About Roscoe ElringMale Halfling Medium (Fiend Keeper) 5
hp 38 (5d8, +10 Con) Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +5 (+7 vs. fear) Defensive Abilities Fearless, Halfling Luck, Shadowhunter (+2 vs. saves to remove negative levels, recover physical ability damage)
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares; Fleet of Foot)
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 15 Special Attacks Spirit Surge (1d6), Shadowhunter (deal 50% damage to incorporeal creatures) Known Medium Spells (CL 5, concentration +9):
Abilities STR 10, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 8, CHA 19
Dark Communion (Su): At 3rd level, a fiend keeper can entice the evil spirit to lend him its knowledge or its power as a full-round action a number of times per day equal to his class level. If the fiend keeper seeks knowledge, this behaves as contact other plane using his medium level as his caster level, but if he fails the Intelligence or Charisma check, his spirit gains 1 point of influence over him instead of reducing his ability scores. Treat the spirit as an entity from the Astral Plane for this ability. Its knowledge is equivalent to that of a demigod at 5th level, a lesser deity at 7th level, and an intermediate deity at 13th level.
Evil Spirit (Su): A fiend keeper serves as the vessel for a powerful evil spirit that fights and bargains for dominance. The legends a fiend keeper channels are all aspects of this evil presence. Willingly performing an evil act automatically grants the evil spirit 1 point of influence over him. Protection from evil temporarily suppresses all the spirit’s benefits while the fiend keeper is under the spell’s effects. When the spirit gains at least 3 points of influence over the fiend keeper, in addition to the penalties associated with each legend, he gains an evil aura as per a cleric of his level and treats his alignment as evil for the purposes of resisting or being vulnerable to spells and abilities (such as unholy blight or a paladin’s smite evil class ability).
A medium can invite his allies to participate in his seance—shared seance and certain spirit powers affect other participants. A character counts as participating so long as she maintains physical contact with another participating character and willfully opens herself to the spirit; unlike the medium, other participating characters can take other actions during this time. Only creatures with an Intelligence score of at least 3 can participate in a seance. In addition to granting power to the medium, a channeled spirit can influence the medium. By channeling a spirit, the medium allows the spirit to gain 1 point of influence over him. If the medium loses that 1 point of influence, he loses contact with the spirit, though he is still unable to perform a new seance until the normal 24 hour period has elapsed since his last seance. When the spirit leaves after the 24-hour duration and before the next seance, the spirit’s influence over the medium resets to 0. Certain abilities allow the medium to gain additional power in exchange for allowing the spirit more influence over him. When a spirit gains at least 3 points of influence over the medium, the dual impulses housed within the same body cause the medium to meld with his spirit’s consciousness. The resulting muddled sense of self and struggle for control causes the medium to take a –2 penalty on initiative checks as well as a specific additional penalty listed in each spirit’s entry. However, the spirit’s mental presence grants the medium a +4 bonus against possession effects and a +2 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects that are not related to possession. If a spirit ever attains 5 or more points of influence over the medium, the medium completely loses control to the spirit. He effectively becomes an NPC under the GM’s control until after he awakens the next day with the spirit gone. During his seance, the medium can choose to channel a weaker spirit to gain its help without incurring as much of its influence. If he does so, he can forgo any number of spirit powers, starting with his most powerful spirit power. For each spirit power he forgoes, the medium can use his spirit surge ability twice without incurring influence. Spirit Bonus (Su): When a medium channels a spirit, he gains a bonus on certain checks and to certain statistics, depending on the spirit. A 1st-level medium’s spirit bonus is +1; it increases by 1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter. Spirit Surge (Su): After failing a d20 roll that was modified by his spirit bonus, a medium can allow his spirit to gain 1 additional point of influence over him in order to add 1d6 to the check’s result without taking an action. This can cause the check to succeed instead of fail. The medium must be conscious and aware to use this ability, and he can use this ability at most once per round. At 10th level, the medium’s spirit surge die increases to 1d8, and at 20th level it increases to 1d6. Taboo (Ex): At 2nd level, during his daily seance, a medium can accept a taboo in order to appease his spirit. Each spirit lists example taboos, and the GM may allow additional taboos as well. Accepting a taboo allows the medium to use his spirit surge ability twice without incurring influence. The medium can select only a single taboo. The medium is not magically prevented from breaking his taboo, but if he breaks the taboo for any reason, he takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws for 1 hour and his spirit gains 1 point of influence over him. If the medium continues violating the taboo while taking the penalty, the duration of the penalty extends, but the spirit doesn’t gain additional influence over the medium. If a spirit attains 5 points of influence because of a violated taboo, instead of possessing the medium, the spirit leaves the medium’s body entirely, and the medium loses access to his spirit powers, spirit bonus, and spirit surge abilities until the next time he can perform a seance. Banishing a spirit in this way damages the medium’s connection to that spirit’s legend; the medium cannot channel spirits of that legend for 1 week, and the next time the medium channels a spirit of that legend, it starts with 2 points of influence over him instead of 1. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mediums are proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, and medium armor, but not with shields. BACKGROUND:
“It is here. It lurks at the periphery of my mind...” Roscoe Elring was born in Roderic’s Cove and had lived there his entire life, having only been as far as Riddleport once. Roscoe had a good family and upbringing, despite a wanderlust and discontent that made him unhappy with what he had in life. At sixteen years old, Roscoe had never believed that Roderic’s cove was haunted, even though most of his friends said it was. He simply hadn’t seen anything to make him believe it. He had heard the tale of Sir Roderic’s ghost at the helm of a mysterious ship scuttling in the harbor. His friends had dared him to run up and touch the front door of Roderic’s Wreck. Though time and neglect had caused the once-magnificent, moss-covered building to sag into the water, all Roscoe had seen were lots of bugs as he ran away laughing. He found life tediously boring, and felt his natural talents could be better used to acquire money, shelter, or even romantic company. Bored with his provincial life and thinking he could be much more, Roscoe spent much of his youth as a two-bit criminal and con man. He had never done anything particularly malicious, primarily conning, stealing, and cheating at gambling. He might play the part of a pitiable youth with potential, often playing it up and ingratiating himself with noble families, convincing them to accept him as an apprentice or servant. Regardless of how he got into their good graces, it almost always ended the same, with broken hearts and heavy pockets. He became involved with some criminals from Riddleport, and things started becoming more intense. But at age twenty-five, his criminal days came to an end after a stint in prison, when he realized he was on track to become a permanent resident if he stayed with this Riddleport gang. Deciding to turn over a new leaf and part ways with low-life friends, Roscoe needed a way to earn an honest living, and he began exploring nearby ruins looking for treasure. Adventurous, stealthy, and nearly fearless, he was well-suited to this task. Though he had a little luck finding treasure to sell, he found one ruin that seemed ancient beyond belief. He didn’t know it at the time, but these ruins were Thassilonian, the remnants of an empire fallen thousands of years ago. Finding what he thought was a valuable medallion with a strange, seven-pointed star on it, Roscoe took it back to Rodric’s Cove to sell. However, this strange relic turned out to be cursed. When he thought he had sold the medallion, it turned up around his neck the next morning. Worse, he began to have dark thoughts, and the spirits of powerful entities haunted him. They even wanted things from him. It seemed as though a fragment of ancient Thassilonian beings vied for control of him, to what purpose he did not know. Roscoe couldn’t simply ignore this amulet. Things were becoming worse, and he had to figure out how to get rid of it. In varying degrees, he began exhibiting the worst of vices: wrath, envy, greed, sloth, lust, pride, and gluttony. It was all beginning to take a great toll on him, as well as his relationships. Most thought he had returned to the days of his youth. Roscoe either had to bargain with these malign spirits, in which case he was able to exert some level of control, or they would overcome him entirely. The upside, if there was any, was that these spirits were powerful and gave him great abilities if he worked with them. By performing a séance, lighting candles, and focusing, he could work with specific spirits. He could sense, though, that they were evil. Evil beyond description, and powerful, too. If he ever lost control, these toxic spirits might be unleashed upon the world, right in his home town of Rodric’s Cove. He didn’t know what these caustic entities wanted from him, but they seemed to be pushing him toward some dark outcome. Roscoe began learning all that he could about Thassilon, including its language. He had to confront this directly, and that meant finding out all he could about this ancient, fallen empire that had slept for eons untold. "Sorry about that...I have it totally under control." Alaznist (F), Runelord of Wrath (Champion) - Evoker Belimarius (F), Runelord of Envy (Guardian) - Abjurer Karzoug (M), Runelord of Greed (Archmage) - Transmuter Krune (None), Runelord of Sloth (Hierophant) - Conjurer Sorshen (F), Runelord of Lust (Trickster) - Enchanter Xanderghul (M), Runelord of Pride (Marshal) - Illusionist Zutha (M), Runelord of Gluttony - Necromancer Level Progression:
Level 1: Class Taken: Medium Class Feature Gained: knacks, spirit, spirit bonus +1, spirit power (lesser), spirit surge 1d6 Hit points Gained: 1d8, +2 Con Skill Points (4 +2 background): bluff (1), diplomacy (1), knowledge (history)(1), linguistics (1), perception (1), use magic device (1) Feats: legendary influence Favored Class Bonus: Increase the bonus the medium gains from its seance boon by 1/3 point Level 2: Class Taken: Medium Class Feature Gained: shared seance, taboo Hit points Gained: 1d8, +2 Con Skill Points (4 +2 background): acrobatics (1), knowledge (history)(1), linguistics (1), perception (1), sense motive (1), use magic device (1) Favored Class Bonus: Increase the bonus the medium gains from its seance boon by 1/3 point Level 3: Class Taken: Medium Class Feature Gained: dark communion Hit points Gained: 1d8, +2 Con Skill Points (4 +2 background): knowledge (arcana) (1), knowledge (history)(1), knowledge (planes)(1), knowledge (religion)(1), linguistics (1), spellcraft (1) Favored Class Bonus: Increase the bonus the medium gains from its seance boon by 1/3 point Feat: Improved Legendary Influence Level 4: Class Taken: Medium Class Feature Gained: Spirit bonus +2 Hit points Gained: 1d8, +2 Con Skill Points (4 +2 background): acrobatics (1), intimidate (1), knowledge (history)(1), linguistics (1), perception (1), use magic device (1) Favored Class Bonus: Increase the bonus the medium gains from its seance boon by 1/3 point Ability Score Increase: Cha Level 5: Class Taken: Medium Class Feature Gained: Hit points Gained: 1d8, +2 Con Skill Points (4 +2 background): acrobatics (1), diplomacy (1), knowledge (history)(1), linguistics (1), perception (1), use magic device (1) Favored Class Bonus: Increase the bonus the medium gains from its seance boon by 1/3 point Feat: weapon finesse Dice:
[dice=bite]1d20+7;1d4[/dice] [dice=claw]1d20+7;1d4[/dice] [dice=claw]1d20+7;1d4[/dice] [dice=light mace]1d20+7;1d4 [/dice] [dice=light crossbow]1d20+7;1d6[/dice] [dice=spirit surge]1d6[/dice] [dice=dark communion check (Cha roll vs. DC 10)]1d20+4[/dice] [ooc]Gain 5 temp hp[/ooc *DC 12 @ 7th level, DC 14 @ 13th level *Dark communion temp hp 1/level, gain 2 powers @ level 7, use 1/level (dark communion and contact other plane) *séance boon increases every 3 levels (next @6) *3 ranks in acrobatics for defensive fighting (increases Dodge bonus to +3) *take 1 rank intimidate for frightening ambush? *train fly, stealth, disable device *dark communion improves at lvl 7, and 13 *spirit surge – 10th level increase to 1d8 *may force reroll 1/adventure *crafting feats for downtime? *buy heavy darkwood shield or tower shield for champion spirit * Feats for natural attack build, Channel Spirit, Spirit Focus, improved initiative, scribe scroll (for making scrolls during off time), channel spirit, spiritual training, steadfast personality, toughness, expanded arcana, subconscious usurpation, way of the shooting star, additional traits *Archmage: point blank shot, spell focus (necromancy, evocation), undead master, arcane armor training, arcane armor mastery, metamagic feats, spell focus (conjuration), augment summoning, toppling spell, extra traits (magical lineage + wayang spellhunter + toppling magic missile) *Champion: spirit focus, weapon finesse, piranha strike, risky striker, lunge OR point blank shot, precise shot, rapid shot, weapon focus, snap shot (AoO with ranged weapon), improved snap shot (AoO to 15 feet), combat reflexes, deadly aim, manyshot *Guardian: Feats improving defensive fighting, Combat reflexes, bodyguard, in harm’s way, antagonize, bludgeoner, enforcer https://rpgbot.net/pathfinder/characters/fighting_defensively.html *Heirophant: spell focus (necromancy), undead master, selective channeling, dreamed secrets, spell focus (conjuration), augment summoning, contingent spell, extra traits (magical lineage + wayang spellhunter + contingent CLW) *Marshall: spirit focus, flagbearer, combat advice *Trickster: weapon finesse, combat expertise, improved feint, piranha strike, risky striker, shatter defenses, dazzling display, frightening ambush, cunning, extra traits (wisdom in the flesh) OR point blank shot, precise shot, rapid shot, weapon focus, snap shot (AoO with ranged weapon), improved snap shot (AoO to 15 feet), combat reflexes, deadly aim, manyshot *wicked leader trait * amulet of mighty fists (agile), bladed belt, MW thieves' tools, spirit bonded armor, desna's shooting star, mnemonic vestment, rune of power, spell lattice, metamagic rod (maximize, persistent, extend), four-leaf clover, luckstone, lucky horseshoe, prismatic crystal, talking board, headband of alluring charisma, belt of incredible dexterity, hat of disguise, handy haversack, talismans (danger sense, freedom, good fortune, life’s breath), phylactery of healing, bracers of archery *unsworn shaman 2? https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/a7dcxr/i_really_love_the_m edium_class/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C_76w6HAD7qZvvwSU2PaSBfVPHfwzQrScLgDr3E 0F9c/edit# https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/3fdgfc/my_attempt_at_a_pfs _medium_build_share_advice/ |