About Grael KraghelmDwarf Gestalt Cleric/Fighter of Torag 1
Fort +4 (+6 vs poison), Ref +0, Will +4; +2 vs spells or spell-like abilities
Feat and Skill Traits: Stonecunning (+2 Perception within 10’ of traps, hidden doors, or unusual stonework), Craftsman (+2 Craft for metal or stone, replaces Greed), Giantslayer (+1 hit and dmg vs Giants, +1 Bluff, Perception and Sense Motive) Offense Racial Traits: Darkvision 60’, +1 Racial bonus to hit orcs and goblinoid, Dwarven Weapon Familiarity. OFFENSE
Special Attacks: artificer’s touch 5/day (1d6), channel positive energy 4/day (1d6, DC 11), hatred, resistant touch 5/day SPELLS
Typical Spells Prepared (CL 1st, touch +2, ranged touch -1, concentration +5): 1st – bless, protection from evil, sanctuaryD (DC 15) 0 – detect magic, guidance, virtue Domain Spells: Artifice - (CL 1st Animate Rope), Protection - (CL 1st Sanctuary) FEATS
TRAITS Birthmark (Faith Trait): You were born with a strange birthmark that looks remarkably similar to the holy symbol of Torag, his Iron Hammer. (Located on left side of his neck)
Giant Slayer (Campaign Trait): Your family’s village was plundered by giants in the wilds of Varisia, leaving nothing but a smoldering ruin. After the destruction of your village, your family trained for combat against giants to prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again. Since hearing of giants mobilizing throughout the countryside, you ventured to Sandpoint to help the town prepare for a possible incursion. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Perception, and Sense Motive checks and +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against creatures of the giant subtype. SKILLS
Languages: Common, Dwarven Equipment
24 gp 9 sp
Grael has a remarkably shaped birthmark on the left side of his neck, pale gray, and appears to match Torag's Warhammer, the deific symbol his followers usually carry for their rituals and castings, almost perfectly. Loud and often brash, Grael can be a surprisingly charming curmudgeon. He enjoys finery and discussions on the merits of different drinks as much as talk of honor and battle, and wears his wit on his sleeve alongside his temper. Grael is loyal and honorable to a fault, and has little patience or tolerance for those who are less than trustworthy. He is brave, though not foolhardy, and willing to fight if need be...though violence is rarely his first choice or option. He is a decent cook, though his prefered dishes are of dwarfish cuisine, and rarely enjoyed by anyone around him other than himself. (And perhaps other dwarves). Background
In the end, it's always about a girl, eh? What? Ya think dwarves are strangers ta the concepts o' romance an' love an' all that? Bah. How do ye think we got all them dwarves what be fillin' our strongholds and minin' fer silver an' mithril, and whatnot?
I introduced meself and offered ta show her about, though that pleasure were quickly snatched from me by brother Bhral, a right squirrelly ol' priest, when he sent me off to work on my studies. Bah. Look, short-version...from the start o' me days at the Library, she were a distraction. Ahh, but what a distraction. For the first time in my life I were totally consumed by thoughts o' a woman, and with me only recently sworn inta' the service o' Torag. But surely the Father o' Creation would understand me dilemna, aye? How could I take the vows ta' make the step up from acolyte ta Priest with such thoughts in me head? So distracted was I that my studies faltered, and I grew restless. An' then came the day when Aloria DID take the vows. Tol' me she had feelins' and all fer me, but she felt the callin' to stay true and devout,...and celibate in Torag's service. How could I argue with that, eh? What with me tattoo what's marked me as one o' Torag's chosen from the day o' me birth? And so, heartbroken an knowin' I couldn't bear seein' her day in and day out beside me...I declined the move to the ranks o' Torag's priests, a move what many of me kin thought foolish and shortsighted...and instead volunteered to join the militant clerics o' Torag, the wandering soldiers of the faith, those what do what they can to help the innocent and needy, and spread the word o' the All-Father to the world at large. Ah. But what path ta take? I hear that there be a celebration in a small place called Sandpoint. A dedication of a new cathedral there dedicated to several gods, aligned by cause and philosophy, an' a message o' unity. Perhaps I'll start me trek there and see what's what.