Shifty |
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The battle rages both overhead and on the ground as the jinsul forces continue to hold out as best they can, however, the tide of battle has turned and now it is just a matter of time before their inevitable defeat arrives.
A bunch of ground troops stick their heads over the pit and admire the scene of the devastation below and the gargantuan forms of the Gods laying broken. Moments later they also notice your party of Starfinders and a few of them are ordered to move forward and aid your recovery from the pit. Their crusty Sergeant climbs up on the mound from an impact crater to get a better view and starts rolling himself a cigarette as he barks out orders - "...and once you have all taken some holiday snaps of the wreckage to use in impressing some potential one-night paramours with at the sort of low-rent shady dive-bar that you lot of degenerates frequent, you can put the kettle on, as there are some Starfinders here that have been working for a living and they look like they could use a hot drink"
Their signaller gets to work to begin calling forward a medical enercopter to recover you back to a hospital facility.

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While Charli is resting, T'kai heals her. Healing touch will heal 50 HP

Overseer Tyranius |

The jinsul high command collapses as Kadrical’s blessing wanes, affording veteran Starfinders an opening to strike.
Table GMs, the Frayed Leadership condition is now in effect.
The tension in the atmosphere surrounding Bastiar-5 eases as the golden energy enveloping it withdraws into the immense pit. The receding light sweeps away the jinsul fortifications, restoring the planet’s natural, rugged terrain. The remaining jinsul forces scatter, soldiers scurrying toward the horizon and starships fleeing into the Drift. Across a battlefield strewn with dead and wounded bodies, Starfinders cheer at the sight of the retreating enemy.
As the Starfinder fleet regroups, the communication screens light up with the image of both First Seekers, the various faction leaders, and numerous venture-captains. Luwazi Elsebo, front and center, beams with pride. “Agents, we stand together in the midst of our Society’s most glorious victory to date! Today, we have risen from the ashes of our previous failures, stronger and more united than ever before! Not even an army of bloodthirsty jinsuls, with an armada and the power of a waking god at their backs, could defeat us!”
Jadnura nods. “We have indeed accomplished much, but there is more in our future. With Dhurus defeated, the Scoured Stars are safe, but only so long as others don’t seek to foolishly unlock their secrets. Coming here was my mission as First Seeker, and while I have succeeded, I intend to continue seeing this mission through. I shall remain in this system, communing with the waking Kadrical and standing sentinel over others who would disturb this site. My time as First Seeker has truly ended.”
Luwazi’s smile softens as she looks at Jadnura, and after a moment she speaks. “As for me, my only goal as First Seeker was to rebuild the Starfinder organization and rescue those we had lost. I can say that our organization is stronger than ever, boosted by powerful allies and friends. While I cannot think of a higher note to end on, I do not believe the time has come for me to step down, but instead I shall stay on a short while longer to ease the transition to a new First Seeker. I cannot wait to see where our remarkable society goes next under new leadership. Perhaps someone currently among our ranks will be the next to choose our heading? You’ve all certainly demonstrated that you have what it takes. But that can be our first order of business once we return home. For now, we tend to our wounded, we recover, and we celebrate!”
Days after its momentous victory in the Scoured Stars, the Starfinder Society fleet emerges from the Drift near Absalom Station. With their deeds relayed through Drift beacons, the crews of the returning vessels begin tuning into the local infosphere to hear the Pact World’s response to the Society’s victory in the Scoured Stars. The reactions flood in.
“I, for one, believe that an organization that can amass that many military-grade resources needs to be held on a tighter leash.”
“Didn’t the Pact Council vote not to interfere in the Scoured Stars? Who do these Starfinders think they are?”
“Yeah, the Strawberry Machine Cake concert rescue was pretty great… but what if it were a Starfinder setup, to help justify their little war?”
“Does anyone know what the jinsuls did to us? I mean, I heard that the jinsuls were a peaceful civilization, and the Starfinders just wanted to pillage their homeland.”
All over the Starfinder comm channels, pundits and social media stars relay similar questions and messages of dismay at the Society’s recent actions. Moments later, First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo sends out a fleet wide broadcast. “Starfinders, it’s clear that we’ve not returned to the hero’s welcome we hoped for. In fact, it looks as though we’re the target of some sort of coordinated media attack, as organizations we’ve never had any dealings with are smearing our recent triumphs. Fear not, this is just another challenge for us to overcome, and perhaps the next few months will be well-spent polishing the reputation these hidden attackers have sought to so recklessly tarnish.”
And with that our conclusion. Thank you GM's for all of the hard work and effort you have put into this Special and making it successful! And thank you to all of the players for your great roleplaying!
Reminder for Chronicles. You each earn all boons on the Chronicle sheet
except the Slayer of Godspawn boon, which can be obtained only by players at Subtiers 9–10 and 11–12.