Paladin of Shelyn 2 HP:13/20 AC:17/15/12 Saves:F+7 R+4 W+7
Abyssal, Common
About Ofelio
LG Paladin of Shelyn (2)
Medium male tiefling (pitborn)
Init+1 Perception+3 Senses: Darkvision 60ft
Ofelio was an unwanted child born in the aftermath of a flood of a Varisian village. His saving grace was a wandering human druidess named Marsayl. She found the marred, fiendish child left to die by exposure and raised him into a self-loathing and destructive young man, despite her best efforts.
She saw that he had a kind heart, but his inability to cope with constant impulses made him a nightmare to care for. He burned, slashed, and rampaged at the least provocation and then sobbed for hours in the aftermath as his adoptive mother patted him on the back until he fell asleep, promising him that "good things will come, but they are hard won".
Forays into settlements were made understandably brief as Marsayl learned warning signs of an attack, and the boy was unable to bond with any humans save for a blind man who could not sense his extraplanar taint. When the old man died, Ofelio went on the largest rampage of his life, laying into a cliff face with stones and a stolen hammer. The intent was to destroy, but he accidentally created beauty... and in that moment, his soul found purpose.
Relieved to have finally found something the boy could do without bringing about chaos and defilement, Marsayl offered the boy as a gift to a traveling troupe of artists working under the banner of the Risen Rose.
There, Albrecht Lanaux took him as a squire and painstakingly taught him the tenets of Shelyn's faith and knighthood. The lessons took... though only after long hours of practice and an incredibly amount of self-mastery on Ofelio's part, as he was at an obvious disadvantage.
Ofelio found a temporary solace in his prayers and carvings, and seven years went by without a hitch... until the urges increased. Horrified by visions of blood and defilement of the works of his tenuous comrades, Ofelo was aware of how close he could be to a fall. Though it pained him, he began to think of ways to end it all before he had a chance to give into his wretched birthright.
Terrified, he confided in Lanaux, who promised to take him to spiritual leaders in Absalom for divine guidance and a possible exorcism. From there on out, it was simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time.
Ofelio stood next to his mentor and watched the birthing of a new god from the starstone, and found his mismatched eyes falling on the elderly Father Tolion. He felt a pang of compassion, but also hope that the old holy man's request could lead to his own peace, one way or another.
Ofelio is a twitchy, malformed man whose anger is subdued and self-destructive, at best. He is well-adjusted, for a tiefling, and quick to stand up for the weak when the opportunity presents itself.
He takes criticism well enough at face value, but a more intuitive examination proves that he takes every word to heart, based on reality or not, which leads to sporadic self-loathing. Only the love of his adoptive mother, mentor, and goddess connects him to the mortal coil, though he is more than open to forging other friendships, he is shy due to his personal shame.
He is adept at finding beauty in others, and possesses a powerful speaking voice when it is used. He assumes his potent presence is owed to his monstrous form, but he exudes strength of personality naturally.
He is, however, a bit dim, and lacks the talent of his fellows in art, though he tries to be a conduit for Shelyn's teachings and finds rare moments of peace in the process of carving stone and plaster.