Palace of the Silver Princess (OSE)

Game Master Branding Opportunity

An Old-School Essentials game based on Jean Wells' original Basic D&D adventure.

Map of Dungeon

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The young thief keeps his sword out as they set off, ”Right then. Let’s move.”

Discord Chat

The majority of the group moves quickly ahead while Kymil hangs back to get a better look at who is coming down the trail.

Kymil, can you please make either a Dexterity or Intelligence check to stay hidden and silent? Because the forest gives you lots of cover, I'll give you a +1 (advantage).

Male Elf-2, AC-16, HP-9

INT Check (14+1): 1d20 ⇒ 13

Discord Chat

Kymil hides behind a fallen tree off the trail until he can get a better idea of who is approaching.

As they come closer he can clearly see that it is four people, two of whom are holding torches, along with a horse pulling a cart. Three are clearly armed with crossbows and swords, while the fourth seems to be a less martial-looking woman who is leading the horse. They are currently too far away to be positively identified, but the woman could possibly be Bernadette. They are all clearly very nervous about being in the wood at this time of night, and are walking at an accelerated pace. They currently don't seem to be aware of Kymil, and are about a minute from reaching the site of your very recent battle.

As Kymil is deciding what to do next, he suddenly hears the hunting call of caelyxes from the direction in which they disappeared. It is answered by another call much farther away a few seconds later.

The group Kymil is watching clearly hears the calls as well, and begin to walk even faster, nearly breaking into a run.

Kymil, do you want to take off before they get closer, let them pass, or do something else?

Male Elf-2, AC-16, HP-9

I will take off and try to catch the party and tell them we have someone coming up behind well as the possibility of another run-in with the caelyxes.

Seeing the travelers and hearing the call of the caelyxes, Ky turns and runs swiftly, and silently through the trees until he can see the rest of his party before him.

Discord Chat

OK, Kymil, you reach your party without being seen.

AC17(18), HP15/[15] Saves: D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, Stats: St18, Dx13, Cn13, In8, Ws9, Ch10 Human Fighter 2

So a small group with possibly Bernadette... but with those kitties closing in? My two coppers is that we join forces. I might want to blaze up a torch after all. I can shove it in one of those beasties faces to give it a real scare.

Image N Human Cleric 2 | HP 11/11 | AC 12 | SAVES: D 11 / W 12 / P 14 / B 16 / S 15 | STATS: Str 10. Int 13. Wis 16. Dex 7. Con 14. Cha 10 | XP 1549/3000 | GP 0 | Spells: cure light wounds

The priest nods in agreement with Emmett's assessment. "We should identify ourselves as friendly as soon as we're close enough to be heard, so as to avoid any misunderstandings. Also, I'll take a torch as well, if you have one to spare. As you say, at least it may frighten these caelyxes even if we don't connect with a strike."

Osseus will take and light a torch if Emmett offers him one.

AC17(18), HP15/[15] Saves: D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, Stats: St18, Dx13, Cn13, In8, Ws9, Ch10 Human Fighter 2

Im a bit encumbered right now but pull one out of the pack, he says stooping slightly to allow for it.

Image N Human Cleric 2 | HP 11/11 | AC 12 | SAVES: D 11 / W 12 / P 14 / B 16 / S 15 | STATS: Str 10. Int 13. Wis 16. Dex 7. Con 14. Cha 10 | XP 1549/3000 | GP 0 | Spells: cure light wounds

Osseus pulls out several torches, lighting one and sticking the rest through his belt. He keeps flint and steel handy in case more are needed.

Dolion also takes a torch and lights it from the flame of Osseus’ torch.

Male Elf-2, AC-16, HP-9

Kymil moves a little bit to the side so the light does not hamper is infravision.

Discord Chat

You see the other group approaching, but when they see your torches and lantern, they stop a good distance off (about 50 yards/meters away) and begin looking about as if they are expecting an ambush.

"Who goes there? Friend or foe?" one of the men calls out, his torch held hight to get a better look at your group.

"We are soldiers out of Gulluvia and wish to pass through the forest to the Canton of Velders which we believe lies a few hours down this trail. We are not interested in trouble, but will fight fiercely if attacked. What do you say?"

”Friends! Dolion shouted across the darkened expanse. ”Beware, there are fell beasts in the woods this night. We hope to join our party to yours for safety’s sake.

Discord Chat

You can see the soldiers looking at each other and talking in low voices. The one who had previously spoken, speaks up again.

"You say you are friends, but where are you from and what are you doing in these dark woods at this time of night? How can we trust you?"

Male Magic-User 2 | HP 6/6 | AC 11

"We came out because of a report that one of our friends, who we were looking for, might've been found on the road as a victim of these creature attacks," shouts Felder back. He holds his lantern up a bit so that they can see him better. "Indeed, we found a body of a luckless traveler, but it was not our friend. We are taking the body back to town for proper rites and notification of the family. We have already seen some of these strange creatures, they run when outnumbered but I suspect they will return in greater numbers."

Discord Chat

A voice, a familiar female voice speaks up from the other group.

"Felder? Is that you? It's Bernadette!"

Male Magic-User 2 | HP 6/6 | AC 11

"Bernadette! We came looking because we met a pair of fellows who claimed that they saw a body on the road, and we thought it might be you. Knuckles is here too! We've seen some of the caelyxes, they look quite fierce, it's not safe to travel the roads alone."

Discord Chat

The newly revealed Bernadette comes rushing down the path toward as the soldiers warn her to stay back but she ignores them completely.

"My friends," she says, throwing her arms around Felder as she cannons into him, "[b]I can't believe you all received my letters and all of you came back! Dolion, Kymil, Knuckles, and even the dour Osseus have returned! Oh, I am so happy, so very, very happy indeed!" Her smile is so wide you are afraid she is going to hurt herself.

Bernadette has changed more than a little since you last saw her, which for all of you was at least two years ago. She has grown from an awkward teenager into a tall, strong woman with flowing auburn hair. Her indearing smile hasn't changed a bit, however, and it is perhaps the memory of that smile and the many wonderful hours you spent with her and her older brother Jeremiah that brought you back to Gulluvia.

AC17(18), HP15/[15] Saves: D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, Stats: St18, Dx13, Cn13, In8, Ws9, Ch10 Human Fighter 2

Knuckles mentally sizes up the soldiers, knowing that if they try any shenanigans like press ganging him into the army, he'd have to kill them.

He gave the soldiers a cautious professional nod.

Image N Human Cleric 2 | HP 11/11 | AC 12 | SAVES: D 11 / W 12 / P 14 / B 16 / S 15 | STATS: Str 10. Int 13. Wis 16. Dex 7. Con 14. Cha 10 | XP 1549/3000 | GP 0 | Spells: cure light wounds

Osseus smiles. ”And we are happy to find you alive and well, Bernadette - after finding no news of you in Velders, we feared you were otherwise.” The priest holds his torch high and turns his attention back to the dark wilderness. ”But let us save our celebrations for the inn. There is a pack of caelyxes nearby, much bolder and more aggressive than expected.”

”Soldiers!” he calls to the reluctant men. ”Let us form up around the lady, our lantern-bearer, and your cart, and make haste for Velders. There are beasts about, and they are hungry!”

Dolion hears the wisdom in Osseus’ words and takes up a position close to Bernadette hoping to protect his friend’s sister.

Discord Chat

You and the soldiers gather around Bernadette as best you can and keep a close eye on the woods as you make your way back to the Canton of Velders.

While you are travelling, Bernadette begins filling you in on what has been happening these last few years in a quiet voice.

"Thank you again for making the incredible journey to come back to our little backwater of Gulluvia. It all began to go bad after the old Baron died. With no heir, Baroness D'hmis got the support of the local council of merchants, and they formally asked her act as regent until a distant relative of the old Baron could be tracked down. Unsurprisingly, that hasn't happened and it's been two years."

She sighs and looks about nervously into the woods before continuing.

"Things at first went pretty well, but then we noticed that all the officers in the guard were being replaced by people who were loyal to her. Once she had locked them down, she increased taxes on everyone except the most powerful merchants of Gulluvia, whose taxes she lowered while allowing them to get away with shady business practices that would have landed them in the stocks in the old days."

"She used those taxes to hire mercenaries from abroad and then began to try to get the outlying settlements of Gulluvia under her thumb. It was about at that time that my brother Jeremiah and I were hit with a bill for unpaid back taxes. These were a total fabrication, as my brother had been good about paying our taxes since our parents passed. We tried to protest, but the local sheriff, who was one of the Baroness' men, wouldn't hear of it. He said that if we couldn't pay, he would throw us in jail. After a week, the guard showed up and dragged Jeremiah off and threw him in the dungeons below Castle D'hmis, telling me that I had three months to pay off our debt or our farm would be seized. It's been two months now and I don't know what I should do."

How much gold do they say you owe,” the young thief inquired while trying to stay on the darkened path.

Discord Chat

Bernadette drops her head, clearly ashamed to have to admit it to all of you.

"It's crazy. They say we owe 300 gold pieces. It's a ridiculous amount. Our entire farm is worth only a bit more than that."

Male Magic-User 2 | HP 6/6 | AC 11

"This is just extortion," says Felder. He glances to Knuckles and says, "Surely something can be done."

AC17(18), HP15/[15] Saves: D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, Stats: St18, Dx13, Cn13, In8, Ws9, Ch10 Human Fighter 2

Pretty sure if we somehow pay it, it will be lost forgotten or the amount doubled.

”Don’t worry Bernadette we will help however we can,” Dolion offered trying to comfort the distraught woman.

Male Magic-User 2 | HP 6/6 | AC 11

"Well it's not as if we are going to upend the aristocracy," says Felder, "but perhaps there's a way we can get some money. There's a story of an old ruin not far from here... a sort of fortress, I suppose? It's abandoned, the history is a bit unclear, perhaps it was overrun by monsters; anyway, the sort of place where you might find lost treasures and magic amidst the dangers."

Image N Human Cleric 2 | HP 11/11 | AC 12 | SAVES: D 11 / W 12 / P 14 / B 16 / S 15 | STATS: Str 10. Int 13. Wis 16. Dex 7. Con 14. Cha 10 | XP 1549/3000 | GP 0 | Spells: cure light wounds

”Yes, I remember the stories, Felder. Hidden in a forgotten valley in the Moorfowl mountains, a ruin filled with lost riches and terrible dangers that vary with the storyteller, though an immense ruby is usually mentioned.”

The priest shrugs. ”I think it’s worth a look, given our circumstances. Regardless of the validity of the debt, our first priority is to secure the safety of Bernadette, Jeremiah, and their livelihood. If the stories turn out to be just that, we can then consider alternate options to explore.”

Male Magic-User 2 | HP 6/6 | AC 11

[b}"Certainly not a place to go while we're trying to get home safely in the middle of the night,"[/b] says Felder. "Let's get everyone back to town safe and secure, and we can talk about the prospect in the morning. Might even give the two sword-fellows something to do to earn a few coins."

AC17(18), HP15/[15] Saves: D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, Stats: St18, Dx13, Cn13, In8, Ws9, Ch10 Human Fighter 2

Tomorrow sounds good then. Probably the best alternative we have to solving Jeremiah's Imprisionment.

Discord Chat

The return to the Shady Dragon Inn proceeds without any further interruptions. Bernadette and the soldiers seems overjoyed when they see the lights of Velders, and one of the men exclaims: "Thank the gods. I really thought we wouldn't make it." Before you reach the palisade wall that surrounds the village, the soldiers ask for a moment's rest in which they each take off any item of clothing that carries the symbol of the hippogriff rampant that is the emblem of the Barony of Gulluvia. Once they have done so, they throw the clothes into the woods and indicate that they are ready to continue.

You are let back in through the Night Gate in the wall (a smallish door most of you have to crouch to get through) by the same guard who opened it to let you leave only a few hours before. He tells the soldiers to leave the wagon and the horse outside and that a stableboy from the inn will bring them in for them after they have passed through. He gives the new arrivals the same spiel he told you when you got there and seems genuinely glad that you are all back in one piece.

At the Shady Dragon Inn, a knock on the front door brings Naomi and the strong servant woman you met when you first arrived holding lanterns. They usher everyone inside, and provide drink and a cold plate to anyone who is hungry. Bernadette and the soldiers take her up on the offer and it seems clear that they haven't eaten in a while. They each then get their own rooms and thank all of you again before bidding you good night.

At this point it's probably about 1 or 2 in the morning. You're welcome to engage anyone in conversation if you like, although all are very tired and ready to go to bed. The night will pass without incident, although some of you remember that Aiden and Barnabas will need to be paid for their escort duty into the forest.

If you just want to wait until morning, go ahead and post any questions you ask of Bernadette or the soldiers, or start having your discussion about the Palace of the Silver Princess or another way of helping Jeremiah and Bernadette.

Discord Chat

Wisdom check +4 (i.e. easier):
On your way into the Shady Dragon Inn, you notice that the covered wagon owned by the tinker Lamdamon and his daughter are parked nearby. Neither can be seen inside or outside the inn, but then again, it's the middle of the night, so that's not much of a surprise.

Male Elf-2, AC-16, HP-9

Once things have settled, Kymil searches out Bernadette.

"I am glad you are safe Bernadette. I do have a concern, however. The dryad's tree has been taken over by some sort of parasite. Did you know? Do you have any idea how this happened or when? I know you have other concerns at the moment, but like you she is a friend and I must do all I can to help her!"

AC17(18), HP15/[15] Saves: D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, Stats: St18, Dx13, Cn13, In8, Ws9, Ch10 Human Fighter 2

I'm off to bed... come up with a scheme to earn our friends some money... some rumours about a ruin or palace or such might be a lead

Image N Human Cleric 2 | HP 11/11 | AC 12 | SAVES: D 11 / W 12 / P 14 / B 16 / S 15 | STATS: Str 10. Int 13. Wis 16. Dex 7. Con 14. Cha 10 | XP 1549/3000 | GP 0 | Spells: cure light wounds

Escorted by men impersonating royal soldiers, or by royal soldiers fearing their allegiance may be a liability this side of the Abaddon? Likely the former I think.

Osseus will inquire with the guard if there’s a cellar they can use to store the old woman’s corpse, and also whether Velders is missing an old woman. Once arrangements have been made for the body he’ll retire for the evening.

If we’re both continuing on tomorrow, perhaps we should try and travel through the woods with the tinkers. More for their safety than ours.

Wis+4 (20): 1d20 ⇒ 14

”A good. Nights sleep and a clear head will do us all some good, Dolion offered. He turned to the elf, ”Let the poor woman rest we can talk about fairies and woodland sprites in the morning under th light of day.”

Discord Chat

Kymil: Bernadette admits that she knows nothing about a dryad or a parasite, and that this is her first time traveling to Velders.

Osseus: The guard will inform Osseus that Velders has no formal chuch, but that the bodies of the recently deceased are temporarily kept in the spring house of the town's miller. He is happy to have one of the other guard's escort Osseus there with the body tonight. The guard also states that there are no old women missing from Velders and no elderly travelers passed through recently from the east. The only other option is that the woman traveled through the Abbadon Forest from Gulluvia proper.

Male Magic-User 2 | HP 6/6 | AC 11

Felder pays Aiden and Banabas a total of six gold pieces for escort services, gives Bernadette a hug, then announces that he’s exhausted and, after a coughing fit, heads up the stairs to sleep.

Discord Chat

The ball is in your court, folks. Bernadette has already given you the basics about what is happening to her, although if you want to ask additional questions, you are welcome to. I was not planning on posting a "everyone comes down for breakfast the next morning" post, so will leave it up to you in terms of how you want to proceed.

How do you want to move forward from here? Are you interested in discussing the problems and possible solutions with each other? Do you want to hire anyone such as Aiden or Barnabas or the guards that were accompanying Bernadette? What is the story with those guards anyway? Does Kymil want to talk to anyone else in town about what is going on in the forest? Does Osseus want to handle the funeral of the woman you found on the road? Do you want to ask questions of Lamdamon and his daughter about the Palace of the Silver Princess or anything else that has come up since you last talked with him? He's been traveling about the country for years and probably knows a thing or two about a thing or two.

Male Magic-User 2 | HP 6/6 | AC 11

After a good night's sleep and a little late rest, Felder ambles back down for a bite to eat. The wizard is quick to assemble his friends and associates for his plan.

"My friends and traveling companions, I think that looking for this so-called Palace of the Silver Princess is our next ideal move," he says. "There are many legends about it, though I must confess that my knowledge is fragmentary. Still, I'm sure that it does exist; we might be able to learn more about its location and history by asking some of the locals. Surely stories have been handed down over the years on some kind of rumor table. We have a good assortment of skills, and if we can find something useful or valuable in those old walls, then perhaps we can do some good with it."

The wizard seems a bit circumspect as he says, "So far I don't think there's any law against adventurers exploring old ruins and reclaiming lost things by right of salvage. If we can survive whatever risks are in the wild, it could be a good opportunity."

"None of us are especially gifted orators or charmers, so I recommend that we spend the morning after breakfast talking to various locals about rumors and news, then we meet here for lunch and decide our next move," he finishes. "You two gents—" and here he points to Aiden and Barnabas—"can earn a little more money if you're willing to lend sword-arms to our expedition."

Male Elf-2, AC-16, HP-9

After a few hours of meditation, Ky waits for the others to wake. He listens to the wizard talk and decides that perhaps he should also ask around town to see if anyone knows about the dryad's tree.

"This is a sound plan magister. I also need to question the townspeople for a blight has infested the forest hereabouts and perhaps someone local will know more about it!"

Dolion nodded his head in agreement at Felder’s suggestion. ”I reckon that be as good a plan as any. I’ll start by talking with old Lamdamon and his daughter,” he offers with a roguish wink.

When they break up he will seek out the pair.

AC17(18), HP15/[15] Saves: D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, Stats: St18, Dx13, Cn13, In8, Ws9, Ch10 Human Fighter 2

Emmett ambles downstairs not long after dawn, he found that he couldn't sleep much past dawn, no matter how hard he tried... afternoon naps on the other hand, were a favourite pursuit.

Still, he helped himself to some watered ale, and poked his head into the kitchen to ask for a bowl of oat porridge.

He spooned the hot pasty goodness into his maw as he considered his options... burning down this tin point Baroness sounded good, but dangerous as playing with a bull after it was kicked in the nuts. Profitable? Possibly but the whole deal would involve Politics, and that was more dangerous than that imagined bull.

Well, he was out of the Mercenary Game, so... adventuring it was.

When Felder appeared he seemed to have a plan.

Felder Crannock wrote:

The wizard seems a bit circumspect as he says, "So far I don't think there's any law against adventurers exploring old ruins and reclaiming lost things by right of salvage. If we can survive whatever risks are in the wild, it could be a good opportunity."

"None of us are especially gifted orators or charmers, so I recommend that we spend the morning after breakfast talking to various locals about rumors and news, then we meet here for lunch and decide our next move," he finishes. "You two gents—" and here he points to Aiden and Barnabas—"can earn a little more money if you're willing to lend sword-arms to our expedition."

So, that, was that. Maybe he could even learn to warm to the rookies.

He would amble around town, duck into the smithy and so forth and see what information he could pick up.

Cha 10: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Weeeeell, looks like Knuckles found some trouble...

Image N Human Cleric 2 | HP 11/11 | AC 12 | SAVES: D 11 / W 12 / P 14 / B 16 / S 15 | STATS: Str 10. Int 13. Wis 16. Dex 7. Con 14. Cha 10 | XP 1549/3000 | GP 0 | Spells: cure light wounds

”Agreed, Felder. I’ll be burying the woman from the woods this morning, but should be done by lunchtime.”

Osseus commissions a simple wooden casket from whoever passes for the village carpenter, ascertains where the village normally inters their dead, and finds a rock to serve as a simple grave marker - small enough to lift, but large enough to withstand wind and rain.

I’ve not the implements nor the time for a proper excarnation. Burial will have to suffice for now. I’ll mark her grave so any faithful will know she needs to be exhumed and her bones laid to rest properly, in case I cannot return to complete the rite myself.

Once casket and plot have been arranged, the cleric places the body within the coffin; coffin within the ground. Stepping into the grave and kneeling upon the casket, he pulls two bones from an oiled leather case, each just under a foot in length. One in each hand, he proceeds to drum and scrape them against the casket lid and each other for just over a minute in a strange, lilting rhythm. Once done, he returns the bones to their case, climbs out, and shovels earth over the coffin to bury it. Finally, he sets the rock on the gravesite, chiseling a simple depiction of a skeletal hand into it.

His ritual complete, he heads back to the Shady Dragon for lunch.

Discord Chat

With some asking around, you find that a few of the locals have heard of the legend of the mystical kingdom and its Silver Princess, although the details of the legend vary a bit. Some claim that most of the story isn't true and that the whole thing is most likely a fairy tale, while others believe that it definitely happened, and that she was the last of a line of human rulers who ruled this land for centuries before the coming of the current rulers in Glantri. Others claimed that she was not a human ruler at all, but was either elven, a dwarf princess (who still live in the Moorfowl mountains in small family tribes), or an otherworldly being of some kind. The general consensus is that the story of everyone living together in her valley in harmony can't possibly be true, which makes the entire story very suspect, and that the part about the ruby, the party, and the dragon couldn't have really happend (although there are occasional sightings of dragons in the Moorfowls).

Dolion: Lamdamon has heard of the stories of the fabled ruby, and remembers talking to an old shepherd in the village of Thorold several years back who claims to have come across a hidden valley in the Moorfowls while searching for a lost sheep. He doesn't remember the shepherd's name, but does remember that he had a very prominent birthmark that took up most of the right side of the man's face.[/ooc]

Kymil: No one has heard of the growth on the dryad's tree as they avoid the "off-trail" parts of the forest like the plague and don't even visit Lorna the Witch unless they need healing or have other witch-related needs. Most don't know about Drosera and her tree, and think of the place as haunted. There is a general consensus, however, that there has been an uptick in "weird incidents" involving the forest and that forest creatures have been more aggressive in the past few months. This is as much as you can get at the moment about this particular plot. We'll circle back to it later in the game, if you like.

Knuckles: You indeed "put your foot in it" while talking to the blacksmith who takes great offense to something you do or say. You are able to resolve the situation but only at a personal loss. Could you elaborate a bit more about that, please?

Osseus: The carpenter thanks you for the business (and charges you 2 gp) and shows you the place where they bury the indigent and the unknown. Can you tell us a little more about bones you carry with you and about the significance of the rhythm you played on the coffin?

Felder: Aiden and Barnabas seem willing to travel with you, but will require an up-front payment of 5 gp each, and will require "room and board" while you travel. They also demand a half-share each of any treasure you "liberate". This is negotiable if you chose to do so.

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AC17(18), HP15/[15] Saves: D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, Stats: St18, Dx13, Cn13, In8, Ws9, Ch10 Human Fighter 2

That winter he was forced to stay in the village, Knuckles had spent what time he wasn't pouring beers or cracking skulls in the tavern, over at the smithy. It was warm and compared to the hubbub of a tavern full of bored travellers forced to stay, was a relatively peaceful place to be. He sort of got chummy with Matthias, the smith. Regularly he'd fill up a large pitcher with Ale, and maybe take a half bottle or two that was salvaged from the night before and have a few with the young man.

He had in fact decided to repair the custom and had a pair of tankards full of cider in hand.

The ring and clatter of metal brought back memories, and he was already starting to smile as he ducked his head under the low porch.

How are ya, you bast... oops, he shouted then cut himself short as he saw two small kids in the forge not far from Matthias, who if anything had gotten stouter in the time between their last meeting, but not any less muscular.

The man turned from his anvil and gave Emmett a strained nervous, worried grin.

Heeeey, Emmett, long time no see! How are you holding up? Hey boys... run along to Mother now, Father needs to talk to his friend.

Gods strike me, you've kids now? I'll be feathered!, the Mercenary proclaimed loudly. Hells, doesn't time fly eh?. He thrust one of the tankards at Matthias. Good to see you.

The smith seemed reluctant, even scared of the tankard but took it,

So.. what's the story man, when did you whelp a couple of young pups eh? Handsome lads.

Well, you knew I was walking out around town with Yvonne remember?, Husgarl's daughter? Well, we made it official in the Spring, leading Knuckles out of the forge and onto the street near the entrance. Enthused to see an old acquaintance, Knuckles thought little of it, chalking it down to getting away from the kids.

Yeah... but weren't you complaining that she had a voice that could etch stone and complained non stop? I remember you saying that if it wasn't for lack of local lasses and her huge err... . Emmett was again cut off, this time by his friends reaction. Eyes nearly bugging from his head, face twisted into a rictus of fear.

Shhhhh!!! Damnit!!!!

MATTHIAS!?. The voice could indeed etch stone and even Knuckles winced.

Yvonne wasn't much of a catch when Emmett had stayed here back in the day. Kids and marriage to Matthias hadn't seemed to improve her any since then. It didn't help that she was furious, almost incandescent with anger.

Who gave you that drink Matthias?! Was it that good for nothing thug?!


1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Emmett's world turned sideways as he was hit along the temple by a rolling pin and fell over, unprepared for the assault.

You promised you'd NEVER drink again Matthias! I'll kill him!.

World spinning, he rose to his feet, steadying himself with one hand, even as the Blacksmith held back his wife.

Smell my breath! I never drank a drop!! Stop it!!.

Matthias had a full blown struggle on his hands as he wrestled Yvonne back inside.

You better go Emmett... I'll handle this, the smith yelled over the screams and threats of his wife. Before he even knew what had happened he found himself alone with two spilled tankards, and warm blood running down the side of his head.

What the f!%* was that?, he said sitting down on the hard packed surface of the dirt street, riding out the dizzy nausea.

Knuckles?, a girls voice asked.

All he could do was peer up into the face that resolved itself into that of Squib, Naomi's daughter.

Matthias sort of has a drinking problem. Mostly he's okay, she said, slight body straining to help Him to his feet. Mum won't sell any beer or cider to him, definitely none of the strong stuff either.

What?, he said still a bit concussed.

Yvonne has everyone sort of scared of her as well, so none of us in town dare but every now and then he manages to get his hands on some and well, he's good for nothing for a few days after. He'll show back up with a few bruises or a busted lip, and we know Yvonne has fixed him up real good... My advice is that you don't go back there again, or if you need to? Make it strictly business with no booze in hand. Given Yvonne's reaction? I'd say the smithy is off limits to you for a while. C'mon. I'll get you back to Mum's.

Image N Human Cleric 2 | HP 11/11 | AC 12 | SAVES: D 11 / W 12 / P 14 / B 16 / S 15 | STATS: Str 10. Int 13. Wis 16. Dex 7. Con 14. Cha 10 | XP 1549/3000 | GP 0 | Spells: cure light wounds

Them Bones

Osseus’s bone claves are polished human humeri; one has had the marrow removed to alter its tone, providing for a broader range of sounds when the pair are played.

The rhythms played atop the casket are prayers in the Bone Song, the secret percussive language of the cult of Old Bones. He is promising what spirit lingers in the corpse that she will be protected within her bones, asking the earth the protect the woman’s skeleton while it is buried, and announcing to Old Bones that another mortal is beginning their transition to the Underworld.

Discord Chat

Does anyone have any more "business" they'd like to get to before we leave Velders? Also, does everyone agree to hiring Aiden and Barnabas? As I mentioned above, they each require a 5 gp advance payment, room and board while traveling, and are asking for a half-share of any and all loot that is recovered. Does that square with all of you? An alternative (or additional) hireling to those two include the young woman who was sweeping in front of the Shady Dragon Inn when you first arrived. I never got the chance to introduce her. She's quite a good warrior (at least according to Naomi) and her name is Ariadne Beornsdottir.

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