It Came from Hollow Mountain

Game Master DEREK LANE 127

Magnimar Stuff | Roll20 Map

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Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 Temp 26| FF 24 Temp 24| Tch/Temp 12|CMD 22| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 20 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

Nasir nods at the guard captain's sage advice.

"It is good that you have discouraged going into that house. It appears to be cursed and more dangerous than you know. The spirits in there are restless and malevolent. In fact, my companions here did manage to find out how to get drowned in the house. Not a pleasant experience to be sure.

Have you noticed anyone go up to the house recently? We found evidence that some of the house's contents had been recently disturbed and something quite important to Sir Roderick's ghost may have been taken.

Guard-Captain, I have come to this town to establish trade in antiquities as there are many Thasilonian ruins nearby. I hope that my actions in defense of the town last night show you that I have not come here to cause trouble.

From what I have seen and heard in town so far, my non-trade skills may be handy to augment your guard in managing the threats to the town. There certainly seems to be something bigger than a gang war going on with these creatures and the unrest of Sir Roderick.

I also had some questions for Keela Macrosh. My compatriots mentioned that she spent some time in the Churlwood. We may be heading out there in the future, and it would be helpful to get the lay of the land before we go."

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1

That reminds me: Hatfield gathered some of the kids' toys from the house in the hopes of burying them--both out of respect and in the hopes of giving them some chance of a more permanent rest. Can that have already happened, GM?

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Gregory C. Hatfield wrote:
That reminds me: Hatfield gathered some of the kids' toys from the house in the hopes of burying them--both out of respect and in the hopes of giving them some chance of a more permanent rest. Can that have already happened, GM?

Audrahni is the resident caretaker of the boneyard, adjacent to the Lady's Chapel. You are going there next, if you'd like to bury them there.

Grand Lodge

LG male aphorite (eternal smith, planar envoy) wizard (poleiheira adherent) 1| HP 7/7 | AC 10/14 (mage armor), T 10, FF 10/14 | Init +0 | Perc +4 60'DV | Sense Mot -2 (+0 vs. LG worshippers of Torag) |Stealth +4 | speed 30 |spells 1 3/3 | Active Conditions: none

"Captain, we found a number of other valuable objects in the house that clearly belonged to Sir Roderic and his family when they perished. What is the law regarding those in this area?

May we keep them under the law of finds and use them to fund our further efforts on Sir Roderic's behalf, do we need to travel to Riddleport to turn them over in trust to the probate court in case he is resurrected, or do they escheat to the government of Riddleport?"

Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 Temp 26| FF 24 Temp 24| Tch/Temp 12|CMD 22| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 20 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

"Perhaps my Common is not so good, but did you mispronounce what you were saying? From what little I know of Riddleport, "cheat" is what they would be interested in."

I haven't seen the word "escheat" in about 20 years. That brings back memories. I bet the law can get pretty complicated when people can be resurrected.

Grand Lodge

LG male aphorite (eternal smith, planar envoy) wizard (poleiheira adherent) 1| HP 7/7 | AC 10/14 (mage armor), T 10, FF 10/14 | Init +0 | Perc +4 60'DV | Sense Mot -2 (+0 vs. LG worshippers of Torag) |Stealth +4 | speed 30 |spells 1 3/3 | Active Conditions: none
Nasir al-Rafik Kamal wrote:
"Perhaps my Common is not so good, but did you mispronounce what you were saying? From what little I know of Riddleport, "cheat" is what they would be interested in."

Walf chuckles. "Cheat, indeed, effendi, given the stories of Riddleport piracy!

The word is 'escheat.' In Axis, when an individual dies and has no heirs, his or her personal effects go to the government.

However, if he or she is wealthy, well-connected, or powerful, the law recognizes the possibility that he or she will return from the afterlife. Therefore, the personal effects are held in trust by the city's probate courts for a period of ten years. If they are not collected by then, they are distributed to the heirs or, if there are none, they escheat to the government.

Real property is far to valuable in the Eternal City for a court to hold for so long. The probate court distributes it after a year. Those who want to ensure their land stays with them if they return therefore put it into an everlasting trust administered by the axiomites...." Walf stops talking, noticing the glazed looks of boredom or lack of comprehension this explanation of inheritance laws in Axis is probably eliciting.

"Er, perhaps things are regulated differently in this colony."

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1
GM Derek wrote:
Audrahni is the resident caretaker of the boneyard, adjacent to the Lady's Chapel. You are going there next, if you'd like to bury them there.

Sweet! Thanks :)

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Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics


Walfrenden wrote:

"Captain, we found a number of other valuable objects in the house that clearly belonged to Sir Roderic and his family when they perished. What is the law regarding those in this area?

May we keep them under the law of finds and use them to fund our further efforts on Sir Roderic's behalf, do we need to travel to Riddleport to turn them over in trust to the probate court in case he is resurrected, or do they escheat to the government of Riddleport?"

Guard Captain Freson's eyes roll. She is, after all, a small town's guard captain, not a big city police captain, well-versed in all of the laws of the city-state.

"Well, clearly ya got more experience with the lawyerin' than I do. Here-bouts we simply give the dead persons stuff to their next a'kin."

She grimaces grudgingly and says, "I know res-rekshuns are a thing. But, out here on the Lost Coast, The Grey Lady just wants us to be born, live, die, like most folks."

"And lastly, Walfrenden of Axis, you been here long 'nough to know full well how we feel 'bout them pirates in Riddleport. Sir Roderic fought them off his entire life and he and his were killed 'fore the very eyes of the Covers by Riddleport pirates. The people here-bout learn you gave Sir Roderic's things to RIDDLEPORT? Well, Keela and I may be off fishin' when that bit of civic unrest happens, ya understand? Why, ten years ago a Cove mob ran the old Port-Governor, Jess Gildersleeves" <PTEW!> "outta town. She was skimmin' gold from the town's payments. Stealin' from us. She and her daughter were lucky to escape alive. An where'd they go? Back to RIDDLEPORT." <PTEW!>

Keela clears her through and shifts uncomfortably. Captain Freson gets the hint and settles down.

"He doesn't have any heirs. 'Finders keepers' we say. Thanks for askin'," say Freson. "Although... Larenza, the Port Governor, would 'preciate right of first refusal before ya sell anything."

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Nasir al-Rafik Kamal wrote:

"Perhaps my Common is not so good, but did you mispronounce what you were saying? From what little I know of Riddleport, "cheat" is what they would be interested in."

I haven't seen the word "escheat" in about 20 years. That brings back memories. I bet the law can get pretty complicated when people can be resurrected.

Little know fact: Common=Taldane. In Pathfinder, Common is the tongue Taldor, one of the first nations to rise after the Age of Anguish. It's the setting's Rome cognate. It is also Qadira's millenia-long enemy. There is currently a long-standing cold war between Qadira and Taldor. The only thing preventing Satrap Xerbystes II from igniting yet another ruinous war is that the vizier, Hebizid Vraj, directly appointed by the Padishah Emperor of Great Kelesh himself, controls the army. And the Emperor wants trade, not war. But that doesn't mean burning hatred, hotter than the sands of Qadira, doesn't rest in Qadiran and Taldoran hearts. Speaking the tongue of the enemy, even here, far from Taldor, may grate on Nasir.

Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 Temp 26| FF 24 Temp 24| Tch/Temp 12|CMD 22| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 20 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

That's my ignorance of the Pathfinder universe. Although Nasir knows Common, he speaks Varisian primarily when in Varisia. Those Taldar dogs are not fit to lick Nasir's boots!

Grand Lodge

LG male aphorite (eternal smith, planar envoy) wizard (poleiheira adherent) 1| HP 7/7 | AC 10/14 (mage armor), T 10, FF 10/14 | Init +0 | Perc +4 60'DV | Sense Mot -2 (+0 vs. LG worshippers of Torag) |Stealth +4 | speed 30 |spells 1 3/3 | Active Conditions: none

"My apologies, Port-Captain. You are correct, I am familiar with the inexcusable way that Riddleport treats the Cove." Walf thinks to himself, but does not express, the rest of the thought: But that doesn't mean the Cove does not dance to Riddleport's tune. The law is the law.

"Perhaps we should then add a visit to the Port-Governor to our list of things to do today."

Walf considers that list for a moment. "Port-Captain, we have heard twice now that Morley saw these creatures before. Do you recall what he reported, such as where he saw them or what they were doing? It may be important."

"Also, the timing of events is curious. Sir Roderick seems to have become restless at the same time the Roadkeepers killed six of the Horned Fangs. It seems unlikely to be a coincidence. The attack may have made the spirit restless, but in case the restless spirit provoked the attack, or the same thing provoked the attack and made the spirit restless, it would be useful to know more about the attack. Would you share with us what you have learned about it?

We will, of course, share anything we learn about it with you."

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1
GM Derek wrote:


Unconsciously and reflexively, Hatfield also spits at the mention of Riddleport.

The Exchange

Halfling Medium 5 | HP 38/38 | AC 16; Tch 13; FF 14 | F +4; R +6; W +5 | CMB +2; CMD 15 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | Light Crossbow: +7 (1d6) | Perc +10

Roscoe listens as the others discuss issues with the guard captain, but bristles at one thing Walfrenden says. When there is a lull in the conversation, he quietly says "Listen, I know you like rules. Here's one super important rule: when we find stuff, don't offer to give it away! I've got to make a living here! So you're welcome to give away your own stuff, but I'm in this for the gold--don't volunteer to give my share away!"

GM, I need to do a seance each day that takes an hour. I'd like to do it before we do much today. I'm happy to assume I do it at the start of each day when I first wake up, so perhaps it could already have been performed today? In the alternative, I can go do it now while everyone asks around.

Grand Lodge

LG male aphorite (eternal smith, planar envoy) wizard (poleiheira adherent) 1| HP 7/7 | AC 10/14 (mage armor), T 10, FF 10/14 | Init +0 | Perc +4 60'DV | Sense Mot -2 (+0 vs. LG worshippers of Torag) |Stealth +4 | speed 30 |spells 1 3/3 | Active Conditions: none
Roscoe Elring wrote:
"Listen, I know you like rules. Here's one super important rule: when we find stuff, don't offer to give it away! I've got to make a living here! So you're welcome to give away your own stuff, but I'm in this for the gold--don't volunteer to give my share away!"

Walf takes a step back as Roscoe expresses his . . . anger? Walf has such difficulty reading people on Golarion, he is unsure, but the halfling has made himself clear that he did not like Walf asking the Port-Captain about keeping the treasure.

Curious, Walf thinks to himself. I mentioned asking about the issue to the group when we were making plans for today. I wonder why he did not say anything then?

Walf composes himself and responds to Roscoe. "I acknowledge your concern. I apologize, I was merely attempting to ascertain if it was indeed ours. I understand now that it is."

"I have no particular feeling about rules themselves. Rules exist. They can be broken, particularly where doing so serves the greater good.
However, breaking them often carries consequences. I find it better to knowingly incur them, rather than blindly. I also find it much easier to work within the system.

For example, when my uncle Alois passed and the Probate Court of the 127th District announced that there was sufficient likelihood of resurrection to warrant holding his belongings in trust, including a clock that my mother particularly valued, we hired a spellcaster to verify my mother's memory that her brother had specifically indicated he had no intention of returning, even if someone were to cast the necessary spell . . . ."

Walf trails off again, having clearly lost anyone's attention.

He thinks to himself, This group's intentions seem to be good, I can put up with a certain amount of law-breaking to help save this community from the evil that appears to be welling up here, at least for now.

Walf's lawful good. Think of him as a wizard/paladin. If you want to get up to some serious law-breaking or some borderline-evil, make sure to try to distract him. As a player, I'll make sure he's looking the other way so as not to spoil anyone's fun (or give away our treasure). This was just looting the house of a prominent local citizen in town and a plan to fence the goods in the same town. No one suggested a plausible cover story (e.g., "I'll take this and make sure it all gets distributed to Sir Roderic's family"), so I played it on the up-and-up and even believe I warned you of the plan to do that.

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Roscoe Elring wrote:
Roscoe listens as the others discuss issues with the guard captain, but bristles at one thing Walfrenden says. When there is a lull in the conversation, he quietly says "Listen, I know you like rules. Here's one super important rule: when we find stuff, don't offer to give it away! I've got to make a living here! So you're welcome to give away your own stuff, but I'm in this for the gold--don't volunteer to give my share away!"

OK, number one, GREAT roleplay up there ^^^

Roscoe Elring wrote:
GM, I need to do a seance each day that takes an hour. I'd like to do it before we do much today. I'm happy to assume I do it at the start of each day when I first wake up, so perhaps it could already have been performed today? In the alternative, I can go do it now while everyone asks around.

[ooc]Number two, I would assume Roscoe has a pattern to his seances and that pattern would be first thing in the AM. Let's assume he already did today's. This time the real-world timing didn't work out and I only got around to discussing with you AFTER we had started the day in-character. Heck, this is the FIRST time we've had discuss your seances cuz its only the FIRST morning that we've experienced in game. We've been playing for a while now!{/ooc]

The Exchange

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Halfling Medium 5 | HP 38/38 | AC 16; Tch 13; FF 14 | F +4; R +6; W +5 | CMB +2; CMD 15 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | Light Crossbow: +7 (1d6) | Perc +10

Awesome--thanks! I'll assume I'm already the Marshall spirit then. Also enjoying the RP, and I certainly don't mind OOC if Walf tried to give our stuff away. :)

Roscoe nods as Walfenden explains his thinking.

"Listen, I've got your back. If you need to understand the rules a bit, just ask me. There's no one better in all of Roderic's Cove at understanding the consequences of breaking the rules. Trust me on that. 'Finder's keepers, losers weepers,' is a good rule and one we follow here."

Continuing to speak conspiratorially to Walf, Roscoe sniffs and pumps his chest out. "I'm pretty much the best at most everything. So come to me first and we'll figure all this out."

Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 Temp 26| FF 24 Temp 24| Tch/Temp 12|CMD 22| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 20 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

Wanting to quickly move past the brewing conflict(?) between Roscoe and Walf, Nasir engages the Port-Captain with follow up questions.

"As we have the disposition of our found goods settled, would you be kind enough Guard-Captain to share any knowledge you have of the aforementioned recent visitors to the "Wreck", prior sightings of the creatures that were dispatched last night, and/or the details of the attack on the Horned Fangs gang?

Grand Lodge

LG male aphorite (eternal smith, planar envoy) wizard (poleiheira adherent) 1| HP 7/7 | AC 10/14 (mage armor), T 10, FF 10/14 | Init +0 | Perc +4 60'DV | Sense Mot -2 (+0 vs. LG worshippers of Torag) |Stealth +4 | speed 30 |spells 1 3/3 | Active Conditions: none
Roscoe Elring wrote:

Roscoe nods as Walfenden explains his thinking.

"Listen, I've got your back. If you need to understand the rules a bit, just ask me. There's no one better in all of Roderic's Cove at understanding the consequences of breaking the rules. Trust me on that. 'Finder's keepers, losers weepers,' is a good rule and one we follow here."

Continuing to speak conspiratorially to Walf, Roscoe sniffs and pumps his chest out. "I'm pretty much the best at most everything. So come to me first and we'll figure all this out."

"That is an excellent idea. I will do just that."

Walf pauses, then tentatively and very quietly asks Roscoe a question that has been on his mind for some time since his arrival in the Cove.

"Isn't Roderic's Cove a colony of Riddleport? I thought the Port-Captain here and the Port-Governor were appointed by the authorities in Riddleport, as despicable as they are. However, the Port-Captain's comments about Riddleport are so clearly negative that even I can ascertain his feelings. Does he work for Riddleport and hate it at the same time? Or is the local government more independent than that of a colony?"

Walf, having grown up in a very rigid society that has hardly changed since its founding finds these concepts fascinatingly confusing. He is smart enough to know that he keeps stepping in it, but sees no way to learn how things operate here. He traveled to Golarion to experience it, and learning about its chaotic governments and inter-municipal relationships is part of that experience.

Walf decides he could also learn more in the town guard. He turns to Freson. "Port-Captain, if you are still taking volunteers to help with the town guard in emergencies, I would be glad to lend a hand, too. This has become my home, and I want to help protect it."

Silver Crusade

F Shoanti | Hawk | Wolfdog Hunter 6/Rogue 1|HP 58/58|AC 17 CMD 20 | FF 14 |T 13|Init+2|F+8 R+10 W+5 (+1 v fear) | Spd 30 | Perc(+17)+2(alert)+1(trps)+3(bright) | +1Earthbkr +8(2d6+5) | Yazhi |HP 51/51| AC 25(ma) |FF,T 14,17| F+7 R+8 W+3 | Bite (bull foc) +9(d6+7) bleed

Ayita listens to her companions, hoping to look interested and sympathetic... She is also hoping that no one knows of her family's Riddleport connections, or of what happened recently -- though she can't think of how they would have learned... Ter shifts on her shoulder, catching her mood.

Oh geez, it's time for practice again! That earth breaker workout is making me so sore!!!

There is a bit in her background about a Riddleport incident, and she has the "Family Ties" problem that hasn't poked its head up yet! ;-).

The Exchange

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Halfling Medium 5 | HP 38/38 | AC 16; Tch 13; FF 14 | F +4; R +6; W +5 | CMB +2; CMD 15 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | Light Crossbow: +7 (1d6) | Perc +10

Roscoe, having grown up here, knows how to respond to Walfrenden.

"Yeah--there's a lot of bad blood between us locals and Riddleport. Some of us value things like freedom, and don't want to be under their shoe.
We did just fine without those obnoxious pirates, but about ten years ago some pirate captains of Riddleport finally decided that Roderic's Cove was too juicy of plum not to pluck, and brought the town under their control."

Roscoe spits. "We're so great here that it's just a matter of time before we throw off their pathetic shackles. But for now, yeah. There are some conflicting loyalties all around."

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

Re: Riddleport and Roderic's Cove loyalties

Those of you who grew up here know that the town pays a "protection fee" to Riddleport. The previous port-governor, Jess Gildersleeves, was run out of town not JUST because she was skimming money. She was skimming money off of the protection fee. Fear that Riddleport would retaliate for the fee being light partially lead to the reaction against Gildersleeves. Also note that Captain Freson left out the part that the Cove was paying protection. Her local pride is likely offended that they've decided to pay Riddleport.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Nasir al-Rafik Kamal wrote:
Have you noticed anyone go up to the house recently? We found evidence that some of the house's contents had been recently disturbed and something quite important to Sir Roderick's ghost may have been taken.

"I haven't noticed anybody going up there. But then, it's not something we regularly patrol, so..." answers Captain Freson.

Nasir wrote:
Guard-Captain, I have come to this town to establish trade in antiquities as there are many Thasilonian ruins nearby. I hope that my actions in defense of the town last night show you that I have not come here to cause trouble."

"On the contrary, your actions speak well of you. Just don't cause any trouble."

Nasir wrote:
"I also had some questions for Keela Macrosh. My compatriots mentioned that she spent some time in the Churlwood. We may be heading out there in the future, and it would be helpful to get the lay of the land before we go."[/b]

"Ooookay," says Keela. She sounds hesitant at first. "Not my finest time, but sure, happy to give you the lay of the land."

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Walfrenden wrote:
Walf decides he could also learn more in the town guard. He turns to Freson. "Port-Captain, if you are still taking volunteers to help with the town guard in emergencies, I would be glad to lend a hand, too. This has become my home, and I want to help protect it."

"Excellent. The town militia drills once a week. More if'n ya want special training. We're happy to have ya. You'll need ta call yerself Walf of Roderic's Cove, soon enough."

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Walfrenden wrote:
Walf considers that list for a moment. "Port-Captain, we have heard twice now that Morley saw these creatures before. Do you recall what he reported, such as where he saw them or what they were doing? It may be important."

"Well now, Morley just mentioned seein' some weird shambling things in the bushes. Said they chattered at each other in some unnatural-like language. He described them as malformed. Legs bulbous, arms not quite normal. Frankly, they match his description well-'nough," she says.

Walf wrote:
"It would be useful to know more about the [attack on the Horned Fangs]. Would you share with us what you have learned about it?"

"Can't figure that one out. The Fangs are mostly pissed off workin' folk, mostly lazy s$$@s, really. 'Struggling to make a place for themselves,' they says. They figure if'n they stick together, they can negotiate better wages down on the docks, 'r wherever. Pfft."

Knowledge (local) DC22:
Jana "Gold" is their leader. Usually hangs out at Creekside, but you haven't seen her recently.

"They don't normally get up to no-good, other'n skirtin' a solid day's work, but if I'm gonna have gang fights and murders in town, guess I'm happy its people up to no-good, rather than good folk," says Captain Freson, frustrated. "Looks like 'stickin' together and 'collective bargin'n' didn't work so well in a fight. Scared to death is the rumor."

Knowledge (local) or Sense Motive DC13:
Captain Freson is on old warrior, used to fighting battles, not keeping the peace and investigating grudges, solving family squabbles, worker's rights grievances, and ethical dilemmas. Nuanced investigative work isn't her thing. She'd rather rival gangs kill each other and solve her problem for her.

"Sure wish I was able to get out there quicker last night and help you with those monsters. Haven't swung at a thing like that in a while, right, Keela?"

Grand Lodge

LG male aphorite (eternal smith, planar envoy) wizard (poleiheira adherent) 1| HP 7/7 | AC 10/14 (mage armor), T 10, FF 10/14 | Init +0 | Perc +4 60'DV | Sense Mot -2 (+0 vs. LG worshippers of Torag) |Stealth +4 | speed 30 |spells 1 3/3 | Active Conditions: none

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (11) - 2 = 9

Walf is clueless. His great difficulty reading the people of Golarion continues. Being an extreme goody-two-shoes from another plane, he takes everything said at face value and misses any unspoken sentiments or physical subtext.

Walf speaks quietly to Roscoe. "Did you want to ask the Port-Captain about your vision before we go to the town hall. Perhaps he saw the Shoanti or knows about the 'Honored Lady.'"

Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 Temp 26| FF 24 Temp 24| Tch/Temp 12|CMD 22| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 20 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Nothing amiss here...just the same old RNG for me...

"Thank you Keela for being willing to share your knowledge. Do you know the the more likely encampment sites in the Churlwood for the Roadkeepers to set up headquarters? Are there any particular known dangers, landmarks or unusual locations in the forest? Do you know who the likely leaders of the Roadkeepers are and a rough guess of how many of them there may be? Do you know what associations they may have with Riddleport? Are the Roadkeepers locals or outsiders and do they extort locals for protection?"

Grand Lodge

LG male aphorite (eternal smith, planar envoy) wizard (poleiheira adherent) 1| HP 7/7 | AC 10/14 (mage armor), T 10, FF 10/14 | Init +0 | Perc +4 60'DV | Sense Mot -2 (+0 vs. LG worshippers of Torag) |Stealth +4 | speed 30 |spells 1 3/3 | Active Conditions: none

Walf quietly says to Nasir, in Kelish:

"Rubama law earadtuha ealaa alkharita...."

"Perhaps if you show her the map...."

Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 Temp 26| FF 24 Temp 24| Tch/Temp 12|CMD 22| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 20 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

Nasir looks at Walf and quietly responds, in Kelish.

"lm 'akun 'aelam 'ana alkharitat alty eatharat ealayha hi kharitat Churlwood. min ladayh li'iizharuha?"

I did not know that the map you found was of the Churlwood. Who has it to show her?

Nasir turns to Keela.

"I believe that we have a map of the Churlwood. If you could use the map to point things out, it should make responding to my inquiry easier."

Nasir turns to the group.

"Yalla! Share the map with her."

Tayyyyeb! Already falling back into Imperial Forces habits. These are just untrained commoners, not soldiers. I must remember that I am an explorer and merchant now and have not acquired a local patron. Hopefully, these locals I have met will help me make contacts if I don't manage to alienate them. The Trade Prince will be unhappy if I do not make progress here.

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M Half-elf Occultist 6/Investigator 1 | HP 55/59 | AC 20 temp 24 | T 11 FF 19 | CMD 20 | F+10, R+8, W+10 | Init +2 | Speed 30 | Perc +16 darkvision | Sen Mot +10 | 14 Mental focus: 4/6 abjuration, 2/2 divination, 4/6 transmutation | Inspiration 3/3 | +2 Halberd +12/+5, 1d10 + 15 / x3 | [dice=+2 halberd w/ PA]1d20 + 12[/dice], [dice=damage]1d10 + 15[/dice] | Spells remaining: 1st 4/5 2nd 3/4

Sense motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

"Captain Freson, you don't seem to find the investigating part of your job as interesting as we do, can you temporarily deputize us to look into this business with The Fangs for you? A brief extension of your authority might help open some doors for us."

"Keela, we're interested in knowing where the primary base of operations is for the Roadkeepers, as well as outlying posts. Roughly how many are there? Who are their leaders? How do they operate? If our investigation takes us there, we'd like to be prepared and not have to battle our way through the Churlwood."

And badges. We need badges!

Grand Lodge

LG male aphorite (eternal smith, planar envoy) wizard (poleiheira adherent) 1| HP 7/7 | AC 10/14 (mage armor), T 10, FF 10/14 | Init +0 | Perc +4 60'DV | Sense Mot -2 (+0 vs. LG worshippers of Torag) |Stealth +4 | speed 30 |spells 1 3/3 | Active Conditions: none
Nasir al-Rafik Kamal wrote:

"lm 'akun 'aelam 'ana alkharitat alty eatharat ealayha hi kharitat Churlwood. min ladayh li'iizharuha?"

When Nasir asks Walf in Kelish who has the map, Walf answers, "Roscoe."

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1
Frantino Kaddren wrote:
"Keela, we're interested in knowing where the primary base of operations is for the Roadkeepers, as well as outlying posts. Roughly how many are there? Who are their leaders? How do they operate? If our investigation takes us there, we'd like to be prepared and not have to battle our way through the Churlwood."[/b]

Hatfield doesn't like the idea of conflict with the Roadkeepers. (Though the player is fine with it! :)

"Seems ta me these trail holders might could have a retention problem. I mean, if'n our friend here found a better way ta live, others might not be too keen on stayin' inna Churlwood, if'n they're given a viable alternative."

Silver Crusade

F Shoanti | Hawk | Wolfdog Hunter 6/Rogue 1|HP 58/58|AC 17 CMD 20 | FF 14 |T 13|Init+2|F+8 R+10 W+5 (+1 v fear) | Spd 30 | Perc(+17)+2(alert)+1(trps)+3(bright) | +1Earthbkr +8(2d6+5) | Yazhi |HP 51/51| AC 25(ma) |FF,T 14,17| F+7 R+8 W+3 | Bite (bull foc) +9(d6+7) bleed
GM Derek wrote:
Walfrenden wrote:
Walf considers that list for a moment. "Port-Captain, we have heard twice now that Morley saw these creatures before. Do you recall what he reported, such as where he saw them or what they were doing? It may be important."

"Well now, Morley just mentioned seein' some weird shambling things in the bushes. Said they chattered at each other in some unnatural-like language. He described them as malformed. Legs bulbous, arms not quite normal. Frankly, they match his description well-'nough," she says.

Walf wrote:
"It would be useful to know more about the [attack on the Horned Fangs]. Would you share with us what you have learned about it?"

"Can't figure that one out. The Fangs are mostly pissed off workin' folk, mostly lazy s$!!s, really. 'Struggling to make a place for themselves,' they says. They figure if'n they stick together, they can negotiate better wages down on the docks, 'r wherever. Pfft."

** spoiler omitted **

"They don't normally get up to no-good, other'n skirtin' a solid day's work, but if I'm gonna have gang fights and murders in town, guess I'm happy its people up to no-good, rather than good folk," says Captain Freson, frustrated. "Looks like 'stickin' together and 'collective bargin'n' didn't work so well in a fight. Scared to death is the rumor."

** spoiler omitted **

"Sure wish I was able to get out there quicker last night and help you with those monsters. Haven't swung at a thing like that in a while, right, Keela?"

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Ayita isn't noticing anything unusual!

She's hardly focusing on the conversation at all, in fact.

Ter has that look of... muffin? muffin soon? Ayita has been eating a lot of the muffins; she is noticing that she needs new armor... slightly larger armor... and those rogue maneuvers are sure harder to do now! Maybe she'll keep working out with the new part-wolf puppy at the Kennels; the puppy likes muffins too, and everyone knows that the more working out you do, the more muffins you can eat.

The Exchange

Halfling Medium 5 | HP 38/38 | AC 16; Tch 13; FF 14 | F +4; R +6; W +5 | CMB +2; CMD 15 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | Light Crossbow: +7 (1d6) | Perc +10

Roscoe doesn't like his companions speaking a language he doesn't understand, especially when he hears his name. He's a little distracted and doesn't keep up with what the others are saying to the guard captain.

"Hey! I heard my name in there! What, the languages I speak aren't good enough? I'd say they're the best! Now, if you'll kindly speak in the Common tongue. Well, or halfling or Thassilonian--I know a bit of those, too. I'm actually not sure how I picked up that Thassilonian--I've just sort of understood it after I explored one of their ruins. But this other gobbledygook is hard to understand!"

sense motive: 1d20 ⇒ 4

I should probably take this chance to point out that my role-playing is going to be a little different each 'day' of the adventure, depending on which spirit I'm channeling. So I will probably push people a little in the RP-department, but it's just for fun! I'll try to remain a good team player. :)

Grand Lodge

LG male aphorite (eternal smith, planar envoy) wizard (poleiheira adherent) 1| HP 7/7 | AC 10/14 (mage armor), T 10, FF 10/14 | Init +0 | Perc +4 60'DV | Sense Mot -2 (+0 vs. LG worshippers of Torag) |Stealth +4 | speed 30 |spells 1 3/3 | Active Conditions: none

Walf says in exasperation, "So be it. . .Roscoe, would you please show the deputy the gods-forsaken map. I was trying to prompt someone to do it discreetly, in case someone thought it was a bad idea, but that's clearly not working.

Deputy, if he shows you the map, can you please tell them if there is any landmark on the map that corresponds with the X on it?

I'm going out for fresh air. Make sure you ask them about the Shoanti and the Honored Lady."

Walf walks out to enjoy the morning air.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

Assuming Roscoe shares the map...

"That looks like the churlwood, for sure. That X is where the old ruined stone house is. We always steered clear, cuz a' the goblins that liked to live nearby," says Keela. "But its been a while since I've been with the 'Keepers or in the Churlwood. New leaf. Turnin' over. Etc."

While Keela's looking at the map, Captain Freson looks over her shoulder at it.

"Looks like a draft of an old map in the Cove Hall archives. You found this in Sir Roderic's house? Makes sense. A lotta the archives came from his place years back after he died."

When Walf mentions the Shoanti and "Honored Lady" Freson scrunches her face up and looks puzzled. "Ayita, are there other Shoanti around?"

When the team explains to her the apparition in the Wreck, she shivers. "I hate the undead. Nothin' to hit with my sword, ya know? No Shoanti around here, 'cept Ayita. Not for a while. As for 'Honored Lady,' who would a Shoanti call such a thing? Usually, they are a bit more egalitarian these days. An Honored Lady would be some grand old leader of the tribe, wouldn't it, Ayita? Somebody respected by all. You said, the apparition spoke to you, Roscoe? Thought you were the 'Honored Lady'? Didn't know you were channelin' your inner Lady, these days. HA!"

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics


Captain Freson, after a bit, excuses herself and attends to other business. She asks Keela to accompany you to the Boneyard to talk with Audrahni and tell you what she knows of the Roadkeepers along the way.

Frantino Kaddren wrote:
"Keela, we're interested in knowing where the primary base of operations is for the Roadkeepers, as well as outlying posts. Roughly how many are there? Who are their leaders? How do they operate? If our investigation takes us there, we'd like to be prepared and not have to battle our way through the Churlwood."[/b]

Well," she says to Frantino as the group walks through town. "The Roadkeepers are generally just highwaymen dressed up with fancy words. 'Protection' and 'tolls' and 'taxation.' Just another word for stealin'. You usually can expect them along the road south, near the Churlwood, and on towards Sandpoint. There's lots of 'em. Lots of road to 'protect.' Old Nightthrush runs the group, but I know Lullaby Vancaskerkin is achin' to replace her. Still hasn't died, so Lullaby is likely getting antsy."

She chews on her thoughts for a bit.

"A toll group is usually three or four gents, reasonably well-armed. Swords, pikes, n' the like. Honestly, if'n yer just passin' through... Pay the toll. Easiest way to handle it. Just four or five silver usually. If yer goin' INTO the Churlwood? Best be ready for some fightin', then."

Female Elf


Keela says goodbye and returns the way she came as you come upon the Boneyard. A small house at its edge is where Audrahni lives, separate from the Chapel and Desil Marphan, the priest of Pharasma who oversees a staff of a four, not counting the seven local children who take part in the regular services as candle lighters and choir members.

"Welcome, back! What did you find?" asks Audrahni when she sees you. She listens closely as you recount your adventures to date.

"Interesting. You found a lead-lined box that looks like a rapier was in it?" She beckons you to her back room where the bodies of the Horned Fangs rest under a gentle repose spell while she prepares them for burial.

"Look here," she points at one of the bodies. "A rapier wound, if I've ever seen one. But that's not the weirdest part! Look at the others! NO WOUNDS. Not a single one. When they first came to me they all had looks of fright on their faces. Only when Desil cast the Grey Lady's repose upon them did the looks of fright disappear."

The Horned Fang gang insignias are still on the bodies' clothes. The Horned Fang appears to be a crude rendition of the Thassilonian rune for "Wrath."

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1

"Night thrush? What's a night thrush?"

(After the basics of our excursion to the old house has been communicated to the elf.) "Audrahni, we found evidence that there may be some restless kids' souls. Anywhere we can bury these?" Hatfield produces the childrens' items. He tried his best to pick things that would be meaningful, but can't be certain what items were valued/loved.

Female Elf


"It appears that putting Sir Roderic to rest is more complicated than I thought. Though, Gregory Hatfield, burying his children's things here can only improve their poor lot and help THEM rest. I think he's a different story then."

She wonders for bit and then touches one of her ears.

"Clearly, something is returning that he thought buried or hidden. I'm certain that what happened to these dead men here is linked. THAT'S when Sir Roderic decided the Cove was in trouble and began manifesting again."

"Obviously, there's still a mystery to be investigated here. I doubt Captain Freson has talked to anybody in town about the deaths."

"On the other hand, if the Roadkeepers did this, then the Churlwood is where you'll find them. And perhaps answers."

"What do you plan on doing now?"

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Gregory C. Hatfield wrote:
"Night thrush? What's a night thrush?"

Before leaving, Keela explains. "Well, its a bird. But in this case, its on witchy old lady. Some magic. I always steered clear. Made excuses to be on guard duty or some such whenever she was around."


Gregory C. Hatfield wrote:
"Audrahni, we found evidence that there may be some restless kids' souls. Anywhere we can bury these?" Hatfield produces the childrens' items. He tried his best to pick things that would be meaningful, but can't be certain what items were valued/loved.

Audhrahni takes the items reverantly and puts them in a soft piece of cloth and binds them together. "I'll make sure to bury them near the memorial for Sir Roderic and his children. No bodies were ever recovered from the sinking of their ship by the Riddleport pirates, but we do have a stone in the Boneyard devoted to them."

Silver Crusade

F Shoanti | Hawk | Wolfdog Hunter 6/Rogue 1|HP 58/58|AC 17 CMD 20 | FF 14 |T 13|Init+2|F+8 R+10 W+5 (+1 v fear) | Spd 30 | Perc(+17)+2(alert)+1(trps)+3(bright) | +1Earthbkr +8(2d6+5) | Yazhi |HP 51/51| AC 25(ma) |FF,T 14,17| F+7 R+8 W+3 | Bite (bull foc) +9(d6+7) bleed
GM Derek wrote:

Assuming Roscoe shares the map...

"That looks like the churlwood, for sure. That X is where the old ruined stone house is. We always steered clear, cuz a' the goblins that liked to live nearby," says Keela. "But its been a while since I've been with the 'Keepers or in the Churlwood. New leaf. Turnin' over. Etc."

While Keela's looking at the map, Captain Freson looks over her shoulder at it.

"Looks like a draft of an old map in the Cove Hall archives. You found this in Sir Roderic's house? Makes sense. A lotta the archives came from his place years back after he died."

When Walf mentions the Shoanti and "Honored Lady" Freson scrunches her face up and looks puzzled. "Ayita, are there other Shoanti around?"

When the team explains to her the apparition in the Wreck, she shivers. "I hate the undead. Nothin' to hit with my sword, ya know? No Shoanti around here, 'cept Ayita. Not for a while. As for 'Honored Lady,' who would a Shoanti call such a thing? Usually, they are a bit more egalitarian these days. An Honored Lady would be some grand old leader of the tribe, wouldn't it, Ayita? Somebody respected by all. You said, the apparition spoke to you, Roscoe? Thought you were the 'Honored Lady'? Didn't know you were channelin' your inner Lady, these days. HA!"

No, no other Shoanti for a while now, since the traders last month. I think the spirit must have been muddling up its memories with something about us, maybe?

Female Elf

”That spirit could be old. Very old. No idea when or how it migrated or spawned in the house,” says Audrahni.

Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 Temp 26| FF 24 Temp 24| Tch/Temp 12|CMD 22| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 20 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

Nasir quietly observes the small house and conversation between the elf and his new friends while wondering where Walfrenden has wandered off to. When he sees an opening, he takes a moment to introduce himself.

"Now I finally get to meet the Audrahni that my new companions have talked so much about. Let me introduce myself. I am Nasir al-Rafik Kamal, procurer of antiquities.

Ahhhh! I think that is the right description to use for what I do now.

So you are the the caretaker of the dead of this town, a noble profession. Proper burial gives the spirits of the dead the rest that they deserve. Since there is no Sarenrae clergy near here to cleanse the undead, your role here is even more important.

Tell me, how long have you lived in this town. Were you here when Sir Roderic was alive? If so, what can you tell us about him and his family as it relates to what we saw and found in his former home?"

We fully intend to look more into the deaths of the Horned Fangs, and we will head into the Churlwood to do so. Do you happen to know how the Horned Fangs came by their symbol? From my research, it looks like a crude rendition of the Thassilonian rune for 'Wrath.' I have come to this town in search of Thassilonian relics and finding townsfolk wearing Thassilonian writing is intriguing."

Silver Crusade

F Shoanti | Hawk | Wolfdog Hunter 6/Rogue 1|HP 58/58|AC 17 CMD 20 | FF 14 |T 13|Init+2|F+8 R+10 W+5 (+1 v fear) | Spd 30 | Perc(+17)+2(alert)+1(trps)+3(bright) | +1Earthbkr +8(2d6+5) | Yazhi |HP 51/51| AC 25(ma) |FF,T 14,17| F+7 R+8 W+3 | Bite (bull foc) +9(d6+7) bleed
Nasir al-Rafik Kamal wrote:

Nasir quietly observes the small house and conversation between the elf and his new friends while wondering where Walfrenden has wandered off to. When he sees an opening, he takes a moment to introduce himself.


We fully intend to look more into the deaths of the Horned Fangs, and we will head into the Churlwood to do so. Do you happen to know how the Horned Fangs came by their symbol? From my research, it looks like a crude rendition of the Thassilonian rune for 'Wrath.' "

Ayita asks Ter to find Walf and get him one of the blackberry muffins she picked up this morning. Everyone else already ate theirs.

She then peers over at the symbol...

"You're right, Mr. Nasir, that is 'Wrath'! We've been working on our Thassilonian for months... 'Wrath'. Ok so these are angry folks, I guess? Why so angry? Maybe they have some complicated justification for robbing people and still feeling angry... bunch of jerks, great."

She frowns and adjusts her new 'earth breaker', strapped to her back. She's looking less lithe these days, a few muscles now.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

"Well met, Nasir al-Rafik Kamal. A new face in town. How interesting."

She makes small talk with you easily. You can see how a long-lived elf could easily talk about the weather for hours, as they have all the time in the world to get to the important stuff. But she doesn't go that far. She clearly has spent time among shorter-lived humans and knows to get to the point after a short period of human social niceties.

While Nasir knows that many see elves as paragons of grace, Audrahni’s not graceful. It is a rangy frame that is looming and awkward. She lacks the elegance of other elves and tends to slump her shoulders and hang her head low. She is somehow mournful, without being obviously so. There is a story to be told here, certainly, once you get to know her and gain her trust.

"I have only arrived here recently. But a year since Desil allowed me to become groundskeeper here at the town's cemetery. The town itself is only eighty some years old. Sir Roderic was long gone before I arrived, I'm afraid."

"The rune they are using is interesting. The Thassilonian rune for 'wrath,' you say? Hmmm. I have only seen it recently on some of the gang members. You may wish to speak with one of them about why they have begun wearing it."

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1

"Hm. Wrath. Maybe we can sublimate their aggressive proclivities with alternative activities--like gardening or painting," the healer muses to himself.

Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 Temp 26| FF 24 Temp 24| Tch/Temp 12|CMD 22| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 20 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

Nasir is happy to engage in small talk as it is an honored and well practiced tradition in Qadira.

"Ahhh. It is unfortunate that you were not here at the time of Sir Roderic. As it is well know that elves live long and have long memories, I had hoped that you might have had firsthand knowledge of Sir Roderic.

So you are a newcomer to this town as well. I am curious about what drew you here as this is quite a remote area of Varisia?

You offer good advice about finding out more about the Horned Fangs. I will seek them out to learn more about their symbol.

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1
Nasir al-Rafik Kamal wrote:
Nasir is happy to engage in small talk

"This would be a great time fer a chair and a mint julep!"

While the others are distracted by the small talk, Hatfield drops 5 SP in the donation box to thank Audrahni for her help. (Wealth decremented.)

M Half-elf Occultist 6/Investigator 1 | HP 55/59 | AC 20 temp 24 | T 11 FF 19 | CMD 20 | F+10, R+8, W+10 | Init +2 | Speed 30 | Perc +16 darkvision | Sen Mot +10 | 14 Mental focus: 4/6 abjuration, 2/2 divination, 4/6 transmutation | Inspiration 3/3 | +2 Halberd +12/+5, 1d10 + 15 / x3 | [dice=+2 halberd w/ PA]1d20 + 12[/dice], [dice=damage]1d10 + 15[/dice] | Spells remaining: 1st 4/5 2nd 3/4

"The Thassilonian symbol for wrath, eh? Did we ever figure out the significance of the name Baraket, on the rapier case? Audrahni, my friend, have you heard of the name Baraket? It could be the weapon, or one who wielded it. If you don't know, we need to quietly ask around about that, too, while we're at it."

I can't see where any of us made the DC 25 Knowledge History check, but I could have missed it.

"So now, after looking at the map in the town hall, we need to find and speak to some of the Horned Fangs. And go shopping. And outfit ourselves for a trip into the Churlwood to see this Stone House. It seems that at every stop we add two more things to our list!"

We need to agree on the distribution of the loot. Split evenly into six shares, or five since Walf left? Other than the slippers, it's a pretty light haul assuming that we're about to level up. The 2015 gp split six ways is 335 gp 8 sp 3 cp each (not 370 gp). Split five ways is 403 gp each. I'll wear the slippers if everyone agrees, and Nasir could benefit from them as well. I've never thought about wearing them with armor, I think either one of us would need to slide them over our boots rather than walk around in armor with only slippers on our feet. Most magical clothing items resize as needed, I think.

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1
Frantino Kaddren wrote:
We need to agree on the distribution of the loot.

Y'all can split it four ways. Since I've got the wand of cure light wounds, I'm happy to forego my share of the loot pile, this time.

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