Drazmorg the Damned

FrenchFry's page

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I am a little late on posting. It looks like we may be good as far as healing goes. With that in mind, I am thinking a ranger style character. I will look at the different archtypes to see if one catches my eye. If not, it will probably be a straight up ranger.


I will be creating my Pally over the weekend. Congrats to all of you(us) that made it. Let's make this adventure full of good clean fun... as clean as killing lots of bad guys and getting sweet loot can be that is.

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Alma, was something of a rebellious youth. He thought not of the consequences of his actions. He valued the freedom of do as he pleased. This is when he met Jezabelle. She was beautiful with her long brown hair. Whenever, Alma was near her, he felt only the desire to be as upstanding as he could possibly be. She tamed him with a look. He had plans to marry her, though her father Mosiah knew of the mischief Alma was capable of. Burned down barn here, a broken up tavern there, this was not the person Mosiah wanted Jezabelle to marry.

Alma had spent some time in prison for the destruction of the marketplace owned by a prominent official. Alma claimed he was setup, but the evidence indicated otherwise. Alma knew most people didn’t trust him, he saw their hateful gaze. Alma went before Mosiah officially asking his daughters hand. Mosiah strongly refused. Both men were heard yelling at each other. A scuffle began. What happened next depends on who you believe.

Alma claimed that while there were harsh words, he left without further incident. He claimed that he went for a walk out of the city, and at that time, he saw a celestial being who commanded Alma to become a beacon of light.

The city guards claim that Alma killed his would be father-in-law in cold blood.

The only truth that is not in dispute is that Mosiah was found hanging from a tree outside his home.

Alma was accused and convicted of murder. When Alma was being sent to prison, Jezabelle helped him escape, but told him she couldn’t be with a man who killed her father. Alma knew that Jezabelle loved him dearly, why else would she help him escape.

Alma swore that he was not responsible for her father's murder. He promised her he would change how people viewed him. And from that day forth he was determined to shun even the appearance of evil. He soon joined the order to become a paladin. As a dedicated servant of God and advocate of good, he will not stop until all evil beings are vanquished.

Alma is a Human Paladin who stands 6'1. He has short brown hair in his late 20's.

Note to Tower, I don't know if a Paladin would work with the Witch's backstore (which I thought was awesome), so could change this to be a DPS Oracle. Race is subject to change as well.

Dotting for interest.