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Kralgang gives some thought to this offer. As a duskwalker, when he dies he is reincarnated as a different duskwalker a year later. Perhaps there is a way to play this to his advantage with this foolish imp?

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Yes, let's see what else there is to see here. Two-Eye turns back to the imp. Don't go anywhere, Ygracix. We'll return shortly.

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"Eh, I'm not going anywhere. See you later. They always come back for what I am offering in the end."
The party goes back through the portal, and Shaine perks up a bit. "How did it go?"

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"An imp with an offer. One that can wait for now. We'll look at the others and get a complete picture, I think."

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"Patience, Master Shaine. We'll get it. First, we want to explore other avenues. We're going to the next portal to see what there is to see. After all, if this is truly a puzzle to solve, should we not at least see the other pieces?"
Morgan doesn't really wait for an answer, and begins drifting to the next portal unless she's interrupted from doing so.

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”Ah, very good, Manahath. I am glad you were listening.” says Master Shaine, who appears to not be taken aback by Morgan’s statement

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The cleric tips an imaginary hat, and walks over to the next circle. Once the others follow, he dances his way onto the teleportation.

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The party goes into the yellow room, and is transported away. You show up on a different yellow circle. Down the hallway to the right, is a green circle, and on it is a pedestal with the the bust of a human man. On the floor are intricate spirals and swirls of an unknown meaning,
Flitting around the statue in the air, is a strange looking flying creature. It sees you, and it flits over to you, apparently looking you over. Around its neck is an identical amulet to the one on the imp.
See slide #5
Arcana to learn something about the swirls
You have no idea what this beautiful creature is, but it does dance around the air gracefully.
This is a protean voidwyrm, a creature from the Maelstrom. They typically speak Abyssal and Protean.
This is a Lyrakien azata. Lyrakiens are musical messengers and embodiments of free travel.
It is pretty.
This is a protean voidwyrm, a creature from the Maelstrom. The are attracted to destruction as much as creation.
Feathers? Worm-like shape. Doesn't ring any memories.

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"We've found our protean, I think. Although I am curious about these swirls..."
Morgan takes a moment to study them.

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"Agreed on the target, but I don't ken a single word of any language it likely speaks."
Manahath looks down at the swirls, "Woah.... sometimes I see things like that when I've hit the bottom of the holly water."

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You think that these markings create a rudimentary magical aura to keep this area clean

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"Odd. I think these are simply there to keep the area clean. Ohhh," A sly, knowing smile crosses her face. "Manahath, would you be so kind as to smash the bust?"

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"I mean, I've smashed a mug or two... but are you sure? I usually have to pay for them."

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"We've found our protean, I think.
I mean, it's cute and all, Two-Eye says dubiously, but really? I wouldn't think that a worm with wings could wear an amulet anyway.

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Morgan sighs at Manahath's hesitation. She strides to the bust and pushes it to knock it off its pedestal.

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As the bust falls to the ground, the creature quickly dashes over to see the results. It bounces off the floor, apparently unharmed. The creature flits around, looking back and forth between Morgan and the bust, tail wagging excitedly.

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Morgan points at the the amulet it wears, then mimes taking it off, then points to herself. "Can I have it?"
She then repeats the request in several other languages in the hope that it will understand one of them.
Morgan knows Common, Draconic, Jotun, Orcish, Sylvan, Undercommon

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The creature does not respond much to Morgan, and keeps looking back at the undamaged bust. It cocks it’s head when she speaks, but there appears to be no recognition of the words. It also cocks it’s head when Poog speaks, as if waiting anxiously, but quickly looks back to the unbusted bust on the floor.

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"Maybe you can't smash an object on runes for cleaning..." With a sigh and mumbling about getting a bill later, Manahath drops the pommel of his rapier on the top of the bust, hoping to break it on the pedestal.

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mechanically, it is actually pretty hard to break, with 7 hardness, but given enough time..l
Manahath starts pounding his rapier’s pommel into the bust. Little chips start flying, which excites the flying worm.
Then Poog gets into the mix, smashing his hammer into it. The creature gets more and more excited, until, finally, when the statue is reduced to tiny bits (which seem to miraculously disappear when they hit the floor) the creature moves in front of Manahath, bowing its head.

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Well, I have to say, that's the first time I've ever seen a broken piece of art clean up after itself! Two-Eye says with a smile. How did you know that would work, Morgan?

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Manahath gives a strange look, like when a young child tries to hug Master Farabellus... and he takes the chain off the protean's neck.

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The creature dances around Manahath, dragging its tail around him like a cat rubbing up against a person. It appears to be very happy.

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"Huh, well, would you look at that. My mentor described horrendous battles against proteans in some of the Society's struggles a couple years back. Doesn't seem so bad here." He dangles the chain in front of a crooked smile, "What're we waiting for? Happy hour starts soon."
Necklace in hand he steps on the circle to deliver to Shaine that which he asked for.

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Manahath goes back through the portal, and moves to the Master of Scrolls. "So, do you have something for me?"
I assume the others follow?

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"Magical wards that cleaned an area, coupled with the presence of a protean wearing an amulet, were all the clues needed. They do love creation and destruction, though the test did seem to favour the latter. Tell me, Master Shaine, do most Pathfinders figure this out?"

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"Excellent!" says Kreighton Shaine. "You brought back the correct one. You were beginning to worry me."
He turns to what seems to be a random page of his book. "A being of law and order has one of my amulets. It’s one of the least of the inevitables, aeons bound tightly by rules and constraints."
He ponders for a moment, "Yes, yes, I think that will do. That is your next goal, the amulet from the inevitable."

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"Fair enough. We know it's not door number one. Let's try door number three." Manahath doesn't really wait.

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The party goes through the red portal, and ends up in aa large room where an interesting construct-like creature (you assume it is a creature?) hovers in the middle over a violet circle, precisely in the center of the room. It slowly revolves as if observing the room and its symmetry, not changing in the least as you enter the room.
See slide #5
You believe that this is a lantern archon. Friendly, curious, and eternally optimistic, lantern archons embody the virtue of hope.
This appears to be a cacodaemon to you. These embodiments of demented violence and spite are spawned from eddies of angry and warped souls amid Abaddon’s mists. Cacodaemons constantly hunger for mortal souls and yearn to create suffering.
This is interesting, but you haven't got a clue what it is
This is an aeon arbiter. These spherical inevitables are scouts and diplomats. Found throughout the multiverse, they have traditionally kept watch over on chaos and its agents.
You have never come across something like this before. You believe that it is either a an aeon arbiter or a lantern archon, but are not sure.
Very clearly, this must be an Augur Velstrac. These spherical knots of sinewy muscle, serrated blades, and bloody metal are the most common velstracs on the Shadow Plane.

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"Aeon arbiter. Respected friend to order and law. We wish to obtain an amulet that you hold under your care. Please hear my companions case on why this is right and just, and serves our highest purpose."

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"I've never come across something like this before, but based on what I've read it's either an aeon or a lantern archon. Are you certain that it's an aeon, Kralgang?"

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"Umm... I don't think it's either. Maybe we leave and check the last portal to see if there is something we all agree on?"

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Morgan sighs. "We can, I suppose. But let's see what it has to say to Kralgang's question. Or how it responds."

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An aeon? Two-Eye says, aghast. This is a being from the Shadow Plane, clearly! I can see it with my own two eyes!