[PACS] Curse of the Crimson Throne [MorkXII] (Inactive)

Game Master MorkXII

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Deck Handler for CotCT Radovan

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Bank hero point. No hero points spent. New total is 3.

Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 237

CCT-7A - Kazavon Rises Summary:
Angban (Tier 6, 5XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 5
Deck Upgrades: none

Cogsnap (Tier 6, 5XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 3
Deck Upgrades: none

Ezren (Tier 6, 5XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 7
Deck Upgrades: none

Radovan (Tier 6, 5XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 3
Deck Upgrades: Ally 5

Sajan (Tier 6, 5XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 1 Remaining: 3
Deck Upgrades: Spell 6

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