Cayden Cailean

Conrad Bailey's page

32 posts. Alias of GM_ToddPBC.

Full Name

Conrad Bailey












Chaotic Good


Cayden Cailean





Strength 14
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Conrad Bailey

Male Human
Cleric of Cayden Cailean
HP: 11
Fort = +4
Ref = +2
Will = +5
Perception: +3
Initiative: +2
Current EXP: 50

Conrad is of average height, with dark chestnut hair. He keeps his face clean shaven. He is relatively plain-looking, with an extremely average, forgettable face.

Conrad is extremely optimistic and easy-going. When he's in battle his love for fighting and creating chaos brings out a manic happiness and joy. It is rumored that he can be heard laughing as he bounces around the battlefield, poking enemies with his rapier and foiling their attempts to attack him and his allies. He is rather lonely, as much of his life has been spent traveling aimlessly, meeting many people, but getting close to none. He tries to hide this well, but if given the opportunity to befriend or trust someone he can be a bit too eager, often pushing people further away.


Conrad was the son of a farmer. Severe famine struck his homeland the year of his birth, forcing his parents to turn their children - he had two older sisters – over to the church for care. He never met his parents - they died the winter after giving up their offspring.

The only life Conrad knew was that of the monastery in which he was raised. His life was a simple one; he was being groomed to become a monk. He spent his youth studying the teachings of Iomedae and training his body for physical perfection.

In his 17th year, he and the others who were coming of age, were sent out to spread the message of The Inheritor and, hopefully, find employment in some form or fashion - ideally as a soldier, bodyguard or teacher. They arrived in Korvosa, completely in awe of the size of the city and the numerous sights and sounds. Unable to resist the temptations available to him, Conrad began indulging in a life of drinking, gambling and general debauchery. His companions abandoned him to his new life and reported back to the monastery that Conrad had abandoned the faith. He received a letter of excommunication not long after.

Looking for direction, he began to adopt the "teachings" of Cayden Cailean, finding both freedom and a cause to which he could devote himself.

He left Korvosa in search of adventure, the finest wines and exotic women. Over the course of his travels, he came into the employ of a powerful, wizened wizard. The wizard had a Voidworm familiar that he disguised as a cat. The familiar took a liking to Conrad, often speaking to him in his sleep. The combination of rebelling against the strict teachings of Iomedae and the familiar's influence resulted in an obsession for inciting chaos whenever and wherever possible.

Eventually, he ended up in [WHATEVER CITY THE AP TAKES PLACE] and began serving as the bartender at [A LOCAL INN]. He has been here for 5 years now and is itching to return to his life of adventuring.

Fortified Drinker - +2 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects for 1 hour
World Traveler - Sense Motive +1

Bouncing Spell

Travel (Exploration subdomain)

Special Attacks
Channel Positive Energy (3/day)
Touch of Chaos

Prepared Spells
0 - Detect Magic, Light, Guidance
1 - Confusion (lesser) Domain Spell, Bless, Obscuring Mist

Special Qualities
Door Sight - You can lay your hand upon any surface and see what is on the other side, as if using clairvoyance; 6/day (3 + 3 Wisdom Modifier)
Aura of Chaos
Aura of Good

AC = 20 (Scale Mail + Heavy Wooden Shield + Dodge)
Touch = 12
Flat = 17
CMD = 14

Hit Points
11 (1d8 + 2 Con + 1 Favored Class)

BAB = 0
CMB = +2
Speed = 40' (+10' from Travel Domain)

To Hit = +2
Damage= 1d3 + 2
Crit = 20/x2

Masterwork Rapier
To Hit = +3
Damage = 1d6 + 2
Crit = 18-20/x2


Acrobatics = -4
Appraise = 0
Bluff = 0
Climb = -4
Diplomacy = 0
Disguise = 0
Escape Artist = -4
Fly = -4
Heal = 7 (1 Rank)
Intimidate = 0
Knowledge: Religion = 5 (1 Rank)
Perception = 3
Ride = -4
Sense Motive = 8 (1 Rank, World Traveler)
Spellcraft = 4 (1 rank)
Stealth = -4
Survival = 3
Swim = -4

Holy Symbol (Silver)