The Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School For Heroes

Game Master Antoine Gagnon

Dungeons & Dragons. Play-By-Post. Ghosts of Saltmarsh until we get bored.

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You're hilarious

You hear loud snort, Alisanne.

The door to the room opens and a six foot lizard person stands before you wearing armor made of a mixture of leather, fur and bone. It regards you with alien eyes. They release a mild unoffensive odor and their tongue darts out to taste the air. Then they go off on you in a language that you do not speak. Harsh sounds, sharp consonants, and several different hissing sounds. Then, in broken common. Human. Female. Leader? Bring Weapons. We take weapons. Leave chest. You take chest.

Behind them, you see there are several more lizard people.

Flan Guide (HP via Roll20) | Init +1 | Passive Perc 16; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 14 | Saves: Str +5; Dex +3; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +0 | Inspiration 0/1 Mad Mardigan's Cheat Sheet | D&D Beyond

"Just weapons? What of slaves?"


The Lizard Person cocks their head and looks confused. Then they seem to consider this for a moment, before shaking negative. No Slaves. Chest for Weapons.

Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1

Me? Leader? No, fortunately. We're more of an anarcho-syndicalist union. We eschew any form of hierarchical structure in favor of a democratic majority vote with a co-operative economic model for the distribution of labor, equity, and profit.

At the blank stare returned by the Lizardman, Alisanne replies, We each get a say in what the group's going to do and we try to be fair with distributing loot.

What type of weapons are you looking to procure? Have you been dealing with slaves as part of your deal with these others?

Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1

A little late on the post, I see. Anywhoo...

Alisanne considers a moment, then leans in to Venn.
With the volume and breadth of their operation, they must have kept some records. I'll check the Captain's quarters for a manifest of some kind.

Alisanne moves towards the aft of the ship to find the Captain's quarters.


The Lizard People show no fear. They are relaxed but ready to fight.

The Captain's quarters is the door on the starboard side.

This cabin is clean, and its furniture in good repair.

A single bunk, made up with bed linen, has its head against the bulkhead running along the centerline of the ship next to a wooden partition squaring off the corner near the main deck.

A writing desk is set against the hull toward the stern; it has a drawer on each side and three trays on the top. Also on the desktop, just in front of the trays, is an inkpot, two quill pens, a small knife, and a pewter container that resembles a pepper pot. Against the desk is set an upright wooden chair, and beside it is a wooden, brass-bound chest.

Against the hull on the starboard side is a padded leather couch. In front of it, a bearskin rug lies on the deck, while beneath the couch can be seen a large metal box. An unlit hooded lantern hangs from the ceiling.

In the trays atop the desk are some documents. Looking through them, you find three letters of a very personal and... Ahem... Intimate nature from three different women. One of them in particular is very hot. Each of the women has signed their letter as, "Mrs. Sigurd "Snake-Eyes". Your best guess is that they do NOT know about each other.

There's also a pile of receipts, all for materials and supplies of a nautical nature.

There's a fourth letter... Or... Receipt? It's rough and very crudely written. It's a request for more, "Metal Goods" "As done before". The signature is just a pictogram of a lizard extending a forked tongue.

The metal box and the drawers in the desk are all locked.


Oh and the large wooden chest contains the Captain's clothes and personal effects. Nothing odd or of value.

Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1

Alisanne grabs the metal box, dragging out from under the couch, over to the desk. She sits in the chair by the desk and reaches into a pouch at her hip, pulling out a bundle of leather. She rolls it out on the desktop, revealing an array of delicate tools. She laces her fingers and stretches them out in front of her. She rolls her shoulders and sets to work on the drawers and the box.

Thieves' Tools, Right Drawer: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Thieves' Tools, Left Drawer: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Thieves' Tools, Metal Box: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11


The right drawer takes a few tries, but eventually Alisanne gets it. Inside are two potions of healing, a vial of antitoxin and a key.

The left drawer, Alisanne gets on the first try. Inside are seven maps of high quality, clearly made by a master cartographer. These are of various locations in the area. There is an eighth, which is very crude and on parchment instead of paper. You recognize the area surrounding Saltmarsh easily enough though. There is a point marked with a familiar looking lizard pictogram. Your best guess is that it is about 10 miles southwest of town, though it is hard with the map being so rough to get the scale.

The metal box also takes a few tries, but Alisanne hears the rewarding sound of the lock opening. And as she opens it, a blade cuts her from the base of the box, it's spinning, serrated blade slashing at her!

Spinning Blade Trap: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8 slashing damage. DC 13 Dex for Half Damage.

Inside the box are ten electrum ingots each weighing a couple of pounds.

Character Sheet

To keep them 'honest' Baghotir watches over the prisoners, axe at the ready for any malfeasance.

"Now everyone just relax, this'll all be over soon."

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[ooc]For the battle to take the ship, and for discovery of treasure and secrets in The Captain's Cabin, each character earns 215 Experience Points.

Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1

Dex Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

At the last second, Alisanne pulls her hand away, enough to avoid severing an artery.

Damnit! Stupid, Alisanne. Should have checked for traps first.

Alisanne inspects the box to see how the trap mechanism works, to ensure she doesn't suffer it again. She then checks the key in the lock of the box.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

She looks over the maps to see if there's any annotations on them, identifying regular ports of call or destinations of note.

She also spends a moment to double check the drawers and box for secret compartments.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11


No secrets are found. The trap has finished. It would need to be reset to function again.

The maps are all familiar ports of call. They could be used as a tool to navigate. Destinations beyond the scope of this adventure at the moment.

Details can be supplied but I would have to fill in if you are interested in exploring.

This key is not to the desk or the box. It must be for something else.

Human Fighter 6 | HP 58/58 | AC 19 | Init +2

Caelius stands near the prisoners with Baghotir. He warily eyes the lizardmen. "She will be back soon. What weapons were you looking to gather? Was it something in these crates?" He looks around.

Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1

Ianthe pockets the key and the antitoxin. She rolls up the maps and looks for an appropriate case or scroll tube to store them. Maybe Belwick will have something.

She returns to the group, handing Venn and Baghotir one each of the healing potions.

I'm going to check the hold. We only found silks and brandy in the caves. Not sure where these guys were expecting to pick up the weapons they promised the lizard folk. Maybe it's down below?


Alisanne passes through the crew quarters:

Various unpleasant odors of humanoid occupation compete for recognition here. These crew quarters fill the entire forward part of this deck.

A companionway staircase leads up from a point about six feet from the bulkhead. Near it, more to starboard, is a door.

Around the perimeter of the cabin, slung between hooks on the bulkhead and on supporting poles, are eight hammocks. Judging from the way in which they hang, the hammocks seem to be unoccupied at present. Beneath each hammock is a brass-bound wooden sea chest—most are closed, but two have open lids and appear to contain clothes.

In the center of the cabin stands a long, plain wooden table with a bench along each of its longer sides. They all appear to be bolted to the deck in an attempt to keep everything in place.

The table is stained and cluttered and has an untidy pile of dirty tin plates and cups roughly stacked in a large tin bucket below it. Over the table, hanging from the ceiling, is an unlit hooded lantern.

Against the starboard side, an area has been curtained off by cheap, dirty cloth hangings.

And into the Hold:

Lantern light reveals an orderly cargo hold. Through the center runs the base of the main mast; beside it, narrow wooden stairs lead up to the hatch above. Against the aft bulkhead are stacked bolts of cloth, lashed by ropes to brackets bolted to the deck so they are secure. On each side are stacked a large number of small casks, also secured by ropes to the deck.

To save time, here's an inventory:

50 bolts of silk
40 casks of brandy
40 casks of fine wine
1 large crate of high-quality mining tools

ALL of the goods are stamped and marked by their rightful owners. Everything is stolen or looted from Keolish merchants or the Crown. The tools and a good amount of the alcohol were clearly meant for the new Dwarven mining operation.

Character Sheet
Alisanne Skullfist wrote:
I'm going to check the hold. We only found silks and brandy in the caves. Not sure where these guys were expecting to pick up the weapons they promised the lizard folk. Maybe it's down below?

"I'll come with you. They're probably there, and I can help carry them back up."

When he gets below, he asks Alisanne, "Do we really want to sell them weapons? I mean, what if they're arming to attack Saltmarsh or something?"

"I think we should tell them we can't find it and that they should keep their chest. Politely of course."

He's impressed by all the stuff in the hold. Part of him wants to sell it, but part of him knows they should give back the lucre. That part still hopes for a reward though...

Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1

I'm a little concerned about what this stuff implies. If it's meant for the mining operation, then Manistrad Copperlocks is likely involved. Baghotir, how well do you know Copperlocks?

I don't know enough about the Lizardfolk to know why they want the weapons. It could just be for defense. Or, like you say, they could be arming for some kind of attack. I don't have a handle on what's around their village to be able to make an educated guess. They may be pissed that we can't hold up this end of the deal. They might also want passage back to their village. We need to talk to them some more.

In any case, our mandate is to capture the leaders and ship. Maybe we can pull up the jolly boat somehow, and those two that rowed us in can help us sail into harbor.

Character Sheet

"I'd say Manistrad is a good acquaintance. We haven't really known each other long. But I suspect everything in here is stolen, not given freely. These are pirates after all. Thieves in the night as it were."

He thinks about what she suggests, "Yes, true, we don't know enough. I just don't want to have to fight them, you know?"

I don't see any chests of weapons down here. Is there somewhere else we can search? If so, Baghotir suggests we do so, and quickly. The lizard didn't seem patient.

Human Fighter 6 | HP 58/58 | AC 19 | Init +2

Caelius follows behind. "And what if they attack when we can't deliver the weapons? We could be starting a something if they don't return and their people decide to retaliate." He doesn't know what to do but it is well beyond him.

After several minutes of thinking he realizes he doesn't have a choice. "The only choice is to not give them the weapons and defend ourselves if we must."

Flan Guide (HP via Roll20) | Init +1 | Passive Perc 16; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 14 | Saves: Str +5; Dex +3; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +0 | Inspiration 0/1 Mad Mardigan's Cheat Sheet | D&D Beyond

Venn nods as he takes the potion, then nods again at Baghotir, "I agree, let's think bigger picture here. Now is not the time for paladin b~#@@$~*. Let's protect the people and outfit ourselves."

He then points and nods at Caelius' description of the "choice."


Just to circle up, Adventurers:

1. Lizardfolk must be dealt with. Parley and possibly a fight.

2. There is more ship to search.

3. Much of the pirate crew is still alive, and they may have information.

Character Sheet

Baghotir continues with the search party, moving to the next portion of the ship. He'll sort of work his way down and then around and back up - unless anyone else has suggestions.

He tries to move quickly but he wants to be thorough too.


Moving along on this level, adjacent to the hold, Baghotir opens a cabin:

In the center of the cabin sits a plain wood table on which stand a pewter flagon and a pewter mug. Beside the table is a wooden chair, and hanging over the table is an unlit hooded lantern.

Also hanging from the ceiling, at the aft end of the cabin, is a large cage that holds a parrot, apparently asleep. Next to the hull hangs an unoccupied hammock. Beneath it is a brass-bound wooden sea chest.

As you enter the cabin, the parrot wakes up and squawks at you.


No, really.

The sea chest is unlocked. Inside are filthy, grubby clothes and personal effects of no value. Under those clothes is a locked, iron box.

Baghotir, you recognize instantly that there should be more room here than there is--the size of the cabin doesn't match the footprint of the ship. You hear something shift and rattle very faintly... Just past the rear wall of the cabin. There is a SECRET DOOR HERE!

+10 XP for Everyone

Character Sheet

"Hey, look what I found - must be a smuggling hold or some such."

When the others nearby are ready, Baghotir checks the door for traps and then opens it.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Human Fighter 6 | HP 58/58 | AC 19 | Init +2

Caelius stands ready. "No surprise, they are smugglers after all." He draws his longsword in case there are more of the pirates waiting in ambush.


You do not find any traps, but easily discover the way to open the door. Inside you find...

A dark, cramped area only four feet wide at most, squeezed in between the ship’s stern and the adjacent cabin, appears to be a holding cell. A slim humanoid figure cowers in the far corner, chained to the hull.

Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1

Alisanne approaches with her hands out and open.

Hey, there. You're safe now. We defeated the pirates. We're from Saltmarsh. We're working for the town guard to stop these smugglers and slavers. Are you hungry or thirsty?

Alisanne reaches into her backpack for her waterskin and some rations.

Persuasion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Alisanne looks the figure over to see what state they're in.

Insight: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Human Fighter 6 | HP 58/58 | AC 19 | Init +2

Caelius looks around for the key. Any of you find a key, maybe on the Captain."[/b]

Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 29/32) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet

Belwick, who has until now been apologizing to his dear friend Bjorn while he watches the prisoners, calls out to the others. "Everything all right?"


The prisoner is an Elf, but one with long blue hair. His skin has a silvery-green sheen. He accepts the food with great enthusiasm.

Oh! Thank you! Thank you! Thanks and praise to Deep Sashelas for guiding you to me! I am Oceanus, a Prince of Manaan.

Alisanne, aside from some malnutrition and some bruising, he seems in good health. Nothing permanent. You do notice that he has gill slits on either side of his neck. You do not think he understood your words, but he understood food and water, as well as your gentle demeanor well enough.

Character Sheet

Baghotir doesn't know the language, but he sees the suffering. He stays well back to give the poor creature room to breathe. "Savages..." he mutters about the slavers.

Not knowing what else to do, he'll help the elven creature back on the deck so he can at least get some fresh air.

Human Fighter 6 | HP 58/58 | AC 19 | Init +2

Caelius gives a hand once they are able to get the cell door open. "Let's get you some fresh air." Once back on the deck he looks to the rest of the smugglers and points to the elven man. "Get to talking. What is going on here."

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Flan Guide (HP via Roll20) | Init +1 | Passive Perc 16; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 14 | Saves: Str +5; Dex +3; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +0 | Inspiration 0/1 Mad Mardigan's Cheat Sheet | D&D Beyond

"You're a long way from the Lendore Isles. What brings a prince to a ship as this? ...Especially in irons..."


Venn, I thought you JUST started learning Elvish.

Alisanne is able to free the Elf with the key she discovered in the Captain's quarters. You lead the Elf on deck and he breathes deeply, taking in the sea air. He seems to be improving already.

Caelius looks to the captured pirates for answers and 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3 they ignore him.


Sorted out the Language kerfluffle.

The Elf looks at Venn and can't hide his pleasant surprise. He smiles and speaks.

I am not from Lendore, Friend. My settlement is about twenty-five miles to the southwest of the town you call, 'Saltmarsh'. These vipers have been traveling the coast, back and forth, for some time. My Queen ordered me to investigate. I must have been discovered--I was waylaid from behind and all went black. When I awoke, I was in that cell. I do not know for how long. A foul man with a hook for a hand brought me food and water a handful of times. The water was brackish and the food vile leavings from others, and spoiled.

Flan Guide (HP via Roll20) | Init +1 | Passive Perc 16; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 14 | Saves: Str +5; Dex +3; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +0 | Inspiration 0/1 Mad Mardigan's Cheat Sheet | D&D Beyond


"A terrible tale. Do you mind switching to the common tongue of men? I'd like to include them in this. I want to know what you found before your capture. I strongly suspect our goals align."


He frowns and lowers his head, shaking it side to side, and continuing in

I am shamed to admit, I never learned the trade language of the surface, and I doubt you or your friends speak the tongue of Elemental Water. I learned nothing, I'm afraid. Only that they have been transporting arms to someplace on the coast close to Saltmarsh. I was captured very early on in my mission.

Flan Guide (HP via Roll20) | Init +1 | Passive Perc 16; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 14 | Saves: Str +5; Dex +3; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +0 | Inspiration 0/1 Mad Mardigan's Cheat Sheet | D&D Beyond


"It's okay, there are many tongues, and I'd like to know more myself. If you could even point towards where, that'd be a help. Otherwise I suspect our time with the lizardfolk is about to get.... tense as we figure this out."

Venn then translates for the others.


He looks up, alarmed.

Lizardfolk!? What do... Oh, I see. If you can bring me a map, I may be able to tell you something.

Character Sheet

Baghotir heads back down into the captains cabin and brings up some charts that seem local.

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Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1
Baghotir Nightthane wrote:
Baghotir heads back down into the captains cabin and brings up some charts that seem local.

Boghotir finds none. When he returns, he sees Alisanne pulling out a roll of several maps that she'd taken from the Captain's desk earlier.

Human Fighter 6 | HP 58/58 | AC 19 | Init +2

Caelius looks back and forth as the conversation happens. He has no clue what is happening as Alisanne begins pulling scrolls and maps out. "What's he saying Baghotir?" He listens intently as the dwarf explains the situation.

Kneeling down Caelius watches for what this strange elf has to tell us.

Character Sheet

"What Venn said. The elf's going to help us figure out what to do with the lizard folk. Hopefully it's a peaceful solution."


Oceanus examines the charts with Alisanne and Venn.

Here. They've been bringing weapons here from across the sea, several times now. We know they've been avoiding importing them into Saltmarsh directly. This tells me who they were going to...
He says, tracing the image of the Lizard with it's tongue out with his finger.

He turns towards the lizardfolk in the door to the forward cabin.

And now I know to whom. But I don't know why.

He looks to Venn.

Have you found any arms aboard?

Human Fighter 6 | HP 58/58 | AC 19 | Init +2

While Venn continues to speak gibberish as elven is certainly not a fast language Caelius decides to continue looking over the boat for anything useful.

Any spaces we have not looked over yet?

Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 29/32) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet

Belwick, who is fluent in Elvish, continues to be away from the others as he watches over the prisoners on the main desk. He calls out again. "Anything at all that's interesting?"

Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1

Alisanne heads over to relieve Belwick from guard duty.

We found a sea elf in a cell below. Venn's trying to get some info from him. He could probably use some help, if you're inclined. I'll watch these folks.

As Belwick walks off, Alisanne pulls out her flute.

How about something a little uplifting?

And Alisanne starts playing for the pirates.

Caelius Burningseeker wrote:

While Venn continues to speak gibberish as elven is certainly not a fast language Caelius decides to continue looking over the boat for anything useful.

Any spaces we have not looked over yet?

The forward section of the upper deck. There's a cabin on the main deck that needs to be explored, and there is the bilge below the main deck if you are so inclined.

Character Sheet

Baghotir will head to the forward section of the upper deck to investigate after suggesting (out of earshot of the lizard folk), "I'm not good at maps really. Can we tell from the maps where the lizard folk might be attacking? I mean, why do they want the weapons?"

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