PFS #: 2403787-2003
Lore: Pathfinder Society +6
Faction: Radiant Oath
Chronicles & Boons Level 1 1 B09 Fishing in Anthusis
2 B15 Treasure Off the Coast (as GM)
3 B10 Hillcross Roundup (as GM)
4 Boon - Wayfinder
5 S99-01 Intro #1: The Second Confirmation
6 Boon - Second Confirmation Wayfinder
7 Q01 The Sandstone Secret
8 Boon - [][][] Sand Slide Reaction: gain reaction to help avoid traps
9 S99-02 United in Purpose
Level 2 10 Q11 A Parchment Tree
11 Boon: [][] Amateur Genealogist (General)
12 S04-01 Intro: Year of Boundless Wonder
13 S04-05 The Arclord Who Never Was (GM)
14 Boon: Protective Mentor (Radiant Oath)
15 Q14 The Swordlord's Challenge (GM)
16 Q04 Port Peril Pub Crawl (GM)
Selena imbues her boomerang sheath with her own spark. She draws a copy of her +1 Striking Boomerang and throws it to a target.
[dice=+1 Striking Boomerang Attack, Magical, 60 ft Range]1d20+11[/dice]
[dice=Damage, Energized Spark]2d6+3[/dice] B damage plus 4 spirit/vitality/electricity damage (or 6 spirit/vitality/electricity damage to OG target)
◆ Shift Immanence or ◇ Shift Immanence (when she rolls Initiative)
◇ Interact to draw weapon from Shadow Sheath
◆ Strike
If the previous Strike fails to hit, she can Spark Transcendence by letting the shadow weapon fade, but the second Strike is hidden along the first, which uses the MAP of previous attack and making the target OG.
[dice=+1 Striking Boomerang Attack]1d20+11[/dice]
[dice=Damage]2d6+3[/dice] B damage plus 4 spirit/vitality/electricity damage (or 6 spirit/vitality/electricity damage to OG target)
After that, she freely draws another copy of her weapon. After Spark Transcendence, she freely inspires one ally within 30 ft by restoring [2 + twice her level] HP (then becomes immune for 10 min). Finally, the spark flies out of her ikon that she needs to do ◆ Shift Immanence again to imbue her Spark to any ikon.
◆ Liar’s Hidden Blade (Spark Transcendence; ◇ Interact to draw weapon, Shadow Sheath then ◇ Strike, then ◇ Interact to draw another weapon from Shadow Sheath)
Selena can also aim to attack the enemy with a blinding assault!
[dice=+1 Striking Boomerang Attack]1d20+11[/dice]
[dice=Damage]2d6+3[/dice] B damage
◆◆ Blinding of the Needle – On a Successful Strike, target must succeed at DC 20 Fortitude save or become blinded for 1 round or until it uses an Interact action to clear the blood from its vision.
She draws her salvo shield after transferring her spark into it. The salvo shield becomes a mirrored aegis that emits 15-ft emanation aura, protecting her and allies within with +1 status bonus to AC.
◆ Shift Immanence or ◇ Shift Immanence (when she rolls Initiative)
◆ Interact to draw salvo shield
She can transcend her spark within her shield, giving her and one ally within 15 ft a +1 status bonus to AC, Reflex saves, and any save vs force, spirit, vitality, or void effect for 1 min. After Spark Transcendence, she freely inspires one ally within 30 ft by restoring [2 + twice her level] HP (then becomes immune for 10 min). Finally, the spark flies out of her ikon that she needs to do ◆ Shift Immanence again to imbue her Spark to any ikon.
◆ Raise the Wall
Selena imbues her sash with her spark that causes her and her allies within her 15-ft emanation aura to be inspired with +1 status bonus to attack rolls.
◆ Shift Immanence or ◇ Shift Immanence (when she rolls Initiative)
Transcending her spark within her sash allows each ally within the aura to immediately attempt a new saving throw with +2 status bonus vs one ongoing negative effect or condition currently affecting them. After Spark Transcendence, she freely inspires one ally within 30 ft by restoring [2 + twice her level] HP (then becomes immune for 10 min). Finally, the spark flies out of her ikon that she needs to do ◆ Shift Immanence again to imbue her Spark to any ikon.
◆ One Moment till Glory
Other actions she can do:
◆ Raise a salvo shield (+2 to AC)
↺ Shield Block
◆ Interact to shed light as torch (bright light on 20-ft radius, then dim light to the next 20 ft), change light color, or extinguish light as luminous sprite
◆ Strike
[dice=Sprite’s Spark Attack, Magical]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Damage]1d4[/dice] fire damage
◆ Recall Knowledge
[dice=Pathfinder Society Lore to Recall Knowledge]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Warfare Lore to Recall Knowledge]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Religion to Recall Knowledge]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Arcana to Recall Knowledge]1d20+0[/dice]
[dice=Crafting to Recall Knowledge]1d20+0[/dice]
[dice=Nature to Recall Knowledge]1d20+0[/dice]
[dice=Occultism to Recall Knowledge]1d20+0[/dice]
[dice=Society to Recall Knowledge]1d20+0[/dice]
Treat Wounds
[dice=DC 15 Medicine to Treat Wounds, Assurance]18[/dice]
[dice=Healing]2d8[/dice] HP to ally
[dice=Healing, Robust Health]2d8+4[/dice] HP to self (becomes immune to Battle Medicine for 1 hr instead of 1 day)
[dice=DC 20 Medicine to Treat Wounds]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Expert Healing]2d8+10[/dice] HP to ally
[dice=Expert Healing, Robust Health]2d8+10+4[/dice] HP to self (becomes immune to Battle Medicine for 1 hr instead of 1 day)
Treat Disease or Poison
[dice=Medicine to Treat Disease or Poison, Robust Recovery]1d20+8[/dice] vs disease/poison DC (+4 to saving throw on a Successful skill check; Success saving throw becomes Critical Success saving throw)
Ethnicity, Heritage & Ancestry: Luminous Sprite
Background: Servant Home Region: Impossible Lands Nation: Jalmeray Languages: Common, Sylvan
Sub-Class & Class: Exemplar Level: 4
Gender: Female Size & Reach: Tiny (0 ft) Speed: 20 ft
STATS & SKILLS(* indicates Proficiency Level) STR +3, DEX +4, CON +1, INT +0, WIS +0, CHA +1
HP 50/50 restoring 1 HP/min, AC 21 w Leather Lamellar (23 w Salvo Shield raised), Fortitude** +9, Reflex* +10, Will** +8, Perception* +6 (low-light vision) Acrobatics* +10 – Cat Fall – Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics. Your catlike aerial acrobatics allow you to cushion your falls. Treat falls as 10 feet shorter. If you’re an expert in Acrobatics, treat falls as 25 feet shorter and 50 feet if you’re a master. If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, you always land on your feet and don’t take damage, regardless of the distance of the fall. Arcana +0
Athletics* +9
Crafting +0
Deception +1
Diplomacy* +7
Intimidation +1
Lore: Pathfinder Society* +6
Lore: Warfare* +6
Medicine** +8 – Assurance (18) – Prerequisites trained in at least one skill. Even in the worst circumstances, you can perform basic tasks. Choose a skill you’re trained in. You can forgo rolling a skill check for that skill to instead receive a result of 10 + your proficiency bonus (do not apply any other bonuses, penalties, or modifiers). Special You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, choose a different skill and gain the benefits for that skill. > Medicine, Robust Recovery - Prerequisites expert in Medicine. You learned folk medicine to help recover from diseases and poison, and using it diligently has made you especially resilient. When you Treat a Disease or a Poison, or someone else uses one of these actions on you, increase the circumstance bonus granted on a success to +4, and if the result of the patient’s saving throw is a success, the patient gets a critical success. Nature +0
Occultism +0
Performance* +7
Religion* +6
Society +0
Stealth +4
Survival +0
Thievery +4
OFFENSE & DEFENSE Melee ◆ Fist (agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed, magical) +10 Damage 1d4+3 B
Ranged ◆ +1 Striking Boomerang (uncommon, recovery, thrown, magical) +11 Damage 2d6+3 B
Armor Leather Lamellar AC Bonus +1 Dex Cap 4
Shield ◆ Salvo Shield AC Bonus +2 (raised) Hardness 4 HP(BT) 20(10)
Class Feature ↺ Shield Block
SPELLS(* denotes Signature Spells) Exemplar DC 20
Max Focus Points 0
GEARS & ITEMS Invested Items (2/10):Wayfinder, Pearly White Spindle Aeon Stone Worn Items:+1 Striking Boomerang, Leather Lamellar Armor, Salvo Shield, Healer’s Toolkit, Backpack
Stowed Items (in Backpack): Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap
Current Bulk: 1.0 (Encumbered 4.0, Maximum 6.0)
FEATS Level 1 Skill Feat (from background) Cat Fall – Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics. Your catlike aerial acrobatics allow you to cushion your falls. Treat falls as 10 feet shorter. If you’re an expert in Acrobatics, treat falls as 25 feet shorter and 50 feet if you’re a master. If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, you always land on your feet and don’t take damage, regardless of the distance of the fall. General Feat (from Heritage) Luminous Sprite – You glow with magical luminance. You naturally shed light as a torch; this light has the evocation, light, and primal traits. You can extinguish, rekindle, or change the color of this light using a single action, which has the concentrate trait. Class Feat Energized Spark – The energy of your spirit manifests as crackling lightning, the chill of winter, or the power of an element. Choose one of the following traits: air (slashing), cold, earth (bludgeoning), electricity, fire, metal (slashing), poison, sonic, vitality, void, water (bludgeoning), or wood (piercing). You can choose for any spirit damage dealt by your exemplar abilities to instead gain the trait and deal the corresponding damage type. Special You can select this feat multiple times, choosing a different damage type each time. > Vitality
Ancestry Feat Sprite’s Spark – You can fling a portion of your magic at foes. You gain a ranged unarmed attack in the sling weapon group with a maximum range of 20 feet that deals 1d4 damage. (No ability modifier is added to the damage roll.) The damage type and name of the unarmed attack depends on your heritage, described below; most sprite heritages not presented in this book also use luminous spark. Like other unarmed attacks, you can improve this attack with handwraps of mighty blows. > Firefly Sprite luminous spark (fire)
Class Feature Divine Spark and Ikon – Within your soul is a tiny spark of divine power that belongs not to a deity, but is something you've claimed all your own. You can focus this divine power through special items known as ikons. Ikons are items or bodily features intrinsically linked to you—sacred vessels forged from your divinity that are capable of conducting its power. Select three ikons from the list on pages 43–47. By placing your divine spark into one of your ikons, you empower that ikon to accomplish deeds beyond what it could in mortal hands. Each ikon has both a passive immanence effect and an active transcendence effect. Both of these effects require your divine spark to be in the item. You can place your spark into an ikon by using the Shift Immanence action. Class Feature Ikon – As an exemplar, you select three ikons at first level. Typically, you will want to ensure at least one of your ikons is a weapon. Body ikons accentuate a physical trait of your body and so can’t be stolen, disarmed, dispelled, or otherwise taken away. Weapon and worn ikons are tied to items of power. When you select one, you gain a non- magical, level-0 item of your choice that matches its usage entry. Providence ensures you come across these items; you might be traveling along a path to find a spear in a tree that only you can dislodge, or you might awaken holding a gleaming sash you saw in your dreams. Your ikons can be etched with runes, upgraded, or otherwise modified as normal for items of their type. A body or worn ikon can have runes etched on it to apply to your unarmed attacks as though it were handwraps of mighty blows, though only one of your ikons can have these runes and no ikon can have both these and armor or weapon runes. If you acquire a new item the ikon’s usage could apply to, you can switch your ikon to the new item by spending 1 day of downtime with the new ikon as you saturate the object with your divine energy. You can use this process to make an existing magic item, like a cloak of illusions or a searing blade, into your ikon. If the item wasn’t already a divine item, it becomes one for as long as it is your ikon, removing the arcane, occult, primal, or magical trait from the item and adding the divine trait. Artifacts, intelligent items, and other similarly powerful objects might resist your attempts to exert your divinity over them, with unpredictable results determined by the GM. Class Feature Shadow Sheath (extradimensional, ikon) – Usage a holster or sheath shaped for a one-handed thrown weapon of light Bulk or less. With an infinite array of darts, throwing knives, or similar weapons, you never need worry about being unarmed. You can spend 1 minute to load a weapon meeting the shadow sheath’s usage requirements into the sheath, which is hidden somewhere on your person. As long as the shadow sheath is on your person, you can Interact to draw an exact copy of the weapon from thin air. These copies retain the runes and abilities of the hidden weapon, though if you use any limited-use abilities (such as talismans or Activations with a frequency limit), they count against the weapon’s normal usages. A copy disappears shortly after leaving your hand (or being used for a thrown Strike). Immanence You can Interact to draw a weapon from the shadow sheath as a free action. Your Strikes with a weapon produced from the shadow sheath deal 2 additional spirit damage per weapon damage die, which increases to 3 per die if the target is off-guard. Transcedence ◆ Liar’s Hidden Blade (spirit, transcendence) - Requirements Your previous action was an unsuccessful Strike with the weapon from the shadow sheath Effect The shadow weapon you threw fades, the distraction covering your true intention all along—a second strike in hidden in the blind spot of the first! Interact to draw another weapon from the shadow sheath, then Strike with it at the same multiple attack penalty as the unsuccessful attack. The opponent is off-guard to this attack. This Strike counts toward your multiple attack penalty as normal. After the Strike resolves, you can Interact to draw another weapon from the shadow sheath. Class Feature Mirrored Aegis (ikon) – Usage any shield. This shield is polished so brightly it can reflect even spiritual and ethereal attacks. Immanence (aura) The mirrored aegis emits an aura in a 15-foot emanation that protects you and all allies in the aura from harm, granting a +1 status bonus to AC. If the mirrored aegis houses your divine spark for 10 uninterrupted minutes, it is restored to full Hit Points. Transcedence ◆ Raise the Walls (force, transcendence) You Raise the mirrored aegis, which summons ethereal shields that surround you and one ally of your choice within 15 feet in a tortoise shield formation. You and the ally gain a +1 status bonus to AC, Reflex saves, and any save against a force, spirit, vitality, or void effect for 1 minute. Class Feature Victor’s Wreath (ikon) – Usage worn headwear or belt (typically a sash). This symbol of victory—whether a laurel worn around the head or a medal that hangs from your neck—reminds you and your allies that victory is the only acceptable outcome. Immanence (aura, emotional, mental) You inspire your allies to greater glory. You and all your allies in a 15-foot emanation gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls. Transcedence ◆ One Moment Till Glory (concentrate, emotional, mental, transcendence) - You rally your allies, carrying them from the brink of disaster to the verge of victory. Each ally in your aura can immediately attempt a new saving throw with a +2 status bonus against one ongoing negative effect or condition currently affecting them, even if that effect would not normally allow a new saving throw. Class Feature Humble Strikes – Even the most unassuming weapons can accomplish great deeds. When you are wielding a simple weapon, increase the damage die size of that weapon by one step. Ancestry Feature Magical Strikes – Your inherent magic pervades your entire being. All your Strikes are magical, whether with unarmed attacks or weapons. Class Feature ◆ Shift Immanence – You shift your power, filling one of your ikons with your divine spark. That ikon softly glows with radiant light, emits subtle chimes as it moves, or is otherwise obviously empowered in a way that matches your growing divinity, granting the ikon the divine trait and granting you that ikon's immanence effects for as long as your divine spark is empowering it. Your spark is indivisible, so it can empower only one ikon at a time. You can also Shift Immanence to return your spark to the depths of your soul, leaving none of your ikons empowered. Special In addition to the above usage, you can also Shift Immanence as a free action triggered when you roll initiative. Class Feature Spark Transcedence – While your spark dwells within an ikon, you get that ikon's immanence effect continually. However, you can also Spark Transcendence in a mighty deed, channeling your divinity through the ikon—though when you Spark Transcendence, the force of the act temporarily casts your divine spark out of the ikon. Each ikon's transcendence action appears in its stat block, and the transcendence trait is described in the Key Terms sidebar. Class Feature Shield Block – You gain the Shield Block general feat, a reaction that lets you reduce damage with your shield.
Level 2 Class Feat Energized Spark - The energy of your spirit manifests as crackling lightning, the chill of winter, or the power of an element. Choose one of the following traits: air (slashing), cold, earth (bludgeoning), electricity, fire, metal (slashing), poison, sonic, vitality, void, water (bludgeoning), or wood (piercing). You can choose for any spirit damage dealt by your exemplar abilities to instead gain the trait and deal the corresponding damage type. Special You can select this feat multiple times, choosing a different damage type each time. > Electricity
Skill Feat Assurance – Prerequisites trained in at least one skill. Even in the worst circumstances, you can perform basic tasks. Choose a skill you’re trained in. You can forgo rolling a skill check for that skill to instead receive a result of 10 + your proficiency bonus (do not apply any other bonuses, penalties, or modifiers). Special You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, choose a different skill and gain the benefits for that skill. > Medicine
Level 3 General Feat Robust Health – Your physiology responds well to first aid. You gain a circumstance bonus to the number of Hit Points you regain equal to your level from a successful attempt to Treat your Wounds or use Battle Medicine on you. After you or an ally use Battle Medicine on you, you become temporarily immune to that Battle Medicine for only 1 hour, instead of 1 day. Class Feature Root Epithet – As your story unfolds, your personality and deeds begin to shape the potential of your divine spark. You come to bear an epithet—a word or phrase that seems to always stick in the mind of those describing you. (You can find examples of acquiring epithets in the Earning your Name sidebar on page 35.) Your epithets grant you additional abilities, especially when your divine spark is brought to the surface. You first gain a root epithet to describe an aspect of your personality. This grants you a skill, as well as a special effect that occurs when you Spark Transcendence. If you are already trained in the granted skill, you become trained in a different skill of your choice, as normal. An effect that occurs after you Spark Transcendence happens immediately after your transcendence action is completely resolved. Choose one Root Epithet.> The Radiant – [ooc][smaller]Leaders must live bigger lives than any other, shining so brightly that they attract followers, inspire troops, and change the course of kingdoms. You are trained in Diplomacy. After you Spark Transcendence, you inspire an ally within 30 feet to push on, restoring Hit Points equal to 2 + double your level; this is a mental and emotion effect. The ally is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.
Level 4 Class Feat Through the Needle’s Eye – Usage imbued into a weapon ikon. Your weapon strikes with the perfection your will demands. Transcendence ◆◆ Blinding of the Needle (transcendence) You aim your weapon in a superficial cut above your opponent’s eye. Make a Strike with the imbued ikon. If that Strike is successful, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or become blinded for 1 round or until it uses an Interact action to clear the blood from its vision. Skill Feat Robust Recovery – Prerequisites expert in Medicine. You learned folk medicine to help recover from diseases and poison, and using it diligently has made you especially resilient. When you Treat a Disease or a Poison, or someone else uses one of these actions on you, increase the circumstance bonus granted on a success to +4, and if the result of the patient’s saving throw is a success, the patient gets a critical success.
Level 5 Ancestry Feat Elemental Spark
Class Feature Weapon Expertise