Race |
Elf |
Classes/Levels |
Wizard-Evoker 7th |
Gender |
Male |
About Ezranadir
Male Elven Evoker 7
CG, Medium, Elf, Humanoid
Vision: Low-Light Vision
Languages: Azlanti, Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Varisian
AC 14(22); FF: 11(19); T: 14(22); CMD: 22
Fort +4; Ref +6; Will +6
HP 42; Initiative: +9
Speed: 30 feet
Str 10 (+0), Dex 17 (+3), Con 7 (-2)(12 (+1)), Int 20 (+5), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 10 (+0)
BAB: +3
Melee [1] +1 Mithral Rapier +4 Damage 1d6+1 Piercing Critical (18+/×2)
Ranged [1] Masterwork Composite Longbow +7 (60 Arrows, range increment 110 feet, reload 0), Damage 1d8 Piercing Critical(X3)
Ranged [2] Ranged Spells +6
Skills (7/Lvl): Acrobatics +3, Appraise +10 (1+1), Bluff +3, Climb +0, Craft Armor +10 (2), Craft Weapons +10 (2), Diplomacy +0, Disable Device +1, Disguise +0, Escape Artist +3, Fly +12 (6), Handle Animal +0, Heal +0, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (Arcana) +16 (7+1), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +15 (7), Knowledge (Engineering) +9 (1), Knowledge (Geography) +10 (2), Knowledge (History) +10 (2), Knowledge (Local) +10 (2), Knowledge (Nature) +10 (2), Knowledge (Nobility) +9 (1), Knowledge (Planes) +10 (2), Knowledge (Religion) +14 (+6 Free), Linguistics +10 (1+1), Perception +5 (3), Profession (Scribe) +4 (1), Ride +3, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +15/+17 (7), Stealth +3, Survival +0, Swim +0, Use Magic Device +0.
Gear: Artisan's outfit (Free), Bedroll, Belt pouch, Winter Blanket, Crowbar, Flint and Steel, Silk rope w/ Grappling Hook, Soap, Mapmaker's Kit with Arcane mark, Writing Kit (Inkpen, Ink & Parchment) with Arcane mark, Masterwork Artisan's Armor Tools with Arcane Mark, Masterwork Artisan Weapon Tools with Arcane mark, Waterskin, Trail Rations (2 days), Wizard Starting Spellbook with Arcane Mark, Purse with Arcane Mark (4 pp; 53 gp; 13 sp; 9 cp)
Magic Items: Cloak of Resistance +1 with Arcane mark, Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 (Knowledge [Religion+5]) with Arcane Mark, Ioun Gauntlet with Ioun Stone (mossy disk, cracked, Knowledge [Appraise & Arcana+1]) with Arcane Mark, Efficient Quiver with Arcane Mark, Handy Haversack with Arcane Mark,
Lesser Talismans (Arrow Protection, Freedom & Warrior’s Courage), Ring of Minor Spell Storing, Wand of Fireballs 5 Charges:(X)(X)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_), Wand of Shocking Grasp (41 charges), Potion of Cure Light Wounds X2 (X)(X), Vial of Alchemist's Fire X2 (_)(_), Scroll of 1st level spells: mage armor, unseen servant, Scroll of 2nd level spells: glitterdust, pyrotechnics, scorching ray, shatter, Scroll of 3rd level spells: daylight, dispel magic, fireball, lightning bolt, 4th level spells: shout, Scroll of Summon Monster 3 X1 (_), Ring of Protection +1, Blessed Book (Light Load: 17 out of 22 lbs)
Elven Immunities: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.
Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
Elven Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Low-Light Vision: A creature with low-light vision can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of dim light. It retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
1-Time Lost
2-Magical Lineage - Fireball
Ability Increases
Level Feats
1st-Improved Initiative
3rd-Combat Casting
5th-Cypher Magic
7th-Spell Focus-Evocation
Class Feats:
Bonus Feat-Scribe Scroll
5th-Eschew Materials
Class Features:
Wizard Weapon Proficiencies: You are proficient with the Club, Dagger, Crossbow (Light and Heavy) and Quarterstaff.
Wizard Specialized School Evoker Lesser Powers
Force Missile: Force Missile (1d4+3 Force Dmg, 8/day)(Sp)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)
Intense Spells: (+3 Dmg)(Su)
Bonus Feat: Scribe Scroll
Wizard Forbidden School: Divination & Necromancy - You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Necromancy school.
Wizard Arcane Bond: Elgar'nan-Masterwork Composite Longbow with Arcane Mark & Continual Flame - Uses 1 / Day: (_) to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the wizard's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities. The bonded object cannot be used to cast spells from the wizard's opposition schools (see arcane school).