The Imp |

Taking a cue from Scarlet, The Imp moves tot he front of the group, and taking her best estimation of a heroic tone, "I think Ms. Scarlet's right, these stairs look quest-worthy!"
She seems to be consciously attempting to improve her own and the group's morale.
Unless anyone has any objections, The Imp is going to begin leading the group up the stairs.

Scarlet Grey |

No objections here! Did we lose Richard?
"Well then lead the way, darling!" she responds excitedly in a hushed voice. After all, they don't know what else is in here. Scarlet can't help but smile a little toward The Imp's attempts and will shuffle along behind her with an occasional glances behind, above, and below to her feet.

Brolof |

A weekend of work and preparing for tests has kept me occupied, I am deeply sorry for taking this long to respond.
The party begins to travel up the stairs, luckily not having to go too far before it evens out again. The tunnels do not seem to follow any rhyme or reason for their shapes, as they go up and down and left and right at random intervals. More steps have to be taken in strange directions, as it becomes apparent this cave system is actually very large. Though eventually, something does change as they come upon another 'crossroads'. They can hear... singing, in the distance. It's a very rough sound, in a language some might identify as Undercommon. Coming from a passage to the left, descending steeply into the earth.

Scarlet Grey |

Singing...like 1-3 individuals singing, or 400?
"We have been going for a while. This feels more like a lair than just some cave...you know? Are there more footprints here?"
They continue on until they come to hear a rough sound of singing. Was it chanting? Singing for entertainment? Something else? She listens and crouches down.

Brolof |

Singing...like 1-3 individuals singing, or 400?
"We have been going for a while. This feels more like a lair than just some cave...you know? Are there more footprints here?"
They continue on until they come to hear a rough sound of singing. Was it chanting? Singing for entertainment? Something else? She listens and crouches down.
It isn't an army, but any solid details will require speaking the language or a perception check. Also, no tracks on the hard store.

Glim Folkor |

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Glim moves between the tall folk to get a clearer acoustic position.
"Everyone on this island must be mad with all this singing."
Hopefully it's not because they're celebrating the preparation a meal... of captives...

Brolof |

Glim moves between the tall folk to get a clearer acoustic position.
"Everyone on this island must be mad with all this singing."
Hopefully it's not because they're celebrating the preparation a meal... of captives...
Glim can tell three things as he listens. One, it's definitely a group of voices, at a maximum five. These voices are in a good mood, gauging from the tone of the singing. Finally, the voices are growing quieter slowly, as if the singers were moving away from the party.

Brolof |

"Do you think if we went down this, we could get back up?" she looks down to the left.
Just how steep are we talking? A gentle but steep grade or will we be sliding down this and need climbing gear to get back up?
It's got its own stairs, they're just working hard to allow passage down. Very steep switchback.

The Imp |

Presuming we are following the voices, The Imp will continue to take the lead. She hums to herself, trying to match the singing the group can hear. It would seem she is rather tone-deaf. This does not dampen her enthusiasm.

Glim Folkor |

"They appear to be moving away from us. We can probably follow them without being noticed if we maintain that distance," Glim suggests.
"Unless you think someone can scout ahead?"

Scarlet Grey |

"Let's first see where they were singing at. Maybe something is there? An idol? And let's keep in mind, we may be in something's home. Not everything that might appear evil, is."
She will head down the stairs in the direction where the people were singing before they headed off.

Scarlet Grey |

"Um...no, I would prefer not to split up. I am not too fond of creepy caves...with smooth walls...and I'm not going to get split apart and lost. You seem to be skilled at tracking. I'd probably get twisted around and go some way that would get me lost forever."
It is clear that she is joking, due to her sarcastic tone, but there is a hint of seriousness behind it. If they keep making turns, she will end up hopelessly lost. As it is, it's been mostly easy to keep track of where they've turned. If someone were to ask her what direction she was facing at this point, she'd laugh and have no clue with all of the twists and turns in their almost continuous path so far!
I forgot to ask, was the 'crossroads' a 4 direction split? A T-split? A Y-split?

Brolof |

It's a four-direction split.
So the party begins its trek down. Down down the steps they go, the singing voices slowly fading in and out. You probably descend at least five hundred feet before the passage starts to become less steep. Then another five hundred before it manages to completely even out, leaving you walking on flat ground again. The voices fade back in and stay that way, even as after around one hundred feet there's a new development.
The path continues straight, with the singing continuing to echo down the tunnel. Crossing the tunnel however is a small stream of water, going between two cracks in the walls. One too small to fit into, but the other seemingly shaped so that at least one person could realistically follow the stream towards its source.

Brolof |

Carwel looks over the tunnel, looking for any reason they might want to follow the stream.
If there's nothing interesting about the stream or the tunnel around it, he'll advocate for continuing along the path that crosses the stream.
A quick inspection of the tunnel reveals some of that long, greasy black hair you all have identified as being Nuglub hair. Caught on the rocks. Some have definitely gone up and down that passage at least once.

Scarlet Grey |

"I feel like we have descended into the middle of the earth!"
"I can't believe they are still singing," she whispers, wishing she knew what they were saying. The young witch continues on in silence, conserving energy should she have to run up these stairs to get out. Who knows what they are going to find in here? This is no normal cave and likely hosts plenty of creatures. A path to the Underdark no doubt. She has seen a drow body a couple of times and examined them, but seeing one alive, she is hesitant, and that is probably the least of her worries in the Underdark.
Down by the stream, she awaits the decision of Impy or Carwel, but whispers, "What do you see? Is there something in that hole?" She then looks further down the hallway. "The singing is more consistent now."

Brolof |

Brolof wrote:Some have definitely gone up and down that passage at least once.Which passage? The one we've been following, or the passage along the stream?
Silently, Carwel holds up the nuglub hair so that everyone can see.
You inspected the stream passage, that's where you found the hair.

Carwel Maerara Sige |

You inspected the stream passage, that's where you found the hair.
Yes, but I'm not very smart, so...
"These evil fey are worth watching out for, but I'd prefer to not get sidetracked from our current goal of investigating who is singing. Perhaps it's these nuglubs singing? I say we keep on this path."

Scarlet Grey |

Scarlet looks to the hole and shines her light down into it. Even recasting the spell to be sure it lingers. Then, when Carwel voices his opinion, she nods and will continue onward.
"Glim, can you tell anything about this area or this singing? You always seem to have unique perspectives." "The Bleaching is so peculiar..." "Can no one understand them? Impy?"