Palace of the Silver Princess (OSE)

Game Master Branding Opportunity

An Old-School Essentials game based on Jean Wells' original Basic D&D adventure.

Map of Dungeon

Party Loot Sheet


Hex Map of the Barony of Gulluvia

Village of Thorold
Key to Thorold Map: B1 (Gatehouse), B2 (Agatha's Potions and Powders, B3 (Goodall's Fine Trading), B4 (The Jolly Fox Inn), B5 (Village Square), B6 (?), B7 (Hazard's Quality Goods), B8 (?), B9 (Chapel of St. Ludann), B10 (St. Ludann Priory), B11 (Tobler's Knick Knacks and Taxidermy), B12 (Cemetery), B13 (?), B14 (The Faehill), B15 (Fairy Ruins), B16 (?), B17 (?)

Current rumors/threads:
* You have returned to Gulluvia to help your friend Jeremiah who has been unjustly imprisoned and whose property has been seized by the Baroness D'hmis (Bernadette)
* The Baroness' guards patrol Gulluvia, picking up people on trumped-up charges or press-ganging them to join their forces (Aiden, Barnabas, and Ariadne)
* A undefined "darkness" has beset the Abaddon Forest and among other effects, has caused the dryad Drosera to become imprisoned within her own tree (Lorna the Witch)
* Gobbos have attacked caravans passing through the Abaddon Forest (Aiden and Barnabas)

========== NPCs ==========

Known NPCs:
* Aiden Nimblefingers: Was staying at the Shady Dragon Inn, has joined you for a cut of any treasure and a weekly stipend. Friend of Barnabas Bladecutter. Young Aiden stands 5'4" and weighs 125 lbs. He is fair-haired and has innocent blue eyes. Aiden dresses like a fighter and tells people he is a forester. He is tactful and patient with long blonde hair that he keeps in a ponytail and has a sallow complexion.
* Ariadne Beornsdottir stands 5'10" and weighs 140 lbs. She is slender and mild-looking but has won fame as a guard. Ariadne left her job as a captain in a local merchant's guard because it wasn't exciting enough but got stuck in Velders and ended up working for Naomi at the Shady Dragon Inn. She has joined you for a half-share of any treasure recovered plus a weekly stipend. She dependable and honorable with a powerful, commanding voice and light complexion.
* Barnabas Bladecutter: Friend of Aiden Nimblefingers. Has joined you for a cut of any treasure and a weekly stipend. Barnabas stands 5'8" and weighs 142 lbs. He has brown hair, a thin moustache, and wears brown and buff clothing. Barnabas would steal the coins off a dead man's eyes if they were valuable enough. He swiped the constable's purse, cutting it free as the constable rode by - hence his name "Blade-Cutter."Barnabas always listens to stories of wealth, figuring that stealing is easier than any other job. If something is a challenge enough, he may try it for the experience, although he likes gold coins better. He is midly resentful of his current position and tends to be argumentative and pick fights for no reason.
* Naomi: Proprietor of the Shady Dragon Inn in Velders. Has older children that drive her crazy.

========== RULES ==========

Lines & Veils Google sheet

House Rules:
1) Ascending AC
I already discussed this in character creation, but we won't be using THAC0. Instead, you will have an attack bonus to which you add in combat.

2) Resisted Tests
If you are working against another person on an ability check (see p. 42 of the Basic Rules) you roll opposing Ability Checks. Whoever rolls the highest number (while still under their Ability Score) wins. If it's a tie, whoever has the highest Ability Score wins. Note that sometimes you will be attempting to roll under DIFFERENT ability scores (such as you rolling Dex to sneak past a guard who is rolling Wis to notice you).

3) Advantage and Disadvantage/Positive and Negative Dice
Roll extra dice in particuarly favorable or unfavorable conditions. If you have advantage, you get a Positive Die and you pick the number from among the 2 numbers rolled, if you have disadvantage, you get a Negative Die, and I do.

3a) Background Skill
If you can make an argument for why your PC should be particularly proficient at a task (because of training/background/upbringing), you get advantage on the ability check. An example of this would be a soldier understanding troop movements.

4) Dying
When an opponent reached 0 hp, they are usually dead. PCs have a chance of survival if reduced to 0 hp (there are no negative hp) and is considered Dying. If they receive medical help within the hour, they get a 50/50 chance of surival. If they succeed, they get 1d4 hp, but receive a Negative Die to all actions for an hour or until they receive healing. If they fail the 50/50 roll, they are dead. I have this rule because I want PCs to have a slightly better chance of survival.

5) Encumbrance
We'll be using the Option 1: Basic Encumbrance rules on p. 113 of the CFR.

6) Movement and Range
Movement in combat will be simplified so that we don't have to deal with detailed encounter maps. There are four basic ranges in the game: close, nearby, far, and distant. Melee combat only occurs at close distance. A character can perform any feasable action and move to a nearby location in a round, or can forego all actions other than movement and move to a far location. To move to a distant location, a character needs to spend 3 rounds moving. Ranged attacks can hit targets at any distance, but receive a Negative Die if they are at close or distant range. The Negative Die replaces attack penalties for different ranges.

7) Helping and Group Activities
When you help someone on an Ability Check, they get a Positive Die. If they fail, however, negative consequences apply to both parties. Multiple helpers do not increase benefits, although at a certain point, I may say that a roll isn't necessary (such as everyone working together to lift something really heavy).

When everyone is working together to accomplish a single goal, pick one person to make the roll (they may be helped). If that person succeeds, all succeed. Sometimes the situation is not who is in charge, however, but who has the highest chance of failure (like when everyone is sneaking). In that case, the PC with the lowest Ability Score should roll (although they may still be helped). That person's roll is the result for all.

8) Searching
Searching an area requires an Int check, but noticing something passively is a Wis check.

9) Changes to the Fighter Class
In order to the give the fighter a bit more versatility and a power boos, we are incorporating the following new rules for the class:
a) Combat Superiority: If he doesn’t move, a Fighter can make a number of attacks in a round equal to his level minus the highest HD of the creatures he is engaged in combat with. So, if he is a 5th-level character and is in combat with two 1 HD bandits and a 3 HD crime lord, he can make 2 attacks.
b) Improved Damage: A Fighter always rolls the damage dice of their attacks improved by 1 step in the following chain: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and 2d8.

10) Wielding a one-handed weapon with two hands
One-handed weapons that can be wielded in two hands give a +1 to damage.

========== Setting ==========

Note: "XX" denotes a term that has yet to be defined.

A largely rural barony or shire of the nation of XX hedged in to the north by the Moorfowl Mountains and to the south by the Thunder Mountains. To the east lies the Magalies Escarpment, separating it from the rest of the country. The barony is isolated and receives little trade, and has only been cultivated by humans for the last 100 years.

The barony is currently ruled by Lady D'hmis, who took over from her husband two years ago. She seems to prefer having women in charge at her castle, and has promoted quite a few of them since she took power.

Abaddon Woods:
This is a desolate place inhabited by evil beings, but was once believed to be filled with unicorns, elves, faeries, and other fair creatures.

Dead Mule:
This village was once a peaceful place, named by the group of miners who settled here after their pack mule died. It is now occupied by Gulluvian soldiers, and no one in the shire seems to know why. All they know is that soldiers camp outside the shire, and occasionally terrorize the surrounding countryside. If the mayor knows why the soldiers are here, he isn’t saying.

This tiny village is primarily inhabited by XX, though human folk, XX and XX live here too. This village is also under the protection of Gulluvia, but because it is located so near the Misty Swamp, D’hmis has little to do with it except at tax time, which is every three months. This village has two taverns, one general store, and an inn.

Misty Swamp:

Moorfowl Mountains:
This ugly, dead, tall range forms a pro- tective shield that keeps the mist from Misty Swamp from spread- ing into the neighboring farmlands. Most folks don’t venture into the mountains much any more except to hunt for certain types of moss used by local healers.

This small farming village is still untouched by the cruel hand of D’hmis. The village is so small that there is no tavern or inn here. A small general store doubles as a tavern or meeting hall when needed. The main crop grown here is wheat.

Legend of the Palace of the Silver Princess:
Ancient legends of the land speak of a beautiful young princess called Argenta who lived in a wonderful enchanted palace made of every type of marble known. Her palace was in the heart of a rich, fertile valley filled with gentle creatures that could do no harm. Exotic flowers and plant life grew everywhere, water ran sweet and clear and the skies were always clear and warm.
Mica flickered in all the rocks and was often found in the streams making them glisten like diamonds in the bright sunlight. Early morning dew drops clung gently to leaves of small trees and grass, appearing like fairy jewels scattered from wild dance the night before. Wild birds with long, colorful tails and bright faces filled the air with the sweet sounds of their love songs. Tiny animals freely darted in and out of the underbrush, fearing nothing, as there were no enemies anywhere to be found. The dwarves that lived in the valley loved Princess Argenta very much. They worked her silver and ruby mines so that the elves who shared the valley with them could make beautiful jewelry and weapons. Everything in the valley was peaceful.
One day, according to legend, a ruby the size of an apple was found. A perfect ruby. The dwarves cut the ruby carefully so that its size would not be diminished. The elves polished the ruby until it shone so that it was almost impossible to gaze upon. They presented it to the princess and told her that it was as lovely as she, and they called it “My Lady’s Heart”. So pleased was the princess that she decided to honor her friends, the elves and dwarves, with a grand party; a masquerade ball. Everyone was invited to come.
One the eve of the grand ball, people poured into the valley from everywhere. How so many people had heard about the party no one knew, but the princess did not mind. She was proud of the ruby and wanted everyone to see “My Lady’s Heart”. She should not have been so eager to show the ruby, as one guest was interested in more than its beauty alone. He had come to steal it. His eyes also roamed freely to the princess, and he gazed upon her as much as he gazed upon the brilliant gem. Princess Argenta saw this, and in her innocence smiled back at him. Two dwarves and an elf saw this, and when they challenged him after the party, they were never seen or heard from again.
Many weeks after the party a red dragon was seen in the skies of the valley. The dragon burned the rich land with its breath and terrorized the gentle people of the valley. The land was left scorched and barren. Those valley people unfortunate to get close enough to the dragon (but fortunate enough to live) swore that they saw a man in silver and blue armor riding on its back.
Some folks still say that they see a red dragon in the skies of northern Gulluvia from time to time. Many say that they see a saddle on the dragon’s back and loose reins near its head.
The valley is now dead, the palace is in ruins, and its exact location forgotten. No one knows exactly what happened to the princess. Some believe that the man on the dragon carried her away. Others think that he killed her and stole what treasure he could find. But all stories say that the ruby, “My Lady’s Heart,” is still hidden in the palace.

This lovely little village prides itself on the fact that it raises the best thoroughbred horses in all the land. The mayor of Thorold is a distant cousin of D’hmis, and follows her laws and orders to the letter. The village is rather large and has three taverns, a general store, and two smithies.

This canton is under the protection of Gulluvia, through this does Velders little good. The Gulluvian guards fear the Abaddon Woods and do not like to travel through it to reach Velders except in large groups. XX, XX, and other vile creatures make periodic raids on the small farms on the outskirts of the canton. There is only a trading post that doubles as an inn in the center of town.

Thunder Mountains:
These low pine-covered mountains see the sunlight infrequently. Most of the time thick storm clouds linger on the mountain tops — clouds that often erupt into violent thunder storms. An evil XX is rumored to live here in a XX.