Those Halcyon Days II -- All New, All Different

Game Master Stalwart

Core playbooks

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Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

Things inevitably begin to spiral out of control. Max glances at Caio, seeing him struggling to keep his powers at bay. She sighs and slowly gets to her feet, balling her hands into fists as she prepares herself for a fight.

Max's purpose is to protect the students and defeat the hunter. She trusts Horizon's leadership.

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

Femtite bears in mind the comm system, but follows Horizon’s lead for now.

She yanks off her heart pendant. “To the Battle-Mobile!” Femtite’s Love Bug, The expands in size! It’s about as big as a person!
Superior to Directly Engage (Kirby Craft)!: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2) + 2 = 7
• impress, surprise or frighten the opposition

Femtite hops aboard, either crammed in a fetal position or shrunk to toddler-size to fit her vehicle. She can’t be seen underneath the opaque magenta dome. (It’s a clear window to pixite eyes!)

Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2
Percy Dorn, Indarius wrote:
"Also even if we were able to locate Praetoria, which while not impossible, is still rather difficult for someone who can fly across the world in a few hours."

Connie swallowed, but kept her face smooth. Yeoman won't say anything, and Femms got what a big deal it was... right?

Femtite (Earlier):
"...I guess I started with it 'cause it was the first spell I finally got to work. A tracking spell is one of those things that's almost all about connection instead of power, so it was a lot easier for me to grok without having to invent a whole new technique. And like, it's the kind of thing that if it's prepped for you, that something like two thirds of normies can handle too.

"It seemed like it would be a handy thing, so I found someone to handle distribution, and figured out a method of mass production so I wouldn't have to hand-prep the reagents. Originally the plan was that they were gonna be in drugstores and things- there's even still a few hundred or so out there with boxes with a little cartoon me on the front -but then we figured there were a lot of potential issues with stalkers etc. that we had to solve before we went to market.

Then people got hurt."

As Femtite and the Love Bug rocketed towards Alcott, Conflux pulled out an all purpose wand, readying a ward for whatever the interdimensional hunter could bring to bear.

Defend: 2d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2, 2) + 2 + 1 = 7 She's focusing on external protection, and probably bumping herself up the threat queue, so I figure this will expose her to danger

Goal is to get this guy out of here. Trusts Horizon enough.

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

Trust: yes, Femtite believes this man is dangerous, unlawful and evil, and she’s proud of Horizon for stepping up.
Purpose: Love Bug, The has combat capabilities. She will use them if necessary, though she may also be able to use the nanotechnology to send an alert through the school’s intercom system.

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][][][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+2 Superior:-1 Mundane:+0 |

Leylines-up!: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5

miss: hold 2 burn mark 3 conditions

After being shut down and watching the entire situation devolve further Percy's gaze flits around the room from under his cowl. He breaths quietly and runs through the techniques Feya had instilled in him. I need to focus on a goal, stop this alien from destroying anything. Buy the alliance time to get here, give the others time to get out. What best way to do that and protect the classroom? A shield spell of course, just need one strong enough

Reaching down to touch the tome and draw strength from it Indarius started muttering a lengthy incantation under his breath. The surge of strength was powerful, too powerful, almost immediately it caused him to panic as he remembered what had happened to Steel Guardian, to Tobias, and what could possibly happen to these people here. He found himself flush at the alien for intruding here of all places, a place of learning. The one place they were supposed to be safe from everything attempting to harm the young minds. He couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he lost control again, how many people would he have to hurt until they decided he was too much of a danger.

A circle of power starts to form around Indarius's feet a small locus of power though the line work and runes are haphazard at best and fuzzy to the eye, Conflux would know that this hastily created ley-circle was weak and unstable due to the shoddy nature of the work, but even in a pinch could provide incredible power to those within.

Ṃ̴̧̈u̶̩̘͒l̵͚͚͙͊̇̓a̸͉͇̒ͅả̶͔͈g̴̥̝͌ ̸̙̒Q̶̧͚̋a̷̧͍͚̓͑͠h̵̻͑͝ ̶͍͔͗Ṣ̸̲̉͆̎p̵͙̠͑ä̸̗̩́͋̾a̶̘͇̭̿͑n̵͉̯̜̈́̔͝

Moat: Spend 1 burn to create a barrier that will hold back threats as long as you keep your attention on it. The GM may call for you to spend another burn if the barrier is threatened by particularly powerful enemies.

With a booming phrase and a thrown out hand which turns upwards and curls into a caged fist towards towards Alcott causing him to be surrounded in a mystic barrier of runes, that swirled around the large alien. "I'll hold him here as long as i can, get everyone to safety, alert the alliance.

Afraid, Angry, Guilty

Indarius wants to focus on protecting as many people here as possible, team included and that means stopping Alcott. He trusts on the judgement of the team especially since Shin made an honest attempt at deescalating things. 2burn earned, 3 conditionsmarked, 1 burn spent, 1 burn held

Newborn | Danger +1 | Freak +2 | Saviour 0 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | Condition: Insecure | Potential: ✴️▶️▶️▶️▶️ | Heroforge Candy Grrl

Sorry gang - missed all the preambular fun :)

As the others engage the alien hunter in dialogue, she processes what her own next step should be:


<Foe Alcott is a super-sourr-balls! Frriend Horizon is just one of our yummy hero-ingrredients!> Trusting Horizon for the hero he clearly is

Candy Grrl focusses on Alcott and slingshots her arm stretchy arm, sending a hardened shell fist toward the villain's glass protective dome!

DIRECTLY ENGAGE A THREAT (Danger): 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 4) + 1 = 9
Create an opportunity for your allies - trying to crack or obscure the dome with her actions.

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

Devil Diva rushes toward Alcott! As Candy Grrl's stretchy arms lash out, the demoness claws at the same spot on the hunter's dome, capitalizing on the weak point to further break through the glass!

Spending 1 Team to add +1 to Candy Grrl.

Potential: [X] [X] [X] [O] [O] | Conditions: None | Danger: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: -1 Mundane: +3

Trust Horizon. Purpose is protect everyone (including Praetoria).

Using Game Face on this guy to defeat him.

”You’ll find the people of Earth generally don’t take kindly to people coming and demanding us hand over one of our own!” Steel Guardian finally speaks up before its own rockets fire up and send it soaring over to the invader in a flash!

They come up behind the alien and hook their hands on the dome where the others have tried to breach, and pulls hard!

Directly Engage: 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (2, 5) + 3 + 1 = 11

Avoid their blows, take away the dome helmet?

Newborn | Danger +1 | Freak +2 | Saviour 0 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | Condition: Insecure | Potential: ✴️▶️▶️▶️▶️ | Heroforge Candy Grrl

Purpose is to engage the enemy at distance and protect less hard shelled teammates by drawing its ire.

Potential: 0/5 11A Labels: *Danger*: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: +3 *Mundane*: +2 | Conditions: Guilty, Hopeless
Influenced by: Devil Diva, Femtite / Influences: Scorch, Mosaic, Frostbite, Psyche, Ballista, PATIENT X, Sarah, Triplight, Conflux, Indarius, Femtite, SG

Horizon considers himself the leader of this team. His goal is to protect Praetoria and the city from Alcott. If we would lose a Team, he'll also take Hopeless to prevent that loss (probably for ill-prepared or off balance).

Horizon used the opportunities presented by his team to call out to Yeoman. "Call Whippoorwill and tell her Alcott's here! We'll hold out as long as we can!"

He was impressed by how everyone leapt into action. Some seemed to have the same idea to try and crack the dome surrounding his face, but Horizon called out to Femtite next. "Get those three in the Love Bug and bring them to safety, then come back!" He directs her attention to Skyler, Ringtone and Levitron, the least combat ready members of the class.

That left him free to try and go for the tried and true method of striking out at a bigger, stronger opponent, by dropping low, forming a vantablack beam and cutting it across the knee joints of their armor.

Directly Engage: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 3) - 1 = 7

Horizon will avoid any retaliating blows from this roll. Go team!

Yeoman had stayed silent during the exchange, but had moved around to be in a position to help defend his students. When the fight erupts, he puts up his gangly arms in a traditional boxer's pose.

The initial assault seems to take Alcott off-guard with its ferocity. The myriad of attacks forces the alien hunter to throw up blocks and walls as the strange scintillating pattern on his armor moves to intercept the reign of blows.

Indarius' force barrier causes scorch marks on the floor and ceiling as he masters the massive arcane power, but rather than take advantage of the temporary shield, the young heroes continue to throw themselves at Alcott!

Steel Guardian and Candy Grrl combine to batter the armored dome protecting Alcott's head, and the exoskeletal armor manages to pry a chunk off!

"That's not nice; how would you like me doing something like that to you??" Alcott responds to Steel Guardian, lashing out at a vulnerability! One of his armored fists flashes out and seizes the Janus's own face plate and starts to squeeze! SG, take a condition!

Horizon then dives in, shouting orders and engaging the foe himself! He manages a shot on the lower leg, and dives away from a retaliatory kick. "There you are!" the alien hunter says as Horizon draws his attention. "I'm going to have to compel your cooperation in light of your current resistance."

A device pops off of Alcott's armored gauntlet and wraps itself around Horizon's forehead. Immediately, his eyes go white and he stands rigidly in place!
Horizon, you are subject to his move Tell Me What I Need to Know. Roll Superior. On a hit, you resist the mental probe. On a 7-9, take a condition due to the strain of resisting. On a miss, he's got the information and then some! Take a condition and a -1 forward on moves against Alcott

Meanwhile, Levitron and Skyler hide behind Yeoman. Ringtone pulls out a hand bell and rings it, which he intensifies to a blast of sound that splashes against Indarius' barrier. "Dammit! Let me help!" he shouts.

What do you do?!?!

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

Femtite’s craft grows to full size, smashing a couple of unoccupied desks due to the sudden expansion.

The magenta dome flips open. Leaning on the door, Femtite calls out, “Skyler, ride shotgun. Levitron, Ringtone, hop in the back. You can be in the Bug and in the fight! Get in and hang on!”

Hang on, hang on, tight! the sound system repeats.
Sup. Defend Others: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 6) + 2 = 9

If Ringtone hops in, Femtite tells him, ”If you’re willing to sacrifice a handbell, I can meld it with my nanotech!”

Potential: 0/5 11A Labels: *Danger*: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: +3 *Mundane*: +2 | Conditions: Guilty, Hopeless
Influenced by: Devil Diva, Femtite / Influences: Scorch, Mosaic, Frostbite, Psyche, Ballista, PATIENT X, Sarah, Triplight, Conflux, Indarius, Femtite, SG

Superior Resistance: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 4) - 1 = 8 Horizon will take Hopeless here

The assault on his mind from the device was not pleasant - it was like that last fight with Psyche all over again, trying to keep her out of his head...and he pushed that image to the front of his mind as his resistance to the probe, as painful as he found it. It was enough to get his field up around the device and fry it so he could yank it off.

Alcott was after him alone, meaning that if he left then Alcott would probably pursue. On the other hand, right now he was contained so to speak. It was unlikely anyone else would be able to get here in time to reinforce them before the battle was over, so he had to rely on everyone here.

"Indarius and Conflux! I need you to seal this room so he can't leave! Guardian, that suit is tech, so try and shut it down! Everyone else, pick a piece and hammer it through its weak point as hard as you can!" He directs and hopes that people will listen, before striking out again with his frustrations!

Venting Frustrations (Clearing Angry): 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 3) - 1 = 6 [ooc]I would recommend no one try to make this a success with team - but if anyone does, he'll avoid blows again.[/dice]

Newborn | Danger +1 | Freak +2 | Saviour 0 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | Condition: Insecure | Potential: ✴️▶️▶️▶️▶️ | Heroforge Candy Grrl

Candy Grrl sees Horizon and Steel Guardian set upon by Alcott, her eyes flash deep pink...


At Horizon's shouted command, the candroid lashes with both arms, her liquorice sinews stretching them as she slams both fists toward the cracked dome of the alien power armour... as she calmly sings a jingle;


Directly Engage (Danger): 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 6) + 1 = 9 (Impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition)
Purpose: Finish this fight pronto.

Potential: [X] [X] [X] [O] [O] | Conditions: None | Danger: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: -1 Mundane: +3


”Hey! Hands off pal!” Steel Guardian says as they punch away at the arm holding their cranial capsule.

Unleash: Overcome its Armor: 2d6 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (5, 4) - 1 + 1 = 9 DM Incoming

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

"Foda-se!" Caio exclaims as he throws his desk away and allows the Wolf to change him into a beast. As he changes and grows in size, Caio removes his jacket and releases the belt of his pants... he doesn't have time to remove his shirt, which rips in a couple places. He howls as he jumps the mercenary without thinking twice and with no concern for his own safety.

Using Punch Everyone, so shifting Danger UP and Superior DOWN.

Directly Engage a Threat: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 6) + 3 = 15

With the others already engaging Alcott, Caio goes for his tech gears, clawing and biting at everything that could be damaged.

1)Taking some tech away from him and 2)frightening him

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

Max steps back a bit as Caio roars into battle. Seeing his clothes getting torn up, the demoness curses and quickly doffs her sweatsuit to avoid suffering the same fate. The form-fitting bodysuit she wears underneath definitely reveals more of her feminine curves than she’s usually comfortable with, but now is not the time to worry about that.

Devil Diva moves to support Caio!

Directly Engage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2) + 2 = 7

Create an opportunity for your allies (Caio).

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][][][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+2 Superior:-1 Mundane:+0 |

The others seemed to have things relatively under control all Indarius had to do was keep his focus on making sure Alcott couldn't leave and cause more issues. Taking a slow breath and exhale he tried to reinforce the mystic barrier, repeating a phrase meant to keep himself in control "S̴̢͊ů̷̫'̵̳̇u̷̡̓m̷̳̔ ̷̯͊M̶̲̄o̷̩̽r̸̳̃a̶̪͌ḧ̴̖́".

Nothing fancy from Indarius's side just keeping focus on the barrier since it seems to be working out.

2 Team

Femtite went escalating the situation, and took influence over Skyler.

The trio hops into Love Bug, the. Ringtone passes over the bell in his hands, looking somewhat unsure but still curious. "Nanotech, huh?" Skyler settles into the shotgun seat, wide-eyed and scared but also suitably impressed with Femtite.

However, Love Bug, The increases too much in size for the all-purpose room, and the clumsy vehicle crashes into the ceiling! Sparks cascade down from the busted light fixtures and a large section of ceiling panels collapses on Yeoman!

Indarius keeps his magic working, a blazing field encircling Alcott even though the other team members keep jumping through it to attack him.

Horizon fights off the invasive alien tech trying to pull information from his mind, but it costs him. As he tries to retaliate, he finds his muscles aren't working properly. In his anger, he swings wide and crashes into Conflux, sending them both sprawling onto the floor! Conflux, take Angry

Steel Guardian responds from Alcott trying to rip his face mask off by trying to hack the alien's own systems. There's a moment when Codex pushes through the firewalls, and then a new beatdown occurs! Candy Grrl both Devil Diva deliver strikes on the hunter, pummeling him from different directions. Alcott responds, however, with savage strikes in retaliation!
CG, DD, each Take a Powerful Blow

The assault leaves Alcott staggered. Panting, he shouts, "You're just children! Praetoria arrived at a sovereign world and chose to break its laws! Do you think you're doing good? Harboring and defending a criminal?" He is undermining others' beliefs. Femtite, Candy Grrl, Conflux, reduce your Superior by one, and raise your Freak, unless you Reject His Influence.

"Now, bring me Praetoria, or else I'll--" Alcott's demand is cut off by Caio slamming him to the ground. The Bull tears ragged furrows into the hunter's armor with his claws as he unleashes the beast. A trio of drone-like devices detach from Alcott's armor and fly up, but before they can act the werewolf claws two and snatches the third in his jaws.
FYI, when you choose Impress, Surprise or Frighten, the GM gets to decide which one the enemy takes

Steel Guardian:

Codex disappears from your readouts as she dives into the alien's armor and tries to hack into it. The sudden attack by your teammates severs the connection, separating the AI from your suit's backup. You have no idea what's going on with Codex while you're separated. You try to reconnect, and then Caio slams into the alien separating you further!

Beneath the devastating attack by Caio, Alcott barely manages to reach a button on his gauntlet. Suddenly a massive repulsion field is activated. The energy barrier flings the werewolf up and through the roof of the multi-purpose room and outside the building! He crashes onto the school grounds next to the basketball courts, leaving a Caio-shaped crater. Caio, it will take a panel for you to get back into the fight!

Alcott rises to his feet and dusts himself off. "You're tougher than I expected," he concedes as he looks at the sparking damage to his power armor. "But I always win."

Alcott Proves that He's the Best in a blur of motion. He snatches Candy Grrl before she can react and flings her against Devil Diva. The two go down in a tangled pile, with Candy Grrl's taffy-like limbs making it tough for Devil Diva to get up! Both of you, take a condition as you untangle yourselves

He then strikes Indarius' barrier with a massive blow, causing the barrier to shudder and possibly collapse! Indarius, either spend a burn to maintain the barrier or let it fall

Steel Guardian:

You get a signal from Codex. "He's too strong! I don't think I can hack his armor's controls! I might be able to access his hard drives, give him bad information on Praetoria. Or I could keep trying to shut his armor down. What do you think?"

Despite all the battle damage Alcott has taken, he still looks strong and . His babyish face is set in a nasty scowl. "All right, how about you quit playing around and give me what I want!"

What do you do??

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

Femtite’s confidence drops a little, and maybe she’s just a freak after all?

“Yeah… nanotech. But it can wait!” she says to Ringtone. To Alcott, she calls over her speaker system, Music stop. Hypocrite! It is YOU who invades a sovereign world! We’re taking you down!”

She holds left, taps right, left, right, then mashes two punch buttons. This is the command for a ramming attack called Embison.

Love Bug, The’s magenta dome protects its passengers as rear thrusters burst! The Kirby Craft corkscrews across the room, slamming into Alcott!

Superior: Directly Engage a Threat!: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 5) + 1 = 10
• Resist blows
• Take something (gauntlet)

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

Take a Powerful Blow: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9

Devil Diva grunts as Alcott lashes out, kicking her in the stomach! She doubles over in pain, then goes down as Candy Grrl barrels into her. The demon girl snarls in anger as she tries to disentangle herself.

Marking Angry. The powerful blow causes Devil Diva to lash out verbally:

”Get off of me, you everlasting gobstobber! Get in there and rush him! Keep him distracted!” she snarls.

Provoke Candy Grrl to Foolhardy Action: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 5) - 1 = 9

If Candy Grrl complies, add 1 Team to the pool.

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][][][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+2 Superior:-1 Mundane:+0 |

Indarius will spend his other burn to maintain the barrier, and then try to reestablish a stronger leyline

Not done yet!: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 5) + 3 = 9

Indarius continues to clench one hand maintaining the barrier around Alcott, but the mystical rune circle around him falters and sputters out. Have to reach deeper, just a bit more and we can finish this.

He reaches down and pulls the tome free from the hip caddy and flicks it open with one hand as if reacting appropriately the rune circle flairs back to life around him with renewed vigor as beads of sweat start to form on the brow of the Young Mage. The book flips to a specific page and he pulls his alternate hand up over the text, the tome floating near him by itself as a powerful ripple moves outward surrounding the school grounds.

S̶̘̈́̄p̵͖̬͗a̸̜͍̽a̴̡̰͛̎n̷̦̤̈́̃ ̴̡̖̒Ẃ̷̺̠̃ų̸̤̕n̶͉͕̑͆d̷̢̞̆͠u̸̦̯̒̅n̸̺̺̅̒ ̴̨͖̎G̷̡͌̐r̸̲̈â̷̺h̴̖͎̊̅-̵̜̤́̾Z̴͓͍̎e̷̙͛y̸͉̑̏m̴͍̑͂ä̴̢̜́͒ĥ̸̨z̵̡̀i̴̧͚̓́ǹ̶̢̓ ̸̭͇͠F̷̦̤̆a̵͗̅͜ḧ̷̡̜́d̶̤̈́͆o̵̬̅n̴̘̍ ̵̧̔͊Â̴͍̠͛g̴̤̹͒̌ ̵͎̩̄̎H̷̭̕o̶̹͒͝k̴̥͗͗ͅo̵͙͐́r̸̞͐o̵̮̗̓ṋ̸̔̽

With one hand holding onto Alcott the other traces several runes and delicate gestures through the air summoning forth a powerful transportation spell.

You channel the full capacity of your incredible powers to overcome an obstacle, reshape your environment, or extend your senses. Spend 2 burn to take a 10+ when you unleash your powers.

Indarius attempts to transport all the school attendees and teachers to the safety of outside the premises while bringing those in this fight back to their feet in the room. Yeoman is sent outside with the others so that he can quickly receive maintenance.

on a hit hold 3 burn 7-9 mark one condition Insecure(Really not sure we can deal with this guy he's still going strong after all we've thrown at him), immediately spending 2 burn to Overcharge and reshape the environment by moving all non-combative persons out of immediate danger and pulling all my allies back into the fight. 1burn held

Potential: 0/5 11A Labels: *Danger*: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: +3 *Mundane*: +2 | Conditions: Guilty, Hopeless
Influenced by: Devil Diva, Femtite / Influences: Scorch, Mosaic, Frostbite, Psyche, Ballista, PATIENT X, Sarah, Triplight, Conflux, Indarius, Femtite, SG

With that failure, Horizon marks potential and takes an advancement. Will consider what to take in in a further post.

Horizon stumbles into Conflux, his elbows jabbing her as they fall on top of one another. He's quick to untangle himself, glancing at the field of battle and wincing as Love Bug, The tears open the ceiling, and the battle starts to spill out of containment.

"Well this is going better than I expected it to go," He wryly comments before trying to shake out the numbness in his body. "Sorry, Alcott, but you're not bagging this bounty!"

He wondered what else they had to throw at him, as Indarius worked on keeping the school safe while Femtite's ship slammed into Alcott. It was probably time to call for help, as he keyed up Whippoorwill on comms.

"Sensei, Alcott arrived in class demanding Praetoria. I tried to negotiate but he threatened the city and it's gone to a brawl now. We're keeping him off-balance, but if you have any advice to dealing with a twelve foot tall multiversal bounty hunter, I'd appreciate it!" He requests as he takes cover.

Fireside Chat: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 3) - 1 = 3 On a failure, your mentor doesn't have time for you because something big has gone down, mark a condition, GM's choice.

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

Bestial instinct causes Caio to jump out of the crater, but doing so disorients him for a couple seconds. He makes uncertain and drunken steps back towards the classroom as he shakes his head. Luckily, he recovers fast and soon his steps turn into a steady walk, then run, and then finally jumping on all fours to run even faster.

He jumps over walls and roofs, eager to rejoin the fight and taste Alcott's blood... "No! Not that! This is not why I'm fighting!"

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

Reject: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7

Potential: [X] [X] [X] [O] [O] | Conditions: None | Danger: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: -1 Mundane: +3

"Do it! Do whatever you can to throw it off!"

"Yeah, well, there's a first time for everything!" Steel Guardian says when he claims to always win. They fire up their thrusters and hook the alien under the arms, attempting to slam them up against the ceiling and knock them off balance!

Directly Engage: 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2) + 3 + 1 = 10

Avoid/Resist their blows, and Create an Opportunity.

Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2

Reject Influence: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9 Cancelling his Influence and taking a +1

"If the crimes against that sovereign world were about buying and selling people, then hell yeah I feel good protecting a criminal!"

Her defiant stand is cut short by Shin tripping into her and sending them both to the ground in a heap. "Aren't you supposed to be the experienced level-headed one? Grow a situational awareness, wouldja?"

Pretty sure that Alcott leaving is exactly what we want, no matter what Horizon says. We just don't want him to be able to pop back into our world. Solution: Overload his Jumper so it leaves him stranded somewhere not-here.

Reaching into her pockets she pulled out a carefully prepared Seal of Solomon, a baggy filled with sand and a corroded looking battery, and a deeply, deeply clearanced Lone Ranger action figure, still in its original packaging.

Quickly and carefully she anointed the ridges of the Seal with battery acid and peeled the image of a doltish, frontier lawman off the back of the cardboard.

Okay, I've got intent, method, and target within tolerances, but not strong enough to make this work from a distance. As Steel Guardian slammed him up to the ceiling she darted forward to stamp the picture to his suit.

Gadget Unleash: 2d6 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2, 1) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 7 I'll find out how this is Temporary or Unstable

Crap, didn't think of that.

Candy Grrl's TaPB: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3

The Newborn weathers the retaliation by Alcott.
We'll go ahead and skip the Reject and whether she is Provoked for right now -- just assume there's no additional Team added.

Femtite sends the clumsy but powerful Love Bug, The in a collision course with Alcott. He brings up his gauntlet to create a repulsion field but the force of the impact is too much for his equipment. Though the alien stands firm against the impact, his gauntlet is sparking and smoking after the ramming attack.

Devil Diva provokes Candy Grrl as she pulls herself free from the taffy-like tangle the two find themselves in.

Indarius casts a complicated spell to make sure all the non-combatants are safe. Femtite finds herself suddenly in a completely unoccupied Love Bug, The.

Caio, struggling with his feral instincts, is sprinting toward the campus building holding the all-purpose room when suddenly Levitron, Ringtone, and Yeoman appear outside.

Horizon calls Whippoorwill for advice, but doesn't get an answer. His mentor's comms are silent. Horizon, take Insecure

Steel Guardian keeps up the attacks on Alcott, blasting them upwards into the ceiling. However, the ceiling isn't reinforced against superpowered beings, and the two blast through the roof! Debris cascades through the giant hole in the ceiling and the dusky night sky is all around the Janus and the alien.

Conflux darts up and braves the falling debris to plant a magic device on Alcott. Steel Guardian is able to hold the alien hunter still enough for the device to latch on!

The sparking, damaged armor suddenly surges, and a painful sound of reality distorting is heard/felt in everyone close by! Alcott folds in on himself as he roars in defiance! His cry is cut short as he blinks out of this reality!

Steel Guardian:

Codex is silent for a terrifying moment. Then, ...SYSTEM REBOOTING... Hello?

As minutes pass, the only sound is the settling of the debris from the damaged multi-purpose room.

What do you do??

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

Devil Diva growls angrily as Alcott vanishes. "No! Damn it, he got away! We were this close to taking him down!" She stalks over to Conflux. "Why did you send him away?" she asks, pointing an accusing finger. "He's just going to come back again!"

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

Caio is confused by the sudden appearance of people outside, but he keeps running back towards the fight. As he finally reaches the classroom, he jumps over the wall and through the broken ceiling, looking around for Alcott.

He doesn't find him, obviously, but he does see Max angry at Conflux. Caio jumps and lands besides Max, growling menacingly at Conflux.

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

The kirby craft’s magenta dome opens. Femtite hops out of Love Bug, The, which shrinks to pendant-size at her touch. She chimes in her usual peppy tone, “If he comes back, we’ll defeat him more easily. We know Alcott’s weakness is whatever part of his power suit that controls the tech. It was the gauntlet this time. Maybe next time, it’ll be the helmet or the boots.”

She hovers, yellow heat energy sputtering from her body as she moves to Conflux’s side.

“I suggest we take a moment to process our victory, and see to it that Yeoman and the underclassmen are safe.”

She will invite those who are calm to join her. However, knowing how snarky Conflux can get when pushed, she gently offers, “Can you come with, Connie? Your magic might prove more helpful than my tech, if anyone’s hurt.”

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][][][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+2 Superior:-1 Mundane:+0 |

Indarius gritted his teeth as everyone seemed to want to pull Alcott out of the immobilizing barrier. But he was able to keep it trained on him as SteelGuardian decided to fly the pair up and slam the alien back into the ground only for Conflux to attach some device on him. Now Indarius had to fight the struggling Bounty Hunter, his own team, and the mysterious force that was threatening to rip Alcott out of this dimension.

The entire ordeal felt like holding onto an anvil tied to the end of a thread of yarn. He could probably hold on, but that would put everyone at risk of whatever was happening on Alcott's side, while the barrier kept him from escaping it did nothing to prevent other things from warping reality. The initial surge from the armor causes his feet to slip and he stumbles onto his knee keeping one foot inside the leycircle as the energy built dangerously. He cried out to the others worried he wouldn't be able to protect them. "Run!" With a strained snap Indarius dropped the spell at the last moment when everyone was at what he thought was a safe distance, as Alcott blipped out of existence.

The young mage dropped to his hands, resting on the one knee that he had already fallen onto. The book and staff falling over as the leycircle faded and he panted from the double-draw from the world's aether. Quietly reaching over once he caught his breath he grabbed the book and pulled it close to him as everyone immediately began yelling about who's fault it was. A nagging voice in the back of his head, had already started berating him on what he could have done better. He could have drawn his first circle correctly, could have sent magical fire and electricity through the interior of the armor to fry all the mechanical bits. He could have protected Yeoman and the others, could have sent him to some other plane.

Indarius just curled in on himself on the ground clutching his spellbook to his chest as the others raged around him.

Potential: 0/5 11A Labels: *Danger*: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: +3 *Mundane*: +2 | Conditions: Guilty, Hopeless
Influenced by: Devil Diva, Femtite / Influences: Scorch, Mosaic, Frostbite, Psyche, Ballista, PATIENT X, Sarah, Triplight, Conflux, Indarius, Femtite, SG

Shin was worried, Whippoorwill wasn't responding, and without the immediate threat there the team was starting to point fingers at each other.

Not on his watch.

"Hey, listen up!" He shouted, giving a sharp whistle through his fingers as well. "There will be no pointing the finger at anyone! I don't know if you all just realized that we managed to beat back an enemy far stronger than any one of us alone," He states to them all. "We did it as a team, and when he does come back, we'll be more prepared to deal with him. Let's regroup and focus up - I want a head count and status from everyone about if they need any medical attention," He said to give them a task.

"Max, Conflux only did what she thought was necessary to end the fight quickly. It was quick thinking and probably saved us from whatever big guns that suit of his might have had in reserve," He tells Devil Diva directly. "You did your part as well, and I'm grateful for it."

Comfort/Support Diva: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 2) + 3 = 11

If devil Diva opens up to Horizon, they can clear a condition, mark potential or shift labels. Shin is also going to clear Guilty for being 10+ here.

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

As Femtite attempts to pull Connie away from the situation, she can’t help but notice Indarius is on the floor, doing what exactly?

“Oh… Indarius, um…”

Males are exhausting! No wonder we evolved them out of our species.

“Say!” she says in her sunshiniest voice, “I was just telling Connie the underclassmen could use some magical assistance, and you’re magical! But even if you need to recharge, just knowing you have magic should do the trick.

“What say you? You’ll come out with us, won’t you?”
Mundane - Comfort Indarius: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7

Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2
Devil Diva wrote:
Devil Diva growls angrily as Alcott vanishes. "No! Damn it, he got away! We were this close to taking him down!" She stalks over to Conflux. "Why did you send him away?" she asks, pointing an accusing finger. "He's just going to come back again!"

"Excuse you?" Conflux shrugged off Femtite's de-escalation, her eyebrows rocketing up her forehead as she stared up at Devil Diva. "This is just basic problem solving/environmental awareness shit, Double-Dee. Down boy." she shot to Caio in an aside. "If there's someone you no longer want in your dimension, and he's been nice enough to bring a dimension hopper thing right to you, it would be thoughtless not to use it.

"Oh, and unlike say punching him really hard, overloading his suit and then locking the dimension-door behind him actually stops him from getting away and coming back! So instead of crawling straight up my ass - how about maybe a thank you? Or a we couldn'tve done it without you? 'Cause it's not like your plan of getting your ass kicked until he got bored to death wasn't creative, but maybe it could use some workshopping for next time?"

Potential: [X] [X] [X] [O] [O] | Conditions: None | Danger: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: -1 Mundane: +3

Steel Guardian lands after doing a perimeter sweep, just in case he only blipped a short distance away as a ruse. Returning to a bunch of arguing really didn’t surprise them.

”Well, this looks like fun and all, but I have things to do. Adjustments to make, repairs to start, dinner, you know, stuff more important than pointing fingers and laying blame. I’ll see ya around,” they say before taking off again.

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

Ah, yes. Connie excels at snark.

“An excellent point, Connie. I think it would do us well to understand each other’s methods, rather than berate and accuse…”

Support Connie: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
Bah, shit.

Her argument is weak, and she is powerless to stop humans from their flailing tempers. And what next? A human could lift my entire planet and slam it to the ground? If they direct their anger at me, would a blind rage lead to accidental mass murder?

“I’ll be… outside…” Femtite backs away slowly.

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

Devil Diva growls and stalks away from Conflux without answering her questions. She sulks for a bit until Horizon comes over to talk to her.

Horizon wrote:
”You did your part as well, and I am grateful for it.”

”You mean I acted like a monster,” she says with a snarl. ”Turned off my brain and used brute strength to try to fight the bad guy. Is that all I am now? I should have been able to think of a better plan. Instead I just acted without thinking.” She hangs her head and clenches her fists.

Devil Diva Will mark potential. She is still Angry.

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

As Max turns to answer Horizon, Caio pounces at Conflux, clawing at her arm and going for her exposed throat with his fangs. "I'm... no... DOG!"

Switching my Enemy to Conflux. She'll gain Influence over him.

Directly Engage a Threat, Enemy: 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (1, 6) + 3 + 1 = 11

10+, so choosing to "Resist or Avoid her Blows" and "impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition".

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

Femtite doesn’t back off very far, and now words have escalated into violence.


Defend Connie: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 3) + 2 = 11
Femtite rips her heart pendant off, shoving it between Ciao and Connie. The rapidly expanding hovercraft will hopefully separate the two before Ciao can go for the jugular.

Rolled high enough to not escalate or put self in danger.

Still, this is a temporary fix. “Max?! Help—please!!”

Note that Defend works differently for PCs. "For PC threats: on a hit, give them -2 to their roll. On a 7-9, you expose yourself to cost, retribution, or judgment." So Caio's Engage becomes a 9, and now he has to choose which option he doesn't get -- either impress/surprise/frighten or resisting blows.

Yeoman and a badly-shaken Ringtone and Levitron appear in the ruins of the rec room. "Please, desist hostilities!" the robot shouts, waving his gangly arms.

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

Max looks over at the scuffle. ”Caio! Enough! Stand down!”

Provoke, Inluence: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8

If Caio stands down, add 1 Team to the pool.

Newborn | Danger +1 | Freak +2 | Saviour 0 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | Condition: Insecure | Potential: ✴️▶️▶️▶️▶️ | Heroforge Candy Grrl

Candy Grrl’s limbs contorting at askew angles as she rises to her feet. Processing Alcott’s retreat and the wave of emotional reactions around her, the candroid’s head jerks from one source, to the next.

Her gaze settles on Devil Diva as she stalks to, then away from Conflux.

Candy Grrl’s head first turns toward the succubus and her body shifts into alignment as she approaches on Horizon’s shoulder.

<Frriend Devil Deva. Why did you talk sourrly to this unit and Frriend Conflux? Did we not all assist in hero jazz to rrepulse Foe Alcott?>

As Ciao shifts and attempts to savage Conflux, Yoeman’s modulated shout causes the newborn to rotate her torso, shooting her elasticated arms in-front of the wild man in an attempt to create a taffy limbed barrier;

Defend Conflux (Saviour +0): 2d6 ⇒ (2, 5) = 7 (Exposed to cost, retribution, or judgment.)

Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2

Take a Powerful Blow: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 5) + 1 = 9

I'll mark two conditions (Afraid and Insecure).


She reached for her wand but fumbled the draw, and it clattered to the ground, rolling away towards the head of the class.

Oh. Shit.

Then the Love Bug was suddenly there, not stopping the charging werewolf, but at least slowing him enough for her to snatch her emergency charm and-


Caio's snarls became muted as the ward snapped shut around her, enclosing her in an increasingly stuffy and claustrophobic bubble. This ward was designed to feed off the energy of attacks made against it, but it wasn't perfect and it bled a lot of that energy into heat. Sweat from pain and fear and heat beaded on her brow as she watched Caio's skin and fur begin to smolder, and smelled her own flesh beginning to cook where she was clutching the boiling glowstick the charm was anchored in.

"Get this psycho off me!" she shouted from behind the ward.

Newborn | Danger +1 | Freak +2 | Saviour 0 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | Condition: Insecure | Potential: ✴️▶️▶️▶️▶️ | Heroforge Candy Grrl

From before... Reject Alcott's Influence: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8 (cancelling his Influence and take +1 forward against them - last bit is moot now)

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][][][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+2 Superior:-1 Mundane:+0 |
Femtite wrote:

“Say!” she says in her sunshiniest voice, “I was just telling Connie the underclassmen could use some magical assistance, and you’re magical! But even if you need to recharge, just knowing you have magic should do the trick.

“What say you? You’ll come out with us, won’t you?”
Mundane - Comfort Indarius7

Indarius uncurls slightly despite the yelling, "I.. I could go see if they made it out okay because of my spell, but beyond that I don't think.. I can be much use."

Gonna clear Afraid

Picking himself and his things from the floor Indairus watches as Caio lunges at Conflux while Femtite throws Love Bug, The to deter the Canine Crusader. Indarius sat a bit paralyzed by the sudden scuffle and looked at Conflux behind her smoldering barrier, Horizon, Diva, and Yeoman trying to get a rein on the situation, Steel guardian just bouncing out with apparently more important things happening. It all sort of boiled up behind his eyes and he wanted it all to stop, he could make it all stop.

Slamming his staff into the ground he whipped up the winds in the room to lift everyone and spread them so they couldn't do harm to anyone else.

unleash(Separate everyone and hold them): 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 5) + 2 = 10

"All of you are acting like children, we did this as a team and noone is to blame individually. Stop lashing out at one another and think for just a second, if we're too busy fighting ourselves then we're no better than the villains we all preach to fight against!"

Kettle called situation, but i'm hoping this is foolhardy enough of an action to maybe warrent removing insecure

Potential: 0/5 11A Labels: *Danger*: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: +3 *Mundane*: +2 | Conditions: Guilty, Hopeless
Influenced by: Devil Diva, Femtite / Influences: Scorch, Mosaic, Frostbite, Psyche, Ballista, PATIENT X, Sarah, Triplight, Conflux, Indarius, Femtite, SG

In just a few beats things suddenly turned violent from words, and Horizon watched as teammates turned on each other. Caio was being held back by more than enough people, so Horizon grabbed onto Conflux's bubble to try and drag her to the opposite corner of the room. It felt like sticking his hands into an oven, the smell of burning flesh turning his stomach.

"Hold on," he tells her as he tried to bleed off that heat she was putting out with his powers. Two black bubbles of darkness acted as heat sinks to keep her from being roasted by her own safety bubble. When the winds suddenly picked up, he felt himself suddenly pulled away as Indarius acted to pull people apart.

"Okay, this right here is not helpful, Indarius!" He fights against the wind. "Conflux is burning up and you're stopping me from trying to help her! Stand down!"

Can't really do much of a Comfort/Support move when he can't reach said person...

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

Caio is annoyed by the stupid hovercraft and claws it to get it out of the way, but then the worry in Max's voice brings Caio back as he is about to reach Conflux again. He stops.

He doesn't really feel the burning due to the Wolf's endurance, but he does steps back. Candy Grrl's barrier stand between him and Conflux, but he doesn't desire to hurt her anymore and as Percy's magic separates them, Caio begins to hum to himself, occasionally, speaking some verses. "Se essa rua se essa rua... mora um anjo... tu roubaste o meu também..."

Slowly, but steadily, Caio begins to revert to his human form.

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][][][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+2 Superior:-1 Mundane:+0 |

Seeing Caio revert and that his actions didn't really do much but exasperated the situation with so many hands in the pot, Indarius drops the spell and once again folds in on himself at Horizon's words.
"Sorry... He looks at Yeoman and then to the floor, nolonger fearful of his own powers, but the whole thing only showing that he really can't control the situation with them as well as he thought.

"I...I'll be out in the hall."
He shuffles over towards Yeoman and the door. "Are you okay Teacher?"

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

Take a Powerful Blow: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6

+1 Potential

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