The Way of Honor, a Legend of the Five Rings campaign

Game Master EltonJ

Adventures in the lands of Rokugan.

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Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Hey, discussion board is open!

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

Resident Crane iaidoka reporting in.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

All-around trustworthy individual you can always count on, Bayushi Yoshi is here :D

F Human Samurai

Hi, it is your scarred Lioness Matsu Niko your 大太刀愛人 No Dachi user.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

愛人? She's having an illicit romance with her no-dachi? xD

F Human Samurai

Yandex gave me a bum translation... :(

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

It gets awfully lonely these days with all these betrothals and what-not.

F Human Samurai

She is Lecherous

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

Interesting interpretation of user . . ..

Isawa Asao, pacifistic healing shugenja. Or, as many would say, "What, another Isawa?"

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

I see that two of us have the Disturbing Countenance disadvantage, and one of us has the Antisocial disadvantage.

Lively bunch.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

Don't worry, the Scorpion is perfectly happy to talk to folks.

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

Is that supposed to be reassuring? ;)

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

Yoshi is very loyal and kind to his friends. Hopefully we're all friends after this.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

It is the after bit that worries us, you know. After what? <grin>


Doesn't purchasing an emphasis cost 2 XP?

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0
Isawa Asao wrote:
Doesn't purchasing an emphasis cost 2 XP?

You are quite right! I must've missed it somewhere while tweaking the character...that or got too tired.

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

I'd say at least a few of us could use a good audit.

On a semi-related note, what is the point of taking a weapon for the Inheritance advantage? From the online "srds", the bonus of +1k1 only applies to skill rolls outside of combat and don't apply to attack/damage rolls. What non-combat rolls can you make with a weapon skill?

Crab Clan * Samurai * Hida Bushi 1 * | Honor: 3.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Armored TN 25(Reduction 5) | Unarmored TN 15 | Init: 3k2 | Speed 20 ft |Taint: 0.0 | Condition: Healthy | Wounds: 0/57

Test of weapon skill for demonstration I think can use skill rolls with weapons outside of combat.
My betrothed has a childhood friend in love with her who is a descendant of a commander my ancestor killed in a duel.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

Well, I might get to spend the time on build audits this weekend. But I might not. I live with 2 of my 3 grandchildren, and frequently they determine the schedules.

Weapon skill rolls used as performance rolls to demonstrate kata as a gift, perhaps. There are always ways.

So, the Hida's sworn enemy has the hots for his betrothed? Could make for an interesting home life if it isn't a good match . . ..

F Human Samurai

As I stated before I as a player am down for the stickiness.

Niko used to be beautiful before she made an error in a sparring session and now she has a large scar dissecting her face, that scar has caused her to become extremely insecure when dealing with the fellas which is how her disturbing countenance has made her lecherous.

Plus her father(cousin) did some dirt.

On a side note, how do you calculate Hit Points? Because it says the GM chooses the multiplication factor or maybe I misread it.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

Yes, GM sets the expected lethality of the game partially by setting the multiplier. The default, however, is 2.

5x Earth for base
2x Earth for each additional level.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

We'll keep it at 2.

Is this all five of you? I better check.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

We're all here, I just don't have an Avatar. Couldn't find one that I liked.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Bayushi Yoshi wrote:
We're all here, I just don't have an Avatar. Couldn't find one that I liked.

Yeah. Sorry about that.

Crab Clan * Samurai * Hida Bushi 1 * | Honor: 3.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Armored TN 25(Reduction 5) | Unarmored TN 15 | Init: 3k2 | Speed 20 ft |Taint: 0.0 | Condition: Healthy | Wounds: 0/57

Blissfully betrothed but her best friend has the hots for her. Tetsumaru does not even know he exists but he considers me his sworn enemy for: 1) His ancestor's dishonor for being defeated in a duel and 2) stealing his "true love" away.

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)
Bayushi Yoshi wrote:
Yet his eyes caught that of Matsu-san as she peered over at him and his eyebrow rose slightly in curiosity. The moment passed and any other further scrutiny would seem suspicious on his own part.

Scorpion samurai seem suspicious just for being Scorpions. But I suppose there's always room to make people more suspicious.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

I think I was going for suspicious that he didn't exactly know what he was doing. The mask of perfectionism has to be maintained yeah? :P

And I am a good guy! I helped the old man out. I have no nefarious plans at all.

F Human Samurai

I tried to combine my countenance, leadership and lechery all in one. :) Lionesses cast large shadows... :)

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

Overly complicated layering masks upon masks. Wear the required mask of on, certainly, but just be a genuine Rokugani, caring for those around you!

<evil grin>

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

Dice questions? Let's see . . ..

Water Spell Casting 5K3: 5d10 ⇒ (8, 5, 8, 8, 6) = 35

No 10's but 3 8s, so, 24. Asao casting Path to Inner Peace with that roll would heal 19 wounds.

Water Spell Casting 5K3: 5d10 ⇒ (8, 10, 2, 7, 6) = 33

Ah, good, a 10! Now I can show off my explosion idea.

Explosion die 2: 1d10 ⇒ 2

So, 12, 8, and 7 for 27. Note that I could have chosen the 2,6, and 7 for 15 total. Sometimes people do choose to either try to fail or to get closer to failure.

And I like my idea about "Explosion die 2, 4, 7" in the die roller, because as long as things keep exploding, the die roll itself will identify which die it is tied to.

Note that the Preview button will let you build and add all the subsequent rolls before posting everything to the board. No, the system will not change the die rolls. It keeps track, apparently, that it has already made that roll.

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)
Bayushi Yoshi wrote:
Not the best roll. So because my Fire Ring is three, I keep three of these rolls, correct? That'd leave me with a 13.

It's because your Intelligence is 3, not your Fire Ring, yes?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Kakita Kiyoko wrote:
Bayushi Yoshi wrote:
Not the best roll. So because my Fire Ring is three, I keep three of these rolls, correct? That'd leave me with a 13.
It's because your Intelligence is 3, not your Fire Ring, yes?

His fire ring is 3, I just checked it myself.

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

That wasn't my point. The "kept" dice are based on Traits and not Rings. So even with Kiyoko's Intelligence at 2 and Agility at 3 (which makes her Fire Ring 2), she keeps 3 dice on Kenjutsu rules, for example, because Kenjutsu is an Agility-based roll. Lore is Intelligence-based, so you keep dice equal to your Intelligence, not your Fire Ring.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

While his Fire Ring IS a 3, it is a skill roll based on an attribute. The coincidence that the Ring has the same value as the specified attribute shouldn't be allowed to cause confusion.

If his Agility was a 2, his Fire Ring would be a 2, but he would still keep 3, since it is an Intelligence Skill Roll.

Easy to say it sounds like semantics, but it is a clear difference in how the mechanic works.

I've seen Bushi with their primary physical attributes (Agility, Reflexes) 2 or even 3 ranks higher then the associated mental attribute. Increases their capability without increasing their Insight.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

Starting to look through character builds as discussed.

Bayushi Yoshi's text write-up and XP expenditures don't match.

As near as I can figure (I'm extrapolating off the conflicting info available, and making a couple of guesses about intent, so, I can VERY easily be wrong) his XP expenditures look like:

12 Attribute
--Reflexes to 3
21 Advantages
-- 2 Blackmail (Status 5: Emerald Magistrate)
-- 2 Crab Hands
-- 2 Crafty
--12 Prodigy
-- 3 Strength of the Earth
13 Skills (-1 from school's <any>, so 14 becomes 13)
--1 Athletics
--1 Games: Go
--1 Horsemanship
--1 Intimidation
--3 Investigation 2
--1 Jiujutsu
--1 Lore: Bushido
--1 Lore: Heraldry
--1 Lore: Law
--1 Stealth
--2 Deceit Emphasis for Sincerity
3 Kata
--Strength of the Scorpion
-10 Disadvantages
--4 Bad Health
--3 Compulsion: Gambling
--3 Obligation: Unspecified

Which would mean he has 1 more XP to spend, tight? (12+21+13+3-10=39 out of the 40 points for character creation)

Note: I am not checking the dice totals, just the builds.

Edit: Oh, and I show his insight as built currently to be 127, not 126.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

Matsu Niko looks to have slipped just a bit.

As near as I can figure, she overspent by 5 points.

12 Attributes
--Perception to 3
12 Advantages
--5 Inheritance: No Dachi
--3 Leadership (5 for Lion characters, -2 for Heritage)
--4 Read Lips
26 Skills (-2 from schools <any bugei>, so 28 becomes 26)
--2 Battle to 2
--3 Courtier 2
--6 Defense 3
--6 Etiquette 3
--1 Horsemanship 1
--1 Iajutsu 1
--5 Kenjutsu to 3
--2 to add No Dachi emphasis to Kenjutsu
--1 Lore: Heraldry 1
--1 Sincerity 1
0 Kata
-5 Disadvantages
--3 Disturbing Countenance
--2 Lechery

12+12+26+0-5 is 45, right?

She doesn't show the school-granted Katana emphasis for Kenjutsu, but at 3 ranks in Kenjutsu she's clear to have 2 emphases, so, that part's clean.

She's showing that the Kenjutsu bonuses for all swords apply only to the No Dachi.

I show her at 133 Insight as built. A 5 point build adjustment will change that, of course.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

Kakita Kiyoko might be right or might be wrong.

She shows 2 skills on her skill list without any ranks or die roll sets, but she's 2 points short of the 40 point expenditure. If those 2 skills are supposed to be Rank 1 skills, then the build numbers add up.

Counting those as Rank 1 skills, I show her at 127 Insight, where she shows 125.

Hmmm . . ..

I see 2 other things about her character:

Asahina Fetishes are single use nemurani, not permanent items.

She may have discussed it with our GM, but I see no evidence she has identified what Kiyoko is Driven to do. Nobody but the GM and her need to know that answer, but the GM should make sure he is aware.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

Hida Tetsumaru's build seems to add up properly.

Somebody else should audit Asao's build.

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

The Heritage thing was discussed with EltonJ, but I'm happy to revisit that.

Haven't discussed the Driven thing, but in my mind it's related to becoming a Kenshinzen. That's not a goal she hides, but given how reluctant she is to speak in general (so far, she's said two words aloud), she may never speak of it in-character.

As for the skills, I'm showing the XP totals up to 50 (counting 10 from Disadvantages). 1 each for Artisan: Poetry, Athletics, Calligraphy, Investigation, Jujutsu (I refuse to spell it with an "i"), Meditation, and 2 each for boosts to Iaijutsu and Kenjutsu total 10; Advantages total 22; boost to Void 3 costs 18; all told, 50. The "blank" skills with no ranks in them on her sheet are ones I intend to add ranks to later.

As far as I can tell, Isawa Asao looks to be built properly. Elemental Affinity: Water accounts for point cost reductions to Perception and Strength purchases. Your Initial Build spoiler is a little misleading when it says "Attributes/Rings 22/40 for 0 remaining" and then lists Perception/Strength and Void increases. Perception and Strength to 3 cost you 11 each, and then Void 3 costs 18, which totals 40--but that's how many XP you actually had available at that point, so it checks out.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

Yeah, I was working running totals. 22+18=40. Let me build the worksheet for you again, (closed the notepad without saving it).

I know EltonJ made the Asahina Fetish call. I noted it as an exception because I was auditing, not because the GM can't make a call how he wants.

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

Yeah, no worries. Also, the second PDF Character Sheet at this link tallies up your Insight and does a few other minor calculations for you.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

Agi 3
Ref 3

Iajutsu (Focus)
Tea Ceremony
<bugei or high>

18 "Attribute"
--Void to 3
22 Advantages
--5 Great Destiny
--12 Prodigy
--5 Sacred Weapon: Kakita Blade
10 Skills
--1 Artisan: Poetry 1
--1 Athletics 1
--1 Calligraphy 1
--0 Defense 1 (Marked as school skill for the <any>)
--0 Etiquette 1
--2 Iajutsu (Focus) to 2
--1 Investigation 1
--1 Jiujutsu 1
--2 Kenjutsu to 2
--0 Kyujutsu 1
--1 Meditation 1
--0 Sincerity 1
--0 Tea Ceremony 1
(Lore: Bushido)
0 Kata
10 Disadvantages
--2 Antisocial
--4 Doubt: Tea Ceremony
--2 Driven
--2 Insensitive

18+22+10-10 = 40. Yep. I must have messed up somewhere. Everybody screws up addition sometime or another. My apologies.

Edit: Maybe I just skipped the 2 points for one of the 2 skills you raised? I don't know.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

Okay, so it is restricted via the Trait not the Ring, I guess I must've misread something earlier and thought it was the other way around. Sounds good to me.

Let me tell you, I'll never say no to more XP. I'll figure out some other skill that will be good to increase for my lovely bastard. <3

Crab Clan * Samurai * Hida Bushi 1 * | Honor: 3.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Armored TN 25(Reduction 5) | Unarmored TN 15 | Init: 3k2 | Speed 20 ft |Taint: 0.0 | Condition: Healthy | Wounds: 0/57

Didn't realize we already started so I posted late.

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

So good of you to join us! ;P

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

Welcome! Glad to have you in the group :D

Excellent tags on the screen too. I do believe I will still them and make them my own <3

Crab Clan * Samurai * Hida Bushi 1 * | Honor: 3.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Armored TN 25(Reduction 5) | Unarmored TN 15 | Init: 3k2 | Speed 20 ft |Taint: 0.0 | Condition: Healthy | Wounds: 0/57

I took the tags from the template of the card game. The rest is from the PF pbp template.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

Yeah, the Hiruma-san was a player mistake. I caught it later, thought about it, and left it alone as a reasonable mistake for someone without Lore: Heraldry to make. Heck, that was why he waited until everyone else had introduced themselves, to avoid such an error!

Edit: HP 38/38 is what we're all used to with the D20 system.

Shouldn't we use Wounds 0/38 for L5R? More wounds is bad, here, right?

Also, any physically obvious advantages/disadvantages could be listed at the end, lest the others forget.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

I'll do mine up soon. We should have a spot for wound penalties too since getting hurt increases the TN of things.

My apologies (kind of) for making a small interaction blow up. I've just been looking back and forth through the book for etiquette and stuff and found the whole situation strange. No way that I could see that and not pry into it more.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

That is a hefty blade! I think it'll solidify Bayushi as a glass cannon; the Bad Health disadvantage means that most average damage is going to put me nearly on my ass. Got to be an actual scorpion; strike hard and fast so no one touches me lol.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Glad you liked it.

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