Pirate Post IV Q9 (Inactive)

Game Master Pirate Rob

Pirate Post

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Crossed Court

Seems like either the whole thing either works properly, or not at all. Thievery isn't particularly helpful here. Your characters aren't quite sure what it is you're dealing with but its a piece of Azlanti technology. If you were trying to make it non-functional (like it currently is) disable device would help, but the difficulty here is understanding how a circuit board works so that you can plug the fuses into the correct positions, not fine motor control or other bits covered by thievery. It's unsurprising that most Pathfinders don't have a good sense of electrical engineering. Of course the lack of Azlanti language in the party makes the encounter more opaque as you can't understand the spoken instructions. It's nice to succeed on this part but it's not fatally detrimental to your quest if it fails and as mentioned its designed to be difficult.

Zandu helps out his allies while Dr. Lazarus gets the North panel's energy flowing properly.

Round 2:
Cariad, Tarbh and Hampton are up! (W/Guidance)


East Panel: A small glass tube with wiring in it is broken. Crafting checks or easy Azlant Lore/Engineering Lore checks to repair the tube.

West Panel: The glass tubes in this panel have become dislodged, and putting them back in place is a delicate operation. Easy Azlant Lore/Engineering Lore checks to put the tubes back in the proper place.

Note that while a panel is at 0 successes you can't make it worse.

Envoy's Alliance

Male dwarf barbarian 3 | hp: 58/58 (rage temp hp: 0/6), hero points: 1 | AC 20 (rage 19) | F+10 R+6 W+8 (+2 F/R vs trip, shove, knock prone) | Speed 20ft | Perception +8 | Current conditions:

Frustrated that Cariad beat him to the punch at the southern panel, Tarbh charges over to the east, a bull heading toward a glass-tube shop.

Crafting, guidance, clue in: 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 1 + 1 = 9

Verdant Wheel

CN female half-elf ranger 3 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 (21 with parry) | F +8 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 | Stealth +7 | Speed:25 ft | Active Conditions: ---

Cariad joins Tarbh at the eastern panel.

Crafting, guidance: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 5 + 1 = 23

Crossed Court

Cariad and Tarbh race to try and figure out the eastern panel...

Hampton is still up, but needs 3 success split between 2 panels so...

As the timer hits 0 a faint klaxon and hissing sound are heard faintly from beyond the hatch for a few seconds before going silent.

After that the timer continues to flash and the hatch remains locked, there do not seem to be any other ill effects however.

At this point with no time pressure you can freely work on the panels until you eventually get them working, which we'll assume you do which unlocks the hatch.

With the panels repaired the flashing finally disappears and the hatch unlocks.

Beyond the hatch is a sparkling staircase that descends into a fog filled chamber. The area appears to be lit, but is hard to make out specifics through the fog.

–2 penalty on sight-based Perception checks (including perception based initiative rolls) down below, as well as limited sight range, and other potential unknown effects.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 85/96 | AC 26 (25 w/ fatigue) | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' (50' w/ bracelet) | Leads: Onyx & Marcien | Hero: 1 | Conditions: fatigued

Using his Keen Recollection, Dr. Lazarus helps with the glass tubes in the West Panel.

Once the hatch is open, the Doctor gives up pursuing that particular lead and focuses on the next. He keeps his eyes and ears open as he follows the group downward into the foggy chamber.

Envoy's Alliance

Male dwarf barbarian 3 | hp: 58/58 (rage temp hp: 0/6), hero points: 1 | AC 20 (rage 19) | F+10 R+6 W+8 (+2 F/R vs trip, shove, knock prone) | Speed 20ft | Perception +8 | Current conditions:

Tarbh leads the way down into the foggy chamber, fencepost in hand and looking for trouble.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Rogue 3 | HP 3/38 | 0/3 Hero Point | Perc’ +8 ; Speed 30 ft. | AC 20 | Fort +6 ; Ref +11 ; Will +8 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +11, +2 from Incredible Initiative) | Languages: Common, Elven, Varisian | Active conditions: Trap Finder

Zandu continues close behind Tarbh, moving quietly so as to get the jump on any danger there might be. He draws is shortsword as well. He's not sure he'll need to stab anyone, but if being a Pathfinder has taught him anything it's that eventually, he will.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 85/96 | AC 26 (25 w/ fatigue) | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' (50' w/ bracelet) | Leads: Onyx & Marcien | Hero: 1 | Conditions: fatigued

When he sees the rest of the group with weapons out, Dr. Lazarus agrees it's the prudent thing to do and draws his elven curve blade before heading into the chamber.

Verdant Wheel

CN female half-elf ranger 3 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 (21 with parry) | F +8 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 | Stealth +7 | Speed:25 ft | Active Conditions: ---

Cariad pulls out a blade in each hand and has Candela follow behind her.

Crossed Court

Sorry to be slow on the next update, should be later tonight.

Crossed Court

Descending into the underground chamber you find it well lit by bright recessed lights and is immaculately clean, but foggy.

As you reach the bottom of the spiral stairs a single door opens on its own while the others remain sealed shut. You're certain you couldn't get any of them open.

Put the open door in orange since it's hard to see with how I have the map set up.

Somewhere deeper, perhaps through a second doorway are a faint set of moving blue lights.

A voice, more similar to a tree than a person calls out from the fog.

"Please enter for your power upgrades."

Feel free to place yourselves in the chamber with the stairs, or if you want to push forward immediately into the lightly foggy room.

Horizon Hunters

Human (half-elf) Rgr5 | HP: 73/73 | AC: 22| Fort: +11, Refl: +13, Will: +10 | Perc (E): +10 (low-light vision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +11) | Focus points: 1/1 | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

No worries. Thought it was worth asking -- creative solutions and all. :-)

Hampton waves his hand in front of his face as though trying to clear the fog. When it yields nothing fruitful, he frowns a bit and steps off the stairs. He looks back at the party in surprise, and not a little bit of alarm. I presume the voice is in Common. Rather unexpected to find someone down here, and sounding very much alive, no?

He peers into the next room, trying to discern anything pertinent.
Perception (low-light vision): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Envoy's Alliance

Male dwarf barbarian 3 | hp: 58/58 (rage temp hp: 0/6), hero points: 1 | AC 20 (rage 19) | F+10 R+6 W+8 (+2 F/R vs trip, shove, knock prone) | Speed 20ft | Perception +8 | Current conditions:

"Who'sat?" Tarbh grips his fencepost tighter as he peers into the room.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Crossed Court

Although there is only the sound of one voice, Hampton and Tarbh suspect there may be a second creature, both in the further room.

The voice repeats, almost robotically "Please enter for your power upgrades."

The voice does seem to be speaking in common.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Rogue 3 | HP 3/38 | 0/3 Hero Point | Perc’ +8 ; Speed 30 ft. | AC 20 | Fort +6 ; Ref +11 ; Will +8 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +11, +2 from Incredible Initiative) | Languages: Common, Elven, Varisian | Active conditions: Trap Finder

"Could be magic, maybe?"

Zandu looks uncomfortable. But if no one sees anything he will forge ahead.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 85/96 | AC 26 (25 w/ fatigue) | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' (50' w/ bracelet) | Leads: Onyx & Marcien | Hero: 1 | Conditions: fatigued

Upon hearing the strange robotic voice, Dr. Lazarus Pursues a Lead with that creature as the subject of the lead.

The Doctor creeps up to the door next to Zandu, and he peers through the opening.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 (w/ low-light vision)

When Zandu asks about possible magic, Dr. Lazarus whispers back, "Good idea. I'll check."

Lazarus casts Detect Magic and continues with that as his Exploration Activity in the chamber.

Verdant Wheel

CN female half-elf ranger 3 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 (21 with parry) | F +8 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 | Stealth +7 | Speed:25 ft | Active Conditions: ---

Cariad stays poised and ready for whatever's there. She's heard trees speak before, but never about power upgrades.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Rogue 3 | HP 3/38 | 0/3 Hero Point | Perc’ +8 ; Speed 30 ft. | AC 20 | Fort +6 ; Ref +11 ; Will +8 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +11, +2 from Incredible Initiative) | Languages: Common, Elven, Varisian | Active conditions: Trap Finder

Zandu sighs, then opts to move first. "Be ready if something springs out to kill me."

He sneaks forward, moving slowly through the fog.

Horizon Hunters

Human (half-elf) Rgr5 | HP: 73/73 | AC: 22| Fort: +11, Refl: +13, Will: +10 | Perc (E): +10 (low-light vision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +11) | Focus points: 1/1 | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

Hampton double-takes as Zandu edges forward. You're not going alone, my friend, he says, falling into step behind him.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 85/96 | AC 26 (25 w/ fatigue) | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' (50' w/ bracelet) | Leads: Onyx & Marcien | Hero: 1 | Conditions: fatigued

With his elven ears perked up tracking the robotic voice, Dr. Lazarus follows along with the others. He has his blade drawn while casting Detect Magic as he goes. The stoic doctor seems almost giddy as the group advances, and he wonders aloud, "What wonderful mysteries await us in this cavern...."

Crossed Court

There is indeed magic present.

A creature steps forward, now visible in fog. Not quite foggy enough for concealment at this distance, still -2 to perception though

In one hand it holds a strange Wayfinder, like the one Musello gave you, with a glowing blue Aeon stone imbedded in it. In the other hand it holds a whip that appears to be made of pure lightning!

Somewhere behind it floating blue lights dance around the foggy room.

It once again speaks in perfect unaccented common "Upgrades are required, you will be processed into Aeon Stones."

It seems ready to use force to accomplish this task.


Tarbh: 1d20 + 8 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 8 - 1 = 27
Dr. Lazarus: 1d20 + 10 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 10 - 1 = 11
Cariad: 1d20 + 9 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 9 - 1 = 10
Hampton: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 1 = 12
Zandu: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 8 + 1 = 15
W: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 8 - 2 = 11
B: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 8 - 2 = 10

Used Orange for the doorway again.

If you enter the back room:

There's another wood golem in here! (1 square west, 4 south from the visible golem)

Also the purple circle on the map represents a small cluster of aeon stones that floats two feet off the ground, orbiting by shards of shattered aeon stones that crackle with electricity. Although it's hard to make out the individual stones in the fog. One trained in thievery could work on 'disabling' it by removing stones.


Wood Golem??
Dr. Lazarus

Tarbh, Zandu and Hampton are up!
Neither avoid notice initiative is high enough to start hidden

Crossed Court

Arcana or Crafting to ID the creature, go ahead and roll yourself if you you recall knowledge, only read spoiler after attempting to do so. It looks strange and not at all familiar

Recall Knowledge:

Did you make 18? You're pretty sure it's speaking via the tongues spell, and does appear to be some sort of construct made from exotic wood.

As a truly unique creature though the DC is 28 to know about it. If you were fortunate enough to make that I'll post more. Otherwise you're not sure what this thing is.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Rogue 3 | HP 3/38 | 0/3 Hero Point | Perc’ +8 ; Speed 30 ft. | AC 20 | Fort +6 ; Ref +11 ; Will +8 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +11, +2 from Incredible Initiative) | Languages: Common, Elven, Varisian | Active conditions: Trap Finder

Action 1: Stride
Action 2: Strike
Action 3: Shield

Zandu rushes forward and past the source of the voice before doing a quick reversal to stab at the thing.
Strike vs Thing (Flat-footed via Surprise Attack): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Damage (S): 1d6 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 4 + (4) = 11

He then whispers a few words in an eldritch, fey dialect. Magic takes hold, conjuring a temporary disc of force to protect him.
Cast Shield. Will use the reaction if struck

"Quickly! While I have it's attention!"

Crossed Court

Zandu rushes in and gets a nice satisfying stab on the golem-like creature before it can raise its whip.

Zandu: don't forget to read the in room spoiler, also happy to move your mini, but need to know which square you're going to.

Envoy's Alliance

Male dwarf barbarian 3 | hp: 58/58 (rage temp hp: 0/6), hero points: 1 | AC 20 (rage 19) | F+10 R+6 W+8 (+2 F/R vs trip, shove, knock prone) | Speed 20ft | Perception +8 | Current conditions:

"We ain't no stock t'be turned inta sausage, ya git!" Flecks of spittle flying as Tarbh bellows his rage, a set of wide bull's horns sprout from Tarbh's forhead as he charges into the mist! Rage, Sudden Charge (into a flank if there's one available based on where Zandu ends up).

+1 horns (1st attack): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Piercing damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

"There's two'a the scunners in here!"

Crossed Court

"Your essence will be preserved in Aeonic form" replies the second voice to Tarbh's comment.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Rogue 3 | HP 3/38 | 0/3 Hero Point | Perc’ +8 ; Speed 30 ft. | AC 20 | Fort +6 ; Ref +11 ; Will +8 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +11, +2 from Incredible Initiative) | Languages: Common, Elven, Varisian | Active conditions: Trap Finder

Sorry I didn't think this counted as the back room. I also had mentally moved my token on the map, but apparently thinking you moved it doesn't actually move it. Who knew? Anyhow, updated.

Horizon Hunters

Human (half-elf) Rgr5 | HP: 73/73 | AC: 22| Fort: +11, Refl: +13, Will: +10 | Perc (E): +10 (low-light vision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +11) | Focus points: 1/1 | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

Hampton follows Zandu in and is about to alert the rest to the presence of a second golem when Tarah barrels in and announces it. With a half-smile, Hampton ends up opposite his Rogue friend and strikes, using the edge if the blade since these things resemble trees.

short sword vs. flatfooted AC: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
versatile slashing: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Stride x2, Strike.

Crossed Court

Sorry, by back room, I mean the one with the monster in it.

GM Dice:

electricity damage: 2d8 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6
stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
EW: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
EW: 1d20 + 12 - 5 ⇒ (11) + 12 - 5 = 18
AoO: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
ed: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

As Zandu gets close to the glowing lights a burst of electricity jumps out at him from the fog.

6 electricity damage to Zandu Basic Reflex DC 21
The stones spark further, some sort of growing power in the swarm of Aeon Stones and shards. To disable: thievery from one of the 4 adjacent squares of the pink ball to snatch out an Aeon Stone

Despite their rapid advances neither Tarbh nor Hampton are able to connect with their attacks.

Neither would hit even if flatfooted were swapped so going to leave folks where they ended up especially since I'm about to move anyway.

The golem-esque creature whirs up it's electro-whip contraption, despite being seemingly attracted to Tarbh's metal armor it can't seem to land a sold blow. After which it retreats, it's electro-whip still whirling through the air dangerously.

If you provoke from white's 10ft electrowhip:

Nat 20 Crit for 26 (after doubling) electricity damage. If you are wearing metal armor you're also knocked down.

If/When you have line of sight to blue:

Looks the same as white, electro whip in one hand, strange wayfinder with glowing blue aeon stone in the other.

Aeon Balls
White Golem -11
Dr. Lazarus
Blue Golem?

Dr. Lazarus is up!

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 85/96 | AC 26 (25 w/ fatigue) | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' (50' w/ bracelet) | Leads: Onyx & Marcien | Hero: 1 | Conditions: fatigued

Dr. Lazarus excited to get a chance at these fascinating constructs. He moves in and studies the Brown/White golem that he was the subject of his lead. He considers the best way to attack it.

Devise a Stratagem: 1d20 ⇒ 14 Roll is used for subsequent attack roll and includes a free action to Recall Knowledge.

Recall Knowledge: Crafting: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
COOL!!! Bonus info from the GM for the achieving DC 28!
In addition, if Known Weakness is crit success, Investigator and all allies gain +1 circumstance bonus to their next attack roll against this creature. See link below:

Known Weaknesses

Seeing an opening within the creatures defenses, Dr. Lazarus points out the soft underbelly of the creature. The Doctor quickly approaches the original golem and attacks with his Elven Curve Blade. "Time for you to be studied."

+1 Striking Elven Curve Blade (w/ Stratagem and +1 from Known Weakness): (14) + 11 +1 = 26
Damage + Strategic Strike: 2d8 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (7, 8) + (1) + 2 = 18

Lazarus calls out to Zandu, My boy, while I have him occupied, the creature is off-balanced and flat-foot to your next Strike, wherever you are. Make the most of it, my rogue colleage."

Actions: 1) Stride 30', FREE) Devise Stratagem w/ Known Weakness, 2) Stride 30', 3) Strike w/ Curve Blade.

Crossed Court

GM Dice:
whip: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
electricity damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

28 is the DC for IDing the creature, there's not really a base monster to know about at 18 in this case, so no crit.

Meet Prefect, Prefect is an Azlanti construct primarily made of wood and powered by an Aeon Stone, and almost unheard of outside of Arcadia.

Based on how it's spoken so far it's likely under a constant tongues effect. Considering the sparks from it's electro-whip aren't hurting it, it's almost certainty resistant to electricity, but does not seem to possess modern 'construct armor'.

As a construct it's likely immune to: bleed, death effects, diseased, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened and unconscious.

Unfortunately for Dr. Lazarus as he attempts to close with Prefect he gets caught by the spinning whip and is nearly electrocuted.

26 electricity damage from a crit AoO.

As a note for this combat at least I'm going to continue to spoiler the monster AoOs so that you can resolve them on your turn instead of waiting for me. They will always take at the first opportunity.

The other construct moves from its position in the corner towards Dr. Lazarus and deal with the intruder deep in their flanks.

It strikes another powerful blow, dropping the investigator.
Another crit, 28 electricity damage this time.

Seeing the threat dealt with Preserver(U) moves to spread out again, its whip spinning dangerously.

Preserver(U) 10ft AoO:

electro whip: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
electricity damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
+ Knocked Prone if wearing metal armor.

Aeon Balls
Dr. Lazarus (0/38) Dying 2, Prone

Cariad and Tarbh are up!

Envoy's Alliance

Male dwarf barbarian 3 | hp: 58/58 (rage temp hp: 0/6), hero points: 1 | AC 20 (rage 19) | F+10 R+6 W+8 (+2 F/R vs trip, shove, knock prone) | Speed 20ft | Perception +8 | Current conditions:

Furious at his previous miss, Tarbh charges at Prefect! Sudden Charge, Strike

+1 horns (1st attack): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
Piercing damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

+1 horns (2nd attack): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Piercing damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Verdant Wheel

CN female half-elf ranger 3 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 (21 with parry) | F +8 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 | Stealth +7 | Speed:25 ft | Active Conditions: ---

Cariad double-moves into the room and parries.

Crossed Court

GM Dice:
1d4 ⇒ 1
1d3 ⇒ 3
1d2 ⇒ 1
2d8 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3
2d8 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6
2d8 ⇒ (8, 6) = 14

With the flank Tarbh manages to hit with his horns. The construct staggers, but stays on its feet while Cariad gets to a good defensive position.

From the fog a trio of thin blue lights shoot out from the Aeon Swarm sweeping the room, as though looking for targets. The lights pass over the constructs who glow slightly blue, before settling on Tarbh, Cariad and Zandu.

Once all 3 beams are locked on their targets each is replaced by a razor-sharp stream of aeon shards
Basic Reflex DC 21
Tarbh: 2 piercing/electricity damage
Cariad: 5 piercing/electricity damage
Zandu: 8 piercing/electricity damage

As a reminder you can grab a functioning stone out of the foggy swam by 'disabling' with thievery(trained) from any of the 4 adjacent squares.

Tarbh (Reflex 21)
Aeon Balls
Zandu (Reflex 21)

Dr. Lazarus (0/38) Dying 2, Prone
Cariad (Reflex 21)

Zandu and Hampton are up!

Horizon Hunters

Human (half-elf) Rgr5 | HP: 73/73 | AC: 22| Fort: +11, Refl: +13, Will: +10 | Perc (E): +10 (low-light vision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +11) | Focus points: 1/1 | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

Hampton darts around Zandu toward the mass of aeon stones. Let me tackle this! he says, dropping to a knee and trying his blink-quick hands.
Thievery: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Assuming that fails, he will try again.
Thievery: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Stride, Interact using Thievery x2.

Verdant Wheel

CN female half-elf ranger 3 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 (21 with parry) | F +8 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 | Stealth +7 | Speed:25 ft | Active Conditions: ---

Reflex: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Cariad ducks to avoid most of the shards.

Crossed Court

Disable takes 2 actions unfortunately, sorry for not being explicit, will use the first roll.

With the fog making his life more difficult Hampton can't get a shard out, but doesn't manage to cut himself either.

Meanwhile Cariad dodges most of the horrible shards coming her way.

Tarbh (Reflex 21)
Aeon Balls
Zandu (Reflex 21)
Dr. Lazarus (0/38) Dying 2, Prone
Cariad (42/44)

Zandu is up! (don't forget your reflex save)

Envoy's Alliance

Male dwarf barbarian 3 | hp: 58/58 (rage temp hp: 0/6), hero points: 1 | AC 20 (rage 19) | F+10 R+6 W+8 (+2 F/R vs trip, shove, knock prone) | Speed 20ft | Perception +8 | Current conditions:

Reflex: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21 Tarbh, in his rage, manages to deflect most of the shards with his wildly-swinging horns.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Rogue 3 | HP 3/38 | 0/3 Hero Point | Perc’ +8 ; Speed 30 ft. | AC 20 | Fort +6 ; Ref +11 ; Will +8 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +11, +2 from Incredible Initiative) | Languages: Common, Elven, Varisian | Active conditions: Trap Finder

Reflex save: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Zandu jerks slightly when he is struck by the electricity, but he nonetheless persists. 6 damage

Reflex save: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Zandu grunts when struck by some of the shards, but he powers through the pain. 4 damage

Action 1: Step
Actiom 2-3: Disable a Device

Seeing Hampton struggle to catch a stone, Zandu steps closer and makes his own grab. "Tarbh! Cariad! Keep them busy! We gotta stop this thing or it'll tear us to shreds!"
Thievery (Disable a Device): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

Crossed Court

Gm Dice:
whip: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
e: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Zandu gets shocked and somewhat blasted before getting a blue Aeon Stone from the swarm. There's a moderate attraction between said stone and any Wayfinder Zanu might be carrying. The swarm is also noticeably less bright missing one of its 3 true stone.

Prefect takes a step to the northwest as it swings its whip at the raging dwarf. Connecting and knocking the dwarf off his feet with the power of electricity.
Hits AC 20 for 13 electricity damage, and knocks Tarbh prone

The whip continues spinning in the air dangerously.

Prefect(W) AoO:

w AoO: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
electricity damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Tarbh (50/58) (Prone)
Aeon Balls (-1)
Zandu (28/38)
Dr. Lazarus (0/38) Dying 2, Prone
Cariad (42/44)

Dr. Lazarus is 'up'. Will bot the recovery check this evening if needed to move forward, but want to give the good doctor a chance to roll his own.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 85/96 | AC 26 (25 w/ fatigue) | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' (50' w/ bracelet) | Leads: Onyx & Marcien | Hero: 1 | Conditions: fatigued

Recovery Check: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Well whaddya know? Thanks for letting me roll!

Crossed Court

VS FF: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
electricity damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
vs FF: 1d20 + 12 - 5 ⇒ (2) + 12 - 5 = 9

Remarkably Dr. Thurston stops bleeding on his own, which is good because it seems quite difficult to get to him right now.

Preserver steps up to follow up it's twin's attack on the now prone dwarf, the electro whip catching his foot and further shocking Tarbh.
Hitting FF AC 17 for 8 electrical damage.

Its follow up swing is not accurate enough to connect though and merely sparks along the stone floor.

Preserver(U) AoO:

AoO: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
electricity damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Tarbh (42/58) (Prone)
Aeon Balls (-1)
Zandu (28/38)
Dr. Lazarus (0/38) Wounded 1, Prone, Unconcious
Cariad (42/44)

Cariad and Tarbh are up!
Reminder: both monster AoOs currently active

Also Tarbh, if you'd double check my damage math on you, between temp hp and multiple damaging effects I think 42/58 is correct for you but I'm not 100% confident.

Envoy's Alliance

Male dwarf barbarian 3 | hp: 58/58 (rage temp hp: 0/6), hero points: 1 | AC 20 (rage 19) | F+10 R+6 W+8 (+2 F/R vs trip, shove, knock prone) | Speed 20ft | Perception +8 | Current conditions:

I had independently gotten to 50hp prior to this hit, before I saw you were tracking it, so I think that's right.

Furious at being knocked down, Tarbh stands and rushes into the position best suited to skewering Prefect!

Stand, Stride into a flank (now that Lazarus is awake), Strike. This provokes the AoO from Preserver, I think, which lands, dealing more damage to Tarbh.

+1 horns (1st attack) vs. flank: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Piercing damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Crossed Court

Lazarus isn't awake unfortunately just unconscious and stable, also you're going to get bit by both AoOs unfortunately, for another 12 damage. (Would miss even FF, and not a lot of great options for you that don't involve standing)

Tarbh gets back on his feet and gets shocked by both whips for his trouble. Despite his clever maneuver to the back side of Prefect(W). the pain of the electro-whips is too much though and he can't land a solid blow!

Tarbh (22/58)
Aeon Balls (-1)
Zandu (28/38)
Dr. Lazarus (0/38) Wounded 1, Prone, Unconscious
Cariad (42/44)

Cariad is still up!

Verdant Wheel

CN female half-elf ranger 3 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 (21 with parry) | F +8 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 | Stealth +7 | Speed:25 ft | Active Conditions: ---

Cariad moves up to Blue, lashes out with both blades, and then keeps her smaller weapon in a defensive pose.

Stride, Twin Takedown, Parry

Longsword: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
ouch!: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Main-Gauche: 1d20 + 10 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 10 - 4 = 18
ouch!: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Envoy's Alliance

Male dwarf barbarian 3 | hp: 58/58 (rage temp hp: 0/6), hero points: 1 | AC 20 (rage 19) | F+10 R+6 W+8 (+2 F/R vs trip, shove, knock prone) | Speed 20ft | Perception +8 | Current conditions:
Pirate GM wrote:
Lazarus isn't awake unfortunately just unconscious and stable, also you're going to get bit by both AoOs unfortunately, for another 12 damage. (Would miss even FF, and not a lot of great options for you that don't involve standing)

Sorry, forgot he was still unconscious. Both AoOs is fine, it lets everyone else come in. I had only seen the spoiler for the one, so thought maybe the other didn't have one or something. Maybe some day I can roll higher than 10 on an attack and make all this worthwhile...

Crossed Court

Tarbh: No worries was hiding on my previous post.

Cariad: I think Twin Takedown only works against your prey, easiest resolution I think is to have you hunt instead of parry which gets an extra d8 damage too. Lemme know if you'd rather do something else.

precision: 1d8 ⇒ 7

Cariad finds a weak spot and hits with her first strike, but her second is not so fortunate.

GM Dice:

1d4 ⇒ 4
1d3 ⇒ 3
2d8 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8
2d8 ⇒ (7, 4) = 11

With Zandu holding one of the Aeon Stones only 2 laser trackers emerge from the foggy Aeon swarm.

As before the targeting beams pass over the constructs harmlessly with a blue glow before setting on Cariad and Hampton, and shooting out anther pair of shard/spark barrages.

Basic Reflex DC 21. 8 Electricity/Piercing damage for Cariad, 11 for Hampton.

Tarbh (22/58)
Aeon Balls (-1)
Zandu (28/38)
Hampton (Reflex DC 21)

Dr. Lazarus (0/38) Wounded 1, Prone, Unconscious
Preserver(U) (-19)
Cariad (42/44) (Reflex DC 21)

Zandi a

Horizon Hunters

Human (half-elf) Rgr5 | HP: 73/73 | AC: 22| Fort: +11, Refl: +13, Will: +10 | Perc (E): +10 (low-light vision) | Speed 25 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +11) | Focus points: 1/1 | Hero Points: 1 | Conditions: . |

DC 21 basic Refl: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Hampton tires to grab an aeon stone again, not wanting to be completely upstaged by Zandu's sleight of hand.

if the GM says no to using the 17 I rolled last round:

Well, phooey on you. ;-)

Seriously, tho, no worries.
Thievery ◈◈: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Whether or not he succeeds, he cannot leave Cariad on her own, so he moves opposite her, taking advantage of the pain already administered to Tarbh.

Two-action Thievery attempt, Stride.

Crossed Court

I'm a meanie and was not planning on using your extraneous roll from last round.

Hampton avoids the worst of the shards and comes out with a stone, and in position to help out in the melee.

Tarbh (22/58)
Aeon Balls (-1)
Zandu (28/38)
Hampton (51/56)
Dr. Lazarus (0/38) Wounded 1, Prone, Unconscious
Preserver(U) (-19)
Cariad (42/44) (Reflex DC 21)

Zandu is up!

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Rogue 3 | HP 3/38 | 0/3 Hero Point | Perc’ +8 ; Speed 30 ft. | AC 20 | Fort +6 ; Ref +11 ; Will +8 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (Stealth +11, +2 from Incredible Initiative) | Languages: Common, Elven, Varisian | Active conditions: Trap Finder

Action 1-2: Disable a Device
Action 3: Stride

Zandu reaches for what he hopes is the last of the stones...
Thievery: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

... and then rushes to get in close to Tarbh's foe, shouting, "I'm coming!"

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