Dungeon Master S |

The morning before the Exaltation, you meet up to tackle the day and converse about what happened yesterday....

Dungeon Master S |

You have eight hours of downtime. You can spend it relaxing, or you can get some work down. The following subject areas are available to you. If you use Diplomacy (Gather Information), it will take 1d4 hours of your day. If you use a Knowledge Skill it takes no time at all. If you'd like to use a library for a +2 circumstance bonus, then it too will take you 1d4 hours. Use your time wisely. As the great Taldan poet once said, "But meanwhile time flies; it flies never to be regained."
As you don't necessarily know how much time each will take, you should select one at a time.
Time Remaining
Corran: 8 Hours
Ianthe: 8 Hours

Lady Ianthe Clement |

Princess Eutropia
Knowledge(Nobility): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Lady Martella Lotheed
Knowledge(Nobility): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Since Knowledge checks take no time, I'll review what I know first before deciding how to spend the day.

Dungeon Master S |

Lady Ianthe and...
Princess Eutropia is the adult daughter of Grand Prince Stavian III and has a scandalous reputation for making trouble and fighting in the streets. Eutropia is a social reformer, eager to establish schools and other public resources for the poor, and remove political or family restrictions for women and various minorities. Rumors have circulated for a decade that her ultimate goal is to overturn primogeniture— Taldor’s ancient law stating that only male heirs may inherit the Lion Throne—and become the first empress of Taldor. The princess’s reputation for “fighting in the streets” largely hails from her skill as a fencer, a sport she excelled at during her schooling at the Sinora Academia. Many times in her twenties she matched blades with chauvinistic politicians who would otherwise refuse to let her speak or act within political circles, and those early public duels helped her win unexpected support for her later social reforms—as well as a reputation as an impolite, unladylike brute.
The wealthy Lotheed family has been a strong supporter of the Stavians for almost 100 years. They have a long family tradition of arcane magic, adding to their wealth and prestige. Martella is the black sheep of her family, being a result of an extramarital dalliance with a Qadiran diplomat. She lacks her family’s gift for magic as well, adding to their resentment.
Time Remaining
Corran: 8 Hours
Ianthe: 8 Hours

Lady Ianthe Clement |

I'll backtrack to the prior evening for a bit
Ianthe is in her suite the evening after speaking with Lady Martella. A new, unopened package, neatly wrapped from The Thread Rare sits on a side table and Ianthe pulls out a luxurious dress from a large closet. She turns to her attendant.
Jessa, I'll be wearing this dress to the celebration. Please, make sure it's ready for the Day of Exaltation. Also, please, pull out the sapphire neckless and those earrings Aurelia got me for my birthday. Thank you.
You'll look stunning, my lady.
I hope so. It seems I'll be rather busy at the party.
A quick rap at the door announces Corran as he sweeps into the room.
You could wait until I acknowledge you, you know. In any case, I'm glad you're here. I had a most interesting conversation today.

Lady Ianthe Clement |

Ha, ha. Of course, you were on time on your time. You talked with Lady Martella, then? What do you think of her proposal?

Corran Clement |

Corran bristles a bit with a brief scowl at, "...On your time", but drops it, as well as the bundled package from The Thread Rare.
Well, she's half Qadiran, Uncle Otto is going to... Oh, you mean The Princess! Right. She gave me a fact-finding mission. I'm to learn the disposition of two senators and report back.
His light, breezy tone clearly isn't satisfying his twin, and it forces him to resort to sincerity. Unless you're asking me how I feel about the mission itself and the vote? Dear Sister. You know I think primogeniture is absurd! Look, I've been giving it a lot of thought. It's time to do something about it. The Princess would be good for Taldor. Better than we've had in a long time, maybe better than we deserve. And a legitimate heir? We should vote the old trash law down and call ourselves lucky we're avoiding war for the crown.
Corran knocks on a nearby wooden table.
And have you seen the men about? Given the exquisite examples set by Eutropia, Aurelia and yourself I see no reason not to hand the keys of the kingdom over to the women and call it done. I can think of several women I'd permit over me right now. Oh! Hello, Jessa.
And you, Sister? Let's have a drink. I'll play you a song, and you can tell me all about Martella proposing to you.

Corran Clement |

Knowledge (Nobility) Checks for:
Day of Exaltation:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8. +5 if that's Local instead of Nobiity
Martella:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Stavian:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Eutropia:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Dungeon Master S |

Princess Eutropia is the adult daughter of Grand Prince Stavian III and has a scandalous reputation for making trouble and fighting in the streets. Eutropia is a social reformer, eager to establish schools and other public resources for the poor, and remove political or family restrictions for women and various minorities. Rumors have circulated for a decade that her ultimate goal is to overturn primogeniture— Taldor’s ancient law stating that only male heirs may inherit the Lion Throne—and become the first empress of Taldor. The princess’s reputation for “fighting in the streets” largely hails from her skill as a fencer, a sport she excelled at during her schooling at the Sinora Academia. Many times in her twenties she matched blades with chauvinistic politicians who would otherwise refuse to let her speak or act within political circles, and those early public duels helped her win unexpected support for her later social reforms—as well as a reputation as an impolite, unladylike brute.
The wealthy Lotheed family has been a strong supporter of the Stavians for almost 100 years. They have a long family tradition of arcane magic, adding to their wealth and prestige. Martella is the black sheep of her family, being a result of an extramarital dalliance with a Qadiran diplomat. She lacks her family’s gift for magic as well, adding to their resentment. Despite her family’s disdain, Martella still commands some wealth and has extensive contacts, having attended the Sinora Academia, Taldor’s most exclusive girls’ school.
Grand Prince Stavian III is the emperor of Taldor. Grand Prince Stavian III has no male heir, and he has refused to have any further children since the tragic death of his only son, Carrius, in a riding accident 20 years ago. With the emperor getting on in years, some people worry how this will affect succession. The emperor has made no secret of his disdain for Princess Eutropia’s social crusades, especially her efforts to overturn primogeniture so she can inherit the throne, but he has been uncharacteristically quiet about it this past year. Rumors abound that his health is slipping and he has accepted her efforts.
You have a day of information gathering, library access for bonuses, or you may simply fast forward to the Big Day.
Time Remaining
Corran: 8 Hours
Ianthe: 8 Hours

Corran Clement |

Can a Knowledge Check to learn about Duke Centimus and Countess Pace be re-tried with a Library? Usually a Knowledge Check can't be redone, but spending 1d4 Hours in a library or hall of records to fill gaps in knowledge?
If so... The Next Day, I'll start with Duke Centimus as he is of a more advanced rank. 1d4 Hours. Then 1d4 Hours for Countess Pace.
If I cannot make the Knowledge Checks again, I wish to Gather Information on each. The Mod is only +3. I'm happy to roll again or you can keep the dice used in the spoilers above. One for each just the same. It also takes 1d4 hours and since it'll be one or the other, I'll keep the hours in the spoiler as well just to make things easy.
This is the day BEFORE the event, yes? Then I also wish to use my Taldon Patriot feature on whomever I learn the least about.
"...Once per day you can recall a specific fact about a Taldan noble’s personality—quirks such as a hobby or pet peeve— including information you would normally learn as a discovery check in social combat."

Lady Ianthe Clement |

I assume that Corran would reveal his interest in Duke Centimus and Countess Pace while we talked that evening.
Know: Nobility, Centimus: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Know: Nobility, Pace: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Dungeon Master S |

Yes, I'll allow the retry with a library
Corran spends the day in various libraries and Offices of Heraldry and Peerage. His twin sister confirms a lot and working together, a picture begins to form....
An attending duke of Grand Duchess Cisera Tiberan of Tandak prefecture, Leonard Centimus is an intellectual and tinkerer whose head for systems makes him a good administrator, if a little awkward with people. Duke Centimus lost the use of his legs in a riding accident, and while many of his contemporaries believe this makes him a less capable leader, Leonard has stubbornly refused to hire a divine spellcaster to heal the damage. The duke has a keen interest in the world beyond Taldor, and still hopes to visit Goka, where his great-grandfather originally hailed from.
A countess and member of the senate from the western borders of Taldor, Abrielle Pace seeks to advance by any means available. Countess Pace is agreeable and endearing to those she considers useful or empowering, but entirely dismissive of “useless people.”
Lady Ianthe still has time, or she may elect to fast forward.

Corran Clement |

I assume that Corran would reveal his interest in Duke Centimus and Countess Pace while we talked that evening.
[dice=Know: Nobility, Centimus]1d20+11
[dice=Know: Nobility, Pace]1d20+11
Thus far, I have no secrets from Ianthe.

Lady Ianthe Clement |

While Corran investigates the Countess and Duke, Ianthe visits a few tea houses and other gathering spots of the intelligencia, trying to learn the current scuttlebutt about the Grand Prince and to confirm Lady Martella's association with Princess Eutropia.
Diplomacy(Gather Info), Grand Prince: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 for Hours: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Diplomacy(Gather Info), Martella: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 for Hours: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Learning nothing new, Ianthe asks around about Duke Centimus.
Diplomacy(Gather Info), Grand Prince: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 for Hours: 1d4 ⇒ 3
WTF?! Those are some crappy rolls. LOL

Dungeon Master S |

Ianthe spends most of her day getting sidetracked by other books, not really finding a single thing of note...

Lady Ianthe Clement |

Frustrated by her lack of progress in discovering anything further about their targets, Ianthe returns home and spends the evening considering how the celebration will go.
The next day she prepares herself to attend the celebration and for whatever Lady Martella has in store.
With Jessa's help, she dresses in her best finery.
The new dress is in the newest style, just coming into fashion in the noble houses of Absolom. The azure, silk dress covers her shoulders almost fully and flows down into an elegant sweetheart neckline. It's a relaxed fit which helps remove some of the unwanted attention on her breasts, but does so by still looking elegant. Her arms have been covered completely. The sleeves start out loose and tighten towards the bottom where they wrap graceful around her wrists. Silver filigree ornaments the cuffs and hem of the dress.
The dress' waist is thin, but it's a slim fit. A small, stylish belt is all that is needed as a perfect adornment.
Below the waist the dress widens and has multiple symmetric layers towards the bottom. The dress reaches to just above her knees and is slightly longer in the back.
She's wearing silver, cone heels; they're simple, but radiate grace and refinement.
She reaches over and opens the gift box from The Thread Rare. She pulls out a silver hairpin of wild blossoms, set with diamond dust in the many petals. She hands it to Jessa to set it in her hair. She then directs Jessa to drape the Bloom of Garundi around her neck. The family heirloom boasts a round cut sapphire in the center of four diamond petals in a delicate platinum setting. The chain is a simple platinum to not distract from the pendant. She finishes off her accessories with her rings and several silver bracelets on each wrist.
She admires herself in the mirror for a moment, satisfied that she'll be among the best dressed at the celebration. Jessa finishes putting the last touches to her hair. Ianthe dismisses her and then goes to find Corran to escort her to the party.

Dungeon Master S |

The next morning is as beautiful as the previous. There's an electricity in the air. Things are going to happen today. When you first step outside there's a message awaiting you after your morning regimen. It's sealed with Lady Martella's signet.
My friend,
The Day of Exaltation is here! We have much to accomplish today, and you are part of a team of agents. While the gala is tonight, I would like to meet up at my favorite boulangerie for a snack, you know the one. The one with the Galtan croissants. Please meet me there half past the hour of five. I look forward to it.
Your Friend,
The Grand Day of Exaltation is an exciting time in Oppara. With so many far-flung visitors, rumors about any and all subjects fly fast and loose. You overhear an interesting tidbit or two along your way...
“I would love to be inside the senate gala. You know the building has been rebuilt five times? They have rooms they didn’t even know they had!"
“The senate is taking on a bunch of new staff to prepare for the gala.”
You arrive at the Higher Grounds cafe. In the morning it smells of pastry and coffee. In the evening you smell an assortment of savory goodness. With a deep breath you enter the cafe.
2d10 ⇒ (9, 6) = 15