Visual Spectrum -- An Efrosian can see beyond what others think of as the visual spectrum, from some infra-red to ultra-violet light. Any Tasks in which detecting those parts of the spectrum is useful reduce in Difficulty by 1. Circumstances, such as low light levels, do not affect the Difficulty of Tasks, as long as those Tasks do not relate to perceiving minutiae of a subject.
Technical Expertise -- Whenever you attempt a Task assisted by the ship’s Computers or Sensors, you may re-roll one d20 (which may be the ship’s die).
Mental Repository -- Using extensive mental conditioning, the character has access to memories with unprecedented clarity and accuracy. So long as the character takes time to focus their mind prior to attempting a Task – which takes 2 Intervals during a Timed Challenge – they reduce the Difficulty of the Task by 1 to a minimum of 1. In addition, if they succeed they gain a bonus Momentum which may only be spent on the Obtain Information Momentum spend.
Veteran -- The character is wise and experienced, and draws upon inner reserves of willpower and determination in a more measured and considered way. Whenever the character spends a point of Determination, roll 1[D]. If an Effect is rolled, immediately regain that spent point of Determination. The character has a rank of at least Lieutenant Commander.