Bountiful (Ad)venture: DM Yttras's Ruins of Azlant Table 1

Game Master Yttras

Current Date: 25th Gozreh, 4717 AR

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Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

Know. History 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Nox keeps the light moving for the cleric. When the group being the newly discovered sword to him, he whistles softly. ”Pretty blade right there. I bet the sword crafter had practiced his whole life to hone a blade like that! That’s the first azlanti blade I’ve ever seen in person!”. When he has time, he will cast detect magic.

Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11

Looking down into the well, Aleksandr says:

Do I spot a tunnel there? Great job finding that out! We can investigate, but perhaps later after we finished with the colony. Could get really unpleaseant if we all go down there, and something wanders by topside and cuts the rope.

Looking at the longsword he says:
Looks magical maybe? Probably an improvement over my one handed axe.

If its a longsword I can totally use it, probably a straight upgrade, I am getting weapon focus axes when I dip into oracle from the battle mystery.

Female Human (Alchemically Enhanced) Alchemist (Ragechemist) / Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1

Ana's playing at lookout actually left her on the back foot when the creature appeared, but at least she got a good look at it before it squirreled away. Approaching the well and peering down into it after the good cleric returned, she offered a slight frown. Almost a pout.

"I'd rather keep looking for survivors too." she added.

Knowledge: Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Ana, what exactly are you checking for?

Female Human (Alchemically Enhanced) Alchemist (Ragechemist) / Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1

Whatever the heck that creature was. If applicable.

Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11

Once Brother Mc Larren is safely topside, Alexandr will move towards area A15 directly north of A18 (where we are) as soon as 2 other people agree with that.

He would be yoinking the longsword, because I think I am the only with with martial weapon proficiency who wants a non finessable weapon, and have longsword and shield out.

I propose we check finish scouting the outlying settlement before going into the colony proper. I would also prefer to approach the colony from area A2 to A5, and not through the actually finished gate. No reason to give possible enemies a defensible position against us.

Considering a bit, he says:

Actually, that tentacle thing kind of pranked us, lets prank it back. I kind of have to because I am somewhat fey blooded after all.
Taking out some chalk, he writes "whoever reads this is an idiot" with chalk, in scary looking Abyssal runes, on the wells inside.

Let us abuse that the percentage of people who run or stay away from Abyssal runes is far higher then the percentage of people who can actually read them.

@Ana - Makes sense. You'd need an Arcana check to identify The creature.

DM Rolls:

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

DC 13 Perception:

As you gather to move back toward the heart of the colony, you see a group of small figures sneaking along the palisade, obviously trying to avoid your gaze as they slip through the gate into the main part of the colony.

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

GM, I cast detect magic on the blade. Does it ping as magical?

Female Human (Alchemically Enhanced) Alchemist (Ragechemist) / Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1

Got it. Not trained.

Once the group is back together and Alexandr proposed they move on Ana nods and pulls out her spear. She grips it tight as they approach, giving a glance around as she advances.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

She doesn't see anything, not that it helps her feel less threatened. One hand strays to her belt. Slender fingertips trace over the cut down stoppers on her bombs, and then over the rounded cork that capped off her mutagen. This managed to relax her enough that she put her hand back to the haft of her spear and moved ahead.

A few long strides put her ahead of the others as she took point. "I'll be damned if I'm in the back this entire time." she thought to herself.

M Human Cleric 6/Brk4 | HP 73/73 | AC 24 (T 15, FF 21, CMD 26) | F +12 R +10 W +12 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +13 Spells 4/6/6/5/4/3 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Outflank

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

"Something sneaking in past the palisade. Not colonists, I think."

Brother MacLaren draws his sword and tankard.

"Let's get 'em."

Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11

perception: 1d20 ⇒ 17

small sized unknowns attempting to slink through the palisade they arent much of a sneaking threat if even I can perceive them.

@GM how far away are they? Alexkandr is a Bloodrager and has fast movement (+10) but medium encumberance/armor (-10 bascially) and can thus charge 60 feet or run 120.
I am guessing that they are not in charge range, but may be in run range.
If I can run, and get into close contact with the one furthest from the wall, I will do that. I will aim to be behind it relative to the other possible hostiles, so that if they try to mob me they dont get flanking boni. Operation pick off the straggler basically.

Probably roll for initiative?

Male Duskwalker U. Monk (Flowing Monk) | Shaman 8

Shin nods as the others point out the threat. If possible, he breaks off from the group quietly to try and flank them.

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

Perception 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Nox doesn’t notice anything Exocet the group acting strange all of a sudden. Are we playing a game I don’t know the rules to, maybe?

When the pastor finally spoke up, Nox at least felt better b”I don’t see anything but I’ll follow your lead, Brother. Do any of them have tentacles!?”

As for distance, the palisade is about 140 ft. away (the scale is at the top of the map).

Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11

Hoping to intercept the enemies, Aleksandr begins to run at them, but alters his plans somewhat.
As his movement is not sufficient to actually get to grips with the likely foe, he quickly rushes into a position from which he is capable of charging them.
Running for around 100 feet, putting me in a charge position for the last 40. Alexandr would be roughly where the A14 letter/number combination is.

Foolish Andoran, thinking he can out "davai-Suka-Blyad" Irrisen he chuckles to himself as he sprints. even better if enemy thinks I am alone and tries to come at me, Tien is moving into flanking position, and I am a pain to hit, oltitchno!"

M Human Cleric 6/Brk4 | HP 73/73 | AC 24 (T 15, FF 21, CMD 26) | F +12 R +10 W +12 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +13 Spells 4/6/6/5/4/3 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Outflank

Brother MacLaren follows along at a hustle rather than a sprint.

Double move 60' towards the palisade.

Male Duskwalker U. Monk (Flowing Monk) | Shaman 8

Shin moves as quickly as he can without drawing attention. (Which I think is 50’ per round while stealthed).

Female Human (Alchemically Enhanced) Alchemist (Ragechemist) / Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1

Ana joins the hustle, with reservation clear on her face as she does so.

As Alexandr begins charging at the gate, the rest of the party behind him, the last of the creatures turns around, utters a shriek, and dives through the gate and disappears.

[ooc]We will start combat with Alexandr at the square with A14, the party two squares below him (about at the main crossroads), and the whatever-they-are at A8.

DM Rolls:

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 5

Initiative Rolls
Creatures - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Anastasia - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Alexandr - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Brother McLaren - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Li Shin - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Nox - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Creatures - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Anastasia - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

No movement can be seen through the gate, which hangs slightly ajar.

Male Duskwalker U. Monk (Flowing Monk) | Shaman 8

Shin decides he should close the gap. He runs forward!

Run action, moving 120 feet.

Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11

Bleh, looks like we werent fast enough. Dextrous nimble critters. I was hopeing to cut some of them off but no such luck.
He hustles forward (70 feet because fast movement), sword and shield in hand, keeping slightly abreast of Shin to provide a solid defense should the enemy try to countercharge.
Presumably putting both of them a bit in front of the gate.

Double move forward, 70 feet, explicitly staying in front of Shin who currently does not have Dex to AC because of running. This should leave both of us in front of the gate.

M Human Cleric 6/Brk4 | HP 73/73 | AC 24 (T 15, FF 21, CMD 26) | F +12 R +10 W +12 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +13 Spells 4/6/6/5/4/3 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Outflank

One square is about 25 feet, it looks like?

Brother MacLaren moves up, though again at a hustle and not a sprint. Double move for 60', so closing about half the distance to the gate. Alexandr, I think you are the same as me, with base move 40' and medium armor, so move is 30' and double move is 60'.

Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11

Once again you are right. Brainfartingly believed that medium armor reduces speed less then heavy armor, which it does not.

Female Human (Alchemically Enhanced) Alchemist (Ragechemist) / Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1

Ana will move forward while readying one of her bombs. Spear in her non-dominant hand. "Don't over extend!" she cautions the others. Looking side to side she tries to approach without bunching up too closely.

Will double move forward and draw a bomb. I have arrived at BLC and now have wifi access to continue posting. Sorry for the brief delay.

Male Duskwalker U. Monk (Flowing Monk) | Shaman 8

Recognizing Anastasia's warning, Shin catches up to Alexandr without moving ahead. I think that still needs a Run action since Alexandr has a head-start, but probably a smarter move.

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

Sorry, looks like my post was eaten.

Nox moves with the group, double moving 40’ toward the sneaky creatures the others described to him.

Would one of you please move me on the map? Thanks.

Those of you at the gate can hear faint scrambling as the creatures presumably continue their flight.

Perception DC 15:

They seem to be fleeing in the direction of the path down to the beach.

Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Alexandr notices with great delight, in the reflection of his drawn blade, that he does, as a matter of fact, looks absolutely fabulous.

Knock Knock Cuka BlyadHe snarls as he moves to the gate and kicks it open but does not, as of yet, rush through.

Aim is to be intimidating and to provide vision to the rest of the party.

M Human Cleric 6/Brk4 | HP 73/73 | AC 24 (T 15, FF 21, CMD 26) | F +12 R +10 W +12 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +13 Spells 4/6/6/5/4/3 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Outflank

If I apply the distance modifiers, I don't think Brother MacLaren can see anything. He probably shouldn't have even made the initial DC 13 check against their Stealth, but no distance was specified at that time.

I think he is still 100' or so from the gate.

Perception, 100': 1d20 + 3 - 9 ⇒ (12) + 3 - 9 = 6

He moves forward and ends his turn 40' from the gate.

Male Duskwalker U. Monk (Flowing Monk) | Shaman 8

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17.

Shin moves up with Alexandr to the gate and readies an attack against anything that might approach. "They're headed on the path to the beach!" he announces.

You should have made that check. It was for when they were walking up to the gate along the outside of the palisade.

Female Human (Alchemically Enhanced) Alchemist (Ragechemist) / Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Ana continues at a cautious hurry. When Alexandr throws open the gate she hisses a curse under her breath and hefts her bomb. But then continues forward as she is aware of no actual threat.

Going with another double move, but can't get into roll20 until I am back home.

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

Nox tries to follow the others best as he could. Im not built for running, he thinks as he hustled along after them, left hand holding onto his hat and keeping it in place.

Shin watches as the goblin-like creatures dive through the doorway to one of the buildings presumably the smithy by the looks of the chimney.

Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11

I assume the Chimney is A5? I kind of looks as if it has a small anvill in front, and it would fit with their general direction of movement.

Alexandr visibly slows down, unwilling to create a greater degree between himself and Shin on one hand, and the party members on the other hand.
He whispers I will distract and approach frontally, you strike from concealment or an oblique angle? to Shin as he moves, at his walking speed, towards the smithy.
Foe is afraid and knows where at least I am, no military drawback to going in loud. He thinks as he begins singing an omnious Irriseni war chant, using his sword and shield to accentuate the music.

Вставай, страна огромная
Вставай на смертный бой
С враждебный силой тёмною
С проклятою ордой


Arise enourmous nation
Awake for deadly clash
With the dark hostile forces
of the accursed horde

Intimidate if applicable Intimidate: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

I hope nobody expects me to translate bowdlerized Russian warsongs in a way that rhymes:)

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Male Duskwalker U. Monk (Flowing Monk) | Shaman 8

We walked past the Smithy at A5 previously before beginning our first wild goose chase.

If there is another entrance to the smithy besides the one that the goblin-things took, Shin will move toward that entrance. Otherwise, he will stick to approaching the only entrance with Alexandr.

M Human Cleric 6/Brk4 | HP 73/73 | AC 24 (T 15, FF 21, CMD 26) | F +12 R +10 W +12 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +13 Spells 4/6/6/5/4/3 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Outflank

Brother MacLaren approaches, though not sprinting.

How tall is the chimney? Thinking that the creatures might be able to escape that way.

The chimney doesn't look large enough to get out of, but the shuttered window are, both for you and the creatures.

Female Human (Alchemically Enhanced) Alchemist (Ragechemist) / Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1

Ana will carefully move up to one of the shuddered windows and check if she can peek inside.

Stealth: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11

Seeing what Anastasia is trying to do, transfers his sword to his shield arm, Aleksandr motions at himself, motions at the door and makes a "kicking motion", he then motions at he, phantomimes throwing a grenade through the window, then phantomimes an explosion, points up 1 finger and then phantomimes a kick. He does this while singing.
He transfers his sword back into his swordarm and keeps up his advance and singing.


I will kick in the door 1 second after your bomb(s) explodes.

We should probably invest some downtime to come up with a less phantomimic sign language at some point.

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

The gnome catches his breath, waiting for the team to commence with the violence against whatever was sneaking around them.

M Human Cleric 6/Brk4 | HP 73/73 | AC 24 (T 15, FF 21, CMD 26) | F +12 R +10 W +12 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +13 Spells 4/6/6/5/4/3 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Outflank

"Oh come on, just say it! They know we're here!"

Another option is that we all take 1 rank in Linguistics to learn Irriseni. Or something more obscure, like Girtablilu.

Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11

But they dont know that my voice is an illusion, and I am preparing to charge down the Chimney because I swapped sized and shape with the gnome! These Fools! I will charge down the chimney like Angry Miniature Cuka Santa Claus Blyad!
Answers Alexandr, loudly, grinning quite a bit as he does.

Bluff if applicable: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

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