DM Deevor |
Please make Recall Knowledge checks in spoilers.
Copy the 3 lines below, remove the * in each line and complete the details to make a secret spoiler check.
[*spoiler=Recall Knowledge(something)]
Barrek Half-Dead |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I like it. Tempting to peak, and yet rewarding to not do so.
DM Deevor |
Gonna wait a little for Vinny to join.
Vinny can make any of the Knowledge Recalls made before reaching Mishkar.
Barrek Half-Dead |
Forgot to put the roll into a spoiler. Oops
Was thinking that I would add the appropriate roleplaying of a bad bluff if I saw one rolled.
Sometimes, secret rolls are a pain. Can't say I'm a fan.
Toad licker |
I honestly think that secret rolls are awesome, when used properly. They allow the player to roleplay much more without being influenced by what they think a dice roll means. The downside is that it gives more work for the GM, but there are ways to mitigate that some.
DM Deevor |
Mission Prep
This is the second Check In for this Scenario. Please complete.
GM Glyphs:
School Item:
Retired Boons:
Achievement Boons:
Chronicle Boons:
Daily Preparations:
Questions about these five entries? Check the Resources above the Campaign Tabs first - you will likely find your answers in there.ooc
With thanks to rainzax for creating this templpate
Toad licker |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
GM Glyphs: 0 (so far as I can tell)
School Item: Field Commissioned Agent - minor healing potion
Retired Boons: Don't think I have any.
Achievement Boons: Also don't think that I have any.
Chronicle Boons: Cryptid Scholar (Untyped Boon): Your experiences with the Mosquito Witch have inspired you to research strange creatures. When you Recall Knowledge to identify a rare or unique creature, you can use the following reaction.
↺(fortune) Uses 3; Trigger You attempt to Recall Knowledge to identify a creature you can see; Effect You roll the skill check twice and use the better result.
Daily Preparations: None.
I'm assuming Achievement Boons are ones that you buy with Achievement points, which I haven't gotten for him.... yet. I'm not sure how to identify Retired Boons, but I've only got 2 Chronicle sheets, and they're both fairly recent. Daily Preparations I can only assume that you're talking about preparing spells and what not, so no. He doesn't have any.
Let me know if I'm off on any of these.
Vinny Santorini |
GM Glyphs: None
School Item: Scrolls- Sunrod
Retired Boons: None
Achievement Boons: None
Chronicle Boons: Experienced Mountaineer (General): The trek from Isger to Molthune taught you tricks for navigating treacherously steep terrain. While this boon is slotted, you treat mountainous terrain and other steep slopes as difficult terrain, rather than as greater difficult terrain.
Daily Preparations: Vinny will prepare 4 lesser alchemist's fire, 2 lesser acid flasks, and 2 lesser elixirs of life, saving one infused reagent for quick alchemy.
Barrek Half-Dead |
GM Glyphs: --
School Item: Minor Healing Potion
Retired Boons: --
Achievement Boons: --
Chronicle Boons: Doom Averted
Daily Preparations: --
The Shark of Gozreh |
GM Glyphs: None
School Item: Minor Healing Potion
Retired Boons: None
Achievement Boons: None
Chronicle Boons: (Advanced) Devil's Keep
Daily Preparations: None
DM Deevor |
Before we continue:
Do any of you have a wayfinder or any other outward sign your belong to the Pathfinder Society?
Can everyone make sure their character sheets contain the Languages they speak.
Milton & Vinny you have Common plus 4 other languages to start with, I believe?
Can everyone make sure their character sheets contains feats, special abilities etc.
Barrek, I don't see your feats and special abilities.
Many Thanks folks ....
My next post is almost ready to go ..... ;-)
Toad licker |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
No Wayfinder for Toadlicker (yet; still trying to decide if he'll have one).
I'm pretty sure that everything else should be visible on his sheet, but let me know if you can't find something.
Vinny Santorini |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Before we continue:
Do any of you have a wayfinder or any other outward sign your belong to the Pathfinder Society?
Can everyone make sure their character sheets contain the Languages they speak.
Milton & Vinny you have Common plus 4 other languages to start with, I believe?
Can everyone make sure their character sheets contains feats, special abilities etc.
Barrek, I don't see your feats and special abilities.
Many Thanks folks ....
My next post is almost ready to go ..... ;-)
I believe my sheet is updated with languages now, sorry about that!
Barrek Half-Dead |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Feats are on a separate tab.
Not much to note - Ki Strike and Experienced Smuggler (which applies to the earned income roll and rarely comes into play) plus the strong-blooded dwarven bonuses.
And no wayfinder yet.
Can't buy those with fame anymore, right?
DM Deevor |
Sorry feeling rubbish today, may not post til tomorrow.
DM Deevor |
Just saw I didn't move the Plum Leshy on the map for the Stride Action he took. Hasn't made any difference to the result of anyone's actions.
DM Deevor |
Shark, sorry it's the Ki Strike part of the attack that did not happen. The Ki Strike feat gives you access to the Ki Strike spell, which uses an action to cast.
You had used 2 actions to stride and another to Flurry of Blows, so you couldn't also use Ki Strike. So the damage rolled for Ki Strike was not taken by the Leshy.
Toad licker |
The Shark of Gozreh |
Ok, the wording is weird, but trust me, the attack is PART OF the action. It costs 1 action verbal, yes, but if you read the description you MAKE AN UNARMED STRIKE OR FLURRY OF BLOWS as part of the action. Here is a quote from a quick search that shows a reddit post: The strike or flurry of blows is included in the ki strike, on top of the ki strike being a focus spell so you can get it back after every fight, basically its +1 to attack giving it 5% more chance to hit and to crit, and then 1d6 extra on the flurry of blows.
If we really need to, we can post this as a question in the rules thread, but I think you guys just need to read it again. I'm not trying to sound condescending, the wording is very confusing, but it is right there.
Toad licker |
I got looking into it a bit more. Looks like you are correct. Apologies. Casting Ki Strike (which costs 1 action and 1 focus point) includes the attack (either a normal Strike, or a Flurry of Blows).
I just started playing a Monk in another game and didn't catch that before. Thanks for pointing it out. Makes it WAY better than I thought. :)
DM Deevor |
OK, we'll play it that way in future combats and the remainder of this.
God, I hate the way 2e is written, it's far more confusing than 1e. It can be interpreted so many ways, and you have to look through a web of different places to get how to do something.
Really depends whether you read MAKE as demonstrative or passive.
Barrek Half-Dead |
Oh, the number of times we've joked about having to look up four things to get any answer.
Conditions are the worst, since they happily refer to each other, which means you have to walk thru the chain to get everything right.
Since my first PFS character is a bard, this discussion is actually the reverse of the one I'm familiar with - bards have several "if your next action is..." abilities but those cannot be stacked due to that wording (since only the last one actually has the targeted effect as the next action).
Toad licker |
No game is perfect. Personally, I feel that PF2 is better written than some of them, but it's definitely not perfect. The use of Trait keywords helps a lot.
Barrek Half-Dead |
Oh, didn't take that for dumping on the system. More like teasing.
I really like it. The math is a little too tight for my tastes, but the way characters are built and advancement options unlock are pretty cool.
Still a 4E fan, and love 13th Age, but this edition is right up there.
And has many more play opportunities than the others.
Toad licker |
I really like it. The math is a little too tight for my tastes, but the way characters are built and advancement options unlock are pretty cool.
Hehe... just be glad that this isn't D&D 2nd edition. The 'math' in that game would make your head spin.
I hope you didn't take my comments as accusing. I'm glad to hear that you enjoy it. :)
DM Deevor |
THACOoooooo!!! not a fan of D&D 2E...
Will move combat on tomorrow, give Toad Licker a bit more time.
Yoon - Iceman |
Barrek Half-Dead wrote:I really like it. The math is a little too tight for my tastes, but the way characters are built and advancement options unlock are pretty cool.Hehe... just be glad that this isn't D&D 2nd edition. The 'math' in that game would make your head spin.
I hope you didn't take my comments as accusing. I'm glad to hear that you enjoy it. :)
Heh. I started with AD&D in second or third grade, and later played probably a thousand hours of 2nd Ed. I understood THAC0! Back then, at least. ;-)
Looking back, it's funny how "this is the game we play and this is how it's written" is all we knew. That is, we never challenged the math or complained about design choices and such.And no, didn't read that as accusing. Just expounding.
Toad licker |
I also started with 2nd ed, but I started in 6th/7th grade, and I hated the math even back then... but we still had fun. :)
As soon as 3rd ed. came out, I never looked back.
DM Deevor |
I'll give Thurk a few hours to post, before I move us on.
Barrek Half-Dead |
"not sure if that is going to work but cooling down the fire should reduce it right? I'm not a real firefighter"
The "use an explosion to blow a fire out" tactic is very tried and true.
Ray of Frost is slightly different, but combines cold and water and a bit of a detonation. Could fall into the same vein, I'd say. :)
Barrek Half-Dead |
Today's rolls, including the GM turn early this morning:
5, 20, 4, 8, 1, 5, 1, 5, 6, 5, 3, 6
Just a tad below average.
DM Deevor |
So far most of the GM's rolls have been below average, and until this round the strikes from the players have been almost 100% effective.
Ray of Frost is specifically called out in the scenario to have no effect on the fire.
Barrek Half-Dead |
House guest arrived on Friday, leaving late Tuesday
Will try to catch up if there's a gap in activity, but very afk - feel free to bot
DM Deevor |
No worries, it's slow over the weekend.
DM Deevor |
Apologies for the slow pace, not had as much time with work getting on top of me. Will post tonight with the round so far and will let you know how you fare after the nasties have gone.
DM Deevor |
Are you all done with healing and 10 minute resting ...
I'll move us on tomorrow, if that's the case. A no response will be considered as agreement to move on.
DM Deevor |
Apologies for going missing, had a few medical issues, have a day op tomorrow, will catch up then.