[AP] Iron Gods by GM Rutseg

Game Master Balacertar


Current map
Treasure sheet

Iron Gods Player's Guide
Torch's Gazetteer - Torch's map - Numeria's map

* Learn more about Unity
* Locate Casandalee's neurocam and AI core devices
✔️ Reunite with Baine and Meyanda
* Find allies to depose the rule of the Technic League
* Fight the Dominion of the Black

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Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

"Ooh, let me see that, please!" Zzvkgrogk blurts out, and in his unbridled excitement almost rudely grabs the potion in Rhoreen's hand as she sniffs. He stops just short and waits for her to hand it to him, stimming in anticipation.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

"Both of these potions are potions of cure light wounds." he looks at Yambul. "Would you rather have conventional pharmaceuticals? Anyone?"

Rhoreen wrote:
"Anyone else get the impression that this is a unholy symbol to Zyphus?"

KnowRel: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

The Ratfolk nods. "God of Accidental death, Graveyards and Tragedy." He looks about at the end of the thugs. "Well, I guess these guys are in the right god hands..."

He looks at the creature's tattered leather hood and brand of the blindheim.

"Awwg," he laments, "It looks like this might have been a pet of someone's at one point... this dialect has roots in the dwarf and gnome languages of the Darklands."

If no one is in need of a potion, he will finish the one he started.
CureLight: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6


Hits: 10
AC=20, touch 18 (if incorporeal) (Shield)
AC 16, touch 14 (+3 dex, +1 racial), flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 racial)
Laser Pistol Charges: 9/10
Brown Nanite Hypogun Charges (Cures Sickness and heals 1d8+1): 9/10

F Half-elf Craftsperson
Zzvkgrogk III wrote:
"Both of these potions are potions of cure light wounds."

"Oh, let me hold one," Rhoreen takes one of the vials and sniffs at it, and then makes a retching noise. "<*sound*>, I do believe you're right. Nice work. What a good nose you have," she enthuses at Zzvkgrogk. She pockets the vial in case someone needs it. She could administer this, she knows.

"So...Zyphus, which, according to Chaance's recent reminder, puts this with group 2," Rhoreen pieces together. "It's strange that three other groups might have passed this way and somehow this pet was still around to maul Yambul."

If there is nothing else, she will follow others and try to keep her light so others can see.

Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

Ruha sighs as her vision doesn't quickly clear. She puts a hand up to her face, waves it about. "Well, I wasn't counting on that. It seems to be ebbing, but extraordinarily slowly. Eyes were well overstimulated..." She takes her goggles and settles them over her now-useless eyes. "I'll be a liability for a while. If you all want to keep going, I'll stay to the back until this clears up."

She listens in to the others investigating. She can't see the writing or the symbol, but she nods as the others describe it. "It does seem strange that that shining creature was still around. The fire beetles as well. But now that I think about it, isn't it stranger that none of the groups - including Khonnir's one that returned - thought to bring these bodies out? Were the bodies moved here after they were killed? It doesn't look like there was any other way in without passing this way, after all."

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

The nanites of Zzvkgrogk's hypogun quickly heal Yambul's wounds, while the ratfolk consumes one of the just found potions.

Fully healed, you find out Rūha is still blinded and it does not seem it will disappear soon, although it is clearly not temporary.

The only way forward is through another tunnel to the south.

Rhoreen: light 10 min
Rūha: blinded 1 h
Yambul: 13/13 hp
Zzvkgrogk: 10/10 hp shield (a few rounds remaining)

Human (Kellid) He/Him

AC: 15 (f13/t12) HP: 13/13 Hero Points: 1
Weapon Equipped = Falchion
Conditions = water breathing (1/5h)
Falchion: Attack: 1 BAB +4 Str +1 Focus Damage: +6 Str Crit: 18-20x2
Dagger: Attack: 1 BAB +4 Str / +2 Dex Damage: +4 Crit: 19-20x2 Range: 10’
Studied: (beast) (move/immediate; +1 att, dam, bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival)
Prestidigitation (1/1)

Zzvkgrogk III wrote:
"Both of these potions are potions of cure light wounds." he looks at Yambul. "Would you rather have conventional pharmaceuticals? Anyone?"

”Let’s save the other potion as that way we have two people who can save me should I falter in the line.” he suggests and takes the drugs.

He worries about Rūha not being able to see, but as she’s willing to press on, he shall. ”Take care back there Rūha. If it starts to get weird, or you just need to sit down a moment, let us know and we’ll take a break.”

When the group is ready, He’ll proceed, falchion out and ready, down the hallway carefully. He checks for what might attack him next, and for tracks, as he goes.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Survival, tracking: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Moved on map.

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Elf Huntress 11

Chaance allows herself a moment to look the blindheim over, now that its eyes are no longer a threat to their own.

Rūha wrote:
"Well, I wasn't counting on that. It seems to be ebbing, but extraordinarily slowly. Eyes were well overstimulated..."

Strike that. All but one of us.

Hovering over the dead beast, the elf considers removing her arrow, then thinks the better of it. Maybe that will make someone think twice about hostilities against us. Yes, I'm sure the creatures in here are intelligent enough to understand that the same arrow stuck in this beast's head can be one of their very own, if they only ask. Chaance snorts, shaking her head, a light self-admonishment.

Rhoreen wrote:
"It's strange that three other groups might have passed this way and somehow this pet was still around to maul Yambul."

"I agree. Unless this place is a labyrinth, and this toothy fellow roamed different tunnels at the same time others passed through, odd times and all. This would be a good place to lie in wait, though, so I still think you're right, Rhoreen."

Chaance approaches Rūha. "I'm sorry for your eyes. Either Rhoreen or I could keep back, and you could place one of your many hands on our shoulder, going forward. I know this feels like time is a dwindling commodity," the elf looks towards the eager cook, "but could we give our friend here a moment to let the light wear off, so she won't feel so vulnerable to the next beastie that pops up? Unless you feel up to it, Rūha? I shouldn't describe you as vulnerable if you don't feel as such." The elf can appreciate both sides of the dilemma. She would rather not stop now, but would completely understand wanting to stop, were she herself blind.

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Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)
Calliope wrote:
Rhoreen takes one of the vials and sniffs at it, and then makes a retching noise.

”Oh, do you need it? Are you O.K. – you’re making that noise again… Oh… I’m sorry. I think I should have jabbed you with this earlier…” he says pulling out the brown nanite hypogun. ”I’ll remember next time, but let’s hope there isn’t a next time.” He looks around for a nanite gun that might cure blindness. Maybe they exist…

Calliope wrote:
"It's strange that three other groups might have passed this way and somehow this pet was still around to maul Yambul."

Zzvkgrogk looks down at the creature. ”Well, it did seem pretty well-versed in ambushes… That is just one way to survive down here, I guess. I am fine waiting out the blindness, I regret not having the means to fix that at the moment…” the Ratfolk laments ruefully.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

While the party decides if they should wait for Rūha or not to recover her sight, Yambul grows concerned about Baine destiny and has a glimpse a bit forward to the south. The Kellid advances with the fire beetle glands high shedding just a bit of light up to 20' ahead, a large contrast with the recent bright light of the blindheim. Yambul reaches a crossing of tunnels.

A5. Tunnels Crossing
A collection of crates, boxes, rubble, and scavenged metal lies heaped in the northwest section of this damp cave. Several strange chalk drawings of twisted, spiny plants, a strange three-legged creature, and emaciated four-armed humanoids, very much like Rūha, mark the walls.

The chalk drawings on the far wall are considerably recent, and they seem depictions of things some intelligent beings have seen or dreamed.

The depiction of the three-legged creature is easily recognized by you as the TickTock you fought with in the Foundry.

K. local DC 20:

You realizes that the four-legged creatures are some unknown, and perhaps undiscovered, race.

But yet, Rūha is here with you, so it is not that unknown to you at the least.

Perception DC 28 (listening only unless you have darkvision/low-light vision):

Stealth+distance: 1d20 + 16 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 16 + 5 = 28
Ahead, in the darkness, you hear someone getting away from you. The noise of excited walking comes from the tunnel to the southeast. Whatever it was, it probably spot your light approaching and decided to leave.

Among the rubble and refuse here are several ruined bits of technological devices—nothing recognizable or even all that useful can be found here, but the presence of strange tangles of wires and unusually crafted fragments should confirm the hope that more ancient technology can be found deeper in the caves

Appraise or Perception DC 20 (searching the heap):

While searching the rubble, you discover a scattering of 7 silverdisks ruined batteries used as 10 gp coins but nothing else of value.

All this is only seen by those reaching the crossing as Yambul did.

Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

"It's already quite weird, to be fair." Rūha murmurs a response to Yambul as she steadies herself on Chaance's shoulder. "Most of what we have to lose by waiting is our water breathing. Now that the length we have to swim is clearer, I think we can afford it. The fates of our missing people will have to stay undiscovered a little longer. And... it might be best to sit a little." Her brow furrows "My balance is all off. I'd probably bowl you all over accidentally the moment there's a loud noise."

Sadly, I'm not there to give that hard perception check a try.

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Elf Huntress 11

Moved on Map to keep up with Yambul, Rūha with me

Perception Check v DC 28: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 Low-Light Vision

Chaance finds herself straining to look over Yambul's shoulder, at something catching her eye at a distance.

"There." Chaance throws a pointed hand in the direction to the southeast tunnel. "Something there is trying to keep out of sight, and it's getting away. I'm not saying we should pursue it, but I'm also not saying we shouldn't. It would have tried to make noise to draw us into another ambush. It didn't."

The elf reinforces the direction to the sightless kasatha, by lifting one of the fingers on her shoulder, and pointing it in the same direction as her recent finger pointing.

F Half-elf Craftsperson

Rhoreen moves up to keep her light close to Yambul. She’s happy to wait, and will renew the light when it dims. She completely missed whatever Chaance heard, and agrees with forgoing a quick pursuit. There would be no point to that while waiting.

So…she waits. Pacing sometimes, sitting other times, but mostly waiting.

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

Zzvkgrogk, forgetting his reprimand to himself about being in front, moves to the front to get a closer look at what shinies might exist in the new chamber.

Percept: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19


Hits: 7
AC=20, touch 18 (if incorporeal) (Shield)
AC 16, touch 14 (+3 dex, +1 racial), flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 racial)
Laser Pistol Charges: 9/10
Brown nanite hypogun charges: 8/10

Human (Kellid) He/Him
Chaance wrote:

"There." Chaance throws a pointed hand in the direction to the southeast tunnel. "Something there is trying to keep out of sight, and it's getting away. I'm not saying we should pursue it, but I'm also not saying we shouldn't. It would have tried to make noise to draw us into another ambush. It didn't."

The elf reinforces the direction to the sightless kasatha, by lifting one of the fingers on her shoulder, and pointing it in the same direction as her recent finger pointing.

Yambul peers into the darkness but doesn’t see or hear anything (can’t make the roll). ”So, we’re not alone.” He shrugs and holds his position for now.

Zzvkgrogk III wrote:
Zzvkgrogk, forgetting his reprimand to himself about being in front, moves to the front to get a closer look at what shinies might exist in the new chamber.

As he guards he watches Zzvkgrogk poke around the pile. He offers, ”Hey, did you look under that pile over there? Looks promising.”

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 vs DC 10 to aid Zzvkgrogk

Other than poking around a little, he waits until Rūha can see again.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

It takes almost an hour before Rūha begins to recover enough of his vision that she is able to see something else than shadows. During that time, you have time enough to search the heap of metallic stuff, finding only the 7 silverdisks of interest.

Whatever run away from you through the souteastern tunnel, has not returned while you waited.

There are two ways forward, or you can come back the way you came.

4 h of water breathing remain

Human (Kellid) He/Him

Yambul heads down the southwest passage - what he thinks of as the ‘outside’ wall in his head. When everyone is in place of course.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Survival, tracking: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

F Half-elf Craftsperson

"Are you feeling better Ruha?" Rhor asks Ruha. "You can see okay?" Rhor asks despite still not feeling comfortable around the strangely tall woman(?).

Rhoreen follows to keep the light on Yambul.

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)
Chaance wrote:
"Something there is trying to keep out of sight, and it's getting away. I'm not saying we should pursue it, but I'm also not saying we shouldn't. It would have tried to make noise to draw us into another ambush. It didn't."

He looks at the Elf as appraising her, then after a brief moment he concludes, "You haven't been on many ambushes, have you?"

He walks away shaking his head slightly.


Yambul wrote:
”Hey, did you look under that pile over there? Looks promising.”

Zzvkgrogk nearly dives into it, producing the small pile of silverdisks. He shakes one. "Aawg! Spoiled, they are! Still, I guess we can use them for money if nothing else."

When Rūha is ready, Zzvkgrogk follows the others toward the southwestern passage, but quietly doubles back hugging the wall to peer down the southeastern passage. He pulls a vial from his pocket as he does so.


Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25


Hits: 10
AC 16, touch 14 (+3 dex, +1 racial), flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 racial)
Laser Pistol Charges: 9/10
Brown nanite hypogun charges: 8/10

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

Ruha gets ample time to start panicking internally. Minutes pass with no obvious changes that she can see, and its only after half an hour that a slow glow at the edges of her vision reveals that things are going to change. She calms herself and waits it out.

Eventually, she raises her goggles and nods to Rhor "Seems to be back to usual, more or less."

She continues forward, pausing in front of the cave paintings. Her eyes widen "Now that is quite curious." She looks to the rest of the team and asks "This might seem an odd question, but there aren't any other humanoids around Numeria that look like me, are there? Because otherwise these fairly fresh drawings are very out of place." She isn't quite sure what to make of them, but a chill runs down her spine.

Once the group is done with the rubble heap, she follows Yambul down southwest.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Zzvkgrogk stealthily explores the southeastern tunnel. His darkvision penetrating the blackness to see the tunnel opens into a grand cave with a cliff going down.

Meanwhile Yambul takes the other tunnel, shivering from the coldness that emerges from this side of the cave system.

A6. Dust-Ridden Tunnel
The temperature drops noticeably in this passageway, and a rime of white frost lines the walls and floor leading into the cavern beyond. What seems to be a light layer of brown dust carpets the cave floor beyond—a body of some sort sits slumped against the eastern wall.

The passage ends at a 10-foot-high ledge that drops down into this cavern. Scrambling down seems an easy task. Climb DC 10

K. dungeoneering DC 12 or Survival DC 15 (dust):

You do recognize the “dust” on the floor of this cave for the hazard it truly is—a large patch of brown mold. It seems someone threw some torches in on purpose to feed the mold, causing it to grow to its current size and creating a relatively dangerous barrier. Whomever did this wanted to make it difficult to access the following caves through this place.

Brown mold feeds on warmth, drawing heat from anything around it. It normally comes in patches 5 feet in diameter, and the temperature is always cold in a 30-foot radius around it. Living creatures within 5 feet of it take 3d6 points of nonlethal cold damage. Fire brought within 5 feet of brown mold causes the mold to instantly double in size. Cold damage, such as from a cone of cold, instantly destroys it.

The mold itself cannot kill a person, but being rendered unconscious by nonlethal cold damage still eventually results in death from thirst or starvation.

The body is difficult to recognize without climbing down, but even at this distance you can see Perception DC 12 strange ribbons and filaments of rust-colored fibers growing along his spine, throat, and chest.

K. nature or dungeoneering DC 16 (rust fibers):

You recognize these fibers as russet mold. A spores infestation caused by a dangerous fungus. This fungus has nothing to do with the dust that carpets the floor.

The russet mold is infamous for being the origin of Vegepygmys. Creatures slain by russet mold serve as incubators for the mold’s spores, and a day later, the dead body bursts to release 1d6 fully grown vegepygmys. A vegepygmy has no real relation to the body from which it emerges, but the creature may yet retain a strange sort of reverence for its “birth corpse” and carry with it a grisly memento from the body, typically a few bones or teeth. Often, a vegepygmy uses such bones to craft a crude spear or some other weapon.

Heal DC 16 (if you failed the previous check):

You think the boy died due to some kind of infestation produced by the spores of a fungus, but you think it does not have anything to do with the "dust" in this room. The miserable just happened to end here on his retreat.

F Half-elf Craftsperson

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 Know (Nature)
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 Perception
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 Heal

Rhoreen doesn’t climb down, but stays safe and uses her light to help anyone who chooses to climb down. I’m a torchbearer. Could be worse, I could be in that.

”We should be careful. That looks to be russet mold, a dangerously infection agent,” she warns anyone who gets too close.

Elf Huntress 11
Zzvkgrogk wrote:
"You haven't been on many ambushes, have you?"

Chaance frowns, unsure how to respond to the ratfolk. The question feels like an ambush of a kind. Careful how you answer. In the end, she simply follows Zzvkgrogk down the next corridor, considering the ratfolk's own experience in the field.

The elf gladdens for the kasatha's sight restoration. Especially the speed with which they continue to explore.

][b wrote:
"This might seem an odd question, but there aren't any other humanoids around Numeria that look like me, are there?"[/b]

"You are the first of your kind I've come across, but my sample size of Numeria is painfully small."

Survival Check v DC 15: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

"And that there, is brown mold. Those torches, there and there, those were likely thrown into it to puff it up, prevent others from using this way to move about. We'll suffer from its cold if we get within 5' of it, and only cold will destroy it."

Knowledge(Nature) Check v DC 16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

"Good catch on the russet, Rhoreen. Should we tell them about the Vegepygmys? The body should be ripe in less than a day, but by how short of a day, I do not know."

Human (Kellid) He/Him

"What do you mean by 'ripe'? Looks pretty ripe from here." murmurs Yambul.

He'll keep his distance from the mold. No need to suffer needlessly. He takes out his grapple and rope wondering if he can 'hook' the body and drag it out of the mold so they can see who it is.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 - 4 - 4 ⇒ (7) + 3 - 4 - 4 = 2 (improvised weapon, range increment)
Attack: 1d20 + 3 - 4 - 4 ⇒ (8) + 3 - 4 - 4 = 3 (improvised weapon, range increment)
Attack: 1d20 + 3 - 4 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 3 - 4 - 4 = 1 (improvised weapon, range increment)

He, rather embarrassingly, whiffs with his first attempts. But he keeps on trying.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 - 4 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 3 - 4 - 4 = 0 (improvised weapon, range increment)
Attack: 1d20 + 3 - 4 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 3 - 4 - 4 = 11 (improvised weapon, range increment)
Attack: 1d20 + 3 - 4 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 3 - 4 - 4 = 9 (improvised weapon, range increment)

Breathing heavily he looks to see if maybe he got lucky. Is it an AC 10 object? If so, he drags it away from the mold. If not, he gives up on this attempt for now suggesting they check on their way out.

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)
Rūha wrote:
”"This might seem an odd question, but there aren't any other humanoids around Numeria that look like me, are there? Because otherwise these fairly fresh drawings are very out of place."

Zzvkgrogk shakes his head. ”I have not seen your kind in Scrapwall either, sadly. Nor heard tell of any.”

fresh chalk…?

Zzvkgrogk takes advantage of the others exploring the funky fungi to quietly creep forward in the southeastern passage and peek around the corners.

Are other Kasathas here? Are you hungry?...

Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

He winces as he steps on a hunk of granite that screeches on the cave floor and echos through the underground gorge.

He hurries ahead while the din reverberates before continuing on cautiously.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 Darkvision.
Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 Footsteps? Chalk veins?

Zzvkgrogk looks around. Wait... is this the same cave I started in?

Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

Rūha takes the answers she gets from the others with grateful nods, but keeps her conclusions to herself. Really though, she's not sure what to make of the pictures. Coincidence? Omen? Lead? Whatever it was, it was interesting, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Heal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Hearing the details about the hazards from the others, Ruha says "Might be best not to move that body too much. Maybe just enough to see who they are." She frowns "This russett mold... is there a way to destroy it before it births these vegepygmies? If so, we should do that. I can't imagine that anything whose life cycle involves nurturing young in humanoid corpses is going to be too friendly."

Elf Huntress 11
Yambul wrote:
"What do you mean by 'ripe'?"

Chaance looks at Rhoreen, politely and wordlessly asking for permission to continue. Bowing her head, she turns back to the young man, and answers.

"The spores, you see. They incubate for the full cycle of a day, then about a half dozen little plant creatures emerge, fully grown. They'll defend the mold. Fiercely."

Chaance weighs the pull of her curiosity. More mold, or the little fuzzy one finding that skulking individual, all by himself...

The elf retraces her way back to the fork in the cavern, confirming the presence of Zzvkgrogk by the scrape of rock, so follows along, glad to avoid the brown mold floor.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Yambul manages to hook the body and pull it up, but following Rūha's advice, he maintains the body far enough, just hanging from the cliff at a proper sight distance.

Chaance and Rhoreen:

Ways to deal with the russet mold: Soaking the body in alcohol, rubbing the infected areas with acid, or casting remove disease on the body all work to cleanse it of the infestation. Normally, russet mold is immune to fire, but this patch isn’t fully mature, so if the body is cremated, the infestation is halted as well.

The body hanging from Yambul's hook is easily recognized by Torch locals as a member of Khonnir’s team: a human rogue named Gerrol Sonder. Emelia Otterbie's fiancé.

The cold temperature caused by the brown mold has significantly slowed the russet mold’s growth through his body up to a halt, which probably has prevented him to become a Vegepygmy. Gerrol’s body is pale from the cold but not frozen—he perished from the russet mold infection in his flesh.

Gerrol’s body still wears a masterwork chain shirt, but he lost several of his other pieces of equipment in his frantic attempt to reach safety. He still carries a set of masterwork thieves’ tools, a masterwork hand crossbow with 5 bolts, several empty vials that once contained potions and antitoxin but now are empty, and 75 gp.

While all this happens, Zzvkgrogk deepens in the caverns, profiting his greater vision to explore without betraying light.

A7. Skulk Lair
The ceiling of this vast chamber rises nearly thirty feet overhead. A five-foot-wide ledge runs along the western wall, sloping down to the cave floor ten feet below. Four ramshackle huts made of what appears to be strips of metal, hides, and some sort of fibrous plant matter sit in the cave, while to the south yawns a dark pit.

Scrambling down the ledge along the west side of the cave is an easy task. DC 10 Climb

The pit to the south drops away in a series of descending shelves, each dipping 5 feet lower until a central shaft is reached. A soft, cold breeze rises from this shaft, which has no visible floor.

Perception vs DC 8:

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

As she spots Zzvkgrogk, a smooth-skinned, hairless humanoid with penetrating eyes, pulls her head out of one of the ramshackle huts where she was hiding and addresses him with relieved tone "អុហ្វ! អ្នក​ខ្លាច​ខ្ញុំ​ស្លាប់ ខ្ញុំ​គិត​ថា​វា​គឺ​ជា​មនុស្ស​ម្នាក់​ក្នុង​ចំណោម​មនុស្ស​ខ្ពស់​ៗ​ដែល​មាន​សត្វ ​ក្ងាន​ម្ដង​ទៀត។ តើ​អ្នក​កំពុង​ធ្វើអ្វី​នៅ​ទីនេះ? តើ​អ្នក​មិន​គួរ​នៅ​ជា​មួយ​មេ​របស់​អ្នក និង​មនុស្ស​ដទៃ​ទៀត​ឬ?"


"Uff! You scared me to death, I thought it was one of those tall humans with a falchion again. What are you doing here? Are you not supposed to be with your boss and the other ratfolks?"

Sense Motive or Linguistics DC 20:

The creature seems relieved and treating Zzvkgrogk as an ally, as if it was normal he is here.

K. local or dungeonering DC 11:

You do recognize this creature as a skulk.

Skulks are a race of cowardly and lazy humanoids that live on the Darklands but sometimes reach the fringes of society, stealing what they need and doing what they must—even committing casual murder—to survive. Their unabashed cowardice is perhaps their most widely known trait, but skulks don’t see themselves as particularly craven. Instead, they view their dishonorable behaviors as the most expedient method of survival. They hate most other humanoids, viewing them as lazy and foolish, and think nothing of sneaking into a home, killing all the residents, and burglarizing what they can carry off without getting caught.

Skulks travel in small groups, rarely forming tribes of more than 16, for in larger groups bickering quickly leads to violent infighting. Murder between skulks is not uncommon, but they understand safety in numbers.

Note only Zzvkgrogk is in A7 as of current, with Chaance in the tunnel heading there.

Others in the mold cave can easily hear any talk with Zzvkgrogk.

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

Zzvkgrogk stays where he is remembering his last attempt at climbing, and addresses the humanoid.

”អូ! ខ្ញុំ​សុំទោស! មួយ​ដែល​មាន​ Falchion គឺ​គ្រាន់​តែ​ជា​ចុងភៅ​របស់​យើង​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ គាត់នឹងមិនធ្វើឱ្យអ្នកឈឺចាប់ទេ។ គាត់ធ្វើការឱ្យខ្ញុំ។ តើ​អ្នក​ឃ្លាន​ហើយ​ឬ​នៅ?”

”បច្ចុប្បន្នខ្ញុំជាអ្នកឯករាជ្យ ដើម្បីស្វែងយល់បន្ថែមអំពីពិភពលោក និងអ្នកដែលនៅក្នុងនោះ។ ចៃដន្យ​អី​បាន​ឃើញ​កុ Kasatha? ឬតើអ្នកបានគូរជាមួយដីសនៅក្នុងបន្ទប់ផ្សេងទៀតនោះ?”

”តើ​អ្នក​នៅ​ម្នាក់ឯង? តើអ្នកជាប់នៅទីនេះទេ?តើអ្នកមកទីនេះដោយរបៀបណា?”


”Oh, no stress! That one with the falchion is just our cook. He won't hurt you, I won’t let him. He works for me. Are you hungry?”

”I am currently freelance, to learn more about the world and those in it. By any chance, have you seen Kasatha's about? Or, did you draw with the chalk in that other room?”

”Are you alone? Are you trapped here?”


Hits: 10
AC 16, touch 14 (+3 dex, +1 racial), flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 racial)
Laser Pistol Charges: 9/10
Brown nanite hypogun charges: 8/10

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

The creature looks confused and surprised at Zzvkgrogk's response "តើអ្នកមិននៅជាមួយនារីសក់ពណ៌ស្វាយទេឬ?" she frowns and spits to the floor "ទេ ខ្ញុំមិនឃ្លានទេ។ យើង​បាន​បង្កើត​គំនូរ​ដីស ប៉ុន្តែ​តើ​កាសែត​នេះ​អ្នក​និយាយ​អំពី​អ្វី?"

Turning, she makes a sign and two more creatures exactly looking the same, emerge from the huts and approach the ratfolk, closing by his two sides with daggers at hand "ទេ ខ្ញុំមិននៅម្នាក់ឯងទេ។ Brath និង Ydriss នៅទីនេះ ហើយ Sef ក៏ដូចគ្នាដែរ។ យើងក៏មានសត្វចិញ្ចឹមមួយក្បាលដែរ ប៉ុន្តែគាត់រត់អាម៉ុក នៅពេលដែលពួកអាក្រក់វាយប្រហារមកលើយើង ហើយយើងមិនអាចយកវាមកវិញបានទេ ដោយសារក្រណាត់របស់វាធ្លាក់ចុះ ហើយចាប់ផ្តើមធ្វើឱ្យមនុស្សគ្រប់គ្នាងងឹតភ្នែក។"


"Are you not with the purple-haired woman?"

"No, I am not hungry. We made the chalk drawings but what is this Cassette you talk about?"

"No, I am not alone. Brath and Ydriss are here, and so is Sef. We also had a pet, but he run amok when the evil ones attacked us and we have not been able to recover him as his hood fell down and started blinding everyone."

Human (Kellid) He/Him

Yambul strips the body, carefully, if he can. He’ll then push it to roll back among the cold-mold which is keeping bad things from happening. (Let me know if he can get any of the gear safely, and if so, which bits.)

”We’ll come back for his body, and give him a good cremation, but I don’t have any oil at present, and don’t want to stink up these chambers with his smoke just yet.”

He hears conversation from around the corner and leaves the gear alone for the moment and crosses over to be with Zzvkgrogk, in case the little man needs assistance. I expect he arrives after further conversation between Zzvkgrogk and the hairless human, so I’ll wait to post further.

F Half-elf Craftsperson

"Oh, poor Emelia!" Rhoreen covers her mouth when it's clear that the body belongs to Gerrol Sonder. "Oh poor Gerrol. He was on Khonnir's team. Oh, this is terrible." Rhoreen will steer clear of the mold, and wonder if coming back at a later time to deal with it all might be a better answer for now.

"I believe we can try to burn the mold away, though, really, not sure I have enough accelerants to do the job," Rhoreen offers an opinion about the mold. "Maybe we should leave it for now, like Yambul suggests?"

Rhoreen will keep her light with Yambul.

Rhoreen wants none of the gear, esp as the hand crossbow...is exotic proficiency? Exotic?

Elf Huntress 11
Skulk Talk wrote:
"អុហ្វ! អ្នក​ខ្លាច​ខ្ញុំ​ស្លាប់..."

Oh, that won't do...

Chaance begins to utter the same intonations as the creature beyond the ratfolk, at first broken-speak, then slowly sounding out the words until the elf nods to herself. Cast Comprehend Languages, 10 minutes as Spell-Like Ability

Much better.

Linguistics vs DC 20: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

At first, Chaance enjoys the tunnel for its privacy, choosing to listen to the conversation at hand, between Zzvkgrogk and Friend-of-Brath/Ydriss/Sef. She does, of course, get closer, not liking the sound that Friend-of has more than one friend.

When Yambul and Rhoreen and Rūha catch up, the elf catches the others up on the conversation at hand, as close to word-for-word as she can, keeping her voice lowish, though excited, as she's never actually heard the words of Undercommon spoken so fluently.

"You're doing wonderfully, Zzz. You'll have to teach me the tongue, when we have time."

Staying at current position on the Map

Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

Ruha nods her agreement with Yambul's choice "It appears to be in delicate balance right now, with the cold stymying the mold. Better we don't touch it until we can be sure we're doing the right thing." She follows with the rest as they go to regroup with the ysoki.

She quietly thanks Chaance for the rapid translation, furrowing her brow and whispering "Zzvkgrogk knows of kasatha? And a purple haired woman? Seems a very unusual color from looking at people around town. Do we know if there's anyone matching that description in the previous groups?"

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

With a bit of effort Yambul is able to register the body and claim all the items but the armor. But when Rhoreen explains the coldness has halted the russet mold, you are also able to place him over the ledge and remove the chain shirt. The pickiest might wish to fully clean the items for fear to some spore lingering around, but you are able to get them all with you.

As the creature waits for Zzvkgrogk to reply, her skin shifts and changes to mimic her new surroundings, making her very difficult to distinguish from the cave itself.

Waiting a bit to give Zzvkgrogk a chance to answer

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

Zzvkgrogk stands his ground, and gives a friendly wave to Brath and Ydriss.
OH, dang. The blindheim was their pet?! He feigns ignorance, though he secretly suspects ‘his’ party did the hairless humanoids a favor.

”អូ ខ្ញុំសុំទោសដែលបានឮអំពីសត្វចិញ្ចឹមរបស់អ្នក! រន្ធត់​ណាស់! យើងកំពុងធ្វើដំណើរដើម្បីណែនាំខ្លួនយើងអំពីពណ៌ស្វាយ។ រូប​ដែល​មាន​អាវុធ​ទាំង​៤​នោះ គឺ​កសាថា ខ្ញុំ​គិត​ថា រូប​ទាំង​នោះ​នៅ​ទី​នេះ ប្រហែល​មាន​កឋិន​នៅ​ទី​នេះ វា​មិន​មាន​អ្វី​ផ្សេង​ទេ។ សូមអោយពួកយើងឆ្លងកាត់ដោយសន្តិភាព។.”

”Oh, I am sorry to hear about your pet! How terrible! We are on our way to introduce ourselves to ពណ៌ស្វាយ. The drawings of the four armed creatures are Kasatha, I thought since those drawings are here there might be Kasatha here, but it is of no matter. Please let us pass through peacefully.”


Hits: 10
AC 16, touch 14 (+3 dex, +1 racial), flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 racial)
Laser Pistol Charges: 9/10
Brown nanite hypogun charges: 8/10

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

"ដៃទាំងបួន... យើងបានឃើញវានៅលើផ្លូវរបស់យើងឆ្លងកាត់ជញ្ជាំងដែក ..." explains Zzvkgrogk interlocutor.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
The creature stretches her eyes as she sees Yambul closing by with his glands light "ខ្ញុំមិនអាចឱ្យអ្នកឆ្លងកាត់បានទេ។" you notice the creature's dagger trembles as she looks at Yambul's falchion "យើង... យើងមានបញ្ហាគ្រប់គ្រាន់ហើយ នាពេលថ្មីៗនេះ... អ្នកប្រហែលជាគួរតែនិយាយជាមួយ ។ បន្ទាប់ពីអ្នកជំនួយការខ្មៅបានយកមេដឹកនាំរបស់យើងគាត់បានដើរតួជាមេកុលសម្ព័ន្ធ។ គាត់នៅទីនោះក្នុងរូងភ្នំខាងជើង" she points to the tunnel going north.


"The four-arm ones... we have seen them on our forays past the metal wall..."

"We cannot let you pass"

"We... we have had enough problems as of recent... You probably should talk with Sef. After the black wizard took our leader, he has acted as the tribe's boss. He is there, in the northern cavern"

Elf Huntress 11

Chaance continues to make sure those among the current expedition understand what is said between their own whiskered envoy and the parlaying creature before them.

"Zzvkgrogk, I personally don't object to speaking with Sef, if it means we can avoid needless bloodshed."

The elf maintains her position for now, but expects they'll be heading into the northern cavern, shortly.

F Half-elf Craftsperson

Rhoreen moves up, but not understanding what is happening, she keeps her mouth shut.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Human (Kellid) He/Him

Yambul also keeps his mouth shut, letting the groups leader do the talking. Especially as he seems to know the language.

He'll take the opportunity, as no combat seems imminent, to start cleaning the gear they got off the deceased. He considers a moment, and then casts Prestidigitation to aid in the effort and get into the really hard to reach spots.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

Zzvkgrogk lightly follows the gaze of the nervous hairless humanoid and glances to see the lit gland Yambul bears. Why is that thing still working!?

”យើងមិនចង់បន្ថែមបញ្ហារបស់អ្នកទេ។ តើយើងអាចឆ្លងទៅរូងភ្នំភាគខាងជើងដើម្បីនិយាយទៅកាន់ Leader Sef បានទេ? សូម​ទុក​ពេល​ឲ្យ​ខ្ញុំ​បន្តិច​ដើម្បី​បកប្រែ​រឿង​ទាំង​អស់​នេះ​ដល់​ក្រុម​របស់​ ខ្ញុំ។ “

”We do not wish to add to your problems. May we pass to the northern cavern to speak to Leader Sef? Please give me a moment to translate all of this to my team.”

Still facing the bald humanoids, he addresses his companions as they make their way to the chamber.

”Good news, everyone. The purple haired woman we seek is indeed around somewhere, as are the kin of Rūha – the latter past the metal wall. There is also a black wizard wreaking havoc, possibly the acquainted with the bar maid in town..." he pauses to provide a moment of ponderance. "They suggested that we to speak with their leader Sef in the northern cavern, I am asking for peaceful passage to make it that far. Also, Yambul, they are quite impressed with your weapon…” He makes a motion behind his back while putting some inflection on the word “impressed”, intended to encourage Yambul not to brandish the thing to wildly in front of them.

Human (Kellid) He/Him

AC: 15 (f13/t12) HP: 13/13 Hero Points: 1
Weapon Equipped = Falchion
Conditions = water breathing (2/5h), Prestidigitation (1/60m)
Falchion: Attack: 1 BAB +4 Str +1 Focus Damage: +6 Str Crit: 18-20x2
Dagger: Attack: 1 BAB +4 Str / +2 Dex Damage: +4 Crit: 19-20x2 Range: 10’
Studied: () (move/immediate; +1 att, dam, bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival)
Prestidigitation (1/1)

Yambul puts the gear back away and even goes so far as to sheath his falchion across his back.

He’ll follow Zzvkgrogk deeper in, though he worries about enemies at their backs.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

As the group declares interest to meet Sef, the skulks step aside and let the group take the northern tunnel.

A9. Junkyard Cave
This cramped cave is filled with metal junk covering almost every inch of ground. The precarious pile rises up in a heaplike hut to the northwest.

A thin bald humanoid very much like the others, at least to your eyes, receives you on another pile of junk. Your interlocutor presents you and explains you are requesting passage past their cave.

The creature observes you carefully, looking at your weapons then counting the few remaining of his kin, then looking back at you. When she speaks, she does so in some kind of Taldan, although with a strong accent "So... you seek passage... Look, our previous leader made an agreement to stop any like those of your kin from crossing the metallic wall. But... after the brunette wizard killed him and sacked our treasures, things have changed enough... I am more open to revisit that agreement and accept you crossing the metallic wall... that is... if you agree on a couple of things first..."

"Let's strike a temporary alliance and leave my tribe of skulks unharmed, to seal this alliance I will request you to clear out the annoying nest of jinkin gremlins to the north that has been causing trouble to us since we settled in this caves..." she explains and awaits to see your reactions, adding then "I'll allow you free passage through my caves and even reward you with a strange device we have recovered from the wreckage"

"What do you say? Deal?"

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

Zzvkgrogk’s eyes glitter with the bait of strange devices, though he tries not to seem to eager. He puts his hand to his chin and thinks and thinks and thinks. He thinks on jinkin gremlins, frowns and shakes out his fur. Yuck. Then he appears to think some more.

Finally he nods. ”Yes, that sounds like a fair deal to me. We will solve the gremlin problem in return for free passage and not harm your people.”

He turns to the group. ”What do you think? Are we prepared to take on some gremlins?”

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Some of you might be acquainted with jinkin gremlins.

K. nature DC 11:

You know jinkin gremlins are fey creatures, and as most of them are specially resistant to normal steel while cold iron is as poison for them.

Sneaky and sadistic, jinkins are hideous gremlins that inhabit the dark places underground. They use dimension door to exit any battle that goes badly, taking any stolen goods with them.

Jinkins delight in leading larger creatures into dangerous caves or pits, usually by lunging out of the shadows to make a single sneak attack against a creature and then running away, taking care while “fleeing” to remain visible to their target so that they can lure the victim into a trap.

Jinkins also hold dangerous grudges, and one might follow a creature that supposedly slighted it for weeks, looking for an opportunity to take revenge. This revenge can take many forms, from leading horses astray to contaminating food supplies to directing larger monsters toward the begrudged creature.

One of the most direct and unwelcome revenges of the jinkins is the destruction or cursing of magical items. Many times they’ll observe camped enemies from a distance and either steal an item to tinker with it or just use their tinkering magic at a distance to annoy the item’s owner. Once a jinkin has worked its sabotage on a stolen item, the jinkin either grows bored with the item or may attempt to return it to its owner. Jinkin lairs are often cluttered with stolen items that bear curses the jinkins themselves have forgotten all about.

The average jinkin stands almost 2 feet tall and weighs about 13 pounds.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human (Kellid) He/Him
GM Rutseg wrote:
A thin bald humanoid very much like the others, at least to your eyes, receives you on another pile of junk. Your interlocutor presents you and explains you are requesting passage past their cave.

Yambul can’t help but stare. He’s never seen so many knives sticking out like that before. So pointy!

Zzvkgrogk III wrote:
He turns to the group. ”What do you think? Are we prepared to take on some gremlins?”

He’s disrupted from his revery by Zzvkgrogk. ”Uh, sure, if you think it’s a good idea, I’m game. What’s a gremlin?”

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Elf Huntress 11

Knowledge(Nature) v DC 11: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

"Where do I begin? First and foremost, if we aim to kill them like vermin, we best not miss. These are fey, prone to spite and malice, and they hold grudges which can last for months. And they'll seek to hurt in whatever way they can through indirect mischief." Chaance looks over her companions' items/wares/weapons.

"They love corrupting magical items, either destroying them beyond use, or cursing them and returning them, so you might always remember them for the trouble. That being said, anything we come across in their 'territory' should be studied first, by someone knowledgeable of curses. It's in their name, you understand. Jinkin, jinx." Chaance looks at the kasatha, hoping she's understood.

"What else... yes, that. They're thieves and cowards, above all else. They'll hit you from the shadows, then sneak away to safety, going so far as to rip a small doorway in space to get away permanently, especially if they feel their lives are in mortal danger. When they can't stand up to us physically, they'll have prepared traps to do their dirty work, as long as they can lure us. So don't be lured." She thinks a bit, trying to squeeze any useful pulp from her rind's eye.

"They're very small, too. Half the size of Zzvkgrogk, if I remember correctly. So shoot low. I know I will..."

Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 7/11 | Active Status: --

Ruha keeps quiet during the negotiations with the bald creatures. They seemed most comfortable with ysoki, and if their cave paintings were anything to go by, they had some strange recognition of kasatha. She was itching to ask what they knew, but didn't want to ruin Zzvkgrogk's work. At the mention of gremlins, she narrows her eyes.

"Glitch gremlins or some variety more attuned to magical items rather. Nuisances then." She nods in thanks for Chaance's explanation. "An old friend of mine crossed one of their kin. It was an unpleasant experience for her." She listens quietly as the explanation continues "I can keep an eye out for these traps of theirs as well."

Considering that she had some questions for these bald humanoids, she doesn't hesitate before agreeing with Yambul "It seems quite fair. I would prefer to avoid fighting at all, but if that is what it takes to make friends..."

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

The skulks all maintain a good distance with Rūha, looking at her with shocked eyes.

"Good, they are there, in the northeast caverns" Sef points on the tunnel to the east and the skulk there sidesteps to let you in.

"Their leader, Jazvit, is the most dangerous of all them, he cursed our last leader, and short afterwards the brunette wizard arrived and took his life along with two more of us" Sef explains before giving you farewell.

A bit into the tunnel, you can see a cliff Climb DC 10 and then one tunnel going east and another north.

F Half-elf Craftsperson
Zzvkgrogk III wrote:
”Good news, everyone...”

Rhoreen responds with a sound not unlike a syphilitic liver falling off the autopsy tray onto a stone floor. "<*sound*>, that's very good work! You are a wonder!" Rhoreen says to ZZvkgrogk, a smile on her face.

She is happy to comply, and tries to be as non-threatening as possible as she follows Yambul and the party, trusting in Zzvkgrogk's diplomacies.

Leader Skulk wrote:
"jinkin gremlins"

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 Know (Nature)

Ow. Damn. Thankfully, we have Chaance.

She smiles a Chaance corrects her on all the things she missed remembering, or never knew.

"Okay, let's go," Rhoreen moves to the north cliff with her light and will climb up (taking 10) after Yambul or others go up.

Human (Kellid) He/Him

Yambul says, "If you all don't mind, I'd like a couple minutes to change armors. Unless someone else wants it?"

He'll first go over the masterwork chain shirt with prestidigitation, again, to make sure he's not just molding himself. Then he'll don the armor in place of his own, less protective, suit.

He'll move to the cliff, and quickly climb up.
take 10 climb: 10 + 8 - 2 = 16 (quick climb)

When he reaches the top, he looks around quickly, just in case.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

He'll then plant the grapple and lower the rope for the less climbing inclined. Once that is done, he'll draw his falchion and stand guard until everyone is up.

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)
Yambul wrote:
”Uh, sure, if you think it’s a good idea, I’m game. What’s a gremlin?”

Know Nature DC11: 1d20 - 1d20 ⇒ (3) - (9) = -6 Having fun. Can't make this roll.

”Awwwg!” Zzvkgrogk groans. To the uninitiated this might seem like a groan of disappointment in Yambul, but to those who know Zzvkgrogk better this really means “I have no idea what a jinkin gremlin is.”.

Chaance wrote:
”...anything we come across in their 'territory' should be studied first, by someone knowledgeable of curses. It's in their name, you understand. Jinkin, jinx."

Zzvkgrogk ponders this. ”I’m no linguist, but wouldn’t that be "jinxin'"?”

Rūha wrote:
”I would prefer to avoid fighting at all, but if that is what it takes to make friends..."

The Ratfolk looks up at Rūha and nods in empathy. ”These guys just sound annoying.”

He looks at his Device, wondering if it can be modified to have a stun feature.

Rhoreen wrote:
"<*sound*>, that's very good work! You are a wonder!"

Hrm, that one was different... how creative. I must find a way to simplify my name for her. Poor creature. Her jaw isn't even close. "Thank you."

Yambul wrote:
”​​If you all don't mind, I'd like a couple minutes to change armors. Unless someone else wants it?"

Zzvkgrogk shakes his head. ”No, and I have a battery, But I’ll take another if no one wants this one. Also, I could use the thieves tools, if no one else needs them.” His beady eyes glitter.

He stows his pistol to climb.

Climb: 10 - 1 = 9 ”Thank you, Cook boy.”

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