Bernard Yventis
Male LN Ifrit Mesmerist9/Oracle2 | HP 89/89 | AC24 T15 FF20| CMD 20 | Fort 9* Ref 13 Will 19 | Speed 30ft | Initiative +9 | Mesmerist Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 5/5 | Oracle Spells 1st 6/6 | Tricks (DC22) 10/12 | Phantasmagoric Breath (Will DC22)5d6 Elec 8/8
October 2020
played by
The Roxtar
Gilgrim Flintmaul
Male CG Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 7 / Stalwart Defender 4 | HP 107/107 | AC 34 T 18 FF 30 | CMB +17 (+24 BR, +19 OR, +19 sun., +19 trip), CMD 35 (41 vs. BR, 39 vs. trip) | F: +10, R: +7, W: +6(+2 v. fear); +2 v. poi/magic | Init: +3 | Perc: +9, SM: +1; Darkvision 60 ft. | Speed 20ft | Defensive Stance: 9/9 rds | Active conditions: None.
October 2020
played by
GM Z..D..
Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token
October 2020
played by
Kindle Crow
NG Vine Leshy Death Druid 10| HP-68/73 | AC19 T15 FF15| CMD 19 | Fort 11 Ref 8 Will 16 | Speed 20ft | Initiative +5| Perception +20 / Darkvision 60ft / Low Light Vision | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd: 5/6 3rd: 5/5 4th 3/4 5th: 3/3
October 2020
played by
Kyle "Worg" H
Kitajo Uchihide
Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin
October 2020
played by
Rosella Illicia
Female 10 Phantom| HP56/56 | AC32 T20 FF28 DR 5/Magic | CMD 23 | Fort 9 Ref 7 Will 8 | Speed 30ft | Initiative +4| Buffs: Mage Armor (1 Hour), Bark Skin (200 Minutes)
October 2020
played by
Kyle "Worg" H
Male LG Half-Orc Paladin 11 (Oath Against Fiends) | HP 56/74 | AC 24 T 12 FF 24 | CMD 25 (26 vs disarm/sunder) | F: +12, R: +8, W: +12| Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +14 | Speed 30ft |Shirt Reroll: 1/1, Pin: 1/1, +1 on a d20: 1/1, +2 on a Sense Motive: 1/1|Lay on Hands: 7/7, Divine Bond 1/2, Smite Evil 3/4| Spells: 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/2, 3rd 1/1 | *Active: Extra +1 holy (11 min)
October 2020
played by
Zaarah Katsu
Female N Kitsune, always in human form (auburn hair, freckles, dreamily observing and sometimes looking a little bit crazy) | Swashbuckler 1 / Magus 15 | Low-light vision | Speed 30ft, Fly 60ft | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Lucky Horses. 1/1 | HP 209/209 | Normal: AC 24 T 19 FF 16 | CMB +25 (Disarm, Trip, Sunder), CMD 28 | F +22, R +22, W +15 | Empower 1/1 | Quicken 1/1| FreeMove 4/4 | Panache 9/9 | Arcane Pool/Ring 11+4/13+4 | Black Blade Pool 4/4 | Concentr. reroll 2/2 | Chaldira reroll 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Flight 15/15 | Init +9 | Perc +26, SM +21, Bluff (Deceive) +28, Dipl. (Convince) +28 | Active cond: Ablative barrier, invisibility, fly, Defending bones
October 2020
played by