Gullerg bav Khebloss |
Gullerg screams!
"I had just started those! Can you keep those engines alone!"
He quickly proceeds to fix them.
He will do the restore minor action.
I guess is Control 10 + Engineering 4 again, with Focus Power systems applying. He also has:
* A Little More Power: Whenever you succeed at an Engineering Task aboard your own ship, you may spend one Momentum to regain one spent Power.
Does that apply here?
Gullerg Roll (14): 2d20 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5
"Captain, the Engines breach has been repaired, I suggest to avoid the Klingons to damage our ship anymore."
GM SuperTumbler |
How well did I have to roll for that not to have happened?
At that point, convincing them not to attack at all wasn't possible. You could have hailed them earlier in the adventure and begun a dialogue, but at this point they were committed to testing your mettle. Note that thy have not gone all out in their attack. They have kept their distance and used phasers, their least powerful weapon. Disruptors at closer range or photon torpedoes, even a spread of photon torpedoes, could I have been devastating. I liken this to a great white taking an exploratory nibble.
Fleet Capt. Aytthi Tharhat |
Fair enough, them crossing the NZ and firing upon us is an act of war on the Federation. I guess I could have done that. There was so much other junk to deal with at the same time. Can we use torpedos as caltrops? It also seemed like we would actually succeed.
Cmdr. Cooper Barstow |
"Well this is sure turning out to be quite she shakedown cruise."
Cooper adjusts Amity's attitude to set up for a jump to warp. =/\="Olix, tell me you guys are aboard. Shields are going up and we'll be bugging out."=/\=
Coop turns to look at the captain. "Cap'n, three D-7s crossing the border is something of an incursion. If they aren't blocking comms, we have to report it or they likely won't let us leave to let anyone know what they were planning. But if it's just some crazy warlord, we should find reinforcements to take them out of federation space. With another ship or two we can regroup and deal with them if they are testing the border."
That being said, I'm in favor of us getting out of there before they cream us.
Fleet Capt. Aytthi Tharhat |
The Captain says, "Send a subspace message. I want a full spread of torpedoes to cover our exfiltration. Punch it, when you can Mr. Barstow."
"Mr. Sobek fire when you are able. Dr. K'rist prepare to assist the wounded."
Assist Action to get us as much of a head start as plausible Daring + Command DC 17 Lead by Example using a momentum 3d20 ⇒ (14, 11, 3) = 28
GM SuperTumbler |
Fair enough, them crossing the NZ and firing upon us is an act of war on the Federation. I guess I could have done that. There was so much other junk to deal with at the same time. Can we use torpedos as caltrops? It also seemed like we would actually succeed.
That wasn't a criticism, just an explanation of how things might have played out differently. You did succeed in the sense that you put the ship back together and kept it out of the Neutral Zone. I think looking at actions ranging from Kruge's mission in The Search for Spock to Chang's in The Undiscovered Country shows that there are Klingons interested in peace and Klingons interested in war. I think it is a reasonable (to a war prefering Klingon) to risk a small border incursion for the chance to capture or defeat one of the most advanced ships in the fleet.
As for using photon torpedoes as caltrops: There are several precedents for using photon torpedoes as mines or depth charges, which I suppose means to set them with a proximity detector and to explode when a ship comes close to them. I don't think there are any rules published for that, but it would be something like a Control+Security Task Difficulty 3, and then it would create a hazard for the other ships to avoid.
Note that using torpedoes adds 1 to Threat, or 2 if using a spread of torpedoes (which this would)
GM SuperTumbler |
Landing the shuttles is usually a Difficulty 0 Maneuver check, with everything handled by tractor beams. Since you aren't doing any fancy maneuvering to attack or avoid attacks, I'll let that Difficulty stand, which means they can land without your assistance.
Olix replies, "Home sweet home, Commander. All shuttles secured."
GM SuperTumbler |
Commander Xin-Yalix would hop over to the tactical position (as I believe it is currently 'empty' and raise the shields.
I moved Sobek into that position last turn, but Xin can raise shields from his own station using the "Override" Task.
It seems like you have a consensus that you want to go to warp as described on page 219. Difficulty is 0. You just spend Power to go to warp, with the amount of Power spend being your warp factor. Currently, Amity has 14 Power. That is what you started with, and you haven't used or lost any. Obviously, you can't go to Warp 14, but you can go to 9 or less.
Fleet Capt. Aytthi Tharhat |
The Captain says, "Take us to warp factor 9 and let's get out of here!"
"Mr. Sobek, spray torpedos in out behind us with proximity fuses. Also get me on the horn with the Admiralcy!"
Cmdr. Cooper Barstow |
"Warp 9, Aye. Setting course for the nearest Starbase." Coop's fingers dance along the controls to a melody he's heard so many times before,. His partner, Amity, responds in turn.
Coop: Control + Conn: 2d20 ⇒ (19, 10) = 29
Amity: Engines + Conn: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Fleet Capt. Aytthi Tharhat |
I want my roles from before to enable us to keep the initiative too, giving us that much more of a headstart to our Klingon "friends"
GM SuperTumbler |
The ship turns smoothly and the stars elongate in the viewscreen as the ship jumps to warp.
Xin-Yalix keeps an eye on the D-7s on the sensors. After a moment's pause, they turn and head back across the border, apparently uninterested in pursuit.
Among other things that you will want to take care of, now that you are out of danger, Dr. K'rist can turn her attention to synthesizing the medicine to replace what was ruined. This is a Reason+Medicine Difficulty 2 Task assisted by the ship Computers+Medicine (12)Like getting the engines started, this is an Extended Task, but in this case the interval is 1 day.
Not everything here has to be roleplayed, but we can play:
Talking to Starfleet about the situation.
Interrogating Hunsley.
Working with the guest team to synthesize the medicine.
Fleet Capt. Aytthi Tharhat |
The Captain says, "Put me in contact with Starfleet Command."
Were we able to get the markings on the D7s?
"Dr. after stabilizing our crew, I would suggest helping our guests synthesizing the cure for the disease."
She then asks the hard question, "How many casualties do we have?"
Gullerg bav Khebloss |
Gullerg makes "the rounds" (as they are called) by visiting all of the engineering team in its workstations, spending a couple of minutes with each, complimenting them for their effort, and checking their needs and giving them guidance and advice while checking all of the ship systems are in order.
After finishing he will go to the lab to check how the medicine production is going, thinking in all the tellerites that needs it.
GM SuperTumbler |
From the perspective of this being our series premiere, that is the end of the "first hour." The second hour of the premiere will take us to the colony. What is happening right now probably doesn't happen on screen, exactly, but might be summed up in a Captain's Log, Supplemental kind of thing. Not sure if that matters to any of you, but to me replicating the format of the storytelling is important to the feel of the game.
Fleet Capt. Aytthi Tharhat |
Captain’s Log, Stardate 8250.9— After being diverted from our shakedown cruise to Starbase 24, the Amity was sent on a course to planet Dourap IV, near the Klingon border. The Tellarite colony there is having an outbreak of D’kar fever, a highly contagious viral infection. The Amity picked up some medical specialist to help out with the Outbreak. A saboteur was among them. The saboteur disabled the propulsion systems, warp drive as well as the medicine destined for the colony. We were set adrift towards the border where three D7 cruisers waited to make contact. The crew was able to find the saboteur, fix all of our systems before we crossed the border, however the Klingons decided to jump the border and chose to attack. We took some damage but were able to make a getaway at Warp 9. We are getting to work to resynthesize the vaccine for D'kar fever and save those on Dourap IV and try to figure out who the saboteur, Hunsley, is working for.
GM SuperTumbler |
As a reminder for everyone, when we started this we were 18 hours from Dourap IV. That was travelling at Warp 6. At Warp 9 it would take 4.68 hours.
Dr. K'rist can turn her attention to synthesizing the medicine to replace what was ruined. This is a Reason+Medicine Difficulty 2 Task assisted by the ship Computers+Medicine (12)Like getting the engines started, this is an Extended Task, but in this case the interval is 6 hours.
Hunsley doesn't know who he was working for. He was hired through a blind board, (a sort of 23rd century Craigslist for criminals). His mission was to delay the arrival of the Amity on Dourap IV for as long as possible. "I'm not an engineer," he says, in response to why he sabotaged the power systems. He didn't realize that it would put the ship in such jeopardy.
En route to Dourap IV, after the interrogation, Sobek receives an automated distress call: Calling all vessels. This is the cargo freighter Erie. We are under attack by unknown assailants. Any ships please---.-
Fleet Capt. Aytthi Tharhat |
The captain sitting in the Captain's chair hears the news and says, "Do you think this is another trick from the "Blind Board" to keep us away from Duorop IV or is this a legitimate distress call..." she lets her words trail off and continues, "It may actually be both at the same time or neither."
She then says, "Mr. Barstow, what at are the coordinates of the Erie and how long should it take for us to intercept?"
She looks at Sobek and says, "Can you open a channel to the Erie?"
Lt. Sobek |
Sobek opens a comms channel.
This is the Federation starship Amity. We have received your distress call. Please identify yourself and send your current location.
I know that Xin is making a roll to determine the location, but I thought I'd ask the folks sending the message just in case that helps fast track things.
K'Rist |
Sickbay, Dr. K'Rist
Dr. K'Rist gets to work and begins the process of synthesizing medication to replace that which was ruined.
Reason + Medicine: 2d20 ⇒ (15, 6) = 21
That's two successes. What is the mechanic for the computer aiding me?
GM SuperTumbler |
For everyone: Right. Generally speaking, when you are doing something [u]with[/u] the ship, the ship can help you through artificial intelligence and pre-programmed routines. It does this by rolling a single die against its own attributes, which you can find on its character sheet linked at the top of the page.
Ship assist: 1d20 ⇒ 18
No help, but you have 2 Success from your roll, K'Rist. So Success and 1 Momentum. Since this is an Extended Task, you can roll Challenge Dice to determine how much work you get done. You get 2 Challenge Dice+ Challenge dice equal to your relevant Discipline (Medicine 5). So roll 7d6. You can use Momentum to reroll any number of those dice, to make the Task take only one interval (6 hours, normally takes two intervals), or to add 1 Work.
Fleet Capt. Aytthi Tharhat |
The Captain says, "Erie, this is Fleet Captain Tharhat of the USS Amity please give us your location and tell us who is attacking you."
Fleet Capt. Aytthi Tharhat |
I will use my direct ability to see if we can find them
She says, "They are not responding to our hail which means they are in some serious trouble, let's get cracking and save these folks."
Control and Command 15 1d20 ⇒ 15
Cmdr. Xin-Yalix |
Reason 12 + Science 5 = 17
2d20 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10
Sensors + Science = 10
1d20 ⇒ 14
Using Technical Expertise, I am going to re-roll the ship die.
1d20 ⇒ 10
"Commiting the scan now Captin."
Some question to ask. Do I see how the ship (assuming there is one) is distressed? Do I detect any other ships in the area?
Lt. Sobek |
Sobek, I supposed you could also use the communications gear to try to triangulate the origin of the signal, using subspace beacons and whatnot. That would be Difficulty 1 Reason+Security Task assisted by the ship's Communication+Security (10).
Not getting any reply from the ship, Sobek moves over to the comm station to attempt to triangulate the origin of the signal.
"This might work...."
Triangulate: 2d20 ⇒ (15, 8) = 23
GM SuperTumbler |
Xin's sensor readings indicate that the ship is about 10 minutes away at Warp 9, which agrees with Sobek's triangulation.
But there is something wrong with the sensor data. The sensors show a Federation freighter and three small attacking craft. But the attacking ships don't leave any ion trails, even though they are maneuvering and attacking at impulse speeds.
Fleet Capt. Aytthi Tharhat |
The Captain says, "Let's help these people out. Warp us just shy of medium weapons range and shields up."
Cmdr. Cooper Barstow |
"Aye Cap'n."
With a practiced hand, Coop plots a course based on Xin's readings and engages the warp drive.
Time to build us some momentum... I hope
Coop: Control + Conn: 2d20 ⇒ (12, 4) = 16
Amity: Engines + Conn: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Cmdr. Xin-Yalix |
"Captain, I'm going to advise caution. There's something wrong about the attacking craft. They might be an attempt at deception."
GM SuperTumbler |
Updated the Amity Space Map linked above. Are you guys using these maps? Are they useful? Is there different info you need. This is deep space, not close to any sort of "space terrain" or even inside a solar system. Each rectangle represents a zone as described on page 225. I'm starting you off at long range, 2 zones away from the freighter. You seem to want to be cautious, so racing into close range seemed like not what you want.
Barely larger than a dot on the viewscreen, the Erie hangs in space. There is no sign of attackers, but the ship shows heavy damage and one nacelle is venting warp plasma into space. The ship's engines are down. This ship is a low speed freighter, use to ship non-critical supplies across the Federation. It has a maximum speed around Warp 5 and a cruising speed of Warp 3.
6 Momentum 7 Threat
Fleet Capt. Aytthi Tharhat |
The Captain says, "Shields up. Try to hail the Erie again and scan for signs of life. Everyone keep your eyes peeled. "
Fleet Capt. Aytthi Tharhat |
The Captain wanting to get her hands a little dirty does the lifesigns check herself 2d20 ⇒ (4, 15) = 19
Ship assist 1d20 ⇒ 18 Would Xenobiology mean a crit?
"I think I got it."