Nazard |

It looks like Zuran is archery-focused, so we're covered there.
The party is shaping up. We have:
Garim Radsey, human metal oracle, undetermined religious affiliation, melee focused with divine spell-casting
Laya, halfling archivist bard, somewhat follower of Pharasma, knowledge and skill focus, with arcane support
Ofelio, tiefling paladin of Shelyn, warrior with reach, secondary healing, Diplomacy, and the ever-useful Craft (sculpting) skill
Zuran Hillstrider, elven ranged spirit ranger.
I'm still waiting on backstory for Ofelio and Zuran, and the modifications to Laya's backstory. Once we get these backstories ready, we can pretty much start.
I've added a Google docs spreadsheet to the website for tracking loot.

Nazard |

Stat block is done. Working on back story. I am leaning towards him believing in the new god... or one that will accept a CG character. I may get the back story in tonight, if not, it will be tomorrow while I'm at work.
Mostly, I'm just concerned with making sure that everybody has thought about god-stuff for their characters during the creation process.

Nazard |

Adjusted physical based skills to account for ACP when wearing armor and shield.

Garim Radsey |

Oh, that is an interesting take on it. He would have made them prior to the current events.
It would be fitting to have the pieces sitting at his former mentor's shop, and when Master Beden hears of whatever is about to happen insists Garim takes them. Beden likes Garim well enough, he just doesn't want to be involved with his current predicament, fearing both for his own life and that of his family if Garim were to stick around.
I'll leave the ACP's in place though, those will apply relatively soon anyway, and I don't plan on doing much swimming or acrobatics, etc regardless. Will adjust on the fly if it becomes necessary right off.

Nazard |

Was it your intention to take the Detect Expertise feat without him knowing any of the required spells to make it work? As it stands at the moment, Garim has no way to use that feat. He would need to swap one of his orisons for detect magic.
You forgot to fill in his Perception bonus up at the top of his sheet.
I'm not sure where his dodge bonus to AC comes from.
That's all I noticed.
Some questions about his backstory...
Has he maintained any contact with Master Beden after being dismissed?
Is his family aware of his current condition? His lack of employment?
Does he have any theories as to the nature of his tormenter?

Nazard |

Some things I've noticed in your stat block.
Perception bonus vs humans should be +3 (or does "+1 (+2 vs humans)" just mean that his bonus vs humans is two higher than his standard?
Don't include his ranged bonus in the BAB, Melee, Range line, as that bonus wouldn't apply to a range touch attack with a spell or alchemical device. Just apply the bonus to all his ranged weapons.
For that matter, please include his weapon stats. I see you have the empty spaces for them.
His CMD should be 17.
Please include the -3 armour check penalty on skills like Climb and Stealth.
Finally, he can't take Precise Shot without first taking Point Blank Shot, unless I'm missing a class ability that gives him that feat. I know he can take it without pre-reqs as an archery-style feat, but not until 2nd level.

Zuran Hillstrider |

Perception bonus vs humans should be +3 (or does "+1 (+2 vs humans)" just mean that his bonus vs humans is two higher than his standard?
Correct, standard is +1, vs humans is due to favored enemy
Don't include his ranged bonus in the BAB, Melee, Range line, as that bonus wouldn't apply to a range touch attack with a spell or alchemical device. Just apply the bonus to all his ranged weapons.
For that matter, please include his weapon stats. I see you have the empty spaces for them.
His CMD should be 17.
Please include the -3 armour check penalty on skills like Climb and Stealth.
Finally, he can't take Precise Shot without first taking Point Blank Shot, unless I'm missing a class ability that gives him that feat. I know he can take it without pre-reqs as an archery-style feat, but not until 2nd level.
yeah you are correct. When i was looking at feats, I wasn't paying attention to prereqs. changed to point blank.

Navior |

As for what to do with him, my intention is very much for him to be someone who is referenced from time to time but rarely, if ever, actually appears. I'm not actually looking for any plotlines surrounding him or anything like that (although if they show up, I'll go with it). I like it best that he's this person that Laya mentions occasionally and nobody knows whom she's talking about. :)

Nazard |

At this point, I'm just waiting on some backstory for Zuran, and we can get this game started.
Speaking of which...

Zuran Hillstrider |

Oops. forgot to list that. Will get that updated. Hope to have my background done tonight (rockslide at work has caused me to be slammed). The basic idea in relation to gods, is that Zuran always worshipped one of them, but internally, has begun to have doubts so he's very interested in the "new" god.

Nazard |

Oops. forgot to list that. Will get that updated. Hope to have my background done tonight (rockslide at work has caused me to be slammed). The basic idea in relation to gods, is that Zuran always worshipped one of them, but internally, has begun to have doubts so he's very interested in the "new" god.
Doubts about their existence, or their worthiness to be worshipped?
Even if you can give me a couple sentences telling me what he's like, I can get the first post going.

Nazard |

In case anybody is wondering, what with mention of sealed seige towers in the Cairnlands of Kortos, yes, this campaign is starting off with Masters of the Fallen Fortress.
Or rather, it's starting off with a custom module inspired by Masters of the Fallen Fortress. As in, there's a seige tower, and its outside Absalom. Everything else about it, including the layout, monsters, traps, treasures, etc., are completely different. Other than those few things, it's identical, so if you've played that module before, no giving things away!!

Nazard |

Since we're about to enter our first combat, I thought I'd take a moment to discuss how I like to run combat in a PBP. Most of this comes from me stealing bits and pieces from other PBP GMs.
For one, I provide a fair amount of information about the baddies you'll be fighting, such as hp, AC, and saves. This information isn't there for meta-gaming, obviously, and I trust that nobody here will use it for such. I would never give this information in a face-to-face game, but it speeds things up a lot in a PBP. This is especially helpful if any of you are cinematic combat posters. The main purpose is that, with that information, you can adjudicate baddies' reactions yourselves. For example, if someone were to cast a spell requiring a saving throw, like grease on a bad guy, normally, you'd have to post the action and wait for me to roll his saving throw and narrate the result. This way, you post that you're casting the spell, roll the save yourself, and construct your own narrative around the result. The same goes for narrating weapon attacks. If you see that an attack took over half the bad guy's hps, you can describe the vicious wound, the rictus of pain on his face, etc. And if you see that the attack was enough to drop him, it avoids a common PBP situation where the player posts the attack, the GM posts that the bad guy went down, then the player posts, 'in that case, I move ...'.
To make it easier to avoid meta-gaming, however, I will put the information inside spoilers. I encourage you to look under the spoiler only after you've committed yourselves to the action. It looks like this:
HP: 13/13
AC: 13 (touch 12, FF 11)
CMD: 15 (19 vs trip)
F/R/W: +5/+5/+1
The only other thing I like to see during combat is that all combat posts be put under a spoiler with the round number. I ask for that because often times the thread gets cluttered up with questions or role-playing (neither of which is bad), and it makes it hard to quickly look back through to confirm which monster you attacked, or which square you moved to. Something like this:

Nazard |

Sorry, all, for the recent slow down. The final two weeks of the school year are insane with report cards and spring concert (I'm a junior high band teacher). Report cards are due Monday, after which things will slow down to a crawl for the next six weeks, and my posting rates are always highest in July.
On a side note, finishing my spring concert of stage and movie music with six minutes of The Lord of the Rings Suite (the Fellowship) was definitely a high point of the last several years. Five drummers leading the charge and 87 other instruments coming in with the orcish theme makes all hair stand on end.

Navior |

Hmmmm...not sure about diagonals. Anybody else care to weigh in on that idea?
The way I've always handled reach weapons with 10-foot reach (and I'm pretty sure this came from a 3.5 book) was that you threaten two squares away from you, even on the diagonal. This is an exception to the usual rule for diagonals (where two diagonals would normally be 15 ft). It's necessary because otherwise opponents can sneak in through a virtual "blind spot" at the diagonals and avoid attacks of opportunity.
So you get this (X represents character with reach weapon, T represents threatened square, Y represents not-threatened square):

Zuran Hillstrider |

Hey Guys, I feel I should drop this campaign. My son has just started youth football (me being the coach), which for the most part takes all of my spare time.
Nazard thank you for the invite. I am sorry that my schedule doesn't allow me to time to play in this game to do it justice.