Ratfolk Troubleshooter

Nimh Starfarer's page

323 posts. Organized Play character for Eric Parker 82.


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lisamarlene wrote:

So today is my last day of on-campus teaching until at least MLK day. Our school goes by the county prevalence rate, and it's been above 1.0 for fourteen consecutive days, plus we don't trust people not to be stupid over the holidays, because Texas. If the prevalence rate drops by then, we'll come back to campus, but I'm betting we don't actually get back to the classroom until some time in February.

And next week is a vacation week for all the students, so my kids are going to be squirrels-on-crack all day.

But. There will be pizza and beers at the end of it. And gaming on Sunday.

Give your children beer,*

Then, no more tears before it's bedtime!!
And feed them on pizza,
Then put them orkies in the Dead Book, Prime.

* Don't actually do this

Stools: It was Yoghurt!

Yoghurt: B*****! Breadhead! Hack! It was Crusty!

Crusty: *Snnnnrrrrt* Woooo yeah... WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! IT WAS KNISH! HIM AND... and... *gasp* thousands and thousands and thousands of rainbow-coloured laughing angel unicorns! Woah....

Knish: I'm Sidam Gnik!

(Altogether, in beautiful four-part harmony):

Guineveeere, had bristly red hair on her knuckles
Like youuuu, Mammy, like you....