Dungeon Master S's "War for the Crown": The Clement Twins Entrance (Inactive)

Game Master Chris Marsh

Antoine Gagnon

Aspis Agent
Corran Clement

Male Taldan Bard 6 (HP: 36/36) | Init: +3 | AC: 16*, T: 11, FF: 15 | Perception +9 | F: +2, R: +5*, W: +5 | CMB: 6| CMD: 17*
(595 posts)


Grand Duches Trietta Ricia
Lady Ianthe Clement

Taldan Noble Wizard 5 (HP: 44/44) | Init: +8 | AC: 15 T: 11, FF: 14 | Perception +8 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +7| CMB: -1| CMD: 10
Per Diem:
Prescience: 7/7; Pearl of Power (1st): 1/1; Arcane Bond: 1/1

(287 posts)