The Journey of a Thousand Miles (Jade Regent AP)

Game Master Sensen

Current Chapter: The Hungry Storm
Wherein the caravan traverses a Crown, and the heroes discover Utmost North.
Date: Wealdaly, 8th Neth (XI) 4711 AR
Time of Day: Late Morning
Season: Autumn
Weather: 9° F (-13° C), Grey Skies

Lands of the Linnorm Kings
4711 AR Calendar

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She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

Torra takes a step away from the window to get better aim on the swarming birds. How could they all fit into that small room? A brief image of furniture covered in bird poop flashes through Torra's mind, quickly replaced by the more immediate concern of Yuto being pecked to death.

Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 Damage: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (4, 4, 2) + 12 = 22

HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

Yuto automatically reacts to the ravens coming over him slashing them with his katana "My eyes! I cannot see!"
Katana-CE: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 10 - 2 = 18
Slashing damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Concealment 50% mischance: 1d100 ⇒ 30

He steps a bit back.

HP 42+5-20/49-20 AC 21 TAC 12 (+2 vs evil)
9 Con damage
aid 3 min
antitoxin 1 h
lesser protective aura

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Surprise Round Wrap-Up

Torra takes a hasty step southward and hurls a blast at the swarm I'm assuming with bludgeoning damage that tears through a slew of feathered fiends, knocking broken bodies to the ground and sending the rest scattering out the windows.

Yuto still being blind, flails desperately at the empty air in front of him, until Helgarval mutters. "Your foes are here no more."

Though I will ask that you define whether high or low misses when rolling miss chance in the future.

Andochtuir rushes to Yuto's side, clearly ready to apply the first aid that would restore some use to his eyes.

In the distance - around the corner into the opened room, the heroes hear a chanting caw that sounds alarmingly like an incantation.

Spellcraft DC 18:
That sounds an awful lot like summon nature's ally specifically the III.

GM Rolls:

1d3 ⇒ 1 Well, that's just sad.

Round 1

Torra, Riftun, Yuto, and Andochtuir are up.


Yuto: HP 22/34 (and 5 temporary), AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19, CMD 19, resolve 0/3, challenge 2/2, honor in all things 1/1, Helgarval’s protective aura, 9 Con damage (20 max HP), aid 3 minutes, blinded 3 days (or until medical attention is received)
Torra: HP 59/59 (NL 10/59), AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMD 12, DR 4/adamantine, Burn 2
Andochtuir: HP 31/39, AC 27, touch 12, flat-footed 26, CMD 22, strength mutagen 28 minutes, heightened awareness 34 minutes, shield 4 minutes, 1 Con damage (5 max hp).
Riftun: HP 32/32, AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14, CMD 10, Bardic Performance 0/17, Lore Master 0/1

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

Torra moves to Yuto's side as well, ready to strike at whatever would come through the open door.

Readied attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 Damage: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (4, 4, 6) + 12 = 26

HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

"No-now what is there?!" says Yuto alarmed "I can hear someone casting magic..."

The Tian tries to remove the blood from his eyes without any success.

Blinded, Yuto slowly approaches towards the magic casting sounds.

HP 42+5-20/49-20 AC 21 TAC 12 (+2 vs evil)
9 Con damage
aid 3 min
antitoxin 1 h
lesser protective aura

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M Unbuffed stats: Hp 60/60, AC 23/FF22/T12. Saves: F+11 Ref +8, W+7 (+2 vs charm/comp.). Att +11, 1d10+8(18-20/x2). SA +3d6. Reach 10 ft, AoO 3/turn. CMB +11, CMD 23 Perc. +20, heal +22, Init +4. Cond.: non Current extra buffs: Mutagen (str), heroism, (+2ac and FF AC,, +4 str > +4 hit, +3 damage, +2 saves, +2 skills, +4 CMB and +2 CMD).

Andochtuir gestures for Yuto to wait, then mentally kicking himself knowing he couldn't see it. Instead he pulls the warrior back by the shoulder. "Wait." He then channels most of what remains of his healing energy to Yuto in effort to heal both him and his wounds!
Heal, counts as treat deadly wounds: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (7) + 18 = 25

Heals Yuto for 27, I assume this also heals his eyesight from earlier applications of Raven blind. I think Andy only has 1 heal left now, though. Perhaps it is time to try and rest.

"Okay, you're good! Go for the caster Yuto!" Andochtuir then cheers him on.

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Round 1 Wrap-Up

Riftun moves to join his companions, urging Torra to be ready to attack whatever comes out of the doorway.

Torra stands ready, bolstered by her bardic ally's words, while Yuto advances and Andochtuir follows hastily, healing him with the pure power of the planes.

As the pair approach the door, a translucent whirlwind emerges, hissing breathily, and lashes out at Yuto with a burst of air. The samurai doesn't even need to guard against its feeble strike, however, as it sails over his head without his intervention.
Slam vs. Yuto: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Immediately, Torra hurls her projectile of earth and stone at it, shattering its form and sending it wailing back to the Plane of Air.

As it disappears, a overlarge raven with a single blood-red feather swoops out of the open doorway, and begins hovering near an opened window. More alarmingly, a ball of fire flickers and blazes on its shoulder, clearly magical in nature... and its gaze is malevolently fixed on the party. "You," it's voice is a squawk, "should not be here!"

Round 2

Everyone is up.


Yuto: HP 34/34 (and 5 temporary), AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19, CMD 19, resolve 0/3, challenge 2/2, honor in all things 1/1, Helgarval’s protective aura, 9 Con damage (20 max HP), aid 3 minutes
Torra: HP 59/59 (NL 10/59), AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMD 12, DR 4/adamantine, Burn 2
Andochtuir: HP 31/39, AC 27, touch 12, flat-footed 26, CMD 22, strength mutagen 28 minutes, heightened awareness 34 minutes, shield 4 minutes, 1 Con damage (5 max hp).
Riftun: HP 32/32, AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14, CMD 10, Bardic Performance 0/17, Lore Master 0/1

HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

Emboldened by the healing, Yuto moves forward, then halts a bit when the air attacks him, only to keep progressing when the raven squawks his words "Another shapechanger?! And a conjurer!"
Katana-CE+aid: 1d20 + 10 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 10 - 2 + 1 = 22
Slashing damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

HP 49+5-20/49-20 AC 23 TAC 14 (+2 vs evil)
combat expertise (+2 AC)
9 Con damage
aid 3 min
antitoxin 1 h
lesser protective aura

M Unbuffed stats: Hp 60/60, AC 23/FF22/T12. Saves: F+11 Ref +8, W+7 (+2 vs charm/comp.). Att +11, 1d10+8(18-20/x2). SA +3d6. Reach 10 ft, AoO 3/turn. CMB +11, CMD 23 Perc. +20, heal +22, Init +4. Cond.: non Current extra buffs: Mutagen (str), heroism, (+2ac and FF AC,, +4 str > +4 hit, +3 damage, +2 saves, +2 skills, +4 CMB and +2 CMD).
Aganhei GM wrote:

Round 1 Wrap-Up

"You," it's voice is a squawk, "should not be here!"

"And you, need better lines!" Andy mocks, moving forward and striking the raven with his polearm!

Attack, assuming CA: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
damage, mutagen, PA: 1d10 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18

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She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

"That bird! It's been following us for a long time." Everyone present already knew that, of course, but in her shock and surprise Torra simply blurts out the information.

Hoping to capture the talking bird alive, she focuses her power carefully, aiming to stun rather than kill.

Attack, merciful infusion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 Damage, NL: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (3, 4, 2) + 12 = 21

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Round 2 Wrap-Up

Torra hurls a blast at the bird, hoping to knock it unconscious, but the dog-sized raven twists in midair, easily evading the attack.

Riftun urges his two warrior companions on where to strike for maximum effect.

Yuto strikes first, slashing a tremendous gash across the creature's chest. It shrieks hideously, wavering in the air long enough for Andochtuir to get a strike of his own in, cleaving a chunk of flesh from the red-feathered bird.

The bloodfeather raven beats its wings backwards, trying to escape the lethal blades of its foes, and slips out the open window into the sky beyond. "Bah!" With a toss of its head, it hurls a bolt of flame at Yuto. Though Helgarval attempts to protect him, the burst of fire burns a nasty hole in his armor and sears his flesh. Nauseating pain shoots through the area around the burn, and the sickening scent of cooked human fills his nostrils.
Produce Flame vs. Yuto, touch: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Fire Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 Yuto is at 25 hp.

Round 3

Everyone is up.


Yuto: HP 25/34 (and 5 temporary), AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19, CMD 19, resolve 0/3, challenge 2/2, honor in all things 1/1, Helgarval’s protective aura, 9 Con damage (20 max HP), aid 3 minutes
Torra: HP 59/59 (NL 10/59), AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMD 12, DR 4/adamantine, Burn 2
Andochtuir: HP 31/39, AC 27, touch 12, flat-footed 26, CMD 22, strength mutagen 28 minutes, heightened awareness 34 minutes, shield 4 minutes, 1 Con damage (5 max hp).
Riftun: HP 32/32, AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14, CMD 10, Bardic Performance 0/17, Lore Master 0/1

HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

Yuto screams in pain as the fire starts to burn his skin "Ah! Tricky one! So thi-this is the raven that followed us you say Torra?!"

Resolved to not let the raven go, the Tian moves forward, slashing at the bird with a cautious stance.
Katana-CE+aid: 1d20 + 10 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 10 - 2 + 1 = 22
Slashing damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

I assume the raven took a 5-foot step in the air to avoid AoOs, and hence is still on reach!

HP 45-20/49-20 AC 23 TAC 14 (+2 vs evil)
combat expertise (+2 AC)
9 Con damage
aid 3 min
antitoxin 1 h
lesser protective aura

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

"We saw it before, didn't we? What kind of creature is it?"

Hoping that Riftun or Andochtuir, who seemed to know so much, might have an answer to that, Torra runs next to Yuto in pursue of the white raven.

Attack, merciful infusion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 Damage, NL: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (5, 5, 2) + 12 = 24

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Round 3 Wrap-Up

Torra gathers power as she hustles to the window and blasts out at the raven. It takes the chance to swipe at her with its beak, but the kineticist dodges the attack with ease, instead hurling her earthen projectile the raven. The avian spellcaster is caught off-guard, and even with the cover of the window frame, it is struck square in the chest, and topples down towards the roof below.
I'll assume you do that, rather than blasting and rushing to the window. However, I believe that we determined blasts do prompt AoOs?

AoO vs. Torra, partial cover: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12 Doesn't change things even if that's true!

Falling Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5 Ouch.

The dog-sized bird crunches loudly against the surface below.

Combat Over.


Yuto: HP 25/34 (and 5 temporary), AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19, CMD 19, resolve 0/3, challenge 2/2, honor in all things 1/1, Helgarval’s protective aura, 9 Con damage (20 max HP), aid 3 minutes
Torra: HP 59/59 (NL 10/59), AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMD 12, DR 4/adamantine, Burn 2
Andochtuir: HP 31/39, AC 27, touch 12, flat-footed 26, CMD 22, strength mutagen 28 minutes, heightened awareness 34 minutes, shield 4 minutes, 1 Con damage (5 max hp).
Riftun: HP 32/32, AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14, CMD 10, Bardic Performance 0/17, Lore Master 0/1

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

"I tried to spare its life, so that we might talk to it, but..." Torra winces as she leans over the window frame to look at where the bird lies still below.

The dwarf turns to their companions, hoping that someone more nimble can climb down to retrieve the white-feathered raven.

M Unbuffed stats: Hp 60/60, AC 23/FF22/T12. Saves: F+11 Ref +8, W+7 (+2 vs charm/comp.). Att +11, 1d10+8(18-20/x2). SA +3d6. Reach 10 ft, AoO 3/turn. CMB +11, CMD 23 Perc. +20, heal +22, Init +4. Cond.: non Current extra buffs: Mutagen (str), heroism, (+2ac and FF AC,, +4 str > +4 hit, +3 damage, +2 saves, +2 skills, +4 CMB and +2 CMD).

"Not an easy climb. I could try to rappel down with a rope, though." Andy suggest, taking out his rope and getting to it. "Apologies in advance for the mess. Not going to risk that thing getting back up if I find it breathing. I admire your resolve to not kill, Torra. But these are assassins, and we are inside an enemy base. They could easily retrieve them and have it fighting us again later if we leave them be."

With Andy's str mutagen, his take 10 climb dc is 15. Should get him to the body and back with a rope. If the bird is alive, he kills it, then loots the body.

HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

Yuto gasps heavily as the adrenaline of combat goes down "No-no need to be so-sorry Torra San... you just did what was needed to sa-save us..."

The young man looks down through the window and gulps "Perhaps we can have a look when we go to check the basement"

Focusing back to the room they are "Th-this seems to be the u-upper floor. The cache must be here as there is nowhere else to go" he searches diligently around the room while the group rests and decides what to do next.
Perception (take 20): 20 + 9 = 29

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Andochtuir hastily descends the side of the tower and finds that the overlarge corvid is, indeed, still alive. Rectifying that with a careful cut, his quick search reveals that it had a ring around its ankle and a small scroll case with a single scroll in it.

On his return, Riftun takes a moment to study each. Though he confesses he doesn't know what the scroll holds, he does identify that the ring will protect someone from attacks.

Riftun Spellcraft vs. Scroll: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Riftun Spellcraft vs. Ring: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

The ring is a ring of protection +1.

A further search of the ravens' rookery reveals a substantial collection of humanoid teeth, 27 gold pieces, an ivory and onyx necklace, and a raven-sized writing kit with equally small cuts of paper.

Torra Appraise: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

The necklace seems like it'd sell for about 130 gp.

Further, a search through the room with the door next to the raven's room - which looks like it might have once been a guest room - reveals a flue upwards - one clogged by what must be Snorri's hidden treasure. They are soot-stained boots of some sort.

Riftun Spellcraft vs. Boots: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Once again, Riftun is abashed to admit that he has no idea what the boots do, but he confirms that they are indeed magical... somehow.

Yuto opening the trap door above reveals a wooden platform that has been built into the thatch roof of the tower; it is backed by wooden siding, while the far edge is a sheer drop off to the vale below. Nearby, he sees a small wire coop with a wooden table next to it sits in the shelter formed by the roof’s peak. The entire platform and adjoining roof are thick with bird droppings, and numerous black birds flutter around and croak ominously.

To his surprise, none of the birds make any move to attack - instead, they simply stare at him, looking as ravens often do - curious.

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

Tucking the necklace away, Torra climbs onto the roof after Yuto and spends a few long moments looking at the breath-taking view from the high place.

The dwarf seems lost in it for a time, until the others get ready to return to their search of the fortress.

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Yuto Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Torra Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Riftun Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19
Andochtuir Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Before they leave the roof, the party notices a small, shiny bauble - no doubt collected by the birds - lying within the droppings. A brief cleaning reveals that it is a small, but pretty diamond. With Torra's experienced eyes, it is clear that the small stone is worth quite a bit. 300 gp, to be exact.

Torra Appraise: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Where do you guys want to go next? I suggest a retreat to recover, possibly.

HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

" Easy " Yuto tries calming down the ravens while Torra cleans the diamond.

Once the group descends again to the office, Yuto kneels, half resting on the ground "I still feel very tired from the poison. Should we check the basement before they have a chance to run away? We have not found what we were looking for yet. Or shall we rest?"

M Unbuffed stats: Hp 60/60, AC 23/FF22/T12. Saves: F+11 Ref +8, W+7 (+2 vs charm/comp.). Att +11, 1d10+8(18-20/x2). SA +3d6. Reach 10 ft, AoO 3/turn. CMB +11, CMD 23 Perc. +20, heal +22, Init +4. Cond.: non Current extra buffs: Mutagen (str), heroism, (+2ac and FF AC,, +4 str > +4 hit, +3 damage, +2 saves, +2 skills, +4 CMB and +2 CMD).

Climbing back through the window, Andochtuir lets out a tired sigh. "Perhaps we haven't been out here that long, but these battles have been... a strain, as has the draw on my healing capacity. I suggest we do a temporary withdraw to rest and recover."

"I... wish Teruko had come with us." He states as the group begins to come.

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She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

"So do I, but think of the danger we've been in so far! What if she had been hurt, or killed? Then Ameiko would be heart-broken!"

Torra looks around for the most defensible position as they talk. "I am tired as well. Trying to hold back my power so that I don't kill people is very draining. It's like the force wants to burst forth, and trying to diminish the impact is like fighting with an unruly horse. A very big horse."

Torra was quite afraid of horses, as they were so much larger than her, and she found them capricious and unknowable creatures.

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The badly battered group retreats through Ravenscraeg, keeping to the rooms they are reasonably sure are safe, and finally head down the stairs towards the ground far below - where their temporary camp is - and where Lute Haggersley waits.

For more or less clearing the upper floors of Ravenscraeg, You have ascended to Level 6.. "You sense yourself more aware, more open to new ideas. You've learned a lot about Golarion. It's hard to believe how ignorant you were -- but now you have so much more to learn."

Let me know what the adjustments are in the discussion thread.

The merchant looks up, clearly still exhausted from his ordeals. "You're back- and look very much the worse for wear. Are you alright?" He asks, his accent less noticeable now that he is in a less trying position.

HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

"Y-y-yes. We are Lute San." Yuto breaths over his hands, just to check the magics are still protecting him from the coldness outside "A-almost" he then checks the wound where the tengu poisoned him.

Finally, he collapses to the ground, looking for something to eat in the backpack "The fact we have not f-found Thorborg Silverskorr, nor her advi-visor Goti Runecaster, is a bit reassuring... p-perhaps they are not in the fortress?"

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

"If they are not here, we still need to find them. Otherwise they will pursue us and harry us when we begin our travels again," offers Torra, frowning.

The dwarf takes the second watch, when night is darkest.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

M Unbuffed stats: Hp 60/60, AC 23/FF22/T12. Saves: F+11 Ref +8, W+7 (+2 vs charm/comp.). Att +11, 1d10+8(18-20/x2). SA +3d6. Reach 10 ft, AoO 3/turn. CMB +11, CMD 23 Perc. +20, heal +22, Init +4. Cond.: non Current extra buffs: Mutagen (str), heroism, (+2ac and FF AC,, +4 str > +4 hit, +3 damage, +2 saves, +2 skills, +4 CMB and +2 CMD).

"Here Yuto, drink this," Andochtuir offers as he begins emptying his elixirs to prepare a fresh batch.

lesser restoration: 1d4 ⇒ 1

If the Alchemist 'spellslots' become available prior to going to sleep, he will prepare a second one with his new slot.

second rstoration draft?: 1d4 ⇒ 3

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Sounds fair to me, Andochtuir. Is the second one also for Yuto?

M Unbuffed stats: Hp 60/60, AC 23/FF22/T12. Saves: F+11 Ref +8, W+7 (+2 vs charm/comp.). Att +11, 1d10+8(18-20/x2). SA +3d6. Reach 10 ft, AoO 3/turn. CMB +11, CMD 23 Perc. +20, heal +22, Init +4. Cond.: non Current extra buffs: Mutagen (str), heroism, (+2ac and FF AC,, +4 str > +4 hit, +3 damage, +2 saves, +2 skills, +4 CMB and +2 CMD).

Yeah, both on Yuto. So he would heal 4 con damage. I could use 150 g to brew a potion of it at the start of the next day if we're okay with waiting two hours after we had the long rest. Also, for reference, when does the 1 point of condamage we heal 'each day' naturally heal? Is that at the end of the rest we make here or 24 hours from the time Yuto and Andy took the poison damage from the Tengu?

HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

"Wh-what is this Sir Andochtuir?" Yuto questions the half-elf while gazing at the beverage offered. When the alchemist insists to drinks it, he knows he needs to have faith and even reeling a bit from the strange smell and taste, he drinks it full.

Just a few minutes from then, the improvement becomes clear "I-I start to feel much better... thanks..."

Yuto is happy to take either the first or third watch after Torra. He will entertain himself taking care of the edge of his katana, and passes a considerable amount of time looking up at the stars and thinking.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

4 Con healed, super thanks! The 1 more for resting can become 2 if Yuto is properly treated for the night (Heal check DC 15)

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

With regards to the damage... I have no idea. I'll say it heals over a night's rest naturally, and as Yuto says, if you do some treatment, you get the extra point of reduction.

The night's watch is quiet and without issue - whether the Frozen Shadows have sent out any search parties out or not, they have not found the heroes.

GM Rolls:

1d4 ⇒ 1
1d6 ⇒ 4

Toilday, 24th of Lamashan 4711

The following morning is chilly and overcast, but at least the air is still. Once all of the group have completed their daily preparations, Lute looks at them. "Are you... going to go back up there? Or will you help me back to Kalsgard?" Though he seems hopeful, there's some iron in his words - he'll probably try to go back either way.

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HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

Craft+honor in all things (clothing): 1d20 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 4 = 18
Through the night, Yuto works on completing the sewing of some symbols over the blank cloth he bought in Kalsgard.


Yuto calmly fits the leather straps of his armor looking at the frozen sky and slowly breathing the chilly air "Sorry about Lute San, but we... we have pe-pending tasks out there..."

"We were lucky they d-did not found us tonight. If we le-leave like this now... they will f-find us, and our friends, at some point... we need to protect them" strapping the cords of his shield to his arm, the Tien stabs a short mast in between the pieces of his armor and his backpack.

The clothing unfolds flapping in the air, a sewed katana emerging out of an open book as a crescent Sun brights from the intersection of both symbols "And here we are, just us against the Frozen Shadows. Ready to end this for good?"

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She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

Heal, DC 15: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32

At the end of her watch, Torra makes some ginger tea for Yuto to help him recover fully after the poisoning.

In the morning, she grumbles as usual about the cold. "Much more of this and we'll become frozen shadows ourselves." As Yuto unfurls his banner, Torra nods in appreciation. "That is very beautiful, Yuto. You have good skill with embroidery."

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

The Night Before

Yuto manages to get some practice with his needle and thread on the fabric - it's not his best work, but it it still fairly decent.

Torra's treatment helps Yuto recover further, and come morning he feels even better than before. It looks like (according to my math), Yuto is at only 3 Con damage now.


Lute looks disappointed, but nods slowly.

Riftun looks distinctly uncomfortable with that choice, hesitating. "I could bring you back, sir. If..." He looks at his companions. "If you all don't mind."

HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

"Oh, no! Ho-how are we going to do wi-without you?!" Yuto trembles just from the prospect of seeing Riftun go "W-we need your cheering, y-your knowledge and your magic"

The young grizzled man stares eye to eye at the Ulfen boy, not sure how to convince him to stay "I know Ameiko and the others need be informed of what is going on... ma-maybe they can send a group to fight, and Lute cannot wait for us here forever..."

Seeing the resolve in the boy's eyes, Yuto adds almost weeping "...but please come back..."

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

Torra's eyes go wide. "What if the reason we haven't found Thorborg or Goti is because they are not here! What if they attack the caravan? Riftun is right, Ameiko and the others must be warned!" The dwarf casts a worried look at the Ulfen bard. "Are you sure you will be alright on your own though? Is Zaiobe nearby at least? Perhaps she can travel with you."

M Unbuffed stats: Hp 60/60, AC 23/FF22/T12. Saves: F+11 Ref +8, W+7 (+2 vs charm/comp.). Att +11, 1d10+8(18-20/x2). SA +3d6. Reach 10 ft, AoO 3/turn. CMB +11, CMD 23 Perc. +20, heal +22, Init +4. Cond.: non Current extra buffs: Mutagen (str), heroism, (+2ac and FF AC,, +4 str > +4 hit, +3 damage, +2 saves, +2 skills, +4 CMB and +2 CMD).

Andochtuir looks up from the kettle he had been brewing and slowly gets on his feet. "Riftun..." He sighs. "Go. And... please, stay there where it's safe." Shaking his head, he adds: "I don't think you're ready. All this killing... it doesn't sound like the life for you. And I can't lie, not when it's about your safety. These Tengu, Yuto can take a hit. Torra and I can too, I think. But you... I'm not sure I can protect you well enough. If they get you the same way they got Yuto yesterday... I don't want to imagine it. Go tell the others that we're safe - for now - and that if someone not of the Caravan can be found to help us, we could use them. I wish you all the best, my friend, and hope we can meet again under better circumstances."

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Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Riftun hesitates at Yuto's exclamation. "I'm sorry. I'll do my best to come back fast, but if all else fails, we can use one of these." He pulls a fugitive's grenade from his pack. "That should keep us safe until the threat passes."

At Torra's question, he looks distracted for a moment, his eyes distant. "Zaiobe says she can meet us on our way back. There haven't been any attacks on our friends, though."

He nods firmly. "I'll ask Zaiobe to see if anyone's able to come to help you. Just... promise that you'll retreat if you get badly hurt."

Before he leaves, Riftun casts a few healing spells on the most injured of the heroes. You weren't quite topped up from the night's rest, but now you are.

Finally, the Ulfen duo set off, leaving the others behind for the moment.

I'm assuming you don't want to linger too long at camp, but feel free to ignore the following until you're ready to head out.

Thus, the heroes head out once again, on the path to the Frozen Shadows' base.

As the party makes its way towards Ravenscraeg, Torra notices a few signs that several people walked along the path towards the holdfast. If she had to guess, there were probably about five people walking towards the cliff-face.

Torra Survival: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31

HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

Before he leaves, Yuto shows Riftun the arrows found in the armory "Can you try find out what they are now that we are more calm here?"

Yuto looks sadly as the Ulfen leave "Sic. Hope we see you again, friend"

Turning towards the mountain-based fortress, the Tian steps forward ready "And we w-walk in the o-opposite direction I guess..."

Unless someone wants to do something more at camp, Yuto begins the way back to the Frozen Shadows place.

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

Pointing at tracks in the snow, Torra warns the others. "It looks like about five people have been walking towards the fortress recently. Perhaps reinforcements, or..." The dwarf trails off, pausing to peer into the distance towards Ravenscraeg.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Helgarval hums atop Yuto's head. "I agree." It says, when Yuto gives it the chance to examine the tracks by looking more closely at them.

Ravenscraeg looks relatively undisturbed at this distance - there's no more sign of life than there was the day prior, but what that may mean is unclear.

HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

"Th-the tengu... I think so-some of them might have managed to escape..." Yuto looks down at the tracks thoughtful while letting the Cacassian helm see "We have to stop them once and for all"

"Wh-while their bosses are still doing, th-they will keep attracting people to their ranks, w-we have to break the line of command" the young man looks back at the words read in his war books.

With the tracks studied, Yuto resumes the march towards Ravenscraeg. He takes a careful approach when climbing up again to the fortress, trying to cover the group with his shield.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Oops, I missed Yuto asking Riftun to identify the arrow.

Riftun Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Nope, he can't. It's a pretty high-level magical item, after all.

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M Unbuffed stats: Hp 60/60, AC 23/FF22/T12. Saves: F+11 Ref +8, W+7 (+2 vs charm/comp.). Att +11, 1d10+8(18-20/x2). SA +3d6. Reach 10 ft, AoO 3/turn. CMB +11, CMD 23 Perc. +20, heal +22, Init +4. Cond.: non Current extra buffs: Mutagen (str), heroism, (+2ac and FF AC,, +4 str > +4 hit, +3 damage, +2 saves, +2 skills, +4 CMB and +2 CMD).

"Well, we won't get blindsided like we did yesterday - I hope. This potion should help me see them, that is, If I got the ratio of owl eyes to mugworth stalks right..."

When we the entrance of the castle comes into View, Andy will drink his Mutagen and an Extract of See Invisibility. He can see Invisible enemies normally for 50 minutes. Also his Mutagen now also lasts 50 minues.

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

"Owl eyes?!" Torra looks at Andochtuir in dismay. "Please don't kill any more owls. I was testing something last night, while I was on watch. If I close my eyes, I can... feel someone moving nearby, through the vibrations that pass through stone or earth. Although that won't help if they are flying or levitating... Hm."

HP 67/67 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage

"Yo-you mean you can feel the earth itself Torra?" Yuto looks impressed at his friends, bewildered by their increasing fantasy powers. The humble Tian, looks down at his mundane katana and remembers some words on his books "Our best weapon is our resolve to help Amiko. We need to reach to the bottom of this place"

Once the group makes it up, Yuto will look to reach the stairs going downstairs into the fortress basement.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

The heroes journey up the heavy stairs, winds picking up as they ascend. The boards groan alarmingly, as though they are on their last legs, but nothing breaks on their way upwards.

Soon, however, a hail of rocks comes down towards them - although the landings and stairs give them cover, they are most certainly under attack.

Combat Start


Torra: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Yuto: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Andochtuir: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Thugs: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

The shouts and shuffling of feet from above tell the party that their attackers are on the main landing outside of the doors into Ravenscraeg.

I'm taking the Surprise Round as an automatic failure to hit you by default. Alternately, you would have found them, and seen that they were up there, so no surprise round either way.

Round 1

Initiative Order is Torra, Andochtuir, thugs, Yuto. Bolded characters are up.


Yuto: HP 53/53, AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19, CMD 19, resolve 3/3, challenge 2/2, honor in all things 1/1, Helgarval’s protective aura, 3 Con damage (10 max HP)
Torra: HP 70/70 (NL 12/70), AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMD 12, DR 4/adamantine, Burn 2
Andochtuir: HP 45/52, AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 22, CMD 22, strength(?) mutagen 50 minutes, see invisibility 50 minutes

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She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (0 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60'

Attack grey: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 Damage: 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (3, 4, 2) + 10 = 19

Torra catches one of the rocks out of the air, reversing its momentum and sending it flying at one of the attackers. Then the dwarf flattens herself against the cliff face, trying to make as small a target as possible.

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M Unbuffed stats: Hp 60/60, AC 23/FF22/T12. Saves: F+11 Ref +8, W+7 (+2 vs charm/comp.). Att +11, 1d10+8(18-20/x2). SA +3d6. Reach 10 ft, AoO 3/turn. CMB +11, CMD 23 Perc. +20, heal +22, Init +4. Cond.: non Current extra buffs: Mutagen (str), heroism, (+2ac and FF AC,, +4 str > +4 hit, +3 damage, +2 saves, +2 skills, +4 CMB and +2 CMD).

Andochtuir takes one look upward, sighs and drinks an Extract of Barkskin. "Again? What is it with these assassins getting in the way of my drinking habits?"

Then he continues walking upward, bracing himself for whatever was up top. AC 25 for 50 min. 22 CMD and +11 CMB if it matters. Currently updating his profile.

Loot List | Terrain Map | Encounter Maps | Caravan

Round 1 Midpoint

Torra hurls one of their stony projectiles back up at the attackers, and is rewarded with a sickening crunch followed by a wail as a human man falls past their position.

Andochtuir drinks his extract and continues to progress carefully.

Grey Rock Throw vs. Yuto, cover, flat-footed: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
Red Rock Throw vs. Andochtuir, cover: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16
Green Rock Throw vs. Torra, cover: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18

Another hail of stones comes sailing down at the heroes as the Frozen Shadows haul more rock over the edge at them. Predictably, however, the intervening wood gets in the way, keeping the party safe.

Yuto is up.


Yuto: HP 53/53, AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19, CMD 19, resolve 3/3, challenge 2/2, honor in all things 1/1, Helgarval’s protective aura, 3 Con damage (10 max HP)
Torra: HP 70/70 (NL 12/70), AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMD 12, DR 4/adamantine, Burn 2
Andochtuir: HP 45/52, AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 22, CMD 22, strength(?) mutagen 50 minutes, see invisibility 50 minutes, barkskin 50 minutes

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