Ærde: Lost and Found in the City of Wonders

Game Master Jibril Johan Sameh

On the north western edge of Al Aimtidad, the anvil desert, sits the jewel of the world, the city of Zhayalammar. It is the ancient city of invention, horror, passion, and sorcery.

The Narrative * City Map * Character Status * Lands Around Zhayalahmar * Known Power Groups * Gossamer House * Current Map * The Scoreboard

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(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

As the strong members of the party lifted the portcullis, Dounia took a moment to be grateful for their new friends. She wasn't sure that she and Cairee would have been able to do what they did. I should start lifting weights. Maybe Tymythy can show me some excercises to increase my muscles.

She and Cairee ducked under the gate, then waited as the lifters came under as well. As they did, she whispered, "Big dramatic finish, everybody."

Cairee, immune to drama, walked out serenely, her hand on her pendant and a prayer on her lips. The dirt and blood smeared on her face made her look holy, rather than messy; Dounia wondered how she always managed that. Maybe it was the orange hair. She suddenly realized her shayla was probably in serious disarray, but it wouldn't do to draw attention to that it now.

She slowed a moment, giving Zahra a chance to make her exit, then Tymythy. Spontaneously, she took Cyn and E'gama's hands, then blushed furiously and nearly dropped E'gama's when she realized what she'd done. Instead, she pulled them forward and raised their arms up overhead. As the crowd reacted, she said, "Hold me up!"

Dounia then leapt forwards and swung herself upwards, using their upraised hands as a fulcrum. At the height of her swing, she twisted with her own momentum, spinning gracefully in the air, and ended up in a handstand, with her hands still on the hands of the elves. She then jumped and spun again, so that she was standing upright, one foot on each hand, and she bowed low to the crowd. Then she leaped forward, tumbling several times in the air, landing in a somersault, then springing to her feet next to Zahra. If that doesn't bring down the house, nothing will!

acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
1 Cyn's bad shoulder, 2 good shoulder: 1d2 ⇒ 2

male (he/him)

E'gama was clearly having trouble finding purchase with his prosthetic foot to brace on and Cyn was no musclebound warrior. They both pushed hard as Cairee prayed for strength, but Tymythy and Zahra made up the difference as they put their will, their strength, and the last of their energy into endeavour. The gate moved. It rose steadily and they quickly slipped through.

The portcullis fell behind them and a judge yelled from the score board, "FOUR MINUTES FORTY-EIGHT!"

The crowd went from dead silent to uproar as those who had been clinging to the edge of their seats jumped up and joined those standing in a cacophony of cheers!

Before them at the base of the gates were the battered remnants of The Black Birds, now with their two new team members. Dounia tried her best to not show the lingering effects of the naga's poison, nor her many wounds. Zahra was pale with some final lingering touch of death. Tymythy, though revitalized a little by the potion, had come nearly to the limits of his endurance. Cairee was all but tapped out with next to no will to ask Saiph for anything more.

E'gama had the face of someone who had threaded a needle with a flaming eye, the glow of a new lease on his own mortality. Cyn seemed happy enough but was not quite relaxed, like a person waiting for another shoe to drop.

Several of the judges came over to help your team to the tents of healing where you are joined by Yoy'ya. She waited patiently as the four were tended to. Elven judges lay hands on contusions, provided tonics, and cleaned and wrapped wounds.

Zahra - cure light wounds: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Cairee - cure moderate wounds: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (8, 7) + 3 = 18
Dounia - cure moderate wounds: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (8, 1) + 3 = 12
Tymythy - cure serious wounds: 3d8 + 5 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) + 5 = 12
Dounia - lesser restoration: 1d4 ⇒ 4 Dounia's constitution is back to normal, her wisdom damage should heal naturally
E'gama - cure light wounds: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
judge first aid on Cyn: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

One of the healers spoke with Cairee while she was being tended to. She pulled out the gloves and he mimed putting them on. She followed as he talked through their use.

Psychic surgery gloves - use them as Vest of Surgery

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

Dounia sighed in relief as the judges healed the worst of her hurts. Even the wobbliness from the naga's bite felt better. Her head was still a little fuzzy, but she hoped a good night sleep later on would help that.

As the others had their wounds tended, she looked at the other doors and the lake, to see how the other groups were doing. It was all she could do not to run to the scoreboard to see how they'd scored. They wouldn't get points for killing all the challengers, as they'd adopted some into the fold. But everything else, surely they would have near perfect for the times and the secrets. She hopped a little on her toes, wanting to go and look. But Yoy'ya was waiting to talk to them, and it the scoreboard would wait.

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17

There was nothing but surprise on Zahra's face as they managed to lift the gate and she was actually helping! Well, truth be told, she knew where her strength had come from. Silimiel was the one that had empowered her to find the strength she had needed.

Pride in her ancestor caused her face to beam as she entered the stadium. She raised both her hands and waved at the people cheering for them as she walked forward. It was like Silimiel's magical presence emitted from Zahra and the water in the air around her crystalized making it look like she was sparkling as she moved.

Using Ray of Frost with a somewhat creative license :)

Her adrenaline was quick to wear off as soon as the judges ushered them to the healing tents. She allowed them to administer whatever healing they wanted to give to her while making sure everyone else, especially E'gama and Cyn, were helped as well. They were now part of their team and she wanted to make sure they were treated that way.

Once they were all feeling more like themselves, at least physically, she was ready to hear what Yoy'ya had to tell them. She hoped that their patron wasn't going to chew them out for adding members to their team.

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 1 | HP: 29/29| AC (temp): 19 (13 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 16 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +1 | SMB: +3, SMD: 14 |

Tymythy was too exhausted to pretend he cared what the audience thought about their performance, although perhaps he should be grateful to them that Dounia’s gambit with E'gama and Cyn had worked. No doubt Yoy'ya could soon fill them in how much the novelty value for the audience had weighted in the decision to allow the two to join the Ravens mid-challenge. As the healers flocked around them Tymythy accepted the offered magic with gratitude, feeling his flesh mend and the many bruises delivered by the cruel floor fade away. He made sure to voice his appreciation, but later wondered if the judges took his few simple words as a slight, expecting instead a flood of flowery words.

He spotted Yoy'ya hovering nearby, waiting no doubt for a chance for a bit of privacy before the inevitable rounds of questions and answers. So, while he waited he scanned the arena and the magical viewing portal for glimpses of other teams and their progress. As only a handful of minutes had passed since they began, he doubted many teams could have yet finished their own ordeals.

male (he/him)

GMs rolls:

Tymythy basic charisma check: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Zahra - performance check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Cairee - basic charisma check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Yoy'ya's diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
25 x 20gp = 500gp
Team rolls = Cairee's cha 10 + Dounia's acrobatics 30 + Tymythy's charisma 20 + Zahra's performance 18 = 78 x 20gp = 1,560 (+Yoy'ya's 500gp + last total ?gp) = 2,060gp

male (he/him)

Yoy'ya was just by the folds of the tent of healing. As The Black Birds were released (Dounia's healing took the longest) she greeted them. Prem was nowhere to be seen.

"That was harrowing to say the least, but it payed off. I've collected two thousand and fifty crowns in donations. Some of the support from the dwarves has swung your way. Most went to the Cavaliers despite my early intervention. The support the Silken Scroll garnered is still up for grabs.

"How are you all? And who are my new 'partners'?"

E'gama, "Rangers from Khabazala. Keepers of the woodland promise, hungry keepers of the promise ... I think I saw food tents when were were on our exercise break."

Yoy'ya pointed, "Northern tents." and E'gama was off.

Cyn and Yoy'ya took the measure of each other. Cyn spoke with a quick nod, "Cynesarnes. What misstep led you to this hive of foolishness?

Yoy'ya, "Hive of f... maybe don't talk when we're around the donors, ok?"

Cyn, "Sure thing. This is your party, I just survive here. I see some of the Uyar, I'm going to see if I can find out their deal." Cyn spit of the slate and walked off.

Yoy'ya, "Pleasantries done with, really - how are you all? Your score is excellent by the way. You might pull out front. Perdition's Cavaliers are doing the hall of traps. I think they're still in the first chamber. They'll have to do very well to stay on top.

"The Adherents seem to be having no issues with the hall of mirrors but it's still early.

"Under five minutes! They other teams have only just started. The orcs took more than twice that time doing the arena challenge. The cells did open slower for them though and they weren't proactive about opening them. I think they're doing the door with the iron bands.

"Cairee, the Twins are doing the riddle challenge. I don't think they're bothering with the riddles.

"The Hazard Guard are waiting and will be attempting the riddle challenge after them."

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17

Zahra's face brightened at Yoy'ya's initial news. "That's fantastic! Donations will help us moving forward because we used most of our resources last challenge. We definitely learned the importance of having a healing draught at the ready."

Once E'gama and Cyn had left and Yoy'ya asked them again how they were doing, the sorceress gave a bit of an uneasy chuckle, "As you saw, I almost died again. But I'm feeling much better. As much as I didn't want to make it a usual thing, it seems to have worked out that way."

She listened as their patron gave the summary of how the other teams were doing and her assessment of how they'd done. Zahra nodded and then it finally registered that Prem wasn't there. "Is Prem out gathering more info? He's always been with you when we've finished one of our challenges. It's always nice seeing friendly faces when we get back to the arena."

Zahra was truly shocked by their time. Truly? Less than five minutes? It felt like an eternity in there."

Those gloves are cool. I didn't know there were magical items that could heal ability damage. Those will be useful

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 1 | HP: 29/29| AC (temp): 19 (13 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 16 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +1 | SMB: +3, SMD: 14 |

”I hope we managed to topple a few piles of wagered coins when Dounia made her suggestion to... reinforce our team,” Tymythy grunted, very much surprised and pleased they hadn’t had to fight the elves – and not only because doing so might very well have been their end, considering the amount of wounds they had borne. One or two arrows from Cynesarnes while E'gama kept them from approaching the archer...

Not that Dounia had been alone with the thought, Tymythy mused, as he had thought Zahra had been rather less surprised of the turn of events than he would have expected. Had the mystic been awake she might well have voiced the same thought.

Sorry Zahra – hard to give IC credit when Dounia was the first to actually make the offer ;^)

”A question about rules, as I realize a lot have been left unsaid – are all members of a team required to participate in a challenge, as long as part of the team does? Understandably, our two new members aren’t exactly raring to risk their lives for the amusement of others,” Tymythy asked Yoy’ya.

male (he/him)
Zahra al Asmar wrote:
...Zahra nodded and then it finally registered that Prem wasn't there. "Is Prem out gathering more info? He's always been with you when we've finished one of our challenges. It's always nice seeing friendly faces when we get back to the arena."

Yoy'ya replied a little absent mindedly, "Prem? Gathering information? You've only been gone a few minutes. I doubt there's much to gather.

"He was a bit worried when Dounia was bitten by that snake thing. Not three minutes after that he excused himself (Sometimes I think he doesn't have the stomach for these games). Haven't seen him but it was only a moment ago. He'll probably be back soon."

Tymythy-son-of-Stywyrt wrote:
...”A question about rules, as I realize a lot have been left unsaid – are all members of a team required to participate in a challenge, as long as part of the team does? Understandably, our two new members aren’t exactly raring to risk their lives for the amusement of others,” Tymythy asked Yoy’ya.

After a pause Yoy'ya responded thoughtfully, "That would be a question for the officiants. Their tent is next to this one.

"People have died in this competition and the rest of the team has continued. Entire teams have quit. Having a team member forfeit isn't a bonus. The rest of the team would have to carry the entire challenge ...

"and, personally, I say cut them loose. I'm glad they were there during that last challenge but I don't know them. They're firing off too many of my nerves. I can go talk to the judges, if you like. I think they're getting used to me.

"I'll only ask, 'If a team member forfeits the games would that disqualify the rest of the team?'"

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

Dounia frowned. "No! They saved our lives in there. They deserve a chance to win, same as we do. I mean, if they really don't want to stay with us, I guess that's up to them. But they might just go back to djinn-jail if they abandon the Blackbirds. Hellym loves chaos, remember?"

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17
Yoy'ya wrote:
"Prem? Gathering information? You've only been gone a few minutes. I doubt there's much to gather.

Zahra was still having trouble reconciling the time. So much had happened when she was near death leaving her brain unable to accept that not even five minutes had elapsed. "Right, we weren't even in there for five minutes," she murmured as if trying to make her brain accept it.

Yoy'ya wrote:
"I'll only ask, 'If a team member forfeits the games would that disqualify the rest of the team?'"

The sorceress nodded, "It would be good to check with the officials but really it's E'gama and Cyn's decision now that they are no longer in a life and death situation." Her brow furrowed as she tried to remember what she had seen of other groups, "But I don't think any of the other group members sat out on any of the challenges. Everyone entered through the doors, didn't they? Not that they have to help once in the challenge but they all entered the challenge."

male (he/him)

The Third Morning - The Lake

The island floated there. Twenty feet above the lake, it swayed gently like a plump cloud held in place by invisible ropes.

The lake beneath shimmered under the fairy sky and ripples ran through it exposing different images. They were like reflections excepting that which was being reflected was not present.


Perditions Cavaliers were reflected there.

They were just climbing upwards through a doorway leaving a long room. Beneath them were two mirrors at slight angles to each other. Over a dozen grey bodies lay in a heap against the mirrors. As they entered the hall, gravity seemed to change. What was a wall became the floor. In the middle of the hall a thorny vine shot widthwise across the new hall they'd entered. Then two more. Then three more. Then bolted for the other side.

The Lady Shiply leapt and slid, managing to get to the opposite door and began to jimmy what looked to be a good quality lock. Sir Pellius could have followed directly after but he spent much of his energy guarding Prince Keone who didn't seem as lithe. Lord Badrelow came in behind hacking the vines as he went. As he chopped through a vine it showered thorns.

disable device DC20 - no tool bonuses:
Lady Shiply worked fast but her knowledge of mechanical things seemed simple, direct, uncreative. She was no Dounia.


The Bonds of Gruumsh were thrown up against a background of tumultuous sky as they walked a mountain path. They pushed hard as Tyerror and Nergui, the young men, leapfrogged each other out front and tracking as they went. The winds were powerful and they were being spattered by sharp shards of icy rain.

It was hard to swear that not a one of them wasn't smiling.

survival DC12:
Nergui and Tyerror weren't hiding it well but they weren't finding any tracks


The Adherents of Aureolus walked in a calm line through a maze of mirrors.

The Don, Ric'cassa, was out front and held before him a black bound leather book. The cover was embossed with the symbol of a circle with a snake coiled about the ring. He chanted as he went, frequently reaching left to touch a mirror. Behind him were the rest of the team. Each was reaching forward and holding on to the previous persons shoulder.

They chanted solemnly and their eyes, wide open, were a milky white save for the leader.

spell craft DC15:
They are all chanting protection or divination spells

if you rolled 18 or higher also read this:
They are casting - owl's wisdom, unbreakable heart, and augury. The leader is casting - mirror sight


The Steelheart Twins were in an underground passage fighting a stone statue. Their teamwork was impressive as Arnie had a way of repositioning the statue into an opening for Mar to shoot at it.

They seemed to be steps away from a door made of ebony with the relief carving of an elf.

perception DC15 (human):
Someone nearby whispered 'They're almost at the third door


The Hazard Guard were once again performing exercises and stretched and were waiting outside the riddle challenge for the Twins to get clear.

Perception DC12:
Although they had received healing from the mirrored door challenge of yesterday, they looked like they had slept badly, didn't seem as focused, and still had some wounds.

appraise DC10:
Their equipment was brand new like they'd been entirely re-equiped.

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 1 | HP: 29/29| AC (temp): 19 (13 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 16 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +1 | SMB: +3, SMD: 14 |

Finding a pillar to lean against, with a goblet of beer in hand, Tymythy found himself watching the progress of the other teams through the magical viewing portal – the irony that he found pleasure doing what he had disapproved the audience doing during their own challenges was not lost to him. He had to admit, though... this beat merely listening to the retelling of past battle and adventures, for while a skilled skald could manage to weave images in the minds of their audience with the mundane magic of his or her words, here he could see the adventures as they happened.

Survival DC 12: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

He frowned as he watched the party of orcs stalk a mountain path, looking for their prey... apparently with little luck so far, as he thought he could read frustration in their postures, in how one often checked where another had just looked. He wondered what kind of beast they were looking for... if it was a winged hunter like the Ravens had fought, there might be precious little tracks to find, no matter how skilled the ranger.

Perception vs Humans DC 15: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 7 + 2 = 18

Cairee’s siblings were storming through the challenge, halfway through already, he gathered from casual comments of the other watchers. The two had clearly worked together for years, as there seemed no need for words or gestures between them – what support one needed, the other was already in the process of providing.

Perception DC 12: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

And the challenges awaiting their turn at the riddle challenge – the one the twins had turned into another combat gauntlet, apparently with considerable success – the team that had faced the mirrors and what fell magic or twisted memories they might contain, seemed rather worse for wear. Had they lost their nerve, or had what they had faced yesterday been so troubling it still haunted their thoughts?

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

dd: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
appraise: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Dounia lost track of the conversation as she became enthralled in what the lake was showing them. She caught her breath as the thorny vines attacked, glad that she hadn't had to deal with those. "Hurry, hurry!" she urged Lady Shiply.

Cairee's siblings fought well, and apparently fast, she had to admit. She wondered how they'd do with the riddles, as it seemed the twins weren't too smart about answering them.

The Hazard Guard looked worn out, but all their gear looked brand new. "Hey, look at that! All their stuff is new! How's they manage to get that much support, when they weren't doing that great. I guess it must be nice to have a rich patron."

"No offense," she said guiltily to Yoy'ya.

Cairee allowed a judge to guide her into the healing tent and slumped into a chair, bloody and aching from head to toe. The blessing bestowed upon her was different than she was used to. Saiph's healing filled her with warmth from the inside. This felt more like her injuries were being pulled out of her. But the result was the same. In a matter of moments the cleric felt whole and strong. "Fascinating," she murmured, watching the healers work.

One described the powers of the gloves, and Cairee put them on, wondering at their power. They were a light grey and incredibly soft, reaching up past her elbows. Her fingers tingled as they attuned to this new, borrowed power. These could help Dounia, she thought. The thief was still somewhat...lessened...by her encounter with the first foe. Though it would mean having her stay still for a while. Perhaps later.

Once they had all been tended to, Cairee introduced herself properly to E'gama and Cyn. "Thank you for your aid in the challenge. Your presence was a true gift from Saiph." She bowed deeply in gratitude. "We are honoured to have you join the Blackbirds, if that is still your will. I look forward to getting to know you better, once we've had a chance to rest."

Yoy'ya wrote:
"That was harrowing to say the least, but it payed off. I've collected two thousand and fifty crowns in donations.... "Pleasantries done with, really - how are you all?

"Harrowing, indeed. It's a miracle we all survived. I don't know if-"" She was about to say if we can go on,, when The Adherents appeared in the lake. We must, if only to keep the wish from them. Instead Cairee smiled at their patron. "That is an impressive sum, and well needed. Thank you."

As the others watched the lake, Cairee thought back to the Naga. What had it said? It sounded like a prophecy about the Blackbirds. She pulled Yoy'ya aside. "The first beast we fought seemed to know us. It said something about three being amongst the chosen. One who had forsaken their blood, one who was forsaken by their blood, and who would come to know their blood, something like that. And they'd all be protected by someone with an old weapon and dressed in ancient vestments. Is there someone hear who might know what this is about? Or a library where I could do some research?"

male (he/him)
Cairee Featherfriend wrote:
... "Is there someone here who might know what this is about? Or a library where I could do some research?"

Yoy'ya, "I've got the strange feeling like everything is here. Library, dungeon, church. Have you noticed the mirror in the food tents. It goes somewhere. Not just a kitchen but 'kitchens', and a larder and a cold room and, I think, a wine cellar.

"If Prem were here we could ask him. He's been snooping around. He found some kind of museum and the door to maybe a vault. He might know.

"We could ask the herald, Tandyraman, or the head of the house. This house? arena? castle? has a seneschal, named Voltus. The man scares me but he seems to know everything there is to know about this place. He's the one who sent out all the invitations.

"Those people sitting at Hallwyn's table are his closest friends and highest members of his order but Voltus is his second in command - and I have no read on him at all."

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 1 | HP: 29/29| AC (temp): 19 (13 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 16 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +1 | SMB: +3, SMD: 14 |

”Also, we shouldn’t forget that the human prisoners seemed to be aiming for Zahra more than the rest of us,” Tymythy murmured, recalling the woman’s commands to her companions. ”'Casche’s bounty', I believe they said. Whoever or whatever that that is - I don’t think the name means anything to me”

Guess Zahra and/or Dounia would have been closer and more likely to hear this, but just in case they forgot ;^)

”To me, that’d suggest those people we put to face us for a particular purpose, one separate from the actual challenge. Is this something we should confront our host with? If one of his aides did this without his knowledge, taking bribes to arrange specific opponents for us, he would likely want to know. But if this was done with his leave…”

male (he/him)

The Third Morning

The food tents at the upper ring were serving a steady trickle. People had been feasting hard for the first two days and were now saving themselves for the evening meals as opposed to gorging themselves all day. Well, almost everyone. A few glutenous attendees still ate like tomorrow wasn't coming.

The true measure of a good guest was thoughtful pacing.


Next to the tents in the northeast, people sunned themselves in precious little clothing while being attended to by porters with fronds and glasses of what looked like fruit drinks. The guests seemed to have pared off or made arrangements with their normal partners that what ever opportunities they found they could follow. What happened in Hallwyn's arena would be forgotten. All consequences would be washed away.

Other guests had found good company and good conversation. Deals were being struck in the hopes they might somehow be remembered.


On the eastern castle most of Hallwyn's crew were passed out in a tangle of bodies surrounded by empty goblets and vessels and pestles and hookas. At one point Nadj (the catfolk who came to speak with The Black Birds) got up, climbed on top of the parapet, relieved himself off the side of the arena, and mingled back into the knot of bodies.

Hallwyn, however, was standing on the edge of the castle. He was staring at the Black Birds, a look of complete joy on his face. Iolatha came to his side, apparently sober, and the spoke briefly. He nodded and she went down the steps and inside the arena in the direction of the private rooms.


To the south east people came to and fro. Some the Black Birds were familiar like the man with the rose vine tattoo. Some were new to them.


To the west upon the western castle the Uyar with their strange masks were being introduced to Princess Alissetta D'anjoument. She was nodding her head politlely with her back full towards the team competing in her name. They were in the main arena as they stretched and did light sparing with each other.

At one point a shield barer would strike lightly towards their sparing partner. Then they would ball up as a second attacker leapfrogged them to surprise attack. The move appeared to be one they'd done many times.


In the stands a motley of guests sat and watched the lake but the pale sisters were nowhere to be seen.

Nor was Prem.

Please feel free to follow a side adventure. Go get some rest. Wander and say hello. Or make up a guest and we'll play off it as Dounia and I did with the Pale Sisters. In short follow whatever direction you like.

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8
Cairee Featherfriend wrote:

As the others watched the lake, Cairee thought back to the Naga. What had it said? It sounded like a prophecy about the Blackbirds. She pulled Yoy'ya aside. "The first beast we fought seemed to know us. It said something about three being amongst the chosen. One who had forsaken their blood, one who was forsaken by their blood, and who would come to know their blood, something like that. And they'd all be protected by someone with an old weapon and dressed in ancient vestments. Is there someone hear who might know what this is about?

Dounia said, "Well, this is easy, and obviously us. You forsooke your family. Forsooke? Forsaked? Anyway, I was forsaken by mine, or something like that, and Zahra is learning about hers. And Tymythy is protecting us in his old-timey gear." Clearly, that was all there was to the riddle, and the young thief didn't look any further into it. Anyway, she was distracted. "Speaking of, I think I finally have time to talk to Tandyraman about the whole family thing. I'm going to see if I can find him."

She wandered off into the arena, grabbing some sweets and fruit drinks as she walked by the tent.

Do I need to roll to find him, or ask around, or is he easily available?

male (he/him)

Please give me a diplomacy - gather info roll. Don't worry. I'm using it as a guide not against a DC

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

diplomacy GI: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Tymythy wrote:
”Also, we shouldn’t forget that the human prisoners seemed to be aiming for Zahra more than the rest of us.”

Cairee had almost forgotten! She turned to Yoy'ya. "Have you heard of 'Casche’s Bounty'? I think they wanted Zahra, Dounia and I alive, and were willing to kill Tymythy." She shuddered at the thought.

Dounia wrote:
"Well, [the riddle] is easy, and obviously us.”

Cairee couldn't help but smile at Dounia's reply. "Yes I agree it's us. But why? I-" Dounia had already tuned the cleric out and was wandering away.

Yoy'ya wrote:
""If Prem were here we could ask him. He's been snooping around. He found some kind of museum and the door to maybe a vault...This house? arena? castle? has a seneschal, named Voltus. The man scares me but he seems to know everything there is to know about this place.”

A museum and a vault? Cairee couldn't help but be intrigued. The Blackbirds have been a bad influence on me, she thought with a chuckle. But Voltus seemed a good, if intimidating, person to talk to. "I'll keep an eye out for Prem and Voltus," she told the others.

She headed back into the arena, deciding to swing by the scoreboard on her way.

Perception - look for Prem/Voltus: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

male (he/him)

It took Dounia a frustrating hour to track down a herald and it wasn’t Tandyraman. It was the second herald, named Chrizdoff. He was a pear shaped man in an exquisite black suit and slicked-back hair, but it was hard to tell if he was a tall, clean-faced dwarf or a short, wide-faced human.

He was certainly more serious than Tandyraman, ”Tandyraman? He’s off on special business for a guest. Permitted special passage back to the plane prime-material. What business did you have with him? We hold the same office. Surely I can help you.”

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17

It was hard to believe that they had only been gone such a short time. So much had happened for Zahra whether it was only in her mind or she had somehow been transported, she didn’t know.

The sorceress figured that it would be better to share her experience with the others once they were back in their quarters for the night. She had a lot of new thoughts swirling in her mind and was excited to share them, but now was not the time.

When Yoy’ya mentioned a library, Zahra added, ”It also may be a good place to look up past competitors. I’m not really good with books but I would help.” She watched Dounia turn to leave, ”Or maybe ask Tandyraman,” she called out to the back of Dounia’s head.

Turning back to Yoy’ya she stated, ”You mentioned that Prem would know about where different places are. It may be best to try to find him. I also want to check up on our new teammates since they now bear the name of Blackbirds.”

Cairee’s mention of Cashca’s bounty tickled a far part of Zahra’s brain. Wasn’t that the name of the woman in the red dress who initially kidnapped us all? Maybe she wasn’t happy that we escaped. Although it seems like a lot of trouble to try and get us back.”

She turned to leave and noticed Hallwyn watching them. She smiled and waved at him before continuing on her way. She would have liked to speak with him and learn some of his stories but didn’t think he would award an audience to just anyone. So she continued to walk towards the stadium with the idea of checking up on their competitors on the screen over the lake while keeping an eye out for Prem, E’gama, and Cyn.

perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

male (he/him)

With help from Zahra, Cairee searched the stadium for Prem but they could find no trace of him. An hour of asking around only revealed a few sightings of him heading inside the stadium. Perhaps he was in the one place where others didn’t go.

It was Cairee’s attendant, Konstantyne, who came to see if she’d needed anything that she got information about Voltus.

Konstantyne, ”Congratulations on surpassing the third challenge! You’ve surprised all of the doubtful. You are truly a remarkable woman.

“Voltus? He’ll be on the undercroft. Would you like me to take you?”

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 1 | HP: 29/29| AC (temp): 19 (13 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 16 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +1 | SMB: +3, SMD: 14 |
Dounia Mehar Mehek Ghali wrote:
Dounia said, "Well, this is easy, and obviously us. You forsooke your family. Forsooke? Forsaked? Anyway, I was forsaken by mine, or something like that, and Zahra is learning about hers. And Tymythy is protecting us in his old-timey gear."

Tymythy nodded along, finding the naga’s strange prophecy easy enough to accept – his culture was, after all, steeped in superstition, heroic legends and the will of the spirits, channelled through the mortal shamans of the clans were ever unclear and thus doomed to be misinterpreted by lesser minds. It was beyond rare to hear one’s own name or likeness mentioned in such, but what young warrior didn’t dream of becoming part of a legend one day?

What was more worrisome was the message in the guide of a puzzle in yesterday's challenge, and the fact that the prisoners had been paid to catch them… and had been placed in the Blackbirds’ challenge intentionally. Was their host behind one or both of these moves, or someone working for him with enough power to make the necessary arrangements? And how would one go about finding it out?

As the party dispersed for the moment Tymythy found himself leaning against an ornamental pillar, idly running his fingers over Ondugal’s holy symbol while his eyes were on the sparring knights of the foreign princess. At another time the hunter would have been tempted to walk over and see if the knights would accept challenges, but right now? Their battles in the arena might have lasted only mere minutes but he had had his fill of dancing the spears for the moment… despite the healing he had received, his body still felt the echoes of its wounds. No, it would be nice to just rest and recuperate for the moment, let his body catch up to the many sudden changes. There would be new horrors in store for them tomorrow, no doubt.

Might as well chase this thread since Corey reminded me of my own past intentions…

He nodded in appreciation at the combination attack the Princess’s guards performed – clearly a trick often practiced, and thus something they were likely to fall back to in a fight. Tymythy doubted he’d end up crossing spears with them in anger, but he filed away the fact just in case. Still, he rapped the counterweight on the bottom of his usriev’s shaft on the floor once in applause of a manoeuvre well executed, then moved on. He had time to spend, and felt he might as well try and work on something.

He scanned the arena, looking for a servant or official he might bother. Not that he needed to look for long – clearly Hallwyn was particular about the quality of his staff and it took mere moments for one to appear by his side as if by magic, to inquire about his needs.

”Is there an archive of past challenges, and the people who attempted them?” Tymythy asked the young woman. ”Yesterday, we saw whole walls covered with paintings of what we presumed were victors or victims of previous years. That would suggest some records exist. If it is allowed, I would like to study them. I know the magic of our host may rob me of those memories once we leave, but fear of forgetting is no excuse from attempting to learn.”

male (he/him)

Before heading off to Cairee walked past the score board. Only the Black Birds had finished the third challenge so it appeared they were way ahead but they had scored a remarkable 132 points out of a possible 150.

They made it through the front gates in thirty seconds.

They finished in remarkable time.

In qualities, from teamwork to subtlety, they scored 52 out of a possible 60!

No teammates were lost, no matter how close they came.

They found the piece of the key and managed to capture one of the special prizes.

They only sizeable loss in points was that they didn't kill all of the four competitors and, even there, they only lost 10 out of thirty.


The Cairee noticed the chalk marks that indicated side bets.

They will loose to the brigands of cell IV

They will try for the chain shirt

Cairee will be killed by a Whisperer

The entire team will die

Zahra will die ... side bets that Zahra will be killed have been placed every challenge now. Is she getting closer to them winning their money?

male (he/him)
Tymythy-son-of-Stywyrt wrote:

He scanned the arena, looking for a servant or official he might bother ...

”Is there an archive of past challenges, and the people who attempted them? ... Yesterday, we saw whole walls covered with paintings of what we presumed were victors or victims of previous years. That would suggest some records exist. If it is allowed, I would like to study them. I know the magic of our host may rob me of those memories once we leave, but fear of forgetting is no excuse from attempting to learn.”

Indeed, it didn't take long to find a servant. The attendant that volunteered to watch after Tymythy was at hand and ready to hear about his needs. Her forehead was at Tymythy's chin but she was a half decade older or in her early twenties. Her hair was a burnt rust colour and she had a warm, healthy appearance of someone who lived naturally and wasn't shy to labour.

She smiled with curiosity at Tymythy's question, "There are the scrolls, but you will not be able to read them. They will be written in the cunning markings of those who are trained in the secret science. Perhaps I can come read them to you."

(The scrolls will need someone who can cast 'read magic')

"The archives are on the cellar level just between this one and the undercroft." She took Tymythy by the hand and started to lead him. "You've never asked my name ... it's Venala."

She led Tymythy to the front hall where they met Cairee and her porter attendant Konstantyne. They were standing near the ceilng that made the underneath of the arena stairs.

Konstantyne, "Ouzoo"

Sounds like the emeilu word for sunset or uzu

The stairs slowly moved from ceiling to floor so that one might head down.

More to come

Corey wrote:
Cairee walked past the score board. Only the Black Birds had finished the third challenge so it appeared they were way ahead but they had scored a remarkable 132 points out of a possible 150...The Cairee noticed the chalk marks that indicated side bets...Zahra will die ... side bets that Zahra will be killed have been placed every challenge now.
Corey wrote:

Konstantyne,”Congratulations on surpassing the third challenge! You’ve surprised all of the doubtful. You are truly a remarkable woman.

“Voltus? He’ll be on the undercroft. Would you like me to take you?”

Cairee offered a small bow in appreciation of his kind words. "Thank you, though the challenge was won by the skills of my friends. I fear I'm not much use in battle."

She walked with Konstantyne, who she noted was careful guide her in a way that looked as if he was following her. The scoreboard had troubled her, and Cairee wondered if she could ask her attendant for help. As an employee of Hallwyn's, she wasn't sure if she could trust him. But he seemed truly enamoured of her, and eager to help. Perhaps a small task would give him a chance to demonstrate his loyalty.

"Can I ask you a favour? Could you look into who is placing the side bets? I've noticed there is always one for Zahra to be killed. I'd like to know who is betting for and against her, if possible."

Once they were in the front hall, Konstantyne whispered a word that sounded like 'sunset' or 'uzu' in Emeilu, revealing a stairway leading down. She followed him into the undercroft.

male (he/him)

GMs rolls:

Konstantyne - sense motive on Cairee: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Konstantyne - gather info: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Konstantyne cocked an eyebrow, "I've been listening to the gossip on side bets for The Black Birds since you began but haven't gleaned much.

"Your friend, Premuroso Colombo the lesser has been betting heavily against any death outcomes for your team in general or Zahra in particular.

"Both Baronet Widgeon de Vertbatton and Fifth-Dragon (it's just a title) Aparisterous of the Order of the Red-Red Rose were betting on Zahra's demise.

"Would you like me to find out more? Some discrete inquires and I might discover who began the bet.

"And, if I do, would you do something for me?"

The name Baronet Widgeon de Vertbatton rang a bell. Cairee thought it was someone Yoy'ya had approached to learn more about the theft of her family's sword, The Beheader. Had their benefactor said more? Cairee tried to place the other name - Fifth-Dragon Aparisterous of the Order of the Red-Red Rose.

Know. Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

"If you can find out more I'd be grateful. I would be happy to return the favour if I can."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

male (he/him)

Konstantyne turned and looked Cairee in the eyes, "If I can find out more about the bet, maybe you might feel comfortable to tell me something about yourself. About growing up, or, perhaps, about being called. What is it like to feel connected to Saiph? I'd love to know more about you." He let his gaze linger for a heartbeat and for a second she could see in him a passionate desire.

But it was just a second. He turned and continued to lead her to the undercroft.

Konstantyne will be as close or as far from Cairee as she feels comfortable. If she wants someone to listen he will give her his full attention. If she wants a helper he will give her his time. If she wants him to go away he will.

However, he clearly wants her. His intentions are sincere but he's not looking for anything that will last any longer than the celebration.

Cairee's int: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

As the temperature of the room seemed to normalize, Cairee thought about the Order of the Red-Red Rose and the image of the man with the thorny vine on his palm came to her mind.

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8
GM Corey Homebrew wrote:

It took Dounia a frustrating hour to track down a herald and it wasn’t Tandyraman. It was the second herald, named Chrizdoff. He was a pear shaped man in an exquisite black suit and slicked-back hair, but it was hard to tell if he was a tall, clean-faced dwarf or a short, wide-faced human.

He was certainly more serious than Tandyraman, ”Tandyraman? He’s off on special business for a guest. Permitted special passage back to the plane prime-material. What business did you have with him? We hold the same office. Surely I can help you.”

"Oh. Um..." Suddenly shy, Dounia looked at her feet for a moment. "Well, it's about some information that our host asked him to find out. About me. About my family. I wanted to know more about what he found. Did he tell you about it?"

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 1 | HP: 29/29| AC (temp): 19 (13 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 16 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +1 | SMB: +3, SMD: 14 |
GM Corey Homebrew wrote:
"The archives are on the cellar level just between this one and the undercroft." She took Tymythy by the hand and started to lead him. "You've never asked my name ... it's Venala."

Tymythy instinctively stiffened as the woman took his arm – it was never wise to allow your ability to wield weapons be limited by people you didn’t trust – but with a conscious effort rolled with it. Thus far, their host’s vow to respect guestrights had held.

”Among my people, names are something to be given, not taken,” Tymythy murmured as she walked with Venala. Now, of course, courtesy demanded he return the gesture. ” Tymythy, son of Stywyrt, grandson of Lywys, of the Bastarnae. Thank you for taking the time to read for me, indulging my foolish request.” But as he had said, knowing a memory would fade was no excuse for not trying to make it… and who knew? If the Lord of the Black-Winged Hosts chose to look with his eyes and hear with his ears, perhaps the great spirit would find the legends of these people worth remembering.

”Your master seems like a strange lord to serve,” Tymythy murmured as they walked, turning his head to take in their bizarre surroundings, along with the alien sky above. ”How did you come to work for him, in this place between dreams and the realm of mere mortals?”

Not expecting to uncover any great secrets here, this is merely Tymythy following his own moral code to try and honor past champions of these challenges. Nor do I expect the Aspect of the Raven Lord Tymythy venerates to actually remind him of anything after we (hopefully) make it out here and forget everything – I just like the concept that gods or god-adjacent Powers aren’t omniscient but can experience the world though the eyes and ears of their mortal followers. Might be complete superstition from Tymythy, or even if true, who knows what a god might consider worth knowing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
male (he/him)


While Zahra was looking for information she could see the lake.

The Twins were cutting through quickly as they refused to answer any of the riddles and, instead, faced the monsters and the traps one by one. Animated swords and hideous giant snakes. They finally reached the last door, the door with the relief sculpture of the Sphinx. It came to life and began to speak.

"At the top of the pillar is a sword raised high,
Beneath the sword are two hearts carved,
Beneath the hearts are two trees shaped,
Beneath the trees are many bones engraved,
Beneath the bones is a fist of stone.

What is the fist of stone?"

The Arnie was about to grab the handle of a door and try to force it open but Mar grabbed his wrist. She looked him and some sense of recognition came to them both. They spoke simulteneously ...


The door opened and they walked into the arena basin with their hands clasped and raised high.

After taking a brief moment for the crowd, Arnie rushed the scoreboard. He looked on for a moment and his face turned red. He threw his great club towards the stairs in an angry fit and stormed off. Mar stood there staring at the board.

She looked pissed.


Perdition's Cavaliers had made it through their challenge. Where glass bariers were replaced by razor wire. The water trap was now a trap that vomited up lava. Then another room had been added to the others. It looked like a goblin's alchemy lab where everything in the room had been rigged.

The Cavaliers came through singed, cut, bruised, partially deafened, and exhausted but they had made excellent time and had worked together well.


The orcish team continued their climb up this foreign mountain scape with no sign of it ending.


The Adherents continued as they had been. The leader was out front and faced the mirrors as the others held on tightly to the person in front of them. They seemed to be using rituals of protection to aid their master (They are magically buffing the hell out of him) while he resisted the charms of the mirrors and used his magical skills to attack them. He warped them with heat and shattered them with sound.

As they neared the exit the leader seemed to recognize something.

Don Ric'cassa, "no No, it can't be! Snake! Get thee to A'tur'a! I ABDURE THEE!"

The second in line grabbed him and felt their way to the exit where Ric'assa fell to his knees sobbing. He slowly composed himself and stood.

male (he/him)

kn religion - A'tur'a DC12 (trained only):
A'tur'a: in ancient druidic astrology this is the swamp at the bottom of the world where Mir, the venomous snake, resides. A'tur'a is the land of rot and poison but also represents the amniotic birthplace of all new things. In the modern church Mir represents sin and faithlessness.

Corey wrote:
Konstantyne turned and looked Cairee in the eyes, "If I can find out more about the bet, maybe you might feel comfortable to tell me something about yourself. About growing up, or, perhaps, about being called. What is it like to feel connected to Saiph? I'd love to know more about you." He let his gaze linger for a heartbeat and for a second she could see in him a passionate desire.

"Maybe," Cairee said with a kind smile. She was flattered by his interest, and thought it was sincere. But is questions, while genuine, were far too personal. She barely spoke of her past or her connection with Saiph to her friends, and had no interest of doing so with a stranger, no matter how handsome he was. No matter how intense his gaze- Stop it! she chastised herself. There were bigger things at hand that required her attention.

She turned to hide her blush. "For now can you point the way to Voltus?"

Corey wrote:
As the temperature of the room seemed to normalize, Cairee thought about the Order of the Red-Red Rose and the image of the man with the thorny vine on his palm came to her mind.

Where had that been? When they had entered the party? Hadn't Dounia suggested the tattoo meant he was a leader of a gang? It was something to discuss with the others later.

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17

Zahra was happy to be with Cairee as they searched for Prem. Although she did get more apprehensive when they couldn't find him. If she had been by herself then Zahra would have assumed she was doing something wrong. She'd never had to do anything like this before. In fact, she had done a lot of things she'd never had to do before. And she was still baffled that others seemed to know what to do when she didn't. How did they know?

When Cairee mentioned looking for a library or some other place with books, Zahra declined going with her. "Books make me sleepy. I wouldn't be much help. I'll stay up here and see what else I can find."

They parted ways and Zahra made her way towards the stadium. Partly because that was one of the places Prem had been reported to go and partly to check on their competition. However, she continued to talk to random people as she went. There were typically four questions she would ask anyone she spoke with - their name after she introduced herself, where had they traveled from, how they knew their radiant host, and who/what they hoped to see while they were here.

The area above the lake caught her eye initially because Cairee's siblings were being shown. She watch in fascination with everyone else as the different groups flashed across the screen. She was surprised that Cairee's siblings weren't happier about their result. But she also found it hard to understand how they could be so different than Cairee. She tried to remember what she could, especially for those doors they hadn't done yet, to help her team. Like what one of the Adherents had exclaimed. Maybe Cairee would be familiar with the word A'tur'a because it sounded religious-y.

She wondered briefly about her own performance for the crowd during the challenges. It must not be very exciting to watch her lie on the ground dying. If only they could have seen what was going on in her mind while she was lying there.

Thoughts of what she had seen brought a large smile to her face which must have seemed strange since she was currently alone. She had other family in the world and she hoped to find them someday. And they were doing amazing things! She only hoped that she could live up to the others and make Silimiel proud.

Being unsuccessful at finding Prem, E'gama, or Cyn, Zahra decided to go and check on their team quarters. Now that E'gama and Cyn were teammates, she wanted to make sure they would have a place to sleep. She had no doubt that the magic in this place was more than enough to make the needed change but she wanted to make sure. Otherwise she needed to find someone to help, like her porter.

male (he/him)

Sorry, I accidentally switched the porters names. So much to keep track of. I need a hidden loremaster


Dounia Mehar Mehek Ghali wrote:
"Well, it's about some information that our host asked him to find out. About me. About my family. I wanted to know more about what he found. Did he tell you about it?"

Chrizdoff, "What is your last name? Ghali? Yes, it was a rushed inquiry just days before the invitations went out. I was looking into the faith monument at Unazentum and that led me to look into Splitheel hill (that's when we decided to invite the Steelheart Twins - my idea)" He seemed very proud "and Tandyraman was to go to Ciriyanakaram. We discussed our cases later, you see." As he spoke with Dounia in the stands others came to him with papers to sign and simple requests - "Well then, have them bring the yesterday's fruit up and make more juice...

"I recall he had been to a tavern where a sanctioned fight was happening. One of the competitors was a Mutawtesh Ghali, who was ranked quite highly. From him we found a very humble homestead near the main opening of Baygmun. He spoke with a Qua, a handsome, if poorly dressed, woman in her mid-forties. She was selling pots of a sturdy but middling quality and trying not to interact with the main Ciriya officials.

"Tandyraman asked about her husband and children. She said she had three children. Mutawtesh and twins, Alsaqr and Dounia. We were quite put out when she claimed 'Dounia' had died in a fire but later confirmed your relationship to her through arcane science.

"Alsaqr was nowhere near. Qua mentioned he often disappeared for days.

"Her husband, well he was caught up in the miner's strike of 983ea. He was said to be a troublemaking layabout from the wandering southern tribe of Ghali. Not a good worker according to some of the other miners. He liked to tell stories and helped to rile up the human workers against the elven and dwarven alliance. For some the strike became a full-out rebellion.

"It appears he died in a warehouse fire that year and that concluded the strike.

"It was a quick investigation that yielded little information. More might be gleamed from the city records of Ciriya.

"Ah, they are starting lunch. I must go."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

"A fire?" Dounia repeated in a small voice. "Wait, my father too? Was that the same fire that they thought I died in?"

Just want to get that one question in before he leaves.

Dounia was left with so many thoughts swirling through her brain. Died in a fire! But then who was Cyra? Did she save her, or kidnap her? Or both? And if she knew her full name, why not return her to her family? And then why abandon her in the desert? Dounia kicked herself for letting Cyra go without a fight. When this was all over, she would have to track her down and ask her some hard questions. Or should she go to Ciriya first, find her mother? And a twin! Was that the boy she'd seen at the opera?

And suddenly Dounia remembered....she would remember none of this once they left the "party". Her legs trembled and she nearly collapsed where she was standing. Of all the cruelties that Hallwyn committed, surely this was the worst! How could he throw all these truths - possible truths - at his guests, only to take them all away again after? It was monsterous!

We'll just need to win. We can use that wish, make everybody remember everything! Now that would be chaos!

Feeling shaky, but determined, Dounia went to check out the Scoreboard, and then find the others.

male (he/him)
Dounia Mehar Mehek Ghali wrote:
"A fire?" Dounia repeated in a small voice. "Wait, my father too? Was that the same fire that they thought I died in?"

As Chrizdoff walked away he tossed a phrase back without looking, "The very same."

male (he/him)


Tymythy-son-of-Stywyrt wrote:
”Your master seems like a strange lord to serve,” ... ”How did you come to work for him, in this place between dreams and the realm of mere mortals?”

Venala led Tymythy down the steps and she spoke as she led him, "I have a little talent and people were starting to notice. When the Royal Alchemist Society got word that I was a natural font of magic they called for my conscription." She spun about joyously as they reached a floor with rough stone walls and ominous black marble floors. There were little fonts on the walls, small like holy water blessing cups that glowed with light. She started down the curved hall passing doors as she went. Each door was made from a different material.

Like she was imparting a secret, she continued, "But I'd heard about The Marid of Daw'alnihar and snuck away to find him. I had to hide from the city guard. For days. When I was at my worst, running from five armed men, I ducked into an Inn, 'The Salt Barrel's Secret' and it turned out to be this place.

"They've been teaching me ever since."

She came to a double-door entry of onyx with copper bands and hinges and knocked with a copper door-knocker. On the strike plate Tymythy could see a small copper wire. Venala leaned in and spoke to the wire. As she did so it vibrated.

"It's Venala Coledarone with Master Tymythy of the Basternae. We'd like to see the lists."

There was a pause.

A voice issued from the strike plate and the wire vibrated as it did. The voice was like a loud whisper.

"Bring Master Tymythy of The Black Birds in."

The doors opened slowly and of their own accord.

Inside was a brighter room with tiger striped marble floors, warm mahoganey bookshelves, and candle towers with only a few tapers lit upon them. There were walls of cubbies and scrolls lay in the cells in little piles. A watery ripple like light reflecting off a pond kissed the ceiling of grey stone and in the dim light a mirky version of the lake appeared through which one might watch the games.

From around the book shelves came a woman, human presenting, and very old. She wore a simple black cloak and as she came closer in the dim light of the room Tymythy could see her eyelids were sewn shut with black cord. She was holding a copper wire in her hand, "I am called Votive."

A man came from a small alcove to the right. He was just as ancient, dressed in red robes and his mouth was likewise sewn.

Votive, "This is Harken, and this is Regard. We are the archivists."

To the left another woman entered from a door that was made from a swinging bookcase. Her earlobes were folded forward and sewn, and she wore robes of purple.

Votive, "Master Tymythy, what, in your own words, do you hope to learn today?"

male (he/him)


Zahra went towards her rooms and as she got close she ran into a porter who was leading Cyn and E'gama.

Cyn, "So what's the deal. You gonna house us in some closet somewhere. He must be steaming pissed that we're free from the cells he had us in."

E'gama had a small basket of bread and fruit and a clay pot of mixed nuts, "As long as I can eat like this lead me to the closet."

The porter, "Don't be ridiculous. You will have your own suite. It's here." They were stopped in front of door to a suite. Upon the door was an elaborate painting of a peacock. The porter opened the door and, simultaneously, a second door opened further down the hall. The new door had the painting of a man standing before a fallen giant. The giant was helplessly frozen in an eternal laughing fit. From behind the door stepped Prem.

Prem looked up at Zahra and dropped his kitsatchel, "You ... your not ... you're not dead." He was as frozen as the giant but in incredulity.

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17


As Zahra caught sight of Cyn and E'gama she exclaimed, "There you both are! I'm glad you're getting settled. I came back to our quarters to make sure that they had made space for you now that you're part of the team."

She nodded at the porter, "Your porter will show you around your quarters and after I can show you where the baths are and such if you want to relax. There's still some time before we will have to meet and discuss strategy for tomorrow."

Prem wrote:
"You ... your not ... you're not dead."

"Prem!" Zahra rushed forward. "We were looking everywhere and were starting to get worried. Are you okay?" Then his words sank in and she looked a bit confused, "No...almost, but no. Who told you I was dead?"

male (he/him)

Prem, ”No one - it just looked … you were so still.” he fidgeted for a second ”Um, excuse me.” He opened his door again and dropped his bag just inside.

He came over to Zahra. ”and you feel fine? Wait a minute. Aren’t those the people who broke in to the arena?”

Human Draconic Sorcerer/3 | HP 20/20 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 0/6 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17


Zahra tilted her head to the left and watched curiously as Prem dropped his bag inside his room. "You looked like you were going somewhere with purpose. Don't you need your bag?"

"I was close to death but that made it possible for me to have an extraordinary experience that I will never forget. You are welcome to be present when I tell the others later if you want." She beamed at the memory. "Emotionally and mentally I'm absolutely wonderful! Physically I'm a little sore but the healers took care of what the potions couldn't. If we hadn't had the healing elixirs in the challenge, I probably would have died."

Zahra looked surprised when Prem didn't know about E'gama and Cyn. "I guess you didn't watch until the end of our challenge so you don't know." She gestured at each in turn as she introduced them, "This is E'gama and Cyn. Yes they broke into the arena and they were part of the prisoners that were enclosed in gate IV but they helped us fight the attic whisperers and the other prisoners so it seemed unfair to fight them after they helped. We made them Blackbirds instead so they are now part of our team."

Then she introduced Prem to her new teammates. "This is Prem. He has been working closely with Yoy'ya to help our team immensely behind the scenes. He has definitely been a key component to our success and has become a friend."

Something that had been mentioned during their debrief with Yoy'ya came to mind and she asked E'gama and Cyn, "Did you hear any of the other prisoners' discussions when you were locked up with them? They seemed to be targetting us women, some thought me specifically, out of our team. Did you hear them mention Casche's Bounty at all and what that was all about?"

male (he/him)


Prem looked a little uneasy, "I ... was thinking about leaving early." He stepped closer to Zahra. "The party just didn't seem the same for a while there." He stepped closer to Zahra still. "But it was a passing thing. I'm better now."

Zahra made introductions but Prem didn't look away from her and simply muttered, "Ah, hi.". That is, until Zahra said they were now part of the team. He gave them a good looking-over and, not without some suspicion, "Welcome to the team."

Cyn, "Yeah, you look real happy about that. Gotta tell ya', I'm crazy about the idea to."

E'gama had a pear in his mouth, "Enchanted"

Zahra al Asmar wrote:
"Did you hear any of the other prisoners' discussions when you were locked up with them? They seemed to be targetting us women, some thought me specifically, out of our team. Did you hear them mention Casche's Bounty at all and what that was all about?"

Cyn, "Oh yeah. They wouldn't stop talking about it. There's some underworld lackey bad-ass that apparently wants you all. Apparently, you're escaped 'property' and if she doesn't get you back she's a gonna find herself trying to breath through a sack whilst at the bottom of the Masdar'um?! She's put up every last copper she has to pay for thugs to collect the three of you. Half that if you're dead.

"Who the hell are you guys?! She works for Alnajima Chamber, the thugs and thieves guild. And it's not even them that want you. Apparently they were hired by some other group I've never heard of before.

"And, yeah, they weren't particular about Tymythy. They just wanted the three women. We were to help or stay out of the way."

A wicked grin formed on Cyn's face, "Why do I keep running at the thing people tell me not to do ..." and E'gama giggled through his food.

(-1 Wis) HP 16/24 | AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+6/W+2 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | Acro 10, climb 5, DD 13, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 7, SoH 8, SM 1, Stealth 10, Surv 8

Dounia, not finding the others in the arena, thought they might be taking a break in the room. She hurried in, and practically bumped into Zahra talking to Prem and the two new members. She caught the tail end of their conversation.

When they mentioned the "escaped property" she smacked her forehead. "Right! I should have remembered the name. That's the kidnapper. The red dress lady sold me to her." She frowned, "I don't care how much her bounty is, she's not getting us back."

She spun on her heel and said, "Prem! We thought we'd see you when we came out. We did great! Thanks to our new Blackbird buddies. Was it too boring for you to stick through to the end? Did you know I almost died? Got bit by a snake lady. But I'm feeling better now."

Clearly Dounia is completely unaware of the tension in the room.

Hope it's okay for me to barge in on this!

k local Alnajima Chamber: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 1 | HP: 29/29| AC (temp): 19 (13 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 16 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +1 | SMB: +3, SMD: 14 |
GM Corey Homebrew wrote:

Like she was imparting a secret, she continued, "But I'd heard about The Marid of Daw'alnihar and snuck away to find him. I had to hide from the city guard. For days. When I was at my worst, running from five armed men, I ducked into an Inn, 'The Salt Barrel's Secret' and it turned out to be this place.

"They've been teaching me ever since."

Tymythy could relate to parts of the story, as they seemed all too familiar. Zahra being hunted because of the mighty blood that flowed in her veins. Dounia because of her station. Cairee, for what she had left behind.

”This… Society saw you as an asset they decided could not be allowed to fall into hands other than theirs?” he asked, to clarify the matter to himself. ”You must be mightily gifted, then.” He recalled how his clan's shamans had ceaselessly hounded every girl with enough potential to join their ranks, not giving the potential student a moment of peace until she had, at the very least, been taught enough not to bring disaster upon herself or others. And had there been multiple covens of mystics in the clan, fighting for a chance to train a new wielder of the spirits’ gifts? He could imagine the results…

GM Corey Homebrew wrote:
Votive, "Master Tymythy, what, in your own words, do you hope to learn today?”

Yeah, not creepy in the slightest…

Tymythy stiffened at the sight of the three strange elders, feeling a familiar touch of cold terror gripping his spine. These three were not too unlike the eldest of the shamans and shoulderwomen, as ritual scarring to focus their mystic powers (and to spook the clan's warriors into obedience) were common enough, and it was not completely unknown for some to put out their own eyes so they might better see into the realm of the spirits, undisturbed by the visions of the mortal world. To be brought before such elders was a thought to turn the bravest warrior's bowels to water.

”Honored elders,” Tymythy murmured, gaze snapping guiltily from the three to focus on the floor between him and the speaker. He was proud that his voice didn't quiver… too noticeably. ”Forgive this foolish youth's request but… I would learn the tales of the past champions to these games, these challenges, to show our predecessors the only honor I can. I seek no aid in the challenges I have yet to face. No, I would learn about the people themselves, not the circumstances of their victories and failures. If it pleases you.”

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