Your Benevolent Dictator |

You awake with a splitting headache. Must have drank too much. Someone had made it big and was celebrating by buying the entire tavern all the drinks they wanted. And you certainly indulged yourself. They don't have good pirate rum in Tian Xia, so you had several years of catching up to do.
Looking around, you realize you're on a ship! It's a bit dark belowdecks, but you can see three other people - two men and a woman. They seem to just be waking up, too. Like you, they appear to have nothing but the clothes on their backs. What happened?
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
You can faintly taste nutmeg, which is odd since you don't remember eating or drinking anything with that spice.

Elek Kardforgató |
The fog was heavy on the rolling deck, Elek thought it looked like the rails of the Banshee but the top bar wasn't right. Smack His head throbbed again. It had been throbbing for a while. Turning to the aft Lefty Pete was smiling holding a Belaying pin. The deck shifted and rolled, His head throbbed again as he opened his eyes he was laying in the dark on a shifting deck. Gathering his wits about him, he began to push up, realizing his head was covered by his leather greatcoat. Shifting and sitting up, pulling the greatcoat off his head. 'Blasted dream.' He determined he was below decks on a ship that wasn't the Banshee, or any ship he recognized.
Seeing the three people near, he began to pull on his greatcoat, noting his armor, bandoliers and sword belt were gone. Discreetly brushing his boot where he kept the butterfly knife as he begins to stand. Pausing for a moment to gain his balance, his head was still throbbing his mouth tasted like stale rum and and nutmeg? Having caught his balance, he carefully finishes slipping the greatcoat on. 'Below decks on a ship, don't tell me I've been shanghaied.'
Turning to the other three, he gives an easy smile in spite of the headache. Taking them in at a glance, trying to remember them from the night before. Almost laughing at the situation. "Morning, names Elek, any of you lubers at tha 'Formidably Maid' last night?"
Taking 10 (11) on perception to get a good look at the other three people

Your Benevolent Dictator |

As your companions begin to stir, you recognize them as fellow patrons of the Formidably Maid.
The woman is the first to answer. "Blade. Bonnie Blade. What in the Nine Hells happened?"
The Mwangi is next. "Roger. It seems we've been shanghaied. Clearly these people recognized how valuable I'd be and just had to have me!"
As for the elf, his headache seems to have developed into a full-fledged migraine. "Breaker..." is all he's able to mumble between winces.

Elek Kardforgató |
'Why would you take a mans prosthetic hand.' Feeling the shortened leather sleeve pull against the scared end of his stump through the knotted end of the white shirt, Elek smiles and nods, slowly moving around the hold. 'Because he might stick the pointy end in your gullet.' Turning back to Bonnie as he acclimated himself to the enclosed space, "Well Blade, Bonnie Blade, I believe Roger there is right. I believe our night of cavorting got us shanghaied."
Chuckling at Roger's confidence, "So what is your specialty? Myself I'm doubting their judgement." He smiles and holds up his left stump. "What good is a one armed sailor. The least they could have done was leave me my prosthetic."
Doing a double take on the Elf named Breaker, as he moved nearer he asks, "Breaker, you gonna make it man?"
Getting closer to the others, he reaches out a hand to each of them. "Well, if shanghaied, then crewmates, I'll watch your aft, if you'll watch mine,"
not sure how tight were running diplomacy/influence, but just trying to improve influence attitude do you want three separate rolls?
influence: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14 wow, that's sad

Your Benevolent Dictator |

You don't get much of a chance to talk, as a cruel-looking man accompanied by a half-dozen sap-wielding men enter the hold. The one in charge snaps a whip at your feet and bellows, "Still abed with the sun over the yardam? On yer feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap'n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!"
Crew list will be updated momentarily, and then I'm going to bed. Have a good night!

Elek Kardforgató |
Raising an eyebrow at the mans question, Elek knows better that to say anything. He's seen the type before. Turning he winks at Bonnie, voicing a simple "aye." As he begins moving.
Making a mental note of the Captains name, 'Harrington, and did he say 'Fishguts' would fry us for breakfast. I hope Fishguts is the cooks name.'
Moving with the others, giving Breaker a concerned look, but saying nothing. Weakness to the type with the whip was blood to sharks.
Moving above decks, Elek watches the half dozen or so men, hoping that Captain Harrigan is a smart enough man to keep his dogs on a short leash.
Have a good night.

Your Benevolent Dictator |

When you reach the main deck, it's quickly apparent that you're on a sizeable ship in the middle of the ocean. Port Peril and the mainland of the Shackles are just an ochre haze many miles away. Figures cluster around the mainmast, looking up at the higher deck where two figures stand. One is a balding man carrying a well-used cat-o'-nine-tails. The other is a muscular Garundi - clearly the captain.
Once you're on deck, the captain addresses you. "Glad you could join us at last! Welcome to the Wormwood! My thanks for 'volunteering' to join my crew. I'm Barnabus Harrigan. That's Captain Barnabus Harrigan to you, not that you'll ever need to address me. I have only one rule - don't speak to me. I like talk, but I don't like your talk. Follow that rule and we'll get along fine.
"Oh, and one more thing. Even with you new recruits, we're still short-handed, and I aim to keep what crew I have. There'll be a keelhaulin' for anyone caught killin' anyone. Mr. Plugg! If you'd be so kind as to make pirates out of these landlubbers, it'll save me having to put them in the sweatbox for a year and a day before I make pies out of 'em." With that, the captain walks away, leaving behind the man with the cat-o'-nine-tails.
Mr. Plugg looks the four of you up and down before sniffing disdainfully. "Climb to the crow's nest. First up wins a special prize." Before you can respond, he shoves you in the chest with his whip. "Not you, though. A useless one-armed sod like you is no good on deck. You're a cook's mate now. Report to Ambrose Kroop in the galley. If he don't like you, I'm throwing you overboard." He then turns his attention to the mainmast, where Bonnie, Breaker, and Roger are frantically climbing as fast as they can.

Elek Kardforgató |
Moving through the hatch to the deck Elek admired the Wormwood as they all gathered around the mainmast. Watching the two men, apparently Captain Harrigan and possibly his first mate Mr. Plugg. Glazing over the captains threats his thoughts elsewhere. Elek had no doubt that the man was good for his word and that Kellhauling was a possibility, but Elek was focused on trying to remember if either of his parents had mentions a Captain Harrigan more than seven years ago.
Realizing Mr. Plugg was speaking to him, Elek raised an eyebrow as the man with the cat-o'-nine-tails called him a useless one-armed sod telling him to go help the cook. Nodding. "Aye Mr. Plugg."
Elek turned to go back the way he came. A cooks mate, a good way to learn the ship and the crew unobserved. As for useless, Elek felt nearly useless without his left hand. It had been years since it wasn't on him or beside him. He did sleep with the cursed thing. But even without the prosthetic, he still had the butterfly knife. Mr. Plugg would learn he was anything but useless. Eventually Elek would learn what use Mr. Plugg was to him. Not today, not tomorrow but in time.
He had all the time in the world, The suns was shining, he was on a pirate ship in the Arcadian Ocean. Life was good. Elek smiled as he turned momentarily watching Bonnie, Roger and Breaker race up the jacobs ladder. Then quickly moving to the hatch, Elek worked his way below decks. He followed the smell to the galley, stepping through the port, he looked around calling out. "Amborse Kroop?"
I figure engineering will determine ship. info on the captains a little harder: Martial and Lore (ancestor) is + 5, profession is +7
engineering (ship): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
lore or martial (captain): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Barnabus Harrigan is a captain who's known for being ruthless but fair. He's a former ship's boy who clawed his way up the ranks until he eventually won his own captaincy. His major claim to fame is being one of the few pirates to escape after being captured by notorious pirate hunter Salisfer. It's widely believed that he sacrificed his eye to a dark god for unnatural powers.
The galley is a madness of dirt, food, and knives. A score of chickens and three goats wander freely around the chamber. Two worktables, several cupboards, and two small stoves fill most of the available space, and large cauldrons are busily bubbling away. You can see a multitude of spices, virtually every cooking utensil imaginable, and a frightening array of meat cleavers scattered randomly amongst the chaos.
King of this domain is a slovenly half-drunk man with a black cockerel perched on his shoulder. "Aye, that's me. You the new assistant?"
The majority of Book One is a structured sandbox. During the day, you'll have a job to do, and during the night, you'll be able to relax. During each time period, you'll have one 'ship action' and can also talk to one NPC of your choice. I'll put the relevant information in Campaign Info in a few minutes.

Elek Kardforgató |
ninja'd by YBD
Stepping into the cluttered galley, Elek raises an eyebrow at the chicken on the mans shoulder. Extending his right hand offering to shake. "Mr. Plug used the title useless one-armed no good sod cook's mate." He smiles "but if you want to promote me to assistant I'll take it. Names Elek."
He lifts up his handless left arm. "Plug figured I was no good on deck so he sent me to you.." Keeping his own opinion of his value to himself Elek Looks around, gesturing at one of the cleavers. "They took my prosthetic because it had a Harpoon head on it. Doesn't seem like it would matter if I'm around all theses knives. What would I need to do to get it back." His smile widens, realizing how bad the pun sounds. "I'd certainly be more HANDY with it."
Cool, I've started S&S twice never got very far, Looking forward to the RP. Can I try to improve attitude with 'Fishguts'
influence: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
Realizing that Kroop appeared to be too drunk to get lunch ready on time, Elek winks at the chicken bearing big man. Pointing to a sea chest, "Why don't you have a seat over there. I should be able to find something to feed the crew." Working his way around Kroop, he begins to rifle through the cupboards and drawers, then checking the pantry for salted pork or any hanging jerky.
perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Improving attitudes is a huge part of Book One. The only people you can't successfully befriend are Harrigan, Plugg, and Scourge. Everyone else has a unique backstory, personality, and sidequest. XD
Kroop guffaws drunkenly. "HANDY. That's a good 'un! And a go-getter to boot! We're gunna get along just fine. Mebbe even make ya sous chef one day if you keep it up."
Rifling through the mess, you find a cookbook! The majority of recipes are far too fancy for pirates (foi gras? flambe?), but with some modifications and simplifying, you should be able to incorporate a few things.
The book is worth 125gp, but the +1 circumstance bonus to Prof:cook checks will probably be more valuable in the long term. XD The galley itself is considered Masterwork tools and, as such, grants an additional +2 bonus.
For reference, this would be a Sneak action (despite the flavor mismatch) and your daytime Influence attempt. Now you just need a job check. XD There's plenty more valuables to discover amidst the galley clutter, by the way, but you'll only find one thing per action.

Elek Kardforgató |
Chuckling at the idea of bein a sous chef. Elek takes the cookbook out of the drawer and setting it on the table. Flipping through it quickly he note the quality of the recipes. Turning to Kroop he asks as he works. "So Have you fixed most of the meals in this book?"
As Kroop answers he Clears everything else off of that table onto the other. Finding a bucket of rain water, Elek dips a rag in it, ringing it out as well as he can, he wipes off his table. Collecting several utensils he puts them on his table. Finding a 'steel' knife sharpener, he tucks it's handle in his left armpit and begins sharpening one of the knives he had selected..
Once satisfied the knife was sharp, he began rummaging around the galley again. First checking the Larder, then carefully smelling the boiling pots to see what was actually in them. Then began going through the cabinets on the port side of the galley. Asking Kroop, "How many crew are we feeding and what time do they expect to eat?"
perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
I understand the daytime influence, Could you explain the 'sneak action' more, was that the first perception check? I'm I permitted to take more? ummm like the very poor one I just rolled :)
As for rolling the job check I'm assuming that will be fixing lunch, and an untrained "cook' action will suffice, looks like + 2 for the masterwork tools and + 1 for the cook book so + 3 so far.

Your Benevolent Dictator |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

There are four possible jobs: cooking, fishing/turtle hunting, bull session, and special occasion. Each has associated skill checks that can be modified by your chosen ship action. In this case, Cooking requires a DC 10 Profession(cook) or INT check. 'Sneak' has no additional modifiers, so passing your job check is just a DC 10 and covers both fixing lunch and prepping for dinner.
'Sneak' lets you explore a ship area while you work. For example, searching for valuables in the kitchen while preparing lunch. XD On another day, 'Sneak' might mean you bring the bilge pumpers a snack and stick around for a few minutes to rummage through a couple boxes. Either way, it gives you a free Perception check if there are any hidden items in the area.

Elek Kardforgató |
May I assume he found the Hardtack and the salt pork
Finding the hardtack and saltpork in the larder, he set a large portion of each on a board, with several wooden bowls. Having noticed that one of the boiling pots contained most of a chicken he goes to the cook book looking up chicken soup. Rummaging around for a few spices, he follows the recipe and adds several to the cooking broth. Then finds several root vegetables to clean and chop. Stopping when it was time to serve lunch.
Balancing the board of hardtack and saltpork on his stump, he holds it steady with his right hand while he carries it above decks. He nods to Mr. Plugg, and sets the board and bowls down on a barrel where the pirates can help themselves. As the sailors move to the board to get food, Elek steps near Bonnie Blade and asks her softly, "So who won the race?"
Once all the pirates had gotten a bowl full of hardtack and saltpork. Elek again nods to Mr. Plugg. taking the board and empty bowls he heads back to the Galley. Placing the board back on his clean table, he notices that Kroop is so drunk that he had slid off of the chest he was sitting on to the floor. Giving a sigh, Elek sets the drooling cook up against the chest and gets to work.
Using a large strainer he removed the cooked chicken from the broth deboning it and cut it up, then placed it back in the broth. Taking the carrots, potatoes onions and radishes he had chopped he adds them to the simmering broth as well.
Having rummaged around the galley he knew where the flour, salt and oil was. Putting it on the table, he got a bowl full of water and found a few eggs. Using a larger bowl he followed the recipe and mixed the flour and salt, then added the oil and eggs to the water. Making a well in the middle of the flour he slowly poured in the liquid, stiring the mixture into a sticky glob.
Putting a little flour on his clean table Elek kneaded the dough until it was elastic. then covered it with the cleanest towel he could find while he checked the broth. Adding a little more salt to the broth he returned to the dough. Rolling out the dough, he used the knife he sharpened to cut it into noodles. As the noodles cooked in the simmering broth, Elek went off recipe with one detail. In Tian Xia all the soups had egg added to it, so Elek found several more eggs and cracked them into a bowl, whipping the eggs, he poured them into the soup.
Tasting the soup with the wooden spoon he had been stirring it with, he was satisfied that it was as good as he could make it. Going back into the larder he brought out several loaves of bread that 'Fishguts' must have purchased while they were in port. Slicing several of the loaves of bread, he placed them on the serving board with more clean wooden bowls.
Hooking the handle of the Iron pot over his left stump, he carried the board with bread and bowls in his right. Taking the food up to the deck to serve the crew. He nods to Mr. Plugg, then calls out to the crew, "Come and get it!"
cook: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Your Benevolent Dictator |

"About thirty people, and they'll want dinner at sundown. The stuff in my book's too good for them, though. Just chuck some meat and veggies in a pot and boil it up. That'll suit 'em just fine." The drunken cook falls asleep shortly thereafter, waking while you're in the process of serving dinner.
"I did," whispers Bonnie. "That makes me a rigger, apparently. The other two spent the day swabbing the decks."
Dinner is a rousing success. Sailors expect good food for the first few days after leaving port, and fresh bread and meat is a guaranteed way to please them. Adding eggs to the soup is something the crew doesn't seem to have experienced before (except for 'Fishguts,' who gives you an approving nod when he sees them), so it's an unexpected treat. Keep this up, and you won't have any trouble making friends.
One event mars the evening, however. Someone's been stealing. Mr. Plugg orders the culprit (a sad-looking fellow) dragged up from the bilges and keelhauled. The Master of Arms takes cruel pleasure in doing so, and by the time the punishment is completed, the thief's body has been cut to shreds and is soon thrown overboard to feed the sharks. The mood on deck is somber afterward - at least until the rum ration is distributed.
Drinking the rum is required (unless you're sneaky, of course). It grants a +1d4 alchemical bonus to CHA for 1d8 hours. It also makes you fatigued for the duration and deals 1d3 CON damage. If you drink it, it's a Fort DC 5 to avoid becoming addicted.
As mentioned earlier, you can Influence an NPC of your choice and take a Nighttime action (including a second Influence if desired).

Elek Kardforgató |
Hearing Bonnie won the contest, Elek smiles, "Good I was rooting for you."
After dinner
Not a stranger to keelhauling, Elek begins collecting the bowls from the pirates after supper, making a mental note not to get caught stealing as he takes the bowls to the galley. Retuning to the deck to collect the cast iron stew pot as the rum rations are being poured he accepts the small steel cup, putting it to his lips he pretending to take a drink then when no one is watching, he discreatly pours it into the cast iron stew pot while he takes it back down to the galley. He spends a few moments cleaning the galley, getting it ready for the next morning. As he does so he asks Kroop, "Hey Kroop, who would I have to talk to to get my prosthetic arm back?"
sleight of hand: dump rum: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
night time
Making sure with Kroop that the work was done for the evening, Elek returned to the deck finding Bonnie there leaning on the rail with her cup of rum. Walking up to the thin brunette, he asks, "So did you think you would end up on a pirate ship when you landed in Port Peril?" Lifting up his left stump, "I came to Port Peril hoping to get on with a crew. but honestly I'm surprised they would shanghai me, but honestly all they had to do was ask."
He leaned on the rail watching the sun slowly lower into the Arcadian. He thought about telling her his story, the whole story, that he couldn't be happier than to be on a ship, even this ship. But he waited and listened, nodding at the right times, and chuckling at the right times and asking the right questions. He needed people he could trust.
influence: Bonnie: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
Happy to do a full blown conversation, just didn't know how much you wanted to play out
Well after the sun had set, and the stars came out, Elek, excused himself. Heading down below, in the guise of finding a bunk the looked around, trying to figure out where they may have placed his weapons and armor and who he had to convince to let him have them.
Edit: apparently sneak? perception + 1 or stealth + 3?
perception or stealth: 1d20 ⇒ 4

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Kroop eyes you carefully. "So that's what Grok's been freaking out about all day. 'Cursed limb,' and all that. Creepy runes? Yeah, talk to her about it; she'd love to get rid of it. She's the one with the cut throat; can't miss her." (all your gear's in the quartermaster's store)
You discretely ditch the rum. It's not that you dislike alcohol - whatever's on the Wormwood is dangerously potent. If you don't want to end up like that unfortunate soul from earlier, you'll need to keep your wits about you.
Bonnie plays with a nice-looking dagger as you chat. "Not how I'd planned things going, that's for sure. Was hoping to meet up with a couple former associates and break big, but that's obviously not going to happen now. The pirate life might end up suiting me, though - treasure's always nice to have.
Since you learned where your stuff is during dinner, you still have a Nighttime action. XD

Elek Kardforgató |
cool, thanks
Noting that Kroop is eyeing him carefully, Elek nods and smiles a little. "Started to bother her already has it. Grok you say? I'll talk to her." Pausing for a moment, he takes the black linen bandana off his neck, showing Kroop the near imperceptible deep blue runes on it. "They match the symbols on my moms hankie." He pauses wondering how much to tell Kroop. He liked the man, and the information would come out eventually. Giving a mental shrug. "My mom was Cassandra Kardforgató wife of Sikandar Kardforgató, she gave me the bandana right before she died." Before Kroop could ask the question, Elek gives a light smile. "Yeah those Kardforgatós. Don't make a big deal about it, I think a man needs to make his own name. But I promise you the curse on that arm won't be aimed at this ship while I'm a crewmember, you or your friend Grok, ok."
Watching as Bonnie plays with her dagger, Elek makes a mental note to ask her how she kept it hidden. Smilng when she said 'the pirate life might end up suiting her.' "I've been aboard ship all but two years of my life. The wind in my hair, the deck under my feet. No man my master. Treasure or no, the pirate life will always suit me." He looks around at the other sailors relaxing, 'And if you find Captain Barnabus Harrigan and the Wormwood isn't quite your style." he shrugs, "There will be other ships and other captains." Watching as some of the others start to move below deck, he nods politely, "If you excuse me, I learned where our gear is and I intend to speak with someone who may help me get my 'hand' back,"
Going below decks Elek finds his way to the Quartermasters store. Knocking politely he puts on his best smile as the half orc approaches. Nodding politely Elek introduces himself by way of lifting up his stump of a left hand and smiles. "Quartermaster Grok? Kroop told me your the person to speak with. I'm his new assistant, Elek. I ah joined the crew this morning, or maybe last night, Either way I made the chicken soup that we served at dinner. but ah, that's not why I'm here. He told me that you've found my prosthetic and I wanted to ask what would be the best method of earning it back?"
At the present using influence just to influence attitude, will eventually make a request if she doesn't work out some kind of deal, but not yet, want to get her friendlier first.
influence: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

Elek Kardforgató |
Raising an eyebrow when the hafl orc says his arm needs bless, Elek wonders why he would do that, but holds his tongue. Shaking his head. "We're not doomed, In the right hands it's a boon to pirates."
Realizing that might encourage Grok to turn it over to the captain, he quickly adds, "And I'm the right hands, it was created for me and only I can use it. Besides who are we going to get to bless it?"
Coming up with a plan, he adds. "I'll tell you what, Is there a priest of Besmara aboard? If I get them to come vouch for it, or at least Pray Besmara's blessing on it, will you let me have it?"

Elek Kardforgató |
Rolling his eyes, Elek shrugs, "I know you won't believe me when I tell you there are no demons, just a curse. But as long as you'll believe when Sandara tells you it's ok for me to use, then we have an accord." He gives a smile. "Once you get to know me a little better I'll try and talk you out of the rest of my gear."
Turning back to Kroop Elek waves his stump, "Have a good night 'Fishguts'" HE then heads below decks and finds an empty hammock near the hull. climbing in the hammock he tosses and turns. It feels weird not having the harpoon hand nearby, but he is able to doze off and dreams about the Banshee.
Waking before dawn he immediately begins looking for the prosthetic in the predawn light. Rubbing his eyes with his stump, he remembers where he is and what happened. Going above deck he dunks his head in the rain barrel, then makes water over the rail. Heading back down to the galley he begins to clean the kitchen, trying to figure out how to speak with the redheaded woman named Sandara.
When Kroop joins him he nods to his boss and asks. "Hey chief, so what's on the menu for today?"

Elek Kardforgató |
So fishing, yuck. no modifiers at all,
Nodding as Kroop told him to go fishing, Elek, smiles. "I'll do my best." Having seen some tack in the corner near the sea chest, He grabs the rod and reel and the net. Turning back to Kroop he adds, "I'll go ahead and get started, I'm going to try and speak to Sandara about coming down here and blessing my prosthetic."
Going above deck, he pauses for a moment enjoying the deck under his feet, the wind in his hair and the sun shining on his face. Looking around he sees a red headed woman tying off the hayard. Shifting the rod over his shoulder, He walks up to her smiling. "Pardon me, Ma'am are you Sandara?" Not pausing to let her answer. "My name is Elek, I've only been aboard ship for a day now. I was hoping there was priest of the Sea Banshee on board." He touches the bandana his mother game him with his stump. "My mom was a member of the clergy." His smile dims, "But that will need to be a different story." He looks towards the rail. "I should be about fishing. Any chance we could speak after dinner?"
influence: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Nodding he excuses himself, and heads to the boat rail, baiting the hook on the large rod, he cast out into the deep.
fishing: 1d20 ⇒ 3
As he was fishing he noticed the elf from the previous morning, turning as they both worked, "It's Breaker right? How's your head?" Trying to get the man to talk a little.
influence: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
yeah, those last two rolls may be a problem

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Sandara smiles at you. "It's nice to meet you, Elek. Nobody else it particularly religious onboard - except Cogward, and he's ... well, if you talk to him, you'll understand. I'd be happy to speak with you again later. Good luck with the fishing!"
Unfortunately, the fish aren't biting today. Hopefully Kroop will be able to figure something else out for dinner.
Breaker is uncommunicative, unfortunately. It's pretty obvious that he's never set foot on a boat before and is struggling with seasickness. No wonder he's on deck-swabbing duty again - anything more complicated is far beyond his capacity for the moment.

Elek Kardforgató |
Raising an eyebrow as Sandara mentioned Cogward, Elek didn't consider himself 'particularly' religious either, but when your a pirate in the Shackles, it makes sense to be on good terms with the Sailor's Doom. He inquires. "Cogward? I haven't met him yet. What does the swab look like?"
Watching Breaker heaving on the deck he just cleaned, Elek realizes how stupid asking the man how his head felt. Returning to his fishing Elek figures he might as Kroop if he has anything for sea sickness. Not catching anything all day, Elek finally pulls in the hook and returns to the galley to inform the cook. Putting the fishing gear away, he tells 'Fishguts' "Sorry Ambrose, I didn't catch a blasted thing. What can I do to help get something else ready?"
As Elek settles in helping as best as he can, he asks Kroop. "There's a swab up on the deck, brought in same night as me. Sick as a dog. Anything we can give him to help?"
a good old make a request roll
influence: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Your Benevolent Dictator |

"Tall guy; wears a bandana. Just be careful, he likes to fight."
Kroop shrugs. "It happens. I guess the crew'll have to make do with leftover soup, then. We'll try again in a couple days." In response to your other question, he roots around in a couple cupboards before pulling out some ginger. "This'll sort him out right quick."
DAY TWO: Evening
As you dish out leftover soup, you notice Mr. Plugg staring you down. Once the meal has concluded, he announces the start of "Bloody Hour" with much glee. Breaker is dealt three lashes for laziness. A woman named "Badger" is dealt the same for cheating at dice. "Not that it helped me any," she mourns as the beating begins.
You're dealt three lashes as well - for dereliction of duty. "This lout spent the day fishing instead of doing something useful. The lack of fish proves it was just an excuse to take the day off. Everyone onboard needs to pull their weight! Let this be a reminder not to slack off again." Master Scourge grins evily at you as the lash comes down.
Nonlethal Damage: 3d6 + 9 ⇒ (1, 1, 6) + 9 = 17
Looks like the third lash knocks you unconscious. You'll wake up a few minutes later with 1pt lethal damage and be staggered until it's healed.
Now it's time for the rum ration and any Nighttime actions you wish to take. XD

Elek Kardforgató |
Nodding Elek smiles at Sandara, "Tall guy, bandana, likes to fight. Got it."
Nodding as Kroop says they'll try again in a couple of days, Elek works on getting the soup ready. When the cook offers the ginger, Elek reaches out accepting the small container of ginger, dropping it in his pocket. "Thanks Kroop, your a good shipmate."
As he's cleaning up the bowls from left overs, Elek, having no desire to watch the 'Bloody Hour' tries to stay busy. When Plugg points to him, calling him out, he's not surprised. Little dogs take the chance to bite everyone they can and Plugg was a little dog.
Taking off his double-breasted leather great coat, he drops it to the deck, Then pulls his white 'poets-shirt over his head, exposing a back that had a few lash scars on it already. When it was his turn to be tied to the mast, the man with the rope paused looking at the stump. Elek gave a smirk, "I won't need it." leaning his elbows against the mast he gritted his teeth waiting for the blows. As the third one struck, the broken glass and potter tied to the 'cat' biting into his skin. He fell to the deck faint.
Waking a bit later he gathers his shirt and coat then lines up for the rum ration, This time taking the cup, he quickly soaks the back of his shirt with it, to help keep the lashes from getting infected. Returning the cup, he pulls the white shirt over his back, biting his tongue enough to bleed to keep from screaming.
sleight of hand: dump rum: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Seeing Breaker nursing his wounds as well, Elek walks over to him, pulling the vial of ginger out that Kroop gave him. Palming the vial, he hands it to the Elf, "Besmara knows I can't do anything for the lashes, but this may help with the sea sickness." Nodding to the man, leaving the vial with him, he looks around for Sandara.
influence: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
Finding Sandara chatting with a couple other pirates, he approaches the group, nodding. "Ahoy, names Elek, I guess I should stick to cooking instead of fishing. It didn't work out nearly as well." Looking at Sandara, "Priestess, whenever you are ready," He looks at the beautiful sky and sighs. Turning back to the cleric of Besmara, he apologizes. "Sadly the conversation we need to have includes another person. Grok, the quartermaster." He gestures towards the hatch.
As they move that way. "I was given a gift from three servants of the black lady. It's a prosthetic limb to replace the one that was taken from me." Going down the ladder first he reaches up to help the lady. "The essence of the limb frightens Grok, and rightly so, it is cursed to the nine hells." He pauses and shrugs, "It is no harm to her. But she is afraid it is possessed by demons." He gestures towards the Galley "My request is that you would examine the prosthetic and give her your honest assessment. I believe the cursed thing is no threat to anyone but myself. If you could convince Grok of that I could get my arm back."
Clearing a path through the galley, Elek escorts Sandara to the quartermaster. Smiling at 'Cut Throat' "Quartermaster Grok, I have brought the priest of Besmara as agreed, would you show her my prosthetic arm for her to determine if it is safe to let me have back?"
trying to influence Grok, but if you need a 'make a request roll' for this let me know. or feel free to throw one up, I trust you.
influence: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28

Your Benevolent Dictator |

It's a DC 10 to ditch the rum, so you'll only fail on a 1 - until next level when it becomes an autopass. XD
Breaker doesn't respond - but takes the ginger. Aside from the seasickness, he appears more angry than hurt. It seems he's tougher than he looks.
Sandara chuckles as you make your request. "Grok's more than a bit superstitious. This should be fun!" Once Grok brings out the prosthetic, Sandara chants an invocation, and her eyes briefly glow blue.
Elek Spellcraft: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 detect magic
"No demons here," she pronounces after a few seconds. "The runes are a protection spell to keep such creatures from entering Elek's body through his arm. They need an access point in order to possess someone, you see. I'd recommend he wear the prosthetic for his own safety."
No roll required to know Sandara's spouting complete nonsense. XD
Grok shudders and immediately hands the prosthetic over. "I didn't know demons worked that way! Do I need protection, too?" Sandara furrows her brow in apparent thought. "I can cast a protection spell on you, but I'll need to make an offering to Besmara to do so. A few coins should suffice...."
Trickery Domain Clerics are fun. XD

Elek Kardforgató |
Trying not to chuckle as Sandara tells Grok that she could help Grok out for a few coins, Elek, accepts the wood, leather and steel prosthetic . As he takes hold of it, the light around it dims. He folds his shirtsleeve over the stump of his arm and slides the prosthetic onto it. Once again, it feels like the cold steel is biting into the bone of his arm, but the pain passes. Pulling the harness up his arm He rests the buckle assembly on his left shoulder, and works the belt around his back under his right arm and buckles it to the harness. Moving the arm about, he calls up a small wind to move about the galley. Smiling and breathing in the fresh air he looks from one of his friends to the other. "That's so much better." yeah had to try that weather sphere out
Turning to Sandara, "If there is anything I can help you with, please don't be afraid to ask." Then looking at Grok, he asks smiling. "So what do I need to do to get my armor and steel? Would it help if I offered to let you keep the gold in the purse?"
Happy to RP this conversation in the next post, but moving on just in case
After Elek and Sandara are done speaking with Grok, he introduces her to his boss, "Sandara Quinn this is Ambrose Kroop our esteemed cook." Once they all are done chatting for the evening, Elek heads to the lower deck, claiming the same hammock near the hull. Using his greatcloak as a pillow he climbs in fully dressed, leaving the prosthetic on. Falling asleep quickly, his dreams filled of Beaches, witches and Caldrons. Waking in the morning before dawn to the familiar cold sweat.

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Just so you're aware, the Weather sphere is designed for large-scale changes - 110ft-radius around you at a minimum. I'm fine with it being used more personally for flavor though. XD
"Technically, everything here is the captain's property. He won't be wanting anything cursed, though. That's why I gave you back that arm."
Shortly after you awaken, the bell tolls to summon everyone on deck as usual. This time, though, a quartet of pirates blocks your path to the ladder. "Going somewhere?" the fat one laughs, pushing you in the chest.
I've marked the crewmates involved for your convenience. XD

Elek Kardforgató |
Just so you're aware, the Weather sphere is designed for large-scale changes - 110ft-radius around you at a minimum. I'm fine with it being used more personally for flavor though. XD
I was wondering about the size of things, I knew the 'Control weather" said "If you are in a confined area such as inside a building, your control only extends to the edge of that space." and it would have only been a light wind (a gentle breeze) and I tolally forgot to have him use Verbal components. which I still need to figure out a little. It may be just speaking the commands in Tien. I'll keep working on it.
Raising an eyebrow when Grok tells him 'everything is the captain's property.' Elek almost blurst out that he would just have to become captain, he thinks better of it. Shrugging, "Well maybe he'll loan it to us when we see a ship."
Day Three
Moving to the ladder, Elek, used to close quarters in a Tien junk, expected the big shirtless guy to keep moving. When the big guy didn't, but instead pushed Elek in the chest asking if he was going somewhere. Elek righted himself, chuckling as well, as he lifted both hands making sure the light-eating harpoon-tip was clearly visible. "Going above deck, that's what the bell means." He smiles, looking from woman with the blue scarf and bare shoulders to the dark haired one in the red vest. "I wish we had time to make everyone's acquaintances." Looking to the man in the red cap and back to the big guy who pushed him, "Some more than others." winking at the woman.
He cocks his head slightly, shrugging his right shoulder while lifting his right hand, spreading out his fingers. "My names Elek Kardforgató and I'd be happy to sit down tonight over a cup of rum and swap stories with you all. But right now I'm headed above deck." He points at the prosthetic. "Sadly this isn't meant for brawling. So you four can take me, but someone's going to get cut up real bad."
He gestures towards the hatch. "I believed Captain Harrigan when he said he'd keelhaul anyone that killed a crew member and none of us want that." He makes eye contact with the big guy who pushed him. His smile wains becoming a very cold hard-eyed stare as he reaches into his boot and flips out the butterfly knife, rotating it quickly so it is ready for use. "Now I don't want to kill you, and you don't want to be dead. But since you put your hands on me, if this is happening I'm coming for you first and you better pray to Besmara your friends stop me before I earn myself a keelhallin'"
sadly this seems more like intimidation than diplomacy, but maybe a couple three of them will like him better anyway :)
influence: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Property Retrieval: "he won't be wanting anything cursed, though" ;-)
At the threat of lethal force, three of the pirates promptly retreat up the stairs. The big guy, however, takes a step back and pulls out a knife of his own. He seems a bit unsure how far he's willing to go, however.
So much for fisticuffs. XD The intimidation means the ball's in your court, though.

Elek Kardforgató |
Watching as two woman and the man in the red hat head up the stairs. Elek smiles a cold smile as the big man takes a step back and pulls a weapon. Watching the man intently, 'Nothing like bringing a knife to a magic fight.' Elek also takes a step back breathing the tien word "Dàpào
As the cannon manifests throbbing darkness, his eyes glare almost as white as ice. "I should blast a hole in that thick skull of yours for putting your hands on me." Looking at the deck, then back at the man. "Your wondering if you can cross the ten foot before I do it." shaking his head. "You can't."
He gestures towards the stairs. "The only thing right now saving your life is the fact that I have no strong desire to be keelhauled. Leave or die. if I bleed it will be from the keelhauling not you."
influence: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21 shoot, not as strong of a roll.

Your Benevolent Dictator |

The man retreats up the ladder, but you get the feeling this isn't over. You may have just made a lasting enemy. (You've discovered a new color on the Crew page!)
You make it up on deck at the last possible second, earning you a glare from Mr. Plugg. As you head to the galley, you see him begin a whispered conversation with the fat man.
1d100 + 1d6 ⇒ (31) + (4) = 35
Kroop's drunk again, and he's come up with a 'brilliant' way to make up for the lack of fish yesterday. Turtle stew! You just need to somehow catch a few sea turtles. And based on the cook's condition, you'll probably need to handle the actual cooking as well. It's going to be a long day....
In addition to a Profession(fisherman) or Survival check, you'll also need to pass a Profession(cook) or INT check. All are DC 10. Fortunately, you still get a free Influence attempt, and 'Work Diligently' is an option for your Daytime Action. XD Of course, that would mean you'll probably have to go another day without your gear....

Elek Kardforgató |
Following the fat man up the ladder, Elek watches as he goes over and speaks to Mr. Plugg. Some how he's not suprised. Seeing Bonnie heading to the rigging, he takes a chance to speak with her. "Hey Bonnie!" Smiling, he asks, "How are you adjusting to the life of a pirate." leaning in closer he put's his hand up to his mouth as if telling a secret. "Don't tell anyone, but it's a lot like the life of a sailor." His smile turns just a little and his grey eyes twinkle. "Until it's not. Then it really get's fun." Not wanting to make it obvious to Mr. Plugg that he's on friendly terms with Bonnie, he gestures towards the hatch. "I better go see how Kroop is doing. I'll catch you later." Pausing he nods towards the two woman who had been with the fat man. "Do you happen to know either of the woman who proceeded me out of the hatch?"
influence: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
finding his way to the galley, Elek was not surprised that Kroop was drink, though he wished it had been otherwise. Even worse, Kroop woke up long enough to announce in a slurred voice that it was turtle soup day. Then, without explaining much else, returned to his drunken slumber. Collecting the fishing gear, Elek returned to the deck with the rod and reel and some bait. Baiting the hook he tossed the line over the rail, hoping to catch something.
fishing: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Relived when he hooked a large green sea turtle, he reeled it in close to the boat and pulled it up with the net. Slitting the things throat with his harpoon, he dragged the carcass below decks. Throwing the carcass on his clean table, he filled a cast iron pot with water and put it on to boil. Using the butcher knife he sharpened, he gutted the turtle then cutting it out of it's shell he put the meat from it's legs, tail and breast into the warming water throwing in a little salt and water. While the meat was cooking and Fishguts was asleep, Elek snuck out of the galley and explored the Wormwoods Middle deck, looking around to see what he could find.
perception/sneak: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Quickly returning to the Galley, he double checked the cook book to see what flavors went well with turtle soup. He chopped up more vegetables, finding some ginger root and garlic he shredded the first and a minced the second. Adding the onions, peppers, ginger and garlic to the soup, he let it keep simmering. Tasting the soup, he cut open a lemon and squeezed the juice in. Once he thought it was ready, he began loading things up to take it above deck. Pausing and thinking for a moment, if the fat man had told Plugg about the knife he would receive more lashes. Turning the turtle shell over on the table, he hid the butterfly knife under it, then loaded up. Taking the soup above decks to serve to the crew.
cooking: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Bonnie's happy to see you and plays with a dagger (a different one than before) while she responds. "The creepy one's Syl. She's Plugg's girl, so if you're thinking about making a pass at her - don't. The other one's Aretta. Haven't figured her out yet."
Middle Hold
This is the Wormwood's main cargo hold. It's mostly empty, though, aside from a dozen or so pigs who've managed to escape from their cages and are rooting around. There are three sets of stairs. One climbs upward - apparently leading to the officer's quarters. One descends into the lower hold. The third leads up to the captain's quarters, but you've heard that it's trapped. Probably best to avoid that one. Near the mainmast are stored a pair of ballistae, a disassembled catapult, and a dozen barrels of oil.
Amazingly, your attempt at turtle soup works out! It's not the best thing you've ever made, but it's certainly more than passable.
I'll shift to evening once you've had a chance to respond to the information in this post. XD

Elek Kardforgató |
Noting that Bonnie has another knife, Elek considers asking her where she hides them, then decides some secrets are better left alone. Nodding when she tells him Sly was Plugg's girl, he contemplated telling her that he was trying to decide if the two women were worth the trouble to get to know, or if something untoward needed to happen to them. Smiling, "No, not a pass. They and the fellow in the red hat and the big guy without a shirt were waiting for me at the bottom of the ladder. I had to convince them that they didn't want any part of it." Pausing for a moment. "I'd bet all the gold they took that Plugg put them up to it." He winks at her, as he begins to head to the galley. "Just watch your back, if they ask about me tell them whatever you need to to stay safe."
Not finding anything of interest in the hold, Elek makes a mental note to ask Kroop about catching the pigs, then heads back to the galley.
Pleased the turtle soup didn't earn him a lashing, Elek began looking around the crew, trying to figure out who to talk to.

Your Benevolent Dictator |

DAY THREE: Evening
Aretta and the yellow-skinned man are whipped during the Bloody Hour for dereliction of duty. The halfling dandy is punished as well - for slacking off. That explains the off-tune singing you half-heard all day.
After dinner, many of the pirate set about entertaining themselves in various ways. "Badger" and a few others begin a dice game. Roger and Crimson start a mock duel: Crimson is quickly disarmed and stomps off in a huff. The cabin boy sits off by himself working on a scrimshaw carving.
Once you've dealt with the rum, it's time for an Influence check + Nighttime action. XD

Elek Kardforgató |
Frustrated watching Plugg have crewmembers flogged for almost no reason, Elek bites his tongue and bides his time. The ship will have to eventually dock, he and those he picks will find a way to leave, possibly get their own ship. Seeing the rum being distributed. Elek walks up, he had dumped the rum the last two days. But he had gotten his prosthetic back and scared the crap out of the one called Fipps. He deserved a drink. Hoisting his cup to the crew, he smiled, "Cheers!" and knocked the drink back.
con damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3 heals one a night correct?
fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Feeling the effect of the rum, he walked over to the big elf, Breaker Bones. Elek had met the man the first morning he was aboard ship. He looked like he could handle himself and Elek would need someone to lead his vanguard. And Elek liked to play the cards dealt him. He would give Breaker one more chance. Walking up to Breaker. He gave the man as steely stare. slurring his words slightly. "Breaker Bones. You and I arrived the same day, you were sick and I was sent to the galley. But were both better than they want to give us credit for. I know I'm a better pirate than most here would believe. And I bet your a fine fighter. That morning I told you if you watched my back I'd watch yours." Elek hickuped, 'What do you think."
influence: 1d20 + 12 + 1d4 ⇒ (13) + 12 + (4) = 29
After his conversation with Breaker Elek realized that one of the people whipped had yellow skin, he wasn't sure if he had seen him before. But Elek found the man. Sitting down beside him, he gestures towards the wounds. "It's not as bad as it seems," When the man looked at him, he shrugged, "I was beaten yesterday." Pausing for a moment, he asks the man, "Names Elek. Are you Tien? I spent some time sailing in that neck of the woods."
influence: 1d20 + 12 + 1d4 ⇒ (19) + 12 + (4) = 35

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Yes, you heal 1pt ability damage each night. You'll also heal all nonlethal damage and 1pt lethal damage.
Breaker scowls and starts to shake his head before reconsidering. "You're the one who gave me that root. Head feels a little better today. Maybe you not as bad as the others. Dunno. Boats suck."
The man shakes his head in response to your question. Pulling a scrap of paper from his pocket, he writes, "Irriseni. Sorry about the morning. Fipps made me."

Elek Kardforgató |
'Well that's a start.' Nodding Elek agrees, "Yeah, being sea sick sucks. I'm glad your feeling a little better." He nods his head in the general direction of Plugg. 'Don't let him get to you. We'll talk more later."
Initially didn't realize "the yellow-skinned man" was the same fellow I identified as the "one with the red hat" I just thought I missed someone on the sheet. Should have realized it when it was he and Aretta.
Reading the piece of paper, Elek nods, "Irrisen your a ways from home." He hands the paper back. "I just wanted to let you know, no hard feelings. When your the new guy on a crew, you can expect a few folks to test you metal. That's why I told you my full name, to let you know who and what I am." He gestures towards Plugg. "I figured he put Fipps up to it, else you and Aretta wouldn't have gotten the 'cat.'" He stands up, taking a moment to get his balance. "We'll talk some more later. I'm going to head below decks."
Before he heads to the lower deck he passes through the galley and asks 'cut Throat' "Hey Gruk I met a ship mate that don't talk but writes everything on paper. Would you happen to have a slate and chalk he could hang from his neck to make communicating easier?" He smiles, "It would help the ship, things work better when sailors communicate."
making a request of Gruk: 1d20 + 12 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 12 + (1) = 20
Once he was done talking to Gruk about the idea, he headed to the lower deck, moving from the hammock he had been sleeping in. He selected an empty hammock near Bonnie. Hoping that if he got jumped in the night, she might help him out. Using his greatcloak as a pillow, he climbs in the hammock, attempting to sleep with one eye open.
Will heal 1 con overnight.

Your Benevolent Dictator |

DAY FOUR: Morning
1d100 + 1d6 ⇒ (90) + (4) = 94
Sometimes drunken inspiration actually leads to positive results. Yesterday's turtle stew was a big hit, and Kroops wants to do it again - assuming you can catch another turtle, of course. "Don't worry about cooking; I'll handle that. Just catch me a nice one and take the rest of the morning off."
It'll be a Profession(fisherman) or Survival check like yesterday, but there's no second check required. XD
Something's scheduled to happen at midday, so it's up to you if you want to Influence and whatnot before or after that.

Elek Kardforgató |
Waking from dreamless sleep, Elek's head is throbbing slightly when he reports to Kroop. Nodding, he heads to the corner where he left the rod and reel. "Catch another turtle. I'll give it a try." Heading above decks, he baits the hook and casts out into the deep.
Feeling a tug on the line, he slowly reels the turtle in, eventually getting it close enough to net. Slitting the amphibians throat, he takes it down to Kroop. Laying the turtle on the table beside the previous turtles shell, he picks up his butterfly knife, putting it in his boot. Then begins to butcher it, asking "Do we just want to throw it in the pot from yesterday? Or start another?"
fish: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Hmmm, something going on, let's wait until afterwards.

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Kroop's response is cut off by a scream from belowdecks shortly followed by a clamor of footsteps as young Jack Scrimshaw flees upstairs to the main deck. "Something bit me!" A few moments later, you hear Mr. Plugg yell, "ELEK! CONCHOBAR! Get your useless asses to the bilges and take care of whatever's down there! Don't come back until it's dead unless you want your skin flayed off!"

Elek Kardforgató |
Hearing Jack screaming as he ran above decks, Elek heard Plugg yelling, Elek smiled, "Never a dull moment." Looking back at Kroop as he checked his knife, "Who's Conchobar?"
Heading past the lower deck Elek meets Conchobar at the hatch. Telling his ship mate, "Lets see if we can tell what the boy was fussing about, before we jump in the bilge." As he opens the hatch and looks inside.
Taking 10 (11) on perception

Your Benevolent Dictator |

The bilges are a foul, damp place with thick cobwebs above and 1-2 feet of brackish water that stinks abominably. A single bilge pump rests near the stern. You also see six sets of good-quality manacles fixed to the bulkheads in the forward portion of the deck. What you can't see, unfortunately, is any sign of the critter.
I've made the Wormwood map editable and added tokens for you and Conchobar.

Elek Kardforgató |
The halfling dandy is punished as well - for slacking off. That explains the off-tune singing you half-heard all day.
Is this Conchobar?
Drawing his butterfly knife as he recognizes Conchobar, Elek nods, asking as he begins to climb down the ladder. "I'm Elek, did they give you any weapons?" Landing at the bottom of the ladder, he plants his back against the hull looking for whatever bit the boy.
Still taking 10(11) on the rat (or whatever it is swiming down here in the bilges.)

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Yes, that's Conchobar.
Conchobar indicates the rapier at his belt. "I certainly don't think we'll need much to kill a rat, though. Jack's just a boy, and it doesn't take much to scare him." He quickly follows this statement with a rather undignified yelp as a half-dozen cat-sized rats crawl out from hiding.
Friendly Initiative: 2d20 + 9 ⇒ (12, 11) + 9 = 32 (average 16)
Enemy Initiative: 6d20 + 18 ⇒ (1, 12, 4, 8, 13, 14) + 18 = 70 (average 11ish)
Combat Begin. Round One
Your turn