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The creature slowly rotates to face Kralgang. "Yes, I have an amulet. I have been explicitly instructed not hand over the amulet."

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"Are you also a type of creature known as an Aeon?"

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I will need a diplomacy check if you are asking nicely.
It hovers and slowly circles, apparently currently ignoring the Pathfinders.

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You have been explicitly instructed not to hand over the amulet, so if we peacefully take it from you that will not violate your instructions. Correct?

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That seems perfectly logical to me, Two-Eye says to the being from the Shadow Plane, picking up what Morgan and Kralgang are laying down. Further, if you use something besides your hand, that doesn't violate your directive at all, does it? Can you find any flaw in that?

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Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Take my hero point
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

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”Why does everyone think you are different things, creature? Poog is only Poog but you seem to be many kinds of non-Poogs. To me you seem to be a celestial being known as a lantern archon. No matter what type of creature you are, Poog and associates would appreciate the amulet.”
Diplo: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

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Kralgang failed. Morgan failed, even with reroll. Thank Orson for that.
”I cannot hand this amulet over to you. That is my explicit order. ”
It turns to Poog. ”I am not a lantern archon, I am a aeon inevitable. Poog is in error, but I am instructed to not hand over the amulet. Including to Poog, though Poog was not detailed explicitly. This is the extent of my orders, though lest you try to interpret the word ‘hand’, Master Shaine did not state it in the way that meant I could transfer it to you with another type of appendage, nor may I just drop it. It means that Observer 1221646 may not engage in any activity which results in the lawful transfer of the amulet to a trainee Pathfinder. ”

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Well, Two-Eye says, thinking carefully, we appear to be at an impasse. You say you cannot give it to us, yet we are to obtain it from you.
He brightens after a moment. You mention lawful transfer. So if one of us were to steal it from you, that would be unlawful transfer and then you would have fulfilled your end of the bargain. Yes?

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Deception, because why not?: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

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”Observer 1221646 may not leave this room until our mission is compete. ” replies the aeon. ”However, it is true, ysoki, that it was nor detailed that I should prevent you from taking it from me. However, I am not sure if this was the intent.”
Diplomacy to persuade, thievery to steal.

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Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Ah! So perhaps we've found a loophole. Now we don't want to forcibly take you from this room -- especially if that would violate your protocols -- but it does appear that...
Thievery: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
...this is your amulet? Two-Eye holds it up. I hope.

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”Incorrect. By the logic presented to me that is your amulet. Observer 1221646 is released from servitude. ”
At this, the inevitable dissolved into nothingness.

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Two-Eye looks at his companions with a wide grin. Hey, cool, free amulet!
He cheerily leads the way back to Shaine to present it.

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"Hehe..." Manahath makes no other comment, and restarts his dance, this time back to Shaine via the teleport.

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Morgan starts to cackle with laughter, but quickly catches herself and recovers. "Back to the Master of Scrolls!"

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Back in the main room, you find Kreighton Shaine in the lotus position, but floating about 10 inches off the ground, and off kilter by about 20 degrees. "So, do you have something for me?" he asks.

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"Credit where credit is due, Two-Eye did an excellent job convincing the inevitable of the fact that it did not actually have an amulet. Creatures of law are delightfully rigid," Morgan says to the Master of Scrolls.

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Master Shaine stares at Two-Eye for a moment before going into what seems a trance. ”The lowliest of all demons has an amulet. Particularly wicked spellcasters actually break off a piece of their soul and form it into a minion.”

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"That sounds like the imp we saw already-" Morgan says, but then catches herself. "Wait. You used the word 'demon' and not 'devil'. That doesn't sound like the kind mistake the Master of Scrolls would make. Perhaps we check the last portal."

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The master of scrolls merely hums to himself as he slowly rotates while hovering, all the while contemplating the spiral pattern he floats above.

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Right! Two-Eye says. To the fourth door!

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"Indeed! Words matter. Imagine saying ale when you meant lager! Ha!" This time Manahath follows the lead of the others.

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The group goes through the final portal (not really a door) and finds themsleves in yet another area of the dungeon. A statue of a human woman decorates the northwest corner of this chamber, beside a glowing blue pedestal. Next to the pedestal stands a small creature See slide #6
"'Bout time you showed up. What took you so long?"

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You have no idea what this thing is.
This is a quasit.
Unlike other demons, quasits are formed when a mortal spellcaster sheds a portion of their own sinful soul to create a familiar or companion. When these quasits outlive their creators, they become free willed and seek methods of returning to the Abyss, a task that requires pledging servitude to more powerful demons, so many quasits instead opt to remain on the Material Plane to promote evil and hope for chance and luck to someday provide them with a method of reaching the Abyss on their own.
This is a quasit.
Unlike other demons, quasits are formed when a mortal spellcaster sheds a portion of their own sinful soul to create a familiar or companion. When these quasits outlive their creators, they become free willed and seek methods of returning to the Abyss, a task that requires pledging servitude to more powerful demons, so many quasits instead opt to remain on the Material Plane to promote evil and hope for chance and luck to someday provide them with a method of reaching the Abyss on their own.
This is a quasit.
Unlike other demons, quasits are formed when a mortal spellcaster sheds a portion of their own sinful soul to create a familiar or companion. When these quasits outlive their creators, they become free willed and seek methods of returning to the Abyss, a task that requires pledging servitude to more powerful demons, so many quasits instead opt to remain on the Material Plane to promote evil and hope for chance and luck to someday provide them with a method of reaching the Abyss on their own.
This is either an imp or a quasit, but you are not sure which.
Both are often familiars for wizards and other arcane casters, though imps are devils and quasits are demons.
You have no idea what this thing is.

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We were unavoidably detained, Two-Eye says. So who, may I ask, are you? And what manner of creature?

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Morgan sidles up to Two-Eye, whispering, "It's an imp or a quasit. I know the other thing was an imp, and this looks different but... well, they both tend to be familiars, and I suppose it's possible that they can look different like this. If it's a quasit though, then it's what we're looking for."

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"Nooope, quasit. Sure of it. Look buddy, here's the deal, you know why we're here. What's it gonna take?"

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"Yeah, you freaking took long enough! What does it matter what I am. I have what you want, and giving it to you gets me out of here!"
He throws the amulet at Morgan, and waits for you.

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Suspicious of just how easy this exchange is going, Morgan weaves a quick spell to detect magic. She then studies the area where the amulet was thrown.
"What's your game here, demon?"
Morgan doesn't trust the quasit. Can she Sense Motive? Maybe see if there's some kind of trap?

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"What game? You think I wanna be here? That damned elf captured me and bound me until such a point that you take the amulet away from me! Take it, damn it! Let me go!"
He sighs, "Are all Pathfinders this paranoid?"

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Morgan sighs, unable to refute the demon's logic. She walks over and picks up the amulet

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Hang on, quasit, Two-Eye says. Isn't it a condition of your servitude to not give up the amulet willingly?

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Amulet in hand, Morgan shrugs. "Let's go see Kreighton Shaine."