GM Valen |

The invitation delivered last night was remarkably simple, especially given the importance of the occasion: “Start where it all began. Meet us at the Pig’s Paunch one hour before dawn.”

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"What is the meaning of the 'Pig's Paunch?'" Saito said. She had to get another Pathfinder to tell her where it was. To be fair, she was from the other side of the planet. Absalom was far from Ayajinbo.

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Elena arrived just after Saito. "I'm not sure I want to know that one," she yawned and rubbed her face. It was still quite early in the morning.

GM Valen |

The Pig’s Paunch is a run-down building with a faded sign a large pig standing on its hind legs, arms folded above a corpulent belly. Inside, the air is thick with the scents of human sweat, stale tobacco, and leftover food.

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A short, stalky man walks in wearing a tailored suit, tie, and a bowler hat. "Is this the right place?" he asks himself. The sign outside showed a picture of a pig standing on its hind legs. "Must be," he again mutters to himself.
On closer look, the man didn't look human. His face are a bit too round, his arms short, hands too big. The 'man' takes off his bowler hat as he walks in. Then everyone can notice the two long, thin antenna poking through his hair.

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Elena seems curious about the man's race but knows better than to stare. "Good day."

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A hulking Varisian lowers his head as he enters through the door. Glancing around and noticing that a few others are also there before dawn, "Greetings strangers, from a stranger."

Oloch - Iconic Warpriest |

Oloch is half-orc with armor that has seen battle.
The holy symbol of Gorum shows his association with war!
He sits and drinks.
"Are they always late? I hate waiting!"

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Seren catches Oloch’s words as she enters, ”Oh, am I late? I’m so sorry. I thought I was on time?”
Stifling a yawn, Seren catches sight of Elena, ”Hey, good to see you again.” the cleric waves to the warrior.
Then she looks around at the group, ”Well, it’s nice to meet you all. I am Seren. I walk in the Great Dreamer’s grace.”

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Elena gives Seren a huge smile and waves. Then she remembers she hasn't presented herself. "Oh right. My name is Elena Endari, I'm a fighter..." she scratches the back of her head. "Uh, I think that's it. I'll do my best to keep you safe but I think you are quite capable in a fight,"[/u] she says, glancing at the half-orc.
She looks at Stiggur and also smiles at him. [b]"A fellow expat," she says in Varisian.

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The lashunta walks up to the group. "Hello. My name is Koeuss (one syllable). Is this the right place?" He seems nervous and out of place. He absentmindedly puts his hand up to his head to run his fingers through his hair. But realizes his bowler hat isn't on anymore! He immediately puts it back on to hide his antennae and looks embarrassed, as though he's trying to hide his heritage.
"Do you know why we were asked to met at this ... establishment." Koeuss looks around almost in disgust. "Start where it all began?" He repeats the note he had received earlier that day. "Does this place have a history with the Pathfinders?"
Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

GM Valen |

Today, the Pathfinder Society continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, and supply hardly keeps up with the demand for new agents. To meet the growing need, the Three Masters, who are responsible for the training of new initiates at the Grand Lodge—among them Kreighton Shaine, the Master of Scrolls, have made the difficult choice to advance the promotion of some of the Society’s most promising initiates. At all times, initiates are expected to fulfill the three duties of a Pathfinder agent: explore, report, and cooperate. Failure to adhere to these three tenets risks expulsion from the Society.
In the center of the room, surrounded by inebriates sleeping off their revelries, a familiar elven man stands high upon top of a large round table.
“Welcome! Welcome, my students! Please, have a seat!” With that, Kreighton Shaine, the Pathfinder Society’s Master of Scrolls, nimbly drops down to sit cross-legged on the table before looking about the tavern with a sense of reverent wonder. “Can you believe it? It all started here years ago—well, over four hundred of them at least. Under this very roof the Pathfinder Society was born.”
“But today!” the Master of Scrolls continues. “Today you will begin your Confirmation! Master Farabellus, Master Zey, and I all agree you each have shown your worth and dedication to the Society, so there’s no better time to see if you can handle becoming full field operatives. Allow me to introduce you to Janira Gavix,” he says as he motions for an excitable halfling woman to approach.
The woman wears a large backpack and carries all manner of tools, pouches, and scroll cases around her waist.
Shaine continues, saying, “Janira here will be going with you on your Confirmation. She was one of my brightest pupils and will no doubt be an invaluable resource on your journey, for she discovered the caves you are about to explore during her own Confirmation.”
Pictures of Shane and Gavix are now on Slides.
The Confirmation is the final test all Pathfinder initiates must pass in order to become Pathfinder field operatives. Every Confirmation is different, and ordinarily it would be tailored to each individual initiate.
Once they have undergone Confirmation, Pathfinder agents are called upon to travel to the far corners of Golarion, delve into the deepest tombs, and solve the world’s oldest riddles. During these dangerous missions, Pathfinders are required to keep detailed journals, maps, and accounts of their exploits. After each adventure, agents send a copy of their records to the regional venture-captain for analysis; especially noteworthy reports are forwarded to Absalom for consideration to be included in the next edition of the Pathfinder Chronicles. The Society comprises thousands of adventures coming from all walks of life, and it places no moral obligations upon its members. Each member of a Pathfinder Society adventuring party is expected to forgo all personal and theological differences and work together to achieve the Society’s goals.
Janira speaks up in an enthusiastic and cheerful voice, “Greetings, aspiring Pathfinders! Six months ago, while I was mapping cave entrances in the foothills of the Kortos Mounts, I witnessed a lone gillman entering a concealed cave. I thought little of it at the time, but I saw another one enter the cave again a month later as my Confirmation stretched on. A few days later, after I completed my assigned task, I entered the cave system, but was unable to find the gillmen.”
Master Shaine hops to his feet. “Initiates, for your Confirmation, you will travel to these caves to explore and document its many passages. Additionally, and most importantly, you are to learn what the gillmen are up to in there. Oh, and you need to come back alive as well.” With these parting words, the Master of Scrolls jumps off the table and strolls out of the building while humming to himself.
Janira smiles as Master Shaine departs, then notes, "I'll be discussing mission specifics in a moment, but for now does anyone have any questions?"

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Koeuss recalls the history of the Pathfinders - though he doesn't reveal his knowledge to his companions just yet. Perhaps when they start their mission. His first mission. Kouess smiles as Shaine speaks. 'Ah yes. A full field operative. One of the first of my kind. I wonder what wonders Golarion holds!'
As Janira talks about the gillmen and the cave, Koeuss raises his hand, hoping Janira will notice. "I have a question, if you may. Did you find anything else of interest in the cave? How much of it did you explore?"

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Elena gives Seren a huge smile and waves. Then she remembers she hasn't presented herself. "Oh right. My name is Elena Endari, I'm a fighter..." she scratches the back of her head. "Uh, I think that's it. I'll do my best to keep you safe but I think you are quite capable in a fight,"[/u] she says, glancing at the half-orc.
She looks at Stiggur and also smiles at him. [b]"A fellow expat," she says in Varisian.

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Janira smiles as Master Shaine departs, then notes, "I'll be discussing mission specifics in a moment, but for now does anyone have any questions?"
Stiggur pauses for a moment, a confused look on his face before asking, "Um, yeah. Are these gillmen slimy like fish? I'd hate to return with that stink."

Oloch - Iconic Warpriest |

kn history: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11
kn history: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2
Oloch is very quite during the explanations of Kreighton Shaine and also looks at the other Pathfinders as if to test if they are worth his attention.
In the brief time that you had before assembling here you gained some insight into his character and he seems to be a quiet, brooding warrior with a disturbing love of violence.
"I do care a little bit about history - especially if it is about war!" Oloch says smiling.
"But I also live in the moment, relishing the red rush of battle and the communion it brings me with my god. I am hoping to find worthy opponents in these caves. But beware that I am scornful of those who pick on weaker opponents. Nonetheless, we have to take it as a given that might makes right. So if our competition, that means others seeking out these caves, goes on our nerves I will cut them down in a similar fashion to the foes that I have encountered in the past." Oloch says with a rumbling voice.

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Elena Endari wrote:Elena gives Seren a huge smile and waves. Then she remembers she hasn't presented herself. "Oh right. My name is Elena Endari, I'm a fighter..." she scratches the back of her head. "Uh, I think that's it. I'll do my best to keep you safe but I think you are quite capable in a fight,"[/u] she says, glancing at the half-orc.
She looks at Stiggur and also smiles at him. [b]"A fellow expat," she says in Varisian.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
Seren smiles, "Și toate drumurile duc la Absalom."
She turns to the rest of the group and gestures to herself, Stiggur and Elena, "We are all Children of the Open Road."
Then the cleric addresses Janira, "If there are gillmen, does that mean swimming? Should we be ready for water?"

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Elena seems a bit embarrassed.
"I was taken in by a family of halflings in Korvosa at an early age, so... forgive me if I don't seem to know the right sayings. Maybe you can teach me?"
Elena then turns to the Shaine.
"I have never encountered gillmen before. What can you tell me about them?"

GM Valen |

"I have a question, if you may. Did you find anything else of interest in the cave? How much of it did you explore?"
"Very little, unfortunately." Janira replies. "At the time, I had only enough supplies and time to perform a cursory investigation of the caves’ entrance. Fortunately, I will be better equipped and with good company so to make a more thorough exploration possible."
"Um, yeah. Are these gillmen slimy like fish? I'd hate to return with that stink."
Janira pauses thoughtfully, then says, "I didn't note any particular odor emanating from the gillmen when I observed them."
"So if our competition, that means others seeking out these caves, goes on our nerves I will cut them down in a similar fashion to the foes that I have encountered in the past." Oloch says with a rumbling voice.
Janira smiles and nods as Oloch speaks. "Yes, well..." she begins when the half-orc concludes, her mind looking for the right words. "It is a good idea to contemplate potential threats before starting on a mission, Oloch."
Then the cleric addresses Janira, "If there are gillmen, does that mean swimming? Should we be ready for water?"
"We don't know why the gillmen are going into these caves, but that’s exactly what you are being asked to find out. The only known permanent
surface settlement of the gillmen is in Escadar. Why they’re venturing into the foothills of the Kortos Mounts is a mystery.” Janira notes. "If they are swimming, I don't know where. There are no known, sizable bodies of water near the caves' entrance.""I have never encountered gillmen before. What can you tell me about them?"
“The gillmen are a humanoid race much like humans save for the three piscine gills on both sides of their necks. Janira says, as if reciting a written text. "They’re a little secretive but not outright hostile. Most live in or near the water.”
Janira pulls out a large leather-bound journal and opens it on the table. “Before we set out, we should all get to know each other and review our plan. After all, the most important factors that determine whether an expedition will be a success are cooperation and preparation! I’ll go first!”
Janira spends a few minutes introducing herself. She explains that she joined the Pathfinder Society nearly four years ago after coming of age. She recounts how she had initially joined to see the world and sample all of the fine food it had to offer, she quickly took to the Scrolls and its focus on learning and preserving knowledge. She now aspires to have her work published in one of the Pathfinder Chronicles, suspecting that would qualify her to train as a Pathfinder Chronicler.
"So, what about you?" she asks. "What brought you to the Society? And have you come across any helpful information about the Kortos Mountains?"
If the result of the check exceeds a DC 15, you also know the information under the spoiler below:
"Or perhaps you've come across some interesting tidbits about the gillmen?" she inquires.
If the result of the check exceeds a DC 20, you also know the information under the spoiler below:
During Earthfall, the Starstone struck Golarion and destroyed the human empires of Thassilon and Azlant. It is said that gillmen’s ancestors survived the cataclysmic event because they received the blessing of an aquatic entity that allowed them to breath underwater.
If the result of the check exceeds a DC 25, you also know the information under the spoiler below:

Oloch - Iconic Warpriest |

Knowledge (geography)(DC 10): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16
"There!! At the center of the Isle of Kortos stand the Kortos Mounts, the points on the island!" Oloch shouts.

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Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Koeuss has studied up on the history of Absalom before moving. "The gillmen.. also known as Low Azlanti. Intriguing people. It is posited that they are descendants of the ancient Azlanti people. Some sort of aquatic entity granted them the ability to breath underwater."

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"I'm afraid my Taldane must be lacking. What does it mean, 'paunch'?"
"Is there anything dangerous we should be aware between here and the caves?"
"My name is Saito of the clan Ishigo," she says, introducing himself, "My grandmother was once an ally of Venture Captain Shengrah of Amanadar. There was a falling out, and my grandmother mistakenly attacked Bakten. As a means to make amends between my clan and the Lantern Lodge, I have pledged my service to the society."

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"As I said before, I'm Elena Endari. I joined because I yearned to travel again. I had lived too long in Korvosa and... you could say I'm also looking for someone. This gives me the opportunity for both. Maybe I'll get lucky."

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"So, what about you?" she asks. "What brought you to the Society? And have you come across any helpful information about the Kortos Mountains?"
Stiggur tilts his neck to the side, letting out a quick series of cracks. "What better way to see the world and test one's mettle, ya?" he answers confidently.

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Koeuss responds as well. "I come from a far away land. Further away than Saito here." He gives her a friendly wink. "I am hoping to learn more about Golarion and the cultures here. Absalom is a unique place. There is nothing like this where I am from. What better way to learn than working with the Pathfinder Society?"

GM Valen |

"I'm afraid my Taldane must be lacking. What does it mean, 'paunch'?"[/QUOTE}]
"The 'paunch' refers to the size of the pig's belly, describing where it protrudes outward." Janira cheerfully explains.
Saito Ishigo wrote:"Is there anything dangerous we should be aware between here and the caves?""The journey is not without its dangers." Janira concedes. "“Centaurs control the lowlands and surrounding wilderness of the Kortos Mounts. The areas farther up the Mounts are controlled by minotaurs, and the icy peaks are home to tribes of harpies. They’re always vying for territory, but with any luck, we should be able to avoid them and reach the caves without conflict.” The halfling pauses for a moment, taking a mental account, before continuing, "And, of course, there’s always the chance we may run into bandits along the way. Oh, and there are dozens of kinds of predators in that forest. That’s why we should always be as prepared as possible.”
“On to the details of the mission at hand,” Janira says with an eager grin. “After reviewing my mission reports personally, Master Shaine believes it is no coincidence that each time they entered the caves it was during a full moon, so it is also no coincidence that you have been called here now, just a day before the moon is full again. We both believe that tomorrow night is our best chance to find out why these caves are important and what exactly the gillmen are doing in there."
“The caves we’ll be travelling to lie under the base of the Kortos Mounts." Janira further expounds. "We’ll need to spend every minute of daylight possible to reach the caves by foot, crossing over the Cairnlands, taking the paths to Diobel, and finally making our way through the wilderness. With any luck we won’t run into any of the local inhabitants. Once in the caves, we’ll need to work together to explore and determine whether any gillman are present or have been recently. Keep an eye out for any other clues that might hint at the caves’ significance, too.”
"Now, before we head out, if there aren’t any more questions, we should take a moment to go through your gear and make sure nothing important gets left out. It is seldom a poor idea to carry some rope, a light source, food, a way to make fire, and a few sources of healing among your other essentials. Alchemist’s fire and antitoxins are also good to have handy if you have a few extra coins to spend before we depart." The halfling then reaches into her backpack and produces a stack of paper and an assortment of writing supplies. "It is importance to keep accurate records of your adventures. With good fortune and a bit of determination, you may find your words included in a future edition of the Pathfinder Chronicles!
Any last minute prep?

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Seren is good to go but I need to do a one-minute ritual so that I can use my awesome domain powers at range. I can link with 4 other characters and we are six. Normally, I would leave out a caster as they rely less on crucial dice rolls but everyone else here is melee in some way, I think. Although, I don't know what a psychic investigator is/does?
If there is anyone with really excellent saves, I could leave that person out. Otherwise, I need someone to volunteer: you know your characters better than I do.

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Elena wants to use the reputation she got from her last mission to pull some strings and get a Wand of Cure Light Wounds. ((-2 points = 0))
She will buy:
Masterwork Longsword 315gp
Potion of CLW 50gp
Antitoxin 50gp
Alchemist Fire 20gp
5 trail rations 2.5gp
Cost= -437.5gp
Sells her regulars longsword= +7.5gp
Starting gold=
437.99 gp
Remaining Total= 7.99gp
oh gods, she was about to be eating wandermeals for a week.

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Will upload my character sheet by the end of the day. Sorry!
I'm fine without the ritual if you want to use it on everyone else.
"Ready to go." Koess stands up straits and salutes Janira. "Pleasure seeing you Janira. Let's go!"

GM Valen |

With the party ready for adventure, Janira leads you all west out of Absalom to the Cairnlands. Your journey through the City at the Center of the World is swift and without incident.
During the long trek across the Cairnlands, Janira takes the opportunity to discuss Master Shane’s class on the history of Absalom, beginning with its founding by the man-become-god Aroden. Most of the journey is uneventful, but Janira points out landmarks such as siege towers left behind from some of the numerous failed invasions of Absalom and the distant mountains where harpies dwell as well as distinct flora and fauna along the journey.
Once beyond the fields of debris and bones left over from failed invasions of the past, the party follows the well-worn path that leads toward Diobel, then on through the wilderness surrounding the Kortos Mount. After a full day of travel and a night of rest, the party continues its trek through the wilderness.
"The area we’re heading to is controlled by a large centaur tribe. which is why it is risky to bring horses on a trek such as this" notes Janira. "If one cross paths with any of them, they’ll see the horses as an affront and might become dangerously unfriendly. Our mission is to explore the caves and investigate the gillmen activity, not fight the local populace.”
As the party progresses deeper into the forest, the trees towering overhead begin to shield most of what remains of the day’s sun and the vegetation beneath grows denser. Janira pauses a moment and pulls out an intricate silver compass emblazoned with the Pathfinder Society logo: the Glyph of the Open Road.
“I received this wayfinder when I successfully completed my Confirmation." the halfling notes, fondly. "Should we be successful on our journey, you will get your own as well.” She flips open the device and holds it in front of her; the initials J. L. are engraved into the inside of the device’s lid. After studying the compass inside for a moment, she remarks, “We’re on the right path. We need to keep heading northwest past those large rocks up ahead.”
The halfling points to a large rock outcropping to the northeast that rises among the old growth forst nearly 20 feet above the forest floor. A small sinkhole to the northwest drops off sharply, descending to the ground 10 feet below.
As you approach closer to the rocks, you hear a large *CRACK!* as one of the larger, hollowed-out trees collapses to the ground.
Forest area now revealed on Tactical Map.
Elena Endari, Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Koeuss, Perception?: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Oloch, Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Saito Ishigo, Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Seren Elberion, Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Stiggur, Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Janira, Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Swarm, Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Elena Endari, Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Koeuss, Initiative?: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Oloch, Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Saito Ishigo, Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Seren Elberion, Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Stiggur, Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Janira, Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Swarm, Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
The air around you seems to be abuzz with sound as a cloud forms near the remains of the fallen tree.
"Be on guard!" cries Janira. "You have prepared for just a moment like this. The day is yours!"
Inspire courage +1
ALL BUZZ-NESS - Surprise Round Begins!
PCs in bold may either take a move or standard action
Party Buffs: Inspire courage +1
Seren Elberion
Elena Endari
Janira Gavix (action posted above)
Saito Ishigo

GM Valen |

As the cloud swirls and moves, you realize the mass is a swarm of buzzing insects.
Janira continues giving encouragement.
Inspire courage
ALL BUZZ-NESS - First Full Round Begins!
PCs in bold may take a full round of actions
Party Buffs: Inspire courage +1
Seren Elberion
Elena Endari
Janira Gavix
Saito Ishigo

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During the way, Elena told Seren she was keeping her potion and her wand of cure light wounds on her belt pouch.
Elena freezes for a second. A big foe, she can deal with. These many little things? She's not sure her weapons might be the right thing and she has heard the stories.
"Anyone has a giant swatter?" she looks at the others with an apologetic look.
She will get a bit closer and throw an alchemist fire.
Throw Alchemist Fire: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Fire damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
1 splash damage to everyone else around the impact. DC15 to avoid 1d6 additional damage next round.
((Not sure if the +1 damage from Inspire Courage applies with this))
"Please work."

GM Valen |

Seren grabs the alchemist’s fire from her pack and throws it at the swarm.
The mass of insects has no central form to target (immune to crits), but the resulting flames catch a number of the bugs.
She will get a bit closer and throw an alchemist fire.
((Not sure if the +1 damage from Inspire Courage applies with this))
I believe it does.
The thrown vial strikes an area outside of the swarm, but some of the dispersed, fiery liquid consumes a few insects.
"Alchemist's fire! Good thinking, Pathfinders!" Janira declares. The halfling reaches into her pack and withdraws a vial of alchemist's fire, offering it to any who wish to take it.
Readied action to hand vial to any PC that wants it.
The swarm surges forward and envelopes Elena.
Damage plus disease & bleed: 1d6 ⇒ 6
@ Elena - Please make two saves (DC 11):
@ Elena -Unless the bleed condition is removed at the start of your turn, you take damage in the amount of: 1d3 ⇒ 1
ALL BUZZ-NESS - First Full Round Cont'd/Second Round Begins!
PCs in bold may take a full round of actions
Party Buffs: Inspire courage +1
Second Round
Seren Elberion
Elena Endari -6 HP
Janira Gavix (readied action to hand vial to a PC)
Saito Ishigo

Oloch - Iconic Warpriest |

Oloch steps back and casts bless on the party.
"May Gorum guide our hands in battle!"
+1 to hit. So with IC +2 to hit and +1 to damage.

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Stiggur pulls out a ceramic vial and throws it at the swarm (red dotted square to minimize splash damage to the party).
"Get ready to duck!"
Ranged Touch Acid Flask: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Acid Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5

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Koeuss looks around at the countryside while idly listening to Janira and the others. He doesn't notice the swarm, even when others jump in at it. Then he hears a small explosion. He turns his head. "Oh. OHH! Better hop in there.". He pulls out one of his alchemist fires and tosses it at the swarm.
Alchemist Fire, inspire courage: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 2 + 1 = 13
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4

GM Valen |

The thrown vials miss their marks, but manage to down a few bugs in the splash.
ALL BUZZ-NESS - Second Round Cont'd
PCs in bold may take a full round of actions
Party Buffs: Inspire courage +1; bless
Seren Elberion
Elena Endari -6 HP (bleed; 2 Fort saves required v disease & distraction)
Janira Gavix (readied action to hand vial to a PC)
Saito Ishigo
Swarm -7 HP

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"Back away, get away from the stinging insects!" Saito shouts as she walks forward to get in range
Technically I'm readying the acid flask if Elena moves out of the way.
Dmg, inspire courage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

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First Fort Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Second Fort Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Elena quickly moves away from it with a hint of panic and throws a flask of acid she still carries with her.
Acid flask: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Acid damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
1 splash damage if it doesn't hit.
Or that's what she would have done because she is nauseated and only moves away. She waves at Seren, the blood still flowing.

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((Wait, hold on, if I go back and edit, the dice get roll again?
She passed the disease but she was nauseated. I apologize. I wasn't aware of that. ))
Elena HP:4/11 (bleed + nauseated)

GM Valen |

Nauseated, Elena stumbles out of the mass of insects, which prompts Saito to toss a flask near the heart of the swarm.
The resulting acid consumes a large sum of the remaining bugs, causing the others to dissipate harmlessly.
Seeing Elena drained of blood, Janira rushes over and casts cure light wounds/
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
"Congratulations on your first successful battle together!" declares Janira. "But, we should not take too long to regain our bearings. Let's pack up and move on in order to reach the caves by dusk. If we don’t reach the caves tonight, any gillmen who are present may leave before we arrive."
As the group continues to travel through the wilderness, you find trails blocked by fallen objects, shortcuts overgrown, and other minor delays that could cost you time.
Each PC may attempt a Survival check.
Party Status
Elena Endari -2 HP

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Survival: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
"Ugh. It's dirty here. Scuffing my new shoes."