About Garim RadseyBackstory:
Garim Radsey was born and raised in Absalom, the second child of Kale and Delsie Radsay. Nothing in his past or upbringing suggested anything unusual about Garim and at the age of 16 he apprenticed to a blacksmith, learning the craft over the coming years. He has an older sister, Celeste, who is married and living in Absalom, and a younger brother, Jareck, who has taken to spending time in bars and taverns and working odd jobs - to the frustration of his parents who want him to find regular work. Garim would like to plant a fist in Jareck's face for the anguish he is causing his parents, but he knows that would only cause more grief for his parents, so he restrains from doing so.
A month ago he begin to feel restless. As though he should be doing something else with his life, as though something were tugging at his mind and soul. He ignored these feelings for a time, and then strange things begin happening around him. He'd set one of the tools of his craft down, then when he turned to pick it back up again it wouldn't be quite where he left it - it would be a couple inches to the left or right. Or sometimes as he'd turn away from the tool he'd hear it clatter to the ground behind him. Initially he thought he'd merely grown a little careless or clumsy, perhaps not quite placing the tool fully on the work table. Near the end of the week as he went to cool one of the hot pieces of metal he was assisting Master Beden with he stumbled and lost his grip on red iron. The burning metal flew across the room severely burning the old blacksmith, causing the man to pass out from the pain. Without quite knowing or understanding what he was doing Garim fell to the side of the old blacksmith and his hand lit up with a white glow. As he touched the man the burns healer over, the raw and blistered flesh turning pink and healing over. Master Beden dismissed Garim from his apprenticeship that day, his eyes fearful. Garim could see Master Beden was torn by his friendship and desire to help Garim, and by his fear of whatever curse had fallen upon his apprentice. With this living thing hounding him, no longer mere teasing, his day to day living made difficult by the constant turmoil surrounding the few and simple possessions he owns. It is now a chore to eat, to wash, to keep his simple apartment clean and tidy. Last night so terrible was the fury of this hateful entity that Garim was unaware of the lighting of the cathedral. His simple possessions flying about the room while Garim huddled in a corner, shaken, afraid, and exhausted. A little before dawn the malevolent spirit ceased its torment. When it did the urge, the tugging, the desire, to be about something... else, returned tenfold. It drove him into the streets in the pre-dawn hours where the glow of the cathedral lights acted as a beacon for his yearning. Taking only his morning star (which he'd crafted himself, albeit poorly) and sling as a precaution of roaming the streets in the early dawn hours. Standing at the edge of the chasm he watched as Masoumi emerged. In the back of his mind Garim understood what that meant, but that feeling, that sense told him something of far more significance was happening here (as if the raising of a god were somehow insignificant). He turned as the old priest cried out. Others saw the mixed emotions on Albar Tolion's face, but all Garim saw was the hope written there. That hope infused Garim that he might be freed from his recent tormentor. He needed to speak with Albar, to hear his words. Garim pushed past the few people standing between him and Albar, his eyes intent only on the old man.
Garim is normally easy going and laid back about life - live and let live. The last couple of weeks have, not surprisingly, left him shaken. But it has also opened his eyes, and he is beginning to see that the world at large is more than the simple life he has been living. That the celestial realms and the fires of hell are more than just stories to entertain or frighten children. Appearance:
Garim stands just a couple inches shy of 6' in height. He is broad shouldered, and weights near 190 lbs. His clothing is the plain brown of a commoner. Dark brown hair cut short covers his head. His eyes are a bluish gray, often looking a little sleepy, and of late a bit bloodshot and the skin around them dark from lack of sleep. Stats:
Oracle 2 (Seer Archetype, Haunted Curse, Metal Mystery) Neutral Good, Medium Humanoid (Human Male) Init +1; Senses Perception +4 Spells: 1st (5/day) [x][x][x][x][] 0 (Unlimited) -------------------- DEFENSE -------------------- AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +1 dex, +1 shield, +1 campaign enhancement) HP 18 (2d8 8, 6 + 4 con) Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +3 -------------------- OFFENSE -------------------- Speed 20 ft. (30 without armor or full gear load) Melee Morning Star +4 1d8+2 (x2), Steel Scarf +4 1d8+2 (reach 30') (6/day - 3/6 remaining) Ranged Sling +2 1d4+2 (x2) (range 50') Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st) 1st (2 + Cure Spells + Mystery) DC 14—Cure Light Wounds, Burning Disarm, Forbid Action, Lead Blades 0 (5 + Oracle Curse spells) DC 13—Create Water, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Read Magic, Stabalize, Light of Masoumi -------------------- STATISTICS -------------------- XP 1000 Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16 Base Attack +2 (+1 campaign bonus); CMB +4; CMD 15 Feats Alertness, Detect Expertise, Extra Revelation Traits (Alertness Feat) Armor Check Penalty 5 Favored Class Oracle (+2 skill ranks) Skills Acrobatics -4 (0), *Appraise +6 (1), *Bluff +3 (0), Climb -3 (0), *Craft (Blacksmithing) +7 (2), *Diplomacy +7 (1), *Disable Device -4 (0), Disguise +3 (0), Escape Artist -4 (0), Fly -4 (0), Handle Animal (0), *Heal +5 (2), *Intimidate +3 (0), *Kn History (0), *Kn Planes (0), *Kn Religion +6 (1), Linguistics (0), Perception +4 (2), *Profession (0), Ride +1 (0), *Sense Motive +7 (2), Sleight of Hand -4 (0), *Spellcraft +7 (2), Stealth -4 (0), Survival +0 (0), Swim -4 (0), Use Magic Device +5 (2) Languages Common, Halfling Equipment Morning Star, Sling, Breastplate, Light Steel Shield, Backpack, Flint and Steel, Bed Roll, 50' Hemp Rope, Belt Pouch (2), Winter Blanket, Pint of Oil (2), Trail Rations (4), Sling Bullets (20), Mithral Eye of Aroden, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (2), Potion of Shield of Faith Cash 28gp 2sp Encumbrance 74 lbs (medium) Revelations Natural Divination (1/day), Steel Scarf (6/day) -------------------- SPECIAL ABILITIES -------------------- Natural Divination Get a +cha mod to one saving throw, or a +10 to one skill check, or a +4 to one initiative roll. Steel Scarf Make a melee attack with a reach of 30' dealing 1d8 + one half oracle level in damage. Alertness Receive a +2 to perception and sense motive. Detect Expertise When using detect alignment or detect magic on a creature learn its bloodlines, domains, spell schools, hexes, mysteries, etc. Haunted Standard action to retrieve items from storage. Dropped items land 10' away. Campaign Enhancements +1 Armor, +1 Melee Level 2 changes:
+1 int +1 melee combat Group Loot:
135 gold 939 silver 300 copper 400 gp worth of goblets, plates, icons a pouch of amethysts (200 GP worth) a wand of magic missile (CL 1, 18 charges remaining worth 270 gp) Theoretical 2000gp of goods from the store room Scroll of comprehend languages, identify, expeditious retreat, animate rope, shield, silent image wand of infernal healing 17 charges wand of healing 40 charges (held by Garim) spellbook with 0, 1st, 2nd level spells a heavy iron key unknown feather unknown wand 1, 3 mwk greataxe mwk silvered sword 2 thunderstones 2 smokesticks |