GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' |
This is the discussion thread for those fools brave volunteers who want to help me playtest my AP.
A link to the players guide can be found at the top of the page.
Note that everything is a WIP, so please feel free to comment on things, make suggestions and generally help improve anything you can.
Discuss away!
Valeria Korvin |
As I mentioned in discord I’m thinking about maybe doing something with the warrior poet samurai archetype, maybe multiclassing it with something like bard or swashbuckler?
I need to get some posts up in current games but I look forward to looking through the players guide later tonight.
John Gs |
Okay, first stab at Lillebeth Lishoni-Bogg, Rabble Rousing shifter(elementalist shifter) who will get at least one level of barbarian at one point to express her inner rage at the world.
“Slavery as a concept is abhorrent to the very nature of Community. How can anyone look at their neighbors, or that matter even their family, with anything akin to fellowship, if they can treat any person as property?!?” the short dark-haired woman yelled to the crowd. It was Buying day, so there were plenty of ears to hear her. The woman was nothing to turn heads (though the skin in a constant shade of blush coupled with bright blue eyes was worth an extra glance) but her voice held a strength in them that had way too many onlookers taking notice. Even had a few of them nodding along.
Which was bad for business. This was why the thugiest thug of the bought and paid for thugs was in her face, saying rather plainly, “Get the hell away from here!”
“NO! Slavery is not an acceptable evil, IT IS JUST EVIL! And anyone who takes their coin is just as Evil!” the spitball yelled up at him, chin raised, chest out, defiance screaming from her bright eyes.
The thugiest thug grinned at that. The stupid girl wanted a fight, okay then. Looming over her, he sneered out “You should learn to keep that trap shut, wench” his fist swinging hard at her pale cheek.
She ducked, and then drove her fist as hard as a mule’s kick, into his gut, followed by a stunning blue light, and searing pain straight into his bladder, which ejected all the ale he drank in one big gush.
As he fell to his knees, she grabbed his chin, forcing him to look up at her “And you should learn not to wet yourself in public, SIR” letting him go to fall the rest of the way to the street. The wench then turned to the crowd, bowed to a smattering of nervous clapping, and went back to encouraging any and all to boycott this Buying day and all like it forevermore.
That night they caught her in an alley, too many, too quick for the poor woman, and they had her beaten, bloody, and in a sack for delivery in no time.
Lillebeth “Lilly” Lishoni-Bogg loved her parents. But the two magical nerds were content to be forever removed from society, with just each other and their adored daughter in their remote tower in the middle of nowhere. Just them, their books, and an abundance of nature. As Lillebeth grew, it was discovered that she found reading tedious, wanted to talk way more than her parents ever did, and couldn’t stop moving more than five minutes at a time. The little one ran in the woods, fought shadow monsters behind every rock, and made long inspiring speeches to rabbits and squirrels.
When her age of adulthood came, she bid two teary-eyed spellcasters goodbye with repeated ‘I love you’, ‘I promise to write’, ‘I will be back someday’ then it was off to see the world.
Living remotely as she had, she had a naive view of the world. One quickly shattered in the Shackles, where her mothers had first met. Shattered, but she desperately tried to hold it together, and furthermore to make others understand as well.
Lillebeth “Lilly” Lishoni-Bogg
Human shifter (elementalist shifter) 1 (Ultimate Wilderness 26, 78)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +6
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee spear +4 (1d8+4/×3)
Special Attacks elemental aspect (air[UW]), elemental strike (1d6)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Power Attack, Skill Focus (Diplomacy)
Traits rabble rouser
Skills Acrobatics +6, Bluff +2, Craft (painting) +3, Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +4, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +6, Stealth +6, Survival +6
Languages Common, Druidic, Infernal; elemental speech
SQ elemental aspect (minor: 4 min./day), silver tongued[ARG]
Other Gear spear
Special Abilities
Elemental Aspect (4 minutes/day) (Su) Gain abilities of selected elemental aspects.
Elemental Speech (Su) When in elemental aspect, gain tongues with creatures of same elemental subtype that matches your aspect.
Elemental Strike (1d6) (Su) Charge melee attack with elemental energy.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Shifter Aspect (Air, +2 Dex) (Su) Minor Form: +2 enhancement bonus to Dex. Major Form: medium air elemental.
Silver Tongued You can shift a creature's attitude by three steps with Diplomacy.
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Valeria Korvin |
I might have mentioned this in discord already but I’m not crazy about how the Warrior Poet was coming together. Since pretty much all the ideas so far have been for melee types, I think I’m going to do a full caster instead. I’m looking at a seducer/mirror witch. She’d be startlingly beautiful, very charming, and either weirdly self-conscious or a bit of a narcissist (depending on how I decide to play the mirror bit).
edit: although... now I see that Lil wants to be a diplomat... the build I’m looking at would also be a diplomat, although, I guess that’s not a bad skill to double up...
John Gs |
Lilly is a talker, not a diplomat. As shown in her flavor text, she has too much of a temper to be one. I mostly made her heavy in diplomacy because I liked the trait so much. Poor Unfortunate Soul also called more than a bit. A morose sullen Lilly would have been that path. Kind of 'Moms made the world sound like an Adventure, but it isn't Everyone Sucks, EVERYONE, nothing goes right EVER, and now... I'm a slave.' :(
And never worry about stepping on any of my character's toes.
Maia Blackwing |
Why does the witch skill list suck so hard? I'm looking though traits to see how much I can fix it, but also starting to contemplate maybe an oracle or bard or something?
Maia Blackwing |
If there's extra skills that you get from your patron they must be listed somewhere that I'm not seeing? Part of my problem too is that I want her to be Cha based, so that locks me into a specific archetype (seducer) that gets kind of a crappy 1st level hex. It makes for an interesting concept (especially since I can stack it with mirror witch), and honestly is pretty fitting for Val and Meiying's child, but its largely focused on diplomacy and that's not even a class skill for witches. I'd fix that with the Pleaser campaign trait, but then she doesn't get bluff either which would probably be my first choice for her one and only other skill point. Maybe I'm overreacting but it kind of feels like the warrior poet all over again: a cool concept that doesn't really come together (at least not early on).
I've been looking at some options that involve Kelinihat too (Val's and secretly Mei's badass angel goddess). The idea here is that we're good guys, not pirates, right? Kelinihat is actually LG, so I could make a paladin that follows her... Instead of the typical heavily armored beacon of righteous I could go for something more subtle, almost inquisitor-like. There's an archetype that's designed for that (the faithful wanderer) but I'm not crazy about how they replaced smite evil, and their auras don't help their allies (which stinks), so I'm not sure if I'd use it or not?
I guess there's not really much of a rush though, since Polli's the only one who's posted any kind of concrete character ideas. I'll keep looking through stuff. And, honestly, an Okayo corsair swashbuckler that starts with a 1 level dip in scaled fist monk is looking better and better, unless we stay melee heavy as other ideas come in.
John Gs |
Another possibility.
Lilly hates her life.
Well, it starts with her parents.
A wise and beautiful cleric of nature fell in love with a temperamental but brilliant wizard. That wizard, with a little prodding from the wise and beautiful, realized that she was in return head over heels for the cleric. Together with people they cherished like family (though the wizard would loath to admit it about a certain family member), they traveled the open seas having adventures and being amazing…
Or so the stories go. Lilly had only heard them in ballads or read them in those silver piece novels that got written about the crew. From her mothers, any mention of the famous Sirens had one of them sag to near breaking under a monumental grief, and the other turn dark with a murderous hate.
They would not talk about those days. Not one bit. Even in those rare moments when a Thing sparked a happy memory between them, the ‘whatever unspoken end of their story’ boiled up obliterating all but raw pain.
So back to hating her life. A lineage from Legendary Heroes but who refused to acknowledge a moment of it. Not even one bedtime story about fireballs at cyclops, manipulating succubi, or winning that race. Irritating yes, but Hating her life over something like that. No, that would be petty.
So on to the next defining characteristic of her happy childhood.
Something was after them. Something really really bad. Even as a child Lilly could feel their fear, notice that they were constantly moving, constantly looking over their shoulders. They would whisper to each other at night when they thought she was asleep. Whispers in a language she knew nothing of, but the worry, hate, and terror seeping from their words was evident in every syllable.
Besides the mental warping that parents oozing hidden fear gives you, Lilly couldn’t stay long enough in one place to make friends, couldn’t fall in love with the local farm boy or girl, couldn’t be normal at all.
Quickly to the next childhood characteristic though before you grab hold of that one. Even if they stayed in one place, Lilly would never be ‘Normal’. And it wasn’t even her fault. Both her parents tried their best to hide their powers, tired to fit in with regular folk. They were complete and utter failures at it. Their races alone would put them as outcasts but it was their temperaments that were the real problem. Undaunted superior rage married to meekness born from a truly shattered confidence. Together, alone or with just their daughter, they were loving, were normal(ish), were Amazing to be around. But around others, they were dysfunctional at best.
Those few times they felt comfortable enough to stay a little longer in a place, they were driven out. Blamed for everything wrong, prejudice, hate, fear, or simply wanted to kill the wizard because she was an ass.
Here was Lilly, the despised freak’s offspring.
Still not enough to hate her life, yes, hate the situation, wish for better, wish to save those poor love crossed introverted oddities that were her parents. Yes, all that. But not hate.
But that is where she came in. The teenager. The ‘fed up with it all’ teenager. A lovely human-looking young woman who grew up telling fibs left and right because she had no answers to answer truthfully. Distrustful of her parents because they wouldn’t tell her anything. No real connection to anyone else. With access to magic that her parents gave no thought to allowing her access to. Books, symbols, ingredients. These things were their lifeblood, to them leaving them out for a kid to play with was the same as leaving out a loaf of bread. ‘Don’t smush it too bad so we can eat it later’ kind of thing.
She did what any budding wizard/cleric with too little supervision and a deep desire for attention would do… she summoned a sex demon. But something was waiting, watching for a hint of their taste, and it answered instead.
The screaming… lightning, fire, thunder… blood, desperate begging to not be dead… searing holy light destroying their home... a darkness grabbing and rending the light away... then… then... silence...
She only has patches of that night in her head, or at least her head will only let her see patches at a time to stay sane.
Bottom line…
She killed them… her messed up, deeply in love, parents. Her stupidity, her arrogance, her boredom, spite, pettiness, feeling so left out, so so… small.
The demon let her live. Laughed about it, kneeling down on her sobbing body, it said someday, it would come back for her too.
The fear of that Someday is nothing to the guilt of what she caused. Nothing.
Now you understand. Lilly hates her life because she hates herself.
Simple as that.
John Gs |
a cleric since we always need a cleric, a summoning one because of her story, but no more demons. A poor unfortunate soul running away through the world in hopes to find peace.
Lillebeth Lishoni-Bogg
Human cleric (herald caller) of Desna 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner's Handbook 7)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9 (+11 while benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light)
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +6
Speed 40 ft.
Melee starknife -1 (1d4-1/×3)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 12, 1d6)
Cleric (Herald Caller) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—command (DC 15), longstrider[D], murderous command[UM] (DC 15)
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, mending
. . D Domain spell; Domain Travel
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +0.75; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats Sacred Summons[UM], Summon Good Monster
Traits fiend blood, - custom trait -
Skills Acrobatics +1 (+5 to jump), Bluff +7, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +2 (+4 while benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light), Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (planes) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +9 (+11 while benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light), Profession (sailor) +9, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +1 (+3 while benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light)
Languages Auran, Common, Gnome, Infernal
SQ agile feet (7/day), call heralds, dimdweller, divine heralds
Other Gear starknife
Special Abilities
Agile Feet (7/day) (Su) For 1 rd, you ignore difficult terrain.
Call Heralds (+1 concentration) (Su) Concentration bonus to summon monster spells.
Cleric (Herald Caller) Domain (Travel) Granted Powers: You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day, DC 12) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Dimdweller +2 to Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth when in conceal due to darkness.
Divine Heralds (Su) Summon creatures appropriate to deity.
Sacred Summons Summon monsters whose alignment subtype matches yours as a standard action
Summon Good Monster You can summon from a special list, who gain Diehard as a bonus feat.
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Giant Halfling |
lol- and if I go check the tower will there be a post waiting for me there or have you just been doing this?
I actually really like making characters too. I've built 3-4 versions of Maia in my head, I just haven't had time to actually type any of them up yet.
@Niko- are you alright with reflavoring things if we keep the mechanics the same? For instance, if someone wanted to play a tiefling that had a succubus in their heritage could they use the mechanics from the rakshasa bloodline and just reskin it accordingly?
Maia Blackwing |
At this point I pretty much have it narrowed down to two versions I'm trying to decide between. One is an aasimar inquisitor who sort of rebelled against her moms' constant "intelligence gathering" (aka prying into her life) by following Ng (one of the Eldest who's a god of secrets and wandering). The other is a tiefling paladin who follows in their footsteps by serving She of Ebon Wings.
The inquisitor would be a better face, and bring some divine/utility casting to the party, but the paladin would be way better in combat. I want to go with a Dex build and the inquisitor is apparently terrible at that (they only get simple weapons, which means you have to use a light weapon for finesse, and none of them are any good). So... if I go with the paladin, I can be effective in combat out of the box but will only have diplomacy and probably bluff (possibly intimidate instead) for face skills; and if I go with the inquisitor I'd be able to cover all the face skills (including sense motive) but I'd almost have to dip a level of swashbuckler early on to be effective.
If anyone has any thoughts one way or the other, I'd love to hear them.
Maia Blackwing |
I need to write up the background still but otherwise I’m pretty much done (unless Brainiac wants to go martial, in which case I can rebuild as a different class). One question though... for the item from the pleaser campaign trait, what constitutes “easily concealed”? Like, could I take a rapier? What about a dagger or brass knuckles? Could it be armor like leather that could maybe be worn under a baggy slave frock, or maybe an armored kilt or haramaki that could sort of be disguised as more mundane clothing? Can it be a magic item like a potion or feather token?
Capt Mutt |
Okay here's my very rough idea. Male Barbarian/Human Tiefling Sharp Tooth Archetype and adopted son of Polli and Doni (their first attempt to have a child failed). So why doesn't their daughter know about him? He was gone from the home before she was very old. However he stayed close by and kept up on her doings, especially when she started getting vocal about slavery. When she ended up on the Chelish ship he made sure to do the same.
That's all for now and I have to attend to some RL matters. Hopefully get back to it tonight but not sure.
@JohnG: Do you mind tying the characters background together? If so let me know and I will change it.
Capt Mutt |
He was fed and then found a home. Two ladies took him in, one was short and had blue hair. She seemed angry almost all the time, and when she wasn't angry she was sad. If she wasn't shouting at somebody (and she shouted at everybody), then she looked like she was going to cry. The other had red skin!, and no hair!, and horns! She didn't yell, she didn't do much of anything. "I be Donomsail, and this be Polli and we be yer mums. Leastways 'til we kin figure out where ya mum 'n' Pap might've gotten off to."
Five years later and they were still looking for his parents. Except now he was ten, and he had a few things figured out. His parents were gone, gone and not coming back. Bukis didn't know how he knew, no one else would admit it, but he knew. By this time things had improved, his moms weren't crying as much, Polli still yelled alot but he decided that was just how she was and it no longer bothered him, and Donomsail started baking her delicious cookies again.
The only thing that truly bothered him was his anger, well his anger and the stupid kids that lived nearby. Actually now that he thought about it the stupid kids were the cause of his anger so they were really his only problem. Get rid of them and their stupid teasing and everything would be fine. Not that he was going to do anything serious, just beat them up a little bit.
That was how he tried to explain it Moms. "I was barely hurting him, and once I was done with Barenthon the rest would've learned too." But one look at Polli's face and he knew that his criticism of the neighborhood bullies was falling on deaf ears.
So it continued, the hurtful comments, the looks that at first were filled with contempt but lately had changed to fear. Then it was the birth of their baby. Their baby! How did two women...? All the talk on the streets said it was impossible that it took a man and a woman to...No! He was not going to think about that. His moms would never do that. After the baby was born they both got super protective. They would let him see the baby and even hold her once in a while but they never let him be in charge of her. Something about her brought out a protective side, wanted to make sure she wasn't going to get hurt.
That was why he killed the neighbor's dogs, they jumped over the small fence and went running right to her and the little bunny she was carrying. "Look! You can see where they tore through the flowers!" But Sosuk was coming up the walk and he had fire in his eyes. Polli pushed him inside but he could hear them still. Bukis listened as his moms yelled the neighbor out of their yard.
That was his last day there. "There's some folks I take care of, on the edge of town. They'll take you in, I'll make sure of it." Polli told him the next morning, it was just the two of them. Donomsail was taking care of their daughter and couldn't be bothered to see him leave.
But that wasn't truly the end was it? He settled in with the rest of the discarded, unwanted beings. Learned to fish and took to the water, became good with boats and went into town to sell the fish they caught. But he stayed away from the home he had spent so much time in and had never planned to see any of them again. Then he saw her.
He recognized her instantly, partly by her looks but mostly by the way those protective feelings came flooding back. Following her he recognized an anger in her too. An unsettling rage that needed to be released. After that he spent more time in town and less on his duties. Oh he still did his chores just not with as much enthusiasm. No, that was reserved for the days he went into town which occurred with more frequency after the first time he heard her speaking against some of the long established institutions of town. The bigger the crowds the louder she got and he knew that sooner or later she was going to need his protection again. This time he did it without anyone knowing what he was doing. Time and again he gave in to his anger to protect the sister who didn't know him. He tried, a couple of times, to talk to her. But he never saw the recognition in her eyes so eventually he stopped trying. But he was never going to stop keeping her safe, keep protecting her. That was why, when he saw her being forced into the ship from faraway he knew what he had to do. This time, when he went into battle, he kept his rage in check. He started playing the long game, and in order to win that fight he had to lose this one.
Will be busy this a.m. but free all afternoon (West Coast- Home of the Eternal BBQ)
Brainiac |
Got the basics done for my character. Just need to pick another trait and write up a backstory, which I hope to have done by tomorrow.
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +9; Senses: Perception
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10 (+5 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: elven curve blade +5 (1d10/18-20) (+1 damage vs foes only threatened by you)
Special Attacks: dreamstrike 1/round (+2 attack and one size larger damage if target attacked you)
Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 15
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiencey (Elven Curve Blade), Improved Initiative, Iron Will*, Weapon Finesse*
Skills: Acrobatics +9, Diplomacy +3, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (planes) +6, Perception +5, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +9, Survival +6*, Swim +4, Use Magic Device +3
Background Skills: Knowledge (geography) +6, Profession (sailor) +5
Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan
Traits: Shipwreck Survivor, +1
SQ: Dreamshard focus (devotion), finesse training, trapfinding +1
FCB: +1 HP
GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' |
I need to write up the background still but otherwise I’m pretty much done (unless Brainiac wants to go martial, in which case I can rebuild as a different class). One question though... for the item from the pleaser campaign trait, what constitutes “easily concealed”? Like, could I take a rapier? What about a dagger or brass knuckles? Could it be armor like leather that could maybe be worn under a baggy slave frock, or maybe an armored kilt or haramaki that could sort of be disguised as more mundane clothing? Can it be a magic item like a potion or feather token?
Rapier would be right out - no-one is giving a slave a weapon like that. Dagger or brass knuckles are fine. As are potions or feather tokens.
I'll allow an armoured kilt or a haramaki, but no other kind of armor.
Capt Mutt |
Male half-orc barbarian (sharptooth) 1 (Ultimate Wilderness 39)
CN Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +1; Senses Perception +4
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 15 (1d12+3)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
Defensive Abilities orc ferocity
Speed 30 ft., swim 10 ft.
Melee cutlass +5 (1d6+4/18-20)
Special Attacks rage (6 rounds/day)
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Aquatic Combatant[UW]
Traits dedicated defender, unpredictable
Skills Bluff +2, Intimidate +7, Perception +4, Profession (sailor) +3, Swim +18; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate, +2 Profession (sailor)
Languages Common, Orc
SQ attached, orc blood, sea raider
Other Gear cutlass
Special Abilities
Aquatic Combatant +2 bonus on Swim checks; avoid normal penalties on melee attack rolls underwater.
Attached (Sister) If your attachment is threatened, -1 Will & -2 save vs. fear
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Orc Ferocity (1/day) If brought below 0 Hp, can act as though disabled for 1 rd.
Rage (6 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Sea Raider +2 racial bonus on Craft checks to repair ships, +1 damage vs. targets in or on top of the water.
Swim (10 feet) You have a Swim speed.
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Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Working on the revised Background and creating an account for him as well.
Lillebeth Lishoni-Bogg |
Okay, ready I think. Went with Ecclesitheurge instead of herald caller. Still focusing her feats on summoning, and that will be her spells known, but this way she has various buffs to help out as well (blessing of the faithful, bit of luck, and liberty's blessing).
Made the history vaguer.
Parents refuse to talk about their life before, especially the people. Keeping the idea that they are hiding from something. And that their isolation, social ineptness, bullheadedness, sheer refusable to change, drove Lilly away. She wants to see the world, to make a difference, and can't with them. But she sends letters like a good daughter.
Bukis Adsiz |
Made a few modifications to Bukis' backstory based on some input from JohnG. Getting ready to double check my character build and then will be ready to run with him.
He was fed and then found a home. Two ladies took him in, one was short and had blue hair. She seemed angry almost all the time, and when she wasn't angry she was sad. If she wasn't shouting at somebody (and she shouted at everybody), then she looked like she was going to cry. The other had red skin!, and no hair!, and horns! She didn't yell, she didn't do much of anything. "I be Donomsail, and this be Polli and we be yer mums. Leastways 'til we kin figure out where ya mum 'n' Pap might've gotten off to."
Five years later and they were still looking for his parents. Except now he was ten, and he had a few things figured out. His parents were gone, gone and not coming back. Bukis didn't know how he knew, no one else would admit it, but he knew. By this time things had improved, his moms weren't crying as much, Polli still yelled alot but he decided that was just how she was and it no longer bothered him, and Donomsail started baking her delicious cookies again.
The only thing that truly bothered him was his anger, well his anger and the stupid kids that lived nearby. Actually now that he thought about it the stupid kids were the cause of his anger so they were really his only problem. Get rid of them and their stupid teasing and everything would be fine. Not that he was going to do anything serious, just beat them up a little bit.
That was how he tried to explain it Moms. "I was barely hurting him, and once I was done with Barenthon the rest would've learned too." But one look at Polli's face and he knew that his criticism of the neighborhood bullies was falling on deaf ears.
So it continued, the hurtful comments, the looks that at first were filled with contempt but lately had changed to fear. Then it was the birth of their baby. Their baby! How did two women...? All the talk on the streets said it was impossible that it took a man and a woman to...No! He was not going to think about that. His moms would never do that. After the baby was born they both got super protective. They would let him see the baby and even hold her once in a while but they never let him be in charge of her. Something about her brought out a protective side in him, made him want to make sure she wasn't going to get hurt.
That was why he killed the neighbor's dogs, they jumped over the small fence and went running right to her and the little bunny she was carrying. "Look! You can see where they tore through the flowers!" But Sosuk was coming up the walk and he had fire in his eyes. Polli pushed him inside but he could hear them still. Bukis listened as his moms yelled the neighbor out of their yard.
That was his last day there. "There's some folks I take care of, on the edge of town. They'll take you in, I'll make sure of it." Polli told him the next morning, it was just the two of them. Donomsail was taking care of their daughter and couldn't be bothered to see him leave.
But that wasn't truly the end was it? He settled in with the rest of the discarded, unwanted beings. Learned to fish and took to the water, became good with boats and went into town to sell the fish they caught. But he stayed away from the home he had spent so much time in and had never planned to see any of them again. Then he saw her in the village, a little older but he knew it was her, he recognized her instantly, partly by her looks but mostly by the way those protective feelings came flooding back.
At first he just watched her from a distance, taking care that her moms would never see him. it was during this time that he recognized an anger in her too. An unsettling rage that needed to be released. After that he started paying more attention to her when he was in town, concerned that her anger would get her in trouble and it did, often. But he was always there to take care of her, to make sure that whatever she did or said (and she said a lot, he could easily see which mom she got that from). So he took care of her the best he could, never letting her know that she was creating such trouble for herself.
Then she disappeared, he hadn't seen her for a month or more so he asked around, and found that she had left home. That didn't surprise him, after all he had both seen and heard about several arguments she'd had with both of her moms. Some were the usual teen-age trials common to everyone who ever grew up, others were a lot worse, causing her to leave home for several days at a time. Asking around he quickly discovered that no one knew where she'd gone but he did learn that she travelled with a caravan so it wasn't impossible to follow her trail.
Leaving those he had grown up around wasn't a problem, they weren't family, he had no attachment to them at all. They way Bukis saw it the only person he had any obligation to was the girl he considered his sister. Getting hired on as a guard wasn't a problem his size made him quite valuable to the wagon master. He wasn't a big fan of the overland travel but the times that he was allowed to use his skills to protect the caravan made up for it. Being able to give in to his rage, to cut loose without any fear of if it was right or wrong made him feel so good, sure he got a few odd looks from some of the passengers, the squeamish ones that didn't how the world worked, that sometimes you needed to put them in their place, to do what needed to be done damn the consequences.
He finally found where she had moved to, quickly Bukis set up a place just outside of the new town, following his old pattern he lived on the edge of society and only went in when he needed something, taking that time to track down what she was up to at the same time. That changed though when he heard her talking against slavery, the enthusiasm she had in her voice told him that she had found her cause. At first she was speaking before small crowds and that was okay as most of them were believers in her cause already. But soon the crowds got bigger and as they grew so did the possibilities for trouble. But she didn't see it the dame way, for her the bigger the crowds the louder she got and he knew that sooner or later she was going to need his protection again. This time he allowed his rage to help him, time and again he gave in to his anger to protect the sister who didn't know him. He tried, a couple of times, to talk to her. But he never saw the recognition in her eyes so eventually he stopped trying. But he was never going to stop keeping her safe, keep protecting her. That was why, when he saw her being forced into the ship from faraway he knew what he had to do. This time, when he went into battle, he kept his rage in check. He started playing the long game, and in order to win that fight he had to lose this one.
Maia Blackwing |
My profile should be fully complete, except for the equipment. I've been having a little trouble wrapping my head around that bit... especially since I have to pick two because of my trait. I'm not sure if the one item we're supposed to pick is supposed to be like adventuring gear that we feel is important to our build, or if it should be something we have an emotional attachment to like a gift from our parents or a friend or something (and I know it's possible to be both, but for Maia those would be two separate things).
So, I guess, here's the best I can do right now...
I'll take a spell component pouch for my bonus/hidden item from my trait, so I can actually use my spells.
If our one normal item is supposed to be something we want/need for combat then I guess I'd take a chain shirt, or maybe a rapier or shortbow (if it comes with arrows)? If it's supposed to be sentimental then maybe a fancy gown her mothers got her for her big audition? I don't know... if you (GM) just want to pick from this that's great with me. If you need me to be more specific let me know and I'll just pick something.
GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' |
The idea of the one item is so that fighting PC's like swashbucklers who rely on a single weapon can actually get one. Otherwise the wise starting party would be entirely kineticists, monks and sorcerors...
If you want to use it on something sentimental then by all means do, but the idea is so that you aren't completely gear screwed as the AP begins.
Bukis Adsiz |
I totally forgot to request the secret item. His weapon of choice is the cutlass but that might not be the most discreet so anything that goes stabbity stab stab or slicety slice slice would be fine. Or a nice leather jerkin that I could wear under my shirt would be nice.
Maia Blackwing |
@Mutt- I don’t want to tell you how to do your job, but (mechanically) you’d be way better off with a two-handed weapon. The falchion, for example, has the same crit range and multiplier as a cutlass but does 2d4 instead of a d6 and, more importantly, gets +6 damage from Str instead of +4, and gets a bigger bonus from power attack when you get it.
edit: and, actually, with your swim speed, if you switched to a piercing weapon you’d have no need at all for aquatic combatant... although, I don’t think there’s a 2-handed piercing weapon that has the 18-20 crit range
John Gs |
Nothing screams I'M A PIRATE though like a cutlass between your teeth (it has too since you should not try to really scream anything with a cutlass between your teeth). Maybe your item of choice could be a great sword that is just a super large-sized cutlass? Hold that thing between your teeth and NO one will mess with you.
Cordelia Jerrell |
Character is complete! Here is her backstory:
Cordelia soon joined the crew of an elven captain named Variel. The two hit it off right away, and while her days were spent sailing the seas and learning how to fight with elven weapons, her nights were spent in Variel's bed as the elf's lover. All was going well until a mighty storm sprang up and destroyed the ship! Cordelia washed up on shore on a deserted island, but there was no sign of Variel or any of the other crew members.
Heartbroken and overcome with despair, Cordelia drew strength from somewhere deep inside of her, something she hadn't even known existed before. Indeed, the source of this strength was a dreamshard, a focused fragment of emotion lodged deep in her soul. She knew not how it had got there, but it gave her the determination to persevere and survive on her own for several weeks.
Eventually, another ship happened by. But what Cordelia thought would be her salvation turned out to be a false hope, as she found herself locked in the hold of a slave ship! She isn't about to let that be the end of her story, though. Her determination to survive still burns brightly...
Bukis Adsiz |
Actually meant too get a Piercing weapon so,I am going to change that. Didn't want to get to greedy but I definitely see him switching to a two handed weapon down the line.
Maia Blackwing |
Mutt- the rapier is statistically identical to the cutlass except that it’s piercing instead of slashing. Also, if you’re using a piercing weapon you might want to think about switching out your feat... with a swim speed and a piercing weapon you already take no penalties for attacking underwater, and you’ll very rarely ever have to make a swim check. If you want the feat anyways just for the rare times you’re caught in the water with a different weapon that’s totally cool, but I thought I’d point out that you might not get much benefit from it.
Bukis Adsiz |
But rapier doesn't give the × 1.5 STR damage (but it looks cool).
Also considering Scythe 2-H P/S 2d4 + trip; downside is it crits on 20 but does ×4 or Falchion 2-H S 2d4 crit range 18-20 ×2
I need to think this through a little.
Bukis Adsiz |
Bukis is finished, went with a Scythe which does P/S Damage Also changed him from the Aquatic Combatant to Improved Initiative. Bukis will be first in Combat! Bukis also promises not to talk about himself in 3rd person again.