GM Silbeg's IF PFS2 2-11 The Pathfinder Trials (Inactive)

Game Master Silbeg

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Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

You make your way back to the main hallway with the amulet. Shaine is still there, though his tome is gone. In its place, Shaine is contemplating and arrangement of spherical rocks arranged within on of the circles on the floor. He has something in his hand, but when he quickly gets up to greet you, it is gone.

”So, how did it go?”

Horizon Hunters

Ratfolk Rog4 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 20 | Fort: +7, Refl: +11, Will: +8 | Perc (E): +8 (darkvision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice | Focus points: — | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

Easy-peasy, Two-Eye says. Show 'im, Morgan.

Horizon Hunters

N Female Changeling Necromancer 7 | Default Exploration: Detect Magic
AC 20 | Fort +11, Refl +11, Will +13 | Perc +11 | Speed 25
♥️ 69/71 | ☘️ 0/3 | ☀️ 1/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor, False Life | Spells (Arcane, +15, DC 25): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (4/4), 4th (2/3)

Morgan hands over the amulet. "The 'loyalty' of demons. Whatever condition you used to bind it was... well, easily ignored by the creature. It literally threw the amulet at us."

Horizon Hunters

"Yes, her ladyship." Poog says to himself. "Poog cannot even say he was adjacent to success on this one. Poog will prove himself to her ladyship and the Pathfinders. Maybe Poog can fight the imp."

Poog starts walking towards the original door.

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD

"Poog, remember that success in the Scrolls' trial is dependent on you using your wits, not your swords. I am sure Master Farabellus will have plenty of use for your blade. Meanwhile, please do not kill the summoned creatures."

To the rest of you he says, "Very good. Demons are treacherous creatures, and I am not surprised that he ignored his instructions."

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of lint, and then lets it drop to the floor, all the while staring at it with intense fascination.

“A devil is in this dungeon, a weak but cunning scion of Hell. Those of her kind love make deals and frequently serve as assistants to unwise spellcasters.”

Vigilant Seal

Male, CG, Human | HP 44/44 AC: 22, Shield: +2 Hardness: 5, BT: 10, HP: 20/20 | F: +9 R: +8, W: +12 | Perc: +12 (E)
Class Abilities:
  • Focus Pool: 1/1
  • Healing Font: 3/3
  • Staff 3/3
  • Gloves 1/1 (2d6+7)
  • Default Exploration: Defense

    "What's with the lint boss?"

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD

    ”Huh? Oh, nothing. Was just divining your next test!”

    Horizon Hunters

    N Female Changeling Necromancer 7 | Default Exploration: Detect Magic
    AC 20 | Fort +11, Refl +11, Will +13 | Perc +11 | Speed 25
    ♥️ 69/71 | ☘️ 0/3 | ☀️ 1/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor, False Life | Spells (Arcane, +15, DC 25): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (4/4), 4th (2/3)

    "Oh? And how do we fare?"

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD

    ”Depends on whether you bring me that last amulet or not. But now we know what the test is!”

    Horizon Hunters

    N Female Changeling Necromancer 7 | Default Exploration: Detect Magic
    AC 20 | Fort +11, Refl +11, Will +13 | Perc +11 | Speed 25
    ♥️ 69/71 | ☘️ 0/3 | ☀️ 1/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor, False Life | Spells (Arcane, +15, DC 25): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (4/4), 4th (2/3)

    Morgan sighs, then heads to the portal where the imp waits

    Vigilant Seal

    Male, CG, Human | HP 44/44 AC: 22, Shield: +2 Hardness: 5, BT: 10, HP: 20/20 | F: +9 R: +8, W: +12 | Perc: +12 (E)
    Class Abilities:
  • Focus Pool: 1/1
  • Healing Font: 3/3
  • Staff 3/3
  • Gloves 1/1 (2d6+7)
  • Default Exploration: Defense

    Manahath covers a smirk with poor acting as he rubs his nose. He follows Morgan.

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD

    You all make it back through the first portal room to where Ygracix waits for you. She sighs, and asks, "Are you back to take my bargain? I promise not to act to cause the signer of the infernal contract any harm, or through my inaction to allow them to take harm."

    She looks excited at the possibility someone might take her up on the bargain.

    Reminder: If you accept, you can choose to roll twice on any roll within the next hour, taking the higher roll. If you should die during that hour, your soul belongs to Ygracix.

    Horizon Hunters

    Poog, eager to prove himself in the society...

    ”Poog accepts your bargain, devil. Poog will survive the next hour though as Her Ladyship watches over him.”

    Horizon Hunters

    Ratfolk Rog4 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 20 | Fort: +7, Refl: +11, Will: +8 | Perc (E): +8 (darkvision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice | Focus points: — | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

    Two-Eye looks at Poog in surprise. Not at all what he would expect from a goblin, let alone a goblin devotee of Sarenrae. But clearly, Poog is eager to prove himself, which Two-Eye can respect.

    Let's see the contract, he says.

    Vigilant Seal

    Male Hobgoblin Duskwalker Investigator 4 | hp 48/48, hero 3/3 | AC 21, F+8 R+11 W+7 | Speed 25ft | Perception +7, Arcana +10, Crafting +12, Occultism +11, Society +12, Stealth +9 | Current Conditions:

    Yes we would like to see the terms. "

    Kralgang will give a +1 with Clue In to whoever scrutinizes the contract.

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD

    "Accepted." says the imp. "But if you need a written version of the verbal contract, then I can probably produce one for you. However, the terms of the contract are binding, and include this goblin receiving a boon of good fortune from me, and in return should he die, his soul belongs to me. I have added the additional clause that I shall not pursue Poog, son of Poog's death, nor shall I in any way act to cause his death through my action or in action. With that, I shall take your leave."

    She places the amulet in Poog's hands, and dissolves into a puff of fire and brimstone!


    It is your understanding that this is a binding contract, and that the imp spoke truthfully. You also get the idea that she doesn't expect to be able to claim Poog's soul, but that she just wanted credit for having tempted him.

    Horizon Hunters

    Ratfolk Rog4 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 20 | Fort: +7, Refl: +11, Will: +8 | Perc (E): +8 (darkvision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice | Focus points: — | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

    Two-Eye nods. Best keep this decision to yourself, and not talk about it too much to Iomedae, he says to Poog, son of Poog, putting his arm across the goblin's shoulders. What she doesn't know won't hurt ya, you know? Now, let's head back to The Great Elfkin and show them whatcha got!

    Horizon Hunters

    Jerrim "Two-Eye" Brooksbank wrote:

    Two-Eye looks at Poog in surprise. Not at all what he would expect from a goblin, let alone a goblin devotee of Sarenrae. But clearly, Poog is eager to prove himself, which Two-Eye can respect.

    Let's see the contract, he says.

    "Her Ladyship" is the voice in my head that I think is Iomedae. Even though it's a man's voice.

    Horizon Hunters

    "Poog feels weird about this pact."

    Immediately draws his Dogslicer, slams it down to the ground and drops to his knee.

    "Dear Her Ladyship, sir. I only made this pact in your honor. Poog will fight whatever devils or demons he faces if he ends up being dragged to one of the hells in order to help out his friends. Poog is seeking your forgiveness if you feel this dishonors you.

    Love Always,

    P.S. Poog now understands why Pathfinders sign a waiver upon entering the Lodge."

    Horizon Hunters

    N Female Changeling Necromancer 7 | Default Exploration: Detect Magic
    AC 20 | Fort +11, Refl +11, Will +13 | Perc +11 | Speed 25
    ♥️ 69/71 | ☘️ 0/3 | ☀️ 1/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor, False Life | Spells (Arcane, +15, DC 25): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (4/4), 4th (2/3)

    Morgan is surprised at the goblin's actions, but only because she was ready to make the deal herself. "Nevermind all this apologizing, Poog. If your goddess doesn't recognize the practicality in your actions then she's not worth your devotion. There was nothing wrong with that arrangement."

    "Now let's get back to Shaine. I would like to get this annoying busy work over with," she says, making her way towards the portal.

    Horizon Hunters

    M Osiriani Duskwalker Assassin 5 1 | HP (58/58) | AC 221 | F +11, R +13, W +7 | Perception +2 (Lowlight)

    Kito nods, growing bored of this strange trial.

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD

    The team makes their way back to the Master of Scrolls. "Very good job! You passed with a perfect score! Janira Gavix would be so proud of you all!"

    He brings you back to the Grand Lodge, commenting on all the esoteric details of how this avenue was built, and the buildings that used to be on either side, including mentioning what it was like pre-Earthfall.

    Once back at the Grand Lodge, Shaine quickly disappears to prepare his lesson plans.

    Where to next? Spells or Swords?

    Horizon Hunters

    Ratfolk Rog4 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 20 | Fort: +7, Refl: +11, Will: +8 | Perc (E): +8 (darkvision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice | Focus points: — | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

    Time to pay a visit to Marcos Farabellus, methinks, Two-Eye says brightly. We'll save Sorrina Westyr for last.

    Vigilant Seal

    Male, CG, Human | HP 44/44 AC: 22, Shield: +2 Hardness: 5, BT: 10, HP: 20/20 | F: +9 R: +8, W: +12 | Perc: +12 (E)
    Class Abilities:
  • Focus Pool: 1/1
  • Healing Font: 3/3
  • Staff 3/3
  • Gloves 1/1 (2d6+7)
  • Default Exploration: Defense

    "Indeed, Poog. That was a right selfless thing you did. First round is on me."

    Manahath pantomimes stabbing with a rapier, which is odd because he has an actual rapier at his side. He turns the playful stab into a finger to the sky as if about to say "Eureka!" but instead says "To Marcos!"

    Vigilant Seal

    Male Hobgoblin Duskwalker Investigator 4 | hp 48/48, hero 3/3 | AC 21, F+8 R+11 W+7 | Speed 25ft | Perception +7, Arcana +10, Crafting +12, Occultism +11, Society +12, Stealth +9 | Current Conditions:

    "Mortality is a gift that is not easily appreciated until it is denied you. Nevertheless, eternal torment is an even harder road. You are brave for having volunteered for this fate.

    Kralgang agrees with the others and joins them to see Marcos.

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD

    When you go to find the Master of Swords, Marcos Farabellus, you instead find themselves being greeted by him as he spots them in the halls. The jovial dean bids you to follow him, then leads them out of the Grand Lodge to a nearby arena. Along the walk, Farabellus explains this arena is a smaller adjunct to the famed Irorium, used for training gladiators up to the main venue. The Pathfinder Society regularly rents it for upkeep trials like this one.

    Emerging in an amphitheater covered in sand, Marcos Farabellus extends his arms out wide. The Trial of Swords is a bit simpler than those of my fellow deans,” he says merrily. “Since I’m the Master of Swords, I want to see how you lot use your swords. Or maces, or bows, or what have you. Now, don’t worry yourselves; this is all nonlethal, wouldn’t do to take our newest prospects off the map before they have a chance to do anything for us, eh?” He laughs. “No, all the opponents you’ll fight here have enchanted weapons that stop just shy of landing a killing blow. You all, likewise, will be given nonlethal weapons, otherwise identical to the ones you’re using now. We’ve got something for each of you. Mind you, you can still be knocked unconscious, and if you all go down, it’s not getting you good marks here, so do try and nonlethally ‘kill’ your opponents first, eh?”

    He points to the other side of the arena. “You’ll be facing three waves of foes, emerging from there and charging down the field at you. You’ll have ten minutes or so to rest between waves, enough to patch yourselves up. Good luck!” He claps his hands, and a small team comes down from the stands with a variety of weapons. After the exchanges take place, they and Marcos leave the field to observe.

    FYI - with all of the traveling and such, an hour has passed since Poog accepted the Infernal Temptation

    You each can select non-lethal versions of any and all of your weapons.

    I'll post the arena later today

    Vigilant Seal

    Male, CG, Human | HP 44/44 AC: 22, Shield: +2 Hardness: 5, BT: 10, HP: 20/20 | F: +9 R: +8, W: +12 | Perc: +12 (E)
    Class Abilities:
  • Focus Pool: 1/1
  • Healing Font: 3/3
  • Staff 3/3
  • Gloves 1/1 (2d6+7)
  • Default Exploration: Defense

    "Is magic allowed?" Manahath starts looking for a rapier with just the right.... flair.

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD

    "Well, this is a test of swords, Manahath." says the Master of Swords.

    There are actually no rules on this, but it is supposed to be non-lethal

    Horizon Hunters

    M Osiriani Duskwalker Assassin 5 1 | HP (58/58) | AC 221 | F +11, R +13, W +7 | Perception +2 (Lowlight)

    Kito asks "How many waves was that again? And I presume you've got replacements or magics to make all my tricks safe?"

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD

    "Your tricks?" asks Farrabelus. "Ah, yes. I supposed we can put up the safety abjurations."

    Horizon Hunters

    ”Buffing and healing is allowed. Poog will protect you from this menace. Stay near Poog and Her Ladyship will protect you as well.”

    Poog eats some pickled fish heads amd washes the, down with the pickle juice. He then draws his light hammer and shield with a crudely painted holy symbol painted onto it. He bangs them together and advances.

    Horizon Hunters

    N Female Changeling Necromancer 7 | Default Exploration: Detect Magic
    AC 20 | Fort +11, Refl +11, Will +13 | Perc +11 | Speed 25
    ♥️ 69/71 | ☘️ 0/3 | ☀️ 1/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor, False Life | Spells (Arcane, +15, DC 25): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (4/4), 4th (2/3)

    Morgan frowns as she considers the prospect of trying to whack someone over the head with her staff. "Dean Farabellus, I approach danger with deadly intend. I will do my best not harm anyone overmuch, but as you likely know my chosen weapon is the magic I wield. Is that acceptable?"

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD

    "The intent of these trials are to test your ability to fight with weapons. Resort to magical attacks if that is your only choice. I am sure Master of Spells Westyr will be testing your ability to do magic."

    There are non-lethal versions of pretty much every weapon available
    Also, assume that the arena has ways to make magic effects non-lethal, though honestly the scenario does not state this anywhere, thus the way I am RPing Farabellus.

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD

    Map is up on slide #3, Marcos Farabellus can be seen on slide #4
    Please arrange your tokens as you would like them to be.

    Vigilant Seal

    Male, CG, Human | HP 44/44 AC: 22, Shield: +2 Hardness: 5, BT: 10, HP: 20/20 | F: +9 R: +8, W: +12 | Perc: +12 (E)
    Class Abilities:
  • Focus Pool: 1/1
  • Healing Font: 3/3
  • Staff 3/3
  • Gloves 1/1 (2d6+7)
  • Default Exploration: Defense

    After selecting a nice rapier, Manahath decides that he'll keep his spells in reserve, though he grumbles as he approaches the pillar, "If they didn't want me using magic, why did they spend so much time helping me learn it. This is lame. I wonder if Master Westyr is going to make the warriors use magic."

    Horizon Hunters

    Ratfolk Rog4 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 20 | Fort: +7, Refl: +11, Will: +8 | Perc (E): +8 (darkvision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice | Focus points: — | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

    Two-Eye grabs a wooden shortsword. Then another. And another. Then still another. He shoves a half-dozen additional pieces into his backpack as he steps up to the staring line in the arena. You can do magic, he says with a grin to Manahath. Just don't let 'em see. Simple!

    Horizon Hunters

    ”Poog does not think that an honourable cleric would deceive the world so, Two-Eye. For the casters, do what you an in combat. With the spells test coming up, you having as many spells as possible would be very helpful. We passed the last test through cunning but not everyone participated in each exchange. Poog himself only won the day in just one of the tests.”

    Horizon Hunters

    N Female Changeling Necromancer 7 | Default Exploration: Detect Magic
    AC 20 | Fort +11, Refl +11, Will +13 | Perc +11 | Speed 25
    ♥️ 69/71 | ☘️ 0/3 | ☀️ 1/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor, False Life | Spells (Arcane, +15, DC 25): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (4/4), 4th (2/3)

    Morgan taps the butt of her staff against the arena floor, though a look of irritation is evident. She moves up to be a few paces behind Manahath. "Well boys, let's show them what we've got. I've got some tricks that can turn the battleground to our advantage. But let's see who comes at us first."

    Vigilant Seal

    Male Hobgoblin Duskwalker Investigator 4 | hp 48/48, hero 3/3 | AC 21, F+8 R+11 W+7 | Speed 25ft | Perception +7, Arcana +10, Crafting +12, Occultism +11, Society +12, Stealth +9 | Current Conditions:

    Kralgang takes wooden replacements for his weapons and readies his bow.

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD

    Marcos takes a seat in the otherwise empty stands, then gives a nod to an assistant stationed by the entryway opposite you. Moments later, the opposite gate begins creaking open and high-pitched cries in Draconic tumble from the darkness. Marcos then calls down to the arena, “Let me extend my thanks to the Society’s allies, the Sewer Dragons, for their assistance in today’s event!”

    You hear coming from the tunnel opposite you chanting, "SEWer DRAGons! SEWer DRAGons! We are DRAGONS who are YOU?"

    Coming out of the tunnel are five kobolds armed with spears and slings.

    They file out into a line, chanting all the way. Once they are ready, Marcos calls out, "Let the training battle begin!!"


    Poog, son of Poog, Scout: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 9
    Manahath, Defend: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 7
    Kito Oxjaw, Avoid Notice: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 8
    Kralgang, Investigate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 5
    Morgan Titchwillow, Detect Magic: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 11
    Jerrim Two-Eye Brooksbank, Avoid Notice: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 6

    black kobold: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 2
    purple kobold: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 3
    blue kobold: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 1
    green kobold: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 4
    red kobold: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 10

    Sewer Dragons is/are up.
    Universal Adjustments:

    Swords Trial Round 1 : Turn 1:

    • => Blue Kobold
    • => Black Kobold
    • => Purple Kobold
    • => Green Kobold
    • Kralgang
    • Two-Eye
    • Manahath
    • Kito
    • Poog
    • Red Kobold
    • Morgan

    U = Unconscious
    S = Surprised 
D = Delay



    Round to progress 2021-3-10 1900 CDT (UTC-6)

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD

    Four of the kobolds move boldly forward, obviously they were trained by Pethjun!

    Black hurls a sling shot at Poog!
    sling vs AC18: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 bludgeoning: 1d4 ⇒ 4

    Purple hurls a sling shot at Two-Eye!
    sling vs AC16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 bludgeoning: 1d4 ⇒ 4

    Blue hurls a sling shot at Two-Eye!
    sling vs AC16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 bludgeoning: 1d4 ⇒ 2

    Green hurls a sling shot at Manahath!
    sling vs AC18: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

    All four drop their slings and put both hands on their spears.
    Kralgang, Two-Eye, Manahath, Kito, Poog is/are up.
    Universal Adjustments:

    Swords Trial Round 1 : Turn 1:

    • x Blue Kobold
    • x Black Kobold
    • x Purple Kobold
    • x Green Kobold
    • => Kralgang
    • => Two-Eye
    • => Manahath
    • => Kito
    • => Poog
    • Red Kobold
    • Morgan

    U = Unconscious
    S = Surprised 
D = Delay

    Two-Eye: 9/15
    Kito: 17/17
    Kralgang: 18/18
    Manahath: 18/18
    Morgan: 15/15
    Poog: 18/22


    Round to progress 2021-3-11 1900 CDT (UTC-6)

    Vigilant Seal

    Male Hobgoblin Duskwalker Investigator 4 | hp 48/48, hero 3/3 | AC 21, F+8 R+11 W+7 | Speed 25ft | Perception +7, Arcana +10, Crafting +12, Occultism +11, Society +12, Stealth +9 | Current Conditions:

    Kralgang studies the green kobold and focuses on whether Pharasma would take the kobold today were this a real fight.

    (He uses Devise a Strategem as well as Known Weaknesses to study the kobold and gets a free Recall Knowledge. If a crit success, +1 to hit for him and all allies this round against that target)

    Shortbow with Strategic Strike:

    Shortbow: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

    He takes the shot and crits!

    Piercing: 4d6 + 1d10 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 3) + (7) = 16

    Horizon Hunters

    M Osiriani Duskwalker Assassin 5 1 | HP (58/58) | AC 221 | F +11, R +13, W +7 | Perception +2 (Lowlight)

    Kito snaps off a shot with his crossbow at the blue kobold.

    crossbow: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
    piercing: 1d8 ⇒ 1

    From there he reloads and moves to behind a pillar.

    Vigilant Seal

    Male Hobgoblin Duskwalker Investigator 4 | hp 48/48, hero 3/3 | AC 21, F+8 R+11 W+7 | Speed 25ft | Perception +7, Arcana +10, Crafting +12, Occultism +11, Society +12, Stealth +9 | Current Conditions:

    Kralgang, remembering he still has a third action he missed in all the excitement, moves around the pillar to his right.

    He also forgot his strength bonus apparently, so please add 2 to the damage above.

    Horizon Hunters

    Ratfolk Rog4 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 20 | Fort: +7, Refl: +11, Will: +8 | Perc (E): +8 (darkvision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice | Focus points: — | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

    Two-Eye reels a bit from the pair of blows, but manages to shake it off and glares at the kobolds with a snarl. Oh, now it's on, you undergrown scaleheads!

    He draws his hand crossbow, loads it, and shoots at Blue.
    pew: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
    piercing: 1d6 ⇒ 2

    Horizon Hunters

    Poog moves up, raises his shield and Glares Intimidatingly at yellow.

    Demoralize: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

    And Poog starts humming the tune to Fireday before he starts his song.

    Horizon Hunters

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    For those who are interested in knowing the lyrics to the song that Poog will be singing.


    Dawn, waking up in the morning
    Gotta be fresh, gotta go
    Gotta have my bowl, gotta have fish-heads
    Seein' everything, the time is goin'
    Tickin' on and on, everybody's rushin'
    Gotta get down to the stream
    Gotta catch my fish, I see my friends (Pathfinders)
    Kickin' in the upstream
    Lookin' at the downstream
    Gotta make my mind up
    Which stream do I fish?
    It's Fireday, Fireday
    Gotta get down on Fireday
    Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend
    Fireday, Fireday
    Gotta get down on Fireday
    Everybody's lookin' forward to the flame day
    Burnin', burnin' (Yeah)
    Burnin', burnin' (Yeah)
    Fun, fun, fun, fun
    Lookin' forward to my fishheads.

    Vigilant Seal

    Male, CG, Human | HP 44/44 AC: 22, Shield: +2 Hardness: 5, BT: 10, HP: 20/20 | F: +9 R: +8, W: +12 | Perc: +12 (E)
    Class Abilities:
  • Focus Pool: 1/1
  • Healing Font: 3/3
  • Staff 3/3
  • Gloves 1/1 (2d6+7)
  • Default Exploration: Defense

    Manahath opens with a javelin, hoping to catch the closest kobold with a lucky hit:
    ATK v. Green: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9, but misses. Regardless he strides in and raises his shield.

    Dark Archive

    Fury's Toll | MotD
    Kralgang wrote:

    He also forgot his strength bonus apparently, so please add 2 to the damage above.

    You would only get 1/2 your strength if the bow were propulsive, which a short bow is not, but a short composite bow is.

    Kralgang releases a shot, and takes down the green kobold!

    However, he does not learn anything spectacular about kobolds to pass on to his team mates.

    Kito's shot goes wide on blue as he moves into cover.

    Two-Eye's shot hits, but the "scalehead" does not go down!

    Blue also looks scared of Poog (probably a good thing).

    Manahath chucks his javelin at the Sewer Dragons, but based on the results, it is not clear which one he was throwing at!

    Please call out by colors. If anyone is color blind, I will change how I label the critters, so please let me know

    Red shouts out, "Sewer Dragons! Stand fast against the pink skins!" as he moves forward. He fires his sling a Manaharth, hitting!

    sling vs AC20: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 bludgeoning: 1d4 ⇒ 4

    Manahath and others, if you are planning on using shield block, add the conditions that you will be doing so to your post. Will help to keep things moving without a lot of retcons. Thanks!

    Morgan is/are up.
    Universal Adjustments:

    Swords Trial Round 1 : Turn 1:

    • x Blue Kobold
    • x Black Kobold
    • x Purple Kobold
    • x Green Kobold
    • x Kralgang
    • x Two-Eye
    • x Manahath
    • x Kito
    • x Poog
    • x Red Kobold
    • => Morgan

    U = Unconscious
    S = Surprised 
D = Delay

    Two-Eye: 9/15
    Kito: 17/17
    Kralgang: 18/18
    Manahath: 14/18
    Morgan: 15/15
    Poog: 18/22

    Blue: -2 Frightened 1
    Green: “Dead”

    Round to progress 2021-3-12 1200 CDT (UTC-6)

    Horizon Hunters

    N Female Changeling Necromancer 7 | Default Exploration: Detect Magic
    AC 20 | Fort +11, Refl +11, Will +13 | Perc +11 | Speed 25
    ♥️ 69/71 | ☘️ 0/3 | ☀️ 1/1 | ✋ Staff of Necromancy | ⚕ Mage Armor, False Life | Spells (Arcane, +15, DC 25): Cantrips (6), 1st (3/4), 2nd (3/4), 3rd (4/4), 4th (2/3)

    Action 1-3: Animate Dead (Stride)

    "I think a distraction is in order," Morgan says before beginning a lengthy invocation of dark magic. Each arcane syllable echoes, hollow and emotionless, as she dredges up the corpse of a zombie and fills it with a temporary necromantic life.

    "Go forth, my minion. Walk amongst the kobolds!" Morgan commands. The creature obeys, lurching forward.
    Animate Dead, bringing forth a zombie shambler. AC 12, 20 HP, and weakness 5 to slashing

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