any Bonus. Then you'll make sure to lower the AC?
The Dire GM |
The Dire GM wrote:For this game, let's just go with that - throw in the word "flanking" or "plus flanking" etc. and that'll cover it :)So to be clear, I add in the words +FF when I think Flanking is in play, but I won't put in any Bonus. Then you'll make sure to lower the AC?
Yar :)
Azu Azan |
Rules questions.
An Escape Attempt advances MAP. How does that work with Hunt Prey and Flurry?
If I attempt the Escape first, what is the MAP for my first attack against a Prey?
If I attempt the Escape Last, what is the MAP against Prey after two Strikes?
The Dire GM |
On mobile at the moment, so easier to do these here.
First, Rhizzuk you were hit twice; once for 16 damage, then for 15 damage while grabbed (and flat-footed), plus bleed.
Azu, you would just count your MAP progression as normal, so Escape first then flurry vs hunted prey would be -3 (or -2 for agile) for the first attack in the flurry (2nd attack action of the turn) etc. Doing escape last, however, is a much more interesting question! If your escape attempt is against your hunted prey I see no reason why you can't benefit from the flurry MAP bonuses, too! So escaping last would be -6 in that instance.
(Escaping from a non-hunted prey after flurry vs hunted prey would revert your MAP back to normal, imho, -5 and -10, respectively).
Dran'Thil |
And as I wrote I had 10 temp hp. So I should be at -18 and not-28.
CanisDirus Contributor |
Just fyi our internet has been down for the last 3 hours. I've had my next post ready to go but I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to stay awake. If comcast doesn't end its so-called "scheduled" maintenance (despite no such schedule being made available to their customers, apparently) soon, I'll have to push it to after I wake up. Apologies for the unexpected delays this week ><
Azu Azan |
@Dire GM
Just wanted to double check on one of the last attacks by Red against Azu. You got a 24 vs Azu Flat-footed, but it looks like you only subtracted 5 from the third attack instead of 10. Wanted to make sure this was correct, because if it was suppose to be the normal -10, that attack would miss.
Also, wanted to make sure I have the bleed damage correct. You've rolled two 4's, so I take that damage and then roll the flat check a the end of the round. So the total bleed damage I have recorded is 8.
If that last attack was a miss, then Azu should be healed to full and the bleed damage will have ended before next round.
The Dire GM |
When I was copy/pasting I had a grab in the second action and an attack at -5 in the third action. When the first attack missed I copy/pasted the third action (second attack at -5) in for the second action, but never edited the third action to be at -10. Consider yourself fully healed and no longer bleeding! :)
Good catch!
The Dire GM |
Heya gang.
Apologies that I didn't post a note in advance about this, but yesterday at sundown until tonight was Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur (rather important days on the Jewish calendar), so I wasn't doing any gaming/work/anything. I should have let you all know in advance but I kinda ran out of time for stuff before it was too late.
Posting to get us going again in-game shortly.
The Dire GM |
Will try to get an update posted tomorrow. Something will happen once you cross the bridge. I'm trying to frantically pack for a trip out of the country in a couple of days while a bunch of things are (of course) all happening at once. Once I'm organized I'll be back to normal posting (except during the 10 hours each way I'm in the air, that is).