[AP] Iron Gods by GM Rutseg

Game Master Balacertar


Current map
Treasure sheet

Iron Gods Player's Guide
Torch's Gazetteer - Torch's map - Numeria's map

* Learn more about Unity
* Locate Casandalee's neurocam and AI core devices
✔️ Reunite with Baine and Meyanda
* Find allies to depose the rule of the Technic League
* Fight the Dominion of the Black

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Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Swim DC 10: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Yambul leads the way, swimming the lake and squeezing through the tendrils after the fish is done and into the rotting body.

L2. Cargo Pods
Five fleshy tunnels enter this damp chamber. The moist floor is irregular, a deep green with grayish tumor-like growths scattered across the surface. It has the unsettling appearance of moist folds of skin within some grotesque beast’s mouth. To the west, the walls cinch down into a tangle of pink, dripping fibers that seem to mostly, although not entirely, block passage into an area beyond.

K. engineering DC 20*:

Though this alien technology is not the typical metal one, you recognize these chambers must have been used to store cargo. They could also serve as boarding chambers. You theorize this body might had been some sort of spaceship and the tubelike tendrils you used to enter could had been used to attach to a grappled ships, allowing the aliens within access to the enemy ship’s interior.

K. dungeoneering DC 20 (alien bonuses apply):

The pink fibrous barriers are decayed “doorways” that probably once separated compartments, though time and decay has rendered these doors mostly inoperable, they are not dangerous and can be broken or squeezed through safely (with some work).

These walls of tissue are easy to smash through or destroy (hardness 2; hp 12; Break DC 16). A successful DC 15 Escape Artist check allows a character to wriggle through one without destroying the door as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Chaance: sickened
Rūha: sickened
Yambul: 3 damage, barkskin 90 min
Zzvkgrogk: fly 8 min, barkskin 90 min, heightened awareness 89 min and investigative mind 89 min, mutagen (+4 Dex, 2 Wis) 89 min

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F Half-elf Craftsperson

1d20 + 21 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 21 + 2 = 38 Know (*Engineering)
1d20 + 21 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 21 + 2 = 33 Know (Engineering)

Rhoreen, completely dry, waits for her companions to get ready before moving on. She examines the area while she waits.

"This is a cargo room, apparently. And those apparently are curtains for individual compartments, I would think," Rhoreen points out. "Yambul, if you consider them to be like spaghetti squash, you should be able to chop right through them."

She waits for others before moving on.

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Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

Know EngDC20: 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 18 + 2 = 29

”Yikes – I mean – weird. This looks like a cargo hold – like this rotting organism was some sort of space vehicle… This area could also have been used for boarding…” Zzvkgrogk trails off in thought. ”Yea – easily – the tendrils like the one we came through could be used to grapple enemy ships – like this is some sort of Pirate Space Blobfishship…”

Know DungeonDC20: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 10 + 2 = 17
Know DungeonDC20: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 10 + 2 = 26 Investigative Mind

Zzvkgrogk nods in agreement with Rhoreen. ”Yes… Space Blobfishship gills for doors, useless as portals now. With the right skill though, you can slip through without destroying what’s left… the noise of which will likely garner attention from anything that might be down here. I have an extract that would help me, it's 'Escape Artist' -- (DC 15) in banana.”

Zzvkgrogk peers about him curiously. ”I wonder if there are Space Copepods, and how long they live…”

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

Wondering whether her allies have totally lost their senses as they start crawling directly into the hulk's rotting tentacles, or if she herself if losing her mind due to the fumes, Rūha can only stagger forward in order to not be left on the shore alone. (I can only imagine this is a traumatically gross experience) She swims carefully after the others Taking 10 and wriggles her way into the cargo pods.

"Let's... let's hope this nightmare is worth it." She murmurs mostly to herself as she does her best to keep her stomach down.

KN Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 5 - 2 = 5

She's far too distracted by her surroundings to focus on any one thing. "I've heard of ships extending tendrils to other ships... but those were in far better shape than this." She keeps her pistols at the ready for anything that might spring through the wall after Yambul weakens it.

Human (Kellid) He/Him

HP: 111/114 AC: 26 (t14, f23) (included: barkskin) CMD: 26 Hero Points: 3
Weapon Equipped = Chainsaw (58m)
Conditions = Carrot (+4 perception 16/24h), Barkskin (+4, 88m)
Chainsaw: Att: 10/5 BAB +6 Str +1 magic (-3 PA) Dam: +9 Str +1 magic (+9 PA) Crit: 15-20x2 DR: adamantine, magic Charges: 9/10
Falchion: Att: 10/5 BAB +6 Str +1 MW (-3 PA) Dam: +9 Str (+9 PA) Crit: 18-20x2 DR: adamantine
Chef’s knife: Att: 10/5 BAB +1 magic +6 Str / +2 Dex (-3 PA) Dam: +6 Str (+6 PA) +1 magic Crit: 19-20x2 DR: magic Rng: 10’
Studied: (Hyrsek) (mv|sw|im; +3 att, dam, bluff, disguise, intimidate, knowledge, perception, sense motive, stealth, survival)
Improved Iron Will (1/1d, reroll will save)
Spells: (1/1d, st, Magic Missile, cl 3) (1/1d, st, Prestidigitation, cl1) (1/1d, st, Shield, cl9)
Veggies: Apple x2, Carrot, Mushroom, Peppers x2
- - -

”Zzvkgrogk, you might slip through, but I suspect you’d be alone at that point, and open to attack! No, please let me open up the doorway so we can all follow together. Safety in numbers you know.” Yambul is worried for their leader and his frequent desires to sneak ahead.

He waits for approval though, in case Zzvkgrogk wants to sneak again. Then, once the others have caught up, he'll head over to the door and embiggens it with his chainsaw so everyone can fit comfortably through. He then steps back for Rüha, ”After you.” he offers politely.

Moved on the map.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

While the others make it into the ship, Hyrsek looks with disgust at the passage through the rotting tendrils, then turns to look at Chaance "Maybe we can better sit here by the lake and get to know better each other"

Meanwhile, Yambul easily breaks through the fleshy section opening the way into another space.

L3. Rotting Floor
The smell of putrefaction is overwhelming here. This damp chamber itself appears empty, save for a tangle of ribbed gray cables—or arteries—that hang from rotting walls.

The “cables” that hang from the wall here seem to have once connected to some device or creature sit here, but no present any longer.

Heal or Perception DC 30:

The floor section of this chamber has rotted almost completely through. Anything larger than a Tiny creature menaces to collapse the whole rotted skin floor.

Someone skillful might be able to secure a save passage through this place or mark a safe area to cross. Disable Device DC 30

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F Half-elf Craftsperson

I'm pretty sure this ship is one of my favrit episodes of Star Trek the Next Generation. I can't wait until we find the guy who finally finds mental silence.

Rhoreen moves up, keeping pace with Yambul but flying 5' up and much more stunningly smug.

1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 17 + 2 = 29 Perception

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

As Yambul moves forward, Zzvkgrogk shrugs.

”No!” Zzvkgrogk protests. ”Calliope and I can’t be the only ones who can do something like this – we should all be able to do this!!” he cries, not understanding how anyone can live without being able to wriggle through anything.

He flies after looking more dejected than smug.


PerceptAid: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 17 + 2 = 29

"...Oooh, I see where you are going with that -- like The Grim White Stag walking over thin ice... Careful, everyone, as Calliope said -- the floor has almost completely rotten through. Let me poke about a bit."

DisableDeviceDC30: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (7) + 21 = 28
DisableDeviceDC30: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (20) + 21 = 41

Spells, Mutagen:

6 first, 5 Second, 4 Third
(1st) Shield (Yambul)
(1st) True Strike
(1st) Heightened Awareness
(1st) Shield
(1st) Adhesive Spittle
(1st) Reduce Person
(2nd) Barkskin
(2nd) Invisibility
(2nd) Investigative Mind
(2nd) See Invisiblity
(2nd) Extreme Flexibility
(3rd) Animal Aspect. Greater
(3rd) Spider Climb, Communal
(3rd) Haste
(3rd) Fly
Mutagen: (+4 Dex, 2 Wiz)


Can use craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using Detect Magic
Hits: 53/53 +10
AC Current: 29/21/23 mutagen, Belt, +4 Barkskin, +4Shield
AC: 19 / 15 / 15 (Normal/Touch/Flatfooted)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 33/50
Radiation Detector (3/10 charges)
Laser Pistol (Charges): 5/10
Arc Pistol (Charges}: 8/10
Batteries Charged): 11/20
Empty Battieries: 9 /20
Zzvkgrogk Special (Alchemical Ordinance): 10/13
Hero: 2/3

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --
Yambul wrote:
He then steps back for Rüha, ”After you.” he offers politely.

Ruha winces in return "Oh, you're too kind..." before she heads through.

Perception: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (15) + 29 = 44

"Please do be careful with that floor Zzvkgrogk... If you can spot a firmer way across, lets take it. With how this is going, what lies below this floor is a pool of digestive juices." Ruha keeps close to the front. If Zzvkgrogk needs to take some risks to reinforce or probe the floor, she'll tie a rope between him and herself to ensure he doesn't fall too far if anything goes wrong.

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Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Zzvkgrogk approaches the rotting floor with caution, his eyes scanning the ribbed gray cables hanging from the decaying walls. The smell of putrefaction is overwhelming, but he remains focused. He carefully steps onto the floor, testing each section with a light tap of his paw. The floor creaks ominously under even his slight weight.

Pulling out a set of tools from his pack, his small, nimble fingers work quickly and precisely. With some improvised planks and rope, he creates a makeshift bridge, his eyes darting back and forth to ensure each step is secure. The floor groans and shifts, but his expertise keeps it from collapsing.

The ratfolk carefully moves forward, slowly but surely, marking a narrow path through the floor. The rest of the party follows, stepping lightly and testing each section before fully committing their weight.

You reach the other side of the chamber, where two openings similar to the one Yambul cut through are located.

The openings are fleshy and organic, leading deeper into the ship. The eastern one most probably goes out of the structure.

Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

Rūha points at the eastern fibrous mass "Want to try cutting that one Yambul? I'd hate to go deeper in here if what we're looking for is somewhere close to the exit."

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

Zzvkgrogk III boldly leads from the middle, keeping his eyes peeled for traps.

Percept: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 17 + 2 = 31 Trapfinding

Spells, Mutagen:

6 first, 5 Second, 4 Third
(1st) Shield (Yambul)
(1st) True Strike
(1st) Heightened Awareness
(1st) Shield
(1st) Adhesive Spittle
(1st) Reduce Person
(2nd) Barkskin
(2nd) Invisibility
(2nd) Investigative Mind
(2nd) See Invisiblity
(2nd) Extreme Flexibility
(3rd) Animal Aspect. Greater
(3rd) Spider Climb, Communal
(3rd) Haste
(3rd) Fly
Mutagen: (+4 Dex, 2 Wiz)


Can use craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using Detect Magic
Hits: 53/53 +10
AC Current: 29/21/23 mutagen, Belt, +4 Barkskin, +4Shield
AC: 19 / 15 / 15 (Normal/Touch/Flatfooted)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 33/50
Radiation Detector (3/10 charges)
Laser Pistol (Charges): 5/10
Arc Pistol (Charges}: 8/10
Batteries Charged): 11/20
Empty Battieries: 9 /20
Zzvkgrogk Special (Alchemical Ordinance): 10/13
Hero: 2/3

F Half-elf Craftsperson

Rhoreen floats along after Ruha and Yambul, keeping her eyes open for dangers.

1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 17 + 2 = 24 Perception

Moved on map.

Human (Kellid) He/Him

Yambul will cut the eastern passage just for completeness and at Rüha's suggestion. Then he'll cut the western one to proceed.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Yambul cuts through the fibers discovering another cargo pod like the one you came in from. This one is also empty but the moisture patches are larger.

Proceeding to the western side, the Kellid cook repeats the process demonstrating great skill with his roaring saw.

There is a long tunnel that leads into more possibilities.

It seems the remains are empty, mostly. Or perhaps it only wants visitors to think so.

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

This is listed as being in my possession. I looked for it, but it seems to have evaded my Char. sheet. Apologies.

Zzvkgrogk, through his thickened ears, finally notices Rūha’s affliction. ”OH! Forgive me – it’s been awhile, I forgot that I am still carrying this around.” He pulls out the Brown Nanite Hypogun.

”Would you like to try to move the sickness? It’s been awhile though, and it is timeworn – so it might glitch. But, that could be good, bad, or neutral.”

Brown Nanite hypogun, 9/10 charges.

He continues through with the others.

Spells, Mutagen:

6 first, 5 Second, 4 Third
(1st) Shield (Yambul)
(1st) True Strike
(1st) Heightened Awareness
(1st) Shield
(1st) Adhesive Spittle
(1st) Reduce Person
(2nd) Barkskin
(2nd) Invisibility
(2nd) Investigative Mind
(2nd) See Invisiblity
(2nd) Extreme Flexibility
(3rd) Animal Aspect. Greater
(3rd) Spider Climb, Communal
(3rd) Haste
(3rd) Fly
Mutagen: (+4 Dex, 2 Wiz)


Can use craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using Detect Magic
Hits: 53/53 +10
AC Current: 29/21/23 mutagen, Belt, +4 Barkskin, +4Shield
AC: 19 / 15 / 15 (Normal/Touch/Flatfooted)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 33/50
Radiation Detector (3/10 charges)
Laser Pistol (Charges): 5/10
Arc Pistol (Charges}: 8/10
Batteries Charged): 11/20
Empty Battieries: 9 /20
Zzvkgrogk Special (Alchemical Ordinance): 10/13
Hero: 2/3

Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

Rūha gives the eastern chamber a quick (visual only) inspection to check if there's anything hidden among the rotting goop.

Perception: 1d20 + 29 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 29 - 2 = 45

When she returns she nods to Zzvkgrogk "I'll take it, even with the risk of a glitch, if it'll help stop my stomach from rebelling." After she gets treated, she rejoins Yambul to head west. She stops to inspect the area and listen for any incoming dangers. "Not to jinx us or anything, but I expected to see even more horrors inside. It's been quite quiet so far. Maybe too quiet."

Perception: 1d20 + 29 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 29 - 2 = 46

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

"I think you should do the honors," Zzvkgrogk says, bowing and offering Rūha the pharmaceutical. "Sorry, I should have been more clear."

Human (Kellid) He/Him

Yambul gawks at the hypogun, ”That old thing? That turned out to be useful?! Desna preserve me, I can’t believe it.” He chuckles at how useful the old future tech has become.

When everyone is ready, he’ll move to the far, er, nodule, and carve out another door.

Moved on the map.

F Half-elf Craftsperson

Rhoreen follows Yambul to the far side of the map after Zzvkgrogk and Ruha have sorted out the healing.

1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 17 + 2 = 33 Perception

Elf Huntress 11
Hyrsek wrote:
"Maybe we can better sit here by the lake and get to know better each other."

Chaance doesn't object, initially. "Lukwata are singular entities, I presume? It would be a shame if we were the only two here when its mate returns to find the other dead."

The elfdroid eventually stands at the water's edge, and eases into it, growling in digestive objection to the entire surrounds. She follows at a distance, allowing her eyes to adjust to the interior, and track her companions as she would any other entity capable of leaving tracks.

As Yambul prepares to hack another door clear, Chaance checks her belt for Xillmacil, the adamantine blade capable of lending damage against the walls of the ship.

She waits for the next horror to spill out.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

Timeworn glitch check: 1d100 ⇒ 8 It's glitchin'!
Glitch effect (general table): 1d100 ⇒ 76 "Item functions better than anticipated, and grants a +1 bonus on any skill check attempted with this use."

The nanite hypogun vibrates oddly when Rūha administers the shot to her forearm, but the nanites inside seem as potent as they should be. Ruha feels her nausea temporarily ebbing. "Thanks Zzvkgrogk. Not sure how long that'll hold. Hopefully a while." She passes the device back over.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Though not to his pleasing, Hyrsek follows Chance into the rotting body.

Rūha feels better after administering the hypogun.

Yambul crushes through the far end "door".

L5. Strange Pillar
The twenty-foot-high vaulted ceiling of this round chamber is held up by rib-like arches. Twitching, fuming gray-ribbed cables hang from the walls, while patches of multicolored lights sparkle near the ceiling across the entire hall. A twenty-foot wide pillar of decaying flesh, two sides of which are dominated by bulging, closed puckers, rises in the middle of the room.

K. engineering DC 20*:

Through reverse engineering cunning you induce the pillar in the center of this room is a lift of sorts that connects to lower decks.

F Half-elf Craftsperson

1d20 + 21 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 21 + 2 = 24 Know (Engineering*)

"That's a lift. To below decks, probably. It's neat," Rhoreen explains smugly. "Not sure we want to go that way just yet. I'm sure I'll figure it out if and when we need to go down. Let's try over here first."

Rhoreen moves to the next cut away door.

Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

"A lift?" Ruha grimaces at the look of the bulging puckers "You're not got to tell me that the way we ride it is by going inside those, are you?" She looks to the south "Agreed on leaving it for later either way."

She checks the next door for any hazards.

Perception: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (2) + 29 = 31

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

Pleased with the performance of the nanite hypogun, Zzvkgrogk smiles at Rhūa and stashes the pharmaceutical aid back into his bag.

KnowEng*: 1d20 + 18 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 18 + 5 = 28

”’Neat’? Is that – er… I mean – doesn’t that look like the valve/sphincter mechanism in the esophagus to the stomach? Like, I think that’s how it moves the platform up and down from one level to the next… Must be nice to have a system that works in reverse. With all this rot, I wonder if it still functions.”

He goes to assist Rūha at the next door, not that she needs assisting.

Percept: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 17 + 2 = 30

Human (Kellid) He/Him

Yambul shrugs, agreeing, ”Yeah, let’s do this one floor at a time.”

He doesn't start to worry until Zzvkgrogk suggests it might not work. "What would happen if it doesn't work? Maybe we should try it one at a time..."

He follows Rhoreen to the nearest doors and carves a larger hole.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

While the discussion turns over the digestive mechanisms of the alien body, Rūha finds nothing odd, and Yambul slashes through the tendrils to go into the next area.

L4. Cathedral of Light
The drooping ceiling of this elongated gallery rises thirty feet high in places but hangs down to only five feet from the ground in others, sagging like a partially collapsed tent made of rotting flesh. The air itself swirls with multiple motes of various colors of light—what at first seem to be fireflies but, upon closer inspection, appear to be more akin to floating jellyfish-like creatures.

Although the tiny floating jellyfish seem beautiful, they are in fact immense clots of oversized bacteria that float and drift in the air, spawned from the rotten walls of the place.

K. dungeoneering or nature DC 20:

Fortunately for you, these glowing organisms are far too large to infect you, yet still small enough that they don’t pose a threat.

The largest threat though is a monstrous crablike creature that hovers in midair, its three clawed tentacles grabbing a gun-like device that points at you.

K. dungeoneering DC 22 (alien bonuses apply):

This is a lunarma, an alien aberration with powerful spells at its disposal (this is clearly a more powerful and magic able version of the typical specimen), including lightning bolts and defensive magic, this creature is a relentless guardian of its rotting domain, fighting fiercely to protect its perceived territory. Be wary of its breath weapon, which can spew corrosive acid, and its vicious claws capable of grabbing and constricting unwary foes.


Chaance: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Rhoreen: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Rūha: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Yambul: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Zzvkgrogk (+2 more Mutagen): 1d20 + 4 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 6 = 21
Hyrsek: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Foe: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

The alien mind reaches out, flooding your thoughts with an overwhelming sense of menace and territorial anger Intruders. it telepathically hisses Leave this sacred decay or face oblivion

The warning is accompanied by some silent casting that produces 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 images of itself.

Round 1: Alien, Zzvkgrogk, Rhoreen, Rūha, Hyrsek, Chaance, Yambul

Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Ruha watches the jellyfish-crab and comments "Your philosophy is that rotting bio-crafts are somehow sacred? Intriguing. Can you expand on that?" She moves into the chamber as she talks, then begins offering whispered Advice to her allies on tactics against this potentially malevolent alien being.

Advice for +2/+2.

F Half-elf Craftsperson

Round 1

Rhoreen puts her hand up to delay Zzvkgrogk from acting hastily, and before her if you want Zzvkgrogk.

1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 20 + 2 = 25 Know (Nature)
1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 12 + 2 = 26 Know (Dungeoneering)

”Are those bacteria? Large bacteria? Ugh…yeah, don’t eat the huge bacteria. I can’t believe I need to clarify that, but I am, just in case,” Rhoreen observes the contents of the room.

”…and that’s a Lunarma! Ugly thing, acid breath, spells, and a whole lot more of ugly. Watch out for its tentacles, they are grabby!”

Rhoreen casts Haste and moves away from line of sight/effect.

Haste 1/10: You realize that you might be the unknowing recipient of some unkind thoughts from someone very much like Rhoreen if you don’t get your ass in gear and kill the people who are annoying Rhor. You get +1 to your attacks, a bit more speed, and an extra angry attack if you do such things. You know the deal: don’t disappoint Rhor.

Rhor & Lore:

HP: 62/62 + temp
AC: 12/12/10 (+4 w/Mage Armor)
F+5, R+6, W+8

Open spell slots:
Left Hand: nothing
Right Hand: Ember Staff (8/9 charges)
Ring of Forcefangs (7/9 charges)

Lighten Up: 0/1 used
Rod of Extend, lesser: 3/3 used (heroism, mage armors (herself & Ruha)
Rod of Extend, lesser: 1/3 used (heroism,
PoP 1: 0/2 used
PoP 2: 0/1 used

[ dice]1d20+7[/dice] ranged to hit;
[ dice]1d4-1[/dice] blunt damage

Phasing: The drinker gains the ability to become incorporeal for 1d4 rounds as a swift action, but takes 1 point of Con damage when he does so. Phasing can be extended as a free action by taking 1 additional point of Con damage. Coming out of phase inside a solid object is instantly fatal.

New usual morning magical protections: False Life 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19 temp hp, extended Mage Armor (herself & Ruha, 20 hours), when we suspect trouble/dungeoneering extended Heroisms (herself, Yambul, & Ruha for 200 minutes), Overland Flight (10 hours). Rhor will don her filter mask when exploring when there is a chance at combat (dungeons and like), and keep it off when in town and among people.

Skymetal Omen: The subject of this omen is jinxed with the unquantifiable nature of skymetal. When the target makes an attack or saving throw during the next 2 rounds, it must roll twice and take the worse result. A DC 22 Will save negates this effect. 13/50.

Skymetal's Onus: The subject of this onus is infused with the unquantifiable nature of skymetal. The target can choose one attack or one saving throw during the next 2 rounds, it may roll twice and take the better result (choose before rolling). 44/50.

”I can do it myself!!”
[ dice]1d8+1[/dice] CLW
0/50 charges left.

2d4 + 2 ⇒ (4, 2) + 2 = 8 force damage (9/50 left)

Haste 1/10: You realize that you might be the unknowing recipient of some unkind thoughts from someone very much like Rhoreen if you don’t get your ass in gear and kill the people who are annoying Rhor. You get +1 to your attacks, a bit more speed, and an extra angry attack if you do such things. You know the deal: don’t disappoint Rhor.

Delay Pain is actually: Drain Construct

2nd—magic missile;
10th—maximized scorching ray;
12th—mass bull’s strength;
14th—greater restoration;
16th—empowered and maximized fireball;
18th—empowered and maximized fire shield.

Rhoreen focuses the irascible energies of her skymetal rod at the least wounded plant foe. She focuses taking the heat from around the creature, trying to leave it frozen and alone.

3d8 ⇒ (7, 4, 2) = 13 cold damage, DC 22 Fort for half. If the target fails, it is paralyzed & unconscious while the ice lasts. (20 hp) If the target is broken free, it is staggered for 1d4 rounds.

Elf Huntress 11

Round 1


AC = 19 (Haste)
HP = 64/64
Weapon Equipped = Einior
Condition(s) = Hasted, Roo

Knowledge(Dungeoneering) v DC 20: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) v DC 22: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20

Chaance moves forward to set eyes on the lunarma. She listens to its threat, and wonders why it speaks on decay. When Rhoreen speaks on the strength of its threat here, and their inability to go about the ship with its awareness of them, the elfdroid fires a single shot in answer.

Einior...: 1d20 + 17 + 4 - 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 17 + 4 - 3 + 2 + 1 = 23 for 1d8 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 = 18 piercing, magical damage, including Roo and Favored Enemy
Mirror Images: 1d7 ⇒ 7

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

With some quick words, Rūha and Rhoreen empower the party and make it go fast hastened.

Chaance tries to put an arrow on the creature, but only shatters an image!

Lunarma: 5 images
Party buffs: Advise (+2), haste
Round 1: Lunarma, Zzvkgrogk, Rhoreen, Rūha, Hyrsek, Chaance, Yambul

Human (Kellid) He/Him

HP: 111/114 AC: 26 (t14, f23) (included: barkskin) CMD: 26 Hero Points: 3
Weapon Equipped = Longbow
Conditions = Carrot (+4 perception 16/24h), Barkskin (+4, 88m)
Chainsaw: Att: 10/5 BAB +6 Str +1 magic (-3 PA) Dam: +9 Str +1 magic (+9 PA) Crit: 15-20x2 DR: adamantine, magic Charges: 9/10
Falchion: Att: 10/5 BAB +6 Str +1 MW (-3 PA) Dam: +9 Str (+9 PA) Crit: 18-20x2 DR: adamantine
Chef’s knife: Att: 10/5 BAB +1 magic +6 Str / +2 Dex (-3 PA) Dam: +6 Str (+6 PA) +1 magic Crit: 19-20x2 DR: magic Rng: 10’
Studied: (Hyrsek, big ugly) (mv|sw|im; +3 att, dam, bluff, disguise, intimidate, knowledge, perception, sense motive, stealth, survival)
Improved Iron Will (1/1d, reroll will save)
Spells: (1/1d, st, Magic Missile, cl 3) (1/1d, st, Prestidigitation, cl1) (1/1d, st, Shield, cl9)
Veggies: Apple x2, Carrot, Mushroom, Peppers x2
- - -

Yambul drops his chainsaw, draws his bow, studies his opponent, and takes a shot!

Bow: 1d20 + 13 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 13 + 5 = 27 (advice, study)
damage: 1d8 + 7 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 5 = 19 (advice, study)

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)
GMRutseg wrote:
The largest threat though is a monstrous crablike creature that hovers in midair, its three clawed tentacles grabbing a gun-like device that points at you.

Zzvkgrogk rolls his beady eyes. ”Really? You have got to be kidding us! Where’s an airlock when you need one?!”

He too moves up and shoots.

BlindingLaser+: 1d20 + 14 - 4 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 14 - 4 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 17 Touch, -DeadlyAim, +Rūha, +Calliope, -Range
for Damage: 1d6 + 5d6 + 6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + (3, 3, 5, 5, 3) + 6 + 6 = 34 Zzvkgrogk Special, Deadly Aim, Rūha, Fire, Blinding Shot, Exploding Bullet
And Splash: 5 = 5 Reflex save for half, DC 18 on adjacent targets


BlindingLaser+: 1d20 + 14 - 4 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 14 - 4 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 13 Touch, -DeadlyAim, +Rūha, +Calliope, -Range
for Damage: 1d6 + 5d6 + 6 + 6 ⇒ (4) + (6, 5, 3, 5, 4) + 6 + 6 = 39 Zzvkgrogk Special, Deadly Aim, Rūha, Fire, Blinding Shot, Exploding Bullet
And Splash: 5 = 5 Reflex save for half, DC 18 on adjacent targets

Fort Save vs DC 18 or be blinded by one minute, creatures in the splash area that fail their saves against the bomb are dazzled for 1 minute. This is a light effect.

Spells, Mutagen:

6 first, 5 Second, 4 Third
(1st) Shield (Yambul)
(1st) True Strike
(1st) Heightened Awareness
(1st) Shield
(1st) Adhesive Spittle
(1st) Reduce Person
(2nd) Barkskin
(2nd) Invisibility
(2nd) Investigative Mind
(2nd) See Invisiblity
(2nd) Extreme Flexibility
(3rd) Animal Aspect. Greater
(3rd) Spider Climb, Communal
(3rd) Haste
(3rd) Fly
Mutagen: (+4 Dex, 2 Wiz)


Can use craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using Detect Magic
Hits: 53/53 +10
AC Current: 29/21/23 mutagen, Belt, +4 Barkskin, +4Shield
AC: 19 / 15 / 15 (Normal/Touch/Flatfooted)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 33/50
Radiation Detector (3/10 charges)
Laser Pistol (Charges): 5/10
Arc Pistol (Charges}: 8/10
Batteries Charged): 11/20
Empty Battieries: 9 /20
Zzvkgrogk Special (Alchemical Ordinance): 9/13
Hero: 2/3

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Yambul's arrow hits the creature for true making it bleed!
Images: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Images: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Images: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Zzvkgrogk laser beams find the floating creature amidst the images too, the first one bursting with a particularly flashy light. The flames do not combust at full as the creature seems slightly resistant to the fire.
Fort DC 18: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
Note ordinance can only be used once per round, hence the second shot cannot apply the blinding discovery ;)

Hyrsek follows Yambul, taking the bow and placing an arrow in the air.
mwk longbow: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 321d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Sneak attack: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 6) = 11
Images: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Hyrsek finds an image that shatters under contact with the arrow.

Traitorous rat! the lunarma moves north looking for a good angle, and descending to 10' to deliver a powerful lightning bolt that strikes everyone but Chaance and Rhoreen.
Electrical damage: 9d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2, 3) = 29
Ref DC 16 for half, and Rūha is selected for an special effect, if she fails the save, the power of void silences her for 1 round shutting down her advice.

K. arcana DC 22:

This special effect is product of a void-touched arcana.

Lunarma: 59 damage, considerably wounded, 4 images, flying 10'
Party buffs: Advise (+2), haste
Round 2: Lunarma, Zzvkgrogk, Rhoreen, Rūha, Hyrsek, Chaance, Yambul

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

I wasn’t sure how Haste would effect the Ordinance. That being the case, the extra 5d6+4 should also not apply to damage.

ReflexDC16: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30

”You mean Izzkvitgrk?! Yes! He IS a traitor! ”

He shoots again.

BlindingLaser+: 1d20 + 14 - 4 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 14 - 4 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 17 Touch, -DeadlyAim, +Rūha, +Calliope, -Range
for Damage: 1d6 + 5d6 + 6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + (1, 4, 5, 1, 5) + 6 + 6 = 29 Zzvkgrogk Special, Deadly Aim, Rūha, Fire, Blinding Shot, Exploding Bullet
And Splash: 5 = 5 Reflex save for half, DC 18 on adjacent targets

BlindingLaser+: 1d20 + 14 - 4 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 14 - 4 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 15 Touch, -DeadlyAim, +Rūha, +Calliope, -Range
for Damage: 1d6 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 2 = 9 Zzvkgrogk Special, Deadly Aim, Rūha, Fire, Blinding Shot, Exploding Bullet


LaserPistol+: 1d20 + 14 - 4 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 14 - 4 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 25 Touch, -DeadlyAim, +Rūha, +Calliope, -Range
for Damage: 1d6 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 2 = 14 Zzvkgrogk Special, Deadly Aim, Rūha, Fire, Blinding Shot, Exploding Bullet
And Splash: 5 = 5 Reflex save for half, DC 18 on adjacent targets

Save vs DC 18 or be blinded by one minute, creatures in the splash area that fail their saves against the bomb are dazzled for 1 minute. This is a light effect.

Spells, Mutagen:

6 first, 5 Second, 4 Third
(1st) Shield (Yambul)
(1st) True Strike
(1st) Heightened Awareness
(1st) Shield
(1st) Adhesive Spittle
(1st) Reduce Person
(2nd) Barkskin
(2nd) Invisibility
(2nd) Investigative Mind
(2nd) See Invisiblity
(2nd) Extreme Flexibility
(3rd) Animal Aspect. Greater
(3rd) Spider Climb, Communal
(3rd) Haste
(3rd) Fly
Mutagen: (+4 Dex, 2 Wiz)


Can use craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using Detect Magic
Hits: 39/53 +10
AC Current: 29/21/23 mutagen, Belt, +4 Barkskin, +4Shield
AC: 19 / 15 / 15 (Normal/Touch/Flatfooted)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 33/50
Radiation Detector (3/10 charges)
Laser Pistol (Charges): 5/10
Arc Pistol (Charges}: 8/10
Batteries Charged): 11/20
Empty Battieries: 9 /20
Zzvkgrogk Special (Alchemical Ordinance): 9/13
Hero: 2/3

F Half-elf Craftsperson

Rhoreen shields her eyes away from the near blinding lightning light, shaking her head at the poor fools who lined up for the effect. Smart Rhoreen was too smart to fall for that, she notes smugly.

She pauses to give others time to spread out before she enters the fray.

Delay to let others move on the map and figure out how to gloat shine in this combat.

Elf Huntress 11

Round 2


AC = 19 (Hasted)
HP = 64/64
Weapon Equipped = Einior
Condition(s) = Hasted, Roo

Chaance slinks to the side, a thrum under her skin indicating some relief that the corpus didn't suffer the electrical discharge experienced by the linear crew. She decides to reduce the cluster of images, at least, impressed at her colleagues' ability to pierce the illusion repeatedly.

Chaance will wisely allow all mirror images to be stripped away before she sends her regards... Can Delay until after Yambul fires

Einior...: 1d20 + 17 + 4 - 3 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 17 + 4 - 3 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 25 for 1d8 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 = 20 piercing, magical damage, including Favored Enemy and Roo

Einior...: 1d20 + 12 + 4 - 3 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 12 + 4 - 3 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 31 for 1d8 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 = 21 piercing, magical damage, including Favored Enemy and Roo

Einior...: 1d20 + 17 + 4 - 3 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 17 + 4 - 3 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 31 for 1d8 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 = 19 piercing, magical damage, including Favored Enemy and Roo

Haste: 1d20 + 17 + 4 - 3 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 17 + 4 - 3 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 39 for 1d8 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 = 24 piercing, magical damage, including Favored Enemy and Roo


Confirm Critical?: 1d20 + 17 + 4 - 3 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 17 + 4 - 3 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 38 for 2d8 + 8 + 8 + 12 + 4 ⇒ (8, 2) + 8 + 8 + 12 + 4 = 42 piercing, magical damage, including Favored Enemy and Roo

Human (Kellid) He/Him

HP: 97/114 AC: 26 (t14, f23) (included: barkskin) CMD: 26 Hero Points: 3
Weapon Equipped = Longbow
Conditions = Carrot (+4 perception 16/24h), Barkskin (+4, 88m)
Chainsaw: Att: 10/5 BAB +6 Str +1 magic (-3 PA) Dam: +9 Str +1 magic (+9 PA) Crit: 15-20x2 DR: adamantine, magic Charges: 9/10
Falchion: Att: 10/5 BAB +6 Str +1 MW (-3 PA) Dam: +9 Str (+9 PA) Crit: 18-20x2 DR: adamantine
Chef’s knife: Att: 10/5 BAB +1 magic +6 Str / +2 Dex (-3 PA) Dam: +6 Str (+6 PA) +1 magic Crit: 19-20x2 DR: magic Rng: 10’
Studied: (Hyrsek, big ugly) (mv|sw|im; +3 att, dam, bluff, disguise, intimidate, knowledge, perception, sense motive, stealth, survival)
Improved Iron Will (1/1d, reroll will save)
Spells: (1/1d, st, Magic Missile, cl 3) (1/1d, st, Prestidigitation, cl1) (1/1d, st, Shield, cl9)
Veggies: Apple x2, Carrot, Mushroom, Peppers x2
- - -

Reflex: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 vs DC 16 for 14hp damage

Yambul steps a little further out to get a clear shot, and continues his assault - this time with more attacks!

Bow: 1d20 + 13 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 13 + 5 = 37 (advice, study)
damage: 1d8 + 7 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 5 = 14 (advice, study)

Bow: 1d20 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 8 + 5 = 29 (advice, study)
damage: 1d8 + 7 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 5 = 20 (advice, study)

hasted Bow: 1d20 + 13 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 13 + 5 = 25 (advice, study)
damage: 1d8 + 7 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 5 = 13 (advice, study)

I was waiting for Rüha to see if the advice was still going. I assumed yes above. If not, -2 on everything.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

Reflex: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13 I'll hero point for a reroll.
Reflex: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

Rūha maintains her advice of course, moments after tumbling heroically to the side and evading most of the void lightning. "Perhaps it can't tell ysoki apart. If I were new to areas where they're native, I would also be struggling." Seeing as the party is letting loose the most determined volley the Scar has seen yet, Rūha joins them. She raises her hand and unleashes two red laser beams from her finger. (1 ki for a scorching ray)

Scorching Ray vs touch: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31 Damage (F): 4d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 5, 3, 1) + 2 = 14
Scorching Ray vs touch: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19 Damage (F): 4d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 1) + 2 = 18

F Half-elf Craftsperson

Round 2

Rhoreen double flies into the room, also keeping 10’ up.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Rūha jumps to the side in a last moment move only heroes are likely to achieve and keeps her advise up!

Zzvkgrogk gets rid of two images before he gets a real shot on the flying alien!
Images: 1d5 ⇒ 4
Images: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Images: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Chaance gets to hit once the Lunarma before she finishes off the images and ends with a Rhoreen's hastened arrow that sinks deeply on its brain causing massive damage!
Images: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Images: 1d2 ⇒ 1
Images: 1d2 ⇒ 2

With the images down, it is easy time for Yambul to put two arrows on the creature, whose evasive flight is not helpful against such ranged proven group.

Rūha finishes off the job with two beautiful flaming rays that are only partially resisted by the alien.

The flying crab falls down dying from the impact against the ground.

Combat is over!

Lunarma: 211 damage, considerably wounded, 2 images, flying 10'
Party buffs: Advise (+2), haste
Rūha: 14 damage
Yambul: 14 damage
Zzvkgrogk: 14 damage

"Wow, look at that, you are pretty good shooters all" exclaims Hyrsek while you examine the remains.

You examine the strange gun and reach the conclusion it is a timeworn mindrender (10 charges). Nothing else of value for those not a fungus is found here.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

”Nonsense!” Zzvkgrogk exclaims indignantly at Rūha’s inference that all Ratfolk look alike. ”I mean, I don’t look like Redtooth, do I?” he asks others to consider for a moment. ”O.K.! Bad example! Maybe I do – but it is only because she is my mother!” He pokes at the dead crab to see how much of it is intact. ”As for Izzkvitgrk, he was adopted. His nose is far more stubby, and his fur is always mangy looking – he never took to the idea of bathing. And right now – I’m speculating there’s not much left of him that is original in parts, so it is probably all even worse now!” He picks up the Timeworn Mindrender. ”Does anyone want to carry this? If not, I have some room.”

He shakes out his fur in agitation and heals up.

CLW: 5d8 + 3 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 1, 6) + 3 = 19
”Anybody smell lunch? Yambul! Do you know how to make crab rolls? The meat is already broiled. Dibs on the claw meats!”

When everyone is ready to move on, he will suggest the east door, looking for traps along the way.

Perception: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 17 + 2 = 34

Human (Kellid) He/Him

HP: 109/114 AC: 26 (t14, f23) (included: barkskin) CMD: 26 Hero Points: 3
Weapon Equipped = Chainsaw (60m)
Conditions = Carrot (+4 perception 16/24h), Barkskin (+4, 88m)
Chainsaw: Att: 10/5 BAB +6 Str +1 magic (-3 PA) Dam: +9 Str +1 magic (+9 PA) Crit: 15-20x2 DR: adamantine, magic Charges: 8/10
Falchion: Att: 10/5 BAB +6 Str +1 MW (-3 PA) Dam: +9 Str (+9 PA) Crit: 18-20x2 DR: adamantine
Long bow: Att: 10/5 BAB +2 Dex +1 Magic Dam: +6 Str +1 Magic Crit: 20x3 DR: cold iron/silver
Chef’s knife: Att: 10/5 BAB +1 magic +6 Str / +2 Dex (-3 PA) Dam: +6 Str (+6 PA) +1 magic Crit: 19-20x2 DR: magic Rng: 10’
Studied: (Hyrsek, big ugly) (mv|sw|im; +3 att, dam, bluff, disguise, intimidate, knowledge, perception, sense motive, stealth, survival)
Improved Iron Will (1/1d, reroll will save)
Spells: (1/1d, st, Magic Missile, cl 3) (1/1d, st, Prestidigitation, cl1) (1/1d, st, Shield, cl9)
Veggies: Apple x2, Carrot, Mushroom, Peppers x2
- - -

Yambul is pleased it wasn’t any worse. Just in case though, he will take a bit of the wand to top up from the lightning bolt.
CLW: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (7, 3) + 2 = 12

He’ll put his bow away, pleased that his investment into it was worthwhile. Love the adaptive ability! He takes out his chainsaw, and cranks it back on - as the failsafe shut it down when he dropped it.

"Oh, I dunno that I want to eat that! You are all so adventurous when it comes to food. I like to stick to the known, and improve on the recipes. Eating something I just fought feels weird - though I know that's basically what hunting is. This feels different somehow." Yambul has a hard time coming to grips with the idea, though he will carve off a bit of the flesh to try something with it for dinner...

He’ll follow Zzvkgrogk to the eastern door. If he clears it, and once the party catches up, he’ll open it wide with his chainsaw.

Elf Huntress 11

Chaance wrinkles her synthetic nose, as her companions weigh the lunarma flesh as something equivalent to crustacean. She waits for the procurement, then follows Yambul to the next meat curtain.

"It called us intruders. A sacred place to it. Does that mean that there is something still valuable to be learned here?" Chaance looks over to Hyrsek. "Do you think you'll find Therace or something left behind?"

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F Half-elf Craftsperson
GM Rutseg wrote:
"Wow, look at that, you are pretty good shooters all"

"It was nothing," Rhoreen says as if she had done much. She had done something, but it was mostly inspirational, and that is probably what Hyrsek was referring to. "Now, let's take a look around here."

Rhoreen will cast Detect Magic, concentrate, and do some slow swirls around the room to figure out if there is anything of interest about.

When she is satisfied with her search, and others have healed, she will move the next spot to press forward.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

After a cursory glance by Zzvkgrogk, Yambul cuts open the eastern exit.

L6. Abandoned Materials
The reeking walls of this elongated chamber drip with pus and decay. The western half of the vaguely hourglass-shaped room is empty, but to the east, what appear to be two badly decayed mounds of bony shelves sit lumped in the middle of the room, surrounded by protrusions of bone and chitin.

Perception DC 25:

It is hard to tell the treasures apart from the decaying portions of ship, but your good eye does this, finding two weirdly organic-looking weapons: fleshnet cannons engineering DC 30 and a long serpentine fanged device (a mouthpiece of the dominion, spellcraft DC 20).

Survival DC 30:

You find signs big crab-like creatures have taken most of the treasures from this spaceship. Probably to their own den.

Rūha: 14 damage
Yambul: 2 damage
Zzvkgrogk: 0 damage

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

Percept: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 17 + 2 = 36

KnowEng: 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 18 + 2 = 33

SpellCraft: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

"Hrm, gross... Ahaha! Organic weapons! How weird. We appear to have found fleshnet cannons and that snakelike thing with the fangs is a mouthpiece of the dominion. These are both weapons used by neh-thalggu. The former fires a blob of gooey flesh that that turns into a net, entangles and crushes huge or larger creatures -- but not to death. It stops once it knocks the creature out. The latter nasty thing... well... just look at it. It's disgusting. You can wear it -- it becomes your trachea and mouth -- and you become the toxic megaphone puppet of the neh-thalggu if you are in telepathic range of one."

Zzvkgrogk shudders. "I... have no interest in actually going further into this room. I find it beyond repulsive."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

CLW x2: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (8, 2) + 2 = 12

"As horrible as that lunarma was, its philosophy might've shed some light on this place and what makes it more important than any other large decaying corpse. A shame it turned to violence so quickly." Rūha shakes her head as she gets a little healing from the rest of the team. "Also, I can't even begin to imagine how you two can consider lunch with this *place* around us. Truly. You've got wills of iron."

Her opinion only gets stronger when the next chamber is revealed. She avoids looking at the rotting mass too closely. On vid series, this is the kind of stuff that gets the mosaic filter put across it. "Zzvk, please stop describing them. It's bad enough that we're within a one kilometer radius of them. I suggest we leave them well enough alone - and maybe they'll finish rotting soon."

F Half-elf Craftsperson

1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 17 + 2 = 26 Perception

”Yes, you are right in agreeing with me! Organic weapons, indeed. Now, let me see,” Rhoreen agrees with Zzvkgrogk and casts Detect Magic to uncover the magics of the items.

1d20 + 21 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 21 + 2 = 40 Engineering
1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 17 + 2 = 32 Spellcraft

Wow, that mouthpiece is some weird s+!$. Interesting.

She will agree with Zzvkgrogk’s clever analysis and does not want either item for herself. She largely agrees with Ruha’s sentiments and would rather rip out her eye for Vecna’s own than place the mouthpiece down her throat.

”Yes, let’s move on from this.”

She will follow the party to the next spot.

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