The Ptolus Murders (Inactive)

Game Master EltonJ

Murder is nothing new to the people of Ptolus. However, it does disrupt life in Ptolus. The player characters are private investigators. It's up to them to solve the murders.

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Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Jediah says, "You could ask them, but they are elves, so be careful."

Angeus Swashbuckler 1 HP 12/12 AC:16/T: 13/FF: 13 Perception +3 Initative +3 F:+2 R:+5 W:+0 CMB:+1 CMD:14/11FF Speed:30( 20 wearing backpack)

Angeus frowns , puzzled, "So your Master and the elves argued....or your Master and his mistress argued? "

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"My master and Peliope argued," Jediah explained. "They never agreed on anything. So their romance was one of pure physical attraction and nothing else."

Maicoh. Will you see which direction they head once they get out to the streets? Do we know which way the Erthuo compound? Hroethgar states in a hurried but somewhat quieter bellow. k. Local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 Do we know which direction the Erthuo compound is in regards to where this current one is?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Herkymr the Silly wrote:
Maicoh. Will you see which direction they head once they get out to the streets? Do we know which way the Erthuo compound? Hroethgar states in a hurried but somewhat quieter bellow. k. Local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 Do we know which direction the Erthuo compound is in regards to where this current one is?

Fortunately, you do know the direction in regards to where the Sadar compound is.

Male N Human Druid 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: 4, CMD: 16 | F: 4, R: +3, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Special abilities woodland stride| Spells: see sheet | Active conditions: None.

Nodding to the minotaur, Maicoh tries to find signs of where the intruders went after leaving the estate.

Looking first by the broken gate. If nothing is found, looking by the first gate.

Broken gate
perception: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 6 + 1 = 16
survival: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 1 = 23

First gate
perception: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 1 = 9
survival: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 8 + 1 = 11

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Maicoh wrote:

Nodding to the minotaur, Maicoh tries to find signs of where the intruders went after leaving the estate.

Looking first by the broken gate. If nothing is found, looking by the first gate.

Broken gate
perception: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 6 + 1 = 16
survival: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 1 = 23

First gate
perception: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 1 = 9
survival: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 8 + 1 = 11

The broken gate shows that the signs of blood follow a broken line towards the cobblestones.

"Ahha! Good work Maicoh. Let's see where this might lead!"

Liz waits for the others to join them before she leaves following the murderer's spoor.

Angeus Swashbuckler 1 HP 12/12 AC:16/T: 13/FF: 13 Perception +3 Initative +3 F:+2 R:+5 W:+0 CMB:+1 CMD:14/11FF Speed:30( 20 wearing backpack)

Angeus ambles up to the group, her face alight with interest, "What's this, a tracking party?!! Excellent, I couldn't tell once cobble from another earlier. "

She then shares what extra she learned, "Seems the dalliance bewteen the dead wizard and his mistress was purely physical...they argued about everything! "

transmuter 1| HP:9/9 | AC: 11/11/9 | Init: +2 | Perc+2 | Fort: +2 | Ref +2 | will +4 |CMB/CMD +2/14 |telekinetic fist 7/7 = 1d4 | Spell DC 15 |
papers i've collected:
2 copies of a writ of commission for the investigation of Renn Sadar. Signed by Trevoy Malkin, one sealed one open

Sometimes passion ignites to fire. Maybe that's the real reason that the "master" is dead. speculates Hroethgar

Male N Human Druid 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: 4, CMD: 16 | F: 4, R: +3, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Special abilities woodland stride| Spells: see sheet | Active conditions: None.

Maicoh makes sure everyone is ready to go before trying to see if he can track the blood spatters across the cobblestones.

survival (track): 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 8 + 1 = 19

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Maicoh wrote:

Maicoh makes sure everyone is ready to go before trying to see if he can track the blood spatters across the cobblestones.

survival (track): 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 8 + 1 = 19

There are some blood spatters on the cobblestones.

Lizette keeps a wary eye open for anyone seeming to be paying the group too much attention.

"Come on Maicoh...which way does the spoor go? Is it towards the elve's compound?"

transmuter 1| HP:9/9 | AC: 11/11/9 | Init: +2 | Perc+2 | Fort: +2 | Ref +2 | will +4 |CMB/CMD +2/14 |telekinetic fist 7/7 = 1d4 | Spell DC 15 |
papers i've collected:
2 copies of a writ of commission for the investigation of Renn Sadar. Signed by Trevoy Malkin, one sealed one open

Hroethgar looks at Maicoh waiting for him to lead. He paces the courtyard while waiting.

Male N Human Druid 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: 4, CMD: 16 | F: 4, R: +3, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Special abilities woodland stride| Spells: see sheet | Active conditions: None.

Seeing what he was looking for he follows the trail as best he can.

Feel free to make checks for me to move the tracking along. Perception is +6, survival is +8

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Maicoh's Perception check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Maicoh's Survival check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Although spotty, you learn that the trail of blood does lead to the Eurthuo estate. Perhaps one there is the killer?

"Well isn't this a surprise....NOT! Seems we might have found our killer. Now just how do we get in and confront the right people?"

The young thief looks over the compound, trying to discern the best point for a stealthy entry.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Lizette the Knife wrote:

"Well isn't this a surprise....NOT! Seems we might have found our killer. Now just how do we get in and confront the right people?"

The young thief looks over the compound, trying to discern the best point for a stealthy entry.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

You find one near the back. There isn't a lot of guards, but it seems some of them have wands. If you are not careful, you could be fighting the guards.

We have this Hroethgar holds up the signed writ of investigation from the captain of the guard. WHy don't the main group of us just go in the front and LIzette can see what she can find while we are in there?

Male N Human Druid 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: 4, CMD: 16 | F: 4, R: +3, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Special abilities woodland stride| Spells: see sheet | Active conditions: None.

Maicoh nods, "I'm not the stealthiest of people. I like being official in this instance."

"That sounds like a good idea. You keep them busy and I will try to sneak around and see what I might find. I will wait until you get into the house."

She gets to a place where she can watch the others enter the home before going back to the spot she noticed before to creep into the compound.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Lizette, I need a stealth check if you are going to sneak around.

Before I forget, everyone receives 250 XP for a story reward.

Hreothgar walks to the compound entrance and knocks loudly. He pulls the Writ out and holds it in his hand still in the scroll case. We are here to see Mistress Peilope on a personal matter. If there is resistance met he will pull out the scroll and present it.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"Hold on, hold on," said a voice as he comes closer to the door. The door opens to reveal a human man dressed in fine servant clothing. "What can I do for you?"

transmuter 1| HP:9/9 | AC: 11/11/9 | Init: +2 | Perc+2 | Fort: +2 | Ref +2 | will +4 |CMB/CMD +2/14 |telekinetic fist 7/7 = 1d4 | Spell DC 15 |
papers i've collected:
2 copies of a writ of commission for the investigation of Renn Sadar. Signed by Trevoy Malkin, one sealed one open

We are here to talk to Peilope on a personal matter. She will want to see us. Hroethgar states simply.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Hearing the others at the door, Lizette sneaks to the back of the compound. She stops and recons the area before slipping over the wall onto the grounds.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Lizette the Knife wrote:

Perception: 1d20+9

Stealth: 1d20+7

Hearing the others at the door, Lizette sneaks to the back of the compound. She stops and recons the area before slipping over the wall onto the grounds.

You made it past the guards.

Hroethgar wrote:
We are here to talk to Peilope on a personal matter. She will want to see us. Hroethgar states simply.

"Of course, come in to the drawing room. I'll announce you're here."

The Drawing room is a small room with two couches and a fireplace. The fireplace is small and it's enough to heat the room. There are places where you can sit and read. The servant returns with refreshment, it seems you are expected.

Male N Human Druid 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: 4, CMD: 16 | F: 4, R: +3, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Special abilities woodland stride| Spells: see sheet | Active conditions: None.

Maicoh accepts the offered refreshments and takes a seat, leaning his club against a chair he takes a seat to wait and see what happens next.

Hroethgar pulls several vials from his pouches and begins to mix them in an effort to clear his head as he waits. I know I am impatient but I need to stay calm this time not let my emotions get away from me with this investigation.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Peliope Erthuo enters the drawing room. Wearing a blue white gown. The half-elf woman greets you. "Ah, hello, you wanted to see me?" she says.

transmuter 1| HP:9/9 | AC: 11/11/9 | Init: +2 | Perc+2 | Fort: +2 | Ref +2 | will +4 |CMB/CMD +2/14 |telekinetic fist 7/7 = 1d4 | Spell DC 15 |
papers i've collected:
2 copies of a writ of commission for the investigation of Renn Sadar. Signed by Trevoy Malkin, one sealed one open

yes we did. Were you aware that Lord Sadar is dead? hroethgar states directly.
sense motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Lizatte moves silently through the compound until she reaches the building. She looks for a way to silently gain entrance while the others keep the owners busy.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

Male N Human Druid 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: 4, CMD: 16 | F: 4, R: +3, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 | Speed 20ft | Special abilities woodland stride| Spells: see sheet | Active conditions: None.

Maicoh stands awkwardly as Peliope enters. Unsure of polite customs, he silently breathes a sigh of relief as Hroethgar speaks up but quickly winces at the direct questioning. I'm not sure what the correct thing to do is but I'm pretty sure that's not it... he thinks to himself.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"He's dead?" Peliope asked. "I'm sure he'd never die."

Angeus Swashbuckler 1 HP 12/12 AC:16/T: 13/FF: 13 Perception +3 Initative +3 F:+2 R:+5 W:+0 CMB:+1 CMD:14/11FF Speed:30( 20 wearing backpack)

Angeus had bit her lip, sure that whatever Lizette was up to would be a bunch of fun....but storming into a nobles estate with a writ and acting all official...funner!

As the enter, she tries to keep track of the trail of blood...see where it leads to.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

--- Later ---

"Oh , he's dead!" Angeus exclaimed, then frowned at the half-elf, "That could be interpreted as meaning you've tried to kill him before...."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Lizette the Knife wrote:

Lizatte moves silently through the compound until she reaches the building. She looks for a way to silently gain entrance while the others keep the owners busy.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

It seems you find one window ajar. It's jutting out a little ways, inside is a woman singing. You can get there by climbing and being stealthy.


Angeus had bit her lip, sure that whatever Lizette was up to would be a bunch of fun....but storming into a nobles estate with a writ and acting all official...funner!

As the enter, she tries to keep track of the trail of blood...see where it leads to.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

--- Later ---

"Oh , he's dead!" Angeus exclaimed, then frowned at the half-elf, "That could be interpreted as meaning you've tried to kill him before...."

"Oh, we had our disagreements, but I'm sure I didn't kill him," said Peliope. "He and I never agreed on anything, but our romance was -- very physical."

transmuter 1| HP:9/9 | AC: 11/11/9 | Init: +2 | Perc+2 | Fort: +2 | Ref +2 | will +4 |CMB/CMD +2/14 |telekinetic fist 7/7 = 1d4 | Spell DC 15 |
papers i've collected:
2 copies of a writ of commission for the investigation of Renn Sadar. Signed by Trevoy Malkin, one sealed one open

Hroethgar continues to twirl the vials in his hands while he observes the lady.

Lizette attempts to climb the outside wall to sneak through the open window.

Climb: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Angeus Swashbuckler 1 HP 12/12 AC:16/T: 13/FF: 13 Perception +3 Initative +3 F:+2 R:+5 W:+0 CMB:+1 CMD:14/11FF Speed:30( 20 wearing backpack)

Any sign of the blood trail inside the estate , GM ?

Angeus cocks her head at Peliope and smile, "Sounds like fun. Now then, any of your family or friends here unhappy with your 'romance' with Lord Sadar? Unhappy enough to kill him, I mean?"

I don't remember where we able to discern a rough time of death with sadar?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Lizette the Knife wrote:

Lizette attempts to climb the outside wall to sneak through the open window.

Climb: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

You should have taken 10 on your climb check. You fell down, but at least you were stealthy about it. The woman is still singing.

Angeus wrote:

Any sign of the blood trail inside the estate , GM ?

Angeus cocks her head at Peliope and smile, "Sounds like fun. Now then, any of your family or friends here unhappy with your 'romance' with Lord Sadar? Unhappy enough to kill him, I mean?"

"Everybody was unhappy with my romance," Peliope explains. "It would have complicated things if things got out that I was with Lord Sadar. He was funny and witty, and I fell in love with him."

The blood trail leads here.

I don't remember where we able to discern a rough time of death with sadar?

Not really no.

Angeus Swashbuckler 1 HP 12/12 AC:16/T: 13/FF: 13 Perception +3 Initative +3 F:+2 R:+5 W:+0 CMB:+1 CMD:14/11FF Speed:30( 20 wearing backpack)

Does the blood trail continue ?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Angeus wrote:

Does the blood trail continue ?

No it does not.

Angeus Swashbuckler 1 HP 12/12 AC:16/T: 13/FF: 13 Perception +3 Initative +3 F:+2 R:+5 W:+0 CMB:+1 CMD:14/11FF Speed:30( 20 wearing backpack)

Angeus steps aside and points to the floor where the blood trail ended, "Here we have the trail of blood that we followed here from the scene of the crime! Right now, everyone on this estate is under suspicion of the murder of Lord Sadar! Including you, Miss Peliope!" she says dramatically, quite enjoying herself.

transmuter 1| HP:9/9 | AC: 11/11/9 | Init: +2 | Perc+2 | Fort: +2 | Ref +2 | will +4 |CMB/CMD +2/14 |telekinetic fist 7/7 = 1d4 | Spell DC 15 |
papers i've collected:
2 copies of a writ of commission for the investigation of Renn Sadar. Signed by Trevoy Malkin, one sealed one open

It does appear that someone hereis the murderer. I think it would still create a mess if others found out about the murder and the affair. Don't you?Hreothgar says softly. Will you help avoid a scandal by helping us find whom was responsible?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"I'll certainly cooperate," said Peliope Erthuo. "I certainly don't want a scandal to come of this."

Finding herself flat on her back on the ground, Liz can hardly believe that she slipped and fell. Quietly getting back up, she takes care and climbs the wall once again, taking it slowly and carefully.

Take 10 on climb (14)

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

You reach into the young woman's chambers. She is behind a screen and could be seen behind the light. She is shaped like an hourglass. And she's still singing, unaware of you in her chambers. You notice her ears, and she has pointed ears like an elf. She has still not noticed you. The door to her chambers looks like it's open.

What do you do?

Staying in the shadows as much as possible, Lizette sneaks past the singing woman and out of the room.

Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

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