GM Anthorg - RotR |

Welcome everyone, and congratulations on being selected. Well, Monkeygod was in anyway, but welcome all the same.
This has been the riskiest thing I could have done as a GM, having so little control over the rules. I would never have imagined gestalt would be involved. Now, I have never played nor GM'd gestalt. This means that I'm going to... experiment.
So... I will read some about it, but expect combat encounters to be tuned up. So, for now, take the time to introduce yourselves and talk builds with each other. Feel free to change anything in accordance to the party composition. I know 15 pt buy is limiting and my comment on combat can be threatening, so I recommend specializing characters.
My goal in tuning combats up means that trivial combats should get at least one PC below 50% HP, meaningful encounters should get at least one PC unconscious and BBEG's should get at least 3 PC's unconscious. Call me evil. That's life.
@Monkeygod: You have an additional assignment. Please gather all the rules that were agreed on during the recruitment and compile them in your initial post, so we have it all in one place. If any other players want to help with that, you're welcome to.
Feel free to ask any questions. I created the Gameplay thread, just so you can dot and make your campaign tab show the game. I would prefer if you delete the dotted post so the thread stays clean. I'll post the campaign opening once everyone is ready.

Fiora Zantus |

Well, consider me pumped after reading that! Thanks for the indirect invite via monkey, and pleased to meet all of you.
@Everyone, since i was a very late submission, my build wasn't fully fleshed out yet. I wanted to make a main healer with good arcane casting capacity, and some buffing capacities to make a hopefully good support character.
Originally, i thought of cleric/empyrial sorceror but seeing as we have 3 full bab martial gestalts + monkey's character? (couldnt find what he/she has), i think a bard/ancient lorekeeper (life oracle) might fit the group better. It has much better buffing, decent knowledge and can augment the bard's arcane list a bit via the oracle side. If a weaker focus on healing is needed , i could pick lore oracle for better defenses and knowledge instead of healing abilities.

Aleksander Albus |

Hello all. Weirdly-martial Rogue/Fighter with lots of skills here. No real’ casting, but part of the Phantom Thief archetype is that I can take Minor Magic and Major Magic as much as I want, so I’ll accumulate SLAs as we go. Still, those will be pretty limited and I’ll probably largely stick to the Darkness/Shadow theme (so stuff like Vanish) rather than getting all the best 1st level wizard spells or something.

Mr. Biggs Sparklefoot |

Dotting. Should have a finished sheet by tonight.
Gun using alchemist. Eventually I'll be applying bombs to my bullets. I'll also be taking levels of either Oracle or warpriest. (On the non alchemist side)

Fiora Zantus |

@Grael, when you get here, which direction are you taking your fighter/cleric in? I could forego the healing focus of my bard/oracle and focus harder on becoming a decent melee combatant/caster with a focus on buffing, debeliating enemies and insane knowledge checks. The downside is that I won't have any healing abilities other than the cure line spells.
Could also do something more exotic on my end and go for something like Herald caller cleric/bard. Gives up high level arcane spells for a focus on summoning. A bit MAD for a 15-pt stat game though, perhaps.

Aleksander Albus |

I decided to tweak my ability scores, switch from 19 DEX, 15 INT to 18 DEX, 16 INT. Means I won't get a boost to attack, damage, AC, initiative etc when I put a point into Dex at 4, but it also means more skill points, another language, etc. Fair trade.

Grael Kraghelm |

Annnnnd here. (Long day at work) Hello all!
Grael Kraghelm, Cleric-Fighter of Torag, at yer service.
My intention had been to be a mostly tank-y cleric, more combat focused than spell-casting, but that wouldn't preclude me from using healing spells as needed. Fiora, you go ahead and build what you want, and beyond tanking, I'll adjust. ;)
Also, I'll echo your question: What IS Monkey playing, anyway?

Gareth, Warpriest of Desna |

Snootchie Bootchies!!
I'll be playing a Heavens Oracle/Warpriest of Desna, focused on starknife ranged combat. Might end up changing my name, lol.
I know a chose several divine characters, but that was more or less intentional.
As I'll be rather combat focused, I won't have many group buffs or healing. I also figured the same for Grael, though honestly, I picked him for being a fighter more than him also being a cleric.
Fiora seems like she'll have healing and group buffs covered, which is I chose her. Also, if she decides to go bard, they can be broken AF if played right. My IRL group almost always has a bard cuz group buffs can easily change the tide of a battle.
Alek sounds like he's got all the skills covered, though I will say if you wanna go truly nuts with skills, an Investigator is straight nonsense, lol.
Finally, Mr Biggs will be our wildcard and also help with ranged attacks.
I think we have a pretty solid group here.
Also, since GM asked for it, I believe these are all the character creation rules:
- no more than 5 players (including MonkeyGod)
- Paizo material only
- unchained classes only (for those classes that apply)
- 15 PT buy abilities
- 1 trait must be a campaign trait from the player's guide, anniversary edition.
- Gestalt rules may be used for character class
- Background Skills are permitted and encouraged
- Each PC gets one bonus feat that must not be combat applicable. Proficiency feats, skill focus, the various +2 to two skills, etc. Metamagic feats aren't really allowed either. Basically if it grants a straight up increase to combat effectiveness, it's not a background feat.
- Automatic Bonus Progression enabled
- Elephant in the Room feat tax elimination
- Max gold of one of your starting classes to start
- 1 Class's kit as bonus for equipment
- Max HP at first level based on best Class HD

Mr. Biggs Sparklefoot |

Here is the progression I have planned for Mr. Biggs, it may vary somewhat depending on what happens in game and the like. ABP huh... hm. Interesting, I suppose it really doesn't affect me too terribly much either way XD. Except I can buy fun things without worry of being a hindrance.
Class levels-
Alchemist(fire bomber/mind chemist archetypes) 20/Gunslinger(musket master) 5/warpriest 15
1- gunslinger
2- warpriest
3- warpriest
4- gunslinger
5- gunslinger
6- gunslinger
7- gunslinger
8+ warpriest
1- Gunsmithing(class), throw anything(class), brew potion(class), deadly aim(feat tax), Rapid Reload (class), Roll with it(level 1), skill focus (craft alchemy) (free bonus feat?)
3- Precise Shot
5- Extra Discovery (explosive missile), Rapid shot(gunslinger feat)
7- Extra Discovery or many shot
8- clustered shot
9- Extra Discovery
11- ???? and ???
2- Mutagen
5- Explosive Missile
6- Tanglefoot bomb OR explosive bombs
7- (rocket bomb, if I don't take the other feats)
8- Infusion (if you think I should, I can take this sooner)
9- Holy Bombs (Fire goddess be praised)
10- smoke bomb
16- Incendiary Bomb
all this said, I may decide to take only 1 level in gunslinger. Dex to damage with the gun isn't that big a deal all things considered, even if it is a pretty decent bump on rounds I don't use a bomb. though it would then delay some of the feats due to BaB

Fiora Zantus |

@Monkey Yeah, I know! Bard buffs are awesome, especially at higher levels. Probably my favorite pathfinder 1 class overall.
All right, I'll go hard on the healing and buffing, secondary focus will be crowd control spells and some knowledge skills. The downsides are that I'll be fragile and won't have any ranged or melee attacks, so I'll be counting on you guys to kill everything :)
Tentative build: Half-elf Base Bard/Ancient Lorekeeper oracle (flavored after Thassilon instead of elves). Life mystery, channel revelation, selective channel at level 1. Level 3 and 5 will be healer's hands and incredible healer. The background feat will probably be skill focus: heal unless divine obedience (irori) is allowed as a background feat to help out the knowledge skills. Will probably worship Desna and Irori, only taking a benefit from Irori.
Stats: still thinking it over. 15 pt is restrictive and wondering how cheesy things like 7 str are to compensate.
@GM_Anthorg: If the enemies are buffed, will they also receive saving throw bonusses? That would kinda force 18 cha on me.

GM Anthorg - RotR |

Thank you Monkeygod for that compilation. It's exactly what I had in mind and I'll add it to the campaign info later.
I probably won't mess with the NPC's sheets outside of the Elephant in the Room feat tax elimination and probably HP. I was thinking of adding creatures and re-balancing with action economy.

Mr. Biggs Sparklefoot |

I totally forgot inquisitors exist. I was thinking of warpriest largely due to the bonus feats, blessings and fervor self buffing. But inquisitor is pretty good too. I'll have to decide at level 2 though so I have some time to consider.

Aleksander Albus |

Alek sounds like he's got all the skills covered, though I will say if you wanna go truly nuts with skills, an Investigator is straight nonsense, lol.
I’ve never played an Investigator. I did look at it, but it seemed complicated, not something I think I want to learn while doing Gestalt. Also, Aleks is very much a DEX build, and 3 levels of unRogue is the best way in the game to get Dex-to-Damage, especially for a TWFer. I might well multiclass out of Rogue at some point, though the way my fighter features scale I think I’ll hold steady on that side. Not sure what I’d go to after unRogue. Shadowdancer would be very thematic, but probably less mechanically powerful than a lot of other options.

Grael Kraghelm |

Snootchie Bootchies!!
As I'll be rather combat focused, I won't have many group buffs or healing. I also figured the same for Grael, though honestly, I picked him for being a fighter more than him also being a cleric.
I think we have a pretty solid group here.
"Not every dwarf is a fighter, but ye kin bet, every one is a warrior, lad." :D I'll definitely be playing Grael as a melee guy, as you planned.
Agreed on the group makeup. This should be fun.
Snootchie Bootchies, indeed.

Mr. Biggs Sparklefoot |

should be up, if there is a cleric of Sarenrea in the books, I'd like to know the name, if not. I can come up with one. I've been playing PF for over about a decade, but have yet to make it past about half of the first book in RotRL

Fiora Zantus |

Mine is slightly bare-bones as I had to finish the entire profile in about 2 hours, but it's technically complete. I'd have liked to write something in about possible local relations as Fiora is from Sandpoint; the player's guide doesn't give any information on prominent NPC's. However, that can also be winged if it's ever relevant, of course.
I'll start working on the crunch tomorrow. Think I'll try to have a decent dex alongside Cha so I can fire a crossbow in a pinch.

Monkeygod |

These are the deities worshiped in Sandpoint 'officially': Desna, Abadar, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Gozreh, and Erastil.
There's likely not an NPC of Torag in residence, though I suppose Anthorg can add one.
Also, before I finish off my PC, is there anything class/role wise we're missing?
While I really like my build/character, I'm not dead set on playing it, and I can switch to something else to help the group.

Fiora Zantus |

Well, we currently have melee damage with trapfinding, a tank who is also a cleric, focused ranged damage x2, and a healer/bard/control 'arcane' caster. The only missing role is blaster caster i guess, or another general arcane caster since we're a bit light on that. Whether that is needed or not is up for debate, though. Bard synergizes well with 4 martials.

GM Anthorg - RotR |

Also are we starting with us knowing each other, or no?
Entirely your call.
I can add any NPC you would like, but if you would like to create one, feel free to. Just don't add someone who would wrestle for control over the new cathedral. Father Zantus is very respected.
Well, if your character would like to be in control of the cathedral, that's another story. But I digress.
A small part of the story takes place in Magnimar, which is a larger city. You can have NPCs there who can be as important as you like.
There is a harbor in Sandpoint where anyone can come it, so a representative of Sarenrae can come through there as well. Don't know if it helps, just throwing ideas.

Fiora Zantus |

I sorta wrote my character to be an adopted daughter of Father Zantus, I'd prefer not to have him replaced :') though I could always change the name to a new priest from Sandpoint as convenient.

Aleksander Albus |

Well, we currently have melee damage with trapfinding, a tank who is also a cleric, focused ranged damage x2, and a healer/bard/control 'arcane' caster. The only missing role is blaster caster i guess, or another general arcane caster since we're a bit light on that. Whether that is needed or not is up for debate, though. Bard synergizes well with 4 martials.
Well, actually my archetype gives up Trapfinding. There are a couple of ways to fix that, if Anthorg is willing:
There's a campaign trait for the Mummy's Mask AP, Trap Finder, which is basically Trapfinding in a trait. I'm happy to pick that one up is Anthorg is willing to let me grab a second Campaign Trait (and one from a different AP).
Alternatively, there's a Slayer talent:
Trapfinding (Advanced Class Guide pg. 54): The slayer gains Disable Device as a class skill. The slayer also gains the trapfinding and trap sense rogue abilities, using his slayer level as his effective rogue level.
It's not *technically* available to Rogues (Slayers can take some Rogue Talents, but not vice versa). But with GM permission, I'll take it at Level 2 in place of my first Rogue Talent.
Or someone else may be able to get Trapfinding somehow.

Monkeygod |

It's not *technically* available to Rogues (Slayers can take some Rogue Talents, but not vice versa). But with GM permission, I'll take it at Level 2 in place of my first Rogue Talent.
Or someone else may be able to get Trapfinding somehow.
I always this was really stupid, and one of the many ways Paizo has hindered the rogue as they have published new classes

Grael Kraghelm |

These are the deities worshiped in Sandpoint 'officially': Desna, Abadar, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Gozreh, and Erastil.
There's likely not an NPC of Torag in residence, though I suppose Anthorg can add one.
Naw, not necessary for Grael. Since he's in town to see the Cathedral itself, mostly as a curiosity, I was just wondering if there was someone of his faith he should be looking to spot. If there's not one planned, then he wouldn't be looking for anyone specific.

GM Anthorg - RotR |

@Aleksander: That's a no for both.
Campaign traits are commonly more powerful than standard traits, so stacking campaign traits gets cheesy.
For the slayer talents, there some talents which were clearly not meant for the rogue. Ranger Combat Style is an example that comes to mind. Answering Monkeygod, it's intended. Slayers don't get access to ninja tricks, which rogues do, for example.
By being an unchained rogue, you're using the unchained skill system (if this set of rules wasn't activated by default, we can turn the switch). You can disable magical traps with 10 ranks in DD.

Fiora Zantus |

I'd like to ask one final thing for creation: I'm looking into spirit guide oracle as a potential alternate archetype to ancient lore keeper. That is an archetype that gains acceas to shaman spirit hexes. Does a spirit guide qualify for the extra hex feat and would he have access to basic shaman hexes?

Fiora Zantus |

Perhaps more of a vanilla approach to this: I'm thinking of going healing shaman/bard instead of oracle/bard. Basic strategy of one half of the gestalt buffing the party and the other half healing with and debuffing the enemy with channels and hexes. Think i like that more and that it'd be more fun to play than oracle. Shaman has more arcane access than oracle and some unique buffs, (barkskin access and such), and hexes never really run out.

Fiora Zantus |

I think Fiora is a bit of a friendly neighborhood priestress who performs music and dance on celebrations and the like, but also tends to actively look for problems in the town and assists with them even when unasked. If you're a local, there's a good chance you know (of) her. She's a priestess of Desna and the adoptive daughter of father Zantus, making her a colleague of Monkey's character unless Sulvi is from out of town.

Grael Kraghelm |

I wasn't planning on Grael being a regular in Sandpoint, but for ease of introductions, let's say that he's at least come across Mr. Biggs enough that he doesn't instantly think he should attack him due to his dwarven bias against goblins, even if he does (for now at least) find him annoying. ;)

Aleksander Albus |

@Aleksander: That's a no for both.
Campaign traits are commonly more powerful than standard traits, so stacking campaign traits gets cheesy.
For the slayer talents, there some talents which were clearly not meant for the rogue. Ranger Combat Style is an example that comes to mind. Answering Monkeygod, it's intended. Slayers don't get access to ninja tricks, which rogues do, for example.
By being an unchained rogue, you're using the unchained skill system (if this set of rules wasn't activated by default, we can turn the switch). You can disable magical traps with 10 ranks in DD.
Understood, not a problem. I didn’t know about the Unchained skill thing (don’t play an unRogue all that often). Hopefully we won’t encounter many magical traps before Level 10.

Aleksander Albus |

Aleks hasn’t been in town long. Weeks, perhaps a couple of months. He’s probably seen Mr. Biggs around a bit, and likely reacted about the way one would in the real world if one saw someone out with their pet rattlesnake; skepticism and a wide berth.

Fiora Zantus |

@ GM Anthorg Thanks for answering! I eventually reconsidered and still went with bard/shaman simply because it gets more hexes and isn't on some kind of grey area. Some people believe extra hex wouldn't work and that side has good arguments.
I'm off to make the character sheet. Stat array will probably be 7, 14, 12, 12, 16, 16 as a scion of humanity base aasimar, assuming the 15 RP cap is still in effect. Slightly MAD between wis and cha but I like it. Will probably focus on wis to get debuff hexes going to lower saves and then use the bard conjuration effects for more cc. Will probably take 1 level of oracle dip on the shaman side somewhere, but otherwise it'll be straight bard/shaman. Might forego any archetypes since I like the base features of both classes.
Flavorwise, I guess there's a good chance people think she's a cleric since she can channel positive energy and has a decent number of those spells on her list. She just has weird arcane magic as well.

Fiora Zantus |

Sorry, had a slight delay. My daughter has been sick the last two days and has been very clingy and in need of constant attention. Ill try to have the charsheet done tomorrow.

Fiora Zantus |

All right, finished my crunch and added it to my profile! Could shuffle some knowledge skills around to prevent overlap with others but felt that she'd most likely have these.
Should be good to go, probably will add some more basic adventuring gear with the remaining gold.
Oh, and um, I'm obviously not good at combat starting out :) Until I get my first hex at level 2, it'll be limited to crowd control spells, bardic performance, channel energy and awkwardly shooting a crossbow. Counting on you guys to pull us through until I get the repeatable hexes!

Monkeygod |

Could think of some shared backstory? Are you a sandpoint native?
Yeah, for like the last 4 years, but he's very much a typical Varisian nomad, so he never fully settled.
Trying to come up with what he's done before he became a resident of Sandpoint.
But yes, I expect he and Fiora would have somewhat of a shared background, as we're both divine casters of Desna.

Fiora Zantus |

Fiora Zantus wrote:Could think of some shared backstory? Are you a sandpoint native?Yeah, for like the last 4 years, but he's very much a typical Varisian nomad, so he never fully settled.
Trying to come up with what he's done before he became a resident of Sandpoint.
But yes, I expect he and Fiora would have somewhat of a shared background, as we're both divine casters of Desna.
Hm. Fiora has a bit of a reputation of getting into trouble, so perhaps father Zantus asked you to keep an eye on her? She has gone out of Sandpoint to visit ruins and especially stuff related to thassilon. If you're a nomad and a desna worshipper, perhaps you've been a guide in the past?