
Kioko the Hunter's page

199 posts. Alias of Kate Baker (Contributor).


HP 231/231 | AC 35/36 with twin parry | F +26 R +28 W +24 | Perc +27 (low-light) | Stealth +27 |


Speed: 30 ft | Active Conditions: ---


LN female tengu ranger 14 |

About Kioko the Hunter

Birthplace: Minkai
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her
Physical Appearance: This tengu woman in dark feathers and gray leather armor disappears easily into the shadows.

Bounty Hunter
Ranger; Level: 15
Languages: Tien, Tengu
Perception: +27 [T]
Special Senses: low-light vision

HIT POINTS: 231/231

AC: 35/36 with twin parry [T]

Fortitude: +26 [M]
Reflex: +28 [L]
Will: +24 [E]

Class DC: 34 [T/E/M/L]

Speed: 30 ft

Melee Strikes
+2 Striking Extending Katana +28 [E]
damage 2d6+8[S] Deadly d8, Two-Hand d10, versatile P

+2 Striking Wakizashi (with Doubling Rings) +28 [E]
damage 2d4+8 [S] Agile, Deadly d8, Finesse, Uncommon, Versatile P


Acrobatics: +22 [T]
Arcana: +0 [U]
Athletics: +28 [L]
Crafting: +0 [U]
Deception: +0 [U]
Diplomacy: +0 [U]
Intimidation: +0 [U]
Lore (Legal): +17 [T]
Lore (Tengu): +17 [T]
Medicine: +21 [T]
Nature: +21 [T]
Occultism: +0 [U]
Performance: +0 [U]
Religion: +21 [T]
Society: +17 [T]
Stealth: +27 [M]
Survival: +26 [M]
Thievery: +21 [T]

STR 21, DEX 19, CON 18, INT 10, WIS 19, CHA 10

Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Special 1st: Tengu Lore
Heritage 1st: Jinxed Tengu
1st: Tengu Weapon Familiarity (Katana and Wakizashi)
3rd: Uncanny Agility
5th: Mariner’s Fire
7th: Tengu Father Fan
9th: Wind God’s Fan
11th: Eat Fortune
13th: Harbinger's Caw
15th: One-Toed Hop

Skill Feats
Background: Experienced Tracker
2nd: Titan Wrestler
4th: Assurance (Athletics)
6th: Battle Medicine
8th: Wall Jump
10th: Combat Climber
12th: Foil Senses
14th:Swift Sneak

Class Feats and Abilities
Feature 1st: Flurry Hunter's Edge
1st: Gravity Weapon
2nd: Twin Takedown
4th: Soothing Mist
6th: Ranger’s Bramble
7th: Evasion
8th: Twin Parry
9th: Nature’s Edge
10th: Twin Riposte
11th: Wild Stride
12th: Double Prey
14th: Second Sting

General Feats
3rd: Toughness
7th: Diehard
11th: Fast Recovery
15th: Cloud Jump

Focus Spells

Focus Points (3/3)

Gravity Weapon
Soothing Mist
Ranger’s Bramble


Gear: +1 Resilient Greater Shadow Leather Armor, Doubling Rings, Boots of Bounding, Bracelets of Dashing, Coyote Cloak, Adventurer’s Pack, Tourmaline Sphere Aeon Stone, Expanded HEaler’s Tools, Infiltrator Thieves’ Tools, 2x moderate healing potion, 2x lesser healing potion

bot me!:

[dice=+2 Greater Striking Extending Ghost Touch Katana]1d20+28[/dice]
[dice=ouch!]3d6+8[/dice] Slashing, Deadly d8, Two-Hand d10, versatile P
[dice=deadly if a crit]1d8[/dice]

[dice=+2 Greater Striking Wakizashi (with Doubling Rings)]1d20+28[/dice]
[dice=ouch!]3d4+8[/dice] Slashing, Agile, Deadly d8, Finesse, Uncommon, Versatile P
[dice=deadly if a crit]1d8[/dice]

[dice=+3 greater striking flaming silver fighting fan]1d20+29-2[/dice]
[dice=ouch!]3d4+8[/dice] Slashing, Agile, Deadly d6, Finesse, Uncommon, Backstabber plus [dice=fire]1d6[/dice]
[dice=deadly if a crit]1d6[/dice] plus 1d10 persistent fire