Black Tom |

Hilde checks the secret door and deems it safe, and Henry opens it gingerly. It turns out to open into a short corridor which ends in another door that hangs stands ajar. You feel a slight chill in the air that seems to emanate from a larger chamber behind it - you seem to have found another way into the area behind the double doors.

Hilde Forgedottir |

Hilde sneaks towards the open door, listening intently. She'll stop before she gets within sight of anything through the door, though, and at that point if she hasn't heard any sounds she'll wave Henry and Tindertwig forward.

Black Tom |

You hear nothing so Henry, Tindertwig and Dirtbag step into the room, followed by Hilde and Eddred. You find youselves in some kind of large chapel. The air here feels colder and damper than elsewhere in the ruins. Condensed beads on the walls run in rivulets across the countless skulls carved into the stone.
Just to your right a moldering human corpse lies slumped against the wall, his hands wedged into a crack as if he died trying to pry a brick loose. He must have tried to open the secret door that you emerged from when doom befell him.
Three short flights of steps lead upward to a wider chamber to the north, where a semicircular dais supports an altar of white stone. Beyond the altar loom four stained-glass windows, each twenty feet tall and depicting four haunting scenes of ghosts rising from overgrown graveyards toward
a four-pointed orange star above.
There is one visible exit: a pair of double doors to the south.

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Tindertwig and Dirtbag look around the Sweaty Skull room. They both lick the water off the walls before shrugging and going to kick the smoldering corpse.
Bees un waiting room mees guess. Dis guy musta beens tires ov waiting.

Eddred Maristan |

"We should be wary of whatever killed this man," says Eddred. "Tread cautiously. Mistress Forgedottir, I believe this is your area of expertise?"

Henry Shepard |

"This place gives me the creeps," Henry said with a shiver. He stayed vigilant even as Eddred asked Hilde to look around.

Black Tom |

As you move towards the north in order to investigate the room properly, two mossy skeletons that lie slumped against the east wall in the northern alcove come into sight. But as you take notice of them, so do they, as they rise menacingly.
Battle map is updated. Feel free to adjust your positions if you think I put you somewhere you wouldn't be.
Roll for initiative. The skeletons start off prone and their initiative is 21, so if you beat that, you can act before they do.

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

I placed them inside, because they were already looking about.
Initiative (Perception), scout: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 4 + 1 = 21
Skellies first!
Tindertwig and Dirtbag look over at the now moving skeletons.
Miss you by that much!

Hilde Forgedottir |

Stealth check for initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Hilde steps forward, drawing a dart and throwing it at the closest skeleton.
Dart attack, including range penalty: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 - 2 = 19
Piercing damage, if applicable, including sneak attack: 1d4 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 1 + (1) = 3

Black Tom |

Hilde's dart connects and hits a joint but some unnatural force seems to hold these skeletons together and the effect is not quite as expected. These skeletons are immune to precision damage.
They rise and shamble over to you, an eerie blue glint shining in their eyesockets. One tries to gnaw at Tindertwig but he manages to elude it, but Hilde is not so lucky and takes 11 points of damage. She slumps to the ground, unconscious and dying.
The rest of you are up.

Henry Shepard |

Henry's eyes go wide as he sees his friend go down. With an angry scream, he takes a step forward and aims his Morningstar at the glowing skeleton.
Morningstar: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Despite his anger and wanting to swing at the skeleton again, he held back and raised his shield.
Step - Strike - Raise

Black Tom |

While Hilde's dart failed to make much of a dent in the skeletons, Henry's morningstar does so with a vengeance. You hear the splintering of ancient bones as you tear into the side of the unnatural creature.
The skeletons have a weakness 5 to bludgeoning so it takes 11 points of damage.

Eddred Maristan |

Eddred hurls a flask of acid and follows it with firing his crossbow, but startled as he is by the appearance of the undead, neither shot is effective.
1. Hurl lesser acid flask.
2. Fire crossbow.
3. Load crossbow.
Lesser Acid Flask plus QSM: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 1 = 111d6 ⇒ 2 persistent acid damage plus 1 splash.
Crossbow plus QSM: 1d20 + 6 - 5 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 6 - 5 + 1 = 71d8 ⇒ 8 piercing damage.

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Tindertwig and Dirtbag both decide to Step into a Flank against the rude skeleton!
Melee (T) Dogslicer , flanked: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 191d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 1 = 9 (Traits: Agile, Backstabber, Finesse, Goblin, Slashing)
Melee Single Action jaws, flanked: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 211d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 piercing
Flank penalty not included...

Hilde Forgedottir |

DC 11 flat check to stabilize: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Well, that looks like a good place to use a Hero Point.
DC 11 flat check to stabilize: 1d20 ⇒ 5
At least it's not a crit fail; I think that puts her at Dying 2.

Black Tom |

Tindertwig and Dirtbag both connect but don't seem to bother the skeleton unduly. It swings around and decides to destroy the pesky crocodile with a claw/claw/bite routine, but only its teeth get any purchase on the hard-skinned reptile. Dirtbag takes 10 points of damage.
The other skeleton does the same to Henry and manages to bite him for 10 points of damage.
You are all up.

Eddred Maristan |

Alarmed at the sudden change of the tide, Eddred grabs Hilde by the breasplate straps and pulls her towards the door as fast as he can go. If he has to, he will abandon his crossbow to get two hands on her and drag faster.
"Fall back! Fall back! We can come back later!"
STR 10, no Athletics.

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Tindertwig takes a long look at his dogslicer. The goblin takes a practice swing. He shrugs.
Tink'n it may bees brokes. Come ons Dirtbag; let's gits da dwarf and leaves dis room!
The goblin takes a Stride just west of Hilde's still form.
Dirtbag then Stride to the other side of the dwarf. Tindertwig then does a nifty Goblin Scuttle a bit further.
They both then spit on their hands/claws to try to drag the dwarf out of harm's way.
Athletics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Dirtbag Athletics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Both the goblin and the crocodile look at each other.
Don't actually think it requires a Check. I believe a medium creature is 6 Bulk? So, they should be able to use an Interact Action to drag her.

Henry Shepard |

Reaction to use Shield Block, Henry and his shield both take five points of damage.
Henry gave Eddred a quick glance as he started pulling Hilde towards safety. Trying to do his best to deter this creature from following Eddred, Henry swung at it one more time.
Morningstar: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 5 = 13
Clocking it a good one, Henry didn't let it go to his head. He started backing up with Eddred, raising his shield to ward off any blows coming their way.
Strike - Move - Raise, staying between the skeletons and Eddred as best he can.

Black Tom |

Tindertwig and Dirtbag drag Hilde away while Eddred covers their retreat and Henry deals the skeleton a mighty blow to the side of its head, actually enough to make it crumble. As it falls a sickly blue light emerges from the fallen corpse and hovers over it for a second.
Eddred can modify his action since Tindertwig and Dirtbag grabbed Hilde and Hilde can try to stabilize.

Black Tom |

Well, I'll just move this along them.
The bad news is that Hilde drops to dying 3, while the good news is that with Eddred's help Tindertwig and Dirtbag manage to get her through the secret door and to safety.
The skeleton still standing doesn't seem to bother to pursue. It just stays on the dais and glares at you. The weird blue light on the other hand seems to pursue but then it passes by Henry, aiming for the dead body.
This triggers an AoO from Henry, though.
Henry seizes the opportunity and swats the creature with his morningstar, making it flicker and go out with a wet pop.
Assuming you have some means to heal Hilde, let's drop out of initiative. End of combat.
You all get 120 xp and a hero point for this harrowing fight and I suppose you'll want to go back to Otari to regroup and heal up a bit.

Henry Shepard |

You can also use all remaining Hero Points to stabalize at 0 and not increase your wounded condition. At this point the Elixir is better than using a point, though.

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Tindertwig--and Dirtbag--look down with worry on each of their faces (yes; a crocodile can look a bit worried from time to time) at the still form of Hilde.
She bees justs lyings dere! Quicks Dirtbag; it bees up ta us!
The wise crocodile nods sagely.
Both goblin and crocodile then attempt to give the prone dwarf mouth to mouth!
Spending a Hero Point to bring Hilde back to consciousness...lol!
Did anyone else get the image of Dirtbag giving the dwarf mouth to mouth...haha!

Black Tom |

The mouth to mouth does not seem to work very well, but somehow you manage to produce a minor Elixir of Life which brings Hilde back to consciousness, and she is able to stagger the short way back to Otari.
Wrin is appalled to see you in that condition but as always she is eager to hear your stories.

Hilde Forgedottir |

The dwarf is still pretty shaky, and privately baffled by the horrible taste in her mouth. "We found some paintings, and learned a little bit of the history of the place...maybe. Do you recognize the name 'Azrinae?'"

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Tindertwig and Dirtbag begins flapping their arms, stomping their feet, and making weird faces.
Da stupids named himself Spookywisp! Every ting bees goings down da hills after dat!
Dirtbag then kicks the goblin.
Oh, and he does wants sum shineys! Wees gots da dwarf done killed fer da stupids!

Henry Shepard |

"That's just plain untrue," Henry said with a frown. "We fought with the skeleton floating wispy things after our fight with Mister Beak. We just got in two real togh fights in a row, thats's all."

Black Tom |

"Well, you shouldn't mess about with those nasty skeletons, dears. I told you that bad things dwell in corners, didn't I? Now, do you want some rum in your tea?"
After some tea and swapping of stories and tending of what remains of your wounds Wrin says:
"I think you'd better end this once and for all. I think you need to smash that lamp or whatever it is that is sending out that light. But I think you'll need to go at night to find the source. But do be careful, dears. I feel that something really bad is building up there and I want you back in one piece.

Hilde Forgedottir |

Hilde pokes at herself where the skeletal claws tore at her, nodding in satisfaction. "Good job. Thanks for the healing, ma'am. We'll rest up and go back at night, then."

Eddred Maristan |

"We were overwhelmed," agrees Eddred. "But not, so far as I could tell, at the behest of the entity known as Spookywisp."
He nods gratefully to Wrin for both the healing and the spiked tea. He could use it right now.
"You look better, Hilde. I was concerned."

Hilde Forgedottir |

Hilde sips her tea. "That was closer than I like, yes." She ponders plans for a moment. "I don't need to buy any supplies. Let's walk there while it's still light out, wait there, and then go in after the beacon lights."

Black Tom |

You finish your modest preparations and set out again, somewhat refreshed. Leaving at dusk, you camp out near the old ruins, waiting for the eerie light to appear. As darkness slowly falls, the fens seem to come to life, as the croaking of frogs and rustle of bigger game increases. You spot a weird flickering light near the far end of the smaller building on the island. Possibly Spookywisp has returned.
When the light finally appears, it comes abruptly, the sickly blue beam appearing out of nowhere from the top of the lighthouse, bathing the environment in its light. You feel a slight chill in your bones that you can't really explain and even the frogs go silent for a moment.
Where do you want to go first?
Map updated and corrected.

Black Tom |

You cross the rotten drawbridge and the courtyard without incident and all is quiet. But when you enter the lighthouse proper you get a nasty surprise.
The mysterious blood pool that you have passed harmlessly several times, starts to boil. Blood sputters and spurts upwards, forming an image of a woman consisting entirely of fresh blood. You recognize her features from the paintings in the corridor.
Before you can react, she starts to turn in place, like a lighthouse. And just like a lighthouse a sickly blue beam emanates from her eyes, striking you all. You all need to make a Fort 20 save.
As if that wasn't enough, then she turns her attention toward Tindertwig and opens her mouth as if making ready to drink his blood. Tindertwig needs to make another DC 20 Fort save.
Now you are all up.
I don't think we'll need a battle map for this. If you want to try to disable the haunt you'll need to use Thievery to rub out the blood or Religion or Spirit Lore to exorcise it.

Hilde Forgedottir |

DC 20 Fort save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
I have a Hero Point left, and I don't think I can get a worse outcome even if I roll a 1.
Hero Point reroll: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Waiting on the save results.

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Posting Saves before work...
Fort DC 20: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Fort DC 20: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Hero point! Fort DC 20: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Henry Shepard |

Fort: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Henry looks slightly panicked. "What are we doing, guys?" He asks, wide eyed.
Henry has none of those skills.