Those Halcyon Days II -- All New, All Different

Game Master Stalwart

Core playbooks

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Potential: 0/5 11A Labels: *Danger*: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: +3 *Mundane*: +2 | Conditions: Guilty, Hopeless
Influenced by: Devil Diva, Femtite / Influences: Scorch, Mosaic, Frostbite, Psyche, Ballista, PATIENT X, Sarah, Triplight, Conflux, Indarius, Femtite, SG

Horizon looks apologetic when she mentions Frostbite and Siphon. "I'm sorry about that. I'm trying to do better and look at all the angles these days. I'm not as much of a wide-eyed idealist as I used to be," He says sadly.

He turns to Devil Diva and the others. "Everything I've seen shows that making a deal with Chicle is short term gain for long term consequences. So we're not going to deal with her. We'll drop her off at the closest precinct, and that'll be it." He states this with finality, glad to have taken the time to converse with everyone.

"Thank you all. It's a lot better to make this kind of decision with good feedback from a team," He says encouragingly. "Now let's all get going - Symphony, I'll be flying you there. Not to say I don't trust you, but just going to remind you it would be bad to get dropped from a hundred feet up," He notes to her.

Scene shift, after the drop off

Horizon's feeling clear of his conscience - though still a bit mad at one particular mage. He'd clear that up the next time they saw each other. For now, he focused on texting Grace back. Study session at my dorm? I get my history grades up, I can try out for the baseball team - I bet I'd look good in a uniform.

" do I do that winky face again...?" He commented to himself on the way to the dorms.

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

Max shrugs as Horizon flies off. It wasn’t the decision she would have made, but she trusts the leader’s judgment. She turns to Caio. ”Guess that’s it, then. Up for another few rounds of Magic?”

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

Femtite places her hand on Symphony’s. “Remember our words if you ever change your mind.”

She then says, “I’m going to leave and tell Connie what we decided. I think she’ll be glad to know we’re not making that deal.”

She falters.

“We’re not… right?”


Femtite arrives at the dorm, and Connie isn’t home of course. She texts, I’m home and you’re not. Frowny emoji.

Yes, she types the words ‘frowny emoji.’

Eventually w/ Connie:
Femtite is less goddesslike, clad in her usual sweater vest and plaid skirt and knee socks. No imitation All Stars. She does not wear shoes in the dorm.

She is on the sofa with a teacup on the end table and a book in hand—a textbook from her human anatomy class, but Femtite puts it down and rises to greet Connie with a hug.

C&S Connie: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 6) + 1 = 12
+1 team if Connie opens up.

“I’m so glad you’re back!

“Is everything okay, Connie? You left, and… well maybe your abrupt exit had the intended effect. The conversation went in a different direction. Everyone saw that you were right, and in the end, even Symphony was glad we chose not to deal with Chicle.

“But we don’t have to talk about that if you don’t want to.”

Femtite picks up the teacup. Steam rises from the water.

“I have a glass in the refrigerator if you prefer cool water.

“Warm water has more nutritional value. I read that page 87.” She points to the human anatomy book.

Symphony is delivered to the authorities -- Horizon has to endure some paperwork but ultimately the Slipknot is in official custody, for however long that will last.

The rest of the heroes head to the places where they lay their heads after an eventful day, or try to squeeze a little more social interactions before sleep finally takes them.

All of them have questions about whether they did the right thing... and only time will tell.


At the end of every session, choose one:
• Grow closer to the team. Explain
who made you feel welcome; give
Influence to that character and clear
a condition or mark potential.
• Grow into your own image of yourself.
Explain how you see yourself and why;
shift one Label up and another down.
• Grow away from the team. Explain why
you feel detached. Take Influence over
you away from another character.

Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2

NSP: I’m home and you’re not. Frowny emoji.
Connie: Out for a few hours but I'll be back before last call at the cafeteria (in case soft serve is required)


Connie moved immediately towards her bed, sliding her legs beneath the covers so she could **Finally** change out of the last of her timeshifted clothes in privacy. However, her heavy sigh was in response to hearing how things had resolved with Symphony, rather than relief. "That's... fine. Interesting that Symphony didn't want the deal, though I can't help but feel like I was real specific about wanting a call if the plan changed," she groused.

"Whatever. Goes to show the group shouldn't be deciding things like that from the hip anyways. Don't break rules if you don't understand them, and we're not even slightly on the same page about that."

Gathering her legs up beneath her she took a sip of hot water before giving a surprised smile and getting a teabag to put in.

She focused on steeping for a little bit before she dared another look up at Femtite. So? C'mon, I know this isn't what we 'needed to talk' about. Maybe she changed her mind?

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

"And pizza." Caio adds. The Thai takeout was a good start, but it was barely enough to restore the absurd amount of energy the fail-safe music consumed. He'd still need his 'regular meal'. "We have to find a couple more players so we can try EDH!"

Grow into your own image of yourself: Danger DOWN, Mundane UP. Caio is feeling less of a monster and more of a person after the last encounter, where he was able to control himself.

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

DD: “…talk to this girl you have feelings for. You need to tell her how you feel and find out if she has feelings for you. You have to both be on the same page…”

CONNIE: “…we're not even slightly on the same page..."

Femtite could just let Connie sip her tea, enjoy the moment’s peace, and postpone this conversation indefinitely.

“Connie, you weren’t being stupid today. I brought you a gift from my world, and maybe you weren’t expecting that. Maybe you thought it was a big deal.

“I’m attracted to you.” Femtite is already bracing herself for the inevitable rejection. “I understand that you may be attracted to a boy, or a girl who is human, or a girl who isn’t me.

“I’m lucky to have you as a friend, and… maybe I shouldn’t ask for more. But that isn’t exactly what I’m asking.”

Femtite magical-girls her outfit—and outlook, hair and eye makeup included—to that of Goth Punk Barbie.

“I’m asking, do you want more?”

Pierce the Mask, +1 Forward: 2d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2, 6) + 1 + 1 = 10
• what do you want me to do?
• what do you intend to do?
• how could I get your character to open up to comfort and support (even if just friends)?

Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2


Connie's eyes were fixed entirely on the ceiling while she took a deep breath to steady herself.

"Femms I- f*+$! -I don't..."

"Look. You're obviously beautiful. And attractive. And all possible meanings of hot. And I'm bi duh so I do like girls."

She scowled and hastily added, "And not just the nebulous concept of girls.
A lot.
Even when you're not dressed in-"
she stole a glance and waved a hand vaguely at Femtite's ensemble "-all this. "

Connie finally lowered her eyes to meet Femtite's and almost immediately turned her head away to the side. "F@+$, of course I want more, but that's not the only thing that matters. We're teammates and we're roommates and we're- we're friends!

"You're not just some cutie who I met and maybe we go for a date and maybe things work out and maybe they don't, and we go from there. You're already who I want to tell about things like that. Or I would if I weren't a weirdo whose brain is made of garbage and those thoughts didn't need to be sealed away beneath ten feet of cement.
We don't get to just see how things go.

"And aside from the absolute lifetime of ridicule I'd earn by moving in with a girl before our first date, I really, really want to delay f!~$ing things up with you beyond all repair for as long as I can.

"Does that make sense?"

• "what do you want me to do?" Accept what Connie's saying or convince her otherwise.
• "what do you intend to do?" Dissuade Femms and then stare at the ceiling all night regretting it.
• "how could I get your character to open up to comfort and support (even if just friends)?" Trying to get Connie to be vulnerable and drop her guard in front of people is a no-no, but in private, be direct.

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None
Caio Costa wrote:
"And pizza." Caio adds. The Thai takeout was a good start, but it was barely enough to restore the absurd amount of energy the fail-safe music consumed. He'd still need his 'regular meal'. "We have to find a couple more players so we can try EDH!"

"Hell yeah," Max says, giving Caio a high-five!

Grow closer to the team. Femtite made Max feel welcome and helped her become more comfortable in her new body. As the pixite says, "You’re not normal and so what? Being special is to be celebrated!"

Marking potential and giving Influence to Femtite. She shifts Max's Superior up and Mundane down.

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][][][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+2 Superior:-1 Mundane:+0 |

Back at the bank

Percy nods at Symphony's decision, "Well Symphonmy... I wish you the best. I know we're just kids to you, and it might be naive to think it's never too late to change but. I hope the next time we meet it'll be on better terms." With that said he mentioned to Horizon that she should at least be allowed to finish her meal before being taken. Sitting with the others and finishing his own before leaving with everyone else.

--Back at the dorms--

Percy excuses himself from the others so he can change out of his hero attire and then head straight back to his room to go to sleep. His familiar on the other hand watches the group to make sure they aren't followed before heading back to roost at Unity station. Despite the medical attention on site Percy takes great care to keep it clean and not sleep on it in the night. The next few days of school are punctuated with him wearing long sleeve shirts.

end of session stuff
Grow closer to the team. Caio and Max invited Percy to hangout and do normal things after the happenings of the first superhero class despite what happened, even when Percy was feeling quite low and separated from the team. This being the case i'm gonna give both Caio and DD influence on Percy and since my conditions are relatively under control he still feels a bit guilty about what happened woth Symphony and a bit insecure in his 'destiny' in the world despite the speech and mostly because it didn't make Symphony rise to the occasion. So gonna take a potential and grab 3 new flares(Shield, Boost, Snatch)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

Femtite hears the excuses, but she also picks up the direct answer…

“I also want more.

“I also want you to be the one I can tell things to. And… this is a thing. It is my biggest thing, and…”

She places her hand on Connie’s. It is very warm in the way that the teacup is very warm. Her skin’s soft golden glow is more of a peach color. If her usual aura were a trace of sunlight, her aura now is a scribble.

“…I can add to the list of complications. My mother is one of the five queens. I am a genetic anomaly. My first harem would surely be made of similarly aged princesses from the four corners of my world. ‘Sorry, I’m seeing an Earthling’ could have political ramifications.

“And yet… my mother approved when I told her my feelings for you.” Femtite’s hand heats. She quickly shrinks herself to the size of the Barbie she’s dressed as. If Connie keeps her hand steady, Femtite places her little hand on Connie’s fingernail, seemingly aware that like this, Connie can withstand the heat.

“There are obvious physiological differences. Simply phrased… anger is a controlled burn. Passion is wildfire. I would feel like the worst person in both your world and mine if we kissed and… you got burned.”

Femtite says, “I don’t want a harem. I don’t want a different Earth girl. I don’t want the societal expectations of my world or yours to stifle our feelings…”

Femtite grows back to human size, remaining seated on the countertop.

“…which you have confirmed are mutual.”

@Connie, shift Fem’s labels. Growing closer is my session-end.

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

I'm Sailing Away...:
During the Magic: the Gathering game, something keeps occurring over and over for Max. At random times, when she flips over a card, or draws a new one, she catches a glimpse of a red dress on the card's artwork. In a blink, it's a regular card from the deck.

The first time it happens, it appears to be a fluke -- a trick of the light and the shape of the image on the card. The second time, it was definitely a red dress, but only in the afterimage of Max's eyes. The third time, it lingers as she brings it up close to her eyes. When she checks the back to confirm it's a MtG card, it's back to normal when she flips it over.

Then the game ends and she draws up a new hand for the next round. Every. Single. Card. is a red dress.

What is happening? Max thinks to herself, staring at the cards in disbelief. She abruptly puts the cards facedown on the table and stands up. ”I, uh, just remembered about that test tomorrow. I’m gonna cram a bit before bed. Night guys, thanks for the game!” she says quickly as she leaves Caio’s dorm room and heads back to her own room.

Once there, she locks the door before apprehensively opening her closet, where she last saw that damnable red dress hanging...

The closet is completely empty, devoid of any other clothing except for the red dress on a simple hanger.

Max glares at the dress. ”What do you want from me?” she asks angrily.

There is no response. Though, the ambient noise of the dormitory falls away into an unsettling silence.

Noticing the change, Max steps back and looks around warily. She concentrates and extends her senses outward, scenting nearby sin...

The quiet deepens, and as she starts concentrating on her supernatural senses the whole world seems to grow hazy and indistinct. Shadows grow behind her and the closet feels deep like it could go on and on. Then she hears... a whistle. It's a simple, jaunty, carefree tune coming from deep inside the closet

Unable to resist her morbid curiosity, Max steps deeper into the closet...

The whistling continues as Max steps past the dress and follows. Soon she hears footsteps along with the whistle. The darkness slowly resolves into a corridor with a hazy figure ahead. It's strolling casually, using a cane but not relying upon it.

The figure -- clearly male, thin and likely wearing a suit -- stops abruptly, leaning on his cane. The whistling continues.

”Um, hello?” Max calls hesitantly. ”Who are you? Where are we?”

The whistling stops when Max calls out. The figure tilts his head, indicating that he heard her. Smoothly, he twists his body at the torso to look behind him. She can see his eyes reflecting light like a cat's, but he remains shrouded in shadow.

"You're underdressed," he says with a note of disappointment. "But, that can be remedied." He gracefully turns to face her directly and strikes the cane on the floor, the rapping sound echoing around them like they were in some grand chamber.

Bright spotlights beam down upon him, revealing him to be a slim, dapper man of indeterminate age in a tuxedo. His dark hair is slicked back and perfectly in place except for one stray lock that hangs over his left eye. He grins, and his teeth are dazzlingly white and slightly too large for his mouth.

He is on some sort of elaborate stage, with high, drawn curtains and actual limelights along the rim of the orchestra pit. He raps his cane loudly against the wooden floor again and a pair of spotlights ignite, illuminating Max who is standing in an aisle between rows and rows of empty, velveted chairs. She is still in the clothes she was wearing after the day's events.

"Tsk, tsk," says the man, and raps his cane once more. The spotlights trained on Max go out and she is in absolute darkness. She feels a strange and unpleasant slithering and crawling sensation across her skin, and something clamps around her feet throwing her off-balance.

The cane strikes the floor once more, and Max sees herself in the spotlights again, clad in a sparkling sequined dress the color of raven's feathers. Opera gloves run up to her elbows, and a slit up the side of the dress reveal legs enclosed in tight fishnet stockings and feet encased in glossy black shoes with a high heel. "Much better. Now, come join me on stage, my dear."

"Ah! Hey!" Max cries as the slithering sensation gives her the heebie jeebies! She struggles to maintain her balance as something locks around her feet.

When the lights come back on, Max stares in disbelief at the outfit she finds herself wearing. She flushes with embarrassment at the glittery dress, the high heels, the stockings--fishnets, really?!?

She wobbles unsteadily in the heels, using her tail for balance, as she teeters onto the stage. "Alright, enough games! Give me some answers!" she demands.

"This isn't a game. You're on stage!" he says with a sweeping gesture of one gloved hand. "And you are tonight's headliner!" Applause erupts from the gallery, though the spotlights beaming down upon Max makes it hard to see who -- or what -- has suddenly filled the otherwise darkened theater.

The man stage-bows towards Max and steps back as his spotlights swing over to all focus on her. The crowd's applause dies down and a hush of anticipation rises as all attention is trained upon her.

"Um... Huh?" Max stammers. She swallows nervously as the spotlights illuminate her and the crowd cheers. She looks around for some clue as to what she's supposed to do next. Finding none, she clears her throat and starts singing the first song that comes to mind:

"I'm sailing away/Set an open course for the virgin sea/Cause I've got to be free/Free to face the life that's ahead of me..."

Murmurs start to rise from the crowd at Max's tepid performance. It's plainly obvious that the crowd is beginning to turn on her. She doesn't get far into the song before the dapper gentleman appears next to her, interrupting. "Excuse me, excuse me. Madame, we were led to believe you were a diva! A rising star! It's clear to me that you need a little-- well, okay, a lot -- of help in that department." He turns to face the crowd. "What do you say, folks?" Loud cheers in agreement. "Should we help her?" More cheers. "You came for a show, right?" Thunderous applause.

He strikes the cane on the stage and lights blaze. Behind Max, the stage rises in a series of white steps in a classic musical production. From either side, a row of men in white tuxedos and tap shoes descend just as a brass band strikes up an unrecognizable show tune. The men clack and stomp in time to the music as they take positions surrounding Max and the dapper gentleman in the black tux.

They are joined by showgirls in glittering white costumes and heeled tap shoes. The have big feathery fans that they're holding behind them so it looks like they have peacock tails. They take up positions next to the men. All have bright smiles pasted on their faces, though there is unmistakable fear behind their eyes.

"Diva? That's just the name the news gave me. I'm not--" Max starts to protest as the band and dancers join her on the stage. But seeing the terrified expressions on their faces, she takes a deep breath and tries to put on a more engaging show--for their sake, if not her own.

The demoness begins to tap her feet and sway her body to the beat of the music. She continues the song, adapting the meter and measure to match the swinging showtune.

By the time Max reaches the chorus, she is making full use of the stage, wobbling in her heels as she works to engage the crowd. "Come sail away, come sail away/Come sail away with me!"

The gentleman twirls his cane as Max renews her performance. The crowd is only partially mollified by her efforts -- cheering whenever she successfully vamps it up, but the murmurs resume each time she wobbles on her high heels or sings off-key.

"I think this diva needs a bit more help, don't you? It's clear she's not using all of her gifts!" the man says to the crowd, though his tone is rougher and impatient. The crowd responds aggressively, sounding almost hostile in its desire to be entertained.

"Ladies, don't you have something for her?" the dapper man asks. The showgirls all brightly nod and each produces a old-style glass perfume bottle. They pass Max by, every one giving her a spritz of sweet-smelling perfume. By the end, Max is standing in a pinkish cloud.

Then the showgirls take their feathered fans and start waving them at Max. The pink cloud is blown into the rows of men where it dissipates. They seem immediately energized.

The gentleman taps his cane lightly against Max's feet as he circles her like a critical dance instructor. He leans in close and whispers in her ear, "we'll make a proper succubus out of you yet."

His demeanor suddenly shifts and he's back to being the consummate showman. "Now, SHOWTIME!!" he says with arms raised high. The music strikes up and the tuxedoed men begin tapping around Max, open adulation in their eyes completely replacing their fear. Whatever the gentleman did with the cane when he tapped her feet seemed to take the wobble out of her step. She's surrounded by men who adore and worship her. The music calls.

Max finds herself moving quite naturally now in the heels. Seeing the look of worship in the eyes of the crowd does something to her. She feels confident. Powerful.

As the band plays through the solo section of the song, her swaying movements become slower and more sensual. She slinks across the stage, her hips shaking from side to side, her tail moving lazily behind her. She leans over and shimmies her shoulders, running her hands down her chest, her stomach.

She breathes deeply of the perfume that surrounds her, and a pink haze seems to settle over her thoughts. She drops to her hands and knees, whipping her hair back and forth. She crawls across the stage and beckons to the crowd, a sultry smile on her lips.

"I thought that they were angels/But to my surprise/We climbed aboard their starship/We headed for the skies," she sings, her voice a throaty purr.

She undulates her body as she sings the final chorus, finishing the performance in a sultry pose.

The crowd rises to its feet with applause, energizing the whole theater. The backup dancers do their part, calling attention to the beautiful star of the show. One by one they step up and lend their energy to the diva on stage, and then fall away as if overwhelmed by her presence. They collapse on the stage and lie still.

When the song finally ends, the blazing lights go out leaving the diva in a single bright spotlight.

The expected thunderous applause is absent. A deathly stillness descends upon the stage as Max realizes the forms of the dancers all around her are still and lifeless.

A slow, solitary clap begins next to her from the gentleman standing slightly off stage.

The haze clears away, and Max gasps in shock! She stares in horror at the fallen dancers strewn around her, then turns to face the man off stage. "That... That wasn't me. What did you do to me?" she asks fearfully.

He runs a hand along his hair, slicking it back. "Wasn't you? Then who else was it, my dear? Who else here is a succubus, with the power to drain the very life essence from mortals?"

He raps the cane against the floor hard, and the stage and theater fall away, leaving the two of them in a dark, dank chamber. "Your summoning was botched. Or meddled with. I'm still trying to ascertain which it was. In the meantime, you, my dear, should start working on remembering who you are. As much as I enjoy these little interventions, I have much bigger matters to attend to."

"Wait! Who are you?" Max demands. "Why did you send the idol to me? Answer me!"

The man tilts his head in confusion. "I did no such thing. I am merely a... dance instructor."

"Then, who did? Give me a name!"

He shakes his head in disappointment. "That's not how a succubus goes about getting her answers. As I said, I don't know who botched your summoning. Your sisters have been free for some time now. You might want to see what they know."

He raps his cane against the floor a final time and true darkness descends around Max. She can't sense anyone around, but the darkness is close, stifling. She feels things around her, on her, clinging to her, grabbing and tangling on her horns.

Suddenly, light spills into her world as her closet door opens and she falls out of it, covered in her clothes.

Max yelps as she is grabbed from all around. She struggles and cries out until she spills back into her dorm room. She thrashes about until she is free of the clinging clothes.

The demoness would think it was all just a fever dream, if not for the very real dress, heels, and stockings she is still wearing...

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

Max makes an excuse halfway through one of the rounds of Magic and quickly leaves Caio's dorm room. A few hours later, though, Caio receives a text from his teammate: Come over. Need to talk.

When Caio arrives, Max opens the door. Likely to the werewolf's surprise, the demoness is clad in a sparkling sequined dress the color of raven's feathers. Opera gloves run up to her elbows, and a slit up the side of the dress reveal legs enclosed in tight fishnet stockings and feet encased in glossy black shoes with a high heel. Despite the glamorous outfit, her expression is fraught with worry. "Hey. Come in."

As she crosses the room to the couch, she seems to have no trouble walking in the high heels. She sits and crosses her legs in a very feminine manner, though she seems to not be conscious of these actions. "It's been a hell of a night," she says with a sigh.

Max then proceeds to tell Caio everything that transpired in the strange closet universe. Of course, the werewolf may find it difficult to concentrate thanks to the powerful pheromones the demoness is exuding...

Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2

Connie kept her hand perfectly still beneath Femms, as if she could stop her heart from pounding by focusing completely on the cause. Even when Femtite's touch grew hotter to the point of pain, she kept still, just hissing in a breath when Femms shrunk herself to safer levels.

Great, so if I'm not able to keep it in my skirt or, her skirt, which I'm already in, whatever then I could blow up the new super team **and** the political stability of her world. And I could blow up her spot on this or any team and then put her Whole World in external danger too...

Okay, so you cannot do this.

"Yeah, there is some physiological stuff we would definitely have to talk through..."

If she kissed me when she was superheated would it leave her lip-prints on my- Hey! I said **cannot** do this! Say **anything** else!

"I wish Candy Grrl had been able to stay with the team after we rescued her. (Yes, I know she really pulled your taffy, mentos'd your coke etc.) You were just so f+~*ing adorable with your crush, and then I could have helped you be happy instead of hurting you."

She closed her eyes tight before they overflowed. "I'm just- toxic, Femms. Any 'passionate flame' involving me would belch the nastiest smoke you'd ever- I mean, one of our friends tried to literally murder me- Recently! -and most of the others could see where he was coming from and thought he kinda had a point. I know I've already left you in tears.

"I don't want to hurt you."

Caio, take a powerful blow when you enter Max's room.

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

Caio had just took a shower when he received Max's text. Whenever possible, he likes to bath just before sleeping, since this helps him sleep better.

He reads the message and wonders how many would be awake at this moment and if he should go with his pajamas or not, but this is just an afterthought since for Max to send such message, it meant something serious had happened.

Caio decides to just put his jacket over the pajamas and wears his havaianas. He grabs a card Max had forgotten in his dorm when she hastily left earlier and off he goes.

Take a Powerful Blow: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 5) + 2 = 11

Caio is taken aback by Max's dress, but since he anticipated something bad had happened, he hold his tongue and joke. He handles the magic card as he entered the room. "You forgot your rooftop storm that I had exiled." He doesn't really notice Max's more feminine moves, since he is a bit asleep and isn't really perceptive kind of stuff.

He sits on a chair to listen to to Max, but then he smells something and curses his decision of not putting some paints. Holy s**@! I'm such an idiot... she must be starting her cycle... He looks at the window and opens it while he grabs a chair and sits close to the opened window. "It is a hot night... will open the window so... I'm not sweaty again. So you entered your closet?" He takes of his jacket and holds it firmly on his lap.

Max tells his strange experience and Caio does his best to keep paying attention. At first, the fresh night air helped to clean his mind of unreasonable thoughts, but then he caught himself looking at Max's lips... neck... exposed leg... chest... "Something is off." He thinks aloud coincidentally when Max tells him about the cloud of perfume.

He reaches for the minifridge and grabs a cold bottle of water, passing it on his nape and then opening it to drink. It doesn't help. Max's words are now muffled until he realises he is not actually listening, but only seeing her lips gorgeous move... her perfect breasts moving as she breathes... her mesmerizing eyes... her intoxicating...

Max sees Caio's eyes shift, going wolflike and feral. Tufts of hair start to sprout and his canines elongate. Runes flare around him, trying to hold the wolf at bay but he shifts anyway -- as far as the tattoos will allow. A rumbling growl emanates from his chest as he starts sniffing in wolflike fashion around her.

Max has seen Caio in states similar to this before -- wild, unrestrained, dangerous, with barely a hint of the human fighting for control. She doesn't sense Caio now; he's completely subsumed by the wolf. However, she doesn't get a feeling of fear even being this close to him, in the enclosed space of her dorm room and exposed by the slinky dress and hobbled by the heels on her feet.

Instead, she feels in control.

This beast is fully under her sway. It's her hound, her attack dog, her hunter, defender, and pet. Utterly devoted and subservient to her will. Unbidden fantasies come to mind of keeping him like this, at heel until she chooses to unleash him at her enemies and to revel in the bloodbath of his fangs and claws.

Max, what do you do??

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

”Caio!” Max gasps as her friend shifts into his wolfish form! Her yellow eyes widen, and she instinctively shrinks back as he stalls closer to her.

But something is different. The initial panic abates, replaced instead with a feeling of power. She controls the beast now. Max reaches out to stroke the wolf’s muzzle as wicked thoughts come unbidden to her mind.

My, my, my, the things we could do together...

Max shakes her head, trying to snap out of the fantasy. ”No! This isn’t me. This isn’t you, Caio. I don’t know what I did, but I’m sorry! Come back, Caio! Come back to me. Please...”

The demoness closes her eyes and puts her forehead against Caio’s, unwittingly tapping into some of her new abilities...

Unleash, Influence: 2d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1, 4) + 2 + 1 = 8

Marking Guilty

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

Femtite bites her lip at the mention of Candy Grrl. “What do you expect? She’s Candy Grrl.”

When Connie looks about to cry, Femtite wraps her arms around her.

“You judge yourself too harshly.”

Femtite’s warmth is somewhere between yellow autumn leaves and afternoon beach sand.

“When I think of you, I think of the cell phone held for my mother to read. How safe I felt in your arms when I told you how scary and humiliating it is to have my planet in a display case. The way you stood by me when I lost control of the fire inside. Picking out clothes from your Goth Punk Barbie—which is the best Barbie ever.

“And yes, I was hurt earlier today, but I saw you sit at the table with the boy who nearly killed you.

“You’re not toxic. You calling yourself toxic is like me telling my mother I can’t kiss a human without melting her face off. It’s a convenient excuse. Headache, washing my hair, setting the bed on fire with my buttocks.”

Femtite steps back.

“Are you afraid of hurting me, or getting hurt, Connie?”

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

The Kennel

Caio feels tired and as he opens his eyes, he barely sees a thing due to the darkness. He feels something around his neck, torso, wrists and ankles, and as he tries to move them, but he discovers heavy chains keep him from properly moving.

As his eyes adapt to the darkness, he beings to see a large shape by his side, and suddenly there is a pair of wild yellow eyes looking at him. Caio is inside a cell with thick bars preventing his escape and, to his horror, the Wolf is also within the cell.

The Wolf, however, doesn't pounce on him and Caio notices it is also held by similar chains and leather. "What? Why..." He begins to think aloud, and, surprisingly, the Wolf talked back. "SO WORRIED ABOUT LETTING ME FREE... TO HUNT... TO FEAST... TO MATE... YOU ARE NO LONGER IN CONTROL. YOU ARE CHAINED AS I AM. LOCKED IN THE KENNEL..." There is anger, resentment, and strangely pity and sadness on the Wolf's words.

"If I'm locked here with you... who has the keys?" As a response to his question, Caio can smell an intoxicating perfume as a tall figure walks towards him from beyond the cell. A pair of horns and wings, and a slender tail, sensual body and clawed hands, reddish eyes... purple skin. "Max?" He asks in disbelief, but soon he notices it is not Max, at least not how he remembers her, since this demon looks older.

"Down!" The succubus orders, and Caio feels his limbs fighting against himself to obey her. Growls of fury comes from the Wolf, apparently also compelled by the same order. As he struggles against the demon, the place suddenly shifts...

Max's Room

Caio finds himself back to Max's room, instantly knowing something is wrong since he is shifted, yet he doesn't sense the Wolf. Max is really close to him as he shifts back to his human form. His pajamas's shirt is ripped in some places, but his shorts miraculously endured.

He holds her arms with care before finding his voice. "Did I hurt you?" He looks at her, noticing her dress looks in place. He knew her new form was very resistant, so in truth he was worried about her feelings. "Did I do something to you?"

This close, Caio could again smell her perfume, even if less intoxicating this time. His mind went back to the strange vision he just had and then to some other places he'd not normally allow. "I..." He stopped himself from saying he had lost control, not wishing to give an excuse to something that could be inexcusable.

Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2

"I'm not afraid of being hurt, Femms. I'm used to it."

She started pacing, her legs' quick steps powering her thoughts and words out of her body with increasing speed.

"I live a lot of my life without a net or a safety line. And I'm good at it, that's why I very correctly didn't freak out about showing you some of the ways this city works, all the ways to get food, and showers, and beds, and wrapping paper for free or for favors, and all as safely as possible. I'm good at it because I know how to watch my step, and not put my weight on something that can't hold it. Femms, I'm a rotten floorboard.

"And I know you don't know that, and I know you can't see it, because it all looks good until I snap, and then suddenly I disappear and am even willing to hide behind a f+~$ing werewolf who recently tried to tear out my throat because that is less scary than you having feelings for me, or something goes different than I'm expecting, and I'm practically clamping my jaws shut to keep from screaming at you for touching the wrong Barbie, which you didn't know, and you couldn't know, because I couldn't think of a way of saying anything without showing how f@$%ing crazy I am, and then, let's face it, screaming about it anyways, and you shouldn't have to guess that s*+*, and I don't have a plan for how to stop it!"

The tears she'd been holding back were seeping down her face in steady waves as she collapsed back onto her bed.

"Why can't you just trust me on this, Femms?"

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

”Caio!” Max cries with relief as the wolf turns back into the man. She shakes her head as he inspects her for injuries. ”I’m fine. You didn’t do anything to me. I did something to you! Brought out your wolf and somehow took control of it. And part of me... Part of me liked being in control of you.”

The dam breaks, and the tears Max has been holding back begin to pour down their cheeks. ”I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do it! I don’t even know how I did it! I’m changing, Caio. I’m losing myself. I’m becoming the demon they want me to be. And I’m scared, Caio. I’m so f+~%ing scared!”

The demoness throws herself against her best friend, wrapping her arms around him. She sobs into his shoulder as she holds onto him, as if for dear life.

When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, ask them if they think you’re losing or gaining humanity. If they say losing, mark a condition and mark potential. If they say gaining, clear a condition and shift Mundane up and any other Label down.

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

Caio holds Max close to him, showing as much support as he can. "Don't worry about that. I'm fine, and I'm still here... I'm still here... We'll be fine..." He keeps repeating himself, trying to calm Max enough so they can properly talk.

Comfort & Support, Influence, Love: 2d6 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5, 3) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 11 Marking Potential, Clearing Insecure. Taking an Advancement: Take another move from your playbook (You’ve got a head you don’t need).

Caio then guides Max back to the couch and sits by her side, clearing a tear in her face. "Look Max, something happened tonight. I'm not going to lie to you or pretend nothing happened." He starts, trying to show as much calm and confidence as he can. "I do not know what happened, or why it happened... I'm tired and the Wolf is exhausted, so perhaps it is more my fault than it is yours, for not being able to control myself, who knows?"

"You are changing. That is true enough, and I know it is scary... I've known this most of my life. There is no one that knows it better than I do, but there is hope for you... for us." As he comforts Max, Caio doesn't realize that he is actually also comforting himself, now sure that not all is lost, since it can't be like that. "It won't be easy and it will be scary, but we can do it."

"Back in Brazil, they wanted me to become a werewolf and so I am, but I'm not theirs. I'm choosing my own path. They want you to be a demon? Porra, be the demon, but not their demon. We'll fight them!" He says this as be grabs her hands.

Pierce the Mask, Influence, Love: 2d6 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4, 1) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 8

What do you want me to do?
Due to the Listener bull ability, Max can ask a question for me and in return I can ask a question back. Important: these questions do NOT need to be from the normal list!

Max gets the normal benefits of a C&S. Caio is saying Max is losing humanity (friends should tell the truth).

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

“I do trust you.” You said you want me.

Femtite’s outfit becomes an oversized t-shirt with a sleeping Jigglypuff on it, and her knee socks are now mismatched: Kirbys and stars on one, and on the other, Princess Peaches each with a smiling spotted mushroom in hand. Femtite’s hair is braided into Chun-Li buns with pale pink ribbons.

She wants direct. “Now trust me.”

Femtite sits on the bed.

“I want you to put your head on my lap. Please do so, if you want.”

Femtite’s thinking is that Connie responds very well to touch, but words agitate her. If Connie wants to be convinced, Femtite won’t win by arguing.

Provoke: 2d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (5, 1) + 2 + 1 = 9
If Connie puts her head on Fem’s lap, yay team!

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

Marking potential from C&S. Marking potential and Hopeless for vulnerability move. Taking a new move from playbook for advance.

Max listens to Caio’s words, her mood darkening as he goes on. His intentions may be helpful, but it is not the advice she was expecting to hear. Don’t fight the monster. Become the monster. That’s exactly what the beings that turned her into a succubus want. Wouldn’t that be playing into their hands?

”Caio... I don’t know if I can fight them. These demons... They’re more powerful than anything we’ve faced. This isn’t going to end well. For me, or for anyone who tries to help me. I’m doomed. There’s no need for you to be doomed with me.”

Max is feeling hopeless, and thus desperate for some easy relief. She looks at Caio with an odd gleam in her eyes and shifts closer to him on the couch. Her pheromones start to grow stronger again...

Max wants Caio to kiss her. Max will ask what Caio wants her to do.

Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2

Connie didn't look up at Femms, but after a short pause, still lying down wriggled her way back towards Femtite's lap, tugged her skirt back into place and laid her head on the pixite's thigh, still facing away.

"This doesn't mean we're dating though." She sounded very tired. "Snuggles can be **yawn** platonic..."


In the middle of the night

**rap rap rap**

"Shin! It's Connie."

**rap rap rap**

His door opened scant seconds later and she shouldered her way through. "Cover it if it's out - we've gotta talk."

She opened her mouth, but couldn't think of how to begin until she turned away from him to pace.

"There's a rule against teammates dating each other, right? Nice PJs, snrk Like, there has to be. I mean, how f+@!ing stupid would they have to be for there not to be.

"'Cause I'm not here to tattle or get anyone in trouble, but I definitely need a wet blanket.

She turned back to him with an expectant smile.

"So whaddya say?"

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

Add to team pool!

“Mm hm.” Femtite doesn’t argue.

* * *

When Connie later wakes up, there is a Barbie-sized Femtite curled up on her pillow.

Potential: 0/5 11A Labels: *Danger*: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: +3 *Mundane*: +2 | Conditions: Guilty, Hopeless
Influenced by: Devil Diva, Femtite / Influences: Scorch, Mosaic, Frostbite, Psyche, Ballista, PATIENT X, Sarah, Triplight, Conflux, Indarius, Femtite, SG

Horizon's dorm room

"...Uh." Shin had been seated on his bed with just some light blue pajama pants on when Conflux had rushed inside of his dorm room. His lean muscular torso was currently in full view of her. He had slipped something underneath his pillow as she'd barged in, and he blinked rapidly as she started to suddenly speak to him.

The dorm is sparsely decorated, with his study desk currently occupied with a heavy US History textbook and a poster for the Halcyon Hierarchs taped up to the wall. There's also an old fashioned wind up alarm clock next to his bed and some iron free weights stacked neatly by the wall.

"Okay, wait, wait, wait, hold on. I think I need a little context first. Who are you dating? Indarius?" He asks, a little confused.

PtM: 2d6 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (5, 6) + 3 - 2 = 12

What do you want me to do? What do you intend to do? How can I gain Influence over you?

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

"There is a good chance this will not end well." He agrees with Max. "But it will be on our terms. These demons expect you to lose yourself in despair, not for you to use the powers they gave you against themselves."

Caio wants for Max to 'guide' her new self instead of 'resisting' it.

As Max comes closer and Caio feels once more her irresistible smell, he also comes closer to her, one hand reaching for her waist, while the other for her nape. He knew he'd not be able to resist her much longer, so he decided to do so on his own will. "I'm doomed anyway, so why not enjoy the time we still have?"

Question: How do I help Max to accept her new self and powers?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2

"Hahaha I am dating no one, because it is a bad idea, and also against The Rules too? You're really letting me down on this, Shin, and I was sure you'd have the boring answer.

"But sure, let's say Indarius. That would be bad for Unit Cohesion, right? If we were like, feeling each other up and getting all licky-style during missions or like, team barbecues or whatever? Or like, spending mission prep time figuring out ways we could umm..." S*#!, he is not on fire, or blindingly bright at any time. What would we need to fix... magic vibrator? "You know, just researching spells that belong in the Personal Health section? I just realized you might not know this - that means sex toys and dildos and things. And I know I told Caio and Max to just f%*~ it out, but I really feel that that's a different situation because- wait, did you know that? Disregard.

"And the breakups! Forget about a night in with a pint of Haagen-Dasz if that's when Shard shows up again. Like, you wouldn't want Steel Guardian showing up in their Sad Sweats instead of their battle suit just because things didn't work out with... I dunno, Love Bug, The's GPS. Probably there's a sexy voice you can program into that. Yeah, like some Regé-Jean Page action. Plus then, how's Steel Guardian supposed to focus after the bad breakup with Love Bug, The right there in battle with its sexy Rege-Jean Page voice?! No! They'd wind up just making out and slobbering all over each other and... You know what, disclosure time. Making out seems kinda gross. Like, I'm not experienced-experienced, but there's a lot of things that sound great or where I can at least see the appeal, but that's just two hot holes filled with teeth and a lot of noise. Bleh. Probably that's not how robots kiss space ships though..."

What do you want me to do: Tell her that she can't date a teammate.
What do you intend to do: Harass and annoy the s@&* out of Shin until he acquiesces.
How can I gain Influence over you: Listening to her when she's right, or persuading her that she's wrong. (Probably no part of this particular conversation)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Potential: 0/5 11A Labels: *Danger*: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: +3 *Mundane*: +2 | Conditions: Guilty, Hopeless
Influenced by: Devil Diva, Femtite / Influences: Scorch, Mosaic, Frostbite, Psyche, Ballista, PATIENT X, Sarah, Triplight, Conflux, Indarius, Femtite, SG

Shin is listening but also having a tough time trying to fully follow the thread of Conflux's thoughts. Though he throws his hands up for her to stop once she starts talking about 'hot holes' and 'teeth'. "Okay, that's more than I really needed to know, but..." He's hesitant, glancing back at his bed briefly before speaking to her.

"Look, uh, I'll be honest. I was in a relationship with someone else on the Sentinels. It was tough at times. We fought, and we cared a lot for each other at the same time," He says to her. "Relationships on the team can be messy. Frostbite and Praetoria broke up and that's when I think she started to drift away from the team. Also he started dating a thief, but that's a different story."

He gestures for her to take a seat in the study chair. "You're not wrong, but I think that you also have to decide for yourself if you like this other person enough to want to still make the leap. It took me a month after my last break-up to want to get involved with someone else. I don't know how your previous relationships have gone, but on this, I can't say there's any rules against dating teammates. Only that you have to put that relationship to one side when we're working together and not let it compromise your judgment. You don't want don't want to let them slip up because you're afraid of ruining that."

He reaches into his dresser, before taking out a small bag of candy - butterscotches. He tosses one to Conflux. "...For the record, though? I'm pretty sure SG's a full robot like my previous teammate, only homegrown. I don't think they're capable of that sort of action. Also, I doubt Max and Caio are going to get involved. They're just friends as far as I could see."

Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2

Connie sat precariously on the chair's back dragging her hands down her face. "Uggghh you'resouselessss..."

She opened a gap between two fingers to peek myopically out at him. "Okay first, save your predictions and guesses for the SG: Under the Mask betting pool.
Second, make sure the school knows Max and Caio need to like, super steel reinforce their beds. And walls. Their suitemates will just keep their fingers crossed about the showers. Though let's face it, whoever shares a shower with Caio is probably always keeping their fingers crossed about finding unspeakable things in the drain, and putting anyone in front of Max in a towel is just begging for a case of the Do/Be/Do's... Whatever, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of splintered bed frames and f&~+ed through walls.

Her gaze suddenly sharpened. "Hey. Timeline question. Despite your surprisingly jacked bod, I haven't exactly seen you tearing things up at the sock hop. So the breakup happened what, basically at the same time as the whole Thing with the Sentinels? And you're not connecting the dots as to what to put on your 'Plans to Improve' self-eval? You are the team leader, my dude. To vaguely quote Edison or Tesla or Einstein or whichever smart dead white dude: If there's one thing you should take away from catastrophic failure, it should probably be identifying what went wrong."

Logical Angle C&S: 2d6 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (1, 2) + 2 - 2 = 3 Welp.

Potential: 0/5 11A Labels: *Danger*: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: +3 *Mundane*: +2 | Conditions: Guilty, Hopeless
Influenced by: Devil Diva, Femtite / Influences: Scorch, Mosaic, Frostbite, Psyche, Ballista, PATIENT X, Sarah, Triplight, Conflux, Indarius, Femtite, SG

"You would be surprised at how much my powers have altered my body," Horizon says, a little more business now with Conflux. He stands up, and now in the light Conflux can see a sole vantablack scar that had been hidden in shadow before - void in his body around his ribs. "As for that, not discussing the details with you. And it's nearly time for my morning run, so unless you want to join me jogging," He says as he walks over and opens his door.

"Oh, and don't barge into my room like that again. You've got to work more on your consideration of others," He tells Connie, gesturing for her to get out. "I'll set up office hours from eight to ten, Wednesday and Friday evenings."

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

When Connie gets home, Barbie-sized Femtite is still curled on the pillow, but with a corner of blanket over her. Connie will need to move the blanket to sleep.

if/when Connie moves the blanket:

Femtite is still wearing a pink night shirt, but the hem is jagged and the only decoration is two eyes. The knee socks now match and feature Ms. Pac-Man and Pinky the Ghost.

Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2

"Fine, I guess I'll go off and organize an impromptu group Team Building session since there's obviously no downside." Connie said with a smirk and a lewd gesture. "And for your information, I am flawlessly considerate of others! There's just a priority queue."

Back out in the hall it took her a minute to realize that she was still smiling. So the plan didn't work right away. That's fine. Maybe it'll fester. Oh! Backup plan!

She pulled out her phone and quickly typed out her silver bullet plan.

::Picture of Caio in handcuffs::
Connie: I'm almost positive this is both our rooftop, but if they want to avoid fleas in the dorms, I get it.
[SCHEDULED for 6:00am]Connie: Hey if you could hook up with Max sooner rather than later and speedrun your very own Werewolf/Succubus Childhood Friend tragic romance arc to a public and morality affirming finish then I will buy you a cookie
[SCHEDULED for 6:01am]Connie: Fine, two cookies. Final offer.
[SCHEDULED for 6:02am]Connie: And a cake.


Gently she slid open the door to her room and slipped in as soundlessly as she could. An occasional soft glow from her pillow meant she didn't need to turn on a light or anything gauche while she prepared important protective bed measures.

Seeing Femms's ghost pjs was almost enough to make her audibly giggle, but she bit down on her hand until she could trust herself again.

Girl, you are punchy. And that is the Only Reason you are smiling so damn much. Aaaand you can't kiss her, because adorable sleep kisses are only for people who are seeing each other and who are both okay with it. And you haven't talked about that at all, which doesn't matter, because you are not dating!

Carefully she climbed in beneath the covers, a new wall of repurposed pillows and cushions preventing her from rolling in Femtite's direction. Yep, sleep deprivation is the only reason I'm smiling so much.
And with nothing between them on the shared pillow, she finally let herself rest.

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][][][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+2 Superior:-1 Mundane:+0 |

Percy seems to sleep quite soundly through the night with no drama. Though his dreams were a bit of a mess given the recent happenings in school, the fight with the time creature, and what may happen to Symphony and the repercussions of the whole incident with her benefactor. But hey no team drama.

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None
Caio Costa wrote:

"There is a good chance this will not end well." He agrees with Max. "But it will be on our terms. These demons expect you to lose yourself in despair, not for you to use the powers they gave you against themselves."

Caio wants for Max to 'guide' her new self instead of 'resisting' it.

As Max comes closer and Caio feels once more her irresistible smell, he also comes closer to her, one hand reaching for her waist, while the other for her nape. He knew he'd not be able to resist her much longer, so he decided to do so on his own will. "I'm doomed anyway, so why not enjoy the time we still have?"

Question: How do I help Max to accept her new self and powers?

Caio can help Max accept her new self and powers by being a caring, supportive friend. Or perhaps more than just a friend...

Max breath catches in her throat as Caio puts his hands around her. She can see his nostrils flaring and his pupils dilating. Her heartbeat quickens as she feels herself being drawn inexorably closer to him.

If there's something you're thinking about trying, I say go for it and see how it feels, Conflux had said. But Max knows once she crosses this line, there'd be no going back. Her relationship with her best friend would be changed forever. But Max had already been changed forever. Perhaps this was just the next step along her evolution.

Be the monster. Embrace it.

"Caio..." Max whispers. Then she leans forward, closes her eyes, and presses her lips against his, flinging herself into easy relief...

Session 2: Lesson Two -- Defense of Self and Others
1 Team

The fall morning is cool and wispy fog clings to the wet grass as Shin takes his early-morning run around the campus grounds. He had received a message from his mentor just as he started, Next special class tonight, 7 pm, Unity Station. Foray's taking this one.

He's about finished up when he sees Grace getting out of her mother's car at the drop-off point, and immediately remembers she's got a volleyball game after school -- helped by her rally jersey she's wearing. Assuming there's no super villain attack, he should be able to watch her game and still make it to Superheroing 101.

They're able to share a quick good morning before she had to get to her before-school team meeting and he had to hit the showers before class.


The warning bell rings and students fill the hallways from the dorms or their off-campus residences. Percy feels refreshed and alert thanks to his full, drama-free night's sleep. Conflux, Shin, Max, Femtite and Caio all head to their classes, mind awhirl over the events of last night.

Max again feels the stares or purposefully avoided looks as she walks across campus. It feels different this morning, however, as the gawking gazes feel less... gawking. Her inner thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a student walking beside her suddenly blurting out, "Hey, I got this extra muffin from the cafeteria. Would you like it?" Regardless of whether she takes it or not, he introduces himself. "I'm Aaron. Hi."

She only has taken a few steps after meeting with Aaron when another boy introduces himself as Tyquan. Another says his name is Jeremy, who offers her a donut. By the time she reaches her first classroom, at least fifteen boys and two girls introduced themselves and she had been offered gum, sweets, pieces of fruit, a yogurt cup, and granola bar.

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

After everything that has happened over the past few days, Max is trying to embrace her new self more than before. She has eschewed her usual concealing sweats, instead heading to school in a casual T-shirt and jeans. She expects the usual stares and whispers, but seems surprised when the boy--Aaron, is it?--approaches and offers her his muffin.

"Oh, um, sure. Thank you," she says with a hesitant smile. Before she can get far, more and more students begin to flock around her, trying to pay tribute with a cavalcade of snacks.

I'm going to get fat if I say yes to everybody! Max thinks, blushing at all of the attention and doing her best to say thanks-but-no-thanks and extricate herself from the throng of admirers.

Although, the attention is not entirely unwelcome...

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

Max's Room

Caio drinks on Max's perfume, inebriated, yet finding an unexpected clarity in his mind... perhaps surrendering to his desire and guiding it was the key not to lose control with Max. Strangely, in situations like this, the wolf never tried to get in control, probably because both man and wolf were completely on the same page.

He kissed her neck until he reaches her ear, lightly biting her ear lobe, whispering to her. "We'll go only as far as you want to..." He then stops and look her in her eyes, again, his eyes showing clarity, even if obvious desire. "You are in control. One word and I'll stop... no questions, no pressure, no buts..." He kisses her again. "...on your own time."

Unless stopped, Caio will return to kiss her mouth, then slowly starting to kissing her neck, kissing slightly down each time. One of his hands shift slightly into a claw as he slides it across her back, no enough to harm her, but when he reaches for dress, he'll reap it apart, imagining Max will not care for him to destroy the demon's gift. His other hand exploring her body.


Connie: Hey if you could hook up with Max sooner rather than later and speedrun your very own Werewolf/Succubus Childhood Friend tragic romance arc to a public and morality affirming finish then I will buy you a cookie
Connie: Fine, two cookies. Final offer.
Connie: And a cake.
Caio: Pass. Don't really like sweets.


Caio keeps a couple feet behind Max, holding a smile as the students rush towards her to offer sweets and their names. He still can smell her perfume and is starting to wonder if the same isn't happening to them. Knowing Max will not eat all the stuff he was gifted, he takes a loot, slightly bummed that there are only sweets and healthy food. "How about spreading a rumor that you like sandwiches? Are you eating this?" He points to a chocolate bar.

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

Max moans softly as Caio nibbles on her pointed ear. She nods slowly when he tells her that she's the one in control. Her tail writhes anxiously behind her as Caio slowly trails kisses down her neck and chest.

This is wrong. He's my best friend. We shouldn't be doing this, she thinks to herself. But if it's wrong, why does it feel so right?

The demoness feels Caio's claw tracing along her back, then hears a tearing noise. The sequined dress she was wearing falls to shreds, exposing Max's body! She gasps in surprise, clad now in nothing but fishnet stockings and high heels. She presses herself against Caio as his hands explore her body, ignoring the voice of protest in her mind and surrendering to desire...

Fade to black...

Some time later...

The lovemaking was both exuberant and destructive. Max's dorm room looks like the site of a pitched battle, with broken furniture and debris scattered about the room. The demoness and the werewolf lay entwined in the battered remains of her bed, exhausted but contented.

But even as they lay there, Max stares up at the ceiling, worry creasing her features. Was this a mistake? she cannot help but wonder...



"It wouldn't be a rumor, Caio. I do like sandwiches," Max replies. She hands her friend a chocolate bar and gives him a smile. But the smile is only a mask that hides her worries about her new abilities...

Influenced by: Caio, Femtite, Percy, Queen Millie, Shin Influences: Caio, Candy Grrrl, Devil Diva, Femtite, Jade, Jasmine Jacobson, Percy, Ringtone, Shin, Tyg
Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Savior: 3 Superior: 3 Mundane: -2| Conditions: Afraid, Guilty | Potential 1/5 | Condition Heal/Team Hold: 2 | Diva Samples Hold: 1/2


Connie's eyes opened, and she was delighted to see that she'd beaten her alarm.

Made it all night without regrettable kisses!

Gently sliding out of bed, she did her quick morning yoga, took her vitamins, and bundled herself up to brave the shared bathroom, the first place she heard rumors of strange, destructive noises from somewhere down the wing...


Not long after school starts, Shin gets a text from an unknown number.

Shin's Conscience: To Shins it may concern,

Connie was right and you were wrong.

Everyone whose rooms adjoin Max's.

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty

Caio moves a bit, removing a coil from the bed that was poking his leg. "Perhaps we have exaggerated a bit?" He jokes, looking around the place. He then notices her worried face. "This doesn't need to be complicated, you know?"

Pierce the Mask, Influence, Love: 2d6 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3, 1) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7

Question: What do you want me to do?
Bonus Question if Max makes one to Caio: how could I get Max not to feel guilty/worried about this?

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

"I'd really like to believe that," Max sighs. "But in no universe would this be not complicated. Let's... Let's worry about it tomorrow. Just stay here with me tonight."

Max wants Caio to stay with her tonight.

She turns her yellow eyes to Caio and studies his face.

Asking Caio: What are you really planning (in regards to our long-term relationship)?

Bonus Answer: You can't get Max to not feel guilty or worried. At least, not right now...

The day progresses. Class time for Max is made slightly awkward as several of his male teachers frequently lose their train of thought in the middle of their lectures. The students sitting next to her don't absorb much information, either.


Shin is waved over to his usual table with the basketball and volleyball players. As he sits down, he comes in the middle of a conversation.

Jaden is talking with Gavin in front of Sophie, Ne'veah, Grace, and Yasmine.
"--just something about her, you know? Halcyon's full of weirdness, you know? So what if she has horns and a tail? I've been thinking about her all day."

"Dude," Gavin responds. "You're not even close to her league. You would have better luck with Praetoria."

Sophie and Ne'veah are watching with annoyance. "You're not seriously talking about this in front of us, are you?"

Grace rolls her eyes and adds, ”Again?”

"What?" Jaden tries to look innocent. "I'm just-- I dunno, I'd just like to get to know her. Maybe we should invite her to sit with us?"

Ne'veah groans and shakes her head. "No way. My parents are into that TV preacher? Reverend Runyan Reibold? They've already wrote emails to the school board about her. They find out I'm hanging out with her and they'll freak. Probably haul me to one of those revivals."

Shin, what do you do?

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][][][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+2 Superior:-1 Mundane:+0 |

Percy woke and stretched only to find his arm still with a really nasty wound. He took to the bathroom to clean it out and look in the mirror, he felt like he had a good night sleep, he looked like he'd been mauled by a bear in his sleep. He changed out the bandages and applied a healthy slathering of anti-septic, numbing cream and made sure to clean up anything that was leaking from the wound.

He had woken up a bit later than usual so beyond the fixing of his arm he made sure to wear a longsleeve shirt sporting the school mascot of Hal-prep the Panther. Grabbing his study supplies he went to walk the school where he caught wind of some horrible racket in the dorms last night. He also noticed a certain fiendish friend of his had a expectantly large cohort following her offering this and that. Including one even more than usually attached Caio.

Percy feels something odd about the whole situation and decides to subtlety reach out to the surrounding aether.
Unleash(extend senses): 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 4) + 3 = 12
What he gets is something almost strange sense it's too thick here to be normal, and it's all similar to DD's natural wellspring, like all things have. But it almost felt like the energy within the other students was... tainted by her own. Feeling a shudder run down his back he kept his distance and pulled out his phone to text Shin and Connie.

Group text(Shin/Connie):
'Hey I think something's really the matter with DD, she's offputting a large amount of her own erm... eh.. energy we'll say and it's starting to warp that of those around her at least I think that's what I'm seeing.'

Soldier | Danger -2 | Freak +1 | Savior +3 | Superior +1 | Mundane +3 | Soldier +1 Potential:▶️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: Afraid, Guilty


"Of course I'll stay, Max." He smiles and gives her another kiss, this time aiming to comfort her. He wraps his arms around her again, cozying himself, enjoying the sensation of her skin against his.

Later, before school

While looking for his left Havaiana, Caio peeks at Max, discreetly as she dresses herself, smiling at the thought that a younger version of him would be really proud of himself.

He knows he has to leave for his own dorm to change clothes and pick his stuff before school, but he'd rather talk with Max before doing so, so he walks towards her, caressing her arm. "Look Max, if anything this only means we can do more stuff than before... all that we did before, will be the same. Game nights, hanging out during lunch, cracking jokes, making fun of people, being there for each other, talking about our problems... nothing about that will change. We are still friends, as any couple should be." Noticing that he might have overstepped and assumed too much about their night, he tries to correct himself. "If that is what you want, of course."

He shrugs. "We do not need to figure it out everything right now. There is no rush for we to do it, right?"

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior +2, Mundane -1 | Potential 0/5 | Conditions: None

Max feels Caio's eyes on her as she dresses for the day. She pretends not to notice.

Her eyes widen slightly when he mentions the two of them as a "couple." Her stomach does a little flip-flop but she maintains her composure. "Right. Let's not rush things. I'll, uh, I'll see you in class later."

Max gives Caio's arm a squeeze before he leaves.

⭐️ | Danger +1 | Freak +3 | Savior 0| Superior +3 | Mundane -2 | Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
☀️blissfully retired from the life!
Chastity, Chumpchange, Connie, DD, Drake, Horizon, Indarius, Ngon, Raquel, Shane, Skyler, Valorian, ((not yet: LaQuesha, Victoria)) / Faetite

In the morning, two school uniforms are laid out on the sofa. In the bathroom, Femtite has a teacup of soapy water next to the tub. She is in the cup, using her body temperature to heat her bath.

She bids Connie “Good Morning!

“I was thinking I should continue to wear the school uniform. Wearing real clothing is part of the human experience.”

She dangles a leg lazily as she basks in the tub.


Femtite will definitely sit next to Connie at lunch. She definitely thinks DD smells good, but when she sees boys (and girls) swooning over her, she is reminded of her mother’s effect on most pixites, including one of the younger queens.

Potential: 0/5 11A Labels: *Danger*: +1 Freak: -1 Savior: +1 Superior: +3 *Mundane*: +2 | Conditions: Guilty, Hopeless
Influenced by: Devil Diva, Femtite / Influences: Scorch, Mosaic, Frostbite, Psyche, Ballista, PATIENT X, Sarah, Triplight, Conflux, Indarius, Femtite, SG


Shin was listening to the Hierarchs' podcast - really it was just a radio show highlighting the last plays of the game. He really felt that this year the team would make it to the Series. They hadn't won their division this past season, but their win-loss ratio got them their wild card slot for the playoffs, and they'd advanced to the division championship for their shot at the pennant. They were up two games and down one so far, so all they needed were two more wins to make it.

He was also paying attention to his texts, frowning and tapping a quick reply to Connie and Percy as he approached the usual table.

Connie: What goes on in anyone's dorm room behind closed doors is their business. How would you feel if people asked what you were doing sneaking into my room this morning?

Percy/Connie: Noted. Work on a ward together to try and prevent it from influencing you both, distribute to the team if possible. We have class tonight at 7pm at Unity Station so do what you can.

He sits down and pulls the earbuds out to get into the conversation, speaking up to Ne'veah. "I don't think she has a choice in the way that she looks. It would be like shunning a person for albinism - they can't change that part of them and trying to deny it just causes problems in the long run."

"However," He adds to Jaden, "I have it through good authority that she's already dating someone, so you're out of luck, buddy."

Provoke Jaden to not pursue Max: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 2) + 1 = 6

This is too funny by far...let chaos reign!

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