Ærde: Lost and Found in the City of Wonders

Game Master Jibril Johan Sameh

On the north western edge of Al Aimtidad, the anvil desert, sits the jewel of the world, the city of Zhayalammar. It is the ancient city of invention, horror, passion, and sorcery.

The Narrative * City Map * Character Status * Lands Around Zhayalahmar * Known Power Groups * Gossamer House * Current Map * The Scoreboard

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Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17


sense motive on Prem: 1d20 ⇒ 17

I assume that's enough for Zahra to realize Prem likes her but is there any other info that she should know?

Zahra was used to people paying more attention to her than they may to others. However, when Prem inched closer and closer to her at first she said, "That's silly. Why would you want to leave early when you thought I was dead?" Then realization suddenly hit her, "Oh...Oh!"

male (he/him)

Dounia would know enough to understand alNajima (pronounced:Ahl - na - heem - a; meaning: the star) Chamber is one of the two main criminal organizations in Zhayalamar. The second is 'The Fifth Column'.

Dounia has dealt with the Fifth Column - Coil game she and Zahra some good info in the marketplace a few days back. The people who attacked you before the opera were rogue Fifth Column. The demand payment from the local pickpockets and burglars. They run an extortion racket and move drugs and slaves.

alNajima, however, deals in higher crimes. You can go to Fifth Column and pay 150gp to get someone killed or you can go to alNajima and pay 150,000gp to have someone important assassinated. (prices may vary)

No one knows who the leaders of alNajima are and, although Dounia knows they exist, she doesn't know how to contact them - except, perhaps, through this Cascha Anhidar.

Zahra and Dounia

Dounia Mehar Mehek Ghali wrote:
"Prem! We thought we'd see you when we came out. We did great! Thanks to our new Blackbird buddies. Was it too boring for you to stick through to the end? Did you know I almost died? Got bit by a snake lady. But I'm feeling better now."

E'gama cocked an eyebrow at Dounia's little speech. Cyn sized up the situation in the hall and couldn't help letting a "Gha-he-ha" before she went silent.

Prem glanced to Dounia, "I'm sorry for missing your event, Dounia. I saw the attack by the naga. It must have been scary. I'm very glad you're ok." He looked back at Zahra. "I suddenly wasn't feeling very well."

Zahra al Asmar wrote:
"That's silly. Why would you want to leave early when you thought I was dead?" ... "oh ... oh!"

Cyn cocked her hip as E'gama stopped eating and watched like he was attending a sporting event.

Prem, "Is it so surprising? I got an invitation out of the blue. I don't know why. The first thing that happens is I'm defended from an abject fool by a woman I've never met before. And she's so strong ... compassionate ... open hearted ... beautiful. Is it so strange that I should bet every penny in the hopes she makes it through these deadly games alive? I mean really, these games are ridiculous! Like they were hatched in the mind of some foreign madman.

"I'm young. My people are rural and have few prospects in the courts of Ischolt. Suddenly, I'm landed in this exotic place with someone who is touched by power like I've never seen." He didn't mean Hullwyn.

"Is it so strange I sound be captivated by it? By her? By you?"

Cyn, "Damn." E'gama cuffed her roughly in the shoulder. "Wha!"



Tymythy-son-of-Stywyrt wrote:
”Honored elders,” ... ”Forgive this foolish youth's request but… I would learn the tales of the past champions to these games, these challenges, to show our predecessors the only honor I can. I seek no aid in the challenges I have yet to face. No, I would learn about the people themselves, not the circumstances of their victories and failures. If it pleases you.”[/b]

Harken, "Do you hear that, Votive? Honored elders. If it pleases us. The boy has manners. Basternae live up to thier reputation."

Votive, "Regard wishes to say 'do not look upon the floor'. She wants to see your eyes.

"Yes, we have lists. The scrolls are here. We assume you have brought Venala to read for you."

Regard searches the shelves and brings out a great pile of scrolls wrapped in linen and around alder-dowel. She lays them on a long thin table and pulls out two chairs.

Votive, "The information you're looking for is here."

Please make a gather information roll as Tymythy describes what he's looking for to Venala and she searches.



Konstantyne leads the cleric down a long set of steps which incorporated several turnings to the cellar. The floor was dark marble and little fonts of water glowed with magical light. The porter nodded as he continued down the steps which only constituted two flights to the next lower level. The undercroft.

These walls were cavernous and rough like a mine, with posts and lintel every ten feet to prevent collapse. In the floor was a little stream of crystal clear water that had a ghostly light casting glimmers upon the uneven walls and ceiling. The hall curved away in both directions.

To the left Cairee could see iron doors with little windows fixed with steel bars. From the nearest a voice, throaty and salivating, a voice that spoke from its' back teeth, gibbered, "Ahhh! Girl. New girl. Come here. Eat you up my little delicious treat. Come here!"

Konstantyne, "Silence Lasceevus, you still have seven hundred and twenty-three years to the binding promise and you'll harm no guest of my master's." Konstantyne began walking in the opposite direction. "This way, Cairee Featherfriend."

As they walked down the rough path they passed a cavern to their left with a limpid pool where stalagtites dripped milky fluid from their points. In the lagoon beneath, a single disciple of Hullwyn bathed and meditated.

Later and again on the left was another small passage that led to a little open space. On the floor of the space was an engraved circle of magical sigils surrounded by a ring of thick wax candles. Inside the circle was a goat-headed humanoid sitting cross-legged. In their eyes were a festival of stars.

Then they came to a door with runes upon. The silver-white runes was illuminated brightly from the light of the stream. Opposite the door was a nook with a stool. Konstantyne stopped in front of the door and waited. He waited for several minutes. Then a voice came from within, "Come" and the porter opened the door.

Kon, "Please go in. I'll be waiting here."

Through the door was a sitting room with a lavish organically patterned carpet. Ammenities lay about the room that were practical without being stuffy. This looked like somebodies home and it was a home without pomp, save for the obviously valuable rug. Across the room was an alcove and from the alcove came small sound of someone moving dishes. The air was cool and damp.

A man appeared in the alcove. He was tall, perhaps six-three and had long sleek golden hair and the pointed ears of an elf but turned back towards the back of his head like wings. He had a sickly complexion of pale green until he stepped into the light and then it turned to seafoam and copper. He adjusted his sitting robe from which Cairee could see slim black suit pants and black dress shoes. He wiggled his white ascot as he regarded his visitor and stepped into the room.

perception DC13:
Just above the ascot there were flaps of skin. Gills?

kn local DC16 (trained only):
An aquatic elf???

Voltus, "Idrum Voltus, Senechal of Gossamer House. Cairee Featherfriend, why have you come to see me?" There was no expression in his voice so that it sounded monotone. A teapot and two cups floated through the alcove as did the smell of raw fish. The pot teetered. "Be careful Willum." The tea set itself down, poured out two cups, a quilted coaster was set for the pot to be placed on.

Voltus sat and waited.

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17
Prem wrote:
..."Is it so strange I sound be captivated by it? By her? By you?"

Zahra raised her hand to put it comfortingly on Prem's arm but then thought he may think she was placating him and hurt his feelings so she slowly lowered it again. "No, not at all strange. Not when you put it that way. But my focus has been...I didn't realize..."

"Prem, you have so much more substance than most of the guests here. You are witty, intelligent, debonair, and you can fly! If I didn't enjoy your company there are plenty of other places to be. But..."

She suddenly felt very exposed with E'gama, Cyn, and now Dounia gawking at them. "Can we discuss this more in private? Considering neither of us even know if we'd remember each other once we leave this place, would you really want something more than friendship? I'm not sure I would. Then it means nothing."

male (he/him)

"A private conversation?" He looked around the hall at Dounia and Cyn and E'gama and walked back to his room to hold the door open. E'gama started to look at the ceiling and Cyn began whistling absently.

If Zahra is up for a private conversation then Prem will ask for nothing. He has no demands. His feelings are his but he won't hide them. If she wants to be friends for these few days then he's in. He will say this ...

"I can't imagine anything about you meaning 'nothing', but, maybe, once we're through all of this and we forget, maybe we'll meet in some strange street somewhere. Maybe something in you will recognize something in me. Like a dream one of us had of being friends. Maybe, I'll hold onto that idea. That little hope.

"It's kind of perfect. All pressure is off. If we are meant to know each other then, perhaps, we will."


Corey wrote:

Konstantyne leads the cleric down...To the left Cairee could see iron doors with little windows fixed with steel bars. From the nearest a voice, throaty and salivating, a voice that spoke from its' back teeth, gibbered, "Ahhh! Girl. New girl. Come here. Eat you up my little delicious treat. Come here!"

Konstantyne,"Silence Lasceevus, you still have seven hundred and twenty-three years to the binding promise and you'll harm no guest of my master's."

It shouldn't have surprised Cairee that there would be cells. Cyn and E'gama had been kept somewhere. But she wasn't expecting to casually walk by them. The voice's words were creepy, but it was Konstantyne's reply that made the cleric's brow furrow. "Who is this Lasceevus, and why have they been imprisoned for so long?" A little further down, she asked her second question. "You call Hallwyn master. What led you to his service?"

Corey wrote:
..A man appeared in the alcove. He was tall, perhaps six-three and had long sleek golden hair and the pointed ears of an elf but turned back towards the back of his head like wings..."Idrum Voltus, Senechal of Gossamer House. Cairee Featherfriend, why have you come to see me?"

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Know Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Cairee bowed deeply, wondering at the flaps of skin just about the ascot. They reminded her of gills. Could this be an aquatic elf? "It's an honour to meet you. Thank you for making time to see me." She watched as tea was poured by an invisible hand. She resisted the urge to try to determine how the tea was being poured (Illusion? Invisibility spell?) lest it appear rude. Instead she accepted a cup of tea. "Thank you, uh, Willum."

Once Voltus had sat and helped himself to a cup, Cairee continued. "I have some questions about our last challenge, and my benefactor Yoy'ya suggested I speak with you. The first creature we fought was a Naga. Right before it died it seemed to recognize us, and repeated what sounded like a prophesy that referred to my friends and me. It could just be some nonsense meant to unnerve us. But if there is a prophesy about us, I'd like to learn more about where it originated and what else it says. Why would the Naga have heard it? Is this something you could help with?"

Diplomacy with Guidance: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 1 = 21

male (he/him)

GMs rolls:

Cairee's will, DC17: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Voltus sense motive: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31


Cairee Featherfriend wrote:
"Who is this Lasceevus, and why have they been imprisoned for so long?" A little further down, she asked her second question. "You call Hallwyn master. What led you to his service?"

Konstantyne, "A demon of the ancient world who crossed Hullwyn when he was young. They fought for three days and in the end Lasceevus was trapped for nine hundred and ninety-nine years. Hullwyn accomplished this before his two hundred and fiftieth birthday. I'm told there are sixty-five demons and angels trapped in prisons and jars, between mirrors and in hour glasses somewhere in Gossamer House.

"What led me to his service? I was a beggar. A talented beggar. One of his people found me and asked me if I wanted to learn. I said I did. I have learned a lot about the worlds of good and evil here. I have had the world of the seeming stripped from my eyes. I have laboured, failed, and been punished.

"But I haven't regretted a day."


Cairee Featherfriend wrote:
... She watched as tea was poured by an invisible hand. She resisted the urge to try to determine how the tea was being poured (Illusion? Invisibility spell?) lest it appear rude ...

Voltus sat back and stirred his tea, "It's just a spell. 'The Unseen Butler'. A gift from a ...client. I'm told it isn't a spirit and has no mind but I like to pretend it is ensouled. I imagine its' name to be Willum."

Cairee Featherfriend wrote:
"... The first creature we fought was a Naga. Right before it died it seemed to recognize us, and repeated what sounded like a prophesy that referred to my friends and me. It could just be some nonsense meant to unnerve us. But if there is a prophesy about us, I'd like to learn more about where it originated and what else it says. Why would the Naga have heard it? Is this something you could help with?"

Voltus set his tea down, "Lunar Naga study the cycles of the night sky. They are dedicated to this study so that they might understand the great song of Immarundingir, the music of the universe. And to see the future. We have noticed that they have been going missing from their traditional skywatches, the lunar naga. We don't know why. This naga seems to have found in its' studies some glimpse of your futures. We don't have any details of this.

"We believe it has something to do with this new group that has arisen. They call themselves the Fida Huras. In the language of the Aerthane it would translate into 'The Psions of the Moon'. We have also heard the name 'Sons of Amar'. They seem to draw a deep connection to the dark moon, Amar, and have some desire for the three of you.

"It's ok. You can ask the question you mean to ask. You are safe here and no one is listening. Protections are up and I doubt Kamzar'gibil himself could pierce it."

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17
GM Corey Homebrew wrote:

"A private conversation?" He looked around the hall at Dounia and Cyn and E'gama and walked back to his room to hold the door open. E'gama started to look at the ceiling and Cyn began whistling absently.

If Zahra is up for a private conversation then Prem will ask for nothing. He has no demands. His feelings are his but he won't hide them. If she wants to be friends for these few days then he's in. He will say this ...

"I can't imagine anything about you meaning 'nothing', but, maybe, once we're through all of this and we forget, maybe we'll meet in some strange street somewhere. Maybe something in you will recognize something in me. Like a dream one of us had of being friends. Maybe, I'll hold onto that idea. That little hope.

"It's kind of perfect. All pressure is off. If we are meant to know each other then, perhaps, we will."

Zahra gave Prem a grateful smile and went through the door he was holding open for her. She turned to face him as he gently shut the door.

"Thank you for indulging me but I wanted us to be able to speak freely and not be concerned about our words being judged. I wanted to make sure that you won't be upset with me for remaining just friends. I value your friendship very much and I would like to enjoy our time together that's left."

When Prem shares his thoughts, relief shows on Zahra's face and she smiles brightly, "I like that. See? You always know what to say."

"And I wanted to thank you for for listing other qualities you see in me before mentioning my looks. Most people don't see past the fact that I'm pretty. I wanted you to know that it meant a lot to me."

She looked at Prem for agreement, "So...friends? Would I be making things awkward or confusing if I gave you a hug? It seems like a good way to bring this conversation to a close and move forward."

I didn't think this needed a spoiler but it seemed to me that that wouldn't be a conversation you'd have in front of others; hence the 'private' conversation

male (he/him)

Prem hugged Zahra softly and warmly. His ears were a little coarse and covered in a fine peachfuzz which helped them be as warm as a bed comforter. Three or four heartbeats later he released her and opened the door to the hall.

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 1 | HP: 29/29| AC (temp): 19 (13 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 16 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +1 | SMB: +3, SMD: 14 |

Gather info was diplomacy, right? Luckily, as I said, Tymythy is not looking for anything specific, anything actually useful. Just lists of past participants, their great deeds, the manner of their failures… this is to remember (even though he knows he won’t), not for any other cause. So he’ll be happy enough about absolutely anything, and I doubt Venala will fail to find the right records altogether with the old librarians’ guidance ;^)

I guess the only thing that would be more than general interest would be Hlewmylani-style names on the list, but again, I doubt he could make any use of that information either.

Diplomacy, gather information: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8

Steeling himself, Tymythy did lift his gaze to meet the three pairs of eyes – of whose Votive’s were quite naturally the hardest to meet, for even though copper thread sealed her eyelids she still seemed aware of her surroundings as though mortal eyes were not the only way with which she could see.


”Thank you for granting my request. I vow I shall not leave here with anything I didn’t bring in with me, other than what knowledge your records and Venala’s translation may grant me,” he said, bowing to all three venerable guardians of the records in turn before turning his attention to the scrolls.

He hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should pull out the chair for Venala to sit in, having only recently been haphazardly introduced to the custom – and to the experience of chairs with proper backrests in general – but decided it was prudent to at least make an attempt. Awkwardly, most certainly, but he had seen the feat performed by other men to their female companions enough times that at least he didn’t jerk Venala’s feet from under her as he “helped” get her seated, then took the other side, perched somewhat uncomfortably at the edge of the seat, back ramrod straight, rather hoping there was a simple mat on the floor to recline on.

”I have no idea where to begin, nor have any particular secret I seek,” he said, gesturing at the bundle of scrolls. ”Perhaps we could start with the more recent group of challengers and work our way past? For as long as you have time to keep humoring me – please understand, I would not get between you and your other commitments.”

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

Dounia gaped as Prem as much as admitted he was in love with Zahra. Then the two of them whisked into his room, leaving her alone in the hallway with their two new companions and their porter.

"Well, shall we see your rooms? Or would you rather me not go in. That's fine too. They're pretty great. Everybody gets a personalized candle."

IF they invite her in, she'll go with them and try to chat about their future with the blackbirds. If they want privacy, she'll head back out to the arena.

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17
GM Corey Homebrew wrote:
Prem hugged Zahra softly and warmly. His ears were a little coarse and covered in a fine peachfuzz which helped them be as warm as a bed comforter. Three or four heartbeats later he released her and opened the door to the hall.

Prem's embrace wasn't awkward at all and Zahra was surprised that it was her that felt momentarily confused. She was enjoying this much more than she expected and she had to resist the urge to sink deeper into Prem's arms. Her thoughts swirled in her mind. Why shouldn't she enjoy her time here even if she didn't remember afterwards?

But that wasn't why she came here. She needed to be focused on doing whatever she could to keep Silimiel's scale safe and that meant competing in the challenges and making connections which required most of her energy. Prem deserved more than her leftover time and attention.

The little indulgence that she did allow herself was to let Prem decide how long the hug would last. As Zahra felt his hold begin to loosen she said quietly, "It must have been difficult for you thinking I was dead. I'm sorry you went through that."

She took a small step back to allow Prem to open the door. "Where to now? I'll see if I can find Cairee, Dounia, and Tymythy to tell them my story from when I was unconscious. Did you want to come?"

male (he/him)


Very little was listed in the scrolls, According to Venala. The team names were written down, the name of the team that won that year, Hullwyn's guest of honour, and those that died with the manner of their death. WHen a death was listed there was a delicate drawn image sometimes full body and sometimes bust only.

Last year there were seven competitors:

History's Defence
The Plainsmen
Fiona's Honor
Mago Ichikozu
Littlegable League
The Invisibles

Winner - The Hellion Knights
Guest of Honour - Princess Alissetta D'Anjoument

The Challenges were something called 'The Six Mirrors'

The year before there were five:

Newtown Ratcatchers
The Harps and Daggers
The Owl's Footsoldiers
Shadow of Runmor

Winner - The Crimson Horsemen
Guest of Honour - Princess Alissetta D'Anjoument

There was only one challenge - The Grand Maze

Three Years ago there were five:

Team Dagobert
The Mighty Fists of Doom
Team Orra
Team Relgonath

Winner - The Esquires of the Abyss
Guest of Honour - Princess Alissetta D'Anjoument

The challenge - The Six Day Quest

Four years ago there were nine competitors:

SeanFear Pikes
Lassiter's Revenge
Cloud of Light
Toweraxe Watch
The Rangers of the Cyndebeam
Peak Guild Reavers
Sons of the White Lady

Winners - Flame of Istledun
Guest of Honour - Duke Verdebrand of Noweiderheim

The challenge - The Six Oubliettes

male (he/him)


Cyn went in and checked out their suite. The Porter was waiting within patiently. It was much the same as the Black Bird's room. A small suite with two adjoining doors.

E'gama went into his and came back out again, "My candle, it smells like loam and bread." He looked at the bag of bread he was holding. "It smells like loam."

Cyn checked out her room and came back in, "Im not sure how we're supposed to sleep in those beds after being in the cells." Her eye became distant.

sense motive DC15:
She seems sad like she's missing someone. She mentioned a third member of her group?

Shortly there came a rap at the door which proved to be Zahra and Prem.

The Porter, "Lunch is being brought to the tents."

Voltus wrote:
"It's just a spell...I imagine its' name to be Willum."

He named the spell Willum. He chats with it. Cairee felt a rush of tenderness towards this strange elf, dwelling underground, away from the games or (seemingly) much company. He reminded her of Salma, one of the older priestesses of The Order of Saiph. She had spent dozens of years as a wandering healer, surviving on scraps and goodwill, before returning to the church in Issmenador. She stayed mostly to her quarters and the garden, chatting with the flowers.

Don't assume you can trust him, she chided herself. He wasn't giving much away. Was he truly impartial? Or was it an act?

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Assuming she doesn't get strong 'don't trust him' vibes:

Voltus wrote:
"This naga seems to have found in its' studies some glimpse of your futures...We believe it has something to do with this new group that has arisen. They call themselves the Fida Huras. In the language of the Aerthane it would translate into 'The Psions of the Moon'. We have also heard the name 'Sons of Amar'. They seem to draw a deep connection to the dark moon, Amar, and have some desire for the three of you."

She was disappointed that he didn't know more about the prophesy, though the mention of Fida Huras was interesting. "We've crossed paths with them before. They arranged to have Zahra kidnapped, and we were told that "The Hand" in alHufra was connected to them. I don't really understand who they are or what they want with us."

Voltus wrote:
"It's ok. You can ask the question you mean to ask. You are safe here and no one is listening."

His words confused her. She had come to ask about the prophesy. Hadn't she? His gentle prompt opened something within and words started tumbling out. "We've encountered strange things during our challenges that seem like they're part of something else. Someone trying to help us, maybe. But also trying to hurt us. There was a secret message in the trap challenge that we couldn't decipher. Something about 'When dragon takes ??? form, ??? takes ??? weakness'? And in the last challenge, some of the people behind the gate were trying to capture us for Casha. Not kill us. Well, Zahra, Dounia and I. They didn't seem to care if Tymythy died. But how could they even do that, capture us in a challenge? Unless someone was helping them?"

She took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. "We signed up for these challenges and I accept the dangers. We've decided it's worth the risk. But these other things - it feels like a game within a game and we don't even know that we're playing it, let alone the rules. I'm worried one of us will be killed because of our ignorance. How can we defend ourselves if we don't know what we're up against?"

Cairee sat back, a little winded from all of the worry she just voiced to a stranger. She didn't know if he could, or would, help. But it felt good to say her concerns out loud. She took a sip of tea. "Thank you, Willum."

male (he/him)

Voltus, "Thank you. Usually it takes the people ages to ask their real question.

"Willum, please bring out my lunch.

"Cairee, would you like a plate made? I have a particular diet that most don't care to try. Many find it enjoyable if they give it a chance."

A long platter came floating out with slim slices of raw fish, boiled seaweed, and picked ginger. Also on the platter were two small bowls with oils that smelled like sesame and chili.

Small glasses of weak beer and two small plates followed shortly after. Voltus took two sticks and used them as pincers to grab bits of kelp and crab, dunk them lightly in one or another oil and popped it in his mouth.

"Never put more than one piece on your plate at a time. It's considered uncouth."

He swallowed a small piece of raw salmon.

"Your fist question.

"You can trust me - for the moment. I will not harm you because I have no reason to and I will not talk about anything we might disagree on in the future. You can trust me to serve this house ... and the enemies of Kamzar? delight Hullwyn greatly.


"The Fida Huras may be a new organization but they have developed connections very quickly. They have dealings with the slave trade arm of the Najima Chamber. They have made deals with The Hand of the Desert. Several members have died trying to infiltrate the Royal Alchemist Guild. As far as I can tell that Guild has not been able to interrogate any of those spies.

"If you learn more about this please call on me. I pay well for rare information."

He sipped at his little beer.


"Something has interfered in the games. Whomever has done this is very cunning. They haven't changed the game so much as nudged it. When a symbol has occurred they have made it a particular symbol. When a danger has occurred they have made it, not a worse danger, but a specific danger.

"Know that I am looking carefully into your first day to see if the manticore was the intended challenge. I suspect there was a nudge there as well.

"But the clue from the water trap room gives us an idea does it not. 'When dragon takes man form, dragon takes man weakness' Is it a warning or advice? I confess I am baffled. And to sneak it into Hullwyn's games. The provocateur must be truly brilliant."

He dabbed the corner of his mouth with a cloth.

"Please tell me, in your last challenge, what were the whispers about? They seemed pointed."

He paused.

"But, these changes, though un-nerving to you, are no real concern for the officials, nor for Hullwyn. At least not enough to stop the games. Whomever is doing this isn't making the challenge more difficult. They only seem to be putting things in your way. Things that concern the Black Birds and the Black Birds alone. To me it feels like a warning.

"Cairee Featherfriend. There are dangers ahead of you and someone is trying to make sure you are aware of them.

"The elementals, for example. Hullwyn isn't the only jinn out there. Be careful.

"I, however, am very interested in who might have been able to do this. To compromise my security. Please do stay in-touch."

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

As they began to walk towards lunch, Dounia found herself blushing madly whenever she accidentally looked at Zahra or Prem. Her friend suddenly seemed much older and more worldly. Dounia didn't know what had happened, or if she even wanted to know.

She turned instead to the new team mates and said, "So, we should talk about the challenges, and what we're going to try next. Are you actually going to fight with us? Or do you want to find a way to quit the team?"

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17

Prem didn't say anything but he also didn't leave so Zahra went towards where she thought she heard familiar voices and knocked on the door.

She nodded at the others when the door was opened and stepped inside, followed by Prem.

The porter mentioned lunch but before going, there was a conversation that Zahra wanted to follow up on.

Looking pointedly at E'gama and Cyn, she said, "Earlier you mentioned what the other prisoners had been talking about with regards to us and Casche's bounty. You said that some other group had hired the thugs and thieves guild to capture us. Did they say what the name of the group was?"

Dounia, did you miss the sense motive on Cyn or would Dounia not have cared? Also, I think someone should remind Prem to collect his money for betting against Zahra dying but it probably shouldn't be Zahra

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

Thanks, I missed that.

SM: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 Has she ever made a SM roll?

male (he/him)
Zahra al Asmar wrote:
"It must have been difficult for you thinking I was dead. I'm sorry you went through that."

Prem smiled and joked, "Yes, when you were attacked from all directions in that mad moving deathtrap and almost died but were only barely saved by your desperate friends ... it was really hard for me. I'm just really glad you're ok." He put his hand on her shoulder and then suddenly realized something. "Oh! I have a n embarrassing amount of money to collect."

Zahra al Asmar wrote:
"Where to now? I'll see if I can find Cairee, Dounia, and Tymythy to tell them my story from when I was unconscious. Did you want to come?"

Prem was still adjusting to the fact he wasn't leaving, everything in his head was resetting.

Zahra al Asmar wrote:
Prem didn't say anything but he also didn't leave so Zahra went towards where she thought she heard familiar voices ... "Earlier you mentioned what the other prisoners had been talking about with regards to us and Casche's bounty. You said that some other group had hired the thugs and thieves guild to capture us. Did they say what the name of the group was?"

Cyn, "I don't think they mentioned it but, if they did, I don't remember."

Dounia might remember that she overheard Casche telling the city guard to back off or get a visit from alNajima Chamber - page 1 of game play, 'Feb 27, 2021, 04:13 am', spoiler entitled 'What Dounia Heard'

male (he/him)

Dounia SM:
Homesick? You have a memory of some aspect of the oasis

male (he/him)
Dounia Mehar Mehek Ghali wrote:
She turned instead to the new team mates and said, "... Are you actually going to fight with us? Or do you want to find a way to quit the team?"

Cyn didn't wait for a conference with E'gama, "Are you kidding? I'm grateful and everything that we have these nice rooms and all, but we're not risking our backsides for anything that doesn't help our people. If it's an option, I'm afraid you're on your own."

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 1 | HP: 29/29| AC (temp): 19 (13 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 16 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +1 | SMB: +3, SMD: 14 |

Tymythy maintained his uncomfortable perch on the chair as if a man serving a penance, not willing to turn down what he saw as hospitality by complaining. Besides, the records Venala translated were intriguing in their own right... and him sitting there, listening to stories of past heroes dead and victorious, brought back memories of his childhood, when his mother recited the clan’s oral history for his elder brother to memorize. As a child he had loved to find excuses to join in, to share the wonder his mother’s oratory talents conjured in his mind’s eye.

Six challenges each year. Was there some particular significance in the number, either to their host or in some mystical manner? He could not say, but he filed away the fact. After all, he wouldn’t put it past their host to use the challenges and the blood shed during them to work some magical ritual behind the scenes.

Also, Princess Alissetta D'Anjoument seemed to be a regular in the games... or rather, the warriors competing under her banner. Was this merely a passing fancy for a lady rich and influential to rather a host of heroes to fight for her cause, or was there some special reason why she was so determined to try and win the price? Again, he could not tell, but perhaps their more knowledgeable new friends could shed some light in the matter.

I assume we will be gathering back at our suite at some point in the evening? Tymythy is happy to spend as much time before that studying as Venala can spare.

male (he/him)

Venalla stayed with Tymythy for hours and, after the lists had been gone through for decades, there were other accounts, journals of officials, and songs written by bards and student bards of Hullwyn's followers. Although it gave Tymythy insights into the games and showed much to be remembered of the fallen and the daring, the lists had given the most concrete information.

He did notice that the names of team members, unless they had met their end, were omitted.

Tymythy - take a reroll to use some time in the rest of the game as a reflection of the knowledge you pick up

Venala stayed with Tymythy through lunch and seemed happy to spend time on his curiosity. When he showed interest in a more evocative journal she looked for more of the same. After a while he noticed she was sitting closer and closer.

And that's when it became crystal-clear that 'free love' is big at Gossamer House and all of Hullwyn's people are good to go - especially for competitors!

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17
Prem wrote:
He put his hand on her shoulder and then suddenly realized something. "Oh! I have a n embarrassing amount of money to collect."

Zahra remembered what he had said about betting that she stay alive during the challenges and asked, "Is that because I didn't die?" Her face fell and she looked a little sad. "I can't believe there are that many people here hoping that I die."

Then she shook her head as if trying to banish her internal thoughts, "Is it too self serving if I request that you spend some of your windfall on something to help me survive the next challenge?"

Cyn wrote:
Cyn, "I don't think they mentioned it but, if they did, I don't remember."

Zahra looked disappointed, "That's too bad. It would have been nice to know more about who has hired this Alnajima Chamber to capture us. I've never heard of any of these groups so why should they be concerned with me? With us?"

Cyn wrote:
"Are you kidding? I'm grateful and everything that we have these nice rooms and all, but we're not risking our backsides for anything that doesn't help our people. If it's an option, I'm afraid you're on your own."

Zahra looked thoughtful, "And if the judges say you have to compete? We're still not sure how this will all play out. I don't think this situation has happened before."

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

Dounia deflated a little with Cyn's immediate rejection of the team. "Oh. Well, I guess we need to talk about it all together anyway. Let's go eat and see how the other teams are doing."

She headed back out to the arena, and checked the lake before heading to the food tent.


Cairee tentatively tried the strange meal presented by Willum. She copied how Voltus held the two small sticks, and clumsily picked up small pieces of fish and seaweed. The textures were strange, but the flavours were simple and fresh and overall quite pleasing.

Voltus didn't tell Cairee much about Fida Huras they didn't already know. But his offer to pay for further intel was interesting. Dounia in particular would like the sound of it. His thoughts on the game where unsettling. "So you saw the message in the water trap? We thought it was visible only to us. If these messages are a warning, are they from a foe, meant to scare us? Or from a friend, trying to help us?"

Voltus wrote:
"Please tell me, in your last challenge, what were the whispers about? They seemed pointed."

Cairee shivered at the memory of those pour souls. "Some where children's voices. One was a man's. One was my own. Some were asking me to stay with them. Others sounded accusing, saying we were supposed to stay with them, something about being a guide. They mentioned a caravan, possibly the one that had kidnapped us and brought us together. And a woman in a tower?" She considered her host's question. "You you think there is meaning in these whispers? Who is the woman in a tower?"

She thanked him for his hospitality and help, and agreed to stay in touch. At the door she turned for a final question. "Do you know who's been betting for Zahra to die each challenge? And why?"

Konstantyne was gone when she finally emerged from Voltus' room. She made her way out of the undercroft alone, hurrying by the cell of Lasceevus. Once back in the arena she headed for the lake, looking for her friends. They had much to discuss.

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 1 | HP: 29/29| AC (temp): 19 (13 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 16 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +1 | SMB: +3, SMD: 14 |
GM Corey Homebrew wrote:
And that's when it became crystal-clear that 'free love' is big at Gossamer House and all of Hullwyn's people are good to go - especially for competitors!

Yeah, sorry, but not my cup of tea – I shall decline.

Tymythy was not quite certain how much time had passed, but from his stiffening muscles he guessed several hours. When Venala reached her had out for yet another scroll Tymythy pushed it aside. ”Enough and more than enough for one day, I think,” he said, rolling his shoulders and stretching his back. ”Thank you, but my curiosity has taken enough of your time already. Let us call it a day… but may I ask for you help again at a later date?”

Tymythy helped Venala put the scrolls back to their places, under the watchful eyes of the guardians of the library, and expressed his thanks to the trio for being allowed to peruse the archives before being led back to the surface level by his attentive attendant.

male (he/him)
Zahra al Asmar wrote:
... "Is it too self serving if I request that you spend some of your windfall on something to help me survive the next challenge?"...

Zahra - diplomacy (make request) DC7: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Prem's grey ears went white and he took a step back from Zahra, "Of course. I'm sorry. The money is really yours. I should have though of it on my own. All I risked for it was a few crowns and you risked your life - three times now. What do you need?"

He will spend up to 3,500gp on something you ask for

Zahra al Asmar wrote:
Zahra looked disappointed, "... I've never heard of any of these groups so why should they be concerned with me? With us?"

Cyn - kn local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Cyn shrugged, "Search me?!"

Zahra al Asmar wrote:
... "And if the judges say you have to compete? ..."

Cyn looked like her will was doing an uphill hike, "Then we compete. We need to get home and I'm not going back to a cell." E'gama stood behind her resolutely.

male (he/him)
Dounia Mehar Mehek Ghali wrote:

"Oh. Well, I guess we need to talk about it all together anyway. Let's go eat and see how the other teams are doing."

She headed back out to the arena, and checked the lake before heading to the food tent.

E'gama dropped his bread and fruit on one of the chairs, "Yes, let's eat." He and Cyn followed you all back into the arena. There wasn't a sign of Tymythy yet but Cairee was just entering the stands from the south.

The tents to the north were bustling with activity (though people were saving their stomachs for supper) as people nibbled away and socialized.

Dounia checked the lake as only one group were left competing. The Bonds of Gruumsh. They were still climbing the mountainside now three hours into the challenge. Clouds had gathered and the world they rustled through had grown dreary and colourless.

Then lightning flashed. And then another as it was accompanied by the rumble from the first.

Dounia - perception DC18:
Wait ... one of the shadows wasn't attached to anyone. Onetwothreefourfive ... six ... An extra shadow???

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

percp: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Dounia shuddered, feeling bad for the orcs. No fun to be hiking through a storm while everybody was eating lunch and having a nice time. She turned her attention to lunch.

As she filled her plate, she looked around for the Hermica and the others.

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17
Prem wrote:
Prem's grey ears went white and he took a step back from Zahra, "Of course. I'm sorry. The money is really yours. I should have though of it on my own. All I risked for it was a few crowns and you risked your life - three times now. What do you need?"

Zahra's face reddened a bit with embarrassment, "No, no! The money is definitely yours. I didn't mean that...I just thought that a replacement healing potion would be helpful considering we used the one I had to keep me alive last challenge. Maybe a healing draught that is a little more powerful than the last one since I seem to be a target for some reason.". She gave Prem a winning smile, "And you keep betting on me. It'll give me a reason to keep surviving."

She would ask for a Cure Moderate Wounds potion if possible. Things cost x5 so I think that's ok

When Zahra caught sight of Cairee, she waved at her friend so that she could join them. The sorceress then turned her attention to lunch. So much had happened this morning and there was much to share once they were away from the crowds.

male (he/him)

Cairee and Voltus

Cairee Featherfriend wrote:
"So you saw the message in the water trap? We thought it was visible only to us. If these messages are a warning, are they from a foe, meant to scare us? Or from a friend, trying to help us?"

Voltus, "There are a few of Hullwn's people who can see more than what is shown in the viewing lake. As seneschal, I am one of those. Iolantha, the master of engineering who designed the challenge , would also have seen it.

"No, I can see the question in your eyes. I've already looked into Iolanthe. She can lie when she wants to but not well enough to fool me.

"As to the question of 'friend or foe'? I can't say. I can learn a lot in three days but I haven't figured that out. As I said, this person or persons are very good."

Cairee Featherfriend wrote:
"You you think there is meaning in these whispers? Who is the woman in a tower?"

Voluts, "I thought of all the Black Birds, you might know. If none of it is familiar to you then my suspicions are off. Did you not come from a tower? What were you doing before you came to the west? Tandyraman says you are from Divolgatia but moved to Issmenadore and then to Tower Unazentum.

"It's just a feeling I had."

Cairee Featherfriend wrote:
"Do you know who's been betting for Zahra to die each challenge? And why?"

Voltus, "I don't care much for betting. I am interested in people. The only foe you've made so far is Mister Kingsworthy but he doesn't seem competent enough to pull off a scheme. He is as vengeful as a schoolboy though. He must have powerful relations to have survived in the northern courts for this long.

"As to 'why', well, that's a little more up my alley. For some reason people have picked out Miss Asmar as weak and are looking to make money on her death. It happens with betting. People look for hooks to hang their luck off of. I don't think there is more to it than that.

"I would go speak with Nadj. He is a consummate gambler and knows all of the players."

male (he/him)

Hmm, another post gone. My work wifi is bad. I wonder if that has something to do with it?

Dounia couldn't see Hermica, nor the other sisters ... splits ... clones? In fact, she hasn't seen them since they last spoke.


A few of the Sisters of the Silken Scroll (Candor, Alliss, and Pattallia) were nearby, however, speaking with the Baronet Vertebatton.

Cairee and Voltus

Cairee wrote:
"You you think there is meaning in these whispers? Who is the woman in a tower?"
Voltus wrote:
"I thought of all the Black Birds, you might know. If none of it is familiar to you then my suspicions are off. Did you not come from a tower?"

It hadn't occurred to Cairee that she was 'the woman in the tower.' The phrase had conjured an image from a fairytale and a princess locked away in a tall, stone tower, guarded by witches and dragons. Not a regular outpost.

"Perhaps they were about me? I wasn't at Tower Unazentum long when I was asked to join a scouting party. A wagon train traveling from the west had gone missing. We had been traveling, searching, for 30 days, when I was taken by the slavers." Cairee had no memory of her kidnapping. They had made camp, and then she'd woken up shackled in a covered wagon. "The whispers mentioned guides for a caravan, people looking, luring 'her' out... It sounds like the nudge you mentioned, making the whispers specific. Another warning?"

Sense Motive on Whispers w/Guidance: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 7 + 1 = 17


Zahra wrote:
When Zahra caught sight of Cairee, she waved at her friend so that she could join them.

Cairee sat with Zahra and Prem while they ate, still quite full from her lunch with Voltus. There was much to discuss, but she decided to waig until they were all together. "Prem, do you know someone named Nadj? Voltus suggested they may be able to help us determine who's been betting against Zahra. Oh! And Yoy'ya mentioned something about a museum and a secret door? "

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17
Cairee wrote:
Prem, do you know someone named Nadj? Voltus suggested they may be able to help us determine who's been betting against Zahra. Oh! And Yoy'ya mentioned something about a museum and a secret door? "

Zahra brightened at Cairee’s first question because she could actually help. Before Prem could answer she said, ”We already met Nadj. He was the one who told me that delightful story about meeting Silimiel who saved him from certain death. He’s usually at Hallwyn’s table. At least he was up there the last time I saw him.”

male (he/him)

The grey furred catfolk could be seen fon the eastern castle from the food tents.

The whispers did seem pointed and earnest but what the intent on sharing them was, Cairee couldn't be certain

male (he/him)
Cairee Featherfriend wrote:
"... It sounds like the nudge you mentioned, making the whispers specific. Another warning?"

Voltus, "I suppose. As you know, there is a stalemate between the arcane orders of Zhayalamar. I have seen through Hullwn the deal that was struck between Dame Harmattan and the Servants of the Red Dragon. No one could be seen helping you without turning a cold war into a war of gangs. They might try to reach out to you in a way only you could see. A way only you would understand.

"They've done very well to reach you here.

"Then again.

"It could be Kamzar screwing with you."

Voltus uncrossed his legs and stood up. He seemed to be thinking something through as he examined Cairee's face.

"My meal is over. This is all the time I have. Please do keep in-touch. You can reach me through the calling chargeour in your common room. You'll find a pale pink stone amongst the others. Drop it in the water and one of my people will come to you. Please show our guest out, Willum."

A lit candle came and walked Cairee to the door.

male (he/him)

The Third Afternoon

It was well into the afternoon, on to the song of three, that Tymythy rejoined the others. He had missed very little of the comestibles as the food tables were constantly replenished and the lunch fare was relatively light.

All of the competitors were present, save the Bonds of Gruumsh, as Hullwn worked the crowd and said hello in brief intervals. The Princess Alissetta was surrounded by her people as to make her unreachable, an island of royal privelege.

Before Tymythy's return, Zahra had to endure an unending flow of merchants and lesser nobles introducing themselves and wanting her company. They were uniform and unremarkable with what seemed like a script, like required reading.

"Good afternoon. I am third fifthy eighth Low Arch Count Regent of the serene grande western prefecture province of their royal high benevolence of the unending sentence without true eye contact.

"I found myself moved by your fair countenanced beauty poise and would be remiss ungentlemanly bereft if I didn't come direct personally damned be propriety to make myself known in introduction announcement to you.

"Would you join me in our party contingent so that you might meet introduction influenced to the entourage of presseuse elite."

None of the noble crowd made any attempt to say hello to either the clearly secular Cairee nor the wild mannered Dounia.


Tymythy appeared a little stiff as he joined the Black Birds, and everyone was finally together again.

Some movement formed in the crowd.

Guests started to move to the arena in small groups to watch the lake. It had become quite active as the last competitors seemed to have a development.

The rains and winds had built to a torrent as each of the team had found some purchase on the mountainside with as much as thirty feet between them. A shadow shot past them in a blur and one of the young orcs, Nergui, developed a long slash across his torso. The wound immediately became angry with a green veiny poison.

(Kisu'gina twitched)

The leader, Batbayar, used a free hand to grab his manople and stick it into the rock by his shoulder. He stuck his hand into the glove, tightened the laces with his teeth and drew it from the stone again.

The other orcs prepared crossbows or found the footing to ready spears while the old woman began to chant. The winds tore her words to shreds as they left her mouth.

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17

The Third Afternoon

When the first merchant approached Zahra, she was thrilled. This was her chance to help her family and make important contacts. Maybe through this she could help her father expand his reach and open up new markets.

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance. My father is also a merchant and I would love to discuss future prospects or else you could speak to him directly in Zhayalammar at the bazaar. What goods does your family handle?"

..."My beauty? Um, thank you but I'm not sure how...you don't want to discuss?..."

After the first couple of interactions, even Zahra realized that they had no real interest in her or her family but just wanted her to be seen with them. She was also bothered by the fact that they never acknowledged anyone else she was sitting with. It was if they were all invisible. Even she felt invisible as they made no real eye contact with her. They looked at her but didn't seem to see her.

And so as their introductions were rehearsed, her response also became rote. With a smile she would reply, "I am flattered that the third fifthy eighth Low Arch Count Regent of the serene grande western prefecture province of their royal high benevolence has honoured me with their invitation. As you are aware I am involved in the challenges. Unfortunately that means that preparing for the next challenge requires all of my focus and so I must decline at this time. Hopefully we can connect when the challenges are completed."

If there is anyone who seems genuinely wanting to connect because she is a merchant's daughter and could be a contact to help her father then she would accept their invitation. But it seems from how it was written that none of the invites were genuine

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17

I’ve been rethinking Zahra’s response a bit. If she thought accepting these invites would result in boons for the Blackbirds in the challenges, she would accept the invite. But that would involve a lot of sense motive rolls on her part…Not that this is a huge part of the story, just putting that out there

male (he/him)

Treat that as Zahra taking ten on her sense motive for a general sense

Zahra got the general feeling that these nobles and merchants might just as likely forget to provide some help in the games as show some reciprocity. It was a crap shoot and would require playing whatever game they were playing.

Yoy'ya was close and after the third visit put her hand on Zahra's shoulder, "Don't worry. I'm putting my mark on them. I'll check them out."

male (he/him)

The Third Afternoon

Moments passed in the lake before Tyerror tensed and released a spear. It flew an impressive distance before being taken by the wind and, unfortunately too soon to hit the beast that appeared.

kn arcana DC16:
Wyvern - a kin to dragons and known for the poisonous sting in its' tail barb

Wings like a giant. Long flexible neck with a serpentine head. A whip like tail with a cruel barb set in it's end. Blue hard scaly flesh. It came into view and made a clumsy turn as it fought the burden of its' own weight and the hard winds. Then it dove towards the old woman Jad.

Nergui fired off a crossbow bolt that hit with little effect.

Jad's hand released two dark purple darts that struck the creature's centre mass before the beast bit her other arm and tried to lift her off the mountain's face.

Batbayar fought to get closer but couldn't reach so he stopped and began to climb higher.

Khol fired a smooth bullet from her sling. It struck the creatures temple near the ear hole and it released Jad to fly away again.

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 1 | HP: 29/29| AC (temp): 19 (13 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 16 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +1 | SMB: +3, SMD: 14 |

The Third Afternoon

Tymythy grunted in annoyance as his stiffened muscles kept complaining even after the walk up from the hall of records. He spotted the other Blackbirds gathering and walked over, eyes now drawn to the viewing pool and the orcish team. He frowned. Scaling a mountain while fending off some flying creature that seemed both fast and nimble? That was a bad place to defend oneself… but had the manticore the four of them had slain in their first challenge not been cooperative enough to come to them the Blackbirds might easily have found themselves in a similar situation, trying to creep to the beast’s lair.

He felt Kisu'gina trembling in his eyes and automatically ran one hand up and down the spear’s shaft in a soothing gesture. Awakened now from its slumber by a taste of the naga’s blood, the Fang of Justice seemed eager for more. He wondered exactly how the spirit residing in the usriev managed to catch sight of a foe mere projected on a magical display. Was she tapping into her wielder’s senses? Or, were one able to see into the realm of the spirits like a shaman could, would one now see an insubstantial spirit standing next to Tymythy, independently aware of their surroundings?

Kisu'gina’s senses proved sharp indeed as moments later, the beast hunting the orcs came into focus. Tymythy had no idea what the beast was, but it was surely the closest thing to a true dragon he had ever seen. ”Now that,” he murmured in awe and a little bit of jealousy, ”is a worthy foe.”

He stared in rapt attention as the orcs clashed with the dragon-kin. When Khol’s slingshot distracted the beast enough for it to losen its grip on Jad’s arm the hunter slammed the butt of the usriev on the flagstones in a salute for a move well executed. The beast had tasted blood now, some of its foes, some of its own. If it had more than animal intelligence behind its eyes it would be more wary the next time it came at the orcs. But attack it would, as it should realize it would never have a more favourable field of battle as it did right now. If the orcs got to the top of the cliff their were scaling, presumably where the beast had its lair? Then it would lost its advantage.

The Third Afternoon

Zahra wrote:
Zahra brightened at Cairee’s first question because she could actually help. Before Prem could answer she said, ”We already met Nadj. He was the one who told me that delightful story about meeting Silimiel who saved him from certain death. He’s usually at Hallwyn’s table. At least he was up there the last time I saw him.”

"Oh, of course!" They had met so many people over the past few days, the name had slipped right out of Cairee's mind. "Let's go speak with him."

Later...The Bonds of Gruumsh appeared in the lake, clinging to a mountainside. A shadow whizzed by and a nasty gash appeared on a young Orc's belly. Cairee instinctively reached for her pendant, though there was nothing that she could do for the them from here. Still, she prayed.

Know Arcana: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

The shadow attacked again and this time the cleric saw wings, a serpent-like head, a barbed tail, blue scaly flesh. "A wyvern!" she gasped as it bit at another Orc. It was horrible to watch, but she felt a duty to stand witness to this team fighting for their lives. Others were placing bets. She stood near Tymythy, praying for their survival.

male (he/him)

great roll. You also know wyvern are immune to sleep and paralysis, and are nasty, brutish, violent and impatient

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17
Yoy'ya wrote:
Yoy'ya was close and after the third visit put her hand on Zahra's shoulder, "Don't worry. I'm putting my mark on them. I'll check them out."

Zahra gave Yoy'ya a grateful smile. Their patron clearly saw that the sorceress was out of her depth and she welcomed the help. "I would willingly accept any invitation if it meant it would help the Blackbirds but I'm having difficulty sorting that out. Your guidance would be immeasurable."

Cairee wrote:
"Let's go speak with him."

Zahra needed no convincing to go find Nadj to speak with him again. Who knew what other stories he had to share. She nodded enthusiastically and headed for where they had spotted him.


The rising tension in the stadium as the orcs finally met what they had been tracking made Zahra feel anxious.

k.arcana: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Her brain worked it out a second behind Cairee as she recognized the flying creature as a wyvern. "That's not good. Their tail barb contains poison." She clapped a hand over her mouth as the wyvern attacked as if to keep a gasp from escaping. She shook her head, "They need to get off the side of the mountain."

male (he/him)
Cairee Featherfriend wrote:
"Prem, do you know someone named Nadj? Voltus suggested they may be able to help us determine who's been betting against Zahra. Oh! And Yoy'ya mentioned something about a museum and a secret door? "

Prem had been miles away and it took him until after Cairee and Zahra had finished discussing Nadj, "Yes. The statues in the entryway, the foyer, are part of a larger collection of paintings and sculptures in a great hall accessed through the basement level. I did some snooping down there. I also, ahem, snuck through the mirror in the food tent and passed through the kitchens. There's a winding stair that heads to some of the creepiest halls I've ever walked. I found a door with seven locks that I took to be a vault. Some guards found me there and showed me the way back up to the arena. They were almost gentle about it."

GMs rolls:

?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

perception DC14 + sense motive DC5 (you have to get both):
Cyn clearly overheard the whisper and wheels moved somewhere deep inside her head

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Dounia watched the orc team's struggles, her clenched fist in her teeth, chewing on her knuckles. It certainly made their challenge seem like a walk in the park. Almost literally. "Oh, be careful!" she muttered. She didn't know what a wyvern was, but she knew that thing looked bloody dangerous. She wondered what their host did about all the people who died during his games, but without anybody remembering that they were even there, much less dead.

Plan, watch this fight. Go talk to Nadj with the others. If there's time and nothing else is happening, go to Hermica et alls rooms and see if they're there. Dinner.

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17

peception,DC14: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
sense motive,DC5: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Seriously?!? A 1? Sigh

Zahra looked surprised and impressed by Prem's explorations. "You went through the mirror into the kitchens? I would have been nervous about being caught. How big were the locks? And the guards weren't angry when they found you? Did you see anyone else when you were exploring?"

male (he/him)

As the group walked towards the eastern castle Prem remembered, "I WAS nervous........ but everyone there is so busy that I found myself able to slip around them. And I was lucky. When I was caught at the vault door I got the definite feeling I wouldn't be tolerated there again. I think the guards were taking a measure of how roughly they could treat a guest and decided on grabbing my scruff and throwing me up the stairs.

"When I said 'almost gentle' I was understating their aggressiveness.

"How big were the ...? You're not thinking of going down there?"

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